smallcatwoman · 1 day
Hello! I was wondering what your thoughts on chapter titles are and what determines if you do or don't use them for a fic. Having double-checked in Ao3, I now come more informed.
Winds of Fire uses the standard written Of Ice and Fire system to title chapters, which I figure is as you mention wanting to keep close to canon in style. I couldn't get past the first book of the series so haven't read your extension of it but very much appreciate the sentiment on drawing on the books primarily, having talked to show watchers it sounds like the characters are not the same in both mediums.
In Counseling (which brilliantly remains rather unpredictable reading through, yet utterly believable in all of its escalation given your fun cast) you use the default numbering system, I believe it wasinitially co-written early in which may have affected that choice.
Meanwhile, Make Love Not War (which has the funniest means of winning an understandably everybody lives ending, where most people are even content) has word-based chapter titles.
So, do you have a notable preference for any particular way of formatting Ao3 multi-chapters? Or is it something you judge mainly on a case-by-case basis? Any elaboration on the subject would be interesting to hear concerning that stage of choices made if you're happy to answer.
Me writing fics is a rather recent thing, and I'm not sure I have a stance either way. When I wrote Even More Violent Delights, I was a little obsessive about asoiaf, thus why I named the chapters in the same style, named a character Roose, and eventually started Winds of Fire. Then my interest tapered off a bit, and I'm not sure when I'll return to Winds. Probably next time I pick the books back up.
In Make Love Not War, I was telling Eleazar's pov of Breaking Dawn to some extent, so the chapters are parallel with the Bella chapters from the book (mostly.) If Counseling was not co written in such a way that I was expressly forbidden from collaborating with my co writer per the contest rules, I probably would have done the same thing with the chapters.
As for other unrevealed fics that I may or may not have written or be writing, I'm not really doing anything fancy with the chapter titles, somewhat out of laziness/the idea not really occuring to me. Maybe for a future contest I'll have fancy chapter titles again at some point.
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smallcatwoman · 4 days
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All the outfits of Ebony Dark’ness Dementia Raven Way
Somehow I survived doing this.I present to you a low quality fanart of the ultimate Mary Sue queen. If you haven’t read My Immortal Fanfic you can bleach your eyes here: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/5835837/1/My-Immortal-The-Return
Notes: If is a different day, I opted to only draw what Tara described of the outfit, if she didn’t mention her make-up or shoes I believe Ebony didn’t wear any.
Unless the fic says explicitly that it’s a different day I tried to keep some of the aspects of the last outfit that Tara didn’t change or didn’t mention. (Like her make-up or shoes).
The little icons that appear in like three of the outfits are the earrings she was wearing that chapter.
Doing this was beyond confusing but fun.
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smallcatwoman · 5 days
Works reveal
Works have been revealed! Glory to all.
The following fics were submitted:
Heirs of the Kakistocracy In a last-ditch effort to avoid being killed by You-Know-Who, a pregnant Lily Evans Potter accidentally punches a hole in time and lands in 1947. Fortunately, she finds a fast friend in Borgin and Burkes' shop boy, Tom Riddle. They learn that together, they could con Lily's way into the Ladyship of a long dead House. But Lily could really do without the knock-off Sirius Black. Or: Alphard Black desperately tries to stop two disaffected muggleborns from wrecking pureblood politics
Overalt og ingensteds In 1998, Harry Potter goes to fight Voldmort one last time, in 1979, Lily Evans meets her son, and in 1946, Alphard Black runs into relationship problems.
Wibbly Wobbly Timey Wimey Edward and Eleazar decide to eliminate the threat of the Volturi by going back in time and killing Aro. Terrible things ensue.
The pool of possible writers are:
@theoriginalcarnivorousmuffin and @therealvinelle
Happy guessing and even happier reading!
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smallcatwoman · 11 days
imagine marazhai carving hearts into your skin with his claws <3 so romantic
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smallcatwoman · 14 days
How goes your cohabitation with Marazhai the kitten?
He's great. A snuggly sweetheart, but also a little chaos gremlin just like his namesake.
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He still fights with Bella sometimes, but sometimes they get along and groom each other. I'm hoping that will continue to get better.
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smallcatwoman · 24 days
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Learn to draw Heinrix or die: the challenge ("Die" seems a much more likely outcome with the way it's going so far, tbh) This one was supposed to be a study of a Jeremy Irons shot, but for some mystical reason while Irons looks similar to Heinrix (in my eyes at least), whenever the picture started to look like Irons it stopped looking like Heinriix at all. So at this point there is not much similarities left to either of them, but, well, at least it started to resemble Heinrix at least a liiiiitle tiny bit
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smallcatwoman · 1 month
hello my name is Very tiny flying insect i see you’ve got an uncovered beverage outdoors. Can i fall into it and kill myself please please please please please please please please please please
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smallcatwoman · 1 month
Stop! Releasing 2 minute songs!! Idc about TikTok!!! If it's a banger it needs to be at least 3:30.
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smallcatwoman · 1 month
calling explicit content spicy is so cringe i can't handle it
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smallcatwoman · 1 month
they should add a fishing minigame to tumblr
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smallcatwoman · 1 month
May 2024 challenge: Honey I Killed a Butterfly
Or a grandfather.
This month's challenge is time travel, be it Aro getting his hands on a vampire with the gift of time distortion, Hermione Granger fudging the settings on her time turner and now she's in 1399, not 1993, or a Doctor Who fic.
Blow us away, people, and submit your work here.
Fics will be revealed on June 1st.
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smallcatwoman · 1 month
idk man, i still havent listened to all of ttpd (its so long!!) but at least from what ive heard i think she and karlie broke up for good, probably when tay "broke up" with joe. there are some breakup songs that could be about her, but i think their first breakup (right before the pandmeic, like my breakup lol) that basically inspired folklore and evermore was more devastating for her. calamitous love, insurmountable grief, right where you left me, never gonna love again, etc. they got back together at some point for her to write midnights, then broke up again for good. theres just too many breakup songs on here, and especially songs about breaking up with a horrible trash panda person. i think the matty relationship was real (barf) since theres no explanation why she would do that for pr reasons. it was horrible pr and he was horrible from what her songs say, but sometimes people just cant help who they fall for i guess. i do think taylor is probably bi. her public relationships between emily and diana were probably real, or real ish. ik in the evelyn hugo book her agent sets her up on dates to promote a movie and she ends up actually liking the guy until she meets her actual true love. I think Taylor and Joe were something like that, probably John and Jake were actually real, judging by the songs written about them. Harry was totally a beard completely, and Joe/Calvin/Tom to cover up diana and karlie. at least thats my theory. i just disagree with the people saying theyre still together, i cant see it personally.
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smallcatwoman · 2 months
The fact that Hagrid keeps werewolf pups under his bed is so fucking hilarious like you mean to tell me he kidnapped a bunch of children and just... stuffed all of them under his bed. Without anyone in his dorm noticing. Or maybe they did, they were just too afraid to say anything about it
Guys I think we just found out the real reason he was expelled
To give slight credit:
A) Entirely possible the diary was lying to Harry when it said this had happened. A bit of a strange thing to lie about given the Acromantula thing had occurred/there was no need to make Hagrid look worse or guiltier but it is possible.
B) JKR probably hadn't figured out werewolves yet/what she wanted to do with them as Remus shows up book 3. As much as JKR claims to have thought of things 20 years in advance she has a bad habit of retconning/convincing us a thing that existed last book works totally different now. Could be werewolves were going to be more wolves and then... they... weren't...
But yes, canonically, Tom Riddle noticed and chewed him out for it, but he wasn't expelled until Myrtle died. Could be the other dorm mates were too terrified and... it's telling that no one questioned that it was Hagrid who killed this girl except for Albus Dumbledore. I imagine Hagrid got a lot of side-eyeing from kids who had known him in school when he became groundskeeper.
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smallcatwoman · 2 months
Okay, this sounds like a shit post, but I genuinely need to know: Do think that on that night when Bella and Edward got it on for the first time... did... did Edward know where the cl1t was? or even what it was? Like, this eternal 17-year-old virgin from the 1900s couldn't possibly know, could he? Did Carlisle tell him? Did they have the talk? Or did Edward just show up to Isle Esme like "Let's have The Sex, now." With absolutely no idea what he was doing?
Canonically, Edward tells Bella that he talked to every man in his family, father and brothers, on how to have sex with a woman/what sex is like.
So, presumably, one of them told him how to find the clitoris.
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smallcatwoman · 2 months
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tfw ur human-slash-devil boyfriend needs 8 hours of sleep but you don't so you just watch him sleep. lovingly
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smallcatwoman · 2 months
The Party: The pointy teeth, the marks on his neck... of course he's a vampire, and it explains the pallor.
Wyll: elegant bearing, saucy voice, extra handsome and extremely charming. I should have seen it, the signs were all there.
The party:
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smallcatwoman · 2 months
replace one word in your username with boop tell me in the tags what it is
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