smartrascalstudios · 3 days
Have you ever watched smg4?
The newer episodes, yes. My favorite would have to be Meggy.
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smartrascalstudios · 3 days
Any Trolls Headcannons you want to share with the class ?
Hm…I do have one based on a conversation I had on character.ai where Rock Zombie Poppy finds a lost 3 year old Troll named Sparkfizz, and decides to take care of him, and he really comes to like playing with her even tho she’s under mind control.
And then I guess a whole series called Trolls: Family Harmony that takes place after the third movie. Here’s the description from my Wattpad:
Poppy, Branch, Viva, Barb, Cloud Guy, Val, Crimp, and even all of BroZone are back yet again for even more musical adventures, shenanigans, and more in the all new animated series DreamWorks' Trolls: Family Harmony!
Now that Trolls Kingdom is welcoming all of BroZone, Poppy's sister Viva, and the recently-reincarcerated Velvet, Veneer, and Crimp into the fray, Poppy and Branch's lives can't get any more musical!
Well, that is, until Barb, Val, and everybody else from Trolls World Tour and Trolls: TrollsTopia comes back from a 2-year vacation, devastated that they weren't invited to all the adventures that had happened in Trolls Band Together. Okay, NOW the drama has unfolded!
Can everyone get used to boy band Trolls like BroZone existing? Can everyone get used to Poppy having a sister no one's ever met before? And can everyone get used to two villains from a place they'd never heard of who suddenly say they're good guys now?
There's only one way to find out. Cue the glitter, cue the rainbows, cue the music, and most importantly, cue the FAMILY!
And one more: a holiday special taking place after Band Together, but I’m having writers block on that one.
And… finally, a spin-off show starring Barb and Cloud Guy, two characters who are now wildly underutilized in the franchise that they honestly deserve a show!!
Thank you, class.
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smartrascalstudios · 3 days
What is your favorite song(s) at the moment?
The Megamind Rules theme song
Special Spice from Tiana’s Bayou Adventure
As It Was
The Fairly OddParents: A New Wish Theme
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smartrascalstudios · 11 days
Wow. Just…wow. Nice review!!
So! Disney Parks has released a full ride POV of Tiana's Bayou Adventure, formerly Splash Mountain, at Walt Disney World. I will just let you all watch it first, before delving into my personal thoughts. Unless you want spoilers, at which point, go on -- dig a little deeper!
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All right, so right off the bat, I have to say this --
I have no nostalgia for the original Splash Mountain. Like, none. At all. I'm much more into Disney parks "classic" rides like Haunted Mansion or Pirates of the Caribbean or story-centric rides like Alice in Wonderland than I am Disney's thrill rides like Space Mountain or Big Thunder Mountain Railroad. Splash Mountain was really only fun for me when it was hot enough outside that getting soaked was refreshing, at which point it had such a long line that Single Rider was the only way to not wait in a long line, and I'm the sort to more enjoy thrill rides with other people than by myself, so I really just never indulged in it that much. (In fact, the most prominent time I remember going on it, our boat got stuck on the ramp going up toward the big drop and I had to listen to the vultures right over me crowing about how I was going to die for a solid fifteen minutes.) To top it all off, the Song of the South theming quite frankly made me uncomfortable -- yes, the ride was only ever focused on the animated segments of the film, but it remains the only Disney ride (past or present) that I can think of where the less you know about the ride's characters, origin, and themes, the better. And considering that Tiana is my favorite Disney princess and her movie is only just now starting to get the attention and love it should've had all the way along, I was frankly delighted to hear about this new refurbishment.
So yeah, I'm honestly the sort of Disney fan who was going in with a very sunny outlook going in about this refurbishment. The animatronics' footage released earlier this year looked great, they got Anika Noni Rose back to sing the ride's new original song...I was hyped. But now that I've seen this...yeah, I won't lie, I am a bit disappointed.
The whole reason you're supposedly on this ride is to help Tiana search the bayou for a band for this big party being hosted in New Orleans. I don't mean to be rude, but...why are we looking in the bayou? Yeah, sure, Louis is from the bayou and he plays the trumpet, but he was the odd one out, remember? He wanted to play jazz with talented human performers, but ended up getting chased off the boat when he first tried. If there were a lot of other animals in the bayou who played jazz, then why would Louis have wanted to become human so much in the first film, before realizing that people could love him as the jazz-playing alligator he was? Not to mention that New Orleans is full to the brim with talented musicians already. If this celebration was maybe being arranged by Louis, that could explain why bayou critters are more involved here, but even that seems a little shaky.
Another thing I really didn't like is how Tiana's husband Naveen is barely in it. Tiana and Naveen as a pair is one of my all-time favorite Disney couples, and I would've loved to hear him and Tiana actually sing a duet here, since they only really ever sang in one song in their original movie together, and that was before the two got together! Tiana's best friend Charlotte is also barely in it despite being one of my favorites, but I thoroughly expected that -- the entire time Tiana and Louis were looking around, I really wanted Naveen there, when the original film really accented how well these three (and Ray) worked as a group. It also could've given us a chance to rewrite/reference "When We're Human," the first time these three performed as a trio.
There were also a good amount of "filler space" in this ride. I mean, at one point, Mama Odie feels the need to shrink us out of nowhere, I guess just to accent that the frogs and the fireflies also like to perform...but well, Tiana was a frog once, and Louis was able to enjoy Ray and the fireflies' music in the original movie without shrinking down. And really, in between the few fully depicted scenes (which don't feature a lot of action or storytelling outside of animals playing music), there are a lot of gaps where nothing's really going on and all we can do is just look at the random plants in a garden or at the various bayou locations. There aren't even any clever story elements slipped into those locations either, like the macabre details about Constance's dead husbands in the Haunted Mansion or Splash Mountain's references to Brer Rabbit, Brer Bear, and Brer Fox's houses and how their appearances and sizes reflect each character.
But my biggest problem with this new ride is its lack of teeth or stakes. If you're going to have this ride with a BIG DROP at the end, that drop has gotta mean something. There should be some real anticipation -- not necessarily fear, but the climb should get your blood pumping, waiting on the edge of your seat. And as much as I wasn't a huge fan of the original Splash Mountain, it did that! Remember, this ride isn't The Little Mermaid: Ariel's Undersea Adventure or Snow White's Enchanted Kiss -- this is a ride with a height requirement: in other words, it's geared toward older children and adults. Even Radiator Springs Racers -- another kid-centric thrill ride based on an animated movie -- has you race around in the dark, almost crash, get stopped by the Sheriff for speeding, and get chased by the biggest of those cow tractor things (sorry, I'm not a Cars fan, I don't really care). The child guests who'd be riding Tiana's Bayou Adventure could withstand a little more edge in this ride's story line, even just a little -- and the adults I daresay would've loved to see some reference to the Friends on the Other Side in the mix! (I would've! Dr. Facilier is the best Disney villain from the entire Disney Revival, if you ask me.) It would've allowed the ride to use more music from the film, reuse some of the dark ambience from the original Splash Mountain on that climb, and given us that stronger relief upon reaching the party safely. It also could've better explained us getting shrunk against our will! Maybe while looking for a band for Louis's surprise party with Tiana and Naveen, the Friends decide to corner us and try to keep us from leaving the bayou because they want to devour our shadows or some whatever, and it's ultimately thanks to Mama Odie and Louis that we're able to escape the Friends by taking a "leap of faith" which transports us back to New Orleans with the new band we found at the party Charlotte was helping us plan. Or they could've just based the ride on the bloody movie -- that would've been fun too.
I'm not going to act like this ride is terrible -- I mean, as I said, the animatronics are great, and the overall aesthetic is pretty...and of course, if you're a thrill ride nut, you'll like the drops. But the finished result still feels a little lackluster, compared to other "rethemings" we've been given in the past, like the Incredicoaster, Guardians of the Galaxy: Mission BREAKOUT!, and (if you want to go back further for a smaller budget example) Monster's Inc: Mike and Sulley to the Rescue.
So yeah, um...hopefully people like Tiana's Bayou Adventure better than I do just watching this ride-through, but if even they don't, the Disney parks could always refurbish this baby with some more magic down the road. Until then, though...
"Maybe next time."
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smartrascalstudios · 18 days
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Art dump art dump...plus 2 mini comics. Enjoy the sillies!
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smartrascalstudios · 1 month
Ooh, interesting! Pretty excited to see the updated version!
time for some juicy B:BA lore
Toondroids were first conceptualized in the 2130s, being initially designed as helpful assistants to Toons. Over time the technology expanded and evolved, the robots started to develop more complex emotions, had a better understanding of the world around them, and started forming strong bonds with those who tended for them. Soon, the designers realized how Toondroids were; high-maintence, loving, and needed the support of someone who cared. It was almost like having a child.
Once finalized and brought into the world, over time the Toondroids found their place in society. They are initially made for organizations or other kinds of places, to be caretaken by someone within who could truly care for them. If the Toondroid didn't fit their role, they'd be put up for adoption to find the best new home by a new caretaker. It truly depends on the type of personality the Toondroid has and how well they fit into their assigned role. Some work very well and enjoy their lives helping their groups, others find new homes being adopted by caring Toons who want to make their lives even better.
Laws were soon put in place to avoid any inhumane treatment of these robots under law. Anyone caught hijacking a Toondroids program to disrupt peace, cause violence, or to make them mindlessly obedient, will be charged a felony or worse depending on the severity, and promptly arrested.
Toondroids are the dependent companions of the future Toon world that brings toonlife and technology together in harmony, with the heart of the advancements in robotics being in Burbank, CA. The three biggest manufacturers of Toondroid technology, being Cogswell Nanotech, NICKonnect, and Yensid Works have their facilities and offices located in the further parts of the city, and nearly every aspect of life in the city involves Toondroids in some fashion.
General Function
Toondroids are highly advanced robots taking the look of toons. The term derives from "cartoon" and "android." In this futuristic setting, they're a major aspect of the Toon society and help with everyday life. Now, one can’t simply just "own" a Toondroid (unless you're STUPID rich and like bossing people around), most Toondroids are assigned to a specific group, organization, or company for a specific purpose, or are adopted after they are removed from their initial assigned role. Most if not all Toondroids have specific caretakers that act as guardians for them outside of their assigned function, as Toondroids need proper companionship to keep going. Mistreatment of one will easily lead them to abandoning their function and looking elsewhere.
Toondroids have a small amount of uniformity to their design, although these are often smaller details.
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The devices on their heads (often around where ears are located) are referred to as “sensors” and serve a variety of functions, primarily mood indication and system procedures, most commonly blinking rapidly when a ‘droid is processing a long thought. Sensors are ALWAYS located on the LEFT SIDE of a Toondroid’s head, never the right. The light is always a default green as well.
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Toondroids don’t have any exposed joints or internals unless severely damaged. Faint lines are placed onto their arms, legs, ankles, and wrists (the latter two can vary based on design) to indicate joints.
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In terms of facial features, the eyes of a Toondroid are an interpretation of the original character design, with the key difference being the shape turned into a rectangular design. Toondroids also emote the same as regular Toons.
Many toondroids also have other kinds of attachments and enhancements such as extendable wrists, motorized wheels in their feet, flashlights in their eyeballs, storage compartments usually in the stomach or torso, and rockets in their feet or back. These vary from character to character.
Behaviors and Characterization
Toondroids vary in how they act, although there are small amounts of uniform behaviors they all share.
Robotic speech patterns, referred to as "robo talk" by characters and in the script, varies by situation and command. The most common form of on-command speech is through term definition. If a toondroid is specifically told "Define [term]" they will read out a textbook definition of the term with no emotional range whilst speaking. This is universal, however a very small amount of toondroids are asked this, and if a toondroid is simply asked what something is without the word "define" being used, it will not incur this response.
Toondroids also specify complex calculations and analysis in this fashion, although what quantifies for this will vary. Some toondroids choose to use their "robo talk" in order to sound smarter or to act as a "gotcha" towards another character, toon or toondroid.
Some toondroids default to "robo talk" when they don't know the answer for something off the top of their heads or simply need to make a list of things as well, such as a set of specific items or directions. This is the only instance in which all toondroids do this, regardless of personality or context.
All toondroids are also intensely hydrophobic, and will panic at the sight of non-drinking water.
R. A.G.E. System
Another universal robotic quirk of toondroids is the RAGE system. RAGE, standing for "Reactive Aggression and Grounds Enforcement", is the main defense and combat mechanism installed in every toondroid, in which the toondroid will switch to an angered, red-eyed expression, with their mouths stuck in a zig zag jagged manner, and they speak in a one-tone fashion with their eyes glowing orange each syllable spoken.
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This is used as a method to intimidate anything the toondroid views as a threat or major nuisance once they realize the target can't be reasoned with rationally, the toondroid will first make their threat clear, and if the target doesn't retreat or give up, or worse fight back, the toondroid will engage combat protocols and attack the target until they cannot fight anymore or admit defeat, although under no circumstances can or will a toondroid kill someone on purpose, as their weapons are required to be non-lethal by law. RAGE cannot be activated simply on command, having a variety of measures for it to activate. The most common instance to engage RAGE is when a toondroid feels threatened or when they sense their caretaker or another loved one is in danger. Toondroids who work in public facilities such as restaurants and retail will also engage RAGE if they find someone being too much of a public nuisance and refuses to back down, essentially using it to kick them out forcefully. A less common instance, often used for comedic effect, is out of pettiness, usually between toondroids themselves, although some might do this to a toon depending on personality and context. Many toondroids will engage in RAGE-induced fights with one another if they get angry enough. Toondroids can use their built-in weapons outside of RAGE if necessary or for comedic effect.
One important point to mention is, with a few exceptions, very rarely should the concept of “man vs. machine” come up within the series. Many android-centric pieces of media focus heavily on darker more sinister aspects of the tech. While that is fine, the general vibe of Burbank is having the organic and the mechanical existing in harmony. There can be small exceptions to this, such as villain backstories and whatnot, but it is to be excluded from plotlines most of the time.
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smartrascalstudios · 1 month
A handy guide to what Toondroids are!!
time for some juicy B:BA lore
Toondroids were first conceptualized in the 2130s, being initially designed as helpful assistants to Toons. Over time the technology expanded and evolved, the robots started to develop more complex emotions, had a better understanding of the world around them, and started forming strong bonds with those who tended for them. Soon, the designers realized how Toondroids were; high-maintence, loving, and needed the support of someone who cared. It was almost like having a child.
Once finalized and brought into the world, over time the Toondroids found their place in society. They are initially made for organizations or other kinds of places, to be caretaken by someone within who could truly care for them. If the Toondroid didn't fit their role, they'd be put up for adoption to find the best new home by a new caretaker. It truly depends on the type of personality the Toondroid has and how well they fit into their assigned role. Some work very well and enjoy their lives helping their groups, others find new homes being adopted by caring Toons who want to make their lives even better.
Laws were soon put in place to avoid any inhumane treatment of these robots under law. Anyone caught hijacking a Toondroids program to disrupt peace, cause violence, or to make them mindlessly obedient, will be charged a felony or worse depending on the severity, and promptly arrested.
Toondroids are the dependent companions of the future Toon world that brings toonlife and technology together in harmony, with the heart of the advancements in robotics being in Burbank, CA. The three biggest manufacturers of Toondroid technology, being Cogswell Nanotech, NICKonnect, and Yensid Works have their facilities and offices located in the further parts of the city, and nearly every aspect of life in the city involves Toondroids in some fashion.
General Function
Toondroids are highly advanced robots taking the look of toons. The term derives from "cartoon" and "android." In this futuristic setting, they're a major aspect of the Toon society and help with everyday life. Now, one can’t simply just "own" a Toondroid (unless you're STUPID rich and like bossing people around), most Toondroids are assigned to a specific group, organization, or company for a specific purpose, or are adopted after they are removed from their initial assigned role. Most if not all Toondroids have specific caretakers that act as guardians for them outside of their assigned function, as Toondroids need proper companionship to keep going. Mistreatment of one will easily lead them to abandoning their function and looking elsewhere.
Toondroids have a small amount of uniformity to their design, although these are often smaller details.
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The devices on their heads (often around where ears are located) are referred to as “sensors” and serve a variety of functions, primarily mood indication and system procedures, most commonly blinking rapidly when a ‘droid is processing a long thought. Sensors are ALWAYS located on the LEFT SIDE of a Toondroid’s head, never the right. The light is always a default green as well.
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Toondroids don’t have any exposed joints or internals unless severely damaged. Faint lines are placed onto their arms, legs, ankles, and wrists (the latter two can vary based on design) to indicate joints.
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In terms of facial features, the eyes of a Toondroid are an interpretation of the original character design, with the key difference being the shape turned into a rectangular design. Toondroids also emote the same as regular Toons.
Many toondroids also have other kinds of attachments and enhancements such as extendable wrists, motorized wheels in their feet, flashlights in their eyeballs, storage compartments usually in the stomach or torso, and rockets in their feet or back. These vary from character to character.
Behaviors and Characterization
Toondroids vary in how they act, although there are small amounts of uniform behaviors they all share.
Robotic speech patterns, referred to as "robo talk" by characters and in the script, varies by situation and command. The most common form of on-command speech is through term definition. If a toondroid is specifically told "Define [term]" they will read out a textbook definition of the term with no emotional range whilst speaking. This is universal, however a very small amount of toondroids are asked this, and if a toondroid is simply asked what something is without the word "define" being used, it will not incur this response.
Toondroids also specify complex calculations and analysis in this fashion, although what quantifies for this will vary. Some toondroids choose to use their "robo talk" in order to sound smarter or to act as a "gotcha" towards another character, toon or toondroid.
Some toondroids default to "robo talk" when they don't know the answer for something off the top of their heads or simply need to make a list of things as well, such as a set of specific items or directions. This is the only instance in which all toondroids do this, regardless of personality or context.
All toondroids are also intensely hydrophobic, and will panic at the sight of non-drinking water.
R. A.G.E. System
Another universal robotic quirk of toondroids is the RAGE system. RAGE, standing for "Reactive Aggression and Grounds Enforcement", is the main defense and combat mechanism installed in every toondroid, in which the toondroid will switch to an angered, red-eyed expression, with their mouths stuck in a zig zag jagged manner, and they speak in a one-tone fashion with their eyes glowing orange each syllable spoken.
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This is used as a method to intimidate anything the toondroid views as a threat or major nuisance once they realize the target can't be reasoned with rationally, the toondroid will first make their threat clear, and if the target doesn't retreat or give up, or worse fight back, the toondroid will engage combat protocols and attack the target until they cannot fight anymore or admit defeat, although under no circumstances can or will a toondroid kill someone on purpose, as their weapons are required to be non-lethal by law. RAGE cannot be activated simply on command, having a variety of measures for it to activate. The most common instance to engage RAGE is when a toondroid feels threatened or when they sense their caretaker or another loved one is in danger. Toondroids who work in public facilities such as restaurants and retail will also engage RAGE if they find someone being too much of a public nuisance and refuses to back down, essentially using it to kick them out forcefully. A less common instance, often used for comedic effect, is out of pettiness, usually between toondroids themselves, although some might do this to a toon depending on personality and context. Many toondroids will engage in RAGE-induced fights with one another if they get angry enough. Toondroids can use their built-in weapons outside of RAGE if necessary or for comedic effect.
One important point to mention is, with a few exceptions, very rarely should the concept of “man vs. machine” come up within the series. Many android-centric pieces of media focus heavily on darker more sinister aspects of the tech. While that is fine, the general vibe of Burbank is having the organic and the mechanical existing in harmony. There can be small exceptions to this, such as villain backstories and whatnot, but it is to be excluded from plotlines most of the time.
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smartrascalstudios · 1 month
Hey, @burbankbecomeanimated! Look what I did!
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I made some character.AIs based on the project: An RPG, and one on Elinor!
Update (to everyone else who views this post): I’ve privated them bc I made these without the creator’s consent. Me and the creator will soon be testing them and I’ll make sure to update you all on when they become public.
So til then, they’ll be coming soon (for now).
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smartrascalstudios · 2 months
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It's my 4 year anniversary on Tumblr 🥳
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smartrascalstudios · 2 months
So many!!
But just saying this is too much. I swear if they introduce one more hero into this series, I might as well explode…
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PJ Powerheroes (and Ortica, Teeny Weenie, and Pirate Robot as honorary heroes!)
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smartrascalstudios · 2 months
So it's been 3 years and I've just watched Trolls 3 how have y'all been doing AKDJALK
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smartrascalstudios · 2 months
We’ll be glad to help you on this!!
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(I definitely need help for this)
@smartrascalstudios @iheartgod175
I need a fanfiction expert's if you don't mind ^^
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smartrascalstudios · 2 months
Methinks we DO! HELLUR?!
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Rusty Rose is a queen and we honestly don’t deserve her.
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smartrascalstudios · 2 months
She’s truly a sass queen.
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"Sonic is the captain? I wish I were programed to laugh."
*Cackles like a madman* 🤣🤣🤣😂😂🤣🤣🤣 The Sass on Rusty even while she's under council's control. Gosh!
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smartrascalstudios · 2 months
She Captain now, okay!!
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The sisters!
I love them
And Captain Rose not leaving her crew behind my beloved
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smartrascalstudios · 2 months
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Big sister Rusty anyone?
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smartrascalstudios · 2 months
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The biggest fucking idiots this side of Shatterverse
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