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stuck out here
in the middle of who the fuck knows
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Olivia emitted another laugh of her own- it was a genuine one too. His humor resembled hers. “Ah, yes. I believe it to be quite a healthy relationship at that too. We can both finally sleep at night knowing that our egotistical and narcissistic virtues are supported by one another with ongoing compliments, rather than shrouded by others.” 
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Preston tilted his chin up with (nearly) false pride and grinned. “I don’t know about you, but I don’t need affirmation to know I’m hot,” he joked. Preston actually felt pretty self-conscious, but he made up for his issues by wearing his leather jacket everywhere.
“I’m Preston,” he noted. “And I would be very happy to photograph your face at any time while we are stuck here.” 
Jagged Jaws | closed
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v( ‘.’ )v -
Something they’ve always wondered about
“I wonder why people give a fuck about anything.”
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“I wonder whether or not Allie knew how much I loved her. It’s stupidly cliche, but she’s the only girl I ever cared about, at least that strongly. I’d like to know if she knew, if she felt loved, and if I could have done anything to make her happier.”
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Send a smiley and my muse will answer.
ツ - A happy memory they have
♥‿♥   - Their first crush
⊙▃⊙  - A fear they have
(-’๏_๏’-)  - An embarrassing sexual experience
►_◄  - What makes them angry
(◕︵◕)  - What makes them sad
v( ‘.’ )v   - Something they’ve always wondered about
(╥_╥)  - When was the last time they’ve cried
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A city? He must mean a model of a city, considering that someone building an actual city would definitely choose larger building blocks. Althea couldn’t tell whether he was joking about the herbivore part, so she just smiled as she corrected him. “Actually, collecting plants is my part of the survival strategy. My sister is the one who hunts. My brother cooks; he’s surprisingly good at it.”
“Is crafting one of your hobbies, or have you simply found nothing better to do here?” Althea herself wasn’t crafty; she would paint from time to time and knew how to create flower crowns – but that was about it. Unless writing counted as a craft, which it might. “Are you almost done with your city?”
It was often he forgot people here did not always get his humor. No, it was uncommon for anyone to find him funny at all. He understood why people would need plants here, he shouldn’t have made a comment. 
“I’ve always been into art,” he told her. “So I just do it here to pass the time. It’s fine, nothing fancy. But, yes, I am almost finished.”
Skyline Sickness | closed
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Wow aren’t you a little prince?” Elysia remarked, snickering over his name. Preston Riley Phillip. Sounded royal. But maybe he was like Wesley, who liked to exaggerate names. “Yours is not a completely terrible name either.”
“What brings you do these parts? You lost?” She tilted her head at the question, studying him carefully.
The little prince. That’s what his mother called him when he was growing up; she was very involved with the idealization of fairy tales, which was fitting since she was from one.
“No, it’s not a terrible name,” he noted. He liked his name a lot. “But, no, I’m not a prince, just a dude from New York, which makes all of this a lot more pointless and confusing.” He clasped his hands together and sighed, choosing to answer her question because he was actually looking to have people around him more; it was lonely on the island. 
“I am just looking around, seeing what’s here. May as well do something productive and explore instead of sit around all day.”
AnthroRuins | closed
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Someone gave him coffee.
Preston stopped, looked at the man who was not walking in a straight line, whose eyes were wide and hands were shaking a little. 
“Dude, are you taking something?” Preston’s first thought was someone gave the man a hard street drug, though he should have retracted the thought when he remembered where he was now.
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“Seriously though,” he continued anyway. “Are you high?”
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Tell my Muse what you think their greatest fears are.
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She smirked lightly, “Clearly, you haven’t seen the castle yet.” It had a wide range of ingredients for nearly anything. While she hadn’t made a habit of visiting it, she had started frequenting there more often to visit Elysia.
“Yeah, the castle seems like a place I wouldn’t generally go,” he noted, sliding a hand into one of his pockets. Preston had stayed in the same general area simply because he wasn’t sure what he would find; he wasn’t afraid, but he did appreciate not being lost. And castles weren’t his style. “It seems a bit too ostentatious.”
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“If I gathered the ingredients, would you be able to show me how to make it?” She asked, getting a bit excited at the prospect of something that sounded quite delicious. Not to mention, she doubted very many of the islanders had sampled this pizza dish before.
“I mean, I could teach you to make it,” he told her, a bit caught off guard. “I’m not sure if you could just find the ingredients just lying around. You need flour and cheese and I haven’t see a whole lot of dairy farms with aged cheese.”
Preston laughed at the thought of a dairy cow farm on the island. “But if you find it I will make it with you, sure, yeah.”
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“That sounds wonderful! I should like to visit it sometime.” She needed a place that wasn’t Underland, and if there were truly people of all types, perhaps she’d fit in well there. “What is pizza?”
“You should visit,” he told her with a single and definitive nod. The city had a place for all people; there was a somewhere for the artists, the musicians, and actors, and the corporates. Preston loved the diversity his home offered. 
Her question alarmed him. Pizza was a national treasure.
“Pizza is like....bread with tomatoes on it then topped with cheese, lots of cheese, and then some meat and veggies, though I think fruit should be banned from pizza. It’s perfect. Pizza is perfect.”
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So he was all right with conversation. Upon acquiring that knowledge, Althea gave him a big, amiable smile and proceeded to drag on the conversation. “No, I’m collecting herbs and fruits and vegetables. All for kitchen purposes – mostly – so I supposed I can relate to your issue with the rocks.” She extended her basket to him so he could see the variety of the plants she had gathered over the day.
“Since you mentioned it, please tell me: What is the purpose of those rocks? Are you building something?” If he were, then whatever he was building must be a very small structure.
Herbs and plants. Preston’s mother used to take him outside of the city to show him how to pick natural flowers so he could appreciate the use of nature for something productive, though he did not see how her plants were similar to his rocks. 
“I’m using the rocks to pass time. Sculptures are helpful for passing time, so I use the rocks to do so,” he told her. Why he was explaining himself he had no idea. It made no sense. Her questions were meddlesome, but for some reason he didn’t mind. Back home his mother would always ask about his art and his studies, so it was a normal, natural question to answer. 
“I’m making a city. Why are you collecting plants? Are you a major herbivore?”
Skyline Sickness | closed
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“Gender stereotypes… sounds like a tricky subject. Why, thank you… I like yours too, it is quite intense. Mine is almost nothing compared to yours.” 
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“Well, I can’t say it’s awful, but I don’t generally get compliments on it. Hmm,” he said with a low laugh. “I like relationships founded on compliments.”
Jagged Jaws | closed
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“…Is it… is it really that chiseled?”
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“I would say sharp. Chiseled is a very masculine term. While I am cool with eliminating gender stereotypes and all that bullshit, I think your jaw is not like a sculpture, it’s more natural than that. It’s....more...established. I like it.”
Jagged Jaws | closed
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Althea couldn’t tell if he wanted to talk. In court, speech was almost equivalent to– well, everything. If you knew how to professionally entice an audience with your conversation, it would only make you more socially amiable, and social status was everything. On the island, though, everyone went about with their business. Nobody demanded a decent conversation with a stranger. So the man’s vague answer confused Althea to an extent; was he unwilling to talk or simply introverted?
She paused for a moment, bringing up a reply that would drag on the conversation or end it depending on what he preferred.
“It’s fun to collect, I suppose. I’ve yet to meet someone who collects stones like you do.”
Preston was not in the business of collecting rocks as hobbies, though she had no way of knowing that. His face looked sour for but a second before he laughed, leaning down and picking up another stone to take. 
“I don’t collect the rocks for the sake of a stone aesthetic,” he noted shaking his head. “It has a purpose other than simply being. What’re you doing out here? Collecting leaves for a scrapbook?”
Skyline Sickness | closed
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What went on now was the usual plant-gathering routine. Of course, that had been Declan’s duty for a while since Althea was too busy taking care of Hunter, but she needed a change, a walk, a breath of air. So she dropped the baby off at the castle for Noura to watch over while she went off on her trip of gathering herbs and fruits and vegetables. Of each category, she gathered just enough for herself, Declan, and a third person– though she wasn’t sure if the third was Christina the werewolf or Hunter the baby with no teeth.
Whichever it was, she made sure not to get short of her harvest.
The island was very generous when it came to such things. Shelters were so easily found and easily adaptable, and food was abundant. You coud slowly shape yourself into a new person whereas before you had been very dependent royalty. Meeting new people helped as well, even if it only meant they wanted you to give them a…stone…?
“This?” Althea bent over to grab it, then carefully placed it in the stranger’s palm. It was such an odd request. “Are you gathering rocks, sir?”
Fingers clasped around the rock and he stood straight, dropping the stone into the bag. The collection of stones and rocks make clank when he dropped the new one in the sack.
The woman’s questions did catch him off guard; people here didn’t talk to him much, mostly because he didn’t seek them out, and people at home never really asked what another was doing. The city never asked for explanation.
“Yeah,” he said adjusting the sack on his shoulder. “I’m collecting stones, pebbles, and rocks from this area. It’s a thing.” 
Thing. How vague.
Skyline Sickness | closed
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