HC of the week
Characters: Draco, Gray, Lola, Mico, Oc Ron
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So I’m disappointed
I thought Draco in his voicelines says DRA CO while the music vid said DRAY CO
Making me hc that Draco calls himself DRA CO because it’s cooler while everyones else calls him DRAY CO
I was wrong, his voicelines does in fact say, DRAY CO
Other than that I also hc that his dragon is also named Draco except it’s DRA CO
It also lead me to doodle my oc Ron in who’s real name is Hal and the Brawlywood trio bullying him
Thing is Grays real name is Gary (GA RY not GAR RY because of Edgar I keep thinking of his name like that)
And since I think it’s funny for the Brawlywood trio/quad to all have fake names except for Mico, Lola’s real name is Loo Loo
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Hey help (idk how tho)
My friend @allisterscorner got kicked out of discord because of his friend who got hacked by James E.
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Crossed out some info and stuff
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HC (+ ship) of the week
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Guys… WILLOW CAN BE NICE????? I thought she’s only nice within her trio and also tries to denies it, oh well
Other than that Barley, Poco, Gray, Willow are all in a group now because I said so and there’s two images of them together (this and the other is an anniversary)
Also this confirms that Gray drinks, could he be an alcoholic? Healthy alcoholic? Is it just milk? Doesn’t matter all I know is that when Grays sad he drinks and it’s canon.
Poco and Gray are the ones playing the music
Willow usually dances, and sings horribly* which makes the others ears suffer
She’s only doing that for fun, she actually sings really good
She can also play some music but doesn’t really do it
Angelo has better music experiences so they sometimes plays
The others tried to invite Barley in but Barley usually in his space serving orders buttttt you can see him slightly dancing with the others
But when he’s out of work (which rarely happens) he dances with them
Poco is one of the few people that knows Grays real face (HC that he doesn’t show his real face to people)
Ohhhh boyyyy if Willow knows then Angelo knows then everyone knows
Angelo is surprised to see that this is Willows other friends, but they’re sometimes there too for the vibes
Ron (my oc) would’ve been fine if this is Grays group if it weren’t for Willow, he hates her sm, he keeps complaining about why Gray hangs out with her, at least not right in front of Grays face, it’s often with people he’s close to and by himself.
When Ron tries to come into the group, he either A. Saw Willow and leaves, B. Saw Willow Tries to tolerate for just a couple of hours or something C. Doesn’t saw Willow and went crazy
Also this is when Angelo discovers that when Willow tries to save them she means it. They told Willow that they would thought that eventually she’ll uses them for something and Willows like “BRO???? Gurl- when I took a Quick Look at you I thought your cool, why wouldn’t I save you and have you become my friend!???” You fr thought of this??!!?! 🥺”
Ships: Gray x El Primo Willow x Mortis
Gray would often try to hint that he likes El Primo to Poco in hopes that maybe that he’ll help him
If he doesn’t then oh well, he got his job anyway
It either A. took Poco a long time to figure out because Gray is too hidden with it or B. Gray straight up says it and Pocos like “WHAT?! SINCE WHEN?!”
So Poco tries to invite El Primo in so that Gray can get closer to him
Willow knows that Gray is one of Mortis friends and keeps asking to get his phone number
Willow: Hiiiiiii
Mortis: wha who are you? How’d you get my phone number?
Willow: that doesn’t matter-
Mortis: how’d you get my phone number????
Willow: well if your so curious then let’s just say a black and white person give it to me…
Mortis: Who?
Willow: it’s one of your friends
Mortis: who?
Willow: he’s a CELEBRITY
Mortis: Who?
Mortis confronts to Gray about this
Gray: She promised to annoy Lola for weeks and she got my secret. Also because I don’t really care about your situation.
Mortis: >:^v
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My science teacher has playdoh so I made the Brawlywood trio and my oc Ron
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Meet My Oc: Ron
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Guys please me and my friend @allisterscorner went from “oh before Mico came I imagine that this is what the third member of the Brawlywood trio would look like” “MICO 4EVER” to “So this is Ron silly lover boy, can be a bit intense though and also Colt x Fang x Ron” “Damn… He’s hot” “SIMP”
And it’s all because of a simple convo I imagine:
Ron: Hey! You drop this book (is the princess Diaries)
Fang: *embarrassed* pls don’t tell anyone about this-
Ron: Dw you can say it to me! I LOVE PRINCESSES AND ROMANCE
Fang: *happiness noises*
And then that’s how I ended up shipping them why how- and then my friend immediately went on board with this ship, then I suggested Fang x Colt x Ron? Because I know he also likes Fang x Colt, And he’s like “YES” so here we are
Colt x Fang x Rons ship name: LovelyCowboyArts
Backstory: Due to his parents relationship, he copes with romance stories. Growing up he’s mostly lonely, as girls would find him creepy and guys would find him feminine, both find him delusional, because well if romance movies have a toxic relationships and if you’re so desperate for love then it’s not a good mix. Until, he went onstage and support in programs that help people, which people and Ron learns that he’s not so bad just too intense, Ron tries to limit that. Now he stars and directs in romance movies, that tries shows more healthier relationships, can direct horror sometimes, and definitely makes hurt comfort movies, ex an orphan finding a real family, growing up with abuse and founding real love, lives of Palestinian people, all outside of romance, alongside with songs.
Weapon: Either the microphone or sax, the sax is solely because of careless whisper, went he sings or play the sax, he can pull people in like with Grays cane gadget, but he can also make them fight for him for a couple of secs or went the other fighter dies or the fighter dies. I thought it was stupid that I made him a musician but then I remembered that Lola’s an opera singer and Grays a piano player so I went with this.
Gadget: Honestly idk just like with the weapon I was winging it but ig it’s something like, having your fighters for longer or having more health/healing. The names would be something like “Clingy” “self love” or something.
Some relationships with other brawlers
Hate: Willow, Angelo, because they are anti love in a way, they do toxic relationships
Besties: Lola, Gray, I mean they are in the trio,
Loves and lives in a relationship: Colt Fang because I said so
OMG SO CUTEEEEE: Mico and any animal and about any robot. He loves cute things and animals.
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This is the life
Gray, Gray, Gray, Gray and Gray, oh and don’t forget that Gray, and also that Gray my favorite is that Gray and that Gray as well-
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cw: blood, cringey old and new art and heavy rambles
when i have HUUUGE interest on that character SO MUCH that i have to make at least oc-inspired or oc-fied of that character i like(mostly just for the aspect of the character face and shapes) just to replace them,only to failed because it doesnt peak much of interest anymore later (this isnt the first time it happen, before was done with karate man from RH then uhhh pizzano from SS-)
im not sure if i gonna use them as oc or just let it be random design purpose cuz some have info in them (if i like them i might gave them TH page or somethin) someday. they might repurpose as a different oc with the same theme(if the interest is all gone)
(most of them are never post before because im just nervous to do so)
the first ever one i made was like 1st march this year (during the time i start to liking gray more) was a mold spore plushie fella (based on that color me mario plush) i kinda enjoy a little bit then later forget about it when i gave gray a fan-siblings ocs
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heres some more (early to latest)
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(not gonna repost mitten images, but he was made around april so it kinda buried in my blog)
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most of them are ref sheet, just in case if i wanna revive them lol
idk if i gonna make more next month who know-
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“You can still have friends but Friends are different from Family”
“Your still young, *gives me some options and teaches me about family)
“I don’t want you to be alone so I want you to have a family”
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Mom ik you have good intentions but this is what you wanted not what I wanted
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Bop it’s ok, I’ve also been scammed thinking I’ve helped someone (stupid stupid stupid) I did cause harm for the money actually increased (I didn’t pay but still there’s others, who did) it’s been long deleted and user is gone now. (On my way to delete the other one and actually I think the users gone before it takes money? Idk for sure) “fool me once shame on you (too bad still shame myself), fool me twice shame on me”, (Extra: Jesus… I’m older than you?????)
Please read and reblog this. I'm serious.
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@masterdizzi @smooshgray-thegraysimp @alvaroz-starrs @tabby-kats @shiftyjaxic
@shiningstar5022 @ghosts-station @coneysdayattumblinghell @thezeepleglobe @fidovinnie @ensinia-internetstranger @purpleroomie2
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HC of the Week
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I believe there’s two types of Gray voice (well two main types I’d like to think he can also mimic others people voices, hardest ones are like Pam and Buster)
1. Silky smooth voice, this used to be his main for a while but then he chocked on a gem
2. This causes him to sound like metal singing aggretsuko
However, 1. Can sometimes go to 2, and then 2 can almost always sound go to 1 he has good control of his voice, just not for too long since the gem sort of damage his vocals.
2 is used for a warning, hear him do that you should be very sorry. (Ngl I don’t like the interpretation that he can’t fight himself he very much does, he has teleportation, he can get into your house and burn it or something)
I HC this because it’s funny to me
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I was experimenting my Chibi artstyle for the 208494th time
Several Brawlers (lies, it’s a ship platonic or romantic idc I like it, also for a friend) for good measure
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I feel like Magma Mandy’s skin fits well with Draco’s whole theme
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It’s her official “singing with Draco” outfit
Ash is also in this group
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These two have successfully rotted my brain with their sweetness
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This is very ironic for me since I HC (or maybe used to) that Gray and Mandy has a father and daughter relationship (not actually related because I found that kind of thing a tad bit weird, and not my thing but I’m somewhat convinced for this one) and since you like Chuck x Gray this is even funnier
Wait?? What if they are related??? Like grandfather and granddaugher????
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Idk is it just bc their hair color is so similiar or am i just onto smth????
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HC of the week (I kinda forgot it’s today lmao)
Back to Mind Power Gray
Btw I want to thank you @allisterscorner for making me realize that I’m more “Grays imagination can come to life” than “Grays a psychic”
I have two ways of how his powers works
Not Powerful: He can try to imagine what he wants and tries to create it but he’s not that much powerful to do it (if I’m being honest I forgot how this works, but it’s close)
Is Powerful but needs Logic: HE CAN CREATE ANYTHING- maybe it requires logic like for example if he wants a tv remote he can’t just imagine it he needs to know the features, what it does and etc, basically he needs to know the absolute details of what he needs.
Either way it gives him headaches/migraines, and yes it’s possible that he can get brain damage from it.
How to make it real is either him shooting or even his portals it can work too.
Also out of topic but I can imagine him having a frenzy frantic saturated colors when he’s stressed/angry why? Because I think it’s cool
Also it occurred to me that if I HC him as trans and with this stuff going on, he can have the details of the male anatomy and shoot himself with it and now boom he’s now a guy not a girl and even BIOLOGICALLY, how did I never realize that before????
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