because i know this will get where it needs to go, i will say it here because fuck you and your deliberate attempts to get a rise out of me in person.
If this goes back to when my sister outed me and i couldn't defend myself from you, coming out and gender transition is only one part of what i need to feel complete which in two words is: being myself. i also need to be stoned and diapered 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and surrounded by/using the stuff (cars, clothes, cameras, home, environment) that meshes with the way i am (vintage). to make the perfect ME takes lot of pieces that over time make the picture complete, but after these aforementioned basic building blocks are in place i don't mind a bit of journeying.
if this goes back to when grampy was in that beaumont place and i told you i "like boys and girls" what my infantilized brain was trying to say through the haze of abilify, lithium and whatever other shit you had me on at the time was "i like men who are gentle and sensitive, kind and compassionate and who get excited about the things that i do like trucks and building stuff." and "i like women who like to hang out, vibe and have fun; being flirty and playing games, telling a story or two and chatting the days and nights away" and this still holds true. these days its easier to say i'm panromantic asexual (but very kinky) and just not show interest in anyone who isn't my type.
and you better goddamn watch your tongue when you talk about furries, because if it weren't for them in my life and how in that community i learned so much about myself and how to cope with the tangled mess of conformity trauma to undo the knots and blow away the raincloud you wanted gone but put back when you glare at me like that...i would have killed you, him, her and myself a long fucking time ago because society had abandoned me into the shy kid with kind eyes who gets walked all over to angry hateful incel pipeline. i used to have fantasies of killing you all. i used to have fantasies about killing myself and how disgusting i could make the scene for you to find, and how hurtful i could be in the note i'd leave behind to torture you. i can remember that like i remember the many deaths of salagon. the book may be missing but the scars on my soul are still there like tattoos from a drunken night best left blacked out. unlike the salagon stories, i have no interest in going back there. i have grown since then, found my people. and oddly enough they knew that game we used to play when i was a kid. maybe it'll kill you, mom. maybe it'll kill me the same way someday. maybe i just don't care anymore about the sad I story of a blue eyed old man. Lore was right, the language did come back to me. I've been playing this way intentionally. I don't care what the others might say. as far as i'm concerned they can all fall apart, fade away. I'm your daughter, your judge, and the perfect companion you wanted. the perfect companion you deserve. end of story.
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there are literally social medias ive never even heard of in the list of the new "no promotion of the competition" rule on Twitter and yet Tumblr is not one of them like... those rumors that the website died post-porn really keep saving our asses over and over again huh
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btw we as a society need to redeem the reputation of moths. Butterflies are seen as beautiful and beneficial and a normal thing to like, but moths are gross and creepy and ugly???
It's so dumb! Moths can be beautiful and colorful like butterflies can be and they are important pollinators! They visit flowers that bees ignore! Moths are a way larger and more diverse group than butterflies anyway!!
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Fantastic Beasts is suspended indefinitely.
Musk is begging for cash because he made the stupidest purchase in internet history.
Zucky Wucky is hemorrhaging cash because the Metaverse goal of becoming the NFT successor of real estate speculation was met with the deserved mockery at how stupid it was.
Trump is finally being properly prosecuted for crimes he unquestionably and very inconspicuously committed.
Alex Jones owes a billion dollars to Sandy Hook victims.
The Tories are imploding in a schism that might actually result in the collapse of the British empire.
Putin has ran out of army and crawled pathetically to the corner a tiny insurgent army pushed him towards, decades of military propaganda burnt away in months.
Prime Minister Shinzō Abe died with no glory.
The GOP is so confused after the Trump era they don't even know how to run their grifts anymore.
Rings of Power was such a mediocre release Amazon could potentially drop Prime Video altogether.
Turns out 2022 was really the "find out" year. It took a while but I'm loving this season finale so far.
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festive cozy meower!
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pubby pubby pubby
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okay tumblr’s exclusion from the twitter social media ban list is hilarious but genuinely we do not belong on there. if a real human person asks “where can i find you on social media” and your choice is a swift death or revealing your tumblr, most of us would simply expire. half of y’all change urls every week like you’re in witness protection. just imagine for one second attaching your wholeass government name to your latest two am clownposting and tell me that didn’t send a cold chill down your spine. the only place i ever want to see the words “connect with me on tumblr!” is on the ao3 profile of an author i’m actively stalking. anyone in the world can follow me except anyone i personally know. antisocial media.
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For @gothycollie ; from Mishka’s 3rd birthday!
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warm pubby...
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1959 Cadillac Sedan de Ville. Part 1. (Part 2. – interior details)
Photo: me
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Cadillac Coupe De Ville 1960
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La Cadillac Fleetwood Sixty Special 1959 de Jim Jordan devant une grande maison de 1956 à Nichols Hills, Oklahoma. - source Jim Jordan.
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Elmrest Street, Cadillac, Michigan.
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