Sales Page for ​STAGE Academy by Vinh Giang:​https://archive.is/qpizWSTAGE Academy by Vinh Giang Coupon Discount Free​TOTAL DOWNLOAD SIZE: 8.69GbScreenshots ProofsSTAGE Academy by Vinh Giang DownloadSTAGE Academy by Vinh Giang Mega.nz Torrent​How much is the way you are communicating costing you?Get the same communication training that billion dollar companies provide their teams from the comfort of your own home. 'STAGE was like watching a magician, revealing all of his secrets.'- Brad G Engineering Director @ GoogleWhat is the STAGE Academy?The STAGE Academy consists of 7 modules, 41 videos and total of 7+ hours of entertaining and educational content where International Keynote Speaker Vinh Giang will take you through the foundations of communication and presentation. The toolkit you will acquire is not only for on-stage presentations, it’ll help you in your off-stage communications as well.You have one of the most complex instruments in the world - your voice. Yet when was the last time you sat down and learned how to use it to its fullest potential? Once and for all, learn how to master your instrument. No stone will be left unturned. Vinh will dive deep into vocal mastery, storytelling, body language, and much much more!You are only as good as you can communicate. After you come through the Stage Academy, you return amplifying the best parts of who you are, improving your ability to lead the life you desire. Stop playing a small version of yourself, it’s time to break out of your comfort zone and allow the bigger version of you to shine through. Discover how to unlock your voice and your potential.Vinh has trained and worked with What will I learn? Vocal MasteryLearn how to master your voice, the most important instrument in your life that allows you to have more impact!StorytellingDiscover the power of influence, connection and persuasion through masterful storytelling. Body LanguageLearn the foundations to body language to bring your message to life. Public SpeakingThis is one of the most important skills as a leader, improve this and you'll amplify your leadership.Self AwarenessThe moment you learn to become more self aware, you'll learn to see how others are currently seeing you! StorybankLearn to build a library of stories that you can pull from anytime! Do you miss out on professional opportunities? Promotions? Jobs? Are you not getting the credit you deserve?The truth behind this is painful. It's not the fault of others that you are invisible. It's your responsibility to shine, we can't expect others to see how brilliant we are. We must learn how to amplify our best selves through masterful communication. STAGE Academy CurriculumTestimonials250'Joining Vinh's class was the greatest choice I ever made without knowing it would be great at the time.When the Covid-19 virus shut down my school I was not ready to be thrown into the virtual world. I have never been comfortable being on camera even with students who know me.Vinh’s class allowed me to explore my voice and talents in the most positive way I could have imagined. He brought me into the virtual world with a roar.Vinh’s #NoNails approach should give even the most timid person the confidence to join his next class without hesitation.'Dan KutchTeacher USA'I have never done a course that has had so much impact on my professional and personal development. Everything about this experience was exceptional.Vinh Giang is a world class teacher, presenter, creator and leader. This course will fundamentally shift every paradigm that you have on communication. Better still, you will leave with the tools, confidence and mindset to be an exceptional communicator. If you want to inspire, impact and lead - I really encourage you to explore this course.'Matthew WBestselling Author Australia Over the last 24 hours one question has been playing over and over in my mind - “How can I be better?”. You have inspired me into action Vinh. Action into areas of my life that I never gave much thought to be
fore.By your Workshop being online, I was able to immediate apply the learnings in the comfort of my own surroundings with no distractions around me.I wrote this testimonial excited for Monday to come around. To show my work colleagues how a few simple tweaks in the way you communicate can lead to a whole new level of confidence. I can’t wait to be on camera and speak during my next Zoom call on Monday. Glenn FCBRE Singapore'If someone had told me that I would have an emotional experience and cry during this online class I would have said “really” (think high pitch, incredulous voice)?!Your story of your grandmother and your parents triggered an unexpected outflow of emotion in me. It also triggered me to think about my family and story. I discovered Brene Brown about 3 years ago and this has changed me and the way I lead my team. However, your course is my catalyst to acknowledge, and look back and document not just the amazing fun parts of my life but also the lumpy, spiky parts of my past and realise that they too, are important (if not more so) for storytelling. I might need a lot of wine, my gal pals  and some tissues though lol! Thank you. Your ability to motivate everyone to use their voice for good was unexpected and very powerful. Annie S Health Professional AustraliaI was actually going to reach out to you Vinh and give you an update regarding a small scale public speaking engagement I had in March. My previous high school contacted me and asked me to be the guest speaker at their annual leader's induction assembly. Initially I was really excited to be returning to my old school and proud that they had thought of me.... this quickly was replaced by fear!I sat down and went back over all of my notes from the course, and reminded my self that it wasn't about me! but rather, I needed to think how I could be of service to the school community. I used storytelling to share my advice to the future leaders of the school. And afterwards, the feedback was incredibly positive! People even said to me, 'I love how you used stories to share your advice - it was a really powerful way to deliver your message' and ' I really feel for the guest speaker who has to follow you'. So thank you, thank you, thank you! You are making a huge impact in the world. Eve DDirector/ Podiatrist Australia'The best investment I made in myself was to take your first Virtual Masterclass! I saw you as a dynamic speaker as a keynote at a professional conference the previous year. I saw what my friends were raving about. I never dreamt that you taught your method and shared it with such personality and style OR that it could be accessible to me without traveling. I am a very private person but now that there are no nails! Thanks to you I put personal stories in every class I teach, every talk I give, in introductions. My network and mentors say that they never knew these things about me. I make videos (and will make one for you:), and let people record me. So much to practice, so much to learn!  Vinh, you truly are a gift to the world. I hope your torpor is brief because we need your inspiration, example and leadership.'Linda MBusiness Consultant USA How much is the way you speak costing you?You are only as good as you can communicate. After you come through the Stage Academy, you return amplifying the best parts of who you are, improving your ability to lead the life you desireReal ExamplesI've documented hundreds of my students, you will get to see them applying the lessons I share in this online course.Inspiring TransformationsYou'll get to see incredible transformations with real people. The smallest changes can make the biggest differences! Coaching ProcessYou'll get to see how I coach my students live on stage. This is a powerful way to learn through watching others.Looking forward to seeing you on the inside :)Once you improve your ability to communicate more effectively, this skill will serve you for the remainder of your life both
personally and professionally.Let this thought sink in. Student OutcomesImprove your relationship with your partner, children and loved ones. Get your dream job or the job promotion you deserve.Pitch your million dollar idea.Speak at your friends wedding/ birthday.Do that Ted talk you've always wanted to do.Speak up in team meetings.Manage and get the most out of your teams.Become more engaging and build rapport with everyone you meet.Investment $997 USDI wanted to share my teachings in a more affordable and accessible way. My in person workshops are usually $2,999 + travel expenses. But my students can now access the best of my content when ever they want and where ever they want. Check out the STAGE Academy Risk Free With Your 30 Day Money Back Guarantee!
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Sales Page for ​Mentor Alchemy by Cat Howell:​https://archive.ph/DekO2Mentor Alchemy by Cat Howell Coupon Discount FreeScreenshots ProofsMentor Alchemy by Cat Howell Mega.nz Torrent​OCT 23-27TH 2022The first online business I ever built grew to be a multiple eight figure earner and successfully helped thousands of clients. Problem was - I was handcuffed to it. I ran an automated webinar model with a sales team and the business required constant attention and feeding - not to mention tens of thousands of dollars on ad spend each month. It felt like a hamster wheel that consumed all of my attention and this quickly led to burnout and unfulfilment.In 2020, I sold and exited the business and in 2021 I launched a new offer - but this time structured in a way that placed FREEDOM at the core - financial, time and creative. For both myself AND clients.Oh, and did I mention PLAY.It is quickly on its way to breaking the seven figure mark and defies everything that we are told on what it takes to succeed in this space.There is no sales team and yet I sell high ticket, there are no more back to back mentoring calls and yet my clients WIN, there is one VA and yet it runs like a well oiled machine (with zero customer complaints so far!), and there is virtually no ad spend to attract leads and clients.Never before seen behind the scenes look at how I have built multiple eight and seven figure coaching businesses.From lead gen, to pricing and sales through to community growth and client results.The wins, the hiccups, the lessons and the home runsBypass years of frustration trying to figure it out solo. Hyperspeed your growth as a coach - whether you are new or already established.
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Sales Page for ​Playful Millions by Cat Howell:​https://archive.ph/tFZrSPlayful Millions by Cat Howell Coupon Discount FreeScreenshots ProofsPlayful Millions by Cat Howell DownloadPlayful Millions by Cat Howell Mega.nz Torrent​Amplify the call of your very own money dragonWHAT YOU GET4 modulesLifetime Access to training materialInstant access
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Sales Page for ​The Ultimate BFCM Email Marketing Playbook + Q4 Email Campaigns by Chase Dimond:​https://archive.ph/DfDisThe Ultimate BFCM Email Marketing Playbook + Q4 Email Campaigns by Chase Dimond Coupon Discount Free​TOTAL DOWNLOAD SIZE: 27.1MbScreenshots ProofsThe Ultimate BFCM Email Marketing Playbook + Q4 Email Campaigns by Chase Dimond DownloadThe Ultimate BFCM Email Marketing Playbook + Q4 Email Campaigns by Chase Dimond Mega.nz Torrent​The Ultimate BFCM Email Marketing Playbook + Q4 Email Campaigns$997Chase Dimond10 ratingsBlack Friday Cyber Monday Bundle:I’ve put together 2 awesome resources for Black Friday Cyber Monday and Q4 as a whole.Resource 1: The Ultimate BFCM Email Marketing Playbook is an 88-page PDF that includes my best strategies and guides that will be as close to a guarantee that you make a fortune for your brand/client for Q4.Resource 2: Q4 Campaigns to Send is a 287-page PDF with 63 evergreen and date-specific campaigns to send throughout Q4. Includes real email examples, subject lines, and more!The Ultimate BFCM Email Marketing Playbook:Drive 40-50% of revenue from Email Marketing in Q4 with these proven techniques by 9-figure marketers.Even if you’ve never personally sent an email campaign in your life, this will work for you.Q4 is the most nerve-wracking time for all Ecommerce businesses, every single year.To make matters worse, advertising costs have nearly doubled, shipping costs are up, and supply chains have become completely unreliable in the last year.Founders and marketers have been set up to fail.Even though Q4 is supposed to be your most successful quarter of the year due to Black Friday, Cyber Monday, and the Holiday season…Everything that could go wrong is currently going wrong.As always, owned media could be the only thing that will allow Ecommerce brands to flourish.By owned media, I’m referring to the list of emails that you’ve collected on your site since you launched your brand. A list of 10,000 email addresses that have opted into your marketing emails is a list of 10,000 free leads that are warm and ready to buy from you.To combat the challenges that founders and marketers are facing with acquiring new customers…I’ve created the Ultimate BFCM Email Marketing Playbook.After a decade of email marketing experience and 5+ years of Ecommerce experience, I’ve compiled everything I know about how to craft a flawless plan to drive record-breaking revenue for Black Friday & Cyber Monday.Make no mistake. Just because you have email flows set up in Klaviyo (or whatever email platform you're using) and a vault of campaigns ideas that you’re ready to send out does NOT mean that you’re anywhere near ready for BFCM.Email Marketing strategy must change for this time period.Every high-level brand is doing something different, and communicating to their customers in a novel way.If you keep doing what you’re already doing without implementing these necessary tweaks, your customer will choose your competitor every single time.It doesn’t matter if you’re offering 95% off.You can’t compete.Inside The Ultimate BFCM Email Marketing Playbook, I’ve included my best strategies and resources that will be as close to a guarantee that you make a fortune for your brand/client for Q4:An overview of general Email Marketing strategy, understanding WHY you need to do what I teachUnique campaign ideas that will convert like crazy (before, during, and after BFCM)Flow/automation concepts that are overlooked by 99% of brands (before, during, and after BFCM)Proven, high-converting swipe copy that you can steal directly from my slides and paste into your emailsA step-by-step how-to for acquiring more email subscribers, and consistently being their favorite emails in their inboxHow to increase deliverability and land in their primary tab when it matters mostBONUS:You’ll also learn about my proven abandonment technique that retains 120% more warm leads than your current flow set-up. I have never seen anyone else do this, and the results we got last year from this technique were absolutely mind-blowing.
There is no fake scarcity here for this playbook.BUT…I highly recommend you invest in this resource as soon as you possibly can.BFCM is coming up very soon. In order to get the best results, it’s imperative that you start early.The last thing you want is to rush this process, miss certain steps, miss out on leads, and miss out on revenue. Ideally, everything I outline in this playbook should be set up and understood in the first week of October. Anything past the second week of October is risky and may result in sub-par results. The best time to implement is right now.I haven’t heard or seen anyone else in the Email Marketing community share what I’ve shared in this playbook.This is the closest thing to a “magic bullet” that exists for this type of strategy.Of course, your own creativity and ideas will take these concepts from a 10 to an 11…But there is nothing missing in this playbook.Everything you need in order to drive 50%+ in email-attributed revenue for BFCM is right here.63 Email Campaigns to Send During Q4:I've created a 287-page PDF with 63 evergreen and date-specific campaigns to send throughout Q4. Includes an overview of each campaign alongside real email examples, subject lines, and more!If you follow exactly what I teach, you will have one of the most successful Q4s you’ve ever had with your brand/client.To get a leg-up on every brand that’ll be competing for your customer’s attention on Black Friday and completely wipe them out…Go purchase this bundle now!I want this!Two awesome resources to help you crush Black Friday Cyber Monday and Q4 as a whole.The Ultimate BFCM Email Marketing Playbook88-page PDF that includes my best strategies and guides that will be as close to a guarantee that you make a fortune for your brand/client for Q4.Q4 Campaigns to Send287-page PDF with 63 evergreen and date-specific campaigns to send throughout Q4. Includes real email examples, subject lines, and more!
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Sales Page for ​Coach Certification Program by Brooke Castillo:​https://archive.ph/r7h3RCoach Certification Program by Brooke Castillo Coupon Discount FreeFree Sample Download ​Coach Certification Program by Brooke Castillo​https://mega.nz/file/LRwxVS6D#B5na0jML5um0bjA-wf9lq8OCeA3gkiZ0Ez-c-NYNm5sTOTAL DOWNLOAD SIZE: 58.38GbScreenshots ProofsCoach Certification Program by Brooke Castillo DownloadCoach Certification Program by Brooke Castillo Mega.nz Torrent​Open the accessibility menuSkip to contentThe Life Coach SchoolJoin CertificationBecome a Life CoachGET CERTIFIED BY THE BEST LIFE COACH SCHOOL IN THE WORLDVideo 1personVideo 2dressVideo 3a man and a woman sitting on a white chairVideo 4personWe have the best students in the world.Each year we bring our students together as part of the alumni benefit to celebrate their accomplishments and spend time connecting.We give out awards from Tiffany’s for all students who make six figures, seven figures, and beyond. It is our time to truly see what is possible and to share out wins and knowledge.Please watch the following video to hear awesome testimonials from our coaches. Imagine yourself recording your own in just a very short time after you get certified.packaged goodsReady to enroll?When you enroll today, you aren’t just making the decision to become a Life Coach.You’re making the decision to live and lead a bigger, more meaningful life.You’re making a decision that will not only change your life…But also change the lives of those around you.And when you look back at this moment five, ten, or even twenty years from now…You’ll remember this day, this moment, as the real turning point in your life.You will have a heart full of joy as you look back on all the lives you impacted and helped.My friend, if you’re here reading this right now, it’s not an accident.This is your calling to step into your potential because there are people out there who need YOU.They need what you do, they need your story, and they need your guidance.“Just by creating the possibility in your mind, you make it possible.”textIf you have any questions about becoming a life coach, please email [email protected] or call (855) 283-8390.Schedule a CallIf you need to ask additional questions or if you need help, schedule a call with one of our coaches.Schedule a call nowFrequently Asked QuestionsCLICK A QUESTION BELOW TO REVEAL THE ANSWERSWhy do you say life coaching is the Perfect Career?Life coaching is the perfect career because you have the freedom and flexibility to create your own schedule, work from home and anywhere around the world, and choose which clients you want to work with. This is not a regulated industry, so there’s no limit to how you can help your clients. You can choose to be an entrepreneur and work for yourself or work for the many organizations that are hiring life coaches right now. Plus, your own transformation is part of your work. This is just the beginning. There’s never been a better time to become a life coach. It’s perfect.Can I be a successful life coach?Absolutely. We encourage you to be just you because who you are and your own coaching journey and transformation is what will help your clients—not imitation. Our Coach Certification Program will help you identify your own strengths and amplify them. So yes, you can be 100% successful. Go for authenticity and you’ll get there.I’ve never coached someone before. Am I cut out for this program?You’re in the right place regardless of your starting point into this journey. Our curriculum is designed to be individualized exactly where you are to become a successful coach. Plus, you’ll have the opportunity to coach your own clients and receive individualized feedback from a Certified Coach Instructor to help you grow and sharpen your coaching skills. We don’t just teach you information—we help you apply and practice as you go.Do I need to be certified by The Life Coach School to use the Model in my business?Yes. Please don’t listen to a few episodes of The Life Coach School Podcast and try to coach someone else.
Our students will tell you that the Coach Certification Program curriculum is more expansive than they ever imagined. Truly, coaching is an art that takes education and practice. If you love the Model and want to help others achieve amazing results, come join us for Certification.What’s your best advice for a student going through the Coach Certification Program?Do your own self coaching. We can’t emphasize this enough. It’s one thing to read, study, and show up for class. It’s another to do your own self coaching and make that a priority. Remember, your transformation and your journey as a coach is what will inspire others. It’s how you will connect with your clients. Don’t underestimate the power of taking out a pen and piece of paper and have a look at your mind. This is how you start being an example of what’s possible.Do you have any examples of successful students?Absolutely. We are so proud of our Certified Coaches. And we can’t wait for you to join us. Here’s a link to just a few of our alumni. Not too long ago, they were just starting out, just like you. Imagine what’s possible for you.Will I be fully certified at the end of the training?You will receive all the course curriculum, instruction and class recordings as soon as you enroll. Your journey will be individualized so you can complete the requirements at the speed you desire. You will then have up to one full year to complete your Certification Requirements. If you want to get certified fast, schedule all your sessions and get it done.If you want to take your time, schedule them weeks apart and take your time.I’ve never owned a business before. Is becoming a life coach for me?Yes. We welcome students of all levels and backgrounds. If you choose to have your own life coaching business, we provide you with a self paced Post Certification Training in Entrepreneurship that will teach you Brooke’s method for starting a coaching business.Not every student will want to have their own business; they may want to work for another coach or company. We provide you with a self paced Post Certification Training in Applied Coaching to hone your coaching skills and prepare you to apply for coaching positions.I live outside the United States. Is this program for me?Yes. We have students from around the world. The program is self paced to meet your Certification Requirements. You may schedule your private sessions with a Certified Coach Instructor based on your availability and schedule. We offer many various times to accommodate different time zones.
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Sales Page for Lost Case Rescue Session by Brett and Ethan:https://archive.ph/Jkoz4Lost Case Rescue Session by Brett and Ethan Coupon Discount FreeFree Sample Download Lost Case Rescue Session by Brett and Ethanhttps://mega.nz/file/qVoCkBaD#-vNNH3iK7cAIz2KkZUa_IEmQKgq-EatwzlgrDxvlPCwTOTAL DOWNLOAD SIZE: 2.10GBScreenshots ProofsLost Case Rescue Session by Brett and Ethan DownloadLost Case Rescue Session by Brett and Ethan Mega.nz TorrentLost Case Rescue Session STOP Losing DealsYou SHOULD Be ClosingLost Case Rescue Session For Only $299There are tons of cases, prospects and even suspects you meet on a daily basis that you could, and should be closing but you are losing…because you lack this one tool…The ONE TOOL you need to stop losing deals is ability to create meaningful, powerful, intrinsic motivation.How much are those lost deals actually costing you every month, every year that you SHOULD be putting into your bank account.The average commission on cases our agents close is $10,000, some commissions are as high as $50,000 even $100,000…So when you lose 1 or 2 of those cases each month it’s painful.This is MEANINGFUL profit, this money could be going to your retirement savings, buying the beach house, a new car, or being able to get out of debt and enjoy financial freedom.All that can stop, today.The reason you are losing deals is because of one reason and one reason only…you are not creating intrinsic motivation.Intrinsic Motivation is the golden thread that grabs a qualified prospects attention (Whether it’s on a Facebook ad, seminar invitation, radio ad, or email) gets them to meet with you for multiple meetings, then brings them to the point where they buy. How do you know if you are failing with intrinsic motivation? Just answer the following questions: Do you ever lose cases you feel you should close (the prospect was qualified financially, needed your solution, etc.) but simply didn’t buy? Do you ever get frustrated hearing any of the following: “I think we’re okay…” “I’m not interested…” “We’ll get back to you…” “I appreciate your help…this all looks good…but let me think it over.” “I’ll get back to you after I’m back from vacation…” “We’re really busy right now…” If you hear any of those things, you know you aren’t creating motivation on a level that is requisite to close a sale, or move the prospect to the next stage. Using the Presuppositional Selling™ approach we created you can subtly get your prospects to realize that they SHOULD be motivated, and that they need your help WITHOUT you telling them. The secret to Presuppositional Selling™ was discovered in an MIT study that identifies INTRINSIC MOTIVATION as the key to getting prospects to move in your direction, to engage with you and then verbalize those new beliefs about why the need to take action, speaking them out loud. How many more cases would you close if your prospects realized the magnitude of their problem, and that they really needed to take action to protect their wealth, their retirement, their lifestyle, their family, their dreams…AND THEN VERBALIZED THEM TO YOU out loud. If you were able to create this deep level of motivation, of pain, gain, fear or greed…so your prospects were telling you how much they wanted this, instead of YOU telling them why they should want it… wouldn’t you close more deals? Of course you would. And that’s exactly what we’re going to cover on the event September 28 at 11:00 Eastern, 9:00 Mountain. How to HOOK unmotivated, lukewarm, disinterested prospects and suspects…and turn them into buyers.The single most costly mistake agents make is in letting high quality, wealthy and affluent prospects, who NEED their help disappear into the wind because they simply don’t have the skills to FIND AND DEVELOP intrinsic motivation.Have you ever met with a prospect, seen they have a problem, showed them the solution to that problem with an annuity or IUL only to be told ,”this looks good, I’ll get back to you.” A prospe
ct in their comfort zone will fight to maintain that comfort zone no matter how many fancy charts, software graphics or product pitches you show them… They simply will not move until you dig deep inside and find the motivation points and push them or stomp on them if needed to get them to move.Doing anything else amounts to malpractice on your part.Don’t believe me? Well let’s take one of our members Steve who sent me a recording of a call we listened to together. This prospect was ‘highly qualified” he had hundreds of thousands of dollars, he was old enough that he could move the money if he wanted to without penalty, he had already lost $200,000 and HE CALLED STEVE! At the end of this call his prospect got off the phone thinking he was doing okay and was going to have a reasonably happy retirement.Nothing could be further from the truth…Bob’s retirement is a freaking disaster.He’ll probably end up living out his retirement in poverty and leaching off his kids and working a part time gig just to pay the bills while he misses out on all his grandkids Christmas’ because he can’t afford to fly to see them. This is the case with MOST people, they think they are doing much better than they are and all the stupid sales presentations and trainings in our industry do nothing to help them discover otherwise.'Take them to the Mat'We present, educate, and try to persuade, while violating the most important rule of human nature…we don’t go deep enough into the personal emotional reasons for taking action.Here’s the golden rule of Master Closer persuasion (proven by studies from MIT and Harvard):If the prospect doesn’t come to the conclusion THEMSELVES, they will disregard the conclusion. That means all of the fancy graphics, software, and educational seminars in the world won’t move a prospect UNTIL he decides he in fact does have a problem. Yet 99% of the horrible training in this industry is focused around ‘educating’ prospects, ‘presenting information’ and ‘showing numbers’ in the form of illustrations or software reports. It’s no wonder most advisors never make the kind of money they want to or should make.They are losing probably 70% of the prospects because most prospects are neutral.'Personal Impact'“Prospects never show up begging you to solve their problem, they are curious, information seekers who need to be led, ever so sleuth-like, to the intrinsic discovery of the terrible reality of their situation.”That’s why Ethan and I are putting on the most important workshop we’ve ever done.After coaching hundreds of agents, listening to their calls, and seeing advisors lose case after case after case that they should be closing, we realized that discovering and developing intrinsic motivation is the single most costly skill agents are missing. This is the most important skill you can have in sales, and it’s lacking everywhere. And no, this is not about ‘developing pain’ or ‘selling the problem’. Everyone knows developing pain is important to the sale… Yet most advisors try to develop pain by showing numbers, losses, gains, spreadsheets, software, and dollar figures.NEWS FLASH: This type of selling does not create intrinsic, emotional motivation adequate to close most deals. If it did, we would all be closing every deal we presented that showed our numbers are better than what they are currently doing. But we aren’t…How many times have you shown in REAL NUMBERS, tangible, provable returns that prove your prospect will be better off buying an FIA or IUL…but they simply won’t?It happens all the time.These are tactics used by Bungler salespeople that trigger the exact same fatal reaction from prospects who are trying to protect themselves from making a mistake… it’s called the “YEAH BUT” response.'I'm waiting for the market to rebound'Anytime you present, educate, or try to persuade a prospect and it initiates the ‘yeah but…’ response, you are losing money. In order to really create meaningful motivation you must take the prospect not one
or two levels deep, but 6 levels deep to where it affects them at the most emotional and personal level.How will it impact their family, their self-esteem, their happiness, their lifestyle, the people they love the most…until you get to these levels of motivation, you aren’t really moving people as effectively as you should be…and this is why you are losing cases you should be closing.“More than likely just about EVERYONE we talk to has some sort of financial problems that need your help in solving, but because you aren’t equipped with the skills to get past their defenses, the prospect is left in the heap of trouble they are in… and you are left without a sale.”How would you like to know how to grab a prospects interest and pull them in so they say “Well, I’ve never thought of it that way…” or “Yeah, that is something I think I could use some help with….” Or “I guess I need your help on that, don’t I?”In this 4 hour zoom crash course we’ll be covering exactly how to do that in minute detail so you have all the tools you need to get your prospects to find, develop and get emotional about their motivation for moving forward.I’m loading you up with every tool I have in my arsenal to make you a MASTER MOTIVATION Sleuth.We’ve NEVER gone into this much detail focused on finding and going deep into the motivation to move prospects to the sale.In fact, I doubt anyone, anywhere has ever seen this level of sophistication and psychology for finding and developing intrinsic motivation.So when you attend, you’ll not just get the 4 hour session live and recorded you can listen to forevermore…You’ll also get actual tools you can take and use immediately for more profit. Free BONUS #1:The Motivation Foundation PDFSee each level of motivation to make sure you are going deep enough to actually move a prospect to action. Free BONUS #2:The Motivation Foundation QuestionsThis includes over 45 questions in a step by step process to go deeper into personal, emotional motivation. Free BONUS #3:How to preemptively eliminate the “I want to wait for the market to come back.”This objection is DEEPLY rooted in a human’s complete refusal to sell at a loss and our attachment to hanging on for dear life. This is simply REQUIRED content if you want to overcome this most primal human emotion to hold on…Free BONUS #4:The Proof StackI’ll give you the exact prices, stats and proof to show your prospects exactly when the bottom of this downturn will likely be and how much it could cost them to ride it all the way down...but even more importantly, you’ll get bonus #5…Free BONUS #5:The Retirement Danger ZoneGet the slide and script to help prospects understand that waiting to move their money could be the worst mistake they can make with their retirement right now.Free BONUS #6:Motivation Hooks12 different motivation hooks that give you exactly what to say to discover, within seconds, one of the motivations of virtually ANY prospect or suspect. The result of using these hooks will be a prospect saying “Well, I’ve never thought of that, maybe we should talk...” Or “I don’t know the answer to that, so yeah, help me understand that better…”Get registered today.Lost Case Rescue Session For Only $299Here are a few live comments we got from the last event we did in August:
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Sales Page for ​Airbnb Investor Academy by Michael Elefante:​https://archive.ph/9FiTwAirbnb Investor Academy by Michael Elefante Coupon Discount FreeFree Sample Download ​Airbnb Investor Academy by Michael Elefante​https://mega.nz/file/LOJkSYIS#J4PDNQHxCxmtw4zXW7xNK20thTPgwJ0ni2rZ8QIfCqATOTAL DOWNLOAD SIZE: 4.90GBScreenshots ProofsAirbnb Investor Academy by Michael Elefante DownloadAirbnb Investor Academy by Michael Elefante Mega.nz Torrent​Financial Freedom UniversityThe Fast Path To Financial FreedomInvesting in short term vacation rental properties is the fast path to financial freedom. The cash flow and earnings potential is substantially higher than most traditional real estate investment strategies. Just a few properties can set you financially free.Why Short Term Vacation RentalsThe cash flow potential for short term vacation rentals is substantially higher than what traditional real estate investments produce. One, or just a few properties, can produce enough monthly cash flow to set you financially free. With the use of technology and software automation tools, you no longer have to pay a property manager large fees to manage your properties. You can successfully manage properties from a distance, and run them effectively.Where To InvestYou will learn how to evaluate different markets and decide which ones provide the best opportunity for you to invest. Learn which markets are trending in the right direction to provide you the most stable ROI.How To Evaluate PropertiesYou will have access to custom investment analysis templates that will allow you to evaluate potential Airbnb properties. This will give you the capability to confidently distinguish between a great investment and a mediocre one, before ever putting in an offer.How To Set Up Your Airbnb For SuccessLearn how to make your Airbnb property stand out from competition to increase your average daily rate and occupancy rate, therefore boosting your revenue and cash flow. Learn to automate 90% of the day to day management activities.Example CurriculumWhat is Airbnb Investor Academy?    Watch this video! (15:36) Testimonials    Elliott C. Is cash flowing $11k/month with his first Airbnb (3:33) Collin's Experience and How He Cash Flowed Over $3k/month with his First Investment (2:15)Nick's First Ever Airbnb to Cash Flow Up To $6.5k/mo After Seeing Michael on Tik Tok (3:18)Eliot - Had The Mortgage Paid in The First 2.5 Hours of Going Live On Airbnb (UPDATE: $4k Cash Flow Month 1) (7:21)Eliot 7 months in cash flow update ($6,300/month!) (1:12)Kolton's Testimonial (21 Years Old) (4:00)Tyler's Experience on his First Ever Short Term Rental Investment (3:13)Welcome To Airbnb Investor Academy!    Welcome Note (3:58) Meet Your Instructor (9:19)Why Invest In Real Estate (4:54)Join The Facebook Mastermind GroupChoose a Pricing Option$997Airbnb Investor Academy + FB Mastermind GroupThe Fast Path To Financial FreedomLearn the ABC's of investing in short term vacation rental properties. In this course you will learn how to select the right markets, evaluate properties, furnish properties, stand them up on Airbnb, learn how to automate the day to day management, and much more.You will gain lifetime access to the course. You will be able to download all of my investment analysis templates, rental arbitrage, messaging templates, furnishing and budgeting templates, revenue tracking sheet, among other items!You will also get added to the Airbnb Investor Academy Facebook Mastermind group - a private group to network with others across the country, share knowledge, experiences and resources.$8,000Airbnb Investor 3 Month Sprint Coaching PlanFast Track Your Growth To Achieve Your Cash Flow Goals$20,0006 Months Unlimited Coaching & MentorshipDirect coaching from Michael ElefanteOther Available CoursesReal Estate Investing 101A Beginner's Guide To Learning The In's & Out's of Investing in Real EstateMichael Elefante
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Sales Page for ​You2 Master Class by Dr. Price Pritchett:​https://archive.ph/7jmVpYou2 Master Class by Dr. Price Pritchett Coupon Discount FreeFree Sample Download ​You2 Master Class by Dr. Price Pritchett​https://mega.nz/file/SGRC1a4Y#9v17srcZjHEyi-wkTNbs1NIgfceQ4EGbdr-R__ARf9ATOTAL DOWNLOAD SIZE: 3.02GBScreenshots ProofsYou2 Master Class by Dr. Price Pritchett DownloadYou2 Master Class by Dr. Price Pritchett Mega.nz Torrent​you² Master ClassMake a quantum leap in performance$997.00You have what it takes to make a quantum leap to you². Right now. You can make exceptional gains in performance . . .multiply your effectiveness . . .accelerate to a much higher orbit of achievement. But you need to understand this fundamental point:The rules are different for breakthrough!Learn the 4-step Quantum Leap Strategy with Dr. Price Pritchett, one of the foremost experts on fast-growth strategies and breakthrough performance. You will learn:    How to avoid the common mistakes most people make in choosing their goals    How to shape a fast-moving, innovative approach in pursuit of your quantum leap    The critical importance of your opening moves    Why self-coaching is your most important work    How to access the Unseen Forces and exploit the mighty powers of your Big Mind    Why making yourself uncomfortable should make you feel good    Ways to defy personal doubts and resistance to change    Keys steps that can double your odds for success    And much more . . .The 16 tightly crafted videos in the you² Master Class provide piercing insights you can use immediately to design and launch your quantum leap.Visit the you² Master Class pageAccess the you² Master Class video series.Please enter the email address of the person you wish to receive access to the 16 you² Master Class videos, downloadable playbook, digital you² handbook, and digital The Quantum Leap Strategy handbook.
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Sales Page for Grow With Video Live 2022 Recordings by Sean Cannell:https://archive.ph/EC5EBGrow With Video Live 2022 Recordings Coupon Discount FreeFree Sample Download Grow With Video Live 2022 Recordings by Sean Cannell​https://mega.nz/file/TfAggZaA#FmOIvnpNZD4RgcHPEWWlVTPQnY36FJ3gOlGz-AfasjwTOTAL DOWNLOAD SIZE: 22.77GB Screenshots ProofsGrow With Video Live 2022 Recordings DownloadGrow With Video Live 2022 Recordings Download FreeGrow With Video Live 2022 Recordings Mega.nz Torrent Tickets Almost Sold Out!The #1 Conference forgrowing yourpersonal brand with videoI want to go! - Reserve my seat now!Las Vegas - The M ResortMay 23 . 24 - 2022Would you like the highest level of exclusive access to the conference, speakers and special business experts?We are offering extremely limited spots for our Platinum Experience where you will not only get access to all VIP benefits including lunches, Q&As, and more…But you’ll also unlock access to our Business Day – an additional day of the conference entirely dedicated to high level business masterminding. On May 25th you’ll join us and some of the industries most renowned up and coming business experts for next level marketing strategizing.You’ll also get access to meet and greets with our highest level speakers, opportunities to network with speakers, business owners, business sponsors and Think Team members.Click Here to Claim the Platinum ExperienceG.W.V.L. SpeakersWe’ll be announcing more speakers soon! We have a CRAZY lineup for you … can’t wait to announce them soon!GWVL 2022 Speakers (16)    Gary VaynerchukAlex Hormozi & Lelia Grow with video live 2022    Alex & Leila HormoziPatrick Bet-DavidSean CannellRyan Pineda Grow with video live 2022    Ryan PinedaBrett Knutson    Brett KnutsonVanessa Lau Grow with Video live 2022    Vanessa LauHeather TorresThe Rosho LiveChalene Johnson Grow with Video live 2022    Chalene JohnsonJasmine StarAnthony O'NealOmar El-TakroriPat Flynn    Pat FlynnErin On DemandDylan Vanas    Dylan VanasEvan Carmichael    Evan CarmichaelAndrew Jikh    Andrei JikhMatt Bontrager    Matt BontragerJohn Bevere    John BevereJosette Pimenta    Josette PimentaMatt Steffanina    Matt SteffaninaPace Morby    Pace MorbyMatt Bontrager    Sabastian EngesSean Holladay    Sean HolladayBrad Lea    Brad LeaChandler Bolt    Chandler BoltMore to be announced soonSponsorsGrow with video live 2022 locationGrow with video live 2022 hotelGrow with video live 2022 hotelGrow with video live 2022 locationGrow with video live 2022 hotelWill this event be virtual?What if travel becomes restricted?Where should I stay?Who is speaking at Grow With Video Live?Join Us in Las Vegas, May 23-24, 2022Reserve Your SeatWould You Like to Sponsor Grow With Video Live 2022?Our sponsors get the opportunity to get in front of the ideal customers for their product. Get all the information below.Become a Sponsor of Grow With Video Live    © 2022 ClearVision Media, Inc. All Rights Reserved
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Sales Page for ​Social Proof Magic by Sarah and Justin:​https://archive.is/CccInSocial Proof Magic by Sarah and Justin Coupon Discount FreeFree Sample Download ​Social Proof Magic by Sarah and Justin ​https://mega.nz/file/bHB1yJKA#tT3GWrpy88CjCZRNfWzhcLJIQYFcbGmvLwMfh2NMkG4TOTAL DOWNLOAD SIZE: 2.40GBScreenshots ProofsSocial Proof Magic by Sarah and Justin DownloadSocial Proof Magic by Sarah and Justin Mega.nz Torrent​

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Sales Page for ​Skipblast Courses Collection Bundle:​https://archive.ph/TTQhKSkipblast Courses Collection Bundle Coupon Discount FreeFree Sample Download ​Skipblast Courses Collection Bundle​https://mega.nz/file/uOBkxKRL#4kQe6KeqISBGPuqzyyrv9t7b3Cw76NcmiS27RZoyxYgTOTAL DOWNLOAD SIZE: 2.22GBScreenshots ProofsSkipblast Courses Collection Bundle DownloadSkipblast Courses Collection Bundle Mega.nz Torrent​Access to all existing courses + every single course being released for the rest of 2021 AND 2022.
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Sales Page for Almost Passive Income 2022 by Ian Stanley:https://archive.ph/BHxmUAlmost PAlmost Passive Income 2022 by Ian Stanley Coupon Discount FreeFree Sample Download Almost Passive Income 2022 by Ian Stanleyhttps://mega.nz/file/wTcThbAb#uCcax_2iEAyQ53PjFxRE3Dj_UH0RAlGqIGPcHxh7YasTOTAL DOWNLOAD SIZE: 9.59GB Screenshots ProofsAlmost Passive Income 2022 by Ian Stanley DownloadAlmost Passive Income 2022 by Ian Stanley Mega.nz TorrentCreate Almost Passive Income for Yourself at the Second Ever API Live Event...The event will take place April 11th and 12th in Downtown Boise.The price below is good for the first 100 people. It will increase $100 after the first 100 sign up.22 Tickets Left at $300.Event Agenda: Day 1 - Monday, April 11th (9am to 5pm)9am: Introduction and what to expect.9:15am: All the Lies You’ve Been Told About Money (Phase 1 - Ian Stanley)10:00am: First money meditation. (Phase 1 - Ian Stanley)10:30am: Ideal Day Workshop - How to Use Half-Day Discipline to Design Your Ultimate Lifestyle (Phase 1 - Ian Stanley)12pm: How to make millions (maybe) with NFTs and Community NFTs (Phase 1 - Lee Richter)1pm: Lunch2:30pm: The One Minute Meditation to Trigger Instant Flow States. (Phase 1 - Ian and Cam)3:30pm: Mike Abramov - How to get clients and hire writers (Phase 2 - Mike Abramov)4:30pm: How to turn words into money (Phase 2 - Ian Stanley)5pm - 6pm: Optional happy hour party8pm: Comedy showTuesday, April 12th (9am to 6pm)9am: Opening Meditation9:30am: Ian’s Crypto and NFT Strategy for 2022 (Phase 3 - Ian Stanley)10:30am: Ryan Coisson - How to get rich AF with his unique investing strategy (Phase 3 - Ryan Coisson)11:45am: ****Dr. Jeff - How to Create and Join Unbeatable Teams (Phase 2 - Dr. Jeff Spencer)12:30pm: Elite Leadership and Teams (Ian Stanley)1pm: Lunch2:30pm: How to transition from freelancer to Business Owner (Phase 3 - Stefan Georgi)3:30pm: Panel: What to invest in right now (Phase 3 - Panel)4:30pm: How to Develop Your Own Investing Strategy (Whether you’re a millionaire or barely getting by)  (Phase 3 - Ian Stanley)5pm: Finishing meditation and ideal day creation5:30pm ENDPrice$300API IN-PERSON Event Ticket$300API VIRTUAL Event TicketComplete your orderOver the two days we're gonna cover 3 primary areas:     Your emotional and mental relationship to money. AKA your money blocks.    How to develop Exponential Income Skills.    The 2nd day will be focused on ONE core idea - How to make $100,000 a month in ALMOST Passive Income (API). Doesn't matter if you're just trying to make your first $1,000 in API or you wanna go from $50,000 to $100,000 a month.
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Sales Page for ​The Sexual Advantage by Caitlin:​https://archive.ph/rqTiYThe Sexual Advantage by Caitlin Coupon Discount FreeFree Sample Download ​The Sexual Advantage by Caitlin​https://mega.nz/file/1H1AwABZ#nNFjxflmcpdCtFCBFmk4ZyEHO-VcRvth2aM1aIvgDbUTOTAL DOWNLOAD SIZE: 5.84GBScreenshots ProofsThe Sexual Advantage by Caitlin DownloadThe Sexual Advantage by Caitlin Mega.nz Torrent​Join The Sexual AdvantageHere's What You'll Get:    The Sexual Advantage: Weekly Video Calls (Over $12,500 per month in Value)    Original Program High Performance Male: 6 Videos Reveals the secrets, Online Training (Original Price: $6,000)    Work with leading experts and access to the top BDSM, Dating, and coaches on the planet (value priceless)    BONUS: A community of men like no other place on earth    BONUS: So many additional bonuses, they won't even all fit in here! 'I'm not telling you this to gas your ego. I'm telling you this, because I just need you to know that was the most memorable sexual experience I've ever had in my life.'- John F. (from a partner after working with Caitlin)'Every call I've ever had [with Caitlin]... It's just been life changing every time. It's like she knew my girlfriend better than I did. And she's definitely happier. I'm happier.'- Peter P. New York30 Day Money-Back GuaranteeI, Caitlin V, am confident that given enough time, The Sexual Advantage can help ANY man who is WILLING to do the work. In fact I'm so confident, I'm giving you 30 days to decide for yourself.If in the first 30 days 'The Sexual Advantage' Membership doesn't begin to deliver exactly what we've promised... If you find that the videos, coaching calls, masterclasses, community of brothers, bonus content, and 24/7 online forum don't adequately prepare you to be the man in bed... If me, Caitlin V, and my team of master coaches don't adequately pave the way for you to satisfy a woman... and if it fails to help you express your truest, most raw, and real sexual desires without feeling embarrassed, I don't want your money. I'll give it back - no questions asked
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Sales Page for ​YG Affiliate Marketer Blueprints by Yamini Gaba:​https://archive.ph/Z4pFjYG Affiliate Marketer Blueprints by Yamini Gaba Coupon Discount FreeFree Sample Download ​YG Affiliate Marketer Blueprints by Yamini Gaba​https://mega.nz/file/gS9DWR7b#t51UK4b3UiSQje9ddvqfz4QiVCBxCwDTHq1sfF3nz5MTOTAL DOWNLOAD SIZE: 8.71GBScreenshots ProofsYG Affiliate Marketer Blueprints by Yamini Gaba DownloadYG Affiliate Marketer Blueprints by Yamini Gaba Mega.nz Torrent​How to Leave & Quit Your 9-5 Job & Achieve Financial Freedom Even If You Have ZERO Experience'Create Multiple Passive Streams of Income To Say Good Bye To The 9-5 Job & Experience True Freedom'Here Is What's Included:    You Will Learn How To Find The Best Affiliate Products In The Market.    You Will Learn How To Create Your Perfect Affiliate Funnel & Launch It.     You Will Learn How To Set Up Your Email Marketing System To Generate Leads For You On Auto Pilot.    You Will Learn All My FB Organic Marketing Strategies.    You Will Learn All My TikTok Organic Marketing Strategies.    You Will Learn All My YouTube Organic Strategies And How To Get Your Videos To Show Up On Top Of Search Results.    You Will Learn How To Sell Atleast 5 OFA Challenge In A Month. This Is A Special Training Exclusively Done By Sahil Sehgal    You Will Learn How To Build Your Affiliate Marketing Business Using Blogs. This Is A Special Training Done Exclusively By Umer Quereshi.Also Get These Bonuses    Price USDYG Affiliate Marketer Blueprint    $997 One Time PaymentYG business breakthrough Blueprint - 2 Pay    2 Payments Of $500/MonthItem    amount USDYG Affiliate Marketer Blueprint    $997 One Time PaymentEnroll Now For Only $997! Your Card Will Be Charged ImmediatelyHear What Others Are Saying...YES! I AM READY TO GET STARTED
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Sales Page for ​How to Grow Your Instagram by Mahdi Woodard:​https://archive.ph/O98vrHow to Grow Your Instagram by Mahdi Woodard Coupon Discount FreeFree Sample Download ​How to Grow Your Instagram by Mahdi Woodard​https://mega.nz/file/gX0QBB6T#ddXrMl-m8vuVyicvq_R_Ol_FKW9wf1YR15Zbg6TRaloTOTAL DOWNLOAD SIZE: 1.53GBScreenshots ProofsHow to Grow Your Instagram by Mahdi Woodard DownloadHow to Grow Your Instagram by Mahdi Woodard Mega.nz Torrent​Unclear on how to grow your Instagram?You've come to the right place!Instagram is so much more than a Social Media platform. With 500 million daily users, Instagram is the gateway to building meaningful relationships that will last you a lifetime. In this class, you will learn EVERYTHING that I used to gain 25k+ followers in less than a year.NOTE: Purchasing this class grants you lifetime access to the video replay and presentation slides.In this 3-hour Masterclass, you'll learn:    How to create content that the Instagram algorithm loves.    How to build an organic audience that increases your impact and income potential.    How to craft the perfect post to maximize your global reach.    The secrets behind how 3 of my posts helped me gain 1000 followers each in 24 hours.    Tips, tricks, and hacks that you can use in 15 minutes or less to increase engagement.    BONUS: Strategies that I've used to help my clients, and my businesses, generate over 6-figures on Instagram.Interested in learning more about our 3-part Instagram Series?    Part One: How to Grow Your Instagram    Part Two: Content that Converts    Part Three: Pricing Secrets
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Sales Page for ​DMs to Dollars by Mahdi Woodard:​https://archive.ph/ftzsSDMs to Dollars by Mahdi Woodard Coupon Discount FreeFree Sample ​DMs to Dollars by Mahdi Woodard​https://mega.nz/file/5XdxlT4b#8WOuOfz-2xny9RRrYlJSu0qoCQ1yqPYBtti0NpxhhZsTOTAL DOWNLOAD SIZE: 463MBScreenshots ProofsDMs to Dollars by Mahdi Woodard DownloadDMs to Dollars by Mahdi Woodard Mega.nz Torrent​With all the new features on Instagram, it’s easy to get confused and distracted with what to do to grow your brand.So, let’s simplify things:Great content helps get you noticed.  Knowing how to tell a story gets you paid.And telling that story via direct message (DM) marketing is one of the most underutilized tools on social media!So if you’re looking to learn how to turn DMs on Instagram into dollars in your pocket, click the link below and join us for class. In this 90-minute Intensive, you'll learn:    How to create content that motivates your followers to direct message you.    A step-by-step process for organizing and managing your DM conversations.    The top five strategies for converting private convos into paying customers.   Interested in learning more about our 3-part Instagram Series?    Part One: How to Grow Your Instagram    Part Two: Content that Converts    Part Three: DMs to Dollars
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Sales Page for ​Content that Converts by Mahdi Woodard:​https://archive.ph/4KehAContent that Converts by Mahdi Woodard Coupon Discount FreeFree Sample Download ​Content that Converts by Mahdi Woodard​https://mega.nz/file/1WlHmbwT#-GJm4X2B3WAYTZKEvYDd61WgwquIJTL34cMRNo2UjYwTOTAL DOWNLOAD SIZE: 673MBScreenshots ProofsContent that Converts by Mahdi Woodard DownloadContent that Converts by Mahdi Woodard Mega.nz Torrent​People no longer buy products and services. People buy into stories that they relate to, and people buy from people who are authentic and trustworthy.Therefore, the 'best' company doesn't always win, but the people who create the best content most certainly do.Specifically, your content should be used to do three things: spark conversation, build community, and generate commerce.The live event has passed, but the replay is now available for purchase.In this 90-minute Intensive, you'll learn:    The Magic of Storytelling: words, images, and sounds that inspire your audience to take action.    How to use our Three 'C' Strategy to create an abundance of content without experiencing burnout.    How to increase your chances of going viral by using our Secret Research Techniques.    And much, much more!Interested in learning more about our 3-part Instagram Series?    Part One: How to Grow Your Instagram    Part Two: Content that Converts    Part Three: DMs to Dollars
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