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Blessed Beltane! May you bake deliciously, bask in the sun and, enjoy this time of year!
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Has the new moon given you signs?
I fell into a big sickness this week and am just feeling better. But in that I felt I had so much rest and time to recharge. My energy feels new.
New moons are a time of transformation, with this- I have been focusing all energy into plans for worship, deities and, glamour Magick!
Things you can do after / during a new moon ✨️✨️✨️✨️✨️✨️✨️✨️✨️✨️✨️✨️✨️✨️✨️✨️✨️
- connect with a new/current diety.
- find your spark in your worship, or spell work, what is calling to you?
- meditation and rejuvenation. Recharge baby!
- let go of the past, embrace what is to come.
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This full moon, was all about cleansing baby! ✨️
An egg cleanse can really pull perspective into how you've been and how you can heal-but there are so many ways to cleanse. So do what works for you!
I also enjoy a nice cleansing bath for the body and soul- personally for my baths, I enjoy candles incense and essential oils. All about that aroma therapy!🧼
Happy pink moon, friends.🌙
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Are you ready for the full moon this Wednesday? Have you enjoyed your ostara ? ✨️
- I've been baking, cleaning, and cleansing. I made my husband his first pie of spring, black berry - a favorite! I've also started to germinate some carrot and strawberries - I will update more on those as the weeks go on.
The full moon is coming and I am ready to set out water and crsytals, and plan to take a ritual bath to recharge my self, and set my intentions!
Please enjoy this full moon to your own expressions
✨️ moon water
✨️spell work
✨️ rituals for cleansing
✨️set new intentions
✨️ moon bathe
Use books and resources to plan out your perfect full moon moment ✨️
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When I feel stressed, I love to light an incense, and as the smoke bellows and the stick burns down- I imagine my stress melts away with it. For the universe has its plan, God and godess have a path, and all will be well. ✨️
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Bright blessings on this day ✨️
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Good Luck to you to-day. Good Luck to you to morrow. A life all bright and gay. No worry and no sorrow.
Tonight is a night of reflection. Time to wind down and forgive myself for all that was and prepare for all that will be. Finding peace and tranquility as spring arrives. This evening I saw a mother deer stepping out of the edge of the woods. I took it as a pleasant sign, her saying to me "spring is near, rest easy".
May ostara bring you a new day. ✨️
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As ostara begins, I find my self begging again along with it. I find during this time of spring cleaning and cleansing- I too am in need of a deeper connection with the God and godess. To have a fresh start to find healing. During this ostara I will be focusing all my energy on making sure my body, mind and, soul are nourished and properly taken care of.
Using eggshells for cleansing.
Sweeping out any bad energy.
Starting a new grimore.
Lots of inscents.
Deep cleaning my home to make sure it is clean and pure, protected from harm and bad energy.
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I've moved out...and I STILL SUFFER FROM IT. feelings stay it's hard to let go, it's hard to move on..
stop telling people who have abusive parents to “just leave” after they turn 18!!!!!!! it’s not that fucking simple!!!!!!!!!
i’ve been an adult for two years now and i STILL live in this hell hole. you know why? CONTROL. you can’t just walk out of the house and never look back like they do on tv. it doesn’t work that way. you take documents with you (that, if your parents are anything like mine, are locked up tight in a safe), you have to have enough money and a stable job and a place to go (which most victims are unable to get jobs due to mental/physical health or parent control), you have to move all your things out of their name (phone, car, etc). the list goes on. don’t you dare tell an adult victim that they’re just “not helping themselves”. i’m tired of hearing it.
adult victims of abusive parents: your abuse is still valid and i promise you there are those of us who understand and care.
(and before you try and pull the “here’s some suggestions” shit, my doctor has already met with a social worker with me. i’m stuck here for the time being. thanks for your concern but fuck off.)
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reblog sleeping Chaika to get a good night’s sleep tonight
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This is the Jobs Turtle of Good Luck. Reblog to hear back from your dream job
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I’m embarrassed to be in my own skin and my own mind
I’m childish
I’m irresponsible
I’m so fucking attention seeking
I feel like I need validation from everyone
I’ve been told I’m toxic and even though that’s what toxic people do (project onto the victim) it’s constantly leaving me paranoid
What if I’m abusive too
I’ve got a terrible memory what if I’ve done shitty things to people and haven’t even realised
I’m ignorant and stupid
I’ve played the victim card way too much
I make too many excuses for being childish and lazy and horrible and fat and cringy
I expect things to happen when I don’t put in any effort
I’m hypocritical
I’ve got no fucking talent
I’m clingy
I’m over dramatic
I’m horrible
I’m disgusting
I’m literally delusional
I’m a fucking mess
I’m a fucking mess
I’m a fucking embarrassment
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Me 2
welcome to my art studio we have
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paint juice
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dirty boys
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The real reason is that they have underlying anger. They take anger out on their kids. They yell and scream at the little things. They're unhappy with their life style or maybe regret having kids. Yes really. If your parent constantly says "I can't stand all these kids" it's a sure sign. But Lord knows it's something you'd never admit. So they put on the act. They know they have to love their kid. That's the norm. But in reality. Their true colors may not be so loving. And sadly. It's just a fact in this world that..some parents. We're never meant to be parents. But as the child. You have every right and reason to BE BETTER. Love yourself. Connect with others who understand. And rise above this struggle. ...sincerly - someone who's know your quieston all too well..
why does my mom act like she loves me but she hurts me
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if ur an artist, rb this and tag what ur favorite specific thing/feature to draw is. i’ll go first: hands
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