solastnightidreamt · 3 years
though I still love Chronicles of Narnia the older I get and the more I learn the clearer it becomes to me why it would have driven Tolkien completely insane
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solastnightidreamt · 3 years
I was at some kind of party or something and across the room I saw a guy who was very clearly a Marine and he was apparently my dream spouse and we danced together and went home to bone. Afterward it clipped to us on some kind of camping trip and we were hiking through a mountain forest and all of my family was there, like, 20 people at least. We made camp overnight and had a grand ole time partying in the wilderness and out of nowhere we see these lights in the sky like lightning. My twin ran by me firing a flare gun and I could see the fire and smoke in the night sky as explosions began to flash across the forest. After a second it turned day and in the blue sky we saw all these like, asteroids and alien ships hurling toward us. Nothing stopped them and I was holding hands with this Marine as everything collide. Flames and explosions consumed me and the blast destroyed humanity altogether. 
Everything was black for a moment and even through my sleep I literally felt like I was sinking through water and I think that this was the moment where I  ALMOST fell into sleep paralysis. 
I felt my body jolt and tense and I thought that I had woke up but then as my vision cleared I didn’t see my room, I was floating in space looking at the world literally exploding and as I started to turn my head away from the destruction, my room cleared into view and I woke up.
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solastnightidreamt · 4 years
I was at a park doing a fan event thing after Endgame where you got to meet the actors and play games and the event sponsors gave all kinds of memorabilia and shit away. Me and my sister were playing this lawn scrabble type game in teams and Chris Evans showed up and started playing the game with us on my team. It was super fun and cool and then he was flirting with me and I was freaking the fuck out. 
My sister was like 'BRO HE IS FUCKING FLIRTING WITH YOU FLIRT BACK!' so I tried and then when the game was over the judge was like, technically the other team won but.... and all of our team was freaking out and looking at me and Chris because we’d been super competitive while playing and the judge finally said 'but the other team had more players on it so you guys win' and everyone on our team was super stoked. Chris locked eyes with me between all the people and just smiled really big and started walking to me all determined and shit and he grabbed my face and made out with me.
Everyone cheered and my sister grabbed my bag and all the free shit I’d won/been given and I ended up leaving with him.
He drove us to his house in his truck and while we were driving it was a little awkward but I was asking regular questions trying not to be awkward and fangirly. I have kind of bad hearing and he was asking me things but I did not respond because I couldn't hear him. When I realized he was trying to talk to me I tried to turn the radio down to explain that I have bad hearing and somehow I royally fucked up his entire sound system and he just kinda looked at me like REALLY?
I was so embarrassed and felt so bad that I just didn't look at him or say anything the rest of the way there and when we finally parked I said, “You know, I wish I was awkward in a cute, charming way, but I'm not. I'm awkward in the break things and cringey way.” 
He laughed at that and we were gonna go inside but Jeremy Renner was in his garage so we stopped and were talking to him and then we heard a big commotion. We looked around and someone was trying to break into his house so we all ran inside and I asked where he kept his weapons. He said he didn't have any and I was like 'WHY DON'T YOU OWN A GUN?? JFC'. So I pulled out my gun (because apparently in this dream I had a concealed carry permit and kept it my purse with me at all times) and we all hid in his house and a squad of like 5 people came in all FBI style scoping the place to like assassinate him. When the time was right I busted out of the closet and shot them all.
The cops came and it was all brushed under the rug for the media but I was sent away to some kind of safe house while they investigated the people who broke in. I was able to keep in contact with Chris and then it skipped to like 3 months later and I was finally out of the safe house and I could go visit him. 
I got there I let myself in with my key and was walking around and putting shit from my bags away. When I was done unpacking I walked out to the living room and there was a big ass hot tub on the porch right outside and it was full of bubbles so I jumped in laughing and enjoying it. 
Soon after, a little girl about 5 y/o came running through the house smiling and laughing and jumped in with me. She was hugging me and we were talking about how much we missed each other and it dawned on me that this was Chris’s Daughter. Chris finally walked through the living room and saw us and came over to say hi to his kid and when he looked at me I could tell he was conflicted but I didn’t know why. 
He came around to kiss me, not because he wanted to, but because he had to know what it would be like and if it felt right. We kissed and it was powerful and intense and when he stood up he was shaking his head all confused and I stopped him and said, "Chris, you have to figure out what you want."
His daughter turned in my arms and hugged my neck and I said, "I know what I want. I'm holding it in my arms and it's standing in front of me. And she knows what she wants....so what do you want?"
And he looked at me like he wasn't sure. He wanted a family and his daughter loved me but he didn't know if he wanted it all with ME after what I’d done. He didn’t know if he could love me without thinking back to that night. And then I woke up.
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solastnightidreamt · 4 years
I was volunteering for The Oscars for an outreach effort and Ryan Seacrest was hosting. As we were in the middle of trying to raise funds and bring awareness to our cause he stormed back out on stage like Kanye did TSwift. He went on a rant very similar to what Ricky Gervais said about everyone in hollywood being out of touch with what happens in real live and how they’re all fake and useless to society and need to basically fuck off with their moral self-righteousness.
He was dragged out and all the volunteers got to get dressed in fancy clothes and sit in the audience for the rest of the show that was being hosted by a backup host. At one point while I was trying to find a seat in the back of the room some ushers moved me up to the front rows of celebrities because I had nice legs and they’d look good on camera. 
When I got up there there were servers bringing all kinds of food and drinks and my broke ass kept hiding the previous samples under my seat so that they’d give me more food and alcohol. The seat next to me was empty and when someone finally came to claim it it was Chris Evans. He kissed my cheek and greeted me like he knew me, and I shared my hoarded food and liquor with him. We laughed and talked through a lot of the remaining show and then at one point I got up to go to the bathroom. While I was coming back in I was stopped by Laura Dern and she complimented me on my dress and legs and we chatted for a bit about what I do and how I was there before Chris came by and offered to take me back to his home. 
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solastnightidreamt · 4 years
I was in a big field that had like dead vines and trees and almost a swampy feel to it. It was some kind of apocalyptic land and between the decay and root rot there was a sentient plant that had caused all of it. 
Keanu Reeves and I are trying to get around in this wasteland to find something. I don’t know what that thing is just yet, but I know that I’m looking for it and it’s important. As we’re searching it comes to light that there’s a fake Keanu and a real Keanu and the fake Keanu doesn’t have any strengths or powers, which is important if we end up having to fight this sentient plant. I’m trying to figure out if the Keanu I’m with is real or fake, and we’re trying to get around when the jungle we’re in turns into a full blown movie theater. It’s still decaying and filled with vines and bog water on the inside, but there’s still remnants of a running movie theater. I walk into a room and there’s a screening happening but feel like I have to leave and that I shouldn’t be in that room, so I leave and walk through the building and Crocodile Dundee shows up. He puts his knife to my neck and then backs off and takes me with him. Apparently he’s a ruthless vigilante and he drags me around with him while he hunts down bad guys.
At some point my DM for D&D shows up and we start a game. Sam and Dean show up as characters and I start role playing a hunter so I can adventure with them. In the game we’re driving to a hunt and there’s a car stopped on the side of the road, so Dean pulls over and we raid it and there’s weapons and all kinds of shady shit in there so Dean starts stripping it for parts he can use on Baby. 
By the time the game of D&D ends, the character I’ve been role playing has fallen in love with the character of Sam and I decide that my character is going to tell him. Before I can, our DM ends the game and I felt bad that I didn’t say anything. A work friend is there and tells me I should tell him anyway, so I do. He doesn’t answer and I’m sucked through some kind of portal and land in a Starbucks. 
The employees welcome me back and when I look around I find that they’re making a life sized, anatomically correct drawing of me on the main blackboard. The barista asks me what I’d like and I ask for oatmeal, and then he gives me an iced coffee. While I’m standing there someone calls my name and I look over and it’s Rihanna. 
We’re talking from a couple tables away while I wait for my oatmeal and then she asks, “Hey girl, you wanna come over here and untie my shoes for me? I know that’s your favorite part.” 
And I’m like, “Yeah, your’e right. That is my favorite part.”
So I go over and untie her shoes and take them off for her and we’re just chillin’ and she causally tells me, “Hey, you should go. You’re gonna be late.”
I head out and go back to where we were playing D&D and my work friend, Elizabeth, hands me a bag and says, “Hey, I know we have to get to class right now but here’s a gift for you from all of us.”
It’s a belated Christmas present from all 8 of the D&D players and it’s a bunch of Harry Potter shirts. I thank her and leave and while I’m driving to class I am still trying on the shirts and the matching like sports bras that come with them but I can’t find one that fits me so I’m like, driving with my tits out in the middle of the day. 
I realize I’m in a bad spot so I pull off onto a side road to try them on and cover up but it ends up being a tiny cul de sac and there’s a huge Korean family standing in their front yard. They all see me when I drive in and am forced to make a u-turn and at this point I’m gonna be super late to class, so I end up just trying them on while I’m driving. I finally find one that fits and when I walk into class there’s a guy up front that I like. The entire class is playing some type of matching game in order to find him a girlfriend. I secretly hope that now that I’m there that I’ll get matched up with him. 
He’s sitting on the stairs talking to people and the female professor ends up sitting with him and he’s asking her questions like he’s trying to see if she’s his match or not. He asks something about her jean size and everyone starts looking at their jean size tags and I realize that my size is what he’s looking for. I stand up and go and show him my tag and that’s like, the sign that we both need to know that we’re meant for each other. We both stand up and when he leans in to kiss me, I am transformed into fucking Luke from Gilmore Girls. 
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solastnightidreamt · 4 years
I was at an airport and there was some guy that was creepy and stalkery. He was hanging around me and wouldn’t stop talking to me as I was trying to make some kind of transaction at a kiosk. When I walked out he told me to get into the back of his big SUV and like, I felt like he was gonna hurt me if I didn’t and if I did then I’d be able to escape at some point. 
I got in and he was driving through the parking lot. The door was unlocked so I got close to the door and unbuckled and when he neared the exit I decided that when he stopped to wait for traffic that I’d jump out. Well, he didn’t wait for traffic or even slow down. As he turned out of the parking lot and onto the street I opened the back door and he started fishtailing. The car started like, drifting along the road so I was staring down at the asphalt as he drove. 
We were on the main road in the town I live in and we started approaching the traffic light where I would have to turn to go into the neighborhood I grew up in. The light is red but he isn’t slowing down. He veers onto the dirt shoulder to go around the cars and I jump, skidding along the road as he keeps driving. 
I’m bloody and injured but I run through the neighborhood to my childhood home. When I get there David Rose (not Dan Levy- David) is there and my dad's watching some weird like Die Hard mashup movie and Jared Leto is on the screen with no shirt and long black wavy hair. It’s almost like, hypnotic in a creepy, culty, brainwashing way.  
I go into the kitchen and start cooking and rearranging the inside of the fridge when I tell Jake and Cassy about the guy from the airport and how he's managed to text me. I show them a screenshot of the messages where he said ‘I know where you live you little bitch.'
They tell me I’m overreacting and sit me down and make me watch something on his phone. It’s a commercial about Buick relaunching a new and improved version of the classic Riviera. Jason Statham is in the commercial driving and old one, he gets out and is in a suit and then jumps into the new one, gives kind of a not and a wink at the camera and then speeds off in the new version of the car. 
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solastnightidreamt · 4 years
And my dreams are somehow a mixture of both...
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solastnightidreamt · 4 years
Nightmare and snake warning!
I was at home and my family was there. When I walked into my room there was a big, fat snake on the floor. It had like spikes along its back and I freaked out and ran through the house yelling at my family. When I got back to the kitchen they were all very unfazed by it. I kept running around but every time I looked down the snake was getting close to me again. 
I screamed that it was chasing me and that someone needed to help me and get it away from me and my sister said, “Well it can smell your fear so of course it’s gonna chase you.”
Someone picked it up and removed it and I was still trying to calm down. We were all going to leave and I was going to come back with just my nephew to babysit him for a while. 
Everyone was in the living room and kitchen and I ran to the room to grab my jacket and when I got in there the fucking snake was in my room again. I ran out and asked my twin sister to help me, to catch the snake and make sure it was gone that way when we got back I wouldn’t have to worry about a snake with my 2 y/o nephew in the house. She got mad and went over to her purse and pulled the snake out of her purse. My family all grabbed me and held me down while she walked over to me with it. She reached out and put the snake on me and I felt it on my face and it slithering on my head and neck when I woke up. 
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solastnightidreamt · 4 years
My photography partner is also a teacher at the local high school and the district was holding some kind of teacher appreciation events near the holidays where you got to do different kinds of themed obstacle courses and when they were done you’d watch a movie in a big theater with all the other teachers but also some celebrities. The celebs were there before the film started so you could mingle with them and hang out as a treat for being a good teacher and doing the obstacle course. Since my partner gave me his teacher ticket and I’m not a teacher, I got entered into a raffle of sorts to not only mingle with the celebs, but to also have preferred seating for the movie and sit next to celebs. 
The first obstacle course was kind of spooky style and like haunted mansion style and at the end we watched The House with a Clock in Its Walls and Jack Black was there mingling and hanging out. I got to talk to him and we were all speculating what the second movie would be and one of the admins came around and said it was The Princess Bride so of course everyone was stoked.
I did the second course but don’t remember it, and when I was done I started looking for my preferred seat and I ended up in between Justin Baldoni and some other guy that I recognized but can’t remember right now. 
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In waking life I recently started following Justin after watching his amazing TED Talk so I was super stoked to be seated next to him. When I got there they both welcomed me with a hug and Justin was holding my hands and told me that once the movie started we would be given champagne and a blanket so we could cuddle.
Apparently any female entered in the raffle was given like ‘romantic type’ seating so he was under the impression that I was excited because he was hot and wanted to snuggle up to him when that definitely wasn’t the case. While he is hot, I was just excited to talk to him about feminism and kids and life and all that jazz. When I voiced my indifference to cuddling he was super confused and he insisted we play rock, paper, scissors to decide if we would cuddle or not. I lost and just before the movie started someone brought us a large, fluffy, pink blanket and before we sat down a couple of people came by to say bye to me.
The teacher friend who’d given me the ticket gave me a hug and dropped off a bag of goodies with me, another teacher friend waved at me on his way out, and then Jeffrey Dean Morgan greeted me by name and gave me a big hug and kiss. While he was interacting with me it dawned on me that he and I had done some kind of meet and greet with him and we’d spent time together, which is why he knew me. He said bye and implied that we’d hang out again, gave me a kiss and left. 
I got seated again next to Justin and they put the blanket over us as we reclined in our seats and he started to cuddle me and pull me close to him when I woke up. 
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solastnightidreamt · 4 years
This gets straight up nsfw smutty at the end so be prepared for that...
I don’t know why but I manifested in this dream as a blonde white lady. I was a business woman running some kind of organization that had something to do with the fabrication of tech built into the glass windows on big buildings. I was at some kind of conference showing it off and giving a rundown of what our company offered and how this tech would be a game changer in the world of AI and renewable energy. I was discussing package deals with the heads of big companies and we were talking like, millions and billions of dollars of investment. I don’t remember exactly what kind of tech it was but I was about to land a deal when the conference room turned into a convention for casinos. 
The tech I was representing and developing transformed into AI and I started marketing it to the larger reps that were attending. It was some kind of AI to use for table games that would replace the actual dealers. It was like a robot that was ultra-realistic and nearly indistinguishable from a human. It had 4 sensors on the face that could be programmed to change the facial structure, skin color, add makeup, move the mouth with a certain accent, eye color, etc. 
Basically it was super ground breaking because it could be programmed to look like any ethnicity and speak any language, but since it was AI it was also able to slightly rig the games in the casino’s favor. The customization factor was super popular within the Asian market and I was giving a demo when a big storm cloud filled the convention center. 
Through the dark clouds and wind Jason Momoa appeared and came straight up to me. He grabbed my wrist and yanked me into his chest and as soon as he touched me I turned back into my regular self. Not white or blonde or a business woman... just me. 
Jason was like really pissed and almost reminded me of Zeus. His eyes were  full of fury and lightning and I tried to pull away from him but he held onto me and dragged me into the thunder cloud. All the people I’d just been talking to tried to grab me but he pushed them away with some kind of invisible force and then we were both sucked up into the thundercloud. 
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I was scared but he was holding me tight and when the cloud dissipated I realized we were flying. I felt helpless and scared and confused because it wasn’t like, swoony Jason Momoa, it was almost as if it was some weird super villain inhabiting his body. 
We were flying over what looked like mid-western country type states. Lots of farmland washed in moonlight, not that many city lights, etc. At one point it all looked black and he said, ‘There’s the blue one.’ and then we dove down into an area that still looked black to me. He held onto me while he picked something up off the ground and then we took off again before I could ask anything. 
He flew us to a big city and as we were approaching the sun started to rise and was casting glimmering and blinding lights off the buildings so we flew in the shadows of the skyscrapers and approached one. About 10 floors of the building’s windows all merged into one tall opening and the reflective glass on it turned into a blue opaque color before it faded completely and gave way to his home. 
We flew in the open window and as soon as his feet hit the floor the glass became solid again. He put me down and started walking away and through his place and kinda turned to me and said something along the lines of ‘we’ll get you back home when we figure everything out’. I didn’t know what that meant but the way he said it implied that I knew answers to something even though I didn’t, so I was still pretty confused but I was no longer as scared. 
He wandered off in the house and I just rummaged around trying to get my barrings. There was a dog bed off to one side and as I looked around everything was surprisingly small and cozy. It was lived in with books and clothes and shit all kind of strewn about. It wasn’t messy, but you could tell it was lived in and used and it didn’t feel like some villain’s lair, it was just a kinda small apartment. A small, old, black pug came around the corner and right up to me. 
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It was super cute and friendly and I sat down on the couch and was petting it. Jason came back out and offered me a drink. We talked a little bit and he was keeping me there with him until he figured everything out. Even if I didn’t exactly know what was going on or wasn’t able to help him, he’d already kidnapped me and it was easier for him to keep me hostage than it would be for him to release me. 
I don’t know how much time passed (a few days, couple weeks maybe?) but there was a definite time shift and a sort of shift in my mentality and the way we interacted. I remember feeling conflicted because here he was, literally had kidnapped me and was holding me in his apartment, but he was still Jason Momoa and he never hurt me. He was kind, he gave me some extra clothes to wear and we slept in the same bed, he fed me, etc. 
I was getting ready to shower and was naked from the waist down. I had a towel wrapped around my lower half and just a tank top on and was in the bathroom checking the water. The door was slightly open (part of the whole captive thing) and when I took my shirt off he walked in. I covered my chest and he kinda arched his brow down at me and shut the door behind him. When he shut the door it was kind of like a magnetic pull and I was forced to take a couple steps toward him and then he pulled me in the rest of the way. 
He looked down at me with a little grin and I blushed and shied away and looked down and he ducked down to find my eyes and asked if I was ashamed. I nodded a little and he grabbed my head and told me that I had nothing to be ashamed of, and then he kissed me. As we were making out I could feel myself fighting that internal battle of ‘he kidnapped you’ and ‘but he’s Jason Momoa’. We made out and he slowly grabbed my tank top and pulled it away and grabbed my boobs and was mumbling against my mouth how sexy I was and that there was no need at all for me to feel self conscious. We kept making out and I finally gave in. I fucking wanted him and apparently he wanted me. It didn’t matter that I was his hostage. I went full Stockholm Syndrome and was pulling his hair and making out with him when he undid the towel around my waist and I was fully naked while he was still fully clothed. 
The steam from the shower made his hair kinda damp and frizzy and was clinging to my skin while we made out and he touched me all over and then finally he pulled away and told me to shower. At that point I was super turned on and wanted him and he told me to get in the shower and he’d take care of me in a minute. I got in and washed up really quick and then with the door open I could see him doing something out in the other room across from me. He was like typing something at a computer and watching me and I suddenly had a purple dildo in the shower so I started licking my lips and like sucking the dildo then lubed up the dildo and started using it while he kept doing whatever he was doing in the room. 
I was on my back on the shower floor and almost at an orgasm when I stopped and turned over onto my hands and knees and kept going. I felt a hand on my ass and then he got into the shower with me and took the dildo from me. He was just touching me all over and moaning into my hair and telling me every little thing that he loved about my body, fucking worshiping me before he started fucking me from behind. He was grabbing me all over and grunting all deep and sexy and telling me how much he loved me and that he never wanted to let me go. 
I confessed my love for him and felt some sick twist in my gut as I said it but it was true and I wasn’t gonna deny it. Even though he’d kidnapped me I’d still fallen in love with him and finally admitting it was cathartic as fuck. He leaned over me and kissed me and while we were making out he stuck a finger in my ass and my orgasm started welling and I finally came. He kept going and grabbed the dildo and started using it in my vag and lined himself up against my ass and before he could get it in I woke up. 
But like, bros, it was super fucking vivid. Oh my god. I’m missing details in here that I can’t remember/articulate but like I could feel his hair on my palms and feel his tongue in my mouth. I was actually kinda wet when I woke up and my heart was pounding and that Stockholm Syndrome was just SO. FUCKING. POWERFUL! UGH!!! It was fantastic and there was so much depth in the emotions I felt from start to finish. 
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solastnightidreamt · 4 years
Misha was having a dinner party of sorts and he invited me over. It was a little awkward when I arrived because he and I were in some kind of romantic relationship. I don’t know if it was us and Vicki or just us, but no one there knew about it and I had to answer all of the ‘so how do you know Misha’ questions without giving anything away. 
I didn’t really know anyone aside from Misha and Vicki wasn’t there so I was trying to mingle as best as I could when West found me. He and Maison were younger than they are now (they were both like toddlers) and they hated everyone except their parents so when they found me they like freaked out because I was a familiar face and they both wanted to be with me and everyone was like ‘Wow look at you! You’re like a baby whisperer!” And I had to play it off like ‘Oh yeah I’ve given them candy before so they must remember me haha’ instead of saying ‘they know me because I fuck their dad’. 
At one point he was showing some people a piece of furniture he’d recently finished making and he gave me kind of a pointed look when someone commented on how solid it was because apparently we’d had sex on it. There were a few potted plants on the shelves and Misha examined them, picked up a small one, and came over to me with a sweet smile. He gave it to me, our hands tenderly meeting around the pot, and everyone went a little quiet because in this dream giving someone a plant was a kind of marriage symbol. So I took it and just held onto West and Maison and the plant as he continued on with the dinner party and kept shooting me warm and loving smiles.  
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solastnightidreamt · 4 years
I was in a super fancy hotel in Cambodia and was talking to a tour guide about the options for my stay. They gave me some in. I ended up walking across this huge lobby that didn’t have a regular floor, but was a giant pool of glowing blue water. There were white ‘stepping stones’ that you could walk on but they weren’t completely out of the water- they were submerged like an inch or so under the water, so when you were walking across them it looked like you were walking on water but you were really walking on those platform things. 
I was in heels and was concerned about falling off the stones but I just walked calmly and people were looking at me kind of in shock that I wasn’t falling off of them. I made it across and walked out to the front of the building. It was a huge cement patio that overlooked a vast jungle with temples far off in the distance. 
My mom and sister were there and were talking about going on a hike but they couldn’t find the way down into the jungle from this big balcony. As we were looking for it I saw a stray dog off to the side in the jungle off to the left of the balcony. I went over to see it and people warned me not to but when I got there it faded away because it was a ghost. 
I ended up trying to scale down the side of the balcony/patio thing to see if there was a hiking path beneath it but I only got like half way down when I saw a weird frog on one of the support beams. I don’t know how a frog could look troubled, but this one did, so I scooped it up and climbed back up. When I got back to the balcony all of the natives rushed over and were like praying and bowing at me because apparently this specific frog was some kind of omen of a deity and because I rescued it I was blessed with some kind of good fortune.
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solastnightidreamt · 4 years
I was the newest of superheroes a la Vaught (from The Boys) but it was still Marvel/Avengers. We were at an expo and they 'unveiled' me. Sam went out before me and told me good luck and was super sweet almost as if he and I were a thing. When they called me out people went fucking nuts! I got more applause than anyone else had and I was like HOLY SHIT! My superhero name was ‘X’ and Sam and Nat kinda winked at me while they clapped as I joined all of the team on stage. 
They started doing a demo of sorts, showcasing each person's super power. They only got through Cap and someone else when some villain attacked. He was kinda Thanos-esque in his approach and look, but he selected a portion of the audience and it all turned pink and hazy and the air turned into poison so people couldn't breathe it. The like, admins on stage were affected and Vision suffocated in it. 
We all started trying to take him out and save the people in the audience and evac the rest, but he kept moving his toxic haze to different parts of the audience. I was still trying to evacuate people when Cap yelled at me to ‘do it’. 
I flew into the air and made a big like gust of wind shake through the place and all the people that were unaffected flew out of the building. Then I made like a lasso/whip motion with my hands at the villain guy and when I ‘pulled’ my hands back I started separating his body and soul in a similar manner as The Ancient One in Doctor Strange. 
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As I pulled I could see the separation between his mind, body, and soul, and all of his chakras had a color that became more vibrant the more I pulled them apart. Everyone else had been fighting him but as soon as I started pulling he was affected and had to stop his haze in order to stop me from literally ripping his soul and body apart.
I was trying really hard and he started cackling and threatening to kidnap a bunch of the people still in the room. He made a portal and I did my wind clap thing again and all of the civilians in the room made it out safe but then the guy dragged all of the Avengers through the portal. 
When we landed on the other side the villain transformed into a lady and she lived on Jupiter and she was PISSED!
We were somehow able to breathe and survive on the planet but ended up being like hostages. She did something to Clint and turned him into one of her goons so the rest of us were scheming in secret trying to find a way to save him and get the hell off this planet. Even though we were on Jupiter we were on some kind of a track, kind of like a physical representation of the way the planets orbit around the sun. 
She was playing mind games and blinding us but I could still see when the others couldn’t. We were on in her purple haze but then I looked up and saw a palm tree against a pink background. Everything started spiraling and she said that we were on track to merge with the larger pink gas planet on the same track. It was all very similar to the Willy Wonka tunnel and then we got like sucked up into the tornado that joined the purple haze we were in with the pink one. 
When we merged everything turned into a 1950′s style home and we managed to trick her somehow and take her captive. We just left her there and made her reverse her weird spell on Clint, then had her make a portal back to earth. 
When we landed back on earth I ended up in a different time than I was supposed to, so I was standing in the front yard of my childhood home and was watching my oldest sister pack things into the back of my dad’s old suburban. She was moving out and I was still the superhero version of myself but since I was in the wrong time I like inhabited my 10 year old body. She was packing clothes and shuffling around in the garage and she handed me a dress that I was meant to wear for some fancy event. She got really judgy and told me I’d need different shoes and I pointed to a pair that was with her stuff and asked if those would work. She scoffed and reluctantly gave them to me and continued packing. 
I was standing there with the dress and shoes in my hand and then I heard Sam’s voice say my name then I woke up.  
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solastnightidreamt · 4 years
I was on some kind of game show about telling the truth but you didn’t win any money so I don’t really know if it could be considered a game show. Anyway, I was standing on one side of a little wall divider and someone was standing on the other side and they moved the divider and it was some guy I knew in high school. The host asked us if we ever had crushes on each other and then the divider went back up. I answered honestly and said yes and then when they revealed our answers he had said that he also had a crush on me. 
They asked why we never told each other/dated and we both agreed it was just a crush. We didn’t have the same friend group, we had different interests, and we were both too shy to reach outside of our comfort one. The host asked if we still liked each other and we both kinda thought for a second before saying yes. We coupled up and left the show and set a date where we could sit down and talk and catch up and hopefully start dating. 
After leaving the show I was sitting with my twin and she was talking about a teacher we both used to be fucking madly in love with. He was a client of hers so she saw him fairly often and she was telling me that every time he came into her work that he would flirt with her. I don’t remember exactly what she said he would say to her but it was all very flirty, compliments, very clear innuendos, etc. He'd ask her about her personal life and ask where she was going after work and she'd just say she was going home. 
I told her that she was stupid and needed to flirt back because it was obvious that he wanted to fuck her. She wasn’t so sure but I told her that next time he asked where she was going to say 'Wherever the wind takes me. I'm up for the ride' so that he'd get the hint that she was into him and open to hooking up (even though she’d been his student in the past).
Even as I was telling her all of this I was super jealous, but he wanted her, not me, and there wasn’t really anything I could do about that. 
We migrated from where we were and ended up chillin’ on a bed in some big, open room. She kept talking about him and I was lusty and jealous but she got up and left. I was laying there kinda mad about the whole thing and then, of course, this fucking guy showed up in the doorway. He was breathing hard and was clearly aroused and looking for her. We locked eyes for a moment and I thought that maybe he might change his mind and say he wanted me, but he didn't. He looked at me like a kid and it made me bitter and angry and fucking sad, and he turned around and walked away to go find my sister and then I woke up.
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solastnightidreamt · 4 years
My dnd group was having a game but for some reason it was in the afternoon/evening instead or morning and we’d merged games with another group so we had like 10 players instead of 5. There were a couple people I know that had joined for the game and there was one chick who joined that I kinda hated and I asked our DM why she was there and he just kinda shrugged. We were all getting settled and passing around food and drinks and things and he just kinda sat there waiting for all of us to shut the fuck up so he could start the game. I felt pretty bad about it because he’s such a patient man but he was clearly irritated that he had to wait to start the game. And that he had to build the game for 10 people instead of 5. It was intense and I don’t really remember what happened in the game but when it was over someone suggested we go to this concert that was free so I said yes and we started loading our shit away and getting ready to go. 
Jake was skyping in to game with us from his place in LA but when we were getting ready to leave he showed up and asked where we were all going. I told him and he said he wanted to go so we went out to my car and it was a 67 Impala (two door). Jake went to the driver’s seat and I scoffed and told him ‘Uh, this is my car and I’m driving it, thank you very much.’ so he conceded and sat in the back while Christian (one of our dnd guys) sat shotgun. As we pulled out of the parking lot and onto the road the wheel was SUPER HARD to turn. It was taking like all of my arm strength to do it and I was struggling really bad. I told Jake that he might have to drive after all because the car was out of power steering fluid and I wasn’t sure if I was gonna be able to make it all the way to the concert venue. 
As we were driving I kept thinking I was gonna hit things around me because like I had to turn wide because the car is a fucking boat. So I was like panicking about the turns and how close things were to me on top of having a hard time with turning the wheel. And to top it all off the brakes were only like half breaks so I wasn’t really slowing down for much of it. Every stop sign I kinda glided through and I was flying through turns and just not as in control of the speed as I wanted to be, as if the car determined what speed it wanted to go and I was fighting against it.
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solastnightidreamt · 4 years
I had a brother and he was like wrongfully imprisoned for something. Instead of being in like a regular prison he was in some weird like housing complex that was guarded the same way prisons are. So he was able to have his own home and like cook his own food and have visitors and such, but the exterior of each little house was monitored and there were guards on patrol 24/7. 
I was there visiting and cooking dinner with him. We were hanging out and it was sweet, if kinda sad, and we both were just like ‘it is what it is so let’s make the most of it’. My sister showed up and it started out okay but then she was just really shady and judgy and like looked down her nose at our brother and was treating him like garbage. He just took it but I got pissed and was like FUCK THIS. So I plotted with him and managed to sneak him out of the house and through the compound and facilitated his escape. He was scared and kept saying that I didn’t have to do it but I knew he was innocent and didn’t belong there so it didn’t matter to me. As long as he was free, I’d be okay with whatever happened next. 
So the guards ended up coming and my sister was a total bitch and said that there was some kind of fight and that he’d attacked us and escaped and he needed to be caught before he attacked anyone else. I kept vouching for him saying that she was wrong but the guards believed her, of course. But then instead of letting us go (so I could find our brother and harbor him to safety) they fucking locked us down and put us in the prison as a safety protocol. They held us there as if we were prisoners and my sister continued to complain about how we were innocent and our brother had attacked us before he escaped but deep down I knew the truth (that he was innocent in everything he’d been accused of) and that was all that mattered. 
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solastnightidreamt · 4 years
I was moving out of a funky old house and helping my friends move into it and while John and Jennifer were in the room unpacking I was in the living room with Jake and Alvin and Alvin asked “Hey, so do you still have those potatoes?”
And I was all stoked and I said, “Hell yeah, man, I’ve got three kinds!”
And my conscious self kinda laughed at the enthusiasm with which I said that lol.
We left them to unpack and the three of us took off on some kind of journey but we were riding on horseback. We stopped in the middle of the desert to camp for the night but there were some thugs there saying that we had to pay to camp. While the guys talked to one of them I started setting up camp, but the other thug came over and pulled out a glass revolver. He handed it to me and insisted I help him fix it but even as he handed me the gun I felt like he was gonna shoot me when I gave it back to him, so I smashed it on the ground and woke up.
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