something2myself · 4 years
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High Fidelity. it’s an another ‘before sleep’ series. actually i firstly watched the movie of this book?? then i saw there is a series with same name. scenario of both is coming from the book. so they are very same in many way. but ofcourse i prefer the Zoe Kravitz version. she is a queeen.
let talk about subject. there is a women who named Rob. she has a record shop. she is talking about her failed relationships and she is trying to find why she is always unsuccessful about them. now i’m thinking and i guess i just liked the vibe of Rob. all this clothes, music taste, aesthetic... i don’t know. subject was interesting too but i wasn’t fall in love because of the subject . i was in to the vibe. this is the truth. if you need an update for your vibe and to check everthing is okey with your music taste you should definitliy watch it again.
best songs that i realized ‘Modern Love-Bowie’ ‘The Man Who Sold The World-Bowie’ ‘Lonely-Swamp Dogg’ ‘Come On Ellien-Dexys Midnight Runners’ i think that is it.
28-09-2020 14.44
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something2myself · 4 years
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i can’t even calm down when i choose the photos. this drama... blows my mind and heart. the director knows his job very well. i laughed, i cried as if i lived those moment, this love. i always watched before sleep. cause everyone was sleeping and i was alone in my ‘something in the rain’ time. it was everything to me that 5-6 days. then i finished but my heart could not forget. i won’t let my heart forget this drama. 
let me tell you why. i watched soooo much drama with the theme of love. but this one was made me feel different than others. i felt like ‘i think i’m watching the true love’ i know why i felt like that. because of shooting technique. the director showing us everything in that two persons life. even a water drinking scene can be 1 minute and can tell some much thing without words. this little things told me this is real life, this is real love.
ofcourse there is a song make perfect the drama. Stand By Your Man-Carla Bruni and a supplement Save The Last Dance For Me-Bruce Wilis
probably i messed the drama when i am explaining but if you forget, just give a try. you won’t regret i promise. and if you remember please watch again to bless yourself?
28-09-2020 02.22
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something2myself · 4 years
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this is the drama makes me built this blog. i just wanted the remember how i feel when i watched this drama and the others. name of this drama is My Mister. i just started this drama for IU. but then i understood this drama will give me a different perspective. it did. probably i won’t remember exactly without watching. anyways. i will do it anyway. 
my favorite quote is “all humans have self-healing abilities” it’s from last episode. cause i just watched last episode. and there is an another one from random episode “everyone struggles for their whole life, trying to have things” what a perfect determination. i just remember this “one you know someone... once you really get to know someone, there comes a point where you don’t care what they do.” amazing.
this drama make me feel the life. i started to feel the life again with ji an. i felt the life i’m in. i think this is summary version of what i felt. i hope it is. i don’t want to skip something special to me.
this drama gave me another special thing. a song. A Million Roses-WOORIM KO. i don’t even want to think that i forget this song but i want to add. this song is giving me so much emotion no reason. that much emotion makes me dizzy. this is the first time i said dizzy by the way.
28-09-2020 01.38
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