space--tango · 7 years
I think her name was Micara . . .
I had a nightmare last night that actually had me convinced that I was possessed by a demon.
It was really extra bad. It took a lot for me to convince myself that I wasn't actually possessed by her, and I think I was just awake in my bed violently shaking from two to three o'clock this morning repeating her name to myself, but I can't even remember it now. I just know that it started with an "M." When I finally managed to fall back asleep, she was there again, and I woke up in a cold sweat and an instant panic attack, and I had to convince myself that I wasn't possessed all over again.
I want to say her name was Micara, but that doesn't sound right to me. I hate that I can't remember it, but I think I'm subconsciously blocking it out to protect myself, which doesn't make any sense because I can remember everything else.
Her fingernails were silver and sharper than razor blades, her lips were blood red, her hair was blindingly white and ridiculously long, but her eyes were a startling crystal blue. She was beautiful. She was a paler than the moon, but she was breathtakingly beautiful. She wore a long black dress made out of delicate lace, and it clung to her body as if somebody had painted it directly onto her skin.
She would seduce all of these men, which was easy because she was a gorgeous demonic goddess. She'd tie them up in their bed sheets, and then she would go down on them, but while she was giving head, she was sucking out their souls through their dicks, and then she'd bite the damn thing off and eat it. That's how she sustained herself. The souls of the men she consumed burned in her crystal blue eyes, and the blood of all the dicks she ate permanently stained her lips red.
Honestky, what the fuck even is my subconscious at this point? 👻
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space--tango · 7 years
~ i n s a n i t y ~
eighteen years of pain bleeds through my hazel eyes a shell of what a human used to be
scarlet teardrops stain my cheeks threads of darkness rip my chest open wide silent screams pound against the drums in my ears
you stained your thumbs red the very first day you wiped away my tears but you couldn’t ignore the hole in my chest
a gentle kiss was placed on my cracked lips to seal a dozen empty promises all were broken before they had the chance to be kept
I drowned in the poison from your lips the taste of your tongue I allowed myself to become an addict once more
my favorite drug will always be the mind shattering pain of serving my too big heart on a silver platter
I’m addicted to the worst kind of pain my numb emotional walls crumble forcing me to feel alive when I’m dead inside
you promised to crush it with your fist closed around my weakest muscle but I still let you rip it out of my chest
I willingly surrendered my heart to you I watched as you squeezed effortlessly until it popped tainted blood swallowed your hand whole
a black lump of ice hardens in my chest the hole where my heart should be
a stone cold statue of your fist the darkness begins to boil melting the ice to fill my lungs
I can no longer breathe I’m choking on the anxiety pouring out from the hole where my heart used to be
it was already bloody and bruised when I willingly surrendered it to you there’s nothing left to beat life into me
I only have myself to blame you promised me that you’d break it I deluded myself into thinking you wouldn’t
two broken souls collided in space but they did not become one
the damage was clear from the beginning the pain of our obvious mistakes why did we think it would be different
hope is a fool’s drug but humanity is addicted chasing after nightmares instead of dreams
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space--tango · 7 years
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Sonnet #13: The Mannequin in the Shadows I’m simply an outsider looking in. They can’t see that I live in the shadows. I am simply a lifeless mannequin - a stiff, plastic smile hides all of my woes. I watch them thrive in their beautiful world, but I’m an invisible parasite. I steal in hopes that my heart will uncurl, but I fear that I’ll never be alright. They do not care about my wretched pain - they cannot see past my stiff, plastic smile, but I willingly stand in acid rain. I melt, but my lips still stretch for a mile. My weak voice has been forever silenced, all I have ever known is violence.​
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space--tango · 7 years
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Sonnet #12: Pride
Hey, you! Have you heard? I am a sinner, but I stand proud - you can call me a fool. How can you look yourself in the mirror? Proudly, I think, but hate has made you cruel. But isn’t that what this is all about? Undeniable pride for who you are! You can shout your sermons. Go ahead - SHOUT! I am proud to be my own shining star. My love will continue to triumph hate. I will come out on top victorious. The news you shout from you lungs are all fake. Kindness creates courage - it’s glorious. I am a proud pansexual pirate. Hate bleeds from your tongue, so please be quiet.
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space--tango · 7 years
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Sonnet #11: The Fine Art of Cute Ass Panties When you're feeling low, lower than the floor, a lacy piece of floss will cheer you up! Some people may think that you are a whore, but they just envy your thongs and makeup. Granny panties are food for depression, but lady floss will soothe anxiety. You may even have a new obsession, drawers busting with every variety! Cute panties will surely boost self-esteem, they are a little something just for you, unlike saggy undies that make you scream. Those will make your plump ass say, "MOO MOO MOO!" Cute ass panties make your pants a party, let's just hope that they don't get too farty.
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space--tango · 8 years
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Sonnet #10: Spooky Fridays The sun had long since fell on the thirteenth, a Friday, it was, jokes may have been told: Jason did not rise from river beneath, Slenderman was not hiding as we strolled. My friend, it was a small celebration, upon a bridge of magnificent lights. An overdue Kroger graduation . . . neither of us dared to fear life’s high heights. The bright, heart-shaped moon gazed down on our souls, "I’ll listen to your hopes and dreams," it said, "the stars and I, we’ll help you reach your goals, for you’re quite far from the eternal bed." The two of us, we are unbreakable, though life’s turmoil is unbearable.
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space--tango · 8 years
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Sonnet #9: Sticks and Stones I’ve certainly butchered this simple phrase, but I will write the timeless words: Thank you. I promise, it’s no lie, you deserve praise. You saved me from my darkest shade of blue. Unconditional love and acceptance - you gifted me patience, my dear old friend, anxiety did not stop our new dance, for reasons I still cannot comprehend. You endured nights of misery with me, you held me - a bruised, broken skeleton - determined for me, there you’d always be. Good intentions were always genuine. Recent comments may have left a bad bruise . . . my Ohana, thanks for being my muse.
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space--tango · 8 years
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Sonnet #8: Lameo Sharknadtopus' Sonnet Many of these things I have tried to write, but it seems silly to compose one now. You've been my light shining ever so bright, so now, I'm asking you to take a bow. A simple "thank you" just isn't enough, my lame Romeo, words do not equate. You have always believed that I am tough - You have showed me strong love opposed to blind hate. You are my partner in this space tango - that is a certainty you cannot change. We'll dance together wherever we go. Our relationship will always be strange, but you'll always be my very best friend, so I refuse to let this be the end.
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space--tango · 8 years
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Sonnet #7: You Taught Me How To Love Motorcycles It’s true, what they say, how could it not be? You miss them more once they’re already gone. Just one more, that’s what you always told me, hugs for the road as we stood on the lawn. I’ll never forget your laugh, or your smiles, the Sci-Fi movies that both of us love, your motorcycle that we rode for miles, memories we made, precious like a dove. There’s not a single one that I’ll forget, the one’s unmade are stories to be told. Tears might be falling, don’t worry, don’t fret, it’s never too late to go look for gold. Your love will always be held in my heart, I really wish we didn’t have to part.
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space--tango · 8 years
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Sonnet #6: Dear Irate Customers I realize that my job is not that great, but that does not give you any excuse. For all the extra time you had to wait, or maybe you just could not find some juice, but that still does not give you any right. I am only human, I don't make a rule. You can still yell and yell with all your might, but that, quite simply, makes you rather cruel. I can do no less than my very best, I only ask you treat me with respect. Regardless, I must treat you like a guest, even if you continue to neglect. My job, you see, quite literally blows. Sincerely, you all, my name tag says Rose.
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space--tango · 8 years
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Sonnet #5: He Calls Me "Kiddo" When I first met him, I had not a clue. Black tees and khakis were all I could see, but then he came ‘round, there when I was blue. He wanted to be there for plain, old me. He did deny that he was sweet and kind - I saw through that frosty exterior. His words never ceased to blow my blue mind. In his own way, he made me cheerier. I couldn’t say enough "thank yous" to him - he was a friend, thought I didn’t deserve - faux fiance - better than a has been, he helped me to settle my anxious nerve. He never agreed that he was a sweet, but I'm glad that we had the chance to meet.
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space--tango · 8 years
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Sonnet #4: Let's Get Sirius How does one begin to compose "thank you?" Those two little words will never be 'nuff. All the times you were there when I was blue - reminding me that I was some hot stuff. I've spoken useless, mediocre words - none of them even begin to come close. You were there for me . . . Us - a pair of nerds. You told me, "Rose, sometimes life really blows." So we'd chuckle while watching our Potters, the best medicine being our cuddles. All those other twats were just some rotters. You helped me wade through all my troubles. I s'pose this is the end of my sonnet . . . Siriusly, thank you . . . Please, don't pawn it.
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space--tango · 8 years
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​Sonnet #3: Link! Link! Who in Hyrule do you think you are? Smashing all my pots with that Master Sword! You think that just because you've traveled far . . . You have to learn - it's okay to be bored! You'd think that the green hero from our land would have a rather fat stack of rupees! You steal mine to save meals from being bland! . . . hope you never find any temple keys . . . Seriously! Those pots are not that cheap! That sword of yours may be rather fancy, but my worn pockets are shallow - not deep! Would you rather practice necromancy? You have slain a plenty of Bokoblins, why not make them rise from their pine coffins?
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space--tango · 8 years
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​Sonnet #2: Yzma - Voldemort Oh, Yzma, is that you? Can it be true? I've been searching for you for years and years, only to find that you've been in Peru. My twisted, dark soul now thrives in bright cheers! You dirty, filthy Squib, now home at last . . . You were foolish to think that you could run . . . I am Tom Marvelous Riddle, The Sass! My seven-piece-horcrux soul will have fun, you see, I have been waiting for this day. You were beyond foolish to flee from me - Lord Voldemort always catches his prey. Yzma, you had your chance, don't try to plea. Here I dance on my tip tappity toes! Never again you'll say I have no nose.​
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space--tango · 8 years
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​Sonnet #1: Why do you always do this, Princess Peach? Why do you always do this, Princess Peach? Bowser has you in his clutches once more - after all those lessons I tried to teach! Saving you from him is truly a bore. He's locked you away in his stone castle, powered by mushrooms, I fight my way through. Saving you is truly quite the hassle, but to you, my heart will always stay true. For just a moment, I'm invincible before all my power fades as I shrink. You make me feel like such an imbecile! You make me so mad - I can't even think! I shall not save you again, I confess . . . Curses! I cannot resist that pink dress.​
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