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eagerly awaiting the reveal of what political science 101 concept is she going to stop the plot to teach middle schoolers about. we got bread and circuses we got the extended work on thomas hobbes my money is on haymitch starting this book as an objectivist and having to unlearn that in the face of true struggle
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sometimes my Beloved Mutuals will rb a post about a certain character archetype and i will have to physically restrain myself from saying “yeah you would say that wouldn’t you”
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(not my tweet but i can see the vision)
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why don't people in zombie apocalypse stories ever just wear suits of armor? you think any zombie is gonna get their shitty rotting jaws through this?
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I'm gonna rip and tear my way through the zombie apocalypse completely unharmed because none of the undead hoards will be able to get through my plate mail
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I referred to something as a "real Darmok and Jalad at Tanagra moment" in conversation with someone who has never seen TNG, and let me tell you, that was a real Darmok and Jalad at Tanagra moment
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STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION (1987-1994) “Data's Day” | S04E11
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Nichelle Nichols, 1966. 
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Happy Pride Month
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For those who don't know, I'm a middle school teacher that has been out of a job for a while now. I get by by working freelance as a translator and text editor, but the our financial situation is always precarious due to me having to provide for 4 people and our pets. For a few months now, I've been doing deliveries on the side using my motorcycle, since the money from commissions and my mom's hospital job haven't been enough, and since our expenses have gone up due to my sister needing her Crohn's medication and my father getting his bank account frozen due to a shit ton of debt.
Unfortunately I got fleeced by an automechanic shop owner a while ago who lied to me about replacing the engine oil on my motorcycle, and it caused severe engine damage to my bike, cutting off one of our sources of income. Without my bike, not only I can't do deliveries, but I also can't take my mom to work or my sister to college or to her nursing school, further increasing our expenses.
I really need to fix my bike's engine as soon as possible, but it's gonna cost me (IF I'M LUCKY AND THEY CAN SALVAGE ENOUGH PARTS) AT LEAST 3000-4000 reais (577-789 US dollars). I simply can't afford this kind of money right now.
I hate asking for money, especially when it isn't for a medical or food emergency, but my motorcycle is one of our main sources of income, and we cannot get by without it. Please, any amount of money would really help us. I'm working overtime on commissions right now but I can only earn if there are enough jobs available, and I'm not sure how long it's gonna take me to save up enough to fix my engine considering most of that money is going to go to our house bills and my sister's meds.
p*yp*l: [email protected] PIX: 11 94801-6032
0/700 USD
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I was listening to an interview that Alexander Siddig did with Trek Geeks and this man said that he stayed up so late playing video games in the 90’s, and was so tired all the time on set, that the producers staged an intervention and were like “We’re going to support you no matter what your answer is but: are you on drugs?”
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gotta respect the technique
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My beautiful child died because of the war. R I P
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My first child died due to lack of food, and now my wife is pregnant, and I hope you will save her so that she can be born in a safe place.. My child was one year old. He could not bear hunger and thirst. He began to suffer from dehydration in his little body. Until the disease worsened and he was unable to breastfeed from his mother because his mother suffered from malnutrition My child lay in the hospital for three days in difficult conditions. The hospital did not have a bed for patients. My child slept on the floor and could not bear it and died because of the war
My child was very beautiful and always loved to laugh and play. I remember in October, two days before the war, it was his first birthday I am so sad because I will miss my baby I always see the pictures of my child that I take on my phone and cry every day
I cry every day for my child who died. My wife is pregnant with my second child, and I hope you will help me leave the Rafah area. We are being bombed every day. This morning 17 people died next to my tent, and I'm afraid for my family You can support my family through the link Your donation will make me start a new life
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i think this is my favorite interaction in tng
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okay you know those virtual science labs they made you do in high school?
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i bet they’d have mad science versions at evil high school
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As of now, there isn't a Gofundme. Let's ask the following organisations to evacuate this child to safety:
Doctors Without Borders [Website / Instagram / Twitter]
Palestine Children's Relief Fund [Website / Instagram / Twitter]
Medical Aid for Palestinians [Website / Instagram / Twitter]
Palestinian Red Crescent Society [Website / Instagram / Twitter] (you should also message Red Cross)
The Egyptian and Qatari governments (especially if you're a citizen of either country)
Please message them on social media and their websites.
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Throughout the first five months of the war, both my big sister and my sister in law had been pregnant. They had to endure constant displacement and unspeakable horrors on top of pregnancy discomforts. The few times I was able to reach my sister, she would keep praying not to go into labor before that nightmarish reality ended.
Sadly, things did not go her way. The war was raging when she gave birth to beautiful baby Ossama, and it still is ongoing. Almost at the same time my brother and his wife had sweet baby twin girls, Ritaj and Rital. The three little angels are rocked to sleep by the sound of bombs and buzzing drones instead of lullabies. Due to the unsanitary conditions in their tent and formula scarcity, the newborns have been constantly suffering from acute respiratory infections as well as slow weight gain. The only medical care they were getting was that of an overcrowded field hospital with limited resources, and even that is now denied to them as my family has been forcibly evacuated again from Rafah to Khan Yunis where nothing is left but rubble.
As you may well know, many babies in Gaza are lost while waiting for consideration. The doctors previously insisted that the little ones would fail to thrive and fully recover if they stayed in the same unhealthy environment.
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Despite everything, these babies are a source of hope and strength for us. Please don't let them fade away. My family is barely holding on for their sake and that of their older brothers and sisters.
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We would be forever grateful for any kind of support.
Please donate if possible and reblog as often as you can 🙏
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