spacelyspace · 1 year
brief list of things I have loved about hannigram’s prison scenes so far in no particular order: 
the way they switch from Will’s side of the glass to Hannibal’s once Hannibal’s influence becomes more powerful
the overlaying of ghost-image reflections
the fact that literally everyone else who visits Hannibal just goes there to annoy, taunt, insult, dissect, use him, etc - but not Will
the brilliant use of Memory-Palace to let them both escape the four walls, walk right through that pane of glass
everyone who visits Hannibal comes with a game-face and agenda but Will can’t; he can’t repress his emotions, his heart’s on his sleeve; he’s the only one who gives Hannibal genuine emotion. He’s still naked before him
he knows he’s wearing insufficient armour but he goes anyway
but it hurts because professionalism and distance is the one thing Hannibal doesn’t want from him
Will acquits himself so fucking well compared to everyone else he maintains his dignity even when Hannibal is playing mind-games (even if he hates his attempts at disinterest damn I bet Hannibal admires this about him)
he must be the only person to show Hannibal deference or respect in three whole years??
the way Hannibal moves in relation to Will and always as close to the glass as he can get
the way Will doesn’t acknowledge (or even seem to notice) when Hannibal’s cell is emptied as if he only sees Hannibal, the actual physical objects around him, the exact conditions of his incarceration, are so completely irrelevant as to be beneath his notice (this is exactly what Hannibal would hope for; Mr Escapes-into-his-memory-palace. His beloved Will, the one person it would most kill him to be undignified in front of, doesn’t even see any indignity. What indignity? It’s Hannibal. Dire circumstances cannot diminish him. A tiger in a dank cage is still a fucking tiger.)
the way every scene begins with Will being as hard as he can but ends with him softening towards Hannibal and you can see him changing
Will talks to his wife and his child and his boss without gaining any comfort, keeps his rage bottled up… to show it to Hannibal, who can accept it… 
he remains spitting mad … until he’s under Hannibal’s tender ministrations. This is the guy that caused all this mess in the first place and he’s utterly unrepentant – but half a minute of gently murmuring in his ear and Will is quieted
how Hannibal’s voice changes suddenly as he’s talking about what the Dragon means to Francis, like he’s actually talking about what Will means to him: freedom, shedding his skin (i.e. casting off the current unsavoury trappings that confine him, like escaping the walls of a prison cell), the sound of His voice, his own reflection (cut to Will seen through a dark pane of glass, as in a mirror).
Will feels terrible, he’s distraught, he’s pushed into a corner, he’s dangling on a hook; he wants to feel better, he wants to feel good … and the one he goes to is Hannibal. Hannibal is the only one who can give him solace
the subtle shift from ‘you did this to me’ to ‘this fucking dragon thinks he can get away with this!!’ and Hannibal actually being the sympathetically-murderous ear. There’s a change from you + him against me to you + me against him. They go back to an ‘us.’ And there’s no Jack Crawford or Bedelia du Maurier or Alana Bloom standing in between them now!!
Hannibal being so fucking audacious with his manipulations again tho like he already knows Will feels good killing bad men and now he’s given him a very personal reason to want to kill this particular bad man, and set himself up as the only way he has to get at him and get that good-feeling again it’s like Will is an ex-alcoholic and Hannibal’s just given him a sip of beer and then said oh by the way I run the only bar in town. 
*and probably like a hundred other things I’m too overwhelmed to remember*
I JUST ???
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spacelyspace · 1 year
watching Hannibal is so fucking funny bc everyone sees will and is like “nice to meet you, I hear you’re fucking insane” and Will’s just like “yeah :/”
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spacelyspace · 1 year
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spacelyspace · 1 year
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spacelyspace · 1 year
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Hannibal 2x13 - “Mizumono”
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spacelyspace · 1 year
ok i get that the "hannibal despises rudeness and yet fell in love with the rudest person ever" trope is funny and all
but it kinda makes me uncomfortable because at the end of the day, it's just not true
will is honest and assertive. he's snarky and passive aggressive. he avoids people in general. but that's not what hannibal is referring to when he talks about rudeness.
he couldn't care less about social etiquette and whatnots.
when hannibal mentions rudeness he's talking about intentions, actions and consequences.
will is meticulous. he doesn't improvise. he plans every action. that's the opposite of rude in hannibal's terms.
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spacelyspace · 1 year
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mentally he's gouging her eyes out
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spacelyspace · 1 year
my headcanon is that will knew hannibal was in love with him and just wanted bedelia to say it outright because he's a petty bitch.
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spacelyspace · 1 year
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‘They had imagined they were unique until they saw each other. Obviously it took Will longer to appreciate that because he didn't quite realise what he was dealing with in Hannibal, but Hannibal sees it instantly...’ ~ Hugh Dancy
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spacelyspace · 1 year
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spacelyspace · 1 year
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‘I guess, actually thinking about it, it’s hard to believe that Hannibal would really die. Because he’s not exactly mortal. And I personally think that if Hannibal’s going to survive, he would save Will. So... let's just say they’re on a beach somewhere... just chilling on a beach. Drinking something out of a coconut. Or a skull.’ ~ Hugh Dancy
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spacelyspace · 1 year
will and bedelia interactions are so interesting because she's always been so aware that something is Wrong with hannibal, but it's like she doesn't pick up on that with will. she taunts him continuously, she rubs it in his face that She got to run away with hannibal that She has seen what he's truly like, she's constantly poking at his feelings for hannibal that he denies, or doesn't even know exist, at how he's more like hannibal that he pretends, at the facade that he hides behind, but it's like she never truly believes that will is dangerous, that he might retaliate. she's prodding at a tiger in a cage never expecting it to get out not knowing that when it does. it's gonna eat her leg. literally
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spacelyspace · 1 year
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Posting Hannibal related memes until they save Hannibal, day 569.
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spacelyspace · 1 year
hannibal: are you alright?
will: yeah
hannibal: look at me.
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spacelyspace · 1 year
hot take for today: hannibal leaning out of that police car and saying “going my way?” to will in wrath of the lamb might be one of the best scenes in the whole show
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spacelyspace · 1 year
hannibal lecter is so relatable cause i would also go completely insane for this man
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spacelyspace · 1 year
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