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speakyskelly-1999 · 1 month
Dawn of the Rise of the War for the Conquest of the Battle for the escape from the beneath of the kingdom of the planet of the apes
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speakyskelly-1999 · 1 month
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speakyskelly-1999 · 4 months
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speakyskelly-1999 · 5 months
omg hiyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
fancing meeting you here
errr yea sooooo
i'm putting this here so i'll remember/forget
cos like really i should make a note of this but i was having ideas so here
anime i need to review: plus bonus content if you make it to the end]
spoilers ahead btw
anime i#ve finished: lets go
eva rebuild moves, will probaly do as one thing maybe. should i also do the show, yes, should i rewatch the show and the films and then these films to do a good review, yes. will i, probably weirdly cos i wanna rewatch the show. do i have the time to do this, not really. will i do it anyway, yea eventually but like i wanna watch more anime
perfect blue, this is heavy, very heavy, i thurouly enjoyed it. idk if i will do this one. i don't know what i could say about it what someone before me has probably already said about it so errr here 10/10, hard watch but very well exicuted, woudl recomend if you can stomach that sort of thing (no shame on epopel who can#t it's a lot don't worry)
ehehehe ghost stories hehehehe
the masterful cat is depressed again today. i don't have much to say bout this. it was fun and charming and also reused animetion a lot which isn't inherently bad, 7/10
The Magical Revolution of the Reincarnated Princess and the Genius Young Lady, yes i copy and pased the title it's long. errrr 3/10 don't wanna give it it's own post. i didn't like how it ended. in my eyes it weirdly falls under the sad lesbian period piece trope. not exactly cos it's fantasy but after the enevts of the show one of them will forever be sad basically. it's dumb and it annoys me
all the lupin films i binged over christmas. errrrrr i'll do a lupin master post thing once i've done all of it maybe. theres a lot of lupin and i really like it. i could review everything seperatly but like god. so many thoughts. i'll make a ppt one day and just like upload the slides to a tumblr post and that'll be it maybe. or i do write seperate review, post them all and then make a master post (includiung like charater analyses and part analysis, you see hoqw this is a lot, but i'd do it for the monkey man)
my new boss is goofy
spy x family season 2 part 1
mashle season 1 (might just wait till season 2 is finished and then do a double billing)
lucky star (yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyy)
anime i'm watching rn:
nichijou (i did not start this 4 years ago what are you on)
serial experiment lain (it's heavy i'm sorry, it's easier to watch a heavy film in one go, i'll get there eventually)
revolutionary girl utena (i'm now watching that with a friend sooooo it's gonna take a while)
sousou no frieren (AAAAAAAAAAAH hehehehe)
cherry magic (i'll do it once it's finsihed and omg i have thoughts cos i watch the live action show)
dungeon meshi (i wouldn't eat that food)
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boo cat
surprise bitches i started watching films again so errrrrrr
films i need to review: imma be selective btw i have like 541 films i've watched i ain't doing them all
disney (errrrrrrrrrr imma take a rain check on that one chief that i whole thing)
12 angry men (thoes men were angry)
singing in the rain
an american in paris (there is no fanfiction of it on ao3, its so sad)
cherry magic (i've not watched the film yet but like i will for the whole cherry magic review, will i read the manga for it as well, maybe)
i'll probably get more films i have to do cos i like watching films again
so yea
willl i remember this list
fuck knows
goodnight tristate area
i'm so tired
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speakyskelly-1999 · 5 months
so i just watched pink floyd - the wall
fascinating piece
hard to recomend ngl cos it's a kinda heavy, i don't think the some of the content is for everyone
very good
i don;'t now how much i wanna give like a detailed review about it cos it's very abstract and up to interpritation which means it very revealing about a person when they analyse it and i'm not against that but like my main issue is that it would be so much effort to write all my thought/feelings about it down into a coherent review
like if i was to actually try i'd neeed correct spelling, gramma and punctuation to properly get everything across correctly
and i simply don't have time to do that at the minute
like maybe eventually but at the moment i literally don't have time
and like idk how much that would actually match the ton of this blog
here are some random ish thoughts i had about the piece that are kinda funny
spoilers for the wall ahead and errr tw yonic imagery and discusions of facism
also i have boba, ignore how late i'm having caffine for me
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so random funny thouight i had about the wall in no particular order cos i started listening to journey and i'm losingf my train of thought
so pink is played by bob geldof (who i always new as rod geldof idk whyyyy) and people make a point that he dosn't get to sing in teh film which is whatever to me rn but i do think it's funny that i think a tim curry version of this film would slay. like don't get me wrong i loved bob's proformace, it was great, but i also want a version with tim curry cos look
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the second gif is very thematic
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oh look it's dina from alice in wonderland
so anyway
can you tell i lreaned how gifs work
so theres a scene where pink is giving like a "fascist speach" to like his fans (it's complicated..... it's complicated) insead of the music concert he's giving and like all i could think about was andrew tate and taylor swift. weird i know. will i explain why eeeeeeeeh, it's hard to cos it's so abstrac and on the nose at the same time it's a really complicated explination but yea. andrew tate and taylor swft. oh and like also hitler cos thats what they were riffing off but like pop culture now wise tate and swift
theres a point when the "ghost" of pinks wife comes back to "haunt" him as a vigina monster and i thought this was the perfect moment to deepface jerma into the film as pink like look at him
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he'd fit
he'd be a good pink
errrrrrr what else
oh not really funny but erm yea as someone who had parents who were into pink floyd and played another brick in the wall (cos like they were in school when the song came out so yea you'd deffo like the song then), listening to it without the visual element is a diservace to the song and it's meaning and then also not having the context of the stuff in the film leading up to this point, real diservice to the song. liike people still use this song today and with good-
WTF..... WONDER WOMAN?????????
-reason cos the education system is still fucked. But. ahdn hear me out. the way it's used in the film and with it's full context, people kinda miss use it today. like errrr it's rooted in it's historical setting (it's weird saying historical cos it was like errrrrrrrrr 50 years ago which for some people really isn't that long a go and like i don't view it as that long ago, but) the culture at the time si so diffrerent to now what like it dosen't work as the same anti school vibes as now.
like i kinda stated i'm not gonna go more into that but if you wanna get the vibes for your self watch the first 28ish minuets of the film (okay thats more than i thought it was but yea,) or watch the music video, the six minuet one, this one Another Brick in the Wall Pt. 2 (The Wall) - 1080p Remastered (youtube.com) 👍🏽 it's the exert from the fiml. theres some things that aren't explained by just the music video but the school bit that i'm on about mainly is
i can't remember anything else that i thought was funny so errr yea
cat break
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over all i'd give this a errrrrrrrrrrrr 8/10. like i think it could have benifitted from being a little less abstract butr at the same time could it really be made less abstrat? i dunno. i'd recomend if you like this sort of thing. like british music from this time, pink floyd, political peice, abstraction, that kind of thing.
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ps you should watch foling ideas review of the nostalga critics parody of the wall, tis very good
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speakyskelly-1999 · 5 months
so i know i've been doing fuck all for a while
i've had a lot of work to do and i've not been the wellest of people
and like i have other anime i need to talk about first but errr
i just finished watching I'm in Love with the Villainess and errr i don't know whatt o make of it
it was like fine for the first 7 episodes, hell even good
but then it throw me a massive curve ball, tolerated it. watched the the next couple episodes. and err let me tell you thoes curve balls just kept on coming and just kept on getting worse.
now did i enjoy the final episode. well kinda. ignoing the first errr 6 minuets it was fiiiiiiiiine. but holy shit
and like they're not really curve balls in terms of plot exatly. they impact it of course but like it's more how they chose to drive the plot thats bugging me
some spoilers by the way
claire, who's the love interet looses her maid whos been with her for ages. fine plot point. WHY SHE LEAVES. ERMM!!!! lets just say forbidden love in the forgers christmas ad variety
ha ha ha i'm in so much pain
then we get some one who tests rae and claires love (rae loves claire but claire hasn't realised that she loves rae yet basically)
i need ceral break one sec
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okay i have food to get me through this trying time.
it's so yummy
so err yea character who turns up to shake up the relationship
me: okay show whos this person
show: claire's first love
me; okay like a kid next door kinda thing
show; her sisterrrrrrrr
me: say sike rn
show: hahaha yea that's not her sister
me: oh thank god, weird that she calls her that but i guess if its a they were really close as kid but driftedf apart or what ever that's tolerable. as long as their not related i can tolerate-
show: sheeeeeee her cuuuuuuuuuuuz
me: kill me now
so like you might be wondering why i stared watchging
i'd like to nkow the answer myself
i think i reached a level of dispar that destoryed me mind body and soul that i had to know if it got worse
it did
cat break
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aaah that cat doesn't have a care in the world
no work, no school just moew moew
okay is everyone refreshed
good back tot he shit show
now the show does a bait and switch but not really , i think
the concept of claire's cuz (i cannot fucking spell her name and i don't want to) is that in the game (yes this is a reincarnated into a video games one, i had some idea of the quality i was getting into but geez) she's one of the only ally characters to the protagonist (rae) to hepl her get with one of the love interest that she likes. now in the game you can only pick from one of the three princes but rae is going after the villainess (hence the title) so she doesn't know whoch side she'll be on.
now to save everyone some trouble, claire's cuz was deliberatly playing the "bad guy who gets in the way of their relationship to make it deeper" cos claire still haddn't realised her feelings for rae really (it is a bit odd tho cos claire's cuz also just says she was actuaslly trying to get with rae at one point and i wanna die)
god call me errr junko what ever the fuck her surname is cos that despare vortex has be by the fucking neck
okay back to it. the way. THE WAY in which claire's cousin goes about her fucking plan, her fucking deal is the worse. she flerts with claire infront of rae to deliberatly provoke her into a fight. this dosn't work so she just straight up chalengers rae and almost FUCKING KILLS HER. so i was like "ah shown your true colores now, this was the plan, no one will like you anymore and you'll leave."
rae lost the bet so she had to quit being clair's maid beacvuse thoes there the tems and conditions tehy came up with for the fight in essence.
tells rae that she dosn't really care for clair cos she gave up. rae states that like by law they can't be together and also claire dosn't like her back. manaria (i fucking learned her name for this, are you happy now. it's claire's cuz i didn't know if that was👍🏽errr) talks about how she had a love who she didn't wanna say anything and then ended up hurting her. sounds like weirdly placed moral support considering you caused this to happen and knew rae couldn't win against you in the fight but okay i guess
the thing that manaria did (well "did" cos idk if she was just bullshitting to get them to get back together or, as she states later, just wanted to see rae mad cos she thinks that's cute) is not nothing you lie about if she did lie. AND DEFINATLY NOT SOMETHING TO LIKE THE MORAL HIGH GROUND ON HURTING THE PERSON YOU LOVE. because rae just quit her job. manaria did something incredibly horrific. and i'm moving on cos i don't wanna talk about this part anymore
look another emotional support cat
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ain't he just a darling
that's a good cat right there
you can tell i'm coping hard
yea so erm fuck
ultimatly love wins. rae and claire end up together, yay/ manaria goes home, thank fuck. and all the side characters are happy (that deserve happiness). cool is that the end of the show now. can i go home. they semi set up a season two
ooooh they semi set up a season two
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yea idk man like the first 7 episodes get a 7/10 and idk what the fuck the rest of it gets. it broke my scale
don't wantch it, but like if you want to just watch the first 7 episodes and you have a decent enough ending. don't watch the next time.
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speakyskelly-1999 · 6 months
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It's number two now hehehehhehehe
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speakyskelly-1999 · 6 months
i am so mentally ill over the possibilities that the last special of doctor who, the giggle, set in place that my brain can no longer handle it and is melting
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speakyskelly-1999 · 7 months
They really did go to that resurant
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speakyskelly-1999 · 7 months
BOYS clap with reverb
as a kid i had disney channel
but i always tried to skip zack and cody when it was on
shocker i know
i should have loved it
but i could stand it as a kid
now i quite like it
but errrrrr
in honnor of the 16th of november 2023
i shall watch that episode
and tell y'all my thoughts before the day is out
is this a big ask: yes
do i have time in the day to do this: no
but it shall be done
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speakyskelly-1999 · 7 months
i am, having the worse time going through the your tags section of tumblr and blocking all the rancid stuff that appears
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speakyskelly-1999 · 7 months
and that folks
clap with reverb
is where we're leaving it tonight boys because
a) i'm tired
b) i'm tired
c) i'm tired
d) i need dinner
f) i'm tired
i) i wanna play sekai
i'll star up the next batch woth the fist christmas special; david tennet in his pjs
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speakyskelly-1999 · 7 months
season 1, episode 13
the parting of ways
wow they really do way thoes parts
awwwww bye bye nine
ayyyyyyy hello ten
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speakyskelly-1999 · 7 months
season 1, episode 12
bad wolf
rose: on all levels except physical i am a wolf
ann droid: you are the weakest link, goodbye
jack: ladies!
big brother: welcome to big brother
nine: i've been here before
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speakyskelly-1999 · 7 months
season 1, episode 11
boom town
and sleveen
what's that
off in the distance
is that
is it
sarah jane
she so close and yet so far
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speakyskelly-1999 · 7 months
season 1, epsiode 10
the doctor dances
wow it's great that just this one time he manages to save eveyone this one time and only this one time and no later writer will over turn this in any way
stares at moffet
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