speechandotplano · 1 month
Language Stimulation for Children
Language stimulation refers to a series of activities and techniques that parents, guardians, or educators can employ to enhance a child’s language comprehension skills. When utilized effectively, language stimulation can assist a child in expanding their vocabulary, forming longer sentences, engaging in reciprocal communication, and understanding how to use language in various social contexts.
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Self-talk involves the parent, guardian, or educator describing their actions either before or while carrying them out, particularly when the child is present. This technique is most effective when the child actively participates in the activity. For instance, a parent might say, “I’m sitting next to you so I can see what you’re trying to put into your mouth.”
Parallel Talk
Parallel talk is akin to self-talk but focuses on narrating the child’s actions rather than the adult’s. It is essential to incorporate pauses, maintain eye contact, and utilize body language to encourage the child’s involvement in the communication process. For example, a parent might say, “It’s snack time for you. You’re eating applesauce. After you finish the applesauce, you’ll have some orange slices.”
Child-Directed Speech
Child-directed speech involves adjusting the pitch, tone, and tempo of one’s voice to facilitate the child’s understanding, distinct from traditional “baby talk.” Pronounced pitch variations, slower speech rates, frequent pauses, and clear pronunciation help make adult speech more comprehensible to children.
Expansions entail the adult taking a one- or two-word phrase uttered by the child and transforming it into a complete and relevant sentence. This technique not only teaches the child how to construct full sentences but also demonstrates active listening on the part of the adult. For instance, if a child says, “doggy,” the adult could respond with, “Yes, the dog is running through the park with its owner.”
Extensions are akin to expansions but are used when a child combines multiple words without forming a complete sentence. The adult then creates a full sentence using the child’s words, subtly correcting and guiding the child in proper language usage. For instance, if a child says, “Car go,” the adult might respond with, “The car is red. The red car is going towards the stop sign. The red car stops.”
If you have any questions or concerns regarding your child’s speech and language development, please don’t hesitate to contact us at Speech and Occupational Therapy of North Texas to schedule a consultation.
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speechandotplano · 1 month
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Language stimulation is a set of activities and procedures that a parent, guardian, or educator can perform to promote a child’s language comprehension. When used properly, language stimulation can help a child learn and understand additional words, speak in longer sentences, participate in back-and-forth communication, and learn how to use language for a variety of social situations
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speechandotplano · 1 month
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Childhood disintegrative disorder is a rare condition with only one case in 100,000 children. One of its main characteristics is the late onset of developmental delays, but some children will suddenly or severely reverse in these areas which include language, motor skills, and social functioning. Unfortunately, researchers have no idea why this happens.
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speechandotplano · 1 month
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speechandotplano · 2 months
Understanding Stuttering: Types, Treatment, and Management Strategies
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Stuttering manifests differently from person to person. Some individuals repeat sounds and syllables, others prolong sounds, and some interject filler words like 'um' or 'like'. Similarly, stuttering can fall into various categories. Developmental stuttering, the most common type, often occurs in children between 2 and 5 years old when their speech lags behind their thoughts.
Neurogenic Stuttering Neurogenic stuttering is linked to brain injuries affecting speech nerves and muscles. Psychogenic stuttering, although rare, is associated with emotional trauma or cognitive issues. Each category requires specific diagnosis and treatment plans, but stuttering currently has no cure.
Developmental Stuttering For developmental stuttering, treatment focuses on teaching children techniques like slowing speech and controlling breathing. While these techniques may prevent stuttering from persisting into adulthood, the underlying brain dysfunction remains.
Managing Stuttering in Preschoolers At home, create a relaxed, positive environment for your child to speak freely. Spend time talking with them without overstressing or reacting negatively to stuttering. Encourage them to talk about topics they enjoy, and don't avoid discussing stuttering openly. Consider adjusting your own speech pace to help them.
At school, collaborate with teachers to create a supportive environment. Counseling or peer support groups may also be beneficial. Watch for signs of worsening stuttering, such as school difficulties or refusal to talk, and seek professional help if needed.
Overall, remain calm and positive while addressing stuttering issues, and seek assistance when necessary.
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speechandotplano · 2 months
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speechandotplano · 3 months
How to Overcome Receptive Language Disorder
Receptive language disorder occurs when a child struggles to understand spoken language, experiencing difficulty in processing and retaining auditory information. This challenge manifests in their ability to follow instructions or directions. While therapy is highly recommended for addressing receptive language disorder, there are also proactive steps you can take to support your child's progress.
Get Therapy It is crucial not to adopt a 'wait and see' approach. Some parents may be advised that their child could outgrow the issue, but delaying intervention can exacerbate the problem. The brain is more receptive to learning language skills before the age of 5, and addressing challenges early is essential to prevent ingrained habits, such as articulation errors.
Adequate Speech and Language Therapy Research indicates that children receiving therapy at least twice a week are more likely to show faster improvement in articulation.
Choosing Between Group and Individual Therapy Individual speech therapy, especially for articulation, has proven to be more effective for addressing disorders. Individual sessions allow therapists to identify and address specific challenges unique to each child. Children also have varied learning styles, which group settings may not cater to effectively.
Ensure a Highly-Equipped Therapist The quality of therapy is crucial. Select a therapist well-versed in receptive language disorder and capable of establishing a positive connection with your child. A skilled therapist can identify and address issues effectively. A mismatch in rapport or expertise may lead to resistance from the child, requiring additional time for the therapist to build trust.
When seeking high-quality therapy in Plano, Texas, to help your child overcome receptive language disorder, consider contacting Speech & OT. Their experienced therapists have successfully assisted numerous children in overcoming this disorder, and they are well-equipped to support your child's journey to improvement
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speechandotplano · 3 months
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Children with sleep disorders can quickly find themselves with problems including learning impairments and poor behavior
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speechandotplano · 3 months
Occupational therapy (OT) supports and improves cognitive, motor, and sensory development utilizing meaningful  age-appropriate activities.  In the world of OT, these activities are also referred to as “occupations”.  For a young child, the primary occupations are playing and interacting with caregivers.  Along with play skills, older children occupy their time with self-help tasks, school-related activities, and a broader range of social interactions.  For families in Murphy occupational therapy is a available at Speech & Occupational Therapy of North Texas.
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speechandotplano · 3 months
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speechandotplano · 3 months
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speechandotplano · 3 months
Receptive Language Disorder
Receptive language disorder occurs when a child has difficulty understanding what’s being said to them. This is because they have a difficulty in processing and retaining auditory information. For this reason, they struggle to follow instructions or directions. Although therapy is highly recommended to help your child overcome receptive language disorder, there are also some things you can do to help them along the way as well.
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speechandotplano · 4 months
Child with Communication Disorders
Communication is crucial in today's world, especially for children with communication disorders. Taking your child to a pediatric neurologist for assessment is the first step, allowing professionals to identify specific communication challenges and suggest interventions. However, you can also play a significant role in improving your child's communication skills in various ways:
Read Books Together: Encourage reading, as it can enhance vocabulary and communication skills. Choose books that resonate with your child's interests, whether they prefer traditional books, comics, or picture books. Reading together provides an opportunity for language enrichment.
Describe Your Environment: Practice describing the surroundings with your child. Initially, let them use familiar words, gradually introducing new vocabulary. Another effective practice is discussing their day, helping them express their experiences and thoughts.
Diversify the Words You Use: Increase the variety of words your child uses to describe things. When working on communication exercises, use a wide range of words. For example, when discussing colors, explore related words and encourage them to incorporate new terms into their vocabulary.
Set Milestones and Celebrate Them: Establish achievable goals with your child and celebrate their accomplishments. Recognizing progress boosts confidence. Consider offering small rewards or treats, such as ice cream or a visit to a local park, to celebrate their achievements and motivate further learning.
Introduce Them to Peers with Similar Challenges: Connect your child with others facing similar communication disorders. This fosters a sense of community and mutual support. Consider creating support groups with parents of children with communication disorders to facilitate practice sessions and provide a supportive environment.
If you have concerns about your child's speech development, seeking guidance from Speech and Occupational Therapy of North Texas can be beneficial. Their professionals can offer valuable insights and support in addressing speech and communication challenges.
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speechandotplano · 4 months
How to Help a Child with Communication Disorders
Communication means everything in the current world. If you have a child with a communication disorder, training them on proper communication is essential to them thriving in today’s world. The first step should be to take them to a pediatric neurologist for an assessment. These professionals can identify the nitty-gritty details of your child’s communication problem and suggest interventions. However, you can contribute to your child’s development in communication in many more ways. Here is how to help them improve their communication:
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speechandotplano · 4 months
Fine Motor Skill Development
Fine motor skills play a vital role in child development. It's crucial to actively engage your child in various home activities to foster their growth. Experts note a decline in the motor skills of today's children compared to previous generations, possibly attributed to changes in early upbringing practices. Additionally, some children may face delays in the development of their fine motor skills, emphasizing the importance of having strategies to enhance these skills.
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speechandotplano · 4 months
Activities to Improve Fine Motor Skill Development
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speechandotplano · 5 months
Early Intervention for Down Syndrome
Down syndrome, which is the result of a chromosomal disorder, is the most common genetic cause of developmental disabilities, occurring in one of every 800-1000 births.  Individuals with Down syndrome have three number 21 chromosomes, instead of two, in some of the cells.   This developmental disorder results in physical and cognitive challenges.  When you see how one difference in a chromosome can make such a difference in how a person develops, you realize human development is truly complex and how miraculous it is that each aspect of development and neurology work correctly in many individuals!
Children with Down syndrome need early intervention to help them meet their potential.  In Murphy, Down syndrome’s associated deficits can be treated at Speech and Occupational Therapy of North Texas.  We provide speech therapy and occupational therapy for children with all types of challenges, from very mild to more significant disorders, including children with Down Syndrome.
Occupational therapists address deficits in motor skills that are common for children with Down syndrome.  These challenges are typically related to structural, neuromotor or sensory differences.  There is a broad range of possible deficits, but a child may have shortened bones, instable vertebrae in the neck, heart defects, low tone and muscle weakness, as well as other deficits.  Children with Down syndrome may be over responsive or under responsive to sensory input.  A sensory integration disorder can impact a child’s ability to learn and self manage behavior. Children with Down syndrome have difficulty processing information from the different sensory modalities, such as vision, touch, auditory, making it difficult to integrate and store information effectively.  So addressing sensory deficits is important.
Speech Therapy is important for a child with Down syndrome since cognition and processing are impaired.  A speech language pathologist would focus on strengthening receptive understanding of speech and expressive abilities, which can include articulation and functional use of verbal language.  Sometimes, children with Down syndrome are good candidates for augmentative communication, if intelligibility is significantly impaired.  Technology has been helpful with many cognitive and communication challenges, since children seem to be drawn to Tablet devices, which afford many interesting applications and also provide more independence for children with motor challenges. A speech language pathologist can also help with drooling, feeding and swallowing challenges sometimes associated with Down syndrome.
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Children with Down syndrome can make tremendous progress with treatment, education and a supportive family.  There are amble ways that each individual can contribute to the community and have meaningful lives.  Speech and Occupational Therapy of North Texas is happy to be a local treatment resource for children with Down syndrome in Murphy and the surrounding area.  For more information as to how we can help your child, please contact us at 972-424-0148 and visit our website at www.speechandot.com.
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