spiderman-stilinski · 10 days
Me rolling up to r/strangerthings when byler goes canon:
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spiderman-stilinski · 20 days
“This is your daily, friendly reminder to use commas instead of periods during the dialogue of your story,” she said with a smile.
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spiderman-stilinski · 21 days
I feel about Remus Lupin the way other people feel about God.
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spiderman-stilinski · 22 days
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spiderman-stilinski · 22 days
feels like I'm always stuck between a rock (endlessly yearning) and a hard place (horny as fuck)
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spiderman-stilinski · 1 month
Dancing with our hands tied | S.H.
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And my, my love had been frozen. Deep blue, but you painted me golden.
Warnings: 18+, mdni! there will be smut in the future chapters. enemies to lovers, 'she fell first, he fell harder' kind of trope, allusions to unrequited love, mentions of death, injuries, allusions to self hatred, mentions of bullying, this story is set post s4, Vecna and the upside down are gone. slow burn. ‘hate’ sex. fwb kinda thing but they’re ‘enemies’. mean!reader, mean!Steve, hurt/comfort, happy ending.
Pairing: Steve Harrington x fem!reader
Summary: You and Steve have never seen eye to eye, and it never changed, not even when you were pulled into a world of monsters and risked your life to save him. But tension had always been between you both, something that neither of you ever wanted to admit -- but how much longer can you take it when the pull between you gets stronger and stronger each second you spend by each others side?
Chapter one ⭐︎ Waiting Room
Chapter two ⭐︎ I want you to notice, when I’m not around
Chapter three ⭐︎ So if you need to be mean, be mean to me
Chapter four ⭐︎ Every single thing I touch becomes sick with sadness
Chapter five ⭐︎'Cause you know it could never be
Chapter six ⭐︎ Secrets I have held in my heart
Chapter seven ⭐︎ Got a feeling your electric touch, could fill this ghost town up with life
Chapter eight ⭐︎ Say my name and everything just stops
Chapter nine ⭐︎ And I'll show you if you let me, girl
Chapter ten ⭐︎ Weigh down on me, stay 'til morning
Chapter eleven ⭐︎ Yeah, I know it seems surprising when there’s lipstick still on the glass
Chapter twelve ⭐︎ When the curtains call the time, will we both go home alive?
Chapter thirteen ⭐︎ For a moment, I was heaven struck
Chapter fourteen ⭐︎ Somewhere in these eyes, I'm on your side
Chapter fifteen ⭐︎ I thought the plane was going down, how'd you turn it right around?
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spiderman-stilinski · 2 months
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steve who constantly tells his girl she's distracting him, when he's working and asks her to come over to family video, she'll be there, just as he asked, and he'll tell her she's not helping, that her being there is distracting him because she looks too kissable and he can't kiss her and work at the same time, she's a distraction when he's trying to get out of bed in the morning too, when he needs to get up and start the day but she just look so soft and feels so warm in his arms, she makes it so hard for him to leave her, to join the outside world
she'll come downstairs, all sleepy, barley awake to steve making breakfast and he'll tell her all about how she can't keep doing this, doing what? looking so pretty in the mornings, you're going to make me late. but stevie- oh okay, you win lets go back to bed. he tells her on the phone when there apart that she's stopping him from sleeping, he tells her in the car that he can't keep his eyes on the road if she keeps sitting there doing nothing, its silly and sweet, and he takes there little inside jokes very seriously but she knows steve loves her being his distraction
he loves kissing her at work and forgetting all about the customers coming through the door, he loves when she calls him late at night just because she misses his voice, he loves the whiny voice she does when she wants him to stay in bed for five more minutes, he loves having her sitting in his passenger seat, and he really loves when she plays with his hair as he drives, he loves getting distracted by her, he claims it's all her fault, that she's just too pretty, too sweet to ignore, but steve also admits happily that he's a weaker man when it comes to her, he'd be late to everything if it meant just one extra hug from his girl <3
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spiderman-stilinski · 2 months
Eddie can't flirt, but Steve's brain has been rewired to find the most insane shit in the world interesting, and Eddie hasn't said anything normal since he met him.
Eddie, trying to flirt: .... I know how to juggle Steve: Go on..... -later- Steve: And then he messed up like 12 times in a row Robin: And? Steve: And I think I'm in love with him.
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spiderman-stilinski · 2 months
cas, you have got to stop dying this poor man can't take much more.
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spiderman-stilinski · 2 months
All of my kinks are rooted in wanting to feel wanted so intensely that someone cant stand it. Regardless of which side of the dynamic I'm on it's all about aggressive desire
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spiderman-stilinski · 2 months
did anyone else ever find it odd how easily zeus offered percy godhood? and how it almost seemed like he secretly wanted percy to accept? well i did, and after thinking long and hard about it…
i don’t think percy understood what turning down godhood really meant
demigods do tasks for the gods because they don’t have to follow any rules. they aren’t controlled by anyone or anything. demigods are a strange hybrid - not god, not human. they are in between the laws of immortal and mortal. they are not supposed to exist. yet they do, which is what makes them so extraordinary.
percy is crazy powerful. of course, there’s the aspect of raw power. he has domain over air (storms/hurricanes), land (earthquakes and volcanic eruptions), and sea (monster waves, tsunamis, floods, basically anything that involves water.) he can control bodily fluids. he has super strength (with one hand, he held up an unconscious annabeth who was being pulled down by both arachne AND the forces of tartarus). he has super speed (he moves faster than bullets in TTC). no matter how badly you hurt him, he automatically heals and regenerates the second he touches water (an ability no other demigod has). he’s an extraordinary swordsman. very skilled in combat and warfare. he’s smart, and thinks of plans quickly. but he also has a great deal of social/poltcial power… i mean, he’s a leader and hero to both the greek and roman camps. if he says “attack,” all demigods, greek or roman, attack. no question. do you have any idea how threatening that is to the olympians? he’s also best friends and has an empathy link with the lord of the wild, which basically means all of nature is by his side too, including all land creatures. he’s also prince of horses, which means pegasi too (both of which are extremely useful in battle). and of course all sea creatures, including the mythical ones like krakens and leviathans. not to mention many of the gods really like him. hermes, hephaestus, athena, aphrodite, and dionysis have all gone out of their way to help him. artemis holds him in high regard, especially since he saved her. apollo literally considers him his friend! and poseidon - his dad, the god who is the biggest threat to zeus - is fiercely protective of him and cares about him a great deal. many minor gods also like him because he demanded them to be given more respect and for their kids to be welcomed at the camps.
percy unknowingly has more power, both physical and social/political, than anyone should ever have. he may have absolutely no idea, but it must scare the living daylights out of zeus. by accepting zeus’s offer to become a god, percy would have submitted himself to the control of zeus. zeus would be his king and ruler. zeus would then have complete control over him.
but percy said no. therefore, percy remains out of zeus’s control.
percy had no idea what he was doing. but thank the gods he made that choice. thank the gods he’s an incredible person. thank the gods percy jackson has no desire for power, because he has more of it than anyone should ever be able to have.
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spiderman-stilinski · 2 months
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exact quote
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spiderman-stilinski · 2 months
"The only thing I think we have left, Dean and me, is each other. If Dean says it's time to go out in a blaze of glory, win or lose, so be it. I'm in. But then ... (smiles at Dean) that's just how I roll."
[spn 5x4]
"A part of me always believed you'll come back."
[spn 7x17]
"I forgive you, Cas ... I love you."
[spn 8x17]
"That's where Dean spread your ashes. After we burned you."
[spn 13x6]
"I lost Cas and it damn near broke me..."
[spn 13x20]
"according to your plan, the world loses you, and me-- I-I lose you too, and that is unacceptable to me, Dean.”
[spn 14x12]
"But still beautiful. Still Dean Winchester."
[spn 15x20]
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spiderman-stilinski · 2 months
Pornbots are so annoying like I’m not gonna fall for this I’m not an idiot I know sex isn’t real and its just something made up for destiel fanfiction
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spiderman-stilinski · 2 months
Reblog if it's okay to invade your ask box
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spiderman-stilinski · 2 months
Beautiful Things by Benson Boone is so Percabeth coded…
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spiderman-stilinski · 2 months
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Source Xwitter
Yup, my prediction too.
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