spiderpriest · 4 years
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spiderpriest · 4 years
hello! i feel weird posting about this on tumblr but, alas. my student loans have yet to drop & we’re more than halfway through the summer semester. i have a small line of credit, but very little actual money. this really sucks when you have bills to pay lmao. so i am coming to tumblr with an offer of sorts! donate any amount of money to my ko-fi & i will send you (6) whole poems i’ve written. topics of the poems include dealing with internalized ableism, transness, combating depression with marijuana use, and more. 
my ko-fi is here! if you’d feel more comfy sending money through paypal just dm me & i’ll send you a link to my paypal too.
if you can’t afford to donate / don’t want to i totally understand—but if you could spread this around i’d really appreciate that too.
thank you ‘n have a wonderful night! 
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spiderpriest · 4 years
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                                  I AM NO BIRD                                                      AND NO NET ENSNARES ME 
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spiderpriest · 4 years
whenever i see people on twitter going “actually i am very smart fictional content has never impacted reality” i lose a piece of my soul 
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spiderpriest · 4 years
——— * ❀ ARTEMIS OFFERS A SLIGHTLY BASHFUL LITTLE SMILE, “ i’m sure your taste is good, left to your own devices. it’s just a matter of accessibility and resources, more than anything. “ they blink as they step out into the light of the street, shielding their eyes briefly from the sun before setting out and following after camael; falling in beside him. 
                 “ but i definitely don’t mind giving advice, if i can. what sort of styles do you usually prefer ? “ they ask as they walk, only pausing when they feel a small brush of a hand against their own. they blink down, watching the priest’s fingers as they skirt along the back of theirs and abruptly break into a brighter smile. almost teasingly, playfully, they brush hands with him back.
                 “ colors, fabrics… things like that. “
          ‘   Well.   That’s,   ah ...   ‘   he pauses,   searches for a non - pathetic sounding way to articulate the truth,   before giving up.   ‘   I don’t really like shopping for myself.   So  ...   I relied a lot on what the church offered and just,   got clothes that sort of matched that look.   I mean  --  I like,   though.   Black and purple.   But that’s about as close to style as I ever get.   ‘   
       They have enough of a sense of style for both of them,   in contrast,   just another point of admiration for Camael.   ( that alongside their smile,   and how sweet they’ve been,   and the fact that they aren’t judging him for being stupid and having a crush on someone he met a day ago. )
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spiderpriest · 4 years
  “Great!” Lux beamed. “I will see you around tomorrow then.”
                                                             ~ * ~
  The remaining hours of the day passed quickly and were followed by an equally busy night. Cheerful guests, good wine and the attention of a particularily cheeky halfling woman kept the half-elf happy and on his toes, and by the time the morning dawned Lux had almost forgotten about his little run-in the evening before.
  Almost. He still was a man of his word. But since he had no idea when exactly his special guest was going to show up, there was no reason to be anxious about anything. Who knew, maybe Camael had changed his mind after all? He had seemed a little nervous - if not suspicious at the mention of what the Healing Hands had to offer.
  Lux decided not to dwell on it too much. He bid his goodbyes to a group of dwarves, who had occupied the community bath for the past hour, and then sauntered out of the large tent for a quick trip to the baker by the market. Maybe he could pick up a treat or two for the night?
         Technically he didn’t change his mind.   Camael knew he had made a sort - of promise to Lux,   and he himself deserved a chance to relax.   It just so happened he suddenly found so many errands he had to run the next day.   The ship needed more food supplies before they left again,   some replacement cooking utensils,   and of course since he was going to the market he asked if anyone else needed anything ...
      Then upon arriving realized what he was doing.   Camael hated being so instinctively avoidant of nice things.   He ended up lingering among the storefronts and stalls lining the street,   trying to decide what the hell to do from there.   As though the Healing Hands wasn’t going to wait for him to come to them,   though,   he turned his head with a start to find Lux again,   only a few yards away.   Before he had a chance to duck away and avoid any awkward conversation the red head glanced over and locked eyes,   sealing his unfortunate fate.
              ‘   Oh,   ah,   hello again.   I was actually just about to go see you,   ‘   he did his best to smile through the half - lie. 
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spiderpriest · 4 years
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          “Ah. Okay.” he murmurs, accepting the explanation at face value with a twitch of his ears. “I am glad you find it fun, then.” Medira returns Camael’s smile with a grin of his own, waving his tail back and forth.
          As he pushes his chair back under the desk, he nods to the human’s statement. “Okay. It doesn’t bother me, I was just curious.” his tone is noticeably flatter with those words, though. But he wasn’t about to tell the other how he felt about affection and whether or not he deserved such niceties.
          But Medira straightens again with a small grin, ready to go outside with his companion. “Thank you for coming to get me.”
             He adores the tieflings grin  --  even if it is for the selfish sense that comes with it assuring Camael yes he is doing this right.   Unlike himself,   Medira has never come across as the sort of person to flash a smile just for the sake of it,   without any real meaning.   
          ‘   Of course!   I’m not about to let you stay inside all day buried in books  --  fuck,   I can’t believe I’m saying that to someone else now.   My parents would have a field day if they heard me say that,   ‘   he laughs as he speaks,   the sound genuine for once,   and gestures for Medira to follow him.
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spiderpriest · 4 years
#I’M SCREAMING AT WORK.....#get u a man like mikhail honestly#top tier human#thank u SO much for this its improved my night 10x @zephrahs
god man i make u art and u phrase it like im not single..........men u can HAVE me as a man
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spiderpriest · 4 years
unsungxheroes replied to your post: gay priest time. who wants therapy.
(Listen, gay Tieflings are Minosh’ absolute demise)
oh he is welcome to fucking GET some then*
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spiderpriest · 4 years
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@zephrahs was having a bad night so she gets a little unicorn oc art. as a snack 
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spiderpriest · 4 years
im so glad you guys do like my ocs so much :’) you can always rely on me for some pretty boys and good times when i am. alive 
oh speaking of if u are new here the afore mentioned ulrich id like to get back to eventually is @duelrite go admire him
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spiderpriest · 4 years
im so glad you guys do like my ocs so much :’) you can always rely on me for some pretty boys and good times when i am. alive 
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spiderpriest · 4 years
zephrahs replied to your post: zephrahs replied to your post: ...
intellectuals love both ocs equally but also true mikhail stans know ulrich is secretly #1
the ONE thing camael has up for u is camfjord is highly superior than ulrich/fjord i am sorry but thats true 
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spiderpriest · 4 years
zephrahs replied to your post: eventually the fucked up and evil little man...
me: gets everyone invested in a new oc me: h me: hey what if we went back to ulrich though
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spiderpriest · 4 years
eventually the fucked up and evil little man controlling my brain will let me go and i hope when he does he lets me get back on ulrich’s blog too
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spiderpriest · 4 years
characters getting injured: 👌👌👌👌
characters getting injured and then hIDING IT SO NO ONE WORRIES ABOUT THEM: 👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👀👀👀👀👀👀😫😫
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spiderpriest · 4 years
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