spiderthree · 1 year
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“You don’t know Wanda? Geesh. My sister is incredibly popular, but not always for good reasons. I’m impressed. That’s a great way to show everyone you’re from a different reality.”
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“is that a bad thing?” he raises an eyebrow, “should i be concerned or relieved?”
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spiderthree · 1 year
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Jesus, she’s going soft. Jess bites back a groan and tips her head back. “Give me more details. You have thirty seconds.”
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“shit uh ok— about five foot eight, weighs a buck fifty? brown hair, looks kinda like a kicked puppy sometimes. hangs out with some kid named ned,” he stammers on, a bit hopeless, “ring any bells?”
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spiderthree · 1 year
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Stephen took a moment to take in the red and blue spandex suit, and he only raised a brow when the realization finally hit him. “You’re a variant, aren’t you?” Maybe he didn’t remember the complete story, but Peter had filled him in on the basics. Enough to know that other Peters were involved.
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“— that’s what they’re calling us?” peter wrinkled his nose in mild annoyance before shrugging, “i don’t love it, but oh well.”
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spiderthree · 1 year
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“An impasse indeed. Look — maybe we can go back a few steps and try again. I’m Kate.”
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he unfolds his arms, relaxes a bit, and offers up a hand for her to shake, “peter. nice to officially meet you.”
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spiderthree · 1 year
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“Jane.” The name is coupled with a smile as she hurries to catch up. Jane’s always been active, but she’s been out of shape recently for obvious reasons. “You realize New York is pretty big, right? Looking for a single person without any way to track them may be a long shot.” 
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“you know, now that you mention it — maybe wasn’t a solid plan to begin with,” he laughs, “nice to meet you, jane. it’s a relief to find a friendly face after all the shit i’ve been through.”
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spiderthree · 1 year
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“I never knew about you guys, but once one was pointed out, I started seeing them everywhere. There shouldn’t be two living here, but I’m pretty sure there’s like three. Idk what it is with you guys.”
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peter let out a slight laugh, cheeks beginning to flush slightly red in embarrassment, “i...i don’t have a good enough answer for you. temporal anomaly? who the hell knows.”
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spiderthree · 1 year
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As soon as Peter turned to look at who was talking to him, he felt a tingle raise the hair on the back of his neck. He smiled and then let out a lighthearted scoff. “All of you are so young. Don’t worry, I won’t be offended if I don’t get invited to the Peter Parker Hangout. Not that I’m old but— yeah, never mind.”
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peter took a moment to size up the other man before shrugging, “i’ll be honest, dude. i don’t think you’re that much older than me.”
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spiderthree · 1 year
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“I’m a weirdo, unfortunately. I deal with weird shit every day. Eventually, it stops feeling so weird.”
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“right. so do you like –– help dead people? fight dead people? what’s your - thing - you know?”
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spiderthree · 1 year
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“Mm. Yeah— that was a shock.” Tony’s tone dropped, but he wasn’t quite sure what to say. Though he respected Peter, they hadn’t ever quite seen eye to eye. It’s why the relationship between his deceased variant and the younger spider-kid surprised him so much. “There’s been a lot of that going around lately. It’s not easy being the ones left behind.”
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“yeah, no kidding,” peter let out a soft exhale in mild amusement, brows raised for a brief moment before his expression dropped back into one of quiet contemplation, “––but i guess we’ve just gotta move forward, you know? however we can.”
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spiderthree · 1 year
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“Who, me?” Miles questioned, even though it was very obvious that yes, this man was asking if he was okay. This Peter. That spiral of thoughts only made the tears harder to hold back as he swallowed and nodded. “I’m, yeah– Well, no I’m not doing great. This is a little weird for me. I’m sure you know why.”
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“no no I totally get it,” his tone was apologetic, face crinkling with regret and empathy. he was all too familiar with loss, but if another person had walked up to him immediately after gwen’s death, claiming to be her from another universe, he couldn’t admit he would’ve taken it well either. “––is there someone else i could call for you? i don’t wanna, you know - ” the make things worse was left unsaid.
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spiderthree · 1 year
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“You’re not from around here either?” It’s nice to meet someone in a similar position, even if he’s still virtually a stranger. “Clarice.” She nods once. “How long since you got dumped in this place?”
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“no, uh—” he lets out a slight laugh, “it’s kind of a long story, but this is actually my second time back. think it’s gonna be for a quite a bit longer though. whatever that means.”
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spiderthree · 1 year
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Just because she’s used to seeing to seeing Peter’s out in the wild doesn’t mean that he’s used to seeing a Gwen. As a rule of thumb, she has to tread carefully around Peter’s the first time they meet. “The sheer number of you is wild, man. I meet more Peter’s than anyone else.” Walking down the side of the building, Gwen offers a hand. “Gwen Stacy. But, I feel like you already know that.”
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“oh well lucky you,” he laughs, gently taking her hand for a moment to shake. he nods, solemn but polite regardless, “figured. you did look pretty familiar –– nice to officially meet you, gwen.”
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spiderthree · 1 year
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“Wait, you’re looking for Peter?” Tandy knows Peter pretty well. Knew Peter pretty well. She’s not sure what the cover story is for where he’s gone, but his loss is acutely felt. “I’m not sure you’ll be able to find him.”
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“yeah,” he realizes not soon enough that she’s referring to a different peter. the one they recently lost, “not - not that one though. i heard. i’m so sorry.”
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spiderthree · 1 year
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“I have excellent eyes. And a lot of super secret skills I can’t get into. But you’ve got me there! I am, in fact, in between plots and very bored. I gotta stay relevant somehow, right? What’s more relevant than gallivanting around with a Peter Parker?” 
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between plots? jeez this girl was odd. “uhh, alright. do you - wait how do you know my name?”
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spiderthree · 1 year
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“You look a lot like someone I used to know.” Tears pricked her eyes. “Nineteen.” She had been meeting with the younger Peter to talk him through her Peter’s death. It felt right to let him know personally that his variant had been severed from the web and died. “I know a lot of Peter Parkers.” 
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“that’s ––” he can see the tears welling in her eyes, can sense the emotions bottled up like a dam about to burst, but he doesn’t push further. clearly this other peter’s loss is being felt hard, and the thought causes a heavy ache in his own heart, “ - that’s the one, yeah.”
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spiderthree · 1 year
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“Felicia.” She confirms. “He’ll know who you’re talking about.” She’s memorable if nothing else. “Peter. Pete. Those are some similar names you’ve got there.”
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he shrugs, “he never mentioned a felicia to me before?”
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spiderthree · 1 year
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“I have no idea who that is.” Strange deadpanned, despite the slight furrow of his brow at the name. He’d heard it recently, but he couldn’t remember where. But he remembered the same sense of familiarity that he had no way of placing, even now.
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shiiiiiiiit. so the answer to that question was apparently no. peter let out a puff of air in frustration, pivoting to a different approach, “do you recognize me by any chance?”
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