spirit-of-phantom ยท 15 days
Synastry & Composite chart Part 2 ๐Ÿฌ๐Ÿ’๐Ÿ’
๐Ÿฆ‹Composite Chart๐Ÿฆ‹
โ˜๏ธASC : How the relationship started & how others / environment see you
โ˜๏ธASC ruler : Area of focused expression
โ˜€๏ธSun : Indicates what brought you together and what goal you have in life
โ˜€๏ธAspects to Sun : Shows purpose of the relationship supported or not
๐ŸŒ™Moon : Emotional connection & the soul of the relationship
๐ŸŒฑMercury: communication, thinking and how they fit together in mindset
๐Ÿ’Venus: how u two love and your love language together
๐ŸฅจMars: drive, anger & power, sexual attraction
๐Ÿ”ฅJupiter: luck , gift, wisdom, traveling, exploration, growth
๐ŸชSaturn: karmic things, honesty, responsibility, maturity of the relationship
โ„๏ธUranus: difference, uniqueness, unpredictability, rebellion
๐Ÿซ€Pluto: intensity, depth, transformation
๐Ÿงš๐Ÿผโ€โ™€๏ธNeptune: dream, fantasy, confusion, obscurity, illusion, lies
๐ŸฌNorthnode : Indicates in what direction you should grow as couple
๐Ÿ’•1st, 5th and 7th : Important houses in Composite
Conjunction : Binding force, depending on the planets combined
Sextile : Harmonic union, comforting
Square : Challenge, No break-ups when you understand each other
Trine : Harmonic union, cooperating well together
Opposition : More prone to break-ups, attraction
๐Ÿ’7th houe shows whatโ€™s needed to make the relationship work.
โ˜€๏ธSun : Need for balance in egoโ€™s inorder to make it work. Itโ€™s a good placement for marriage, but it can quickly evolve into becoming open enemies if you are not willing to compromise and listen to each other.
๐ŸŒ™Moon : Emotional involvement is a strong theme. Giving security to each other is needed aswell as balancing the emotions of both people. Safe place and home of relationship.
๐ŸŒฑMercury : Equally sharing is a theme. Communication is strong, but also the point that needs to be balanced inorder for it to work.
๐Ÿ’Venus : A very good placement for all love relationships aswell as business related relationships. Itโ€™s important to find balance in giving & receiving.
๐Ÿฆ‹Venus & Neptune placed within the 7th house can indicate a relationship where it will feel so familiar, itโ€™ll feel as though it is unreal and goes beyond this realm. Soulmate energy, especially in tribes, but any aspect. It could be hard to stay angry at one another.
๐ŸฌNeptune Conjunct Juno can indicate a twin flame/ soulmate energy. It could also feel as though youโ€™ve been with this person before within past lives if you believe in that kind of thing. The connection will not be easy to let go of and will have something for the natives to learn.
๐ŸซNorth Node in the 12th house can indicate a connection that may feel like a spiritual connection or could feel as though there is a significant purpose for the connection itself. Both can have dreams about each other that may reveal things about the relationship itself.
๐ŸฅJupiter is in Conjunction to Saturn in a composite chart, it is normal to expect that you will never forget the connection whether itโ€™s romantic or platonic. It could be an indication of staying together for a very long time or for even a short amount of time.
๐ŸšSynastry chart๐Ÿš
๐Ÿ’•Venus & mars are the most important indicators in relationship because Venus represents love and mars represent drive and passion and when the couple don't have aspects with the venus and mars. It's hard for relationship to survive.
๐ŸŽกMoon square Mars -It can be challenging aspect because it suggests an emotionally intense nature. Two people can get along very well at one time, and hate each other intensely at other times. Sometimes they can't find a common point of emotions and energy.
๐ŸŒAsc square Venus- many times it indicates that when you see a person for the first time, you don't like them. Energy can be very strange and challenging. Later, emotions can develop and it becomes more calming.
๐ŸŒ†Pluto & mars in 4th house synastry -it shows the home you want to create with the person, how you want to live and how you see their family and they see you. Pluto can represent a great transformation that the person brings to your home, and you yourself can transform a lot through this relationship. You can also see how you really want to live with this. Many times, however, the pluto indicates that the mother of the 4th house person can be intense, mysterious and possibly treacherous. A lot of times she can do things in secret. Mars, on the other hand, can represent some internal conflict and more direct energy. That you may notice right away whether their family accepts you or not. Both planets together can represent a more combative side of the family and that many times you feel that things are going too far. Many times mom can be the reason for a fight between you.
๐ŸŒฑMoon in 10th house synastry- can be good or not. Depending on aspects. It can lead to responsible, serious emotions, but at the same time emotions can only come from success, career, practicality and you can feel that in this relationship and passion. You may have reservations before fully expressing yourself to the person and you may have the feeling that the person does not understand how you feel.
๐Ÿ›ผVenus in 12th house- a spiritual connection, maybe a love meant to be found. You can meet a person in interesting circumstances. Many times, however, a person may be covering up their real relationships from before or certain secrets about money. A person may come forward in a completely different way than they really are. Love can be covered up, it can mean that no one really knows what is really going on. Sometimes it can lead to the person having you, delusions, or wanting to have you in any way.
โœจLilith in 12th house -lilith shows where the relationship can be the darkest and how the person wants to control you. This connection can bring about dramatic change and transformation. Lilith person may just seem to be out of control in their emotional expression. This can seem overwhelming and dramatic for House 12 person to deal with.
๐ŸชNorth node conj saturn- karmic relationship means that you have a mission with this person in this life, which you have to complete.
๐ŸฅจA lot of aspects with saturn means that this relationship is not necessarily something that you want, that will bring you something passionate or happy. It can mean a lot of responsibilities and lessons that can be very difficult. Maybe a relationship in which you can feel trapped.
๐Ÿฆ‹If relationship donโ€™t have any 1st, 7th, 8th house it can mean that the relationship will not be so successful and you will always feel like you made the wrong decision.
๐ŸŽธFor personal readings u can sign up here: https://snipfeed.co/bekylibra ๐ŸŽธ
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spirit-of-phantom ยท 16 days
๐Ÿ’˜โœจโœจ๐Ÿ’๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’– Venus aspects ๐Ÿ’˜โœจโœจ๐Ÿ’˜
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ยฉ it isn't mine!!! it's from astrology books and another resources. just sharing the knowledge
โ—พ Venus conjunct Ascendant
You have a charm and an appeal about you that others cannot resist. You draw people to you like a magnet and you have the uncanny knack of attracting anything and everything you need. You know how to tell people exactly what they want to hear, which is not always good. At times it is difficult for you to say no because you do not want to hurt anyone. Yet you do not see that many times you use people and think quite nothing of it. Remember that one day you will reap what you sow.
โ—พ Venus conjunct Jupiter
You are a generous, warm-hearted and open-handed person who shares every resource with others. You give of both yourself and your possessions to those whom you favor. You do not want to be limited in any way, either with your affections or with your personal possessions. You enjoy luxury and refinement and you desire to always be in comfortable, elegant surroundings. You hate having to get your hands dirty. You are charming, gracious and charitable and you are the model host or hostess. This aspect brings material good fortune, which has been earned from previous lives. If there is a negative here, then it is your tendency towards self-indulgence, over-extravagance and laziness. Sometimes things come to you so easily that you do not appreciate them. Things are most appreciated if one has to work hard for them. There may be a love of rich, sweet food as well as too much of it, hence a tendency to gain weight. You are a very gentle and social person who loves harmony, beauty and travel. There may be vulnerability through emotional, ethical or moral naivete.
โ—พ Venus conjunct Mars
You are extremely amorous and romantic and there are times when you find it difficult to control your passions. You seem to be a magnet to the opposite sex, regardless of whether most people would classify you as beautiful or attractive, although you may well be. You are simply fun and pleasant to be around and that is why you attract so much attention. When you are interested in someone, you tend to pursue them with all the fire within you. Of course, sometimes you come on just a little too strongly and that can cause difficulties. You have a strong desire for love and beauty and involving yourself in some type of creative activity, whether it be art, music, sculpture or poetry, would help to satisfy this inner craving. The more you channel your creativity into means such as these, the less problems you will have controlling your hormones.
This aspect brings a certain charisma and you seem to naturally draw people around you. You like to socialize and are perhaps happiest when surrounded by others. In fact, it may be hard for you to be alone in your own company. You have a great need to give and receive affection from others. Just be careful of where you place your affections. Not everyone feels the same as you do. It is sometimes difficult for you to take any relationship lightly, hence the need to be discriminating with where your heart is placed. This can be a difficult aspect at times because it tends to produce love-hate relationships with those you care about. There are hostile and affectionate feelings both at the same time towards the same person. Channel your energies into creative endeavors.
โ—พ Venus conjunct Neptune
You tend to be what some people call the hopeless romantic. You are very idealistic about love and romance and many times it isn't so much the case that you love someone or that you are in love with someone as it is that you are in love with love. You tend to put your loved one on a pedestal and this can bring problems because when the loved one eventually does something to "fall from grace", then huge disappointment and disillusionment set in and you are crushed. You need to stop looking at the world through rose-colored glasses and see things for how and what they really are.
Another facet of this aspect is that you may have such an ideal mate built up in your own imagination that no real person could ever come close to your fantasy. You may spend your entire lifetime looking for Mr. or Ms. Perfect such that you miss Mr. or Ms. Right. Come down to earth and realize that no one is perfect and there are no white knights ready to come dashing along to save you. Stop the dreaming but don't give up the dream.
There is danger of falling into the wrong type of relationship, a relationship of co-dependence. Either you or your partner may enjoy or feel obligated to play the role of martyr, victim or savior. Remember that no good relationship is unequal. Two equal partners who neither feel the need to save or be saved make the best couple.
You are a sensitive person who enjoys the finer, aesthetic things in life. You desire harmony and beauty and are probably attracted to the arts in some way, either painting, music, dance, theater or drama. You are perhaps attracted to those with artistic or mystical inclinations. There is a certain charm about you that others find unworldly. The unusual and the intuitive, the sensual and the explorative appeal to you. You are insecure in matters of love. Simply remember that everyone has some human frailty, so do the best you can as that is all the Universe asks of you.
โ—พ Venus conjunct Pluto
You have deep, compelling and sometimes irrational feelings of love and passion and you will not settle for a relationship that isn't intense. You are wildly passionate towards the ones you love, as well as being perhaps jealous and possessive of them as well. Whatever you feel, you want to feel it down to the deepest level of your existence. Of course this can cause problems with everyday life because no relationship can be that intense and that interesting all the time. At times you do not care whether the emotions you feel are good or bad as long as they are powerful. So agony and ecstasy are both okay with you, although you're not silly enough to prefer the agony. Well, maybe. These intense relationships, even if they do not last, have a way of transforming you and that is why you instinctively seek them out or why they seem to come to you.
You tend to have a certain emotional fanaticism about the things you care about. It's all or nothing โ€” there are no half-way measures for you. There can be trouble through emotional excesses, misplaced passions or the loss of control of the sensual nature. Self-control and self-discipline are necessary or you may self-destruct. Channel your hormonal energies into things creative, such as art, music, poetry, sculpture, drama, etc. You must not allow yourself to become too self-indulgent or hedonistic. Feelings of jealousy, envy and possessiveness must be controlled or any relationship will be eventually destroyed. You need to develop your self-confidence so that feelings of insecurity do not drive you over the edge. All these experiences all meant to force you to reconsider and transform your values.
โ—พ Venus conjunct Saturn
Intimacy with another does not come easy for you. You have been hurt in the past and you are reluctant to open up to others because you fear being hurt again. It is painful to relive bad experiences and you have sort of resolved within yourself that if you do not get involved, then you won't get hurt. As Simon and Garfunkle once said, "I am a rock, I am an island". As a result of your experiences, people may think you are cold, aloof, unfeeling and uncaring. The challenge here is for you to learn to open up and warm up to people, regardless of the possible consequences. You need to remember that you cannot find true love if you are unwilling to first give love, regardless of the results. Love is not barter and you cannot expect everyone you love to love you back. That is not how it works. This aspect is trying to teach you that love is universal, all-encompassing and should be doled out with no strings attached.
You find it difficult to trust people because of past painful experiences, so it takes time for you to take down all your barriers and defenses. You perhaps feel that you are unworthy of love and you cannot think of many reasons why someone should be able to love you. But, that type of thinking is an illusion. You are entitled to as much love as the next person, but love does carry responsibilities. You are worthy of love and there is a lot to love about you, but you must change your attitudes before you can experience the truth of what I have said. People do care about you, but they will tend to leave you alone if they feel that you are trying to shut them out. Open up your emotions and take your chances. It won't kill you, unless you let it. And that would then be your fault.
So, here it is. You need to learn to value and love yourself more and to express your appreciation for others more openly. Not with material gifts, but with honest and true emotion. You have a complex emotional nature and it needs to be examined. You are very loyal and steadfast towards those you love once your emotional needs are understood and that is an admirable trait. You tend to be very serious and responsible in relationships. You may involve yourself with noticeably older or younger partners. Try to be less sensitive and more forgiving when you think a loved one has slighted you. You have a need to feel secure and if you do not, then that tends to throw you for a loop. All manner of negative emotions surface then.
You find it difficult to show love physically. Stop being such a miser with your affections as well as with your possessions. You have a stingy streak in you that does not serve you well. After all, you can't take it with you when you go. So use some of it now in order to spread a little happiness. You may have a tendency to equate having things to having security. This is another illusion. You don't really become less secure by giving away possessions. In fact, the only true wealth you have and retain is that which you give away to others. This is another lesson for you to learn. To end on the bright side, you are a reliable friend who can be trusted.
โ—พVenus conjunct Uranus
You are excitable, spontaneous, and easily aroused emotionally and sexually. You tend to fall in and out of love very quickly and have little self-restraint or concern for propriety when your feelings have been stirred. You are unique, a bit eccentric and unconventional and you don't mind experimenting. You love and crave excitement, especially in your emotional life. You enjoy the thrill of the chase and you split when things start to get boring. Your strong suit is not in hanging around for the long haul. You prefer non-traditional relationships, ones that give you plenty of freedom and independence as you do not like to feel tied down. You like playing the field and settling down in a permanent, one-to-one relationship may be asking too much from you. In fact, you may intentionally choose partners who are otherwise unavailable because it helps keep things from getting too close and involved. You don't like strings attached to relationships and you prefer to remain rather detached with it all.
You have a highly unusual and explosive emotional nature. You change emotionally as easily as the wind changes direction. You are troubled with the emotional ups and downs which you do not understand and you have the tendency to blame whoever is handy for your emotional lows. The crazy emotional tides which you feel are coming from within and they are because your creativity cannot find a decent outward expression. Use your wonderful creativity ability and your fine intuition in the pursuit of something artistically or musically creative. Then you won't be quite so at the mercy of your erratic emotions.
You have a lot of personal magnetism and sex appeal. Others find you very alluring, exciting and interesting. Being restless by nature, travel would be good for you as it would give you an opportunity to satisfy your curiosity and your wanderlust. Change is necessary for you and one way or another your life will be filled with it. In general, you do not care what people think of you or the ways in which you relate to the world and to others. You will do what you want. You need to exercise self-control over your sensual nature.
โ—พ Venus sextile Ascendant; Venus Trine Ascendant
You are cheerful, fun-loving, charming, easy-going and have a pleasant personality. You love beauty and harmony and you are happiest when things are going smoothly. You do not like discord and you do not go out of your way to make waves. You may have artistic talent.
โ—พ Venus sextile Jupiter; Venus trine Jupiter
You are a generous, warm-hearted and open-handed person who shares every resource with others. You give of both yourself and your possessions to those whom you favor, although you will rarely put yourself out too much in order to do so. You enjoy luxury and refinement and you desire to always be in comfortable, elegant surroundings. You hate having to get your hands dirty. You are charming, gracious and charitable and you are the model host or hostess. This aspect brings material good fortune, which has been earned from previous lives. If there is a negative here, then it is your tendency towards self-indulgence, over-extravagance and laziness. Sometimes things come to you so easily that you do not appreciate them. Things are most appreciated if one has to work hard for them. There may be a love of rich, sweet food as well as too much of it, hence a tendency to gain weight. You are a very gentle and social person who loves harmony, beauty and travel. Be careful not to take things too much for granted or take the easy way out.
โ—พ Venus trine Mars; Venus sextile Mars
You are warmly romantic and openly express your affection, appreciation and love of the opposite sex, though rarely in a crude or insensitive manner. You seem to be a magnet to the opposite sex, regardless of whether most people would classify you as beautiful or attractive, although you may well be. You are simply fun and pleasant to be around and that is why you attract so much attention. You have sex appeal and others like and appreciate your easy-going emotional nature. You like getting people together and if it were up to you, you would have the whole world paired off, living happily ever after.
You have a strong desire for love and beauty and involving yourself in some type of creative activity, whether it be art, music, sculpture or poetry, would help to satisfy this inner craving. This aspect brings a certain charisma and you seem to naturally draw people around you. You like to socialize and are happiest when surrounded by others. You have a great need to give and receive affection from others. You are warm and demonstrative in your affection for others. You are very much alive and others find this very appealing. Fulfillment and harmony in love is likely for you because you know what you want and need in a romantic sense and you express those desires honestly and openly. You have no hidden agendas. You are a non-combative individual who likes peace and serenity. You put a lot of energy into your emotions.
โ—พ Venus sextile Neptune; Venus trine Neptune
You are a sensitive person with a lot of artistic imagination and a flair for creating beautiful things or environments. You find peace in listening to good music and many times it will be the catalyst for your trips of fantasy. You are romantic and would like to have a story-book kind of life where you live in bliss with your one and only soulmate. These are indeed high ideals, but it's okay for you to dream because at the same time you are dreaming, you are able to keep your feet on the ground and not get carried away by it all. You are compassionate and seek to help others who are in need. You are a natural "giver" and it makes you happy to serve. You want what's best for all concerned and you do not have a problem with your ego getting in the way. You find it difficult to be too assertive as you like peace and harmony, without making waves. You are capable of great sacrifice for those you love and you do not necessarily need to be recognized for that or receive anything in return. You have a mystical side to you and you like being around artistic or mystical people. Church music stirs your soul and is as a breath of fresh air from your true home, the heaven worlds. You may have real talent with music or singing. You are devoted and devotional. You generally root for the underdog and can sometimes be a sucker for a sob story. You will attract people in this lifetime who will help you continue the soul growth you started in previous lives.
โ—พVenus sextile Pluto; Venus trine Pluto
You put everything you have into your emotions. Because you feel and love so deeply, so passionately and wholeheartedly, others may find your intensity either extremely attractive or very threatening. You are charismatic, with sex appeal and a certain amount of animal magnetism which can't help but be noticed by the opposite sex. You have the ability to use your attractiveness and charm to manipulate others, oftentimes without even realizing it. This aspect gives you the opportunity to transform your values or to be the catalyst to help others transform theirs. There is artistic ability along with a desire to create beauty, harmony and comfort. You have an understanding and an empathy for the problems of others and you are always looking for ways in which to help them or at least find the good that is in them.
โ—พVenus trine Saturn; Venus sextile Saturn
You are loyal and steadfast in matters of love and affection. The feelings of others are a serious matter to you and you don't play games with people's affections. Fidelity is highly valued and you don't want to settle for less. Security plays an important part in your life and you have a fine enough opinion about yourself and your own self-worth that problems with insecurity don't cause you much aggravation or upset. Still, you are somewhat reserved in showing your affections as you want to be sure you can trust whomever you are involved with. Your tastes and needs are simple and although you appreciate beauty and luxury, you do not need every luxury and convenience in the world in order to be happy. A person's character and inner nature matter more to you than their appearance. Casual or superficial relationships are not what you want and you aren't looking for them. You understand that the best kind of love takes time to develop and real love only gets better, deeper and more satisfying with age. The friendships you form are generally solid and long-lasting. Stability of emotions is one of your hallmarks. You have an innate sense of duty and responsibility towards your loved ones. Self-control is relatively easy for you to practice. You wouldn't be considered a party animal as your outlook on life is a little more serious and reserved than that. Still, others appreciate the fine qualities you have spent lifetimes developing. You have an inborn strength and courage to face life's difficulties.
โ—พ Venus sextile Uranus; Venus trine Uranus
You are very creative, intuitive, original, outspoken, and open in thought and emotion. You have a magnetic charm and sex appeal that attracts others to you. You enjoy surprises and anything that provides excitement to your life, including your relationships. You are independent and want a good deal of personal freedom in your involvements with others. Your ideas about love and romance are open and progressive and you are willing to try almost anything. You make and are drawn into unusual friendships with unusual sorts of people. Many people come and go into and out of your life and they are all there to test or challenge your values and your ability to change and to be flexible. They somehow fill unique needs within you. Same with friends โ€” they come, but they go out of your life when they no longer fulfill a need. You have quite unusual ways of looking at things and you always seem to come up with clever solutions to the problems that are presented to you. Things happen to you quite suddenly, very much out of the blue. You cannot anticipate these events, you can only merely react to them. This is particularly true with love relationships. You will constantly receive exciting, unusual and unexpected events in your life which are of considerable assistance in your achieving both personal and soul growth.
โ—พ Venus opposite Ascendant; Venus square Ascendant
You seem to need the approval of others in order to feel good about yourself. You may lack self-assurance and self-confidence. You attract things you need with virtually no effort on your part. You like to be with warm, sociable people. You have a charming and pleasant personality but you may be insincere. There is also a tendency to take things for granted and to be somewhat lazy at times.
โ—พ Venus opposite Jupiter; Venus square Jupiter
There are many possibilities with this aspect. Perhaps you will try to have a relationship with one who has completely different interests than you. Perhaps your devotion to some pet cause is annoying to the one who is nearest and dearest to you. Or you may be financially wasteful or extravagant, or perhaps bombastic in your appearance. There are tendencies here for self-indulgence and over-extravagance and your love or cravings for rich, sweet food can cause you trouble with your health in the form of circulation and weight problems due to excess. Perhaps you do not value what you own because it has all come too easily. Maybe you never really had to work all that hard to accumulate it, since you seem to have the ability to effortlessly attract most everything you need. The challenge here is to balance your desires for material things with your desires for philosophic ideals. Your values will be called into question and you may need to rearrange your priorities. You have an expansive emotional nature and you have the tendency to become involved with that type of love that is commonly referred to as "blind" love. Perhaps your feelings of love are motivated by considerations of money, property or social status.
But in spite of all that is said above, you are basically a warm-hearted and generous person who will come to the aid of friends if they are in need. People know they can count on your emotional and material help without your judging them in the process. You tolerate and accept other people's shortcomings and this goes a long way in keeping harmony, which is something that is really important to you and necessary for your well-being. At times, though, you avoid confronting difficult issues because you don't want to make waves or upset people's feelings. At times you need to be more self-assertive, though, not only because it is right to stand up for your beliefs but also because your needs have to met in order for you to retain a healthy balance. You are a lover of social situations and you like to be surrounded by people. You know how to handle people and still be liked. Being alone with yourself makes you somewhat uncomfortable. You need to learn self-restraint.
โ—พ Venus opposite Mars; Venus square Mars
Amongst various possible tendencies are these: Your need to satisfy your own desires before considering other people's needs causes anger and frustration. You suppress your own desires in order to maintain peace, which causes internal conflict within you. Sex and love can cause problems because either you run hot and cold alternately, or you don't know the difference between the two or perhaps you simply have love-hate types of relationships. Your high sex drive can lead you to squander your creative force through sexual excess and sensuality. Perhaps you "fall" into love easily with whoever pays you the slightest bit of attention and affection.
You are intensely amorous and attractive to the opposite sex and are not inclined to simple, friendly platonic relationships. There is a lot of tension in your love life because you often put your own needs ahead of your partner's or you are impatient when it comes to having your own needs met. You tend to run hot and cold in your relationships. If your partner is hot to trot, then you are not, and when you are ready for action, then your partner is not in the mood. You probably find yourself releasing your "hate" through verbal or physical fights when there are differences of opinion with your partner and after your hostility is released, then you once again feel "love" for that person. Of course, while your emotions might be back to normal, you partner is still trying to figure out just what happened and what hit them. You are ready to go again, but they are not and you can't understand why. This can create a great deal of frustration and disappointment that you do not easily shrug off because you cannot understand what the other person's "problem" is. If you are not in a love relationship, then you want to be in one and if you are, then you don't want to be. Your emotions are not stable and you have problems dealing with them. You are indecisive and your values and standards of behavior change from one moment to the next. You need to learn how to compromise with others so that your anger does not erupt when you do not get your way. Blowing off steam is fine, and perhaps you need to buy yourself a punching bag so you can spar with it when you are upset, but it is not right to use other people, especially loved ones, as verbal punching bags or as objects of your assault tactics. Additionally, you need to overcome your feelings of love and hate toward the people you care about.
โ—พ Venus opposite Neptune; Venus square Neptune
You tend to be what some people call the hopeless romantic. You are very idealistic about love and romance and many times it isn't so much the case that you love someone or that you are in love with someone as it is that you are in love with love. You tend to put your loved one on a pedestal and this can bring problems because when the loved one eventually does something to "fall from grace", then huge disappointment and disillusionment set in and you are crushed. You need to stop looking at the world through rose-colored glasses and see things for how and what they really are. Your ideas about how people ought to relate and love each other get in the way of your actual relationships.
Another facet of this aspect is that you may have such an ideal mate built up in your own imagination that no real person could ever come close to your fantasy. You may spend your entire lifetime looking for Mr. or Ms. Perfect such that you miss Mr. or Ms. Right. You become very disillusioned when you discover that no real, flesh-and-blood person ever quite lives up to your dream image of the perfect mate. Come down to earth and realize that no one is perfect and there are no white knights ready to come dashing along to save you. Stop the dreaming but don't give up the dream. Although you frequently fantasize about love and romance, you may avoid becoming intimately involved with anyone or making definite commitments. You can be evasive and dishonest with yourself and others when it comes to love.
There is danger of falling into the wrong type of relationship, a relationship of co-dependence. Either you or your partner may enjoy or feel obligated to play the role of martyr, victim or savior. Remember that no good relationship is unequal. Two equal partners who neither feel the need to save or be saved make the best couple.
You are a sensitive person who enjoys the finer, aesthetic things in life. You desire harmony and beauty and are probably attracted to the arts in some way, either painting, music, dance, theater or drama. You are perhaps attracted to those with artistic or mystical inclinations. There is a certain charm about you that others find unworldly. The unusual and the intuitive, the sensual and the explorative appeal to you. You are insecure in matters of love. Simply remember that you have human frailty, but do the best you can as that is all the Universe asks of you. Recognize, too, that human weakness exists even in those you love. Sometimes others cannot live up to your expectations, which may be quite unrealistic at times. You may be unrealistic in matters of love. You may believe that if someone loves you enough that they can read your mind. This will set you up for many disappointments because that is just not true. You need to tell people what you want and how you feel. They cannot read your mind no matter how much they love and care about you.
You need to transform your material values into spiritual values and to turn personal desires into universal desires. Personal property and possessions may disappear in strange, mysterious ways in order to teach you that material possessions are easily replaced and therefore are of limited value. The only thing you can take with you when you die are your spiritual and personal growth, your experiences. You need to learn to love without expecting love in return. You must learn to forgive and thus release inner resentments. You need to learn how to turn the other cheek while not becoming a doormat for all to walk on. One last thing, do not turn to drugs or alcohol when you feel sorrow or when you feel like escaping from the world. Life must be faced head-on if you are to get anywhere and resorting to drugs or alcohol will only make things much worse.
โ—พ Venus opposite Pluto; Venus square Pluto
You are drawn to powerful and compelling emotional and sexual attractions and experiences that you may feel you have little choice or control over. You crave intensity and these incidents provide you with the opportunity to satisfy your wanton desires. You feel an overwhelming need for love and you may be emotionally or sexually greedy, insatiable, obsessive or compulsive. You tend to be very jealous of and possessive of the objects of your desires and although you keep tight reins on your partners, you do not want them to question or control you in any way. This makes for very one-sided types of relationships. You need to become aware that your jealous and possessive traits will drive away those you profess to love. Power struggles are likely in your relationships as you want to wear the pants, yet you continually attract that same sort of person for a partner. Your love life is passionate and often explosive and painful, but you don't seem to mind because the intensity helps make you feel that you are alive.
The challenge here is to transform your values. Important psychological problems are being worked out because of and through your relationships with others. Because of this you may attract people and friends who act destructively towards you. The reason this happens is because these people are mirroring the same type of acts you yourself have done in former lives. You are now reaping what you have sown previously. You are being given the chance to wipe your slate clean if you do not respond to evil with evil. Release all thoughts of revenge and learn to turn the other cheek. When your debts are paid and your lessons are learned, then destructive people will no longer be part of your life. This aspect shows a readiness on your part to atone for past mistakes and cruelties.
In matters of health, this aspect tends to interfere with the magnetic forces in the veins and prevents proper drainage of toxins and waste material from the tissues. It can also hinder the filtering process in the kidneys. This leads to improper cleansing of the blood, with the result that toxins and waste material seek exit through the lungs and skin in the form of lung congestions and skin eruptions. The spiritual lesson here is to let go of ill feelings (emotional toxins) and forgive (elimination, transformation), rather than trying to get even or seeking revenge.
On the positive side, you do have the emotional power and unusual creativity to bring about beneficial and healing changes into the lives of others if you can focus on other's needs instead of your own.
โ—พ Venus opposite Saturn; Venus square Saturn
Your emotional development may have been delayed or it may simply be inadequate. You find it difficult to be warm and loving towards people because you have been hurt in the past and you fear it may happen again. You are stingy with material resources and with affection. You believe that everything must be earned and paid for โ€” there are no free lunches. Because you find it difficult to express your feelings, you tend to show people how you feel by buying them gifts as a substitute for you and your feelings. If they reject your gift, then this is easier to take than if they reject you. Though you crave love and affection, intimacy is difficult for you. You have a shallow opinion of yourself and your own worth and talents. You do not understand why anyone could possibly love you. You feel that you are unlovable. This is something you need to strongly work on as your life will continue to be miserable if you do not learn to change your attitude. You are as worthy of love as anyone else, but you must come to realize that for yourself. Do not let past experiences govern your actions and feelings for the rest of your life.
You are a serious and reserved person who appears to others as cold, aloof, unfeeling and uncaring. You are not necessarily these things, it's just that you are very cautious in letting anyone see the real you or in letting people get close to you. You want to love and be loved, but you find this very difficult. You need to remember that you first have to give love to get love. And you can't buy real love. It doesn't work that way. You find it difficult to enjoy yourself in a light-hearted, open and playful way. You understand work, duty and responsibility a lot better than you understand feelings, affection and love. Rarely do you do anything for pleasure. If something involves work or getting something done, then that is pleasure for you. Other people do not understand that about you. There are times, though, when you procrastinate and put off attending to necessities with the result that duties tend to pile up. You need to learn how to balance the seriousness with life and the enjoyment of life.
You may become romantically involved with people who do not value you or treat you well. You need to learn to love and value yourself before you will find happiness in love. Security is very important to you, yet you do not know how to feel secure. Your fear of loss, of money, property, loved ones, etc., makes you very insecure. This negativity colors all your relationships for the worse. You must learn how to trust again. You must learn how to face your fears, even if it is painful. This is the only way you will ever overcome them.
You have the tendency to lose your faith and your optimism when life presents problems with which you must cope. It's fine to have a well-developed sense of responsibility, but you must also learn to trust in divine wisdom which has attracted these difficulties to you to help you develop personal and soul growth. You better than most can understand that the purpose of life is not happiness, but experience. Yet that does not mean you have to live your entire life feeling miserable. You may feel lonely, but this is because you are unwilling or unable to see that people really do love you. As I have mentioned previously, the problem may lie in your own opinion of yourself. You must first become a loving person yourself in order to attract love.
You may become defensive about expressing your real likes and dislikes for fear of being criticized or put down. You may have a jealous and possessive streak in you such that when you are in a relationship, you do anything and everything in your power to try to hold on to what you have. Of course this makes your partner feel as though they are in prison and they will try to escape the first chance they get, which is what you are fearful of in the first place. You must realize that you can never hold on to anything that doesn't want to be held on to. Love is free and there should be no contingencies placed upon it. You need to accept the difficulties you experience in life as spiritual lessons. These lessons are attempting to help you establish better values.
โ—พ Venus opposite Uranus; Venus square Uranus
You are excitable, spontaneous, and easily aroused emotionally and sexually. You crave emotional excitement and you tend to fall in and out of love very quickly, having little self-restraint or concern for propriety when your feelings have been stirred. Relationships begin with sudden, electric attraction, but they often end abruptly. You are unique, a bit eccentric and unconventional in your tastes and you don't mind experimenting. You love adventure, especially in your emotional life. You enjoy the thrill of the chase and you split when things start to get boring. You tend to be faithless in love โ€” your strong suit is not in hanging around for the long haul. You prefer non-traditional relationships, ones that give you plenty of freedom and independence as you do not like to feel tied down. You like playing the field and settling down in a permanent, one-to-one relationship may be asking too much from you. In fact, you may intentionally choose partners who are otherwise unavailable because it helps keep things from getting too close and involved. You don't like strings attached to relationships and you prefer to remain rather detached with it all. There is the possibility of clandestine relationships.
You have a highly unusual and explosive emotional nature. You are temperamental and change emotionally as easily as the wind changes direction. You are troubled with the emotional ups and downs which you don't understand and you have the tendency to blame whoever is handy for your emotional lows. The crazy emotional tides which you feel are coming from within and they are because your creativity cannot find a decent outward expression. Use your wonderful creativity ability and your fine intuition in the pursuit of something artistically or musically creative. Then you won't be quite so at the mercy of your erratic emotions.
You have a lot of personal magnetism and sex appeal. Others find you very alluring, exciting and interesting. Being restless by nature, travel would be good for you as it would give you an opportunity to satisfy your curiosity and your wanderlust. Change is necessary for you and one way or another your life will be filled with it. In general, you do not care what people think of you or the ways in which you relate to the world and to others. You will do what you want. You need to exercise self-control over your sensual nature. You also need to discipline yourself so that your strange and unusual tastes and proclivities do not make it impossible for you to get along with your fellow man and woman.
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spirit-of-phantom ยท 17 days
Aspects In Synastry
โ˜Œ Conjunction: Intensity, Fusion, Synchronization When planets are close together, it shows a strong blending of energies, signifying a powerful connection and mutual influence between individuals. If one person's Venus is in conjunction with another person's Mars, it could indicate a strong physical attraction and passionate energy between the two individuals.
ฮ” Trine: Harmony, Ease, Mutual Support This aspect indicates harmony and support between the planets, suggesting an easy flow of energy and understanding between the individuals involved. When one person's Sun forms a trine with another person's Moon, it suggests a natural understanding and emotional harmony, fostering a sense of ease and mutual support in the relationship.
โœฑ Sextile: Opportunity, Compatibility, Understanding Signifying opportunities and compatibility, the sextile aspect represents a positive and harmonious interaction between the planets, fostering mutual growth and understanding. For instance, if one person's Mercury is sextile to another person's Jupiter, it may indicate a shared intellectual rapport and a mutual appreciation for open-minded communication and learning.
โ˜ Square: Tension, Challenge, Growth Showing tension and challenges, the square aspect indicates a conflict between the planets, suggesting potential friction and differences that need to be resolved for better understanding and harmony. If one person's Saturn is square to another person's Sun, it may signify a dynamic where responsibilities and goals could create tension and challenges, requiring compromise and understanding to foster a harmonious relationship.
โ˜ Opposition: Balance, Polarity, Compromise Representing polarity and balance, the opposition aspect shows a tug-of-war between the planets, highlighting the need for compromise and understanding to achieve a harmonious relationship dynamic. For example, if one person's Moon is in opposition to another person's Venus, it could suggest a push-pull dynamic between emotional needs and desires, highlighting the importance of finding a balance between affection and nurturing.
โšป Quincunx: Adaptation, Compromise, Flexibility Signifying adjustment and adaptation, the quincunx aspect suggests a need for flexibility and understanding, as the planets involved may require some adjustments and compromises for compatibility. If one person's Mercury is quincunx to another person's Neptune, it may imply a need for adjustments and clear communication to bridge any gaps in understanding and avoid potential misunderstandings in the relationship.
โšบ Semi-Sextile: Adjustment, Alignment, Minor Influence Signifying subtle adjustments and minor influences, the semi-sextile aspect suggests a need for small adaptations and understanding between the planets involved for better compatibility and communication. For instance, if one person's Mars is semi-sextile to another person's Pluto, it may suggest subtle adjustments and compromises in the expression of desires and passions to foster a more harmonious and balanced relationship.
โˆ  Semi-Square: Friction, Unease, Minor Conflict Showing minor tensions and challenges, the semi-square aspect indicates a subtle conflict and friction between the planets, highlighting the need for patience and adjustments to foster understanding and harmony. If one person's Jupiter is semi-square to another person's Saturn, it might indicate minor tensions and challenges related to differing approaches to growth and responsibility, requiring patience and understanding to navigate potential conflicts.
โšผ Sesquiquadrate: Discord, Tension, Compromise Indicating minor discord and tension, the sesquiquadrate aspect suggests a need for compromise and adjustments between the planets, as they may create subtle challenges that require resolution for better relationship dynamics. For example, if one person's Venus is sesquiquadrate to another person's Uranus, it could imply minor discord and tensions related to the need for personal freedom and individuality within the relationship.
Q Quintile: Creativity, Inspiration, Unique Connection Signifying creativity and inspiration, the quintile aspect represents a harmonious and creative interaction between the planets, fostering a sense of inspiration and mutual understanding that contributes to the dynamics of the relationship. If one person's Sun forms a quintile with another person's Pluto, it could suggest a creative and transformative connection, fostering a sense of shared power and growth within the relationship.
bQ Biquintile: Harmony, Mutual Inspiration, Creative Bond Reflecting creative harmony and inspiration, the biquintile aspect emphasizes a strong creative connection and mutual inspiration between the planets, contributing to a sense of shared creativity and understanding within the relationship. For instance, if one person's Mercury is biquintile to another person's Neptune, it may indicate a strong creative and intuitive bond, fostering a deep understanding and shared inspiration within the relationship.
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spirit-of-phantom ยท 17 days
Synastry House Overlays
First House Overlay: Represents the way you perceive each other and make an initial impression. It influences your mutual approach to new beginnings and personal identity within the relationship. Second House Overlay: Reflects your shared values, material assets, and sense of stability. It influences your financial dynamics and how you nurture a sense of security and comfort together. Third House Overlay: Shapes your communication style and intellectual rapport. It influences the way you exchange ideas, share knowledge, and engage in meaningful conversations. Fourth House Overlay: Dictates the emotional foundation of your relationship and influences your sense of security and belonging. It shapes your domestic dynamics and shared sense of emotional sanctuary. Fifth House Overlay: Governs your shared creativity, passions, and sense of joy. It influences your approach to romance, self-expression, and the cultivation of shared hobbies and pleasures. Sixth House Overlay: Influences your approach to everyday responsibilities and well-being. It shapes your shared sense of routine, health habits, and the way you support each other in practical matters. Seventh House Overlay: Signifies your approach to partnerships and shared commitments. It influences your perception of one another, the dynamics of your relationship, and the balance between self and other. Eighth House Overlay: Governs your shared experiences of intimacy, transformation, and shared resources. It shapes the depth of your emotional connection and your ability to navigate intense transformations together. Ninth House Overlay: Reflects your shared beliefs, philosophies, and sense of adventure. It influences your approach to growth, higher knowledge, and the exploration of new horizons together. Tenth House Overlay: Dictates your shared ambitions, public image, and approach to long-term goals. It shapes your career aspirations, public persona, and mutual drive for success. Eleventh House Overlay: Governs your shared ideals, social connections, and community involvement. It influences your approach to friendships, shared dreams, and collective aspirations. Twelfth House Overlay: Signifies your shared spiritual connection, subconscious patterns, and sense of transcendence. It influences your ability to support each other through challenges, connect on a soulful level, and find deeper meaning in your relationship.
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spirit-of-phantom ยท 17 days
Synastry 7th House Overlay
Sun in the Seventh House Overlay:
House Person Perspective: The Sun's presence in the seventh house overlay emphasizes the house person's focus on partnership and collaboration. They may perceive the planet person as someone who brings a sense of vitality and a strong personal identity to their relationships, fostering a deep sense of mutual support and shared aspirations.
Planet Person Perspective: The planet person may find the house person's emphasis on partnership and collaboration appealing and reassuring. They may view the house person as someone who embodies a strong sense of identity and a spirit of companionship, fostering a deep appreciation for their ability to bring warmth and support to their shared relationships.
Moon in the Seventh House Overlay:
House Person Perspective: The Moon's presence in the seventh house overlay highlights the house person's emotional connection and need for nurturing within their relationships. They may perceive the planet person as someone who provides emotional support and a sense of security within their partnerships, fostering a deep emotional bond and a strong sense of togetherness.
Planet Person Perspective: The planet person may find the house person's emphasis on emotional connection and nurturing within their relationships endearing and comforting. They may view the house person as someone who provides emotional stability and a deep sense of caring, fostering a strong emotional bond and a supportive atmosphere within their shared partnerships.
Mercury in the Seventh House Overlay:
House Person Perspective: Mercury's presence in the seventh house overlay enhances the house person's communication and intellectual engagement within their partnerships. They may perceive the planet person as someone who stimulates meaningful conversations and promotes mutual understanding within their relationships, fostering a sense of mental rapport and a shared intellectual connection.
Planet Person Perspective: The planet person may find the house person's communicative and intellectually stimulating presence within their partnerships appealing and engaging. They may view the house person as someone who embodies a quick wit and an adaptable communication style, fostering a deep appreciation for their ability to create a lively and mentally engaging atmosphere within their shared relationships.
Venus in the Seventh House Overlay:
House Person Perspective: Venus's presence in the seventh house overlay infuses the house person's partnerships with harmony and a sense of aesthetic appreciation. They may perceive the planet person as someone who brings love, beauty, and a sense of balance to their relationships, fostering a deep sense of emotional connection and shared affection.
Planet Person Perspective: The planet person may find the house person's appreciation for harmony and beauty within their relationships appealing and comforting. They may view the house person as someone who embodies a sense of balance and aesthetic appreciation, fostering a deep appreciation for their ability to create an atmosphere of shared love and mutual affection.
Mars in the Seventh House Overlay:
House Person Perspective: Mars's presence in the seventh house overlay adds a dynamic and assertive energy to the house person's approach to their partnerships. They may perceive the planet person as someone who encourages mutual growth and assertiveness within their relationships, fostering a sense of dynamic energy and shared passion.
Planet Person Perspective: The planet person may find the house person's assertive and passionate approach to their partnerships compelling and invigorating. They may view the house person as someone who embodies a strong sense of determination and a proactive approach to mutual growth, fostering a deep appreciation for their ability to create an atmosphere of shared energy and vitality within their relationships.
Jupiter in the Seventh House Overlay:
House Person Perspective: Jupiter's presence in the seventh house overlay brings a sense of expansion and growth to the house person's partnerships. They may perceive the planet person as someone who inspires a spirit of optimism and shared aspirations within their relationships, fostering a sense of mutual growth and a spirit of adventure.
Planet Person Perspective: The planet person may find the house person's sense of optimism and shared aspirations within their partnerships appealing and inspiring. They may view the house person as someone who embodies a spirit of growth and a positive outlook, fostering a deep appreciation for their ability to create an environment of shared enthusiasm and exploration within their relationships.
Saturn in the Seventh House Overlay:
House Person Perspective: Saturn's presence in the seventh house overlay may bring a sense of structure and responsibility to the house person's approach to their partnerships. They may perceive the planet person as someone who instills a strong sense of commitment and reliability within their relationships, fostering a sense of stability and a dedicated partnership.
Planet Person Perspective: The planet person may find the house person's disciplined and reliable approach to their partnerships admirable and reassuring. They may view the house person as someone who embodies a strong sense of commitment and reliability, fostering a deep respect for their dedication and responsible mindset within their shared relationships.
Uranus in the Seventh House Overlay:
House Person Perspective: Uranus's presence in the seventh house overlay adds an element of innovation and excitement to the house person's approach to their relationships. They may perceive the planet person as someone who encourages a spirit of independence and forward-thinking within their partnerships, fostering a sense of excitement and mutual growth.
Planet Person Perspective: The planet person may find the house person's willingness to embrace change and innovation within their relationships intellectually stimulating and refreshing. They may view the house person as someone who embodies a spirit of independence and open-mindedness, fostering a deep appreciation for their ability to create an environment of shared growth and progressive partnership.
Neptune in the Seventh House Overlay:
House Person Perspective: Neptune's presence in the seventh house overlay brings an aura of inspiration and creativity to the house person's partnerships. They may perceive the planet person as someone who encourages a deep emotional connection and a shared sense of compassion within their relationships, fostering a sense of spiritual depth and mutual understanding.
Planet Person Perspective: The planet person may find the house person's creative and compassionate approach to their partnerships intriguing and inspiring. They may view the house person as someone who embodies a sense of empathy and artistic sensitivity, fostering a deep appreciation for their ability to create a compassionate and spiritually rich atmosphere within their shared relationships.
Pluto in the Seventh House Overlay:
House Person Perspective: Pluto's presence in the seventh house overlay adds a transformative and intense energy to the house person's approach to their partnerships. They may perceive the planet person as someone who catalyzes profound changes and personal growth within their relationships, fostering a sense of deep emotional transformation and a powerful bond.
Planet Person Perspective: The planet person may find the house person's depth and intensity within their partnerships captivating and transformative. They may view the house person as someone who embodies a powerful and transformative presence, fostering a deep sense of respect and admiration for their ability to navigate profound emotional changes and create an environment of deep emotional connection within their shared relationships.
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spirit-of-phantom ยท 17 days
Synastry 8th House Overlay
Sun in the Eighth House Overlay:
House Person Perspective: The Sun's presence in the eighth house overlay highlights the house person's experience of deep transformations and intimate connections. They may perceive the planet person as someone who brings a sense of vitality and strength to the transformative aspects of their life, fostering a deep sense of emotional connection and shared power.
Planet Person Perspective: The planet person may find the house person's emphasis on deep transformations and intimate connections intriguing and compelling. They may view the house person as someone who embodies a sense of emotional depth and personal power, fostering a deep appreciation for their ability to navigate intense experiences and create a strong emotional bond within their shared connection.
Moon in the Eighth House Overlay:
House Person Perspective: The Moon's presence in the eighth house overlay accentuates the house person's emotional experiences and their deep psychological processes. They may perceive the planet person as someone who provides emotional support and a sense of understanding within the transformative aspects of their life, fostering a deep emotional bond and shared intimacy.
Planet Person Perspective: The planet person may find the house person's emotional depth and psychological awareness within the transformative aspects of their life appealing and comforting. They may view the house person as someone who provides emotional stability and a deep sense of understanding, fostering a strong emotional bond and a nurturing atmosphere within their shared connection.
Mercury in the Eighth House Overlay:
House Person Perspective: Mercury's presence in the eighth house overlay enhances the house person's understanding and communication within intense and transformative experiences. They may perceive the planet person as someone who stimulates meaningful discussions and facilitates a deeper comprehension of complex emotional processes, fostering a sense of psychological exploration and mutual understanding.
Planet Person Perspective: The planet person may find the house person's communicative and insightful presence within intense and transformative experiences engaging and enlightening. They may view the house person as someone who embodies a quick and perceptive communication style, fostering a deep appreciation for their ability to foster a deeper understanding and facilitate meaningful discussions within their shared connection.
Venus in the Eighth House Overlay:
House Person Perspective: Venus's presence in the eighth house overlay infuses the house person's intimate connections and transformative experiences with harmony and a sense of emotional depth. They may perceive the planet person as someone who brings love, understanding, and a shared appreciation for emotional intensity within their connection, fostering a deep emotional bond and a strong sense of intimacy.
Planet Person Perspective: The planet person may find the house person's emphasis on emotional depth and intimate connections within their relationship appealing and comforting. They may view the house person as someone who embodies a sense of harmony and emotional connection, fostering a deep appreciation for their ability to create a loving and profound connection within their shared experiences.
Mars in the Eighth House Overlay:
House Person Perspective: Mars's presence in the eighth house overlay adds a dynamic and assertive energy to the house person's approach to transformative experiences and intimate connections. They may perceive the planet person as someone who encourages personal growth and assertiveness within their connection, fostering a sense of passionate energy and shared empowerment.
Planet Person Perspective: The planet person may find the house person's assertive and passionate approach to transformative experiences and intimate connections compelling and invigorating. They may view the house person as someone who embodies a strong sense of determination and personal power, fostering a deep appreciation for their ability to bring energy and empowerment to their shared connection.
Jupiter in the Eighth House Overlay:
House Person Perspective: Jupiter's presence in the eighth house overlay brings a sense of expansion and growth within the house person's transformative experiences and intimate connections. They may perceive the planet person as someone who inspires a spirit of optimism and personal development within their connection, fostering a sense of mutual growth and a deep emotional bond.
Planet Person Perspective: The planet person may find the house person's sense of optimism and personal development within their transformative experiences and intimate connections appealing and inspiring. They may view the house person as someone who embodies a spirit of growth and emotional depth, fostering a deep appreciation for their ability to create an atmosphere of shared growth and emotional connection within their shared experiences.
Saturn in the Eighth House Overlay:
House Person Perspective: Saturn's presence in the eighth house overlay may bring a sense of structure and depth within the house person's transformative experiences and intimate connections. They may perceive the planet person as someone who instills a strong sense of commitment and responsibility within their connection, fostering a sense of stability and a dedicated emotional bond.
Planet Person Perspective: The planet person may find the house person's disciplined and reliable approach to transformative experiences and intimate connections admirable and reassuring. They may view the house person as someone who embodies a strong sense of commitment and emotional depth, fostering a deep respect for their dedication and responsible mindset within their shared connection.
Uranus in the Eighth House Overlay:
House Person Perspective: Uranus's presence in the eighth house overlay adds an element of change and unpredictability to the house person's transformative experiences and intimate connections. They may perceive the planet person as someone who encourages growth and innovation within their connection, fostering a sense of excitement and mutual exploration.
Planet Person Perspective: The planet person may find the house person's willingness to embrace change and innovation within their transformative experiences and intimate connections intellectually stimulating and refreshing. They may view the house person as someone who embodies a spirit of independence and open-mindedness, fostering a deep appreciation for their ability to create an environment of shared growth and dynamic connection within their shared experiences.
Neptune in the Eighth House Overlay:
House Person Perspective: Neptune's presence in the eighth house overlay brings an aura of sensitivity and spiritual connection to the house person's transformative experiences and intimate connections. They may perceive the planet person as someone who encourages a deep emotional and spiritual bond within their connection, fostering a sense of emotional depth and shared empathy.
Planet Person Perspective: The planet person may find the house person's emotional depth and spiritual awareness within their transformative experiences and intimate connections intriguing and inspiring. They may view the house person as someone who embodies a sense of empathy and spiritual connection, fostering a deep appreciation for their ability to create an atmosphere of shared emotional depth and profound connection within their shared experiences.
Pluto in the Eighth House Overlay:
House Person Perspective: Pluto's presence in the eighth house overlay adds a transformative and intense energy to the house person's experience of intimacy and deep connections. They may perceive the planet person as someone who catalyzes profound changes and personal growth within their connection, fostering a sense of deep emotional transformation and a powerful bond.
Planet Person Perspective: The planet person may find the house person's depth and intensity within their experience of intimacy and deep connections captivating and transformative. They may view the house person as someone who embodies a powerful and transformative presence, fostering a deep sense of respect and admiration for their ability to navigate profound emotional changes and create an environment of deep emotional connection within their shared experiences.
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spirit-of-phantom ยท 17 days
Synastry 9th House Overlay
Sun in the Ninth House Overlay:
House Person Perspective: The Sun's presence in the ninth house overlay highlights the house person's exploration of beliefs and intellectual pursuits. They may perceive the planet person as someone who brings a sense of vitality and a spirit of adventure to their shared quest for knowledge, fostering a deep connection based on mutual growth and a shared sense of purpose.
Planet Person Perspective: The planet person may find the house person's emphasis on exploration and intellectual pursuits inspiring and invigorating. They may view the house person as someone who embodies a strong sense of purpose and a thirst for knowledge, fostering a deep appreciation for their ability to create an environment of shared growth and intellectual stimulation within their shared experiences.
Moon in the Ninth House Overlay:
House Person Perspective: The Moon's presence in the ninth house overlay accentuates the house person's emotional connection to their philosophical and spiritual beliefs. They may perceive the planet person as someone who provides emotional support and a sense of understanding within their exploration of higher knowledge, fostering a deep emotional bond and a shared sense of spiritual growth.
Planet Person Perspective: The planet person may find the house person's emotional depth and connection to philosophical and spiritual beliefs endearing and comforting. They may view the house person as someone who provides emotional stability and a deep sense of spiritual understanding, fostering a strong emotional bond and a nurturing atmosphere within their shared exploration of higher knowledge.
Mercury in the Ninth House Overlay:
House Person Perspective: Mercury's presence in the ninth house overlay enhances the house person's communication and intellectual engagement within their quest for knowledge. They may perceive the planet person as someone who stimulates meaningful conversations and facilitates a deeper understanding of complex philosophical concepts, fostering a sense of mental exploration and mutual intellectual growth.
Planet Person Perspective: The planet person may find the house person's communicative and insightful presence within their exploration of knowledge engaging and enlightening. They may view the house person as someone who embodies a quick and perceptive communication style, fostering a deep appreciation for their ability to foster a deeper understanding and facilitate meaningful discussions within their shared pursuit of intellectual growth.
Venus in the Ninth House Overlay:
House Person Perspective: Venus's presence in the ninth house overlay infuses the house person's exploration of beliefs and knowledge with harmony and a sense of aesthetic appreciation. They may perceive the planet person as someone who brings love, cultural appreciation, and a shared sense of beauty to their quest for higher understanding, fostering a deep emotional connection and a mutual appreciation for the arts.
Planet Person Perspective: The planet person may find the house person's appreciation for cultural exploration and a shared sense of beauty within their pursuit of higher knowledge appealing and comforting. They may view the house person as someone who embodies a sense of harmony and cultural appreciation, fostering a deep appreciation for their ability to create an atmosphere of shared love and aesthetic appreciation within their shared quest for knowledge.
Mars in the Ninth House Overlay:
House Person Perspective: Mars's presence in the ninth house overlay adds a dynamic and assertive energy to the house person's approach to their quest for higher understanding and philosophical beliefs. They may perceive the planet person as someone who encourages personal growth and assertiveness within their exploration of knowledge, fostering a sense of passionate energy and shared intellectual drive.
Planet Person Perspective: The planet person may find the house person's assertive and passionate approach to their quest for higher understanding and philosophical beliefs compelling and invigorating. They may view the house person as someone who embodies a strong sense of determination and personal drive, fostering a deep appreciation for their ability to bring energy and empowerment to their shared intellectual pursuits.
Jupiter in the Ninth House Overlay:
House Person Perspective: Jupiter's presence in the ninth house overlay brings a sense of expansion and growth within the house person's exploration of higher knowledge and philosophical beliefs. They may perceive the planet person as someone who inspires a spirit of optimism and personal development within their shared quest for wisdom, fostering a sense of mutual growth and a deep connection based on shared ideals.
Planet Person Perspective: The planet person may find the house person's sense of optimism and personal development within their exploration of higher knowledge and philosophical beliefs appealing and inspiring. They may view the house person as someone who embodies a spirit of growth and intellectual curiosity, fostering a deep appreciation for their ability to create an environment of shared growth and philosophical exploration within their shared experiences.
Saturn in the Ninth House Overlay:
House Person Perspective: Saturn's presence in the ninth house overlay may bring a sense of structure and discipline to the house person's approach to their exploration of higher knowledge and philosophical beliefs. They may perceive the planet person as someone who instills a strong sense of commitment and responsibility within their shared pursuit of wisdom, fostering a sense of stability and a dedicated focus on personal growth.
Planet Person Perspective: The planet person may find the house person's disciplined and reliable approach to their exploration of higher knowledge and philosophical beliefs admirable and reassuring. They may view the house person as someone who embodies a strong sense of dedication and intellectual depth, fostering a deep respect for their commitment and responsible mindset within their shared quest for wisdom.
Uranus in the Ninth House Overlay:
House Person Perspective: Uranus's presence in the ninth house overlay adds an element of innovation and intellectual excitement to the house person's approach to their exploration of higher knowledge and philosophical beliefs. They may perceive the planet person as someone who encourages a spirit of independence and forward-thinking within their shared quest for wisdom, fostering a sense of excitement and a dynamic exploration of new ideas.
Planet Person Perspective: The planet person may find the house person's willingness to embrace change and intellectual innovation within their exploration of higher knowledge and philosophical beliefs intellectually stimulating and refreshing. They may view the house person as someone who embodies a spirit of independence and open-mindedness, fostering a deep appreciation for their ability to create an environment of shared growth and progressive exploration within their shared experiences.
Neptune in the Ninth House Overlay:
House Person Perspective: Neptune's presence in the ninth house overlay brings an aura of spiritual connection and artistic inspiration to the house person's exploration of higher knowledge and philosophical beliefs. They may perceive the planet person as someone who encourages a deep sense of spiritual understanding and a shared connection to the mystical aspects of life, fostering a sense of spiritual depth and a mutual appreciation for artistic expression.
Planet Person Perspective: The planet person may find the house person's spiritual depth and artistic inspiration within their exploration of higher knowledge and philosophical beliefs intriguing and inspiring. They may view the house person as someone who embodies a sense of empathy and creative sensitivity, fostering a deep appreciation for their ability to create an atmosphere of shared spiritual depth and artistic exploration within their shared experiences.
Pluto in the Ninth House Overlay:
House Person Perspective: Pluto's presence in the ninth house overlay adds a transformative and intense energy to the house person's experience of exploring higher knowledge and philosophical beliefs. They may perceive the planet person as someone who catalyzes profound changes and personal growth within their shared quest for wisdom, fostering a sense of deep intellectual transformation and a powerful bond based on shared ideals.
Planet Person Perspective: The planet person may find the house person's depth and intensity within their exploration of higher knowledge and philosophical beliefs captivating and transformative. They may view the house person as someone who embodies a powerful and transformative presence, fostering a deep sense of respect and admiration for their ability to navigate profound intellectual changes and create an environment of deep connection and shared intellectual growth within their shared experiences.
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spirit-of-phantom ยท 17 days
Synastry 12th House Overlay
Sun in the Twelfth House Overlay:
House Person Perspective: The Sun's presence in the twelfth house overlay highlights the house person's introspective nature and spiritual inclinations. They may perceive the planet person as someone who brings a sense of vitality and illumination to their inner world, fostering a deep sense of introspection and a shared exploration of spiritual growth.
Planet Person Perspective: The planet person may find the house person's emphasis on introspection and spiritual growth within their shared experiences intriguing and enlightening. They may view the house person as someone who embodies a deep sense of self-awareness and spiritual understanding, fostering a deep appreciation for their ability to create an environment of shared enlightenment and inner exploration within their shared experiences.
Moon in the Twelfth House Overlay:
House Person Perspective: The Moon's presence in the twelfth house overlay accentuates the house person's emotional depth and connection to their subconscious realms. They may perceive the planet person as someone who provides emotional support and a sense of understanding within their inner world, fostering a deep emotional bond and a shared sense of spiritual connection.
Planet Person Perspective: The planet person may find the house person's emotional depth and connection to their subconscious realms endearing and comforting. They may view the house person as someone who provides emotional solace and a deep sense of empathy, fostering a strong emotional bond and a supportive atmosphere within their shared exploration of inner emotions and spiritual understanding.
Mercury in the Twelfth House Overlay:
House Person Perspective: Mercury's presence in the twelfth house overlay enhances the house person's intuitive and introspective communication style within their inner reflections. They may perceive the planet person as someone who stimulates meaningful discussions and facilitates a deeper understanding of their subconscious thoughts, fostering a sense of mutual exploration and a shared emotional connection.
Planet Person Perspective: The planet person may find the house person's intuitive communication and introspective insights within their inner reflections engaging and enlightening. They may view the house person as someone who embodies a perceptive and empathetic communication style, fostering a deep appreciation for their ability to foster a deeper understanding and facilitate meaningful emotional exchanges within their shared experiences of introspection.
Venus in the Twelfth House Overlay:
House Person Perspective: Venus's presence in the twelfth house overlay infuses the house person's inner world with harmony and a sense of spiritual love. They may perceive the planet person as someone who brings compassion, creativity, and a shared appreciation for the divine to their spiritual journey, fostering a deep emotional connection and a mutual appreciation for the beauty within their inner selves.
Planet Person Perspective: The planet person may find the house person's compassionate nature and creative spirit within their spiritual journey captivating and inspiring. They may view the house person as someone who embodies a sense of empathy and artistic sensitivity, fostering a deep appreciation for their ability to create an atmosphere of shared spiritual love and inner beauty within their shared experiences of introspection and self-discovery.
Mars in the Twelfth House Overlay:
House Person Perspective: Mars's presence in the twelfth house overlay adds a dynamic and introspective energy to the house person's approach to their spiritual pursuits and inner drive. They may perceive the planet person as someone who encourages personal growth and assertiveness within their spiritual journey, fostering a sense of passionate exploration and shared emotional empowerment.
Planet Person Perspective: The planet person may find the house person's assertive and passionate approach to their spiritual pursuits and inner drive compelling and invigorating. They may view the house person as someone who embodies a strong sense of emotional empowerment and inner strength, fostering a deep appreciation for their ability to bring energy and motivation to their shared experiences of spiritual growth and introspection.
Jupiter in the Twelfth House Overlay:
House Person Perspective: Jupiter's presence in the twelfth house overlay brings a sense of spiritual expansion and growth within the house person's inner explorations and hidden potential. They may perceive the planet person as someone who inspires a spirit of optimism and personal development within their shared spiritual journey, fostering a sense of mutual growth and a deep connection based on shared beliefs.
Planet Person Perspective: The planet person may find the house person's sense of spiritual optimism and personal development within their hidden potential and inner explorations appealing and inspiring. They may view the house person as someone who embodies a spirit of growth and inner enlightenment, fostering a deep appreciation for their ability to create an environment of shared growth and spiritual understanding within their shared experiences.
Saturn in the Twelfth House Overlay:
House Person Perspective: Saturn's presence in the twelfth house overlay may bring a sense of discipline and structure to the house person's approach to their spiritual discipline and inner limitations. They may perceive the planet person as someone who encourages a strong sense of commitment and responsibility within their shared spiritual journey, fostering a sense of perseverance and a dedicated focus on personal growth.
Planet Person Perspective: The planet person may find the house person's disciplined and reliable approach to their spiritual discipline and inner limitations admirable and reassuring. They may view the house person as someone who embodies a strong sense of dedication and spiritual endurance, fostering a deep respect for their commitment and responsible mindset within their shared pursuit of spiritual growth and self-awareness.
Uranus in the Twelfth House Overlay:
House Person Perspective: Uranus's presence in the twelfth house overlay adds an element of innovation and enlightenment to the house person's approach to their spiritual awakening and unconventional insights. They may perceive the planet person as someone who encourages a spirit of independence and forward-thinking within their shared spiritual journey, fostering a sense of excitement and a dynamic exploration of new perspectives.
Planet Person Perspective: The planet person may find the house person's willingness to embrace change and spiritual enlightenment within their spiritual awakening and unconventional insights intellectually stimulating and refreshing. They may view the house person as someone who embodies a spirit of independence and open-mindedness, fostering a deep appreciation for their ability to create an environment of shared growth and progressive exploration within their shared experiences of spiritual introspection.
Neptune in the Twelfth House Overlay:
House Person Perspective: Neptune's presence in the twelfth house overlay brings an aura of spirituality and artistic inspiration to the house person's inner sanctuary and dream world. They may perceive the planet person as someone who encourages a deep sense of empathy and a shared connection to the mystical aspects of their spiritual journey, fostering a sense of creative depth and a mutual appreciation for imaginative exploration.
Planet Person Perspective: The planet person may find the house person's spiritual depth and artistic inspiration within their inner sanctuary and dream world intriguing and inspiring. They may view the house person as someone who embodies a sense of empathy and artistic sensitivity, fostering a deep appreciation for their ability to create an atmosphere of shared spiritual vision and emotional connection within their shared experiences of spiritual introspection.
Pluto in the Twelfth House Overlay:
House Person Perspective: Pluto's presence in the twelfth house overlay adds a transformative and intense energy to the house person's experience of their spiritual journey and inner transformation. They may perceive the planet person as someone who catalyzes profound changes and personal growth within their shared pursuit of spiritual evolution, fostering a sense of deep spiritual transformation and a powerful bond based on shared experiences.
Planet Person Perspective: The planet person may find the house person's depth and intensity within their spiritual journey and inner transformation captivating and transformative. They may view the house person as someone who embodies a powerful and transformative presence, fostering a deep sense of respect and admiration for their ability to navigate profound spiritual changes and create an environment of deep spiritual connection and shared growth within their shared experiences of spiritual exploration and self-discovery.
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spirit-of-phantom ยท 17 days
Astrology Observations : Composite
Composite Moon in Gemini:
Composite Moon in Gemini suggests a relationship characterized by intellectual rapport, adaptability, and the need for open communication. This placement indicates a strong emphasis on exchanging ideas, sharing thoughts, and engaging in lively discussions within the partnership. Both partners may seek emotional fulfillment through mental stimulation and the exploration of diverse interests. However, there may be challenges in establishing emotional depth and a consistent sense of emotional security, emphasizing the importance of fostering deeper emotional connections and nurturing mutual understanding within the relationship.
Composite Venus in Leo:
Composite Venus in Leo suggests a relationship marked by warmth, affection, and a desire for mutual appreciation and admiration. This placement indicates a strong emphasis on creative expression, romantic gestures, and the celebration of love. Both partners may seek validation and recognition for their affectionate displays and heartfelt gestures within the partnership. However, there may be occasional challenges related to ego and the need for attention, highlighting the importance of fostering a sense of generosity and genuine appreciation for each other's unique qualities and contributions.
Composite Mars in Libra:
Composite Mars in Libra suggests a relationship characterized by balance, harmony, and a shared desire for cooperation and diplomacy. This placement indicates a strong emphasis on finding mutually agreeable solutions, seeking compromise, and fostering a sense of fairness and justice within the partnership. Both partners may exhibit a strong sense of teamwork and a collaborative approach to achieving shared goals. However, there may be occasional challenges in making assertive decisions or addressing conflicts directly, emphasizing the importance of cultivating assertiveness and maintaining a healthy balance between accommodating each other's needs and asserting individual desires.
Composite Jupiter in Scorpio:
Composite Jupiter in Scorpio suggests a relationship marked by deep emotional growth, transformation, and a shared pursuit of inner truth and wisdom. This placement indicates a strong emphasis on exploring profound emotional connections, uncovering hidden truths, and fostering personal development within the partnership. Both partners may seek spiritual and psychological growth, leading to a shared interest in exploring the depths of the human experience. However, there may be occasional challenges related to issues of trust and emotional intensity, highlighting the importance of fostering honesty, transparency, and a shared commitment to emotional healing and empowerment within the relationship.
Composite Sun in Virgo:
Composite Sun in Virgo suggests a relationship characterized by practicality, organization, and a shared focus on mutual growth and self-improvement. This placement indicates a strong emphasis on attention to detail, efficiency, and the pursuit of perfection within the partnership. Both partners may exhibit a strong sense of responsibility and dedication to maintaining a harmonious and productive dynamic. However, there may be occasional challenges related to criticism or a tendency to be overly critical, emphasizing the importance of fostering a nurturing and supportive environment that encourages personal development and the pursuit of shared goals.
Composite Mercury in Aquarius:
Composite Mercury in Aquarius suggests a relationship marked by intellectual stimulation, innovation, and a shared interest in progressive ideas and unconventional thinking. This placement indicates a strong emphasis on open communication, intellectual freedom, and the exchange of unique perspectives within the partnership. Both partners may seek mental stimulation and the exploration of visionary concepts, leading to engaging discussions and a mutual appreciation for intellectual independence. However, there may be occasional challenges related to emotional detachment or a need for greater emotional connection, emphasizing the importance of fostering empathy and understanding each other's emotional needs within the relationship.
Composite Saturn in Pisces:
Composite Saturn in Pisces suggests a relationship characterized by empathy, spiritual growth, and a shared sense of responsibility towards emotional healing and compassion. This placement indicates a strong emphasis on creating emotional boundaries, fostering patience, and developing a deeper understanding of each other's emotional vulnerabilities within the partnership. Both partners may exhibit a strong sense of empathy and a commitment to supporting each other through emotional challenges. However, there may be occasional challenges related to emotional boundaries or a tendency to feel overwhelmed by emotional demands, emphasizing the importance of fostering a supportive and nurturing environment that encourages emotional resilience and mutual understanding.
Composite Moon in Sagittarius:
Composite Moon in Sagittarius suggests a relationship characterized by adventure, optimism, and a shared desire for emotional freedom and growth. This placement indicates a strong emphasis on exploring new experiences, seeking philosophical understanding, and fostering emotional expansiveness within the partnership. Both partners may exhibit a strong sense of independence and a shared interest in embracing diverse cultural perspectives and belief systems. However, there may be occasional challenges related to emotional restlessness or a need for greater emotional grounding, emphasizing the importance of fostering emotional stability and open communication to maintain a sense of mutual understanding and harmony.
Composite Venus in Scorpio:
Composite Venus in Scorpio suggests a relationship marked by intense emotional bonding, transformation, and a shared pursuit of intimacy and depth. This placement indicates a strong emphasis on emotional connection, loyalty, and the exploration of profound psychological dynamics within the partnership. Both partners may seek passionate and transformative experiences that foster a deeper sense of emotional intimacy and trust. However, there may be occasional challenges related to emotional vulnerability or a fear of betrayal, emphasizing the importance of fostering transparency, honesty, and mutual respect to create a secure and enduring emotional foundation within the relationship.
Composite Mars in Cancer:
Composite Mars in Cancer suggests a relationship characterized by nurturing, emotional sensitivity, and a shared drive to protect and support each other. This placement indicates a strong emphasis on fostering emotional security, empathy, and a deep understanding of each other's needs within the partnership. Both partners may exhibit a strong sense of loyalty and a commitment to creating a harmonious and supportive environment. However, there may be occasional challenges related to emotional reactivity or a need for greater assertiveness, emphasizing the importance of fostering emotional resilience, effective communication, and a balance between nurturing and asserting individual desires within the relationship.
Composite Jupiter in Aries:
Composite Jupiter in Aries suggests a relationship marked by enthusiasm, initiative, and a shared pursuit of new opportunities and growth. This placement indicates a strong emphasis on taking bold and adventurous steps together, fostering a sense of optimism and confidence within the partnership. Both partners may exhibit a strong sense of independence and a shared interest in exploring new frontiers and embracing challenges with enthusiasm. However, there may be occasional challenges related to impatience or a tendency to take risks impulsively, emphasizing the importance of fostering patience, cooperation, and a thoughtful approach to mutual growth and expansion within the relationship.
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spirit-of-phantom ยท 17 days
Synastry that indicates strong sexual attraction
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๐Ÿ”ฅVenus and Ascendant aspects: Strong physical attraction in particular, even with the harder aspects, even though at times it can difficult. The sexual chemistry is strong af. They tend to idolise each other though, especially for Venus personally to the ascendant person. This of course is more mutual and harmonious with positive aspects(this includes conjunction).
๐Ÿ”ฅMars aspecting Mars: The harsh aspects will be explosive to say the least, and likely impulsive and instantaneous even if they clash a lot. Harmonious aspects are still hot and heavy and cannot get enough of each other. Thereโ€™s still strong desire for one another.
๐Ÿ”ฅMoon aspecting Mars: Mars desires the emotional qualities of the Moon and Moon is attracted to Mars energy and drive. Normally, the favourable aspects are better with this, including conjunction. This is also a major baby making aspect (obviously depending on other contributing aspects/factors).
๐Ÿ”ฅVenus aspecting Pluto: I LOVE the conjunction with this one and I know thatโ€™s an unpopular opinion but itโ€™s sooo hot. Whilst it can get possessive and jealous, if youโ€™re both mature enough people it wonโ€™t get unhealthy (imo). As much as I donโ€™t have the conjunction, harsher aspects are more difficult to work with but the chemistry is unreal. Youโ€™re so attracted to each other regardless of the aspect. Youโ€™ll want to do each other anywhere and everywhere.
๐Ÿ”ฅSun aspecting Mars: Again, even the harsh aspects create strong sexual energy between two people. Intense sexual attraction and with positive aspects your bodies seem to move in sync with each others naturally. Harsher aspects tend to be more rough but all aspects are hot and heavy.
๐Ÿ”ฅSun aspecting Venus: Iโ€™d emphasise the positive aspects more on this one, maybe opposition too, but not always square. Because this is more the lovey-dovey, I wanna make love to you type of aspect. Itโ€™s gooey and romantic more than anything but the sexual tension is still intense.
๐Ÿ”ฅVenus aspecting Mars: this one is a classic and I think it can go a long way, even if the signs are not in the degree enough to make an aspect(for example a cancer Venus at 20ยฐ and Scorpio Mars at 10ยฐ). It can still be intense and both parties are attracted to each other. Squares are hot af in this aspect btw but tend to be complicated in the long run(again depending on other aspects).
๐Ÿ”ฅMars aspecting Pluto: Youโ€™re instantly drawn to one another. Theyโ€™re both fascinated with each other and canโ€™t explain why. They canโ€™t stay away from each other and the sex can get kinky๐Ÿ‘€ even with harsher aspects.
๐Ÿ”ฅ8th house placements(particularly Venus, Mars, Lilith and Moon): As controversial as this placement is, you canโ€™t deny the attraction you feel to one another. The sex here is intense and you canโ€™t explain the emotional connection to the other person. It can be unsettling and deep but you canโ€™t stay away from each other. Sex is otherworldly .
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spirit-of-phantom ยท 19 days
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โŠน โ‹†๏พŸ๊’ฐเฐŽ Synastry โ€“ My Moon in my partnerโ€™s house เป’๊’ฑ โ‹†๏พŸโŠน ๐“‚…
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โŠน โ‹†๏พŸ๊’ฐเฐŽ My Moon in my partnerโ€™s 1st house เป’๊’ฑ โ‹†๏พŸโŠน ๐“‚…
You instantly feel safe with your partner. You relax your guard around your partner, feel comfortable opening up your life and sharing your personal side with him/her, and have an instinctual sensation that you "connect" with him/her and that he/she will be there for you. You have a tendency to believe that your partner feels the same way. Your partner is moved by you and the emotional openness you bring to the relationship, affecting a kind and sensitive side of your partner. You bring out a sensitive side in your companion that you may not have known existed, as well as his or her most caring and gentle side.
As long as you are emotionally sensitive, this is a gentle and caring partnership. If you wish to be in a long-term relationship, this aspect indicates a favorable sensitivity to events, particularly marriage. You will most likely form a sensitive bond. That is, a relationship in which both of you enjoy being in each other's presence.
You immediately sense the need to visibly appear in your partner's presence, and you will experience a familiar form of behavioral cooperation with your partner, instinctively identifying those aspects of your everyday approach to life that mirror your own temperamental tendencies. Your companion may be able to plant a seed of an idea in your head at times.
โŠน โ‹†๏พŸ๊’ฐเฐŽ My Moon in my partnerโ€™s 2nd house เป’๊’ฑ โ‹†๏พŸโŠน ๐“‚…
Rather than romance, you cherish your relationship as a source of emotional fulfillment. Besides, you two may appear to be identical, but you are not. Emotional fulfillment is not about meeting only your own wants, whereas romance is understanding what the other person needs without needing to offer something back is necessary. Naturally, if your partner feels this way about you, they may be insecure about you. As a result, she/he may exhibit possessive behavior. If your partner is not inherently earthy and/or possessive, this will not be an issue; however, if he/she is already possessive, the touch he/she has with you may aggravate this trait, preventing the love from blossoming.
You both have a physical value to each other. You recognize common values, often related to what you learned in childhood and upbringing. Just as you share the same opinions on how to raise a child. You value yourself, but true love is not defined by material love. True love is conscious of both its own strengths and shortcomings. Your personal characteristics will determine whether or not you are comfortable in this partnership. If you or your partner appreciates a "butterflies in the stomach" style of romance, this connection can be really boring to you. This partnership, on the other hand, is a good fit if you want a pragmatic, earth-minded person.
You may recognize your partner as a naturally stabilizing influence who is eager to assist you in making the most of your resources. You may have an instinct to give him/her sound advice on where to spend his/her savings and how to maximize his/her profits while conserving resources.
โŠน โ‹†๏พŸ๊’ฐเฐŽ My Moon in my partnerโ€™s 3rd house เป’๊’ฑ โ‹†๏พŸโŠน ๐“‚…
You enjoy how your partner enters your life and how he or she goes about things, and you find it appealing that you are a helpful person who encourages their priorities. He/she know this and likes that attitude and finds themselves thinking about you frequently. This relationship is smooth, peaceful, and productive; together, you can accomplish a lot at work and have flexibility in everyday life. You don't irritate your partner; on the contrary, you communicate well with him/her.
You can be captivated by your partner's brain works and how he or she approaches your mental challenges. His/her principles can provoke your mental reactions, either positively or negatively. If there is any emotional discord in your relationship, it will inhibit an accurate comprehension of the principles each of you wants to communicate. A mental association of the same proportion can be developed when promoting helpful emotions.
You can play a role in sowing the seeds of a new idea in your partner's mind, and you can assist in contacting sources of useful information that augment and complement your own ideas. However, you may have a tendency to put these things on a false trail of thought, or you may completely lack sympathy for their ideas.
โŠน โ‹†๏พŸ๊’ฐเฐŽ My Moon in my partnerโ€™s 4th house เป’๊’ฑ โ‹†๏พŸโŠน ๐“‚…
You might have mixed feelings about your partner. On the one hand, you have a strong bond with him/her. The bond you feel is not of the fairy tale variety, but rather an ancestral bond, such as that shared by siblings and close family members. If you believe in reincarnation, this relationship indicates that you were very close to your partner in a previous life.
On the other hand, you, like siblings, feel competitive with your partner. You can also feel like a "parent" to him or her. You feel the need to assert your authority in the relationship. You both have a strong sense that your roots run deep. In a love relationship, this is not an easy position to be in. When you interact with your partner, you may arouse something so deep within him/her that he/she may require some time away to relax.
This relationship has a depth and intensity that is uncomfortable for both of you. The high level of tension and energy between you makes it difficult to be with your partner for an extended period of time. If you create a relationship that accepts your most primal needs with acceptance, understanding, and respect, the relationship becomes like brothers who like each other, if accepting it other shadow is hardโ€ฆ so the relationship will absolutely be too.
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โŠน โ‹†๏พŸ๊’ฐเฐŽ My Moon in my partnerโ€™s 5th house เป’๊’ฑ โ‹†๏พŸโŠน ๐“‚…
Your partner instills in you a strong sense of pleasure. You have the impression that she/ he is an indescribably adorable work of art or a musical melody in motion. "This one is perfect! why aren't the rest like this?" you think of your partner. It's not that your partner is perfect, but when you're with them, your senses are filled with pleasure.
You completely let down your emotional guard and seek out ways to be with your partner simply because their presence cheers you up and surrounds you with a sense of beauty and sweetness, creating an emotional connection and especially looking to your partner for fun and pleasurable activities. He/she becomes a person who is flattered by your appreciation and gains a sense of pride from your attention. They respond with warmth and love, and they enjoy both the emotional and lighter aspects of the relationship.
You two have a good time together. Your dates are outings are enjoyable. Love has a lot of room to grow and thrive here. You will be drawn to how your partner uses their talents, how they project themself through attitudes toward the entire range of creative and pleasurable activities.
โŠน โ‹†๏พŸ๊’ฐเฐŽ My Moon in my partnerโ€™s 6th house เป’๊’ฑ โ‹†๏พŸโŠน ๐“‚…
You have conflicting feelings about your partner. On the one hand, you feel obligated to him/her. Your partner, on the other hand, believes you place a burden or responsibility on him/her. And they may sense your sense of obligation, and you may unconsciously assume that your partner is yours to do favors and services for you. This can also go the other way, where you become a servant. One of you is constantly trying to assist and support the other. You may be wondering why you are carrying such a heavy load.
If you are not overly self-absorbed and have integrity and character, this relationship can be productive and beneficial, and you are working together. You believe in each other's abilities and don't need to double-check or redo work because of "incompetence."
If either of you is unethical or overly demanding, this relationship could turn you into a martyr. Your partner is aware of all of your sacrifices but is powerless to intervene. You will be drawn to the sacrifice illogically and then resent your partner.
โŠน โ‹†๏พŸ๊’ฐเฐŽ My Moon in my partnerโ€™s 7th house เป’๊’ฑ โ‹†๏พŸโŠน ๐“‚…
You feel safe in the presence of your partner. You have the impression that your partner will not make judgement on you and will accept you as a father would his children. It's only natural for them to be together. You might want to spend all of your time with him/her. There is some tension (as in any relationship), but it is mostly smooth, comfortable, and complementary. You two are willing to accept each other. Your partner likes you as a person and finds you pleasant and harmonious. Your partner frequently wants to be there for you emotionally.
It's not thrilling or exciting. Instead, staying in that relationship provides a sense of security, making it extremely difficult to break (for better or worse). It is one of the most powerful influences on marriage. You may have an intuitive understanding of how to complement and balance the most important aspects of your partner's personality. You can help to broaden your partner's circle of friends by putting them in touch with a variety of helpful people and generally spreading your partner's reputation.
โŠน โ‹†๏พŸ๊’ฐเฐŽ My Moon in my partnerโ€™s 8th house เป’๊’ฑ โ‹†๏พŸโŠน ๐“‚…
Your partner messes with your psyche and stirs up the demons most of us keep hidden in our subconscious. You may consciously desire things that are normally unacceptable in society in this relationship, but you are unable to control the dark urges that your partner awakens in you. A compulsive desire for sex, extreme possessiveness, lust for power, and greed are all possible.
If the individual traits have a fair amount of restraint, you may be able to contain your demons and enjoy a deep, emotional connection in which you have affection as well as an understanding of the taboos that surround it and make for a healthy relationship. A relationship in which the desire for the other person never dies.
If one of the partners has an aversion to having a deep connection, after the demons are revealed, both appear less attractive to each other. You could end a relationship only to have it resurrected years later.
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โŠน โ‹†๏พŸ๊’ฐเฐŽ My Moon in my partnerโ€™s 9th house เป’๊’ฑ โ‹†๏พŸโŠน ๐“‚…
You idealize your partner and have all kinds of noble perceptions about him/her, and being able to see him/her as a heroic, brilliant, inspired person, etc. You put it on a pedestal, and in some cases, you might feel like your partner is so big that they end up out of your life. You really admire your partner, and he/she is inspired by that to be an even better person. In fact, you bring out the best in him/her, who feels it, and can become emotionally attached to you. They may feel like they can't do anything great without you, or they may become dependent on their admiration for you as a source of inspiration.
There's more to this than just love. You have some things in common. The admiration is strong because you share similar views on politics, religion, and socially acceptable behavior in relation to the same causes. People are drawn to others who think and act similarly to them. While this isn't very romantic, it does have a positive impact on any relationship.
As previously stated, you may believe your partner is too far away from you. This can manifest physically as well, as it can be a long-distance relationship. In any case, there is a lot of love, admiration, and respect in this relationship.
โŠน โ‹†๏พŸ๊’ฐเฐŽ My Moon in my partnerโ€™s 10th house เป’๊’ฑ โ‹†๏พŸโŠน ๐“‚…
You are uneasy with your partner, despite the fact that you are together for practical reasons. He or she may be a "big deal," but the lack of emotional closeness in this relationship makes you feel emotionally ill. You may believe that your partner is extremely selfish. This is a good situation for a business relationship, but it's not ideal for romance. Individual characteristics, however, must be considered. If the two of you are primarily concerned with worldly success or achievement, you may benefit from collaborating with them.
You two might want each other as a "trophy." This is a relationship of the "love trophy" variety. This relationship simply adds a practical reason for the two of them to be together. You will instinctively understand what your partner wants out of life, you will share your goals, and you will both want to succeed. Because of your obvious confidence in your abilities, your partner may be inspired to go the extra mile, which could mean the difference between success and failure. You will understand how to nurture your ambitions and will be able to make suggestions to help bring out some of your latent talents.
Your suggestions may also open up career opportunities for your partner, and you may feel obligated to adopt a somewhat parental attitude toward them, gently pushing them toward a specific goal and being especially concerned about protecting your reputation from attack.
โŠน โ‹†๏พŸ๊’ฐเฐŽ My Moon in my partnerโ€™s 11th house เป’๊’ฑ โ‹†๏พŸโŠน ๐“‚…
You consider your partner to be a "dream partner." And you believe he/she is the answer to all of your hopes and dreams. You instinctively feel at ease in the presence of your partner. They sense it, and as a result, they are at ease in your presence. You both feel comfortable being yourself in this relationship. And you're not concerned with keeping up appearances. Neither of you appears to be concerned with what the other will think. Even if you disagree on some issues, you feel accepted by each other.
This relationship demonstrates that neither can be truly annoyed or upset with the other. You and your partner seem to have known each other your entire lives. In extreme cases, this relationship can be described as a "sand castle." Consider yourselves fortunate to have broken through the castle gates. For many, this relationship is an unrealistic fantasy that makes you smile when you think of your partner.
You may feel a natural attraction to your partner. And they will be able to appreciate the ideals that they hold dear, as well as show a friendly concern for their overall well-being. You might first meet by being connected with a group formed to pursue some common ideal. This is frequently indicative of a genuine friendship bond.
โŠน โ‹†๏พŸ๊’ฐเฐŽ My Moon in my partnerโ€™s 12th house เป’๊’ฑ โ‹†๏พŸโŠน ๐“‚…
You have the impression that you are unable to learn anything about your partner's personal life. And you have the impression that you are concealing something, even if you are not. Your partner will sense this, and no one likes to be accused of concealing something. He or she may then respond, suspecting you as the suspicious person in the first place. As you can see, this is a tense relationship rather than a peaceful one.
There is no logical reason for a lack of trust, but your inner feelings keep you and your partner suspicious of each other. Instead of love, this relationship has the potential to breed paranoia. Even if you have an initial attraction for each other, this relationship can make you feel insecure in their presence. Accusations and a lack of trust can harm both of you. The hurt feelings are very deep, and this relationship may not be able to survive them.
This type of relationship could be maintained by very selfless people, those with the emotional toughness of a monk. The vast majority of normal people are concerned with their own feelings and cannot tolerate this type of relationship. You may be able to recognize your partner's problems and detect weaknesses instinctively. You are likely to be especially charitable to them, and you will be eager to protect your partner if you believe they are in a situation where one of their vulnerable points is likely to be attacked.
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Ju Francisco ๐Ÿ’‹
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spirit-of-phantom ยท 19 days
Moon Synastry
ignore the crossed out parts bc thatโ€™s just for me & my chart ๐Ÿ˜Š
๐Ÿ’ moon conjunct moon - there is something abt one another that makes partners feel comfortable. both understand each other since they both express emotions the same way. but the strong empathy they feel for one another can cause them to get lost in the emotional torrent & lose sight of who the other truly is. partners pull on each others emotional strings, for better or worse. it can feel very emotionally exhausting & intense. partners may repeatedly dump all of their emotional baggage on to each other until both feel suffocated. partners may reflect each other's negative traits & partners may find that too overwhelming.
๐Ÿ’ moon conjunct sun - finding this person feels like finally coming home. iโ€™ve noticed they tend to love each others cooking too. partners see parts of themselves in each other meaning they both understand each other but also judge each other. moon can become quite clingy of sun. if thereโ€™s other conjunctions or oppositions in the synastry chart too, it can be hard for partners to separate even if others to split them up.
๐Ÿ’ moon conjunct venus - partners may have matching love languages & similar value systems. venus will be uncontrollably obsessed & emotionally hooked to moons presence. rxship always ends on bad terms with feelings of bitterness or hatred. but somehow partners always come back to each other until they have learned their lesson. if they donโ€™t return back to this rxship, both or at least one partner will always have the desire to do so bc of all the memories & love that existed between the two. regardless, the rxship will always be remembered by both partners bc it was deep & powerful, with a lot of understanding & magnetizing.
๐Ÿ’๏ฟผmoon conjunct pluto - this can make you feel like the other is the โ€only oneโ€ or the โ€œfirst oneโ€ regarding something. for example a woman who has a bad rxship with men might meet a man, have this synastry with him & feel like he is the first man she ever felt safe around.
๐Ÿ’ moon conjunct lilith - emotional intensity, volatility from both (aries lilith or pisces moon)
๐Ÿ’ moon conjunct sun - one of the best compatibly aspects.
๐Ÿ’ moon conjunct pluto - obsession, imbalance of power, control (aries pluto or sagitarius moon)
๐Ÿ’๏ฟผ moon trine moon - you two just get each other. although you may have slightly different ways of expressing love, you still understand each other's love language to make this connection feel safe and warm. it's easy to share your feelings with each other and open up when you have this aspect and it's also so calming to be in this persons presence. they're the type of person that helps you sleep at night.
๐Ÿ’ moon trine venus - with this aspect you and the other person likely have similar interests and similar tastes.. especially music taste. the connection feels so smooth and the venus person understands exactly what brings the moon person comfort. there's also an endless amount of forgiveness which could be dangerous since the moon person would continue to forgive the venus person. this aspect could make it hard to establish boundaries with the other.
๐Ÿ’ moon square uranus - uranus will pop in & out of moons life. moon needs support & security but uranus has other intentions & isnโ€™t concerned abt moonโ€™s feelings. (cancer/capricorn uranus or taurus/scorpio moon)
๐Ÿ’ moon trine/sextile moon - creates an empathetic bond & both partners feel safe in each others presence; thereโ€™s a feeling of โ€œbeing homeโ€ when youโ€™re together. mutual feelings for each other & show it in similar ways. (leo, sagitarius, gemini, aquarius moon)
๐Ÿ’ moon quincunx moon - these rxships may feel fated. these are the partners you canโ€™t help but be shaped by. even though itโ€™s challenging to say the least, this duo tends to stick together for a longtime. (scorpio or virgo moon)
๐Ÿ’ moon opposite mars - codependency (libra mars or scorpio moon)
๐Ÿ’ moon opposite saturn - moon craves love & support but saturn is unable to provide. moon feels abandoned & will eventually distance themselves. saturn is usually very unaware of moon feelings. (libra saturn or sagittarius moon)
๐Ÿ’ moon conjunct neptune - marriage indicator (aquarius moon or aries neptune)
๐Ÿ’ moon square saturn - a lot of insecurity here, moon feels like their feelings are being invalidated & criticised by saturn (cancer/capricorn saturn or virgo/pisces moon)
๐Ÿ’ moon opposite moon - this can either be a perfect couple or a complete disaster. common aspect in marriages or long lasting rxships bc their emotional needs are more similar than they seemed. despite the small differences at the beginning, they understand eachother & treat each other with sweetness & delicacy. both may have similar ideas abt family life & their ideologies abt traditions. however, they have a somewhat different way of showing their emotions & finding comfort. despite this, one of the purest & sweetest expressions can arise.
๐Ÿ’ moon square moon - partners have an immediate emotional response to each other upon first impressions. despite the initial attraction, thereโ€™s an emotional disconnect. partners cannot understand each-others emotions which causes unnecessary misunderstandings & constant bickering. thereโ€™s many differences in how partners express their emotions & what they need to feel nurtured. despite the love they may share for one another, they view each other's ways of expression as incorrect. one or both feel deeply misunderstood or judged by the other. one will feel like their feelings are always being disregarded by the other. due to the continuous clashes resentment builds over time. partners can be overly involved in each others lives & overstep boundaries. since they likely have different maternal upbringings there may be conflict with each other's mothers or families. however, this difficult placement can be balanced or diluted if thereโ€™s further moon conjunctions present in the synastry chart (eg โ€˜venus conjunct moonโ€™ or โ€˜sun conjunct moonโ€™). for this partnership to survive effort needs to be made which shouldnโ€™t be difficult if partners care abt each other. one has to come out of their comfort zone & go out of their way to make the other feel nurtured & satisfied. it takes a lot of acceptance, communication & regular check ins to work but unfortunately it rarely ever does. they may be worlds apart yet there is still a strong yearning for one another. work. (cancer/cap moon)
๐Ÿ’ moon square sun - drawn to each-other like magnets & attracted to each other due to opposite qualities. however, this can become a big problem in the long term bc those differences that once made you attracted can make you repulsed once the honey moon stage is over. to make this work partners need to compromise a lot (cancer/cap sun or moon)
๐Ÿ’ moon square mars - differences, tension & conflicts (cancer/cap mars or leo/aqua moon)
581 notes ยท View notes
spirit-of-phantom ยท 19 days
Moon Synastry
knowing which house of theirs your moon falls in, is the key to understanding how they perceive your emotional world & what area of life you give them comfort/nurture.
1st House ๐Ÿ’
lots of emotional openness in this caring & gentle rxship. there are similarities between both partners, like familiar forms of behaviour & mirroring each others temperamental tendencies, meaning both partners understand each other so well. there is a pure acceptance of the other. you know eachothers sensitive spots & what topics to avoid. there is no โ€˜get to know each otherโ€™ phase, you instantly know eachother from the first meeting & feel very comfortable around each other. it brings out the protective & soft side of moon. but itโ€™s more of a calm, delicate & emotional protection. for example, worrying abt the well-being, nutrition & health of house. (cancer moon or aries asc)
house perceives moon as a very emotional & protective person who provides them plenty of attention, affection & understanding. there is something abt the way moon looks or acts that makes house feel immediately safe. moon looks out for house & instinctively knows who house really is or what will happen to house, house finds it difficult to keep secrets from moon. moon views house as family even if theyโ€™re-not related. (cancer moon or aries asc)
2nd House ๐Ÿ’
if you prefer a "butterflies in the stomach" style of romance, this connection could be very boring for you. they perceive you as a reliable person who is always sincere about their feelings. you feel it takes awhile for them to let their guards down but you admire how cautious they are. physical touch from you makes them feel relieved & comfortable. one downside is that both could get very possessive of each other but neither says a thing about it, it's a silent possessiveness. will try to fulfill that emotional side of the relationship by giving material things. youโ€™ll spoil one another when having a bad day or when youโ€™ve had a bad argument, the way to fix things would be through gifts or money. (leo moon or pisces asc)
3rd House ๐Ÿ’
youโ€™re constantly thinking & reminiscing abt them. you view them as a v emotionally mature person. you feel a need to constantly check up on them & talk to them. this rxship is smooth, peaceful & productive; together, you can accomplish a lot at work. you don't irritate your partner & you communicate well w them. you can be captivated by how their brain works, theyโ€™re principles can provoke your mental reactions (positively or negatively) & they can play a role in sowing the seeds of a new idea in your head. (virgo moon or aquarius asc)
4th House ๐Ÿ’
they perceive you as emotional, sweet & loyal causing them to have soft spot for you. but this may manifest as them feeling like a "parent" to you & them feeling the need to assert their authority in the rxship. when you interact w them, you may arouse something so deep within them that they may require some time away to relax. this is not easy synastry for love. they may have mixed feelings for you bc they do have a strong bond w you but also feel competitive w you. the rxship has depth & intensity that is uncomfortable for both. the high level of tension & energy between you makes it difficult to be w them for an extended period of time. you love being in their company but for a short period of time, eg travelling 6 hrs just to spend 1 hr w them. this rxship indicates you were v close to them in a previous life. (libra moon or capricorn asc)
5th House ๐Ÿ’
you completely let down your emotional guard & seek ways to be with them simply bc their presence cheers you up & surrounds you w a sense of pleasure. itโ€™s likely both partners share the same sense of humour & the same hobbies. you perceive their emotional side as warm, unique & spontaneous. you admire how authentic, protective, confident, charming & expressive they can be. you put them on a pedestal, they respond w warmth & love. they become flattered by your appreciation & gain a sense of pride from your attention. from the very beginning, you view them as someone youโ€™d love to start a family w. they enjoy both the emotional & lighter aspects of the rxship. both partners benefit from this overlap. (scorpio moon or sagittarius asc)
6th House ๐Ÿ’
you get the impression they find it difficult to open up emotionally. when they do express their emotions, it feels healing for you. even though they donโ€™t seem to be v expressive verbally, their actions speak volumes ab how much they adore you. they have a special quality of making you feel better on a bad day; they make you feel like there is no problems & everything has a solution. this is why you view them as a reliable companion. you feel obligated to them but they feel you place a burden or responsibility on them. you may expect them to do favours & services, or you might be the one to play the servant instead. one of you is constantly trying to assist/support the other & wondering why you are carrying such a heavy load. you will be drawn to the sacrifice illogically & then resent your partner. theyโ€™re aware of all of your sacrifices but powerless to intervene. (sagittarius moon or scorpio asc)
7th House ๐Ÿ’
conjunctions between the luminaries & the ascendant/descendant axis signals a deeply bonded rxship & a soulmate connection. the descendant is parts of ourselves that we struggle to love but are attracted to in others. moon provides the potential of curing any self-rejection in house. there are sides of house they tend to repress or hide but moon makes them feel more comfortable to accept those sides. house is under the impression moon wonโ€™t judge them & will accept them as a father would his children. this makes house feel safe in moons presence. moons power to harm or heal house is powerful. moon often feels they have a purpose in this rxship & a certain level of responsibility however this all maybe subconscious.
this rxship provides emotional security, long term commitment, magnetic connection, strong attraction & a deep sense of understanding.
from the beginning, house is delighted by moons personality & house views moon as an ideal partner. house is extremely attracted to moons emotional side & how moon expresses everything they feel. the rxship becomes a rollercoaster of emotions that house has never experienced & moon feels an urge to be there for house emotionally. partners become fundamental company for each other & it feels only natural for both to be together. this creates an instinctual gravitational pull between both partners. the rxship provides a sense of security, making it extremely difficult to break (for better or worse). if this couple ever break up, the rxship will be quiet unforgettable bc even though this is not a thrilling or exciting rxship, it still leaves an impact on your life. (capricorn moon or libra asc)
8th House ๐Ÿ’
moon becomes fascinated & obsessed with house emotionally & sexually. moon feels the need to spend a lot of time with house to know how they are or see if they need something. moon wants house to show them sides house doesnโ€™t show anyone. moon needs to know everything abt house & will even cross some boundaries to get this info. moon either doesnโ€™t know or doesnโ€™t care abt how weird this behaviour may seem. house is attracted to moon as well but feels like moon is constantly analyzing them & senses the power they have over moon.
on the other hand, if there is no physical attraction between these partners or many โ€badโ€ aspects within their synastry, this connection can become extremely annoying for both of them. moon turns this obsession into a dislike, becoming houses biggest hater, obsessing with house, competing with house, gossiping abt house, etc. if these two become enemies there will be no boundaries when it comes to what they will do to take eachother down. house especially will be extremely annoyed by moon constantly watching them.
however, this can be be very one sided especially on moons part. moon can be scary obsessed with house & very controlling over how house expresses themselves.
whether they are lovers or enemies, there is no denying house provoke something so intense within moon & moon feels deep emotions when in the company of house. there is always a fear of vulnerability from both partners within this synastry. (aquarius moon or virgo asc)
9th House ๐Ÿ’
there is a lot of admiration, respect & love in this rxship. you find something ab them, admirable, inspiring or intriguing; you idealize them, have many noble perceptions ab them & put them on a pedestal. you perceive them as heroic & brilliant. you might feel like theyโ€™re so big that they end up out of your life or theyโ€™re too far away from you: this could manifest physically, long-distance rxship. you bring out the best in them & they feel that, which may cause them to become emotionally attached to you. they may feel like they can't do anything great w out you or they may become dependent on you as a source of inspiration & validation. you share similar views which attracts you to each other but not necessarily in a romantic sense. (pisces moon or leo asc)
10th House ๐Ÿ’
this aspect is good for business but not ideal for romance. youโ€™re enchanted & blinded by all their qualities (mature, stable & hard-working) . you view them as big deal or role model whoโ€™s superior to the rest. you may treat them as a trophy wife by showing them off to others. you may feel obligated to adopt a parental attitude towards them & feel inspired to go the extra mile for them. you feel the need to provide them with stability & consistency. youโ€™ll never tolerate someone speaking ill of them & you wonโ€™t hesitate to publicly defend them. youโ€™ll want to support them with their ambitions & careers. youโ€™ll gently push them towards a specific goal. however, the lack of emotional closeness makes you feel uneasy & emotionally ill. (aries moon or cancer asc)
11th House ๐Ÿ’
you are fascinated by everything related to them, consider them your โ€œdream partnerโ€ & the answer to all your hopes/dreams. you adore how they go with the flow, how they always show their authentic self, how theyโ€™re not afraid to defend their ideals. you see in them a person very different from the rest. you instinctively feel at ease in the presence of them, they sense this & as a result, they are at ease in your presence too. you both feel comfortable being yourself in this rxship, you're not concerned with keeping up appearances & neither of you appears to be concerned with what the other will think. even if you disagree on some issues, you feel accepted by the other. both may have friends in common or have a genuine friendship with one another. (taurus moon or gemini asc)
12th House ๐Ÿ’
a dangerously painful aspect. this is a tense rxship full of paranoia rather than a peaceful rxship full of love. there is an emotional disconnect present that is confusing to navigate. you feel like you'll never truly grasp their true feelings for you & youโ€™ll feel like they don't like you (even when they do). thereโ€™s always this tension when in each others company & partners can confuse it for sexual tension at times. it's so easy to just romanticize them & get stuck in a little bubble of delusion. there may also be a bit of jealousy & possessiveness from either side but partners either try to hide it or reject it, denying they even cared in the first place. they seem to know every secret of yours, whilst the youโ€™re dying to know all of their secrets! you feel like youโ€™re unable to learn anything abt their personal life. you have the impression theyโ€™re concealing something (even if they arenโ€™t) & no one likes being accused of concealing something. thereโ€™s no logical reason for the lack of trust & accusations yet inner feelings cause both to be suspicious of one another. partners can feel insecure in each others presence, despite the mutual attraction. hints & mystery will lead both feeling like they have an โ€œunexplainableโ€ connection with each other. thereโ€™s an immediate sympathy for each other, a feeling of knowing them from another world & almost a telepathic connection. partners take out each others vulnerability & emotional side which they donโ€™t usually express with others. they make each other feel very soft, more soft than theyโ€™d like. they feel like a safe place & a sanctuary for each other. you may be able to recognise their emotions without them needing to even say a word. you maybe very protective & charitable around each other. either house or moon canโ€™t stop thinking abt the other & when they do stop thinking abt them, something happens to remind them of them again. they could see their name in places, songs, etc. they could tend to daydream abt them or even have dreams abt them. these dreams can be prophetic & reveal things abt them you wouldn't know unless they told you. synastry in this house always has its ups & downs, no matter the planet involved. (gemini moon or taurus asc)
1K notes ยท View notes
spirit-of-phantom ยท 19 days
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Part2 ๐Ÿฉท
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โ™ก Venus in the 1st house โ™ก
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The Venusian likes the fashion and appearance of the house person. The 1st house native feels a connection from the moment they met. It's a love at first sight type of story. The house person prefers the Venusian mannerisms and presence. This pair looks like a couple, though. Also, the planet person fears that the house person only likes their appearance. They will like each other, but the house person may remark the physical beauty of the Venus person a lot. Their connection relies on looks, especially for the Venusian. However, this is not pleasurable for the house native; they could view this union as empty and superficial. They like to spend time together and physical touch is a thing. The Venusian is infuriated by the house looks, so the house person feels happy but not completely happy. They allow to do activities together. If the Venusian is a man, it is difficult to erase the perfect image in his head about the first person. They will give each other many compliments. Always emphasizing how they look or act. They may use their body to express their love: sex or body language is on point. In a serious connection, the Venusian accepts the house person as a person with defects too. Physical touch is essential but also quality time is common. Sexual tension is very high during the first meeting, but it can be awkward too. The Venusian gets nervous around the house person;it's really obvious. Thus, It feels shallow at first, so for a better and long lasting relationship they need more than physical attraction. "Why are staring at me?"/ "me?", "did you know that your eyes are [color]"?, touchy hands, doing sports together, working out, intense stares, high sexual tension, "let's go out", strong first meeting, car rides?, nervous and awkward silents".
โ™ก Venus in the 2nd house โ™ก
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These two are like business partners, commitment means a lot to them. Breaking their love is a loss because they care for each other so seriously. They like to buy things to each other: sharing is caring. Materials are not an issue. The Venus person wants to invest in the 2nd house person dreams, desires, or lacks. The 2nd house person wants to make the Venusian happy with tangible actions, especially if the 2and house had a financial situation. These two are very mature and prefer a peaceful environment. They are patient with their love and relationship. The house person would teach the Venusian about waiting the right timing. They prefer to buy each other gifts than saying romantic things often. They are romantic in a earthy way. Actions talk louder than words, but they do say "I care for you or I love you" Therefore, they maybe not romantic as other houses, but they will give stability in the relationship. If they start as business partners, they will stay in that lane for a long time. Straightforward convos are part on the relationship. Money is not a deal. They can share a lot too. However, possessive behaviours are a thing. 2nd house is ruled by Taurus so they can enjoy the earth sign influence. Luxury is an element present in the connection. A very sensual and traditional pair. The house person may like to wear clothes that represent balance elegance for them, while the Venusian is more elegant naturally or trendy. They enjoy physical touch and gif giving. Furthermore, if they don't have money, they will work hard for a stable future. They will take their all for stability as a duo. Long kisses in a private place, holding hands under the table, "I buy this, did you like it?", sex is slow and rough, "I trust you, babe", champagne in a room, biting necks, necks kisses, food and jewelry.
โ™ก Venus in the 3rd house โ™ก
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This pair love to change and adapt at many different things. They could have started as friends or a friend present them. They love to learn together, start new things or just explore things together. Polygamy relations can be a thing or open relationships. The Venusian likes to hear what the 3rd house says about different things. Giggles and fun times. Pranks and nicknames. Communication can be good for these two because they can engage in different topics. The house person likes how the planet person express their ideas and intelligence. The house person also learn form the Venusian. There is a possibility that a sibling or neirghbour introduce them. They have nicknames or codes when they talk. They give vibes of friends more than lovers in the beginning of the connection.It may not be long term if they keep being "just friends" due to the Gemini energy (3rd house) lack of commitment. They should adapt and change their mindset for long lasting results. Friends and lovers, not friends with benefits. They may look alike in some way with their physical appearance or style. So, people will say "are you related?". They house person likes the input of the Venusian. Gemin is the orginal ruler of the 3rd house represented by twins, so they share many things. However, the Venus person desires a serious input if not they will see the house person as a some. They may share books and podcasts. They prefer messages and videocalls; they don't care about the mean they just wanna to communicate. Phone sex (messages, calls) nudes, tik tok videos, long conversations, "why you always do that? / what?", knowing each other music taste, changing houses often, trying different sexual activities, being turn on by intelligence and humor, laughter and intimacy intimacy is constantly changing.
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โ™ก Venus in the 4th house โ™ก
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This union brings a healthy love, where they feel safe and at home. Others may not see how much this two love each other, but they do. It's really magnetic and instantly. These two have met before that's the only answer: that's how they feel. Moreover, the venusian sees the house person as relatable and their special place. The house person sees the planet like "the right fit" for them. They share a familirity with each other similiar to"I know you" type of feeling; they create a bond without actual actions. Let's say that they feel intimate even in the first meeting. Venus can lack perspective because they may idealize the 4th house person too much. It is more evident to the 4th house input. These pair see their famliy' issues in the relationship, and they try to chase or avoids those actions wtihout relaizing. Love is a sign of commiment for these two, especially for the Venusian. The 4th house person can understant this but they also love the venusian.Venus will try to impress the house native in every asepct; they can try to move slow but fast. For example, they are the couple that move together in a period of 3 months maximiun. That couple who acts like soulmates; this pair knows how to play house because they are spouses even in the dating stage.They can meet in a social setting or a familiy reunion/party. Also, they can meet at home or are a family member, especially their mother can present them. Literally, the you came to me; the definition of home will depend on the house, but the 4th house person recognizes the Venusian as a reliable place for them.
โ™ก Venus in the 5th house โ™ก
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This couple brings the confident and fun to their relationship. It's the forever young couple. They are so physical and dynamic. Furthermore, the house native loves to be around the venusian because they relate to how the planet express themselves. They tend to enjoy sexual activities the most. This could start as a innocent affair. People with this synastry placement can last long or not; It will depend on the signs compatibility. The reason is that the 5th house represents freedom and real idenity (true sefl). This synastry comes in to teach ous to be who we are, be proud of ourselves. Depending on the venusian sign, they can see the 5th house person as their only one. Etheir way, these relationships mark a start and an ending, yet it's less dramatic and scary than the 8th house synastry. Muse and artist kinds vibes. They love play with each other; laughs fill the air when they together like two children. They have this balance of knowing when to be childish, and respect serious times. The Venus person feels relieve when they are around the 5th house person. The house person loves the feeling of acceptation. They play like kids; the gif literary describes these two vibes: adorable. There are high possibilities for them to have children together. They are so fertile, so they need to be cautious. They may know each other seems childhood or they bring each other inner child out. They can be so childish together. This can trigger or heal childhood experiences. Usually, they bring inspiration to each other. Maybe, they are artists and do art together; random activities, "let's go, now", inside jokes, touchy hands, winks, making the other laugh, "I can't be mad at you", sex is therapy and heaven for them, "this is our song", They look like love birds.
โ™กVenus in the 6th houseโ™ก
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They are very chill and calm with each other. The 6th house rules Virgo, this represents how they work every day to be better. They care for their routines and lifestyles as a duo. They wan to be better; they care for their minds too. They love to talk with their partner to see if they fit together. Expect honesty and straightforward feedback or advices. The Venusian loves to help the Planet person; they share the responsibilities and duties. They tend to crtitic each other because they just want to improve. So, they don't feel hurt or ashamed. However, respect and boundaries are welcome too. They are the couple that workout, eat healthy and more together. Besides, they would find or have a spot for their love. They would save a special day for their dates or free time. Emotional repsonsability is a duty for them. For outsiders the planet person loves more the house person, but they don't know how the 6th house person shows their love in private. The 6th house person can be more sexual than the Venusian. People would say they are boring or old fashioned. Not into PDA, they prefer being comfy with each other. Ironically, they like quickies and every day action (wink wink). That's how they realise frustration or stress. Sexual intercourse is a normal thing for them. Showering together, s3x in the bathroom, planned dates, working out together, making coffee, "let's share chores", "I bought you these supplements /vitamins for the bones", "let's go to the hotel [name], it has good reviews".
Note: this is the part 1.Take care!๐Ÿ’š๐Ÿฅ
Note: part2 is ready!
790 notes ยท View notes
spirit-of-phantom ยท 19 days
SYNASTRY: Venus in the houses (7th-12th) part 2
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Note: Honestly, I had a draft for the 2nd part, but probably I deleted by mistake, or tumblr did it (idk). Maybe, That's why I thought I already posted the 2nd part, but I was wrong.
Part 1 ๐Ÿฉท
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โ™ก Venus in the 7th house โ™ก
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These couple usually views commitment as all or nothing, are you in or not? They have strong values about true love, and they will follow them. Love is viewed as a contract by their souls or hearts. If they break any aspect proposed, they know it's the end. They can be reflections of themselves either the good or the bad. When the contract is done, it's over. The Venusian sees the house person as a very stable being. They feel safe and prepared for them. These two may live together before the year of knowing each other romantically. The pair just feel ready when it's about commitment. The house natives perceive the Venusian as very "wife/husband" material for them. With this overlay, their personalities blend well and work together. It feels natural for both of you to be close and intimate together. For others is moving too fast, and for them is easy to become intimate with each other. The seventh house person fits well for the planet native. These two feel like it's a soulmate connection, very easy. Youโ€™re both drawn to please each other. It's a very strong connection for long-term relationships. It takes time for them to move on if they ever break up. If Venus has bad aspects, it can be a toxic relationship. The reason for this, it's that they prefer to stay together instead of being alone or start something new. Intimate gesture like hugs and someone hand guiding the other. Cooking dates and going out at night the most. "Here, I bought this?";morning texts: " how are you today? My day...." "Can I call you, I miss your voice"; " My mom ask if we can go to her party?" ; "we should go to that restaurant"; Formal clothes; "hey, look me, they don't know how worthy you are". They like to spend time with people they love. Balance. If Venus cooks today, the house will do it tomorrow. Wearing nice clothes and a good perfume to impress the other. Compliments and physical touches, especially kisses in the cheek. Cheesy things like love letters. Having "the song" or the place.
โ™ก Venus in the 8th house โ™ก
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These two have a different kind of love. The Venusian feels like the house person bring something in them that they can explain. Sometimes, these people have taboos to share. Death has impact their lives. The house person may become obssess with the planet person. Sex isn't a way emerger together. Usually, they possess the same interest in taboo topics. In the beginning, Venus feels attracted to the house, but it's also scared of them. Their sexual energy is intense. The 8th house person wants to know the Venusian's secrets and fears. Both are possessive, but the house win the round. They detest when their partner don't respect them. Their relationship status will remain a secret for the public eye (in the beginning). They would share many things even traumas (if hardly aspected). The house native will protect the Planet from the world. Sex can be very intimate or aggressive (bsdm stuff). These people will not be the same they were when they met. For them, love is intense and transformational. The house feels that the Venus native is trustworthy, but they need to see their actions. Holding hands during intimate times. During sex they will talk and have intense stares. "I don't like that person, be aware of them", "Here, use this for yourself"; "if you need money, just let me know"; "don't lie to me, I know you are sad"; his/her hand on your thing while eyes are on the road; taking notes of your gestures. They have weird hobbies together and enjoy dark humor too. Moonlight sex and long sessions.
โ™ก Venus in the 9th houseโ™ก
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These individuals perceive love as a new adventure and try to go with the flow. If they're mature, they prefer to maintain a very healthy relationship. Both prefer to travel and know about new places and cultures. Love is not as other say. They may prefer to do things their way. Venusian isn't instantly involve, but they see the house as interesting. For the house native, the planet is nice an attractive, but they will not force things. The house native could be older than the Venusian. The house person likes the planet manners and life vision the most. They see the commitment as an experience. Sometimes, marriage isn't obligatory requirement. They may enjoy walks, museum, and play board games. One could be from another country or have a different culture. Their relationship presents a new chapter in their lives and their families. Besides, they like to engage in intellectual debates, maybe they are into philosophy. If they broke up, they will try to be professional or move on. They can meet later in life after maturing. It's likely that you will work together or in the same environment. Having a child or more is possible, so use protection. "Look at here, we can travel here"; "aww, baby, you were right they declare that"; ["I really want to buy that book" / "baby, you have that book already"]; Saving for vacations; buying esch other souvenirs or antique objects as gifts; reading books and doing a small debates about it; *knowing each other during trips, universities, conferences, cultural events, and religious activities" Buying new editions of books. Love to try new foods or learn about new places together. They could meet while traveling or in college.
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โ™ก Venus in the 10th houseโ™ก
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Coworkers to lover vibes. They are comfy with being mature. Similarly to the previous combo, the house partner is the older one or has more experience. This partner also has more dominant energy. They could meet in different levels. The negative aspect is that they could be very nitpicking and too logical when it comes to love. The planet individual sees the house person as straightforward and mature. Partnership is very important is like a contract. If one of the part broke a part of the deal, it's done. They can work together or met during their carrer path (college, conference). They are straightforward and mature when approaching the other. If badly aspect, it could have a power imbalance (not good). Big egos over emotions, this is the start of arguments. They plan their dates. The planet person accepts that the house individual cares for their image and professional life. The Venusian isn't afraid of being a home stayed wife. Here the Venusian knows and appreciates the house efforts to balance their stability. Nonetheless, the house person must value the venusian support. Doing plans after they leave the work; caring for the other in profesional settings; making food or leaving notes in the stuff *you can do it* in their computer. Making each other feel valuable "Here, i make you favorite food"; let's celebrate your new position"; *making time to luch together*; naming the other whenever they can "I'm grateful for my wife meals and support"; giving gifts and showing their s/o in public. Even thought people think they aren't super romantic, they will try to match things. It could be rings, watches or wearing the same brand. Looking good.
โ™ก Venus in the 11th houseโ™ก
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Love depicts a friend to lover storyline where both care for dreams and humanity. It's very possible that they met when they were helping other people. The Venusian fits the house' s ideal type. They seem more friendlier than other couples. You wouldn't think they were dating. They prefer to joke around, but they love each other. The Venusian share the dreams the house native have for life. It's also likely that they like each other in the future, even if they met since birth. They prefer to have experience with love before settling down. Its common to see them as "I thought they were friends". The Venusian see the house person as humanitarian and very interesting. Stay protected because big family can be a thing. The must clarify about what is a family for both. The house perceives the planet native as beautiful and too much to some people. Together, they will form a very unique pair and family. Regardless Venusian feel the planet as hopeful person. The eleventh house person sees a future with the venusian because they feel understood. Love for the house is independent, and the venusian can see this as as a relief. Making fun of the other in a non hurtful way. "I can't deal with you right now *kiss them*"; "Alexa play Celine one" *grabs the venusian; *hugs their s/o when they're cooking*; being romantic when they're alone; sending spicy texts "come home, I'm ready"; talking about the future; matching devices or wallpapers; a lot of trust, they share passwords. Having the same or similar friends. They like to help. Donating for other people as a hobby or helping to people who need. Dates in the nature. Cleaning beaches, rivers or places.
โ™ก Venus in the 12th houseโ™ก
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Love is simple but blurry. They can't get confused in how they love. The house sees the Venusian see them as the real deal. The planet perceive the house native as too good for them. There are some blurry aspects that they don't understand. When this synastry happens, it can feel too blurry for outsiders. Sometimes, they feel as friends and others as partners. At times, they hide their feelings without realizing or because they don't want to hurt the other. The house may hide their crush for the planet (too well). The Venus feel like the house person hides things for them. The house native don't want to bother the venusian. The house wants to give all they have to the venusian without having a concrete reason (maybe they are friends, but they are their #1 friend). This connection feel very special even divinely guided. The house is very observant with the Venusian Different backgrounds, it's possible that the house person has faith or not. One (usually the venusian) is more intuitive. Venus comes to open the house's eyes to other knowledge. The house will do all they can, so the venusian is happy. They can be soulmates (even non platonic). On the negative side, they don't have good communication because they avoid confronting each other. Both have experience paranormal activity, but only one believes more. The Venus person will try to invite the house to their home (pure opening of their soul). The Venusian can be quite delulu, but the house see it as funny. They met when something is ending for the Venusian. Romantic times, home dates, asking the other about thing carefully, a special vibe around them. *Big smiles and shiny eyes*, "I buy you this; you tell me two months ago around 9pm" "aww thank you", "are you sleeping well?" - "yes" , *astrology or tarot talks* "can you give your birth time?" - "12:34 am" " it was bad?" "No, we match". Talk about paranormal activities like any other topic, special dates, random celebrations, secret spots, discreet dates, spirtual conection, they may understand the other, but can't explain it.
Take what resonates only. ๐Ÿ’š
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spirit-of-phantom ยท 22 days
Venus in Synastry & The Intimacy You Share
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808 notes ยท View notes
spirit-of-phantom ยท 23 days
๐ŸงฟRuler of the 12th house Through the Houses๐Ÿงฟ
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๐ŸงฟMeaning and Symbolism of the 12th House๐Ÿงฟ
The Twelfth House is the House of the Unconscious, the House of the Unseen, the House of Sorrow, Loss, Shadow, the Inner World, and Invisible Enemies. It is ruled by the sign Pisces and the planet Neptune (Jupiter in classic Western).
The unconscious state can help us create successes and cope with failures. This house could be called the House of Retribution and Fate because it is here we review where we have been, where we are, and decide where we are going. It also discusses hidden strengths and weaknesses. While placements in this house have an active role, the sign that resides over it and its planet of rulership and placement acts as a gateway into our psyche's deeper and hidden aspects. Our subconscious works tirelessly on our behalf to make sense of our lives. This shadow play is slow, drawn out, and frequently fraught with fear and pain. We are confronted with our sorrows, suffering, and the secrets we keep from ourselves and others.
Here we meet the outcomes of everything we've done. This emphasizes repressed desires and restraint even more. What we have created in our lives is a significant theme of the Twelfth House ruler placement, and we will deal with it both consciously and unconsciously. The unconscious can teach us a lot. We will be prompted to be charitable in its most noble form. We are better equipped to move forward if we learn our lessons, both past and present. The Twelfth House compels us to seek spiritual closure to aid positive growth. The twelfth house shows how you undermine yourself. It's also referred to as the house of secret enemies. But if you think about it, these enemies are very often in the place where you'd never look for them: in yourself. It contains many patterns of behavior that don't serve us Or are straightforward destructive! Loops that are repeating themselves over and over harm us in many ways. The worst is that you aren't even aware of them, and it often takes years to realize that something isn't right (this is why I love astrology, it quickens up the process of self-discovery).
Often, you build your own prisons. Most people are the captives of their own limitations and false beliefs. A way to let go is by finding the connection with the source. The twelfth house in your natal chart suggests issues holding you back. The last house ruler also recognizes where we can feel stuck and confined. It governs places that restrict freedom, such as prisons, hospitals, institutions, and asylums, to name a few. Danger, secret enemies, and secret affairs add to the lugubriousness of the Twelfth.
On the other hand, this house champions positive transformations. This is where we stand on the ridge and decide how to proceed. We can learn about the future by visiting the unconscious and meeting with the past. If the 8th is the house of cycle death and transformation, the 12th house is the house of the ultimate end, soul ascension.
-Note: This is for entertainment purposes only and should not be taken as professional advice.-
๐ŸงฟThe ruler of the 12th house in the 1st house๐Ÿงฟ
The ruler of the 12th in the 1st can indicate that you have a deeply spiritual and intuitive nature. You may have a strong connection to the subconscious mind and are highly in tune with your emotions and those of others. As a result, you may naturally tap into the spiritual realm and receive messages or guidance from higher powers.ย 
Mirroring yourself and being aware of your surroundings have been significant issues in your life. Depending on the signs/placements/aspects, you may be overly concerned with yourself, the impressions you leave, your place in the world, who you are, and how you can improve or change yourself and the world as a collective. This placement can also suggest a tendency towards self-sabotage or self-destructive behaviors, so staying grounded and aware of any negative patterns in your life is necessary. You need to be more open to expressing yourself and be completely authentic. Understanding grief, pain, solitude, loss, escapism, and the unknown and becoming aware of self-defeat and destructive behaviors will improve the relationship between your outer conscious persona and your inner true unconscious self.
Your emotions are one of the first things people notice about you. You wear your heart out for the world to see; even though your first impression is mysterious and difficult to pin down, your emotional state radiates through. This may make you feel like an outcast or an extraterrestrial. As such, you can form an internal image of yourself as a victim or someone who has suffered enough from the outside world. Your ability to express yourself is limited by your worldview and other people's perceptions. You may withdraw from your surroundings to maintain a sense of self and identity. Be wary of falling victim to constant daydreaming, escapism, and substance abuse (in extreme cases). You draw attention to your suffering, and your outlook on life is shaped by your encounters with unexplainable supernatural or paranormal events. You might feel isolated. People notice you as you have a spiritual perspective with a mystical and difficult-to-fully-grasp aura.
Be wary of associating with people who do not have your best interests at heart, as you undermine yourself. The 12th house deals with secret enemies, and yours may influence how you present yourself and your appearance. Don't fall victim to alleged healers, abusive lovers, enablers, difficult therapists, and associating with people of an unsavory caliber. Keep an eye out for red flags and people that force getting to know you hastily. Trust your gut feeling and intuition regarding what enters your life and what you're willing to share.
๐ŸงฟThe ruler of the 12th house in the 2nd house๐Ÿงฟ
The positioning of the 12th ruler in the 2nd suggests that there may be some hidden or subconscious fears or anxieties around money, possessions, or self-worth. As a result, you may feel the need for privacy and solitude when it comes to financial matters.ย 
Finding solace, engaging in psychic activity, and recognizing self-sabotage all contribute to financial stability, defining personal values, and accumulating possessions. On top of that, incorporating meditation, dream work, and spiritual practice can positively impact your self-worth and self-esteem. However, experiencing intense grief and loss can have a negative effect on your self-esteem and make it difficult for you to recover from hardships quickly.
You may feel the urge to escape from the reality of working for a living, particularly when you can't afford the things you desire. This can have a severe impact on your mental health. Consider working in an environment that aligns with your intuition or imagination. You may also have a strong attachment to your belongings and a desire to become one with them. Engaging in dreamwork, meditation, spirituality, and counseling could help you increase your income or attain financial security. It's important to recognize that your escapes from reality can influence your financial stability, but you can use your alone time to increase your net worth and earn more money.ย 
Having time alone is crucial for your well-being, as seclusion and isolation play a significant role in your spiritual growth. You may attend retreats to boost your self-esteem and self-worth. Participating in charitable work can help you put things into perspective and align your purpose in life with your values, particularly when loss and grief impact your values. When it comes to self-worth and money, it's easy to lose your boundaries. An unhealthy attachment to money and possessions can lead to self-destruction.
You may spend money as a way to escape, numb, or improve your mental state. However, depleting your resources can lead to stress and dependence. You may also fantasize about having more money. It's important to take time for self-reflection and trust your intuition when making financial decisions. Seeking the advice of a trusted financial advisor or therapist may also be helpful. Your spirituality, constant desire for growth, and good use of intuition are qualities to be proud of. Prioritize your well-being, and don't let money or possessions define your sense of self.
๐ŸงฟThe ruler of the 12th house in the 3rd house๐Ÿงฟ
The placement of the 12th house ruler in the 3rd house can significantly impact how a person thinks and communicates. This placement suggests a tendency to keep secrets and maintain privacy in daily interactions, as well as an interest in spiritual or mystical topics and a desire to uncover deeper meaning in intellectual conversations.
Furthermore, this placement can aid in communication, information gathering, and everyday interactions by providing solace, escapism, and awareness of self-sabotage. Those with this placement may be drawn to topics such as psychic and paranormal phenomena, conspiracy theories, folklore, kidnappings, and missing persons. They may even write about their experiences in prison or mental institutions or on topics related to mental health, spirituality, and the paranormal.
Individuals with this placement may work in fields such as hospital dispatch, prevention helplines, school counseling, or group-focused healing. They may also have a talent for singing and prefer one-on-one communication over group settings.
However, this placement can also lead to preoccupation with sorrow, grief, and loss, which may affect communication in everyday situations. These individuals desire meaningful connections with others and often incorporate their dreams and fantasies into their conversations and writing. Walking is a way to connect with the inner selves. However, they may also have experienced loss in their relationships with siblings. They can also be hidden enemies. Placing the 12th house ruler in the 3rd house can provide a unique perspective on communication style and internal information processing.
๐ŸงฟThe ruler of the 12th house in the 4th house๐Ÿงฟ
According to astrology, the ruler of the 12th in the 4th may cause hidden emotions or past traumas to affect your home life and family relationships. To improve emotional security, familial relationships, roots, and heritage, it is recommended to release grief and sorrow, practice solitude, and become aware of self-sabotage. Loss and grief can impact your psychological makeup, while loneliness can affect your emotional security. Dreams also have an impact on your emotional well-being.ย 
You may experience sadness and loss through family relationships and grief and sorrow through parental relationships. You might welcome people down on their luck into your home and volunteer at a homeless shelter. However, you might also live with people who do not care about your well-being, and your secret adversaries might be right in your own home.ย 
Privacy and alone time are important to you at home, and family ties can sometimes contribute to self-undoing. Encounters with your ancestors or roots may also contribute to self-undoing, as it is a family tradition. You might have a dreamy or otherworldly presence in your home and family, and you may practice spirituality, prayer, and meditation in the privacy of your own home.ย 
Addressing these issues and working on healing is important to create a more harmonious living situation. This placement also indicates a need for solitude, introspection, and the potential for psychic or intuitive abilities. Exploring these spiritual gifts and utilizing them in your daily life is recommended. Remember to prioritize self-care and seek support from trusted friends or professionals.
๐ŸงฟThe ruler of the 12th house in the 5th house๐Ÿงฟ
With the position of the ruler of the 12th in the 5th house, you have a strong inclination towards expressing your creativity through spiritual or subconscious themes. Your personal experiences in finding solace, escape, engaging in psychic activity, and even self-sabotage are all influential factors in the way you channel your creativity, hobbies, risk-taking, romantic pursuits, and interactions with children. Notably, even your grief and sorrow can contribute to your creative work, such as music, art, theater, photography, or dance, which can have a dreamlike quality and may even involve entities from other worlds.ย 
Your passion for physical self-expression is evident in your participation in sports programs and artistic endeavors and your involvement in charitable activities related to it. However, when alone, you tend to express your spirituality through creative pursuits, such as writing spiritual music, creating spiritual imagery, and meditating on paintings. You also have a strong interest in surreal photography and exploring spirituality and the paranormal.ย 
It is important to note that your relationships with children may trigger feelings of grief and sorrow, and you may struggle with self-sabotage in matters of pleasure and romance. Therefore, to experience personal growth and fulfillment, you must delve deeper into any underlying fears or limiting beliefs that may prevent you from thoroughly enjoying these aspects of life.
๐ŸงฟThe ruler of the 12th house in the 6th house๐Ÿงฟ
The positioning of the ruler of the 12th in the 6th house indicates that you may have a tendency to withdraw from work or health-related activities and prefer solitude. This could make it difficult for you to maintain a routine or a healthy lifestyle, leading to feelings of guilt or inadequacy.ย 
You find solace, escape, and psychic activity in activities that help improve your health, work, routine, and animal interaction. Your interactions with animals may lead to feelings of sadness and loss, but they also help you connect with your spiritual side. You receive health advice through your dreams and working with charities is a regular part of your routine. However, working in places like hospitals, prisons, or other institutional settings is also a regular part of your job, exposing you to grief, loss, and sadness. You deal with grief one step at a time.ย 
Your desire to escape reality affects your work. You dislike routine, office jobs, or conforming to set schedules. You may be unfocused at work and daydream a lot, but you bring creativity to your daily work. You may feel loss and sorrow through interactions with coworkers and employees. They may be your secret enemies, and you are more likely than others to lose your job due to your own undoing or that of a coworker. You want your work to be a part of you, but it may also bring you suffering through servitude.ย 
You feel more comfortable completing daily tasks when you are alone, but you need to work on being more methodical when it comes to your health. You approach your interests from a spiritual perspective and practice meditation to improve your health. Health problems may cause you grief and loss, and too much alone time may also be detrimental to your health. You have a creative approach to nutrition and health. You communicate with spirits through animals, have a strong appreciation towards spirit representations of animals, and build strong emotional bonds with animals. However, your self-undoing may also come through animals.ย 
It is important to remember that self-care is crucial to your well-being, and seeking support from others can help you overcome any challenges you may face. So stay positive and persevere to find a balance that works for you and achieve success in your personal and professional life.
๐ŸงฟThe ruler of the 12th house in the 7th house๐Ÿงฟ
When the ruler of the 12th house is positioned in the 7th house, it can indicate a significant correlation between concealed apprehensions and intimate relationships. This specific placement may suggest that the individual might encounter difficulties in releasing past traumas or hidden secrets within their relationships. Furthermore, it can indicate a desire for privacy and a need to keep certain aspects of their relationships hidden from others. Releasing grief and sorrow, solitude, escapism, psychic activity, and becoming aware of self-sabotage serves cooperation, conflict, significant partnerships, and negotiations.ย 
You experience sadness and loss through substantial relationships. You get in touch with your spiritual side through marriage and committed partnership. You marry an ex-con. Dreams show you your marriage partner. You have an otherworldly, spiritual connection with your significant other. Involvement with people who need help affects your significant relationships. Your grief and sorrow affect your relationships. You express sadness to your partners. Your approach to significant relationships is dreamy and unfocused. You bring imagination to your partnerships. You sabotage yourself in significant partnerships. You want to experience complete bliss with your partner. You experience complete merging with your partner. Your partner desires to escape from reality as much as you do. You lose your boundaries when it comes to significant relationships. You transcend boundaries through significant relationships.ย 
Your experiences with loss and sadness fuel a business venture. You become a lawyer on behalf of a hospital or charitable organization. Your interest in paranormal and psychic phenomena affects your significant partnerships. There is a tendency to trauma bond and develop a codependent relationship.
You experience loss, grief, and sadness when relating to others. Your desire to escape reality affects your ability to maintain a serious relationship. You experience spiritual connections with other people, particularly angelic or ethereal beings. You find release through getting to know partners intimately, whether through couple therapy or something small such as playing question and relationship games.
It is highly recommended for individuals with this placement focus on addressing and releasing any concealed fears or emotional baggage to sustain healthy and fulfilling relationships.
๐ŸงฟThe ruler of the 12th house in the 8th house๐Ÿงฟ
When the governing planet of the twelfth house is situated in the eighth house, it can exert a profound influence on an individual's existence. This celestial positioning implies a pronounced inclination towards investigating the enigmatic aspects of existence, such as the subject of death and the afterlife. Such persons with this placement may possess heightened levels of intuition or extrasensory perception, facilitating their immersion into the world of the unseen. They may also gravitate towards spiritual pursuits such as meditation, yoga, or energy healing.
However, those with this placement tend to be highly reticent and guarded about their private lives. They may harbor deeply rooted fears and insecurities, which they keep concealed from the outside world. Owing to the twelfth house's proclivity towards escapism, these individuals may be vulnerable to self-destructive or addictive behaviors.
On a positive note, this placement also signifies the potential for immense personal growth and metamorphosis. By confronting their fears and traversing the depths of their subconscious mind, individuals can attain an enhanced comprehension of both themselves and the world at large. They may also possess a natural talent for counseling and aiding others who may be undergoing similar tribulations.
๐ŸงฟThe ruler of the 12th house in the 9th house๐Ÿงฟ
If the ruler of the 12th house is located in the 9th house, it suggests a strong inclination toward seeking spiritual knowledge and higher education through introspection and solitude. In addition, this placement implies a deep interest in exploring foreign cultures and beliefs and a desire for travel and adventure. However, it is important to note that individuals with this placement may tend to escape or avoid responsibilities, as the 12th house ruler signifies a need for retreat or withdrawal from the outside world.ย 
Engaging in activities such as seeking solace, exploring psychic abilities, and becoming aware of self-sabotage can help broaden horizons, travel, publish, and explore foreign cultures and belief systems. However, recognizing that traveling and meeting people from different countries can lead to exposure to grief and despair in the world, which may lead to feelings of sadness and loss. Moreover, one's belief system may also contribute to self-undoing, mainly if it is dogmatic or rigid.ย 
Higher education can provide a path toward spiritual exploration, while dreams can serve as a means of travel and awaken one's, inner explorer. Religious practices may also be approached from a spiritual or otherworldly perspective. Nevertheless, loss and sadness may affect one's relationship with faith and religion and interactions with people from other cultures.
Fascination with paranormal and psychic phenomena may also influence one's belief system, while interest in such activities may fuel the desire to travel. In addition, it may inspire individuals to become journalists. First, however, it is vital to ground oneself in practical realities and pursue spiritual and intellectual interests while fulfilling responsibilities in daily life.
๐ŸงฟThe ruler of the 12th house in the 10th house๐Ÿงฟ
The ruler of the 12th house in the 10th house could mean that the person is strongly inclined towards being alone and reflecting on their career or public image. It suggests that they might have an unconscious desire to withdraw from the world and seek inner peace, but they may find it challenging to balance this with their work life.
Attaining acknowledgment and discovering a rewarding occupation can be aided by surmounting grief, isolation, evasion, and self-sabotage while heightening extrasensory perception. Nonetheless, interactions with authoritative figures may also instigate feelings of melancholy and deprivation, and aspirations and societal status can lead to self-defeating behavior. Similarly, parental bonds and reputation can also evoke sorrow. Striving towards spiritual objectives can enable you to channel your creativity and actualize your aspirations, even potentially leading to a position as a CEO. Your spiritual outlook toward career and achievements brings mindfulness to your professional pursuits, yet your encounters with sorrow and despair may impede your ascent to the top. Your fascination with paranormal and extrasensory phenomena, alongside your losses and publicly expressed dismay, may be widely acknowledged. Escapism could obstruct tangible accomplishments, rendering you renowned for your escapist tendencies. You may yearn for absolute elation and unification with your public persona, but this may result in the dissolution of boundaries and transcending them while pursuing your dreams.
To achieve a sense of harmony between these two seemingly divergent paths, these individuals must discover methods to honor their need for privacy and reflection while simultaneously pursuing their aspirations and objectives in the public sphere. Through conscientious attention to both their inner and outer worlds, those with this placement can successfully attain both personal fulfillment and professional achievement.
๐ŸงฟThe ruler of the 12th house in the 11th house๐Ÿงฟ
If an individual's ruling planet of their 12th house lies in the 11th house, they may tend to avoid social situations and feel disconnected from groups. This can pose a challenge in forming deep connections with others, despite having a strong sense of the collective unconscious and a desire to aid others through spiritual or humanitarian activities. Furthermore, this placement may imply a need for solitude for clarity and rejuvenation. Through the release of emotions and embracing alone time, one can form connections with like-minded individuals, work towards social reform, achieve long-term goals, and foster friendships and admirers. This arrangement also allows one to explore psychic abilities and overcome self-destructive behavior.
Participating in social causes and making friends can positively affect one's ability to cope with feelings of sadness and loss. However, group participation can also lead to self-destructive behavior due to mob mentality or groupthink. Therefore, balancing the internal world and social interactions is crucial to enrich one's life. The desire to become involved in spiritual activities with like-minded people with similar interests and goals can be a powerful motivator to become a social reformer. Dreams can offer guidance toward achieving objectives and becoming a force for positive change. While partaking in group activities can be advantageous, it is essential to ensure that one's friends share similar interests and aren't merely a means of escapism. Striking a balance between solitude and social interaction can result in connecting with one's spiritual side, forming meaningful connections with others, and accomplishing objectives.
๐ŸงฟThe ruler of the 12th house in the 12th house๐Ÿงฟ
If the ruler of the 12th house is also situated in the 12th house, it could signify that the individual possesses a deep sense of introspection and spirituality. Such people may tend to withdraw from others and feel compelled to engage in self-destructive behaviors. For individuals with this placement, it is extremely important to prioritize their mental and emotional well-being since they may be susceptible to depression and escapism. It would be beneficial for them to dedicate time to dealing with their sorrows and pain, spending time alone, exploring their psychic abilities, and identifying any self-destructive tendencies that they may have.
Dealing with grief and sadness can be overwhelming and leave you feeling lost and confused. It's important to give yourself permission to process those emotions instead of trying to suppress them through meditation or isolation. While solitude can provide some comfort, it can also worsen feelings of sadness and loneliness. You may find comfort in connecting with your spiritual side if you have psychic abilities. Additionally, involving yourself in social work or charitable pursuits can help you better comprehend and empathize with those who are experiencing grief and sadness. Remember, seeking support and assistance whenever you need it, whether incarcerated or hospitalized, is perfectly acceptable.
Excessive isolation, confinement, acts of altruism, and intense emotional bonds with individuals or spiritual practices can cause self-undoing. Additionally, being overly susceptible to unconscious forces can exacerbate this issue. In such circumstances, an elevated state of awareness may encounter difficulty discerning actuality from deception.
If you wish to connect with your spiritual side, you can take two distinct paths. The first option is to fully dedicate yourself to a monastic lifestyle. The second option is to delve into the depths of your subconscious through your dreams. This process allows you to tap into the collective unconscious and better understand yourself and the world around you.
You possess a deep spiritual understanding, as evidenced by your approach toward prisoners. By counseling those in need, you can offer guidance and support to those who may feel lost or alone.
Your imagination is truly remarkable, and it's clear that you possess a high level of sensitivity. These qualities allow you to connect with others on a deeper level and to offer unique insights and perspectives that others may not be able to provide. Overall, your spiritual depth and insightful nature make you a truly remarkable individual. However, with a heightened sense of self-awareness and a solid commitment to personal growth, individuals with this placement have the potential to access profound insights and spiritual wisdom that can significantly enhance their lives.
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