spiritdreamt · 2 days
u know what im gonna say. @inpiink
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spiritdreamt · 3 days
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spiritdreamt · 4 days
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and if i said percy is that woman
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spiritdreamt · 4 days
okay Hopefully i'll be able to write some tomorrow :( ive been able to get a few pages of non-rp stuff done but that's it, work is Draining me and i have to go home and see my stepmom for a mother's day thing on saturday and. h. so i definitely won't be around then
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spiritdreamt · 5 days
im Always thinking about this fucking. dick out leon kennedy gifset. it makes me laugh so hard
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spiritdreamt · 7 days
🐝  *  ―  𝑷𝑶𝑺𝑰𝑻𝑰𝑽𝑰𝑻𝒀 𝑻𝑹𝑨𝑰𝑵.  reblog this post and give the person you reblogged it from a small compliment in the tags.  just something sweet and simple that’ll hopefully bring a smile to their face.
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spiritdreamt · 7 days
❛ i want to sink my teeth into every inch of you. ❜ @nuks
she doesn't respond for a moment, but her pink cheeks say what her voice can't. her head is full of cotton, his words caught on repeat as if her mind is trying to commit them to memory: teeth... every inch of you... her heart pounds. he could, of course, mean it figuratively, but he already has her wrapped around his finger. surely he knows that.
or maybe she just hopes he means it literally.
either way, she'd let him. he could devour her entirely, and she'd say thank you and probably ask for more. maybe, comes her first intelligent thought after he speaks, if you asked nicely, he'd let you bite back. she looks up, meets his dark eyes, and smiles with a nervous little giggle. her face is still burning.
"i'm, uh... amenable to that," percy says, tucking her hair behind her ear. "honestly, i'm amenable to most things. so..."
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spiritdreamt · 8 days
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NEVE CAMPBELL as SIDNEY PRESCOTT • Scream (1996) dir. Wes Craven
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spiritdreamt · 8 days
taken from the YA series by maggie stiefvater. some alterations made as needed to make things fit better for rp. feel free to change pronouns, etc.
‘ sometimes, i feel like my life is made up of a dozen hours i can never forget. ’ ‘ “i’m always straight?” oh, man, that’s the biggest lie you’ve ever told. ’ ‘ it’s safe as life. ’ ‘ what fresh hell is this ? ’ ‘ my words are unerring tools of destruction, and i’ve come unequipped with the ability to disarm them. ’ ‘ i like you better this way. ’ ‘ crushed and broken. just the way women like ‘em. ’ ‘ fate is a very weighty word to throw around before breakfast. ’ ‘ rags to riches isn’t a story anyone wants to hear until after it’s done. ’ ‘ i’m trying not to look at your boat shoes. i feel better about you as a person if i pretend you’re not wearing them. ’ ‘ i want to feel awake when my eyes are open. ’ ‘ you’re pretty in a way that is physically painful to me. i’m attracted to you like a heart attack. ’ ‘ i am being perfectly fucking civil. ’ ‘ shitdamn, it’s hot. ’ ‘ when i’m gone, dream me the world. something new for every night. ’ ‘ kissing’s a lot like laughing. if the joke’s funny, it doesn’t matter how long it’s been since you last heard one. ’ ‘ well, i don’t know how helpful that was… we found out german beauty homers look like bloody puffins. ’ ‘ i wish i could kiss you. because i would beg just one off you. under all this. and then we’d never say anything about it again. ’ ‘ pie is not a meal. ’ ‘ i’m here. i just—i believe i’m having a panic attack. ’ ‘ thanks for the super helpful alternative suggestions. your contribution at the end of the world will be tallied accordingly. ’ ‘ blame the poets. it’s easier to stir people to rebellion if they think they’re on the side of a demigod or some chosen one. never trust a poet. ’ ‘ no one knows what ignominy means. ’ ‘ don’t be such a shitbag. ’ ‘ i’m perfectly aware that it’s possible to have a friendship that isn’t all-encompassing, that isn’t blinding, deafening, maddening, quickening. it’s just that now that i’ve had this kind, i don’t want the other. ’ ‘ you’d better wait in the car, with your fancy face. ’ ‘ feel its pulse, don’t just stare at it. pulse. on its face. there. there, [name], god. there. ’ ‘ we’re going so slow. i think i just saw a tricycle pass us. ’ ‘ my head knew you were all right. but the rest of me didn’t. ’ ‘ i just want to pretend. i want to pretend that i could. ’ ‘ damn. you’re right. i really can’t think of another joke. ’ ‘ it was cowardice and stupidity. i didn’t like good-byes, so i just abstained, and i didn’t think about the consequences. ’ ‘ in my head, everything is always so tangled. i am such a damaged thing. ’ ‘ i wouldn’t have pegged you for a fan of normal. ’ ‘ you marvelous creature! ’ ‘  maybe it’s good that the world forgets every lesson, every good and bad memory, every triumph and failure, all of it dying with each generation. perhaps this cultural amnesia spares us all. perhaps if we remembered everything, hope would die instead. ’ ‘ i was here. i exist. i’m alive, because i bleed. ’ ‘ do you think you’re the only one with a right to bitterness here? ’ ‘ i just want to keep being best friends with you forever, and maybe one day also have carnal knowledge of you. ’ ‘ my feelings for you are an oil spill. i let them overflow, and now there isn’t a damn place in the ocean that wouldn’t catch fire if i dropped a match. ’ ‘ i like you an awful lot, [name]. ’ ‘ for the first time that i can remember, i know what it would feel like to be present in my own life. ’ ‘ jesus god, dude, do you have stitches on your face? bad. ass. put it here, you asshole. ’ ‘ i was trying to protect you, you little pissant. ’ ‘ you’re asking me to define an abstract concept that no one has managed to explain since time began. you sort of sprang it on me. why do we breathe air? because we love air? because we don’t want to suffocate. why do we eat? because we don’t want to starve. how do i know i love you? because i can sleep after i talk to you. ’ ‘ not today! no, thank you! too many events this decade. perhaps later! cannot do the shock! thank you for your time. ’ ‘ i am a slow-growing creature! i cannot adapt so quickly! ’ ‘ tell me: when you dream, do you dream of the stars? ’ ‘ if you can’t be unafraid, be afraid and happy. ’ ‘ it really is a helluva fixer-upper. i feel like they should possibly renovate this basement if they want to get a good sale price. hardwood floors, update the doorknobs, maybe put the wall back. ’ ‘ the choice was death or hurting you, which wasn’t much of a choice at all. ’ ‘ that seems sentimental for a man without a soul. ’
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spiritdreamt · 8 days
“I’ve got you” @huntedvideo
percy doesn't suffer from nightmares often, even less so now that she's traveling with fin. from time to time, though, she mumbles worriedly in her sleep or wakes with a start in their shared hotel bed. tonight's the latter, after a dream of a screaming match with janice. her nerves are as raw as if she'd actually confronted her stepmother, and she tries to breathe quietly as she waits for her heart to slow. she doesn't want to wake finley—he needs rest.
what he doesn't need, she tells herself, is to spend his night trying to fix someone that's beyond repair.
she doesn't know where the thought comes from, but it stings like a slap to the face. the dam breaks; she's crying before she can even hope to stop the tears. an awful, nearly inhuman sob rips out of her, and she presses her hand over her mouth but it's too late. fin stirs, and before she can tell him she's fine he wraps her in his arms, says i've got you. his care only worsens the deluge.
you don't deserve him, percy thinks. you're just dragging him down. he's got his own problems.
"sorry," she gasps between sobs. even though her stomach churns and her face burns and her mind screams cruel, cruel things at her, she can't force herself to stop clinging to him. "i didn't mean to—to wake you up. sorry."
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spiritdreamt · 9 days
[ fingertips ] sender places light kisses to each of reciever's fingertips @princetorn
there isn't much space in her room for anything other than her bed, her dresser, and her bookshelves, so she and royce have nowhere to sit but atop her covers. percy has spent most of her youth tucked away in here, a fragile bubble of security in the face of her stepmother's tempests. safe, or as safe as she could get... but awfully, horribly lonely. in her idle musings, she's conceived of herself as a tragic figure, the princess in the tower, a girl keeping quiet for so long that her tongue forgets its speech. flights of fancy, desperate attempts to cope with both her illogical upbringing and the sharp edge of solitude.
but she's not alone anymore, not since royce slipped into her life, let her lean against him while she reads her book, take quiet comfort in his presence. he's not some knight come to save her—she stopped waiting for one long ago—but he wants her. she doesn't understand it, worries in her lowest moments that his desire for her is borne of a lack of other options (it wouldn't be the first time someone's pursued her because she was convenient). a part of her can recognize the ridiculousness of her thoughts; his appearance would frighten and repulse most people, so it hardly matters that in life he would have glanced past her as if she were a ghost. he's here now; he wants her now; he's never going to leave her. it should be something out of a horror movie, out of a nightmare—that dark, sweet promise of forever actually a curse, the poor heroine never free.
percy wants to be free, but she doesn't want to be free of him. who else could look at her, see every rotten inch of her insides, and want her still? who else could see her rage and wail like a spoiled child and not leave? he's not the monster lurking over her shoulder. no, the monster is her stepmother, hiding in plain sight, painting percy as the villain.
the slam of a cupboard downstairs makes her flinch, and she closes her book with an irritated sigh. she'll never be able to focus on the pages if janice is about to start screaming about... who knows what. did i forget to take out the trash? did i leave a dish in the sink? did i eat something i shouldn't have? she thinks the answer to each question is no, but she can't be sure. percy sighs again, leaning her head to rest against royce's shoulder. he's cold in the stifling heat of her room, but she'd seek comfort in him even if she was shivering. he's all she has.
she's thinking about his offer—the one he presented on the swingset, want me to kill her for you? in the moment she'd smiled and shrugged, unable or unwilling to voice any real answer. no would have been a lie. yes is closer to the ugly truth of percy's heart, the vindictive creature in her chest that wants janice to hurt as much as she's hurt percy. she thinks royce would do it, if she brought it up again, but she's frightened. of what, she doesn't know, but the fear is a tangible thing. in the midst of her wondering, her lips half-parted about to say remember the playground?—skeletal fingers close around her wrist.
it's a touch as gentle as a prayer. her breath catches. his fingers slide up and close around her hand, thumb pressed into her palm. dark brows furrow as she lets him guide her hand to his mouth. their eyes meet. he presses a tender kiss to the pad of her index finger, and she shivers, and her mind goes spinning, but he's not done. his lips brush against her middle finger—ring finger—pinky. each kiss is more reverent than the last. percy blinks. through the floor, she can hear janice beginning to yell, but she just slides her hand to cup his ruined cheek and turns his face towards her. she manages to grant him a chaste kiss before the tenderness overwhelms her and tears begin to slide down her cheeks.
"sorry," she whispers. her parents can't hear royce, but if she talks too loudly they'll definitely hear her—though maybe not, with janice's raging. "i just... i love you."
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spiritdreamt · 9 days
good morning!!! say it back ♥️
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spiritdreamt · 9 days
ok i was gonna write more tonight but we ended up showing my friend molly All of the original trilogy for the first time. instead of just the first one like i anticipated
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spiritdreamt · 9 days
even though she asked for his opinion, her cheeks flare hot and she ducks her head with a giggle at his smirk. she only raises her gaze when he brings up the jeans, arching her eyebrows and asking: "oh, you mean when you destroyed me at pool?" if it were anybody but him, she might be sore at the loss—but she finds it nigh-impossible to be angry with him. and... she's just bad at pool. she pulls the pants in question from her dresser, holding them up for him to see as a wry smile creeps onto her face. "you know? i think you just like these because i was bent over so much while i wore them." she shakes them for emphasis, then folds them and packs them away. she fits in a few more items—a small jewelry box of necklaces and earrings from her mother, a pair of heels, and her combat boots (she'll wear her sneakers most times, she figures). "okay, clothes are done." her stomach turns suddenly and she looks back to him, green eyes wide. "the suitcase isn't too big, is it?" she doesn't want to take up too much room; she doesn't want to be a burden. fin would never tell her if she was, either, which only heightens her nerves. "i can, um—" she doesn't know what she could do. a smaller bag wouldn't fit everything. maybe she's being too high maintenance, bringing so many clothes? she thinks she only packed what she needs, but now doubt runs thick through her veins. "i don't know. i'm being silly, aren't i?"
there's no shame in the way finley gazes at persephone. besides being the prettiest girl he's ever seen, he just liked watching her mannerisms, the way she thought about what to wear and bring. his grin grew a little bit every time she glanced back at him, the two clearly distracted by each other. to be fair, fin had never been in love, before. he moved around too much, even before his father's disappearance, and hadn't had a chance to make many connections in his life. percy felt like the first person who had enough time to get to know him, to see what was beneath the goofy and masked exterior. he got very attached, after that. 'week and a half's enough, i think. and we can always get you new clothes along th'way,' eyes follow as she puts that dress into the suitcase. he remembers every time she's worn it ( and every time he's taken it off of her ). 'well, you already put my favorite thing in there,' knowing smirk ensues. 'i think you look good in everything, but uh... bring those one pair of jeans. y'know... with the sparkly stuff on the pockets,' fin remembers the pants fondly, for a moment. 'you wore them that one time we snuck into that shitty dive bar to play pool. i like those a lot,'
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spiritdreamt · 9 days
🐝 🐝 you're bee-utiful! pass this along to five writers to bring the sunshine in && give friendship a bloom!
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spiritdreamt · 10 days
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@spiritdreamt / temp.
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spiritdreamt · 10 days
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WELCOME BACK TO HUNTED VIDEO. finley stevens — monster hunter and youtuber. mun is 25+ & uses they / them pronouns. must be 21+ to follow & interact. triggering content such as horror, supernatural elements, blood, etc. will be present & tagged. VIEWER DISCRETION IS ADVISED . . . ©
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