spongeyshoe-squeaks · 13 days
Character getting way too stuffed but it's 10% food 90% air
trapped air my beloved,,,,,, (& these can definitely overlap so it might be fun to combine these various Plot Aspects into full scenarios)
🎈 Your character's belly is bulging like crazy after eating a portion of their meal, tight and round and undeniably out of room. They and the people they're with think they're definitely too full to eat any more, but your character lets out an absolutely ridiculous burp that startles even them, and suddenly they have plenty of space to keep eating.
🍽️ Your character knows they're perfectly capable of cleaning their plate. They also have a tendency to swallow a lot of air while eating and they often let out little burps during meals to let it out, maybe not even realizing that they're doing it. When they're eating with someone they don't want to burp in front of, though, they find themself getting full a lot faster than they're used to. They don't want to look silly for taking/ordering the portion that they did so they keep going, determined to finish their food even though their belly is struggling to squeeze in anything else on top of all that air.
🗣️ Your character never shuts up. They can talk anybody's ear off without even realizing they're doing it, and their friends fondly roll their eyes and deal with it. Of course, talking while eating results in a lot of swallowed air. One day, they're out for lunch with friends, and after chattering away with their mouth full the entire time, they're left with an uncomfortably bloated tummy, tight and sore and far too full. Suddenly they're not so chatty anymore now that they're not feeling too good.
🤵 Your character is eating at some kind of date/event that they want to make a good impression at, and they avoid burping the entire time they're there. Of course, this means that once their belly fills up with any air they've swallowed with their food, they run out of space, and though they feel pretty stuffed by the end of it, they haven't eaten much. Once they're finally home and they can let all that air out, they find that they're still very hungry--even more so than usual since their stomach is now all stretched out.
👖 Your character has to go out today, and they're struggling to fit into their outfit after eating, their belly seemingly far too stuffed even though they didn't eat all that much. After some straining and squeezing, they're just about ready to put on something looser when their stomach, having been jostled around plenty, finally lets all the trapped air out in the form of a huge burp, deflating their round belly and allowing them to get dressed in their outfit of choice.
⏱️ Your character is in a rush to get to some kind of meeting/appointment/event, and they have to eat fast to make it in time. They succeed both in wolfing down their lunch and being punctual, but they arrive with a bloated, rumbly, uncomfortable belly, and now they're looking for an opportunity to let all that trapped air out discreetly before anybody notices.
🍗 Your character feels absolutely stuffed even though they haven't eaten much, and the people they're with are teasing them for having such a tiny capacity. As it turns out, their belly was mostly full of air, and once a big burp frees up some space, they wind up out-eating everybody else at the table.
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spongeyshoe-squeaks · 1 month
more burp prompt/scene idea lists .. pleeaaseeee......
hewwowww i dont really go to burps Too Much so these are probably pretty mild but i tried
The timeless classic: your character badly needs to burp, but they're embarrassed to do so in front of whoever they're with. They hold it in, and the pressure builds inside them until their tummy can't take it anymore, finally unable to hold back an enormous burp that catches both parties off guard.
Your character is challenged to chug a big bottle of soda. Not one to wimp out, they accept the challenge and down the soda as quickly as they can. Their belly looks and feels like it's about to burst, at least until they pull the bottle from their lips and an astonishingly long burp immediately rushes out, visibly deflating their belly.
Not wanting to come off as rude, your character spends a good chunk of time holding back their burps even as their tummy strains and grumbles under the pressure. Now, they finally have the opportunity to let it out, but after holding it in for so long, the gas is thoroughly stuck. Their stomach feels terribly bloated, and they're trying every trick in the book to force up a burp. If all else fails, maybe they can beg a friend to come help.
Your character is on a date, and they're a little nervous. Feeling antsy and restless, they eat their food a little too quickly and wind up with a bellyful of swallowed air. Now, little burps keep slipping out whether they want them to or not. How do they feel about it? How does their date respond?
Your character is in the company of a very stuck-up, proper person. Somebody else in the room lets out a tiny burp and receives a lengthy lecture about manners. While this is going on, your character's belly is feeling uncomfortably bubbly, a good-sized burp building up inside them. Are they the type to try and hold it in, not wanting to be scolded, or are they going to show their prissy colleague what's up?
Your character is very shy and easily embarrassed. They're also with somebody they care dearly about. They're also feeling very bloated. They don't want to burp in front of the other person, but their friend/partner can tell they need to let something out and urges them to do so, reassuring them that there will be no judgement and possibly even helping them bring up the trapped gas.
Perhaps they're in some sort of eating contest, or perhaps they're just exceptionally ravenous, but your character wolfs down an enormous amount of food in record time, leaving their belly taut and bulging. It's not just food pushing their tummy out; they've swallowed a ton of air in their frenzy. There's so much pressure in their stomach that they don't even have to try to bring up the trapped air; the burps simply rush right out with no effort.
Your character isn't one who typically burps out loud; they try to stifle it and make it as quiet as possible. On this occasion, however, their stomach is feeling exceptionally bubbly, and a huge, loud burp erupts from them before they even know it's coming, startling both them and anybody around them.
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spongeyshoe-squeaks · 1 month
If you have the time prompts about accidental bloating. Eating something that doesn't agree with the character for them to end up an overinflated balloon
unintentional bloating my beloved,,,,,i coulda done more but i gotta cut it off or ill be sitting on this document for the rest of my life
Your character is at work, and it's finally time for their lunch break. Maybe they made a poor choice in packing their lunch, or maybe they go out for something quick and order the wrong thing, but by the time they get back to work, their tummy is feeling sore and swollen. Whether they're sitting at a desk or moving around on their feet, it quickly becomes clear that their belly is going to be a problem.
Your character squeezes into a nice little outfit to go to a fancy dinner event. The rich food settles poorly in your character's stomach, no doubt teaming up with their nerves to give them a killer bellyache, and their nice outfit starts feeling uncomfortably snug. If their belly isn't plainly visible, their discomfort certainly is. Hopefully their outfit at least holds itself together until they get home.
Your character has a terrible cold. Apparently some people relate to this and some don't, but your character is the type to swallow with each sniffle, as well as swallowing frequently in a vain attempt to lubricate their throat, causing their stomach to fill up with unintentionally swallowed air throughout the day.
Your character is on a dinner date, and they're feeling pretty nervous. Their belly is grumbly and agitated before they even leave. By the time they're sitting with their partner at the restaurant, they aren't hungry in the slightest, their poor anxious tummy feeling queasy and bloated. They eat their dinner anyway, though, and it leaves their belly bulging visibly. How does their date react?
Your character is already feeling a little bloated before they get on the plane--maybe they ate too much airport food, maybe they're nervous, maybe they're simply prone to a bloaty tummy--but once they take off, the altitude causes their poor belly to bloat up even more. They could try to soothe their stomach with some ginger ale, but if the bubbles fail to make them burp, they'll really be in for it.
Your character is awful about eating too quickly and talking the entire time they're doing it. They swallow a lot of air when they eat, leaving their tummy disproportionately bloated after each meal. They're notorious among their friends for it. How do said friends respond when your character winds up even more bloated than usual after a lunch out together?
Your character is enjoying some spicy food, and by "enjoying," I mean they're fighting for their life. Maybe they just have a weak tolerance, or maybe their tolerance is impressive and they've finally met their match, but their mouth--and stomach--are on fire. They're sipping their drink after nearly every bite, and between the liquid, the air they swallow while drinking, and the spicy food irritating their stomach, they're terribly bloated by the time they're finally through.
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spongeyshoe-squeaks · 1 month
OK!! Awesome ! With that now out of the way
Any ideas for tummies inflating via pumps or tanks or anythin’ like that? Or just inflating in general? If this ain’t your cup of tea, don’t feel obligated to do it either ! And sorry if these are so specific lol. Hope you have a great day/night!
i dont really have anything for pumps/tanks but i can do some general inflating !!! mixture of exaggerated reality/fantasy
💊 Your character is a scientist testing out a new creation. They swallow what's supposed to be the final product--a little capsule, the intended effects of which are up to you. Maybe it works as planned, maybe it doesn't, but they feel a strange bubbling sensation in their stomach shortly after taking it, and they realize after a moment that their belly is rapidly bloating up.
✈️ Your character gulped down a big soda just before boarding their plane. Their belly was already drum-tight when they sat down, but when the altitude causes all the gas inside their stomach to start expanding, it really begins to strain, stretching and bloating to its absolute limit. All they can do is try to force up some burps and hope it plateaus soon.
🪄 Your character drinks a potion that's supposed to make them light as a feather. They gulp it down and wait for it to take effect, but they don't feel any lighter, at least until their belly starts expanding. Much to their dismay, they realize the potion is inflating them until they're lighter than air, and the dismay quickly turns into panic as they realize just how much they're going to have to blow up to negate their existing weight.
🥤 Your character lives under a rock and has absolutely no idea about the Coke and Mentos reaction. That's why they don't hesitate to follow up a big bottle of Coke with a large handful of their favorite candy. They're enjoying their snack until they start feeling unusually bloated, and they realize with bewilderment that their belly is now swelling up uncontrollably.
🌬️ Your character is both very tiny and very squeamish, and they faint at the sight of blood. Alarmed, their giant friend thinks they need CPR and delivers a far-too-big rescue breath, accidentally blowing up their belly like a balloon. Your character quickly comes to, much to the relief of their friend, to find themself with an extremely distended and very sore tummy.
🤢 Your character tries a new food for the first time. They love it and eat a big serving, even though it makes their belly feel a little funny. They soon realize this was a mistake, however, when they discover that they have some sort of allergy or intolerance that causes them to bloat like crazy. It would've been bad even if they'd only eaten a few bites, but after the amount they put away, their poor belly swells up until they're sure they can't take it anymore.
🍾 Your character opens up a bottle of carbonated beverage, only to realize it's been shaken up. In order to prevent it from making a mess, they quickly shove the opening into their mouth, gulping down the rush of fizz as quickly as they can. Their belly expands rapidly and visibly, stretching almost until it can't anymore. Finally, mercifully, the drink settles, although they've guzzled down nearly the whole thing in the process, but their stomach is in turmoil.
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spongeyshoe-squeaks · 1 month
barnacleboy voice The👁️🫵 burst teasy dialogue prompts
"I really need to burp but it won't come up… I feel like my stomach's about to explode."
"Jeez, your belly sounds like it's about to blow."
"Oh, god, I'll pop if I eat any more."
"Would you just burp already? You're gonna burst if you keep holding it in."
"Ooh, there's so much pressure inside my belly… I'm gonna burst if I can't get it out…"
"I don't think I've ever seen somebody eat so much. You're not gonna explode, are you?"
"Ugh, don't squeeze me so tight, I'm about to pop."
"Please stop before you burst."
"I'm gonna finish this thing or explode trying."
"Wow, they weren't lying when they called that thing the Belly Buster. You look like you're about to pop."
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spongeyshoe-squeaks · 1 month
Hi! Just thought I’d leave an ask. Is it possible to request inflated belly dialogues/prompts? Either is fine, and from either POV. I was thinking air, heliun, or water. And if possible, no mentions of bursting please!! If this isn’t possible, that’s okay! I hope you have a good day or night!
"Oohhh, my belly… Is it supposed to feel so tight?"
"I can't believe how big it's getting. I can feel it pushing out."
"I do-urp--uurp-- I-urp--oh, g-hurp--gosh--"
"Ohh, it feels so heavy…"
"Oof, I feel like a balloon/water balloon."
"No, I think… I think I can hold a little more."
"Oh, gosh, hang on--can you rub my belly a little? Right there… Be gentle."
"I should've worn a different outfit for this."
"Oh, my tummy's gonna be so sore later…"
"Oohh, I'm so full… Just one more [unit of whatever]."
"Are you sure you can handle more? Your belly's getting really tight."
"Unbutton your pants? Aw, come on, I'm sure they can hold on a little longer."
[patting belly] "Ooh, listen to how full you sound!"
"Oh my gosh, I wish you could see how far your belly's sticking out right now."
"You look like you swallowed a beach ball… Well, I guess you basically are a beach ball at this point."
"I don't think I can get the button undone. It's too tight."
"Wow, your belly's really rumbling. Are you sure you're alright?"
"Maybe we should stop. My tummy hurts just looking at you."
"No way you can fit any more in there."
"You're gonna need some serious belly rubs tonight."
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