spooksforfun · 3 months
Husk Overlord AU Fic, Chapter Two
i haven't added any warnings before, but here are the ones for this chapter. I won't be writing anything explicit to do with Angel's abuse, some refrencing to it, but nothing fully written out. i will be adding warnings to all the chapters that need them. Let me know if there are any I missed.
Warnings! Abuse, forced prostitution, toxic relationships, suggestive themes
When Angel left his apartment building he found the same driver waiting for him, and he opened the door to guide Angel inside again. The tall sinner was not expecting this to become a regular thing.
Angel took the hand offered to him and duck inside the car. He was especially surprised to find Husk inside the car. He shuffled into his seat, unsure how to proceed. He nervously spoke up. “Hello, Husk, erm sir?” He couldn’t help his greeting coming out like a question. But he genuinely had no idea why the casino owner would be picking him up himself.
Husk looked him up and down. Angel was sure the cat could tell he was not well rested. How could he be, he had no idea what his new owner had in store for him. Every time he did manage to fall asleep he would be plagued by the torture Val had put him through but now Husk had been in his place. But Angel was a professional, he had worked in worse conditions. 
He wasn’t sure what kind of outfit to wear so he brought a bag with him, filled with dresses with lace and thrills, sparkles, and sequins, dozens of jewellery ranging from necklaces to bracelets, and dainty chains that would wrap around his body. He barely managed to zip the bag closed, still some fabric was poking out. “I er, brought more outfits with me. Not sure what you would like best.
Husk gave him a long look before taking a drag from the cigar in his hand. Angel watched as the end went a bright red, he subconsciously held his breath, used to Val breathing blowing his toxic smoke in his face, at first he loved the feeling, it gave him such a euphoric high, making relaxed and horny, immediately climbing into the tall moth’s lap and taking him right there and then, no matter who was watching, but as time went on, the smoke began to make him feel sick and dread, knowing what was to come soon after, the pain and panic he would go through as countless of sinners would tie him up and use his body however they saw fit, while Valentino would sit and watch as his crew would film all the sexual acts he was obligated to perform. Just because of that damned piece of paper he signed. He would try to hold his breath, not wanting to be under more of Valentino’s influence but he could never hold it long enough, but instead of him clambering to touch him, angel would now curl into himself as Valentino would grab him by the upper arms and force him to sit in his lap, forced his long tongue down his throat. Angel didn’t even fight anymore, it would only heighten Valentino’s wrath.
As Angel braced himself for the inevitable puff of smoke, his eyes widened. Husk turned his head toward the open window beside him, breathing the grey smoke out of the car. His eyes turned back to Angel. 
“You didn’t tell me this is where you lived.” His face was emotionless. Angel wasn’t sure what to reply with. Opting to just raise an eyebrow questioningly. “This is a shit neibourhood.” The cat continued. 
Angel realised he wanted an explanation. “The rent is cheap.” Why did this guy care so much about where he lived? He had never had a problem arriving late when working for Valentino, is that what Husk was worried about? 
“It’s dangerous.” The winged cat continued.
Angel was starting to get annoyed. “I can handle myself.” Who does this guy think he is? The arachnid was perfectly capable of taking care of himself. 
“Right.” The two stared at each other. Eventually husk rolled his eyes, taking another drag from his cigar and again blowing the smoke out the window. “You don’t have to live here yer know?” Again their eyes met. Now it was Angel’s turn to roll his eyes. 
“Oh yeah? And where am I going to live?” What was the overlord’s deal? Why was he butting into my personal life? Angel wanted to ask more questions, and even though he was plenty annoyed, on the verge of getting angry really, he knew to restrain himself, he had dealt with worse than this when working for Val, but something about Husk just seemed to set him off. When the cat demon looked at him he felt as though he could see straight through him, as if he knew everything about him, every dirty thought through his depraved mind. 
When the cat didn't answer Angel settled into his seat, not wanting to continue the conversation, knowing if he did he’d say something he’d regret. 
Finally, Husk looked away, he signalled to the driver to start driving. It wasn’t a long ride to the casino, but it felt like it was taking forever. Angel just looked out the window, watching the buildings and sinners blur into one another, as they reached the entertainment district. Here the buildings were taller and flashier than other districts. Bright screens everywhere, showcasing ads, and celebrities. 
The driver drove behind the casino, entering through a garage door that lifted at the press of a button. When the car parked Angel reached for his door handle. But that’s when Husk decided to speak again.
“You can live here if you want.” 
Angel turned back to Husk so fast he thought his neck would snap. “What?”
“In the casino, many of my employee’s do. You don’t have to if you don’t want to. But, think about it.” and with that Husk opened his door and climbed out of the car. Angel didn’t know what to think. Why would he offer him a room here? So many thoughts were running through his head he jumped when his door quickly opened.
And there stood Husk, standing over him. As Angel looked into his eyes he saw no malice, but could he really be trusted? Husk reached out his hand, waiting for Angel to take it. No he couldn’t trust an overlord who owned part of his soul. That must be it, he only gets to tell Angel what to do when he is working. If he lives at the casino, he is always working. Husk must just be trying to trick him, pull him in by being sweet and then turn on him the first chance he gets. Just like Valentino.
But Angel knew better now, he was no longer the naive, new sinner on the block. He would not allow Husk to own him more than he already does. He put on a smile, finally he knew what part to play, he would pretend, like he always does, like he always had to. 
He takes the hand offered to him and gets out of the car. He walks past the cat before turning his head back to him, a smile still on his face. “Thanks, Whiskers,” he said with a wink. Then he turned back around and walked inside the casino, not waiting long enough to see the eyebrow raise from Husk.
His day started by being shown around the employee areas of the casino, it was still early in the afternoon so it wasn’t open to the public yet. Husk had tasked one of his other employees to show him around, some young wasp looking sinner.
He was shown to the kitchens, employee break room, the area behind a large stage which he was told is where they had performers of many different talents, some singers, dancers, comedians,  some magicians which the sinner mentioned were some of the boss’s favourite acts. 
Then he was taken to a long corridor with dark walls and many doors, he was told they were the dressing rooms for the acts. He walked to one particular door, he saw his name at the top. 
“This will be your dressing room.” The sinner took out a key and opened the door for him.
Angel walked into the room, looking around. There was a dressing table with a large lit up mirror. A rack for him to hang his clothes. And against the back wall was a pink chaise lounge, a small brown coffee table beside it. 
He turned back to the shorter sinner who stood at the door, a seductive smile now on his face. “Is this where you’ll prick me with your stinger, handsome?” With every word he walked closer to the wasp. Who now was blushing madly. He reached him, picking up his tie and pulled him closer to his soft chest. 
The sinner smiled nervously back at Angel, as he was about to respond a door at the end of the hallway opened suddenly and there was the boss man himself. 
“You best keep your hands to yourself, Angel dust.” The man growled out.
“It’s alright sir, I don't mind.”
The two sinners had stepped out of the room, now standing in the hallway with their boss.
“Whatever fucked up shit you two get up to is none of my business, just do it in your own time.” Angel crossed his arms. “Angel, my office, now!” Husk turned back to the room he just came from. The wasp quickly closed the door to Angel’s room and locked it. Before he left he handed him the keys to the room. With a flirty see you later the sinner was gone.
Angel turned back to the door at the end of the hallway. The office door was still open. He made his way into the room. 
The office was painted a warm dark brown. There was a bookcase filled with books he couldn’t be bothered to read the titles of. Sculptures and awards were sitting between the books. In the middle of the room was an expensive looking desk, a plush dark red chair was behind it. Some smaller chairs in front. To the side there was a window overlooking the casino, where he found Husk standing, at a small bar, pouring what looked like whisky into two glasses. 
He grabbed the two drinks and walked to the desk, signalling for Angel to sit in one of the smaller chairs. He did so after closing the office door.
Husk sat in the plush chair and he handed Angel one of the glasses. Angel took the drink with a smile. “Thank you Whiskers.” he held back the laugh when Husk wrinkled his nose at the nickname. 
“So your job here is to entertain, and make sure the guests feel happy. The happier they are, the more they spend. And like I said before, if you want a break, Tim showed you where your dressing room is.” The overlord took a swig of his drink. Angel took a sip of his. Keep the guests playing and spending money, he can do that. 
“You can keep your tips, and you get paid at the end of the month. You got any issues, bring them to me. Don’t matter what it is, I'll deal with it. Got it?” Husk drank the rest of his drink. 
Angel gave him a flirty smile, nodding his head. Husk gave him a stern look. “And no flirting with my employee’s on the clock.” 
The spider rolled his eyes playfully, “Fine, I guess I’ll rock the little wasp’s world another time.” Husk gave out an exasperated huff before dismissing Angel to his dressing room, telling him that his first performance was tonight and to get himself ready, and to not choose a song that’s too vulgar.
Angel was now standing at the open door, he wiggled his hips at the overlord. “Well you're no fun.” He practically giggled as the cat waved him off. He made his way back into his dressing room, the bag he had left in the car was now on the seat of the dressing table. He began to hang his dresses on the rack, looking through the drawers in his dressing table he found a steamer. 
He decided on an off the shoulder fitted black dress. It had a sweetheart neckline which sparkled in the light of his mirror. He made sure to steam out any wrinkles. It had a high split at the thigh before reaching the floor. Once the dress was ready, he undressign from his day clothes and slipped into the soft velvet dress. The sleeves sat comfortably at the elbows of his top arms, he slipped on some sheer black gloves with black embroidered vines which reached his sleeves. He put on another pair of sheer gloves on his second set of arms, these ones were grey with a slight silver shine to them. Around his neck he put a dainty silver chain which sloped down his chest, the chain sat at his waist, where it split and went around his body in a loop, hanging just above his ass. 
He sat at the dressing table and began to do his makeup. He settled with a simple look of black and silver eyeshadow, and a dark wine lip. He looked at himself in the mirror. And no one could deny how good he looked. While admiring himself there was a knock at the door. 
Tim, the wasp from before, poked his head in when Angel called out for him to come in. “The stage is ready for you Angel.” Angel stood and walked over to the door, he stood over the wasp, one hand leaning on the door, “Thanks handsome.” He winked and made his way backstage. A deep blush was settled on Tim’s cheeks.
He checked through the list of songs the musicians prepared, quickly learning the words. Some announcer was on stage, greeting the guests sitting at the tables and announcing the famous Angel Dust.
The crowd went wild with the news that the most famous pornstar in the pride ring was singing tonight. The curtain lifts and there is Angel Dust, with a microphone stand in his hands and the show begins.
Angel had never had a hard time being in the spotlight. He loved how all eyes were on him, and as he sensually shifted his hand up and down the mic stand, he could see several guests adjusting in their seats. He disconnected the mic from the stand and began to move across the stage, making sure to get a good look at everyone, he wanted to find the biggest spender, and bingo got him. He sat close to the stage, drink after drink was brought to him as he sang.
Angel made sure to make eye contact with the sinner, sensually rubbing his hands up and down the microphone. He paid attention to the other guests too, but especially the big spender.
He wore some flashy, purple suit that complimented his dark skin. While being surrounded by numerous wait staff, constantly giving him new drinks. The sinner didn't even pay attention to them, his eyes were only on Angel.
As the night wore on, Angel had just finished his last song, bidding farewell to the disappointed audience, he left the stage as the next act was presented. He made his way to the bar where he met one of the big spender’s waiters, he grabbed the drink from them, stating he would bring it to the guest himself. He made sure he was presentable before he walked towards the tables.
When he got to the sinner, who was now standing, waiting for his drink. “Leaving so soon handsome?” The sinner turned to Angel, his eyes wide for a second, surprised but he quickly got over it.
“Angel Dust, a pleasure to meet you.” Closer Angel could see that the sinner had the appearance of a shark. He stuck out his hand to the spider, who gently placed his hand in the much bigger one. “I was just going to check out the craps table, if you’d like to join me?” The shark smiled, big, pointy teeth. 
Angel gave him a smile, handing his drink over to the man, while curling his arm around the shark’s other arm and they both walked to the game area. 
Up above all the guests in the casino, Husk stood in his office, watching through the big glass window. It was hard to miss Angel, amidst all the other guests, the spider refused to not make himself a spectacle, wanting the attention of everyone around him.
Husk watched him cosy himself up to the bigger sinner, stroking the shark’s ego into betting more and more money, whenever he won angel would praise the sinner, and if he lost, he pressed his soft chest against the shark’s chest, making sure that the sinner would not get angry about the loss of his money. 
Husk smiled, his plan was clearly working. With Angel in his employment, he was sure that the casino would see a skyrocket increase financially. He poured himself a drink and finally left the window, he had watched all of Angel’s set, making sure he was doing well. He walked to his desk to continue his paperwork.
As the night wore on, The shark got more drunk and spent more and more money, not even caring anymore when he lost, too engrossed in the spider in his arm. He got friskier, lay his hand on Angel’s ass. Angel laughed it off to the table dealer who seemed to have noticed the guest’s wandering hands, but Angel just waved them off, silently telling them to continue with the game. He wasn’t sure the Shark even knew what game he was playing anymore, and Angel has dealt with much worse than a drunk, horny sinner before.
By the end of the night and his shift, Angel was practically dragging the sinner to the lift, to take them up to the sinner’s room. Angel got the man to stand up on his own, and he looked up at the large window way on the top floor of the casino, he could faintly see Husk moving about, talking with someone in his office. 
His attention was taken by the sinner beside him, who had grabbed onto his chin, leaning down for a deep kiss. Husk looked out to the casino floor once more, catching Angel in the lift, deeply kissing the bigger sinner. Just as the doors closed. 
Now that they were alone the sinner got much rougher. His claws dig into Angel’s fur, eliciting a gasp from him, which the sinner immediately took as permission to shove his tongue in his mouth. He was pushed into the wall behind him, hitting his head in the process, but the sinner didn’t seem to notice, now piercing his sharp teeth into Angel’s slender neck.
The moment the doors were open once more, the shark grabbed onto one of Angel’s arms, dragging him into his room and closing the door, trapping Angle against it.
Angel looked up into the dark emotionless eyes of the sinner standing above him. He had done this many times before this, why was he so shaken this time. Maybe it was the lack of a filming crew, maybe knowing that he was truly alone with this man was finally settling in his mind. 
But he couldn’t change his mind now. He threw himself into the shark’s arms. Wide grin on his face as they stumbled into the large bed. After all, he’s got to keep the guests happy.
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spooksforfun · 4 months
Husk Overlord AU Fic
This is the first chapter to my fic based on celestialalpacaron's Overlord Husk au
Husk had been dreading this day for a while now. He knew Valentino wouldn’t give up so easily, but a man could hope. And that’s what led him to the situation he was in now. Sitting at one of the many poker tables in his casino, across from the moth overlord. In between the both, slightly to the side was a contract signed by the both of them, stating that should Husk lose he would give Valentino the deed to his casino. However should Husk win, he would win the partial ownership Valentino has over the pornstar, Angeldust.
Said sinner was sitting right on the overlord’s lap, who had claimed the spider was his good luck charm, already having made him millions through his videos and pimping. It was clear to Husk that Angel was uncomfortable with the situation, clearly he didn't like the thought of his soul being bartered with.
Both overlord’s eyed each other. Valentino had a large grin on his face, which hadn’t faltered throughout the game. A novice would believe the moth had no tells, but Husk was no novice. You don’t get to own Hell’s most profitable casino owner by not being able to read another’s body language.
Just like he could tell the fake personality that the pornstar exudes, he could see straight through his fake confidence, and boasting about Valentino’s skills in and out of the bedroom, that he truly didn’t want to be anywhere near the moth.
Valentino breathed out a puff of his pink smoke from the cigarette he had been smoking from as he laid out his cards. A full house. When it took more than a second for Husk to respond with his own cards his grin widened. 
“It’s ok Husk, I’ll make sure to take good care of your casino.” No doubt thinking of all the ways he could use the casino to create another one of his prostitution rings.
Husk let out a small chuckle. Which instantly turned Valentino’s smirk into a frown. “I hate to be the bearer of bad news.” But it was clear there truly was no disdain for the information the casino overlord was about to give. He laid his own cards down on the smooth wooden table. A royal flush.
Immediately Valentino stood from the table. Knocking Angel out of his lap and straight to the floor. His short dress slid up exposing more of his fluffy white legs. The sweetheart neckline of the sparkly pink dress he had on accentuated the curve of his chest fluff. You could see his fear not only in his eyes, but the way he was breathing. It was clear it had not been the first time he saw Valentino this angry. 
The tall moth slammed his hands on the table. Now shouting about how Husk must have cheated, there is no way he could have lost. Husk only gave him an annoyed look in return. Not even bothering to get from his seat. “A deal’s a deal. Tino.” He huffed out, holding his hand out to the enraged man. Valentino had no choice but to hand over Angel’s contract, no longer the owner of the spider demon’s soul. Along with it came a set of pink smoky chains which materialised along with the contract. The chains led to a thick collar around the slender white neck of the man on the floor.
With a few more angry swears and a promise of him not giving up so easily, and what sounded like squeaking from the taller man, he began to gather himself and leave the private room Husk had prepared for their game. Angel watched, now on his knees, as his former owner walked out of the room. He looked to the floor for a moment, evening out his breathing before turning to his new owner.
Husk however was not paying attention to him. He was focused on his staff giving out orders. They were all moving with quick purpose, none of them sparing Angel another glance, as if this happened everyday. 
The winged cat finally looked down at the pornstar. He stood and walked closer to him, the bright pink chain still in his hand. He never pulled the chain taut, it stayed relaxed, even when he was close to Angel, he didn’t need to pull on it to get his attention, he already had it. Angel looked into his eyes, he couldn’t tell what the man was thinking. The silence was cut between the two as Angel shivered, not having noticed that his furred shawl had slipped past his shoulders, being held in his elbows instead.
“You know, I didn't think Tino would be a dumbass to bet you over my casino.” As he said that, the chains glowed bright and broke, right in front of Angel’s eyes. And Husk held his hand out for the spider to take. He was unsure at first, whether he could trust the gambler or not. Slowly, with a shaky hand he reached out to him. Their hands met, Husk was soft, not as soft as Angel, but still comforting.
“Here’s some ground rules.” Hus’s baritone voice filled the room, making Angel look from his own hand back to the cat’s face. “Ya want cash, dope, a boat. Anything with a tag, I'll give ya it.”  Husk’s face seemed uninterested with the topic. “Do what you want, but put that famous face o’ yours to work and bring guests in.” 
Husk rubbed his thumb over Angel’s middle finger. The man on the floor looked confused until he felt a slight tightness on the finger. He couldn’t look just yet at what the overlord had done to his finger as he was gently pulled up to his feet. He was almost twice the height of the overlord. Had this been any other situation he would have laughed at their predicament. But he still hadn’t found his voice since Valentino had left.
“No wearing blue. I fucking hate that colour.” Their hands were still connected. “There’s no such thing as ‘free’ in my casino. Everyone’s gotta pay up. Nothing here is cheap so no weapons beyond the doors.” Angel was stuck under the gaze from the smaller sinner. He couldn’t move, he couldn’t speak. He was amazed he was taking in everything said to him, but it was as if Husk had him under some spell. “If you’re hungry, I'll get ya something for that. Same thing goes if you want some privacy. I’m assuming you have your own place, since Tino only owned you when you were working for him.” Still unable to speak, Angel only nodded. “I’ll make sure you have a room here to destress. And if someone here is treating you like ass, I’ll have them shot.” Husk’s eyes bore deep into Angel’s mismatched ones. “But as long as you’re under me, do your job  and hustle the hell out of the lowlifes here.” Husk finally gave him a smirk as he sent Angel out. One of his staff was waiting for him. He was escorted out of the casino as he heard that deep voice once more, calling out that he’ll have his first shift tomorrow. Outside the casino was a car, and the driver opened the door and led him inside. The inside had black leather seats, with red and gold accents. The driver got in the front and asked Angel for his address. 
Angel finally found his voice, and gave out his address. He tried to fully understand what had happened. Val no longer owned him, now some other overlord did, and he didn’t know if he should be happy about it or not. So far Husk had not hurt him, but it could all just be a matter of time before his real intentions were shown. The streets blurred past his window as he tried to distract himself. He wrapped his arms around himself and he felt it. He looked at the hand Husk had held. Around his middle finger was a simple gold ring. This must be how the overlord showed his possessions. 
The car stopped outside his apartment and the driver hurriedly opened the door for him once more and helped him out of the car. He slowly climbed the stairs up to his apartment. Once inside his home, he beelined for his bed where he met fat nuggets who immediately cuddled up to him. He stared up at the ceiling, his hand raising up as he stared at the ring on his finger. He felt his eyes grow heavy and he decided sleep was for the best. To prepare him for what tomorrow would bring.
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