spoonfedchaos · 5 days
Hey Mads,
I saw your requests are open. Could i please request a Dating Eugene Roe headcanon? Thank you 💕
Dating Eugene Roe Headcannons
Eugene Roe x Reader
A/N: My first ever BoB fic was about Gene, so he holds a special place in my heart. Thanks for requesting! I loved writing these!! this is about the fictional portrayal of easy company on the show. nothing but love and respect for veterans on this blog!
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So you and Gene meet in Aldbourne when Easy first gets moved there in September of 43' (you meet in october).
You're sitting in a coffee shop reading in the corner, and he thinks you're easily the most beautiful woman he'd ever seen.
Being a shy guy, Gene doesn't say anything to you the first time he sees you. He just subtly glances at you from his spot across the shop.
Turns out, he isn't as subtle as he thinks and you totally notice the staring but don't mind it because you think he's very handsome.
You come into the shop every saturday morning, and every Saturday morning, he's there as well. After a few weeks of sneaking glances, you decided enough was enough.
You walk over and introduce yourself to him, and BOY does he go red when you say that you've noticed him.
Despite the awkwardness of the beggining of the conversation, things fall into a steady rhythm, and you find yourself enjoying his company.
Gene's very soft-spoken and respectful (the BEST listener in the whole company if you ask me)
You get to know each other a little bit, and when you have to leave, you write down your address on a table napkin with a grin, telling him you're free the next day at 6.
The next day, he shows up to your house at 5:55 with a bouquet of roses, wearing his dress uniform. He offers you his arm, and the two of you are off to Swindon for the night.
It ended with a sweet kiss under the stars at your porch (there was no light on because of the black-out being in effect)
from there, it was history, and you soon fell for the cajun medic, and he fell just as hard for you.
Whenever he gets weekend passes, the two of you go for day trips to Swindon or London, strolling down the streets softly talking.
In London, you take him to Crystal Palace Park, where you lay out a soft blanket and have a cozy picnic. Your head lays on his lap, and he gently runs his hands through your hair as he talks about his family back home.
You LOVE hearing the different stories of his grandmother and her healing abilities. It only makes sense that Gene would become a medic to help people, following in her footsteps.
As his training continued and the concern of Sobel leading the company grew, Gene began to bottle up his anxieties and distance himself from you slightly.
I feel like Gene is the type of guy who wouldn't want to tell you his problems because he doesn't want to add to your plate, so he suffers in silence.
You confront him about it and he sighs before telling you everything about Sobel and how incompetent he is. (you hate him with a burning passion...possibly more than Eugene does, but it's close.)
Sunday dinner with your family becomes a weekly thing as time drags on. Your dad was hesitant to bring an American into your house, but he likes Gene more than he ever would have thought.
I'd like to think that Eugene buys you small trinkets that reminds him of you (idk where this came from but it's in my mind now)
we all know he can get fired up (after moose get's shot, he rips Dick and Harry a new one), but what gets him really fired up is when he's jealous
Some nights when you're out at a pub, men will make passes at you despite him sitting right there...boy it grinds his gears.
I have a feeling he would just sit there silent because if he opens his mouth, he knows he wouldn't be able to control himself (imagine his *angry* look after Sobel screws up the training mission in curahee) .
You notice and reach out for his hand over the table, trying to calm him down. "I'm going to get us some drinks," you squeeze his hand before getting up.
Gene's eyes follow you as you waltz across the room, and he takes a deep breath.
His gaze falls to the table for a moment, and when he turns back to you, he sees red. There's a British soldier at the bar who's all up in your personal space and is getting closer every second. Eugene can see the discomfort all over your face.
He shoots up from the table and quickly makes his way over to you, wrapping an arm around your waist and pulling you behind him as he faces the guy.
"Do we have a problem here?" He asks, looking down at the man with fire in his gaze.
The Brit cowers instantly, taking his drink off the table before walking away. "No, sir."
Even through the man was super annoying, seeing Gene like that is incredibly hot, and you turn him around and kiss him.
He calms down pretty quickly after that.
Whenever they have to leave for Upottery, you share a sweet goodbye filled with tears (a lot from you and a few from Gene), and promises of writing.
You keep in contact through letter for the whole duration of the war, and the second he can leave after it's over, he comes straight to Aldbourne and asks you to marry him.
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Tag List: @liptonsbabe @footprintsinthesxnd @bucky32557038ww2 @flowers-and-fichte @merriell-allesandro-shelton
message or comment if you want to be added to the tag list!
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spoonfedchaos · 2 years
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N’iela & Rex, because I haven’t actually given them a proper drawing yet.
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spoonfedchaos · 2 years
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apparently old tcw action figures used to come with “clone cash” coupons to use to buy more toys
but this just looks like rex’s version of “mom bucks”, where he gives out clone cash to the troopers who do a good job and when they save up enough they get to pick out a prize
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spoonfedchaos · 3 years
Wait for you
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Description: (requested by @spoonfedchaos !)  would it be alright if we had our beloved Mr Captain Rex saying “I’ve always loved you.” (possible to a jedi reader
.?) please💞💞
Pairing: Captain Rex x Jedi!Reader
Warnings: Mentions of blaster shots, broken bones, blood. Please let me know if I missed any!
Word Count: 1,939
Join the taglist here!
Author’s note: Sorry for taking so long with this! I have to admit, I haven’t interacted with any Clone Wars content for a while, so this took a little bit more out of me! Regardless, thank you so much for your patience! I hope you enjoy!
A yell ripped through your throat as you sliced through another training droid.
Your lightsaber hummed softly as your chest rose and fell with ragged breaths. Sweat raced down your tense muscles, burning your eyes as you squeezed them shut in an attempt to calm your erratic breathing.
Keep reading
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spoonfedchaos · 3 years
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Cody and Rex decided to go as each other and proceed to get positively wasted at 79’s bc well. I just know they have a rowdy side
a massive thank you to @maul-at-the-mall for this prompt idea I owe you my life đŸ–€âœš
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spoonfedchaos · 3 years
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Clonetober day 14: Ooooooh - zone (Ozone)
DidnÂŽt know what to do for the original prompt, so I kinda bent it to fit my needs better XD And I must say, IÂŽm really happy with how it turned out
The other Clonetobers:
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31
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spoonfedchaos · 3 years
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They're trying not to laugh about their pumpkin personas while the holo is being taken!
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spoonfedchaos · 3 years
Here are some of my random clone headcanons, many of which I thought up on the spot:
Wolffe’s definitely a cat person
Kix is a big hugger despite being slightly more introverted than most clones
When they had shore leave, Hardcase loved to go watch street musicians (and he’d drag Jesse and Kix along with him if they weren’t busy)
Jesse wanted to learn how to play guitar just to make Hardcase happy (he gave up on that after Umbara)
Kix got his tattoo when he was drunk and sort of regrets it, but he refuses to admit this to Jesse and Hardcase. The entire reason he has the fancy haircut is to spite them by showing off his tattoo
Echo was actually more outgoing than Fives at first
Cody likes to let people believe there’s a huge story behind his scar, but he actually just tripped and fell on something sharp
Rex is the only person who knows this (because he was there when it happened) but Cody swore him to secrecy
In return for keeping the secret, Cody helps Rex perpetuate the mystery of if he’s a natural blond or not
Kix gets a tattoo to commemorate all of his brothers when he wakes up in the future
Fives was a regular at a small coffee shop on Coruscant when he had leave and the owners knew him by name. He never ordered coffee, though— he’d always get hot chocolate
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spoonfedchaos · 3 years
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[Image ID: A digital painting of Star Wars: The Clone Wars character, Obi-Wan Kenobi and Commander Cody. They’re facing the viewer, walking together on the right side of the canvas, on a rainy Coruscant day. Obi-Wan is in his season 7 Jedi outfit, and Cody is wearing a grey naval officer uniform, often referred to as “dress greys” by fandom. He’s carrying the cap, and both he and Obi-Wan are holding Obi-Wan’s large, outer Jedi robe over their heads to shelter from the rain. Their faces are turned toward each other while they walk. A wide Coruscant sidewalk with tall buildings on the right side diminishes into the distance behind them. Streetlamps line the sidewalk, and on the left the sidewalk drops off to reveal another level below. A small foot bridge crosses the gap, going off the canvas, toward another sidewalk and more buildings. Several lanes of speeder traffic trail off to the same vanishing point as the buildings and sidewalk, and a few other pedestrians walk or run through the rain. The scene is mostly blue-green and grey, but the lamps cast warm orange light on the nearby figures. End ID.] 
Cody and Obi-Wan got caught in the rain while walking back from some undoubtedly boring diplomatic engagement.
This takes place in the Reconstruction Corps AU, some time after That’s not how it happened. This is how it happened, but before Orbital Decay. Ugh, they’re so in love, I hate them. :)
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spoonfedchaos · 3 years
So you know how within big cities there are little cultural neighborhoods like chinatown will have dim sum places and different supermarkets and karaoke bars or a jewish neighborhood will have kosher delis and restaurants? I feel like Coruscant would have thousands of these, so I was wondering if you had headcanons about what Coruscant's Mirialan neighborhoods might be like. Things like what sorts of shops might there be, what aromas would fill the air, what might the people be like, what might the vibes be like, what would it be incomplete without? Maybe there are things that are available elsewhere on Coruscant but it's worth the trip to go to a Mirialan neighborhood to get it? Would there be any street art incorporated into the neighborhood? What might the neighborhood be called?
anon this is such an amazing idea/headcanon, truly galaxy brained! i love the idea that there would be thousands of little [insert planet name]’s all throughout coruscant. i don’t know much about other cultures in diaspora and their neighborhoods so i’ll just draw off of what i’m familiar with in my own background
i’m going to add some headcanons for “little mirial”, but i would absolutely love it if people added on their own headcanons for different planets!
little mirial
probably not actually called little mirial but i can’t think of anything else right now
i think there would be a lot of street food places like how they have in many mediterranean countries - kebab places with carpets to sit on on the pavement, tea shops that always add too much sugar with makeshift tables and an assortment of little plastic or rusted metal chairs that don’t match, fresh fruit juice that someone squeezes there for you, that sort of thing!
i think, and since a lot of mirialan stuff seems to be based off of west asian and mediterranean muslim culture, there would be something like a bazaar the way we normally have them - a tented maze of overly aggressive vendors and lots of haggling and yelling
if you don’t speak mirialan or have an accent, they’ll raise the prices like our bazaars too lol
my own headcanon for mirialan culture is that their major traditional trades included lots of textile work, like dying, embroidery, weaving, etc - with different regions, clans, or families having their own unique geometric patterns - and i think this would translate into how the buildings are painted
maybe there would be entire apartment buildings covered in geometric designs, or maybe there would be giant woven geometric textiles strung up between buildings that cover over the streets and alleys
tattoo parlors!
except it’s not a parlor at all - it’s a very, very old grandma who does it on her front porch step or apartment balcony. she’s a community elder who’s been doing it for decades and nobody knows how old she actually is but it’s considered an honor to have her give you tattoos
she has a couple of young mirialan girls who work with her and are learning the art to pass it on to the next generation
religious centers - canonically, we know mirialans are deeply spiritual, so i think there would be a lot of little shrines on corners and places where people have defied the concrete and metal jungle of the cityscape to build little green spaces or gardens to serve as meditation spaces or prayer spaces
stepping into one is like stepping into a different world. you leave the hustle and bustle of the city behind for a moment and trade it for the sounds of softly murmured chants/prayers from an old uncle sitting in the corner, the feeling of grass under your feet, and the soft gurgling of a fountain where the community tooka steals a drink
cat culture is big for us, so i headcanon that little mirial just has pampered and over fed “stray” tookas everywhere
traditional music groups play near the bazaar for the tourists coming to the markets
usually just a couple of teens with simple frame drums like a daf and stringed instruments like an oud or a qanun. maybe you’ll hear something like a ney too
but they’re really good and sometimes the older uncles join in to sing folk songs
amazing hospitality, delicious food, and a tight-knit community intent on keeping their cultures and traditions alive, to sum it up
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spoonfedchaos · 3 years
Captain Rex x gn!Reader
Summary: Rex is asked to escort you back to your room after a long night at 79's. Warnings: fluff, light smut (touching, kissing, etc), drinking, mutual pining, PROTECTIVE REX :') Word count: 2.1k A/N: reader is mentioned to be best friends with Ahsoka but they are of legal age!! Some dialogue is inspired by the Jim/Pam first kiss scene of The Office.
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"We should probably get going, Y/N" Rex said, leaning down into your ear. Even this close, you could still barely hear him.
The chatter and commotion from inside 79’s was becoming deafening as the night aged. You'd decided not to drink too much tonight, as you wanted to be responsible. Especially considering what happened last time.
Rex was to escort you home tonight, following a terrifying incident the week before, where another clone tried to follow you. Luckily, nothing happened, but you felt unsafe. And your inebriated state left you feeling defenseless.
You didn’t want to ask for assistance, but after your best friend Ahsoka learned what happened, she insisted that Rex protect you this time. You would never object, of course. You’d always had a crush on Rex anyways, so you wanted nothing more than time alone with him. You and him were close ever since Ahsoka introduced you two many months ago, but you had never had one-on-one time with him.
You nodded at him in agreeance, locking your arm around his to ensure you didn't lose him in the crowd. The atmosphere was thick and stuffy, you felt as though it was hard to breathe around this many people.
The chilled air outside crashed against you, and you took a moment to absorb it.
"Ahhh, that's better" you sighed. Rex laughed softly, also enjoying a relief from the cantina’s mugginess.
"I’ll say” He mumbled.
“You know” You began “You don’t have to take me back just yet”
“Ahsoka was very clear that I get you home safely” Rex protested, continuing to stroll along next to you. He was closer than normal, almost in a seemingly protective way.
“Who says I won’t get home safely? Just a quick detour. Please?” You begged. Ahsoka was arguably too worried about you. Of course she trusted Rex, but he did not want to let her, or you, down.
He smirked, pondering your plea. How could he say no to you? There was one place you had in mind, and the skyline would be beautiful tonight.
“Alright, but no longer than 15 minutes” He said sternly. So serious about his duties

The smile forming on your lips was almost child-like in excitement, but you toned it down before he could notice.
You knew of a rooftop on a nearby building that remained unguarded on certain nights. And tonight happened to be one of those nights. Sometimes you’d sneak away to watch the view, mesmerized by all the lights, but you always went alone. For some reason, your heart was tugging at you, and a gut feeling kicked in with the idea to take Rex with you this time.
“Y/N, I really don’t think we should be in here” Rex whispered nervously, still not leaving more than a few inches between you and him.
“Relax, Rex. It’s fine, I do this all the time!” You admitted quicker than you could think it through. You winced in regret.
“You do this all the time?!” He shouted at a whisper.
“Well, not all the time but y- you know” you stuttered. “Look, I’m always safe about it. I’ve never been caught”.
“You need to be careful.” He commanded firmly.
Who is this and what did he do with Rex?
The unlit, seemingly abandoned building echoed every step as you approached the elevator.
“I really don’t see how I can keep you safe if both get caught”
“We won’t get caught, Rex. I promise” You further ensured him. Your arm locked around his again as you stepped into the elevator. You pressed the button to the top floor, and Rex looked down at you.
“Are we going to the top?” He ignorantly inquired.
You nodded, and he couldn’t help but grin. He had to admit that this was exciting.
The joyous relief you’d just felt of thinning air coming out of the cantina was nothing compared to the breeze that blew the hair away from your cheeks as you pushed the roof-access door open. Rex insisted that he went first, for protection of course. He held out his hand to help you step outside safely.
"Thank you" You blushed.
It was as if he'd never seen the endless city before in all its beauty. His jaw fell, and his pupils wandered the perimeter, admiration flooding his gaze. You watched him carefully, in awe of his reaction and felt pleased with the experience of sharing your favorite spot on Coruscant with someone else.
"Wow..." He whispered lightly. You shyly smirked before realizing you still had a hold of his hand, you snatched it away by instinct.
"Sorry" You blurted, feeling embarrassed for holding on too long.
"You shouldn't be" He consoled you, his eyes never breaking contact with the field of view surrounding you.
You both approached the edge, resting your arms on top of the ledge.
"In all my travels, all my missions, all this time...I've never seen the city like this"
"I hope we can agree that this was worth it" You teased. Rex had forgotten all about how hesitant he was to do this.
You looked up at him, and after a few moments, he broke away from eyeing the skyline to meet your gaze.
"The best part is" You began after a continued silence. "All these surrounding buildings are much shorter, and the distant buildings are too far away to see anyone up here. So it really is probably the most private view in all of Coruscant"
"Its beautiful", Rex reveled in this information.
You both stared across illuminated darkness to the endless lines of skyscrapers and speeders. This city truly never slept.
"Thank you, Rex" You threw into the air, wanting to change the subject.
His brows furrowed as his attention was snapped away from the view.
"For what, exactly?" He asked, audibly confused.
"Making me feel safe tonight" You admitted, opening up to your vulnerability. "What happened last time really shook me up. I know he didn't get a chance to do anything to me but i-....anyways, I appreciate it." You stopped yourself from rambling.
"It's no problem at all. I'm glad I could help" He responded, remaining humble.
"I don't think Ahsoka gave you much of a choice" You chuckled.
"That is...true" He breathed out into a laugh as well.
The distant sounds of city commotion resumed, roaring through the wind.
"I meant to say this earlier but..." Rex piqued your attention, "You look really nice tonight" He spoke quickly, obviously nervous to let those words come out. He scanned you up and down, careful to do it swiftly and remain respectful.
You looked down at your black attire, confident with the way it complemented every curve on your body.
"Thank you, Rex. You look nice too"
"Well,” He tilted his head, viewing his regular trooper armor. “This is just how I look any other day”
“Exactly” you said softly. He blushed, it was subtle, but you could tell by the way his lips curled into a smile that it was a rarity for him to hear this.
“I can't say I've ever been complimented before" His melancholy voice broke you, but you didn't want him to see that. He wouldn't want sympathy from you.
"Well, its true" you reminded him.
Your heartfelt conversation was cut sharp by a sudden clang of metal collapsing near the roof access. Shit. You figured tonight would finally be the night you got caught.
Rex reacted quickly to the ruckus, turning swiftly, unholstering his blaster and pushing your body behind his to shield you from any potential threat. Your breath was knocked from you, but you instantly felt protected. He aimed his blaster at the source of the sound, and the other arm wrapped behind him, to hold you close as best as possible. Your heart pounded, both because you were startled, and because you had never been this intimately close to Rex before.
"Who's the-" He began, before sighing into a laugh when the culprit revealed itself. "A rat" He said, hilariously relieved.
"What?" You questioned in surprise. You looked around Rex's towering figure. He still hadn't moved, even though his guard had lowered. The animal scurried off when it detected the two of you. The seconds passed as your chest remained pressed against his armored back.
"Oh, um, sorry about that" He came to the realization of your position. He turned around, remaining as close to you as he just was, and looked down at you.
"Don't apologize". You stared up at him, admiration twinkling in your eyes. He couldn't help but stare back, longer than he knows he should have.
A piece of your hair fell onto your cheek, blown gently by the wind. He lifted it, placing it behind your ear. His hand never left your face, but instead cupped your cheek. The butterflies fluttered and your heartbeat raced.
You spoke to him without a word leaving your mind. In the same second, you both moved into one another. His lips landed delicately upon yours. You sucked in a sharp breath, so overwhelmed by the contact. A hand travelled to the back of your neck, pulling you gently into him.
Rex's unoccupied palm rested onto your waist. Never had you experienced how it felt to melt into another person, but melting was the only way you could attempt to describe it. Rex felt it too, in his short life he had not yet felt the privilege of this closeness with another person. This intimate, private, beautiful moment swallowed you whole and you lost yourself in it. The tension unraveled, and you welcomed it warmly.
He broke away slowly, careful to make eye contact with you.
"You don't know how long I've wanted to do that" He admitted as he pressed his forehead against yours.
"Me too" You whispered, trembling from the nerves tingling through your body.
"I think maybe we're just drunk" He chuckled nervously, worried that you may not really feel the same way. You had only finished a few drinks. You were tipsy an hour ago, but it had left your system already.
"I'm not drunk, are you drunk?" You pondered, unsure of how many drinks Rex consumed at the cantina.
"No" He stated plainly, and you both smiled when you realized that this was real.
"I want to kiss you again, if that's okay" He asked sweetly.
You nodded, not letting another second pass by without his lips on yours. There was more power behind the second kiss, more hunger in the way you locked yourself together. The grip on your waist was wandering now, wrapping behind your back and pulling your body against his. You felt him groan into your mouth, earning a small whimper from you as well.
There was undeniable desire for one another, but you both felt the moral dilemma involved with being together. It was something you both understood, but chose to ignore it right now. You wanted to let your hands roam but his armor made that impossible.
“You can touch me” You whispered.
He looked at you with concern.
“Are you sure?”
“Please”, You pleaded, telling him that it what you wanted. He removed his gloves and placed them on the ledge. He wanted any contact against your skin to feel real, and not imagine it through the fabric he often wore.
Reconnecting the kiss, he allowed himself to do just that. His trembling hands explored you, settling in between your top and the heated skin beneath it. A warmth washed over as you allowed him to discover you. You let your desire take control, grabbing his hand to guide him lower, where you ached for him.
He eagerly obliged. Lowering his fingers to pull at the hem of your trousers. You unbuttoned them, giving him more room. You gasped as he discovered your arousal. Before he could go any further, he stopped himself.
“What’s wrong?” You asked as he pulled away slowly. A look of painful restrain was plastered on his face.
“I want you more than anything” He started. Balling his fist in frustration for making himself stop. “But I don’t want to do this here.”
you are still escorting me home, aren’t you?” You purred.
He raised an eyebrow, following your hint with ease.
“I am” He contended.
“And if your orders are to get me home safely”, You brushed your palm against his cheek “Then I don’t think what happens after that is breaking any rules. After all, I couldn’t be any safer if I’m with you.” You whispered.
“I like the way you think, Y/N”, he gushed.
“Lets go then” You insisted, taking him by the hand, leading him to your place.
Tagging those who helped me decide to write for Rex this time!!
@mustluvgd @star-whores-a-new-hoe @starwars-supremacy
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spoonfedchaos · 3 years
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Based off @imrowanartist amazing fanfic These Silver Linings on Ao3
It was such a beautiful little story that I just had to draw it. Seriously, you all should go read the whole thing. They do such an amazing job with capturing Tech and Omega's personalities and really helps add more depth to their relationship!
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spoonfedchaos · 3 years
i won’t ever not reblog this
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drew those shirtless clone troopers 👉👈
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spoonfedchaos · 3 years
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SOURCE. - I’m just posting it here as an aid and taking no credit.
Galactic Standard Time Measurement
60 Seconds = 1 minute
60 minutes = 1 hour
24 hours = 1 day
Galactic Standard Calendar
5 days = 1 week
7 weeks = 1 month
35 days = 1 month
368 days = 1 year
10 months + 3 Fete (Festival) weeks + 3 holidays = 1 year
Fete/Festival Weeks
New Year Fete Week = first five days of the new year (takes place before the first month)
Festival of Life =  five days between the sixth and seventh months. It was marked by parties, get-togethers, and gift-giving.
Festival of Stars =five days between the ninth and tenth months of the year that celebrates interstellar space travel. It was marked by vacations to other worlds most often.
Days of the Week
Primeday (first day of the week)
Centaxday (second day)
Taungsday (third day)
Zhellday (fourth day)
Benduday (fifth/last day of the week)
The Galactic Standard Calendar is based on the luno-solar calendar of Coruscant (from before the official founding of the Empire). It is the ‘standard’ in both the Republic and the Empire for basic measurements. However, there are many, many variations for various species, planets, etc. This is just the ‘standard’ used; similar to measurements of weight, etc. 
Basically, this is not the ‘only calendar’ but the one used most often by governments, the military, etc. to be the ‘standard’. I thought it might be useful for people writing or roleplaying in the Star Wars galaxies to have a rough idea.
NOTE: There is mention in some sources of a 12 month/368 day calendar, but it doesn’t mention length of weeks, months, etc. other than ‘30-31 days’ so basically seems to be a ‘real life calendar’. I’m not 100% sure which is considered ‘canon’ so I choose to list the one that was a bit more ‘different’ for fun.
SOURCES http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Galactic_Standard_Calendar http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Fete_Week http://swtor.wikia.com/wiki/Galactic_Standard_Calendar http://starwarsrp.net/topic/63474-resourse-galactic-standard-calendar/
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spoonfedchaos · 3 years
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Can’t get enough of these GOOD BOYS!
Star Wars’ one OSHA man Commander Cody
Cody and Rex being beautiful boyfriends
Softℱ Boys
Resting Bitch Faces
Everyone has a Space iPad
and many a shenanigan
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spoonfedchaos · 3 years
this is so good ong every single character is written so well ARH defo am excited for that possible second chapter đŸ˜©đŸ˜©
Playing A Dangerous Game
Summary: Joining the GAR as a voluntary medic was supposed to keep you away from galas such as this. But after meeting a certain Captain in the line of duty, perhaps this one wouldn’t be so bad after all.
Pairing: Rex x medic!reader
Tags: drinking, galas, flirting, softness, rex being rex, reader is a tease, implied past sexual activity, kissing
Word Count: 2.1k
A/N: Based on this post about a dress originally posted by @rebelpitstop. Also, I can’t find a canon name or the 212th’s medic so made one up.
A/N 2: I left this one non-18+ since it’s my first proper piece but I was thinking of writing an 18+ part 2 if people would want that?
The whole point of joining the Grand Army of the Republic, aside from helping the weary and wounded, was to avoid galas such as these. They were always just so boring and underwhelming. This evening though, this would be different. Because this time you would, hopefully, be in much more enticing company.
You were a volunteer field medic, assigned only 6 months ago to General Kenobi and the 212th Attack Battalion. Their current medic, CT-9878, who you had come to affectionately nickname Patches, was in dire need of assistance following the Republic’s 2nd takeover on Geonosis. After that, the General had taken quite a liking to you and requested you be assigned to him indefinitely.
You were glad for the assignment, truth be told. Working under General Kenobi had been a pleasure. You had gotten to know the men under his command well, and soothe them in their moments of need. This was what you were meant to do.
It was thanks to General’s Kenobi’s personal request that you were invited tonight. That you were able to see him again, for the first time in months, your Captain.
The gala was intended to praise the outstanding efforts of the GAR following the Battle of Saleucami. The General recommended you be commended for your actions planetside during the battle. Not only had you helped soothe his troops in the height of one of their most intensive missions yet, but you had been wreckless responsible for breaking protocol to assist Patches in saving the Commander after Grievous’ final stand. You had put yourself between the injured clone Commander and the oncoming fire.
That had been the day you met him. Another clone - a Captain you later learned from Cody - named Rex, who was under the command of your General’s former padawan. The Captain has been badly wounded by a commando droid. Though he had been patched up in the days following his injury, he had still been turned over to your care for further treatment until his troops could be evacuated.
While Patches worked on treating minor ailments, and your Commander slept following treatment, you attended to Rex. He was kind, you noted, as you spent time dressing his wounds every hour. He brought a warmth to your chest and a smile to your lips in a way most couldn't in months, let alone one rotation.
You had given the Captain your private comm link, but thought little of it in the days following the battle. But when you finally arrived back on the Negotiator, physically and emotionally exhausted, you saw a soft blue light in the corner of your datapad and smiled to yourself. He certainly was a charmer.
Though you hadn’t seen him in several months you knew, thanks to Cody, that he would be in attendance tonight by request of his own General, General Skywalker. You also learned that your sweet Captain hated these galas almost as much as you did. And you couldn’t have that, not tonight.
Though you exchanged messages, and occasional holo calls late into the calm, quiet nights alone in your respective quarters, you hadn't seen each other in the flesh for months. No, tonight you would do something special.
That was how you found yourself swapping the comfort of your blacks and plated armour pieces for an elegant grey formal gown. If you absolutely had to attend, looking the part wouldn’t hurt; especially if it gathered the response you hoped it would. The thought alone brought a pleasant wave of goosebumps along your skin and a warmth deep in your stomach.
Though your outfit of choice was a little out of your comfort zone, you were sure it would be much appreciated.
The soft grey fabric followed every curve of your body in ways you had only dreamed of. Sitting neatly on the curve of your shoulders the fabric slid into a dramatic V shape around your cleavage and tightening ever so slightly around the waist, where it was decorated with intricate rope and floral detailing. The fabric continues to fall down over your hips, barely grazing the ground with a gentle sweep.
The most notable detail was the two large slits in the skirt of your dress, each running from the hem of your dress over the enticing expanse of your legs and stopping at the top of your thighs. The fabric concealed everything you needed it to but left the promise of more.
Around your shoulders hung a soft, great cape adorned with delicate floral embellishments, completing your look.
A knock on your door broke you from your pleasant daydream of soft blond hair and inviting honey eyes, and was a welcome distraction for the growing warmth making itself at home in your body.
You crossed the apartment to open it, faced with a smiling Cody, the man who had become almost like a brother to you, and who had asked to escort you to the gala on the 212th’s behalf. Dressed in his formal dress greys, adorning the Republic crest on one shoulder and a beautiful sunburst design on the other, Cody offered his arm.
“Shall we?”
You smiled, sliding your arm through his.
“Lead the way, Commander.”
Rex hated formal functions almost as much as you did. He was a Captain, a soldier. He much preferred the familiar chaos aboard the Resolute to being here, surrounded by politicians and high society, many of whom would rather stare blindly out at the city below than speak with him.
You were the only reason he was even here tonight. He hadn’t seen you for months, and it was too long. He had hoped that after Salucemi there would be cause for his men to be reunited on a campaign with the 212th, but so far he hadn’t had much luck.
So he sipped his drink and waited, every so often letting out a disgruntled sigh or fiddling with the medals adorning his dress greys. Maker, he hated these things. He missed his armour.
He felt an elbow dig into his ribs and grunted.
“Stop sulking, you look suspicious.” Kix told him, plastering on his best crowd-pleasing smile.
Rex was very close to muttering something in response when he was interrupted by an announcement somewhere across the room.
“Marshall Commander Cody and representatives of the 212th Attack Battalion.”
Rex looked up so fast he worried he may have given himself whiplash. But it was worth it. Kriff, there you were. Rex could have sworn his heart stopped, you looked breathtaking.
The Captain had seen you several ways before, several months of holo calls and late-night messages would ensure that. But he had never seen you quite like this, commanding the attention of everyone in the room as Cody led you down the staircase in the gala, flanked by several other of his brothers from the 212th.
Wearing a dress like that should be illegal, he thought. The way the delicate fabric clung to your skin and accentuated every beautiful edge and curve, the way you teased more with each sway of your hips that swung the fabric to and fro across your thighs.
On one particular step, he could have sworn he saw a pretty, delicate band of deep blue lace nestled around your upper thigh. His eyes darted back and forth trying to catch another look, rewarded only with tantalising glimpses at select moments.
Watching you with a gaze that spoke volumes, as if you had single-handedly hung each of the 4 Coruscanti moons, Rex was speechless. He couldn’t believe how lucky he was.
Across the ballroom he caught your eye and tipped his head, a handsome smile curving over his lips. In reply you smiled at him, eyes twinkling in the light. It was a look that spoke volumes to your captain, turning slowly into a playful smirk at the end as you disappeared into the crowd to keep up appearances.
Kriff, he was lucky.
You were his, and he needed you.
Everything so far has gone exactly as you had planned it. The look in Rex’s eyes when he saw you, force, it was like lighting a spark in your stomach and waiting for the kindling to catch fire and consume everything in its wake.
You knew he was watching you, you could feel darkened amber eyes burning into your skin as you moved through the crowd with Cody, stopping to politely greet members of the Senate or the council as you passed.
You knew there would be formalities to get out of the way before you were free to wander the gala, but what was to stop you from having a little fun in the meantime? The Captain, you had learned the hard way, was a tease by nature. Why not return the favour?
It started with small, little things that only someone paying attention would notice. Laughing innocently as you spoke with a twinkle in your eye, tossing your hair back from your tastefully exposed chest to tumble down your back. Resting a hand on the arm of the senator, soldier, or civilian you were speaking with.
Eventually, you grew a little bolder, pressing lightly up against the Captain’s back with soft hands on his waist as you passed by him, with a gentle, ‘My apologies, Captain’ before breezing past.
When you had finished with your polite introductions and praises, Cody finally led you to where his vod were, speaking with General Kenobi in a quiet corner of the large room. You felt Rex’s full attention shift onto you almost immediately as you approached, the weight of it nearly knocking the wind from your lungs, heat coiling in your belly.
“Ah, you both made it. I trust that wasn’t too harrowing, Commander?”
You heard General Kenobi ask with a light tone, and were vaguely aware of Cody responding. Though you were far too distracted by Rex’s dark gaze to register what he said, caught up in the pleasant thought of the Captain’s large hands guiding you away from the crowded gala and-
“And how are you finding the evening, my dear? I know you dislike these events almost as much as myself.”
It wasn’t until the Jedi addressed you directly, bowing respectfully as he always did, that you snapped back to the present moment.
“I must say this evening has been far more interesting than most, General. I’m eager to see what else is to come.”
You smiled and bowed in response, allowing the pretty blue lace on your thigh to show once more. The quiet grunt you heard made your smile wider, and Cody chuckled.
“You remember Kix and Captain Rex?”
He gestured to each of the men before turning back to speak with the General. You smiled innocently.
“I do indeed, lovely to see you both again.” You smiled and shook Kix’s hand, “Kix.” Then Rex’s, letting your fingertips trail over his wrist. “Sir.”
General Kenobi broke the silence of the moment, “I’m afraid Cody and I must speak with the Chancellor, Kix will you be joining us? The Chancellor is most eager to hear about your research.” He smiled at the clone medic, “Can I trust you to stay out of trouble if I can leave you in Captain Rex’s capable hands?”
The Jedi chuckled and you grinned, the picture of innocence.
“Of course, General.”
You bid them farewell, and while Cody spoke briefly with his brother, you acquired a glass of softly bubbling golden liquid and wandered towards one of the huge windows, admiring the city below.
Thankfully, nobody was paying too much attention to the view, as just as you pressed the glass to your lips to take a sip, you felt a warmth pressing into your back lightly, strong fingers curling around your waist. Though it was the first time you had been able to feel his physical touch, you would know your Captain anywhere.
His voice had dropped several octaves, quiet and smooth in your ear as your head tilted just enough under his fingers for Rex to press his soft kiss to yours, fingers trailing down your neck. You had imagined this kiss several thousand times over the months, yet nothing could quite prepare you for the real thing.
Once he pulled back, you followed, claiming his lips in another kiss, his tongue moving over your lips, slipping past when you accepted with a gentle gasp. As you did you leaned back subtly into his warmth, back tight to his front. The hand not holding your drink slid down to slot your fingers in between his own where they rested on your waist, slowly moving them down to your hip, feeling his gloves now pressing against both bare skin and grey cotton.
You felt his fingers curl into a ball, taking with it a handful of fabric as he broke away from the kiss to speak with a quiet groan.
“You’re playing a dangerous game, cyare.”
You simply smiled against his lips, pressing back one more.
“Am I winning, Captain?”
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spoonfedchaos · 3 years
Rex: Alright, who did this?
Hardcase and Fives: *point to each other*
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