sprklgender · 2 days
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It’s time to have a good time. Do what you want with your body and have fun.
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sprklgender · 4 days
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✧。:*▹ Mystimasc
[pt: Mystimasc end pt]
Flag ID: a flag with 8 equal stripes. The colors from top to bottom are dark pink, light pink, pale pink, turquoise, greener turquoise, green, dark green, and dark brown. End ID.
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✧ Mystimasc is a term for when one's masculinity can only be described using non-anthropomorphic terms. For example, one's masculinity can only be described as, "soft, poofy, lace skirts." This description and any other descriptions may not be inherently masculine, but that is how masculinity feels to one.
✧ This does not take away one's masculine aspect- one feels masculine but "soft, poofy, lace skirts" is what masculinity feels like to one. Any gendered terms regarding masculinity would still accurately describe one as masculine, though "soft, poofy, lace skirts" is what masculinity feels like to one. Masculinity here does not equate to man-ness or man-hood. One can be fluid between descriptions.
✧ parallel to Mystifem
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ID: a white DNI with a panel of the manga Oyasumi Punpun with 5 kids doing a joint pose. Words are black on the right side: “DNI: anti- ‘contradictory’ labels, anti-mogai, terf, gatekeeper, anti-decolonization, believes ‘narc abuze’ is real, demonizes ‘scary/evil’ disorders + labels.” End ID.
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sprklgender · 4 days
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The feeling of being vaguely connected being a binary gender in an abstract way that is not completely aligned with, or not at all being said binary gender and is hard / impossible to describe.
This term may be used by anyone who relates to it, it can be used along side another gender or as a stand alone one. While the gender is rooted in being non binary the gender can be used by cis or trans people! there are also micro labeling of this term for AbstraBoys/Abstramasculine, AbstraGirls/AbstraFeminine, Abstra and AbstraFluidity!
Grey represents the vauge, abstract nature of the identity
The purple represents AbstraBis and Abstrafluids
The pink AbstraGirls/AbstraFeminine people
The cream represents Unity
The green represents community
And the blue represents the AbstraBoys/Masculine people!
Feel free to visit the carrd for the other more specific labels and flags https://abstragender.carrd.co/#
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sprklgender · 4 days
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vagueboy/vaguemale/vagueman: when one’s gender can not be defined with words due to their neurodivergent status but it is an approximation of or around ‘male’
term coined by: unknown
flag designed by: unknown, based off gendervague
see also:
gendervague, vaguegirl, vaguefluid, vagueflux, vaguefluidflux
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sprklgender · 4 days
-fluix (fluid and fluctuating genders)
A gender that may feel scattered, or almost messy. In the way sparkles scatter and shine, this gender may be chaotic and fluid/all over the place. In the way sparkles spread this gender may mean the person who identifies with it feels connection with many genders, as if they're spreading.
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sprklgender · 4 days
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Seraphim's note: this term is not exclusively a gender. However, I have chosen to use the genderflux flag in order to combine "traitblur" and "fluctuating."
Traitblur: Coined by @kiruliom. A label for being unable to differentiate your identity from your interests, due to neurodivergency or other reasons. (This is not a gender on its own!!)
Traitblurflux: A term for when your traitblur identity fluctuates in intensity.
The requester of this term specifies that they are only unable to differentiate their xenogenders from their interests, but this will not be the same for all traitblurflux beings.
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sprklgender · 4 days
i throw a drag king into a passionate dip kiss. when we emerge his extremely convincing false beard has been inexplicaply applied to me
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sprklgender · 6 days
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Linguagender: A xenogender related to language, linguistics, and the study of language. Linguagenders may feel a deep connection to language and its many forms, and may identify with their own language(s) in a unique way.
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sprklgender · 6 days
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[ID: A flag containing the colours of a tanzanite, and reversed colors. END ID]
Discmasccic: A transmasc identity that challenges the conventional boundaries of gender. It represents the journey of being assigned female at birth but being male or masculine, embracing your authentic self with courage and resilience. Within the realm of this label, there exists an intricate web of diverse experiences, encompassing oneself. It is a journey of self-discovery, self-acceptance, and self-affirmation, this gender revolves around navigating through a society that often grapples with understanding and accepting their truth. The quest for recognition and validation is an arduous one, demanding not only inner strength but also external support from friends, family, and communities. Yet, despite the obstacles faced, the spirit of transmasculinity thrives in its quest to dismantle the limitations imposed by societal norms, illuminating the boundless possibilities of human identity and the relentless pursuit of authenticity.
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sprklgender · 7 days
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Genderventor: A term for an inventor of genders; one who invents and develops genders. This can have subsets that end in -ventor. For example, a catventor for a genderventor of cat-related genders. This can be considered a gender/label itself.
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sprklgender · 7 days
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Investigatic: A gender related to being an investigator, or, alternatively, when one’s gender is, in itself, an investigator. Whether the investigations the gender partakes in are of gender is up to the user themselves. Mystery-themed neopronouns (such as clue/clueself) are recommended, but not necessary.
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sprklgender · 7 days
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[ID: A flag containing the colors orchid-pink, baby-blue, powder-blue, celestial-blue, cyan, white, and reversed colors. END ID]
Mascotic: A gender related to, and/or being a mascot for whatever purpose. This gender may feel sweet, tiny, cute, always found with another gender, and/or somewhat loud. Any subset of this gender may end in -mascotic, albeit it does not have to. 
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sprklgender · 7 days
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Jewelboy: A gender that is a boy and/or boy-aligned, but has inherent ties to jewellery. This may be through aesthetics, gender envy, hyperfixations, or whatever appears most relevant to one’s gender associating with both jewellery and being a boy/being boy-aligned.
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sprklgender · 7 days
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Glittrans: a gender identity encompassing vibrant brightness and ever-changing sparkle.
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sprklgender · 7 days
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Spytrois: A gender in which three different aspects form a close bond with one another, potentially forming a neutrality between them. These aspects in question are agents, spies, and bodyguards. These aspects of one’s gender are almost never, if at all, separated. Should one of these aspects disappear from one’s gender, it would most likely remove the others with its disappearance.
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sprklgender · 7 days
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[ID: A flag fading from tangerine to brown, and reversed colours. END ID]
Wordaesic: An identity and/or label related to word aesthetics. This may be tied to the Greek alphabet, language forms, and possibly androgyny. This includes aldernic labels, orientations, genders, and other such identities.
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sprklgender · 7 days
i rlly wish I could find transmasc voice positivity posts :< i. always feel so dysphoric about my voice,,
here it goes, anon :)
i love transmasc voices/trans men's voices/voices of people who take testosterone. they're cool, they're unique, they are beautiful.
i also love voices of transmascs and trans men who don't take testosterone! they too, are each unique, cool, beautiful and perfectly lovable.
high voices? voices that crack? voices with a wide range? raspy voices? "trans sounding" voices? "gay sounding" voices? all are wonderful.
you'd be surprised how many amab people have high voices. many cis men make their voice lower on purpose. some amab people have voices that crack even after puberty. people swear they can always tell someone is trans but really, it's not all so black and white.
your voice might not feel like it's yours. but at this point in time, it represents you on some level, and that's what makes it awesome and beautiful and lovable and masculine/male to other people. at the same time – if you don't want your voice to have much meaning, it doesn't have to. it's just that – a voice. there are many many different things about you that are more important and that represent you better and people who know you would agree.
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