sstrongbeatss · 2 years
The video of my namesake, listen to how strong it thuds
What would you do if your hand was on that steth?
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sstrongbeatss · 2 years
Any monsters want to breathe hot and heavy on my neck as they pin me down and have their way with me 👀 make me feel small under your body? Anyone?
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sstrongbeatss · 2 years
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Gotta love monsters
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sstrongbeatss · 2 years
I write *erotic fiction* for people if you want it
Send me a prompt and I’ll write a few paragraphs for you
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sstrongbeatss · 2 years
I’m a brat I’m a brat I’m a brat I’ll bite your fingers when you put them in my mouth cause it’s funny that it makes you mad and I like riling you up by asking you “oh yeah?” “That’s all?” and giving a half assed job cause I want you to smack me around harder and make me follow your orders better
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sstrongbeatss · 2 years
Uploading a lot cause I’m horny this week, take full advantage of it
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sstrongbeatss · 2 years
I love laying on my side and feeling my heart beat into the mattress. Someone should lay on me and press a steth under my chest so hear my heart struggle under all our weight.
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sstrongbeatss · 2 years
Send me anon messages as a patient and I’ll answer as your doctor. Let me tell you how I’d care for you
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sstrongbeatss · 2 years
what can I do, doctor? my chest hurts when I masturbate because of how fast my heart beats and how fast I breathe when I think of being tied up, stethed, monitored, filled up and used to your pleasure like a little slut 🥺 is this normal? 👉🏼👈🏼
For wanting to be used? very normal. But for your heart, it sounds like it needs attention. We should get you in for an appointment, stat.
Keep reading
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sstrongbeatss · 2 years
I'm an anxious guy, I tend to get.. nervous during even the most basic checkups. My heart feels like it'll beat out of my chest and I get all squirmy on the edge of the table. The friction and feeling of my heartbeat in my clit just makes me wet more embarrassed though, hoping my doctor won't notice.. I've been through several now. Is there anything you can do to help me, doctor?
Anxiety at the doctor is normal, dear one. I have a few ideas to help you be more comfortable while being examined.
I think a doctor that is gentle and reassuring will be helpful. Someone who can tell you exactly what they’re doing, what they need you to do, and that you’re being so good me.
A basic check up you say? I’m going to listen to your body for a bit, touch you and see if there’s any pain anywhere, take your vitals, make sure everything is working right inside you and send you on your way.
Do you mind taking your shirt off for me, brave boy thank you. Breathe normally for me, I’m going to listen to your heartbeat. You said you’re nervous, it’s pretty fast right now, I can tell. Let’s take some deep breaths, okay? Get it to slow down a bit. And I want to hear your lungs. Go ahead, dear, take a big deep breath for me and hold it. Now let it out. Good. Another? Perfect. One more? That a boy. There. It evened out into a steadier rhythm. Beautiful.
I smile at you, offering you the stethoscope, keeping the bell pressed to your chest.
Go ahead and take a listen. It’s beautiful. A strong, healthy heart, pounding away to keep you alive.
I let you listen, noting the blush creep up your cheeks and your hips shift on the table. I thank you when you offer the stethoscope back. Oh yes. You get nervous /and/ excited at the doctor. We can work with that.
Just a quick blood pressure, a little on the high side but nothing to worry about. Your veins stand out as the cuff tightens on your arm, maybe I keep it tight to hear the blood force its way through your veins for a moment longer.
I tell you to lay back, explaining I’m going to press around your abdomen, and to let me know if you feel any pain. As my fingers move around your lower belly, I open your pants and let my fingers press along the soft skin above your pubic mound. Just to watch you twitch. I take my stethoscope back out and listen to your heart, noting it jumped back up to about 120 BPM.
Beautiful. Good boy, you’re doing so well. Everything feels fine to me in there. See? It’s not so bad so far, is it? The doctor can be fun. Would you mind changing into a johnny so we can continue the exam?
I pull a curtain but don’t leave the room, allowing you semi privacy as you remove your pants and sit back on the table.
It’s been too long since your last pelvic exam. I explain, asking you to lay back again and sliding my stool between your legs. No need to worry, I’ll tell you everything as I do it. Take a deep breath.
I wait for your shaky exhale before lifting your johnny, telling you to put your legs up on the edge of the table and leaning in close. I tell you where I’ll touch you as I do, giving you notice as my gloved finger squelches into your warm cunt. I keep it there for a long moment, feeling you squirm and pant above me, watching your clit swell and twitch with the beat of your heart. I add a second finger, arching the both upward and using my other hand to inspect your clit. You moan. Bite your fist.
There’s my good boy. Take deep breaths for me baby, almost done. Can you feel my fingers inside you? Any pain? No? Good boy, thank you for telling me. You’re very wet, this is all normal discharge, nothing to be embarrassed about. I would like to take a sample though, make sure everything is okay down there. Take a breath.
My fingers slide out so, so slowly, rubbing the wetness from your cunt onto your clit as I pull my tools closer.
This is a speculum. It won’t hurt, you’ll stretch around it fine. You can take a lot. It’ll just be cold. Ready? Good boy, good boy, sit still dear, it’s almost in all the way. There we go. Good. Take a breath. It feels like a lot right now, huh? Yeah, you’re being so brave. I’m going to open it, you’ll feel it stretching you open, but you like it. You’re leaking all over, I should have put more paper down. Okay, my dear, I’m going to take a sample, this part is the worst but one two three, all done! What a good boy you were for it.
The speculum slides out and I replace my fingers, massaging your g spot gently, fingers going back to your clit. I hand you my stethoscope and grin as you scramble to press it to your chest, moaning at the sound of your own heartbeat as you reach climax. You nearly crush my fingers as you cry out, clit throbbing as you come hard.
I take the stethoscope back as my fingers slide out of you, listening to your heartrate return to normal, smiling at you.
Good boy. See? Normal heart rate and no more anxiety. You were so well behaved today, I’m so proud of you. Sticker or lolly pop?
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sstrongbeatss · 2 years
Wow 😍 your writing gets me so weak so fast.. you had me squirming at work today, waiting to send you another ask. I love when you "get carried away".
All your gentle touches and sweet pet names... I mean, kind understanding and professional practices would have me become a regular patient, doctor. The only medical professional I can stand to go to, incredibly effective at easing my nerves. I might even recommend you to my other anxious trans boy friends, raving about how you ease my doctor anxiety without telling them the other things you get up to in your office. You'd have me coming in all the time, much more than any other patient, making up different aches and hurts to bring to you, acting as though I were really, genuinely anxious about needing a pap smear urgently.. or even a breast cancer exam just to get your hands where I need them. Until just stepping through the door makes me a wet, trembling mess. Surely that's an ailment you can solve too, doctor?
- The anxious anon, 💉
What a good boy you are for waiting until you were home to touch-message me. Let’s so how carried away I get this time.
I have noticed your heart sounds less anxious and more excited when you come in. The beats are different, more needy about being heard, proud of skips and stumbles, begging me ti listen. And I do. Sometimes we sit like that for minutes at a time, your nipples hard in the cold hospital air as I stare intently as my stethoscope bouncing in time with your heartbeat.
You’re so well trained now. Stripping immediately, hopping eagerly up onto the table, and helping your feet into the stirrups when I give you a thorough pelvic exam. Eager is a word for it. You’re always soaking wet when I get my hands down there, never need lube to slide anything in, even the largest of speculums pops in and opens easily, allowing me full unhindered access to your cunt.
I love working with other trans men. We are perfect and beautiful and deserve to be serviced. While my trans patients all leave satisfied, satiated, and booking their next appointment on the way out, you’re my favorite. I pay special attention to you. You’ve become more than an experiment, a body to play with, an obsession, I can’t stand to not have your taste in my mouth, your cunt on my fingers, or your heart pounding in my ears. I stay late for you, accommodating every bump and bruise and shortness of breath or speeding heartrate. My secretary knows to always book you first, call and cancel the other appointments.
I love when you come in for something simple. Today it is. Your leg hurts, upper thigh is tight and sore. Anyone else would be referred to a physical therapist, but I take you in and stretch you out myself. You’re nude on my table, just part of the routine, and I’m pressing your leg to bend up against your body. You’re leaving a wet spot against my groin, pressed against yours, arms pinned over your head and panting as I softly thrust, pretending it’s to stretch out your leg. You can feel my strap, saw it’s outline through my scrubs as I greeted you, and now it’s grinding against you.
I take my stethoscope off my neck, watching you smile and press out your chest, but I offer it to you. I unbutton my shirt, pressing the bell against my own chest, letting you hear how you effect /my/ heart, how fast it is thinking about being in you. I lean in and press my lips to the pulse point on your neck, counting the beats against my tongue. You moan. I bite down gently, sucking, feeling the vein throb under your skin, our hearts pounding against each others chests.
I push my scrubs out of the way and slide into you, easily as the speculum, watching you gasp in surprise and moan, hips bucking to get me moving. You’re beautiful. I tell you. Your leg is still pressed up against your chest, eyes wide and mouth open as you pant. I’ll have to examine the bruises I leave on your hips after this, but now I can’t think past the moans I’m swallowing as I capture your mouth, the wet sounds of my thick strap sliding into your cunt, our skin slapping together, your hand still pressed hard to my chest to hear every one of my beats.
I lift your other leg up and you hook them into the stirrups, helpful, eager, willing. You look so good taking my strap, legs tied up and cunt full of cock, willing to be bred. Your poor little clit is throbbing, swollen and red, and you scream when my hand goes to it, clenching down and coming almost immediately. Doesn’t stop me. I want another and I tell you so, taking the stethoscope back to monitor your heart as I take you close to climax again, sobbing with over stimulation as your heart stutters in your chest, coming on my cock again.
You’re dazed, whimpering, squelching as I slide in and out, but I turn the stethoscope around again, letting you listen to me come in you, and you smile up at me. I let your feet down and slump over you, ear to your chest to feel your heart pound as you settle. We clean up, I send you home with my personal phone number, if you want a home visit.
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sstrongbeatss · 2 years
1,6,8,17? 🩺
1. Favorite type of heartbeat
-i like fast heartbeats best, I think specifically nervous or excited ones are best. I like gallops and pvcs, stress being put on the heart and then released so it can thud or skip it’s way back to normal.
6. Have you ever been to a cardiologist
-yes once! I was having a lot of anxiety and wore a portable ekg for a bit, and had an echocardiogram at a cardiologist. It was awesome, I watched my heart beat while someone held a probe to my thudding chest, regulating my breathing to try and not show any excitement in my heart. The doctor told me my heart was beautiful, the whole experience was like a half hour it was great. May do it again. And I’m trying to get the echocardiogram imaging to share with everyone, if not I’ll go again.
8. Ever been stethed by someone
-I tried to do a doctor roleplay with my ex once but he wasn’t so interested in stething me and I was too nervous to ask for more! It was years ago at this point and I’m itching for an irl play partner
17. Does your cardiophilia have a dark side?
-isn’t it a little obvious? I love the control and power play that comes with doctor/patient roleplay, and scared heartbeats are my very favorite. I like hearing someone experience fear and arousal through my stethoscope.
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sstrongbeatss · 2 years
My subby puppy loves his heart being compressed, and I love the sound of it stumble, forcing it to beat erratically, so we fuck in missionary. He’s much smaller than me, so I lay my full weight on his tiny body. There’s two bells squished between our chests, him listening to my heart while I listen to his.
He’a in rutt, poor little thing. Cock taking all the blood away from his heart and brain, whining and crying please please please as my wet cunt grinds against him, drenching his cock and driving him insane.
His heart is trying to keep up, poor little thing. It stumbles when I press my weight down harder, crushing the air out of his lungs and forcing his heart to slam against his ribs. The bell of the stethoscope is perfect to apply direct pressure to the apex of his heart, pushing in right where the valves were trying to pulse.
My hand goes to his throat as I slid onto his cock, finally, his heartrate almost frantic at this point, hyperventilating to try and get some oxygen into his lungs as I ride him in time to the slamming of his heart. His knot pushes against me and I moan, forcing my chest harder against my pups, letting him growl and claw at my back as our hearts compress together, stumbling over each other.
I give the word and my pup flips us over, keeping our steths pressed against each others chest as our hearts finally can expand and contract fully. He growls, grinding his knot in farther, harder, he pants into my ear, hot breath as he humps into me, knot finally popping all the way in. He moans, whines, licks at my mouth and sucks on my tongue, trembling with the effort it took to hold back. I guide his hand to my cock and he strokes me off in time to the throbbing of my cunt, waiting for me to cry out and clench around himto come. Like a good boy. I milk his cock, pressing his hand to my sticky belly so he can /feel/ how swollen I am with his come, the slight throb of his cock from deep inside me.
We pant and listen to our hearts calm down, falling asleep knotted together, stethoscopes still in our ears.
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sstrongbeatss · 2 years
What if I fucked you so hard you had a cardiac arrest???
You’d have to fuck me pretty hard, maybe some stressors on my heart to get it to fail. Have you heard it? It’s so strong.
But, all the conditions being right, the torture devices hooked to my heart, shocking me in time with your thrusts, maybe my heart will stop beating as you come in me.
Will you restart it? Strong hands compressing my ribs and forcing my heart to beat again? Want to hear it stutter and restart? Then push back into me and go again?
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sstrongbeatss · 2 years
I love the sound of my heart in this video. Tell me what’s new about it, how it sounds beating, what you want to do to it 😍
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sstrongbeatss · 2 years
Hi! I remade! Getting my followers and posts back!
This page will be cardiophile and art only, I have links for other things (omg go follow my twitter it’s HOT https://linktr.ee/StrongbeatsBySteve )
But yeah! I missed you! Love you so much!!!
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