stardust-and-zephyr · 28 days
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animal therapy after underworld
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stardust-and-zephyr · 28 days
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may by Tom Disch
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stardust-and-zephyr · 28 days
Stephanie: Are you mad?
Damian: No.
Stephanie: So sharpening knives at 2AM is just a hobby?
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stardust-and-zephyr · 28 days
tim: happy anniversary
jason (panicking a little): what?
tim: it’s your death day
jason: oh
jason: the fuck do you mean Happy—
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stardust-and-zephyr · 28 days
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stardust-and-zephyr · 28 days
Hades: close your eyes bro
Zeus: *closes his eyes*
Hades: what do you see bro
Zeus: nothing
Hades: that’s the amount of problems I would have if you didn’t do dumb ass shit
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stardust-and-zephyr · 29 days
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Menoetius just hates his dad pretty much, so really he’s only half joking. Its been a long time since I made any type of content between the titan brothers, happy to draw some interactions between Menoetius and Atlas. 
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stardust-and-zephyr · 29 days
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Young Hera and Zeus
I had the idea that maybe she had a vision of a purple stranger coming into their lives and will change everything. I’m still not sure if I’ll go on with this idea because I don’t know exactly if her visions can work as future visions as well
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stardust-and-zephyr · 29 days
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Ngl I kinda hate how Hera’s colors came out. After some research, I think Hera’s visions can work as future visions as well which is why she’s sticking up with him. The ‘sisters’ were skeptical and wanted nothing to do with when he asked for help in his quest to defeat his father but he was persistent. Hera and Zeus probably talked in private cuz she was willing to hear him out. I have headcanon ages for them at this time. Hera is 16-17, Demeter is 19 and Hestia is 21.
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I also did a small doodle of Poseidon and Amphitrite, I wanted to see a lighter color on her because I don’t like the fact that she’s also the same shade as Poseidon.
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stardust-and-zephyr · 29 days
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I’ve always intended in making a continuation of THIS OLD COMIC and I still plan on continuing it. The first page looks a bit confusing but Demeter grows a big plant to try and shield the brothers from the arrows. Zeus may have made a medical mistake here since he’s going to destroy the arrow (then again, I don’t know how you’re suppose to deal with a neck injury to that caliber).
I felt like I had to censor because its a bit graphic. Uncensored version below:
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stardust-and-zephyr · 29 days
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Ok, I know I don’t make alot of content about my Scarred AU so I’ll give another refresher but all you need to know is that Zeus got scarred like the rest of the traitors during the war. He got his head cut off and went into a coma for 5 years straight. Zeus got them all gathered and thought it was appropriate to reintroduce himself to the team. He’s suspiciously chipper after waking up and it bothers Hades and Demeter , the rest are just happy to be there tho especially Poseidon.
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stardust-and-zephyr · 29 days
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Yes Zeus, I feel alot better now  ❤ ❤ ❤
Some other edits I haven’t posted yet:
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stardust-and-zephyr · 29 days
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Here are my designs for the 6 traitors💜💜💜 I just decided to do it this way rather than individually, all of them would look different when they’re older but the only designs that I have for their older selves is Zeus, Hera and Poseidon. Idk about the rest. I’ll give a brief explanation for each, obviously I won’t discuss Zeus. Here’s the description about him if you haven’t seen it yet. Poseidon- I already kinda like how he looks like with how I color and draw him in general so it’s not a massive change but I just gave him more aquatic traits I guess and I gave him a bigger scar. It goes down his chest, he can’t see very well in his other eye due to the injury. Also sharp teeth because why not? Hades- I wanted him to look ghostly so he’s the color white, his hair is like canon Hades’ mortal attire because I like that look. The smokey eyes was inspired by Rachel’s old concepts when he had smokey eyes too. His scar is also bigger and part of his face was messed up in the process of getting him out of Kronos. Demeter- this is a common color palette for her redesigns and it suits her quite well with the earthy greens and wheat colored hair. One of Demeter’s scared flowers are Poppies so why not add them plus it contrast with her green. Hera- I wanted a peacock motif on her and her hairstyle is suppose to resemble the stuff on the back of a peacock’s head. The white marks on her are also in reference to the markings on the face of a peacock too. I put her mole on the lip instead because she already has alot going on in the eye area. Hestia- I really just made her look more fiery and and I wanted her to have a veil for modesty.
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stardust-and-zephyr · 29 days
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Zeus was tirelessly waiting for Hera's return
A very long overdue edit I never got to finish, there's more to this but I don't have the energy to continue it.
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stardust-and-zephyr · 29 days
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Zeus was tirelessly waiting for Hera's return
A very long overdue edit I never got to finish, there's more to this but I don't have the energy to continue it.
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stardust-and-zephyr · 29 days
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Zeus' nightmare (Part 1)
He was told not to stray too far because his father may find out that he's still alive.
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stardust-and-zephyr · 1 month
man, i sure do love odysseus, son of laertes and anticlea (frail now, of body and mind, hands covered in soil and skin wrinkled. a mother never seen again, her heart shattered for the boy she lost on the open sea.) husband to penelope (tear stained, filled with remorse for all she should've, could've, would've- didn't. where are you? where have the gods taken you?) father of telemachus (he will not recognize you, son to a father he never knew and never will, for a man leaves and a ghost returns, terrified of waters and of travelling so far. mama, when will father be home?), king of ithaca. (the land people call barren, now kingless. once so full of life, now the young lords lay bloodied on the marble floor of the palace for their pride. you bounced them on your knee, have you no conscience?)
yeah, man, i just love odysseus. (sing, muse, of the man who could never be the same again with so much blood staining his hands.)
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