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Bootylorian & his brother(?) trying to calm Grogu after what happened... Before going to kick Moff Gideon ass
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pov you're a battle droid
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Needing Din to meet Sabine because he’s gonna loose all of his marbles when he sees her casually using Ezra’s green lightsaber
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This isn’t working for me.
THE MANDALORIAN | Chapter 23: The Spies
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Why are you, as a beefy man, not laying on top of me (naked)?
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When you step up to a railing with the squad but you're the smol one...
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Rebelcaptain Pride and Prejudice AU 
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Ever since I saw this post by @tattycoram I couldn’t stop laughing and I knew I wouldn’t rest until I drew it 🥲
So here’s my take at how I think this conversation went:
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I’d like to thank @firstofficerwiggles for hyping me up to post this S2
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really quick sketches because i was under the influence of the dark force
@herbalina-of-yesteryear you are to blame
painting process under the cut, as usual
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he started having second thoughts
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Miss these kids sm
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Boss Boba Anon: hello mama bee you beautiful bee. How about Boba buying tea and coffee for you.
ahhhh boss boba anon! you beautiful and lovable cinnamon roll i hope you're doing well and taking care of yourself! 💕 this made me so soft for boss boba omg
He brings you your favorite coffee/tea/drink every morning. Some times it's already waiting on your desk, and other times it's a nice mid-morning surprise after a hellish meeting that honestly should have been an email.
There is never a note or clue as to who is your mysterious barista.
Not that you thought it was Boba.And even if it was him he would never admit it. Ever.
At first you thought it was a co-worker and maybe your department, but no one owns up to it.
Then you thought maybe it was the independent contractor your company frequently hires. Din Djarin. Single dad with the cutest son in the galaxy. But when you brought it up he shies away, burying his head in his laptop and muttering that it wasn't him.
So you're stumped. No one has seen the mysterious person leaving you drinks. You're close to just installing a camera just to catch who it is.
Until your company's big board meeting.
It's the biggest event of the year for your company. All the trustees and board members fly in, effectively sending the entire company into a spiral.
It's the morning of the meeting, everyone is running around making sure all last-minute prep is done, including you. You're trying to track down someone in IT to see if they have a spare cable when you hear Boba's booming voice yell out for your company's event coordinator.
You're just about ready to tell him off - the poor coordinator is already on edge they don't need him being a demanding ass to them - when you hear him lower his voice to them so it's hard to hear what he is saying.
Which only makes you want to hear what he has to say even more.
You hide around the corner from his office, back pressed to the wall as you try and concentrate.
And then you hear, his request. It's simple, nothing too extreme but it still makes your knees buckle.
He's asking the coordinator if they were able to get the supplies for your drink. Whether you like some cinnamon in your coffee or prefer to sweeten your tea with agave, he's asking the coordinator if there is cinnamon or agave or whatever you like available during the meeting.
And that's when you realize your morning drink is always perfect. Never bitter, never gross. Always sweetened and customized to your liking. It's personalized and tailored to you.
It's then that you realize Boba is the one behind your drinks. And not just that, but Boba took time to study you and your drinks long enough to know exactly what you like and how to prepare it.
And if that isn't a sign of affection then I don't know what is.
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REBLOG if you have amazing talented artist friends!
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little wizard (and his assistant)
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✨ Manifesting for season 3 ✨
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A man kissing your hand is sweet, but I man kissing the inside of your wrist will just have me combust.
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