starincarnates · 3 years
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     scooches my booch back in here bc i missed this blog/url sm  that being said.... pls come n gib my sif and her children some love too @wieldslove
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starincarnates · 6 years
jane stared at the TV, brows furrowed and perplexed at the woman on the television laughing and seeming to be icing sweet treats. they looked…delicious. raising her head, she quickly turns to hopper, a slow finger pointing at the screen.
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 ‘ what is that?  ’
          HIS EYES ARE GLAZED WITH STATIC LIGHT and a lack of attention he’d gradually gained, exhaustion as it is whittling away at him as the night creeps past them in its TYPICAL fashion. but, he’s not to ever really complain in the circumstance; the girl seems content, encompassed with her innocent wonder. 
            “   what? the CUPCAKES?   ”
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starincarnates · 6 years
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plotting/permanent starter call for talia jose.phine “tj” wagner from mar.vel comics, as interpreted by me, based on headcanons and comics. mutuals may like this post as a request for me to come and im you about interactions, send memes, and post starters for you as i like!
information/verses page.
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starincarnates · 6 years
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plotting/permanent starter call for ku.rt wag.ner from ma.rvel comics as interpreted by me, based on headcanons and comics. mutuals may like this post as a request for me to come and im you about interactions, send memes, and post starters for you as i like!
information/verses page.
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starincarnates · 6 years
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plotting/permanent starter call for the vis.ion from mar.vel comics as interpreted by me, based mostly on film (canon divergent), headcanons, and some comics. mutuals may like this post as a request for me to come and im you about interactions, send memes, and post starters for you as i like!
information/verses page.
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starincarnates · 6 years
            the taller much brighter (in more ways than one) amerath followed alongside the other guardian, quiet and observant while they walked around this maze of a forest. it was sticky and some of the plants were living. she knew how rocket was. wanting to lead, so she let him. withholding any information she knew until the time came. “ rocket– it CAN fly you know. i was TRYING to tell you we should go higher. ” dazos muttered, lips twisting a little in thought.
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        “ we can try scaling that big hill? ” it was full of prickly bushes that would stick to his fur and a few jagged rocks.
        THIS FOREST DIDN’T AGREE WITH HIM, and, quite frankly, nor did he with it, but that’s just the beginning of his chagrin dwelling here: there’s just something about this job and place he can’t shake away—and it’s not just whatever goop’s started dripping on him in the last hour. 
        naturally, his expression contorts upon the proposal of even more unconventional travels, marked with RESENTMENT portioned between the very idea and its offerer, growl low in throat. 
        “   and just what more d’you THINK we’re gonna see up there? there probably ain’t nothin’ but this muck for the next few miles!    ” 
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starincarnates · 6 years
rules: your muse has just died. they just dropped dead. as they were dying, they thought of these five things:
001.  this cannot be what i’ve amounted to  002.  i’ve failed him 003.  i’ve failed our plans 004.  i’ve failed this world  005.  this world cannot be saved
tagged by:  @keepthejacket tagging: @veniials, @levolent, @cosmosbeing & uhh anyone who wants to hfjkjg
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starincarnates · 6 years
‘ I do not believe it to be grace when my words are simple statements of the truth, ’ Sigyn replies, sweet smile sliding across her lips. she admires for a moment, how beauty came just as easily to one of her skill as well. ‘ my father talks kindly of you as well. I understand why. ’
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       THERE ARE THINGS SIF IS TEMPTED to assume given this instance—that perhaps, it is more than happenstance that has brought the other here. more intriguing, however, is what those REASONS may speak of her, this entity once so an enigma to her, but, she is more than capable enough to do so herself, and so she shall hear. 
         “   if i may ask—for how long have you been AUDIENCE to my training?   ”
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starincarnates · 6 years
here is my threa.dtra.cker now!! its a sort of Mess, but the info you need is there at least. and once again, if you don’t see our thread(s) up there, come into my IMs or hmu on discord and kick my entire ass. i’m still interested, i just need the confirmation that you are too! approximately 95% of the threads i have are not completely dead just because i am no longer tracking them; i am always willing to revive them. 
you’ll also probably notice i’ve kept some threads that have collected hella dust, but that is because those have been plotted and/or because i know that the mun has just been busy doing other things in life. 
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starincarnates · 6 years
hi hello everyone, i’m sorry i keep vanishing! i’ve been doing a bit of contemplation for awhile now on how i wanted to handle my lack of muse here, and while i won’t do anything super drastic, i do think that a pretty large thread dropping is in order. i’ll probably be posting a thread.tracker or something later to show just what exactly i know i want to keep, however, if you really want to keep a thread that we have/had, please please please reach out to me! i’m more than happy to continue something as long as i know we are both into it—hell, maybe even redo it if you’re game. but most importantly, plot with me, new friends and old! i cannot stress how much plotting means to me. it doesnt guarantee i’ll be the best replier ever (tm) but it certainly gives my motivation a kick and reduces a lot of worry on my end. i come here to immerse in the imaginations of myself and others, and while random casual threads are certainly great—particularly as ice breakers—they don’t always cut it for me if that’s just it. i hate this feeling of giving up or whatever, but i’ve come to peace with thinking about this as relieving the weight that has come with building guilt and/or anxiety. 
i’ll be spending some time organizing my muses page and their bios as well. i say this often, but today i’m somewhat determined. i’ll also be introducing the concept of secondary muses to my blog, meaning they will be characters i will play with minor plotting, or that i’m just taking for a test drive, etc. 
also, i most definitely prefer disc.ord in terms of ooc interaction (but also doing threads there is hella fun soo). catch me @  bumbleboi ( starincarnates )#8499 if you like! -strikes pose-
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starincarnates · 6 years
repost ,  don’t  reblog.
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`NAME:   rory regan  NICKNAME:   ror, raggedy ann, rags AGE:  30 SPECIES:   human 
MORALITY:   LAWFUL  /  neutral  / chaotic  /  GOOD  / neutral  /  evil  /  true RELIGIOUS BELIEF:   judaism (non-observant)  SINS:   greed  /  gluttony  /  sloth  /  lust  /  pride  /  envy  /  WRATH VIRTUES:   chastity  /  CHARITY /  DILIGENCE  / HUMILITY  /  KINDNESS  /  patience  /  JUSTICE PRIMARY GOALS IN LIFE:   to provide hope for those without it LANGUAGES KNOWN:   english (capable of fluency in numerous others given the aid of souls) SECRETS:   holds himself guilty of unwarranted murders, fears failure, often has losses of self-identity  SAVVIES:   talented tinkerer, sewing, military hand to hand combat, armed combat, espionage, lock picking
BUILD:   scrawny  /  bony  /  slender  /  FIT  /  ATHLETIC  /  curvy  /  herculean  /  spongy  /  average HEIGHT:   5′11′’ SCARS / BIRTHMARKS:   small, faded scar above left brow from a childhood scrap, a small cluster of scars from knife punctures around abdomen  ABILITIES / POWERS:   (in suit) soul consumption and transformation, soul sensory, telekinetic rag manipulation, superhuman strength, speed, and endurance, invulnerability to ordinary weapons, superhuman healing/injury absorption, limited flight, fear influence, teleportation, disguise forming, dematerialization, basic sorcery RESTRICTIONS:    the endurance and compliance of souls, vulnerability to flame, after-effects of using the suit (nausea, fatigue, mental disarray)
FOOD:  breakfast food DRINK:   WATER  /  COFFEE  /  lemonade  /  ALCOHOL  / whiskey /  BEER / tea PIZZA TOPPING:   onion and mushroom COLOUR:   a sunset-like yellow MUSIC GENRE:   classic rock BOOK GENRE:   sci-fo/fantasy  MOVIE GENRE:   comedies,  sci-fi/fantasy, action SEASON:   summer CURSE WORD:   doesn’t curse all to much, most often uses ‘hell’ SCENT(S):   gasoline, bonfires, old leather 
BOTTOM OR TOP:    top (but he can still roll either way tbh) SINGS IN THE SHOWER:  sometimes, more of a hummer  LIKES BAD PUNS:   he lowkey has a pretty ‘dad’ sense of humor so
TAGGED BY:   @keepthejacket, honey boo & deddi
TAGGING:   @dazos, @lancedsilver, @fedfear, @xprodigium, & @venomcaught !
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starincarnates · 6 years
                     there’s  little  question  of  poe  managing  to  persuade  her  for  he  always  seems  able  to.  he  can’t  think  of  a  fury  that  would  break  such  a  promise,  but  the  simple  fact  is  that  they  disagree  on  points  few  and  far  between  as  planets  are.  perhaps  why  he  adores  her  so  &&   she  affords  to  tolerate  him  in  the  very  least.  he  doesn’t  know  what  lies  there  for  her;  part of  him  is  scared  to  ask.
                       but  it’s  soon  forgotten  as  he  almost  chokes  on  his  own  laughter,  it  smothered  against  her  mouth  and  the  rest  of  him  is  shoved  harsh  into  wall  oppsite.  a  clattering  thud  -  a  muffled  noise  of  hurt  for  but  a  moment;  arms  are  thrown  around  talia  with  wild  abandon.  it’s  gleeful,  can’t  you  tell?  he  still  has  enough  nerve  to  complain.  “ you  be  careful  or  you’ll break somethin’. “
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       PROTEST GOES A FORGOTTEN NOTION; it was faithfully so here. now all they’re left with is such reckless abandon, and, the near-detrimental consequences of her being left to her own devices with it.  
        though, perhaps he’s right. one can’t much argue that the entire contraption is nothing but IMPENDING doom hurling them across the systems, but it grows on them regardless, and she seems almost a little sorry upon pondering that much, limbs resting GENTLER as hand reaches to smooth over his cheek. but impish grin still lingers scarcely beyond his breath. 
      “   i might. suppose it’s rather fortunate for us to have such a TALENTED mechanic on hand then, isn’t it?   ”
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starincarnates · 6 years
‘ you are … impressive, ’ Sigyn breathes, eyes wide as she approaches Sif after training. she doesn’t know the other personally, but her fiance had once or twice mentioned her in passing. skilled warrior does not even begin to cover it. ‘ I understand now why everyone is so fond of you. ’
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                              starter call ▸ @starincarnates
        HER PRESENCE HADN’T BEEN ANTICIPATED, and briefly does it show; regardless, the warrior receives it with warmth as she should the betrothed of her prince, head lowered as DISPLAY of gratitude interweaves formal acknowledgement, features arranged with a slight smile. 
        “   lady sigyn. you HONOR me with your gracious words.   ” 
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starincarnates · 6 years
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‘ I do not fear DEATH —
                                for I have known it once already. ’
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starincarnates · 6 years
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       DEVICE SOUNDS OFF LIKE A METRONOME, pulsing signals carried off to the trees, which became practically numbing to the brain after the first hour. it’s been three now, give or take. he’s stopped caring. 
      “   jeez, just how far could this thing have gone? he’s been MISSING hardly a day!   ” 
      screen is quickly lowered in his frustration, letting his own senses roam for a moment. a huff vents, and then he glances aside towards her.
      “   you sure you haven’t HEARD from ‘em?   ”
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starincarnates · 6 years
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What can you learn from your opponent? More than you think. Who will master this love? Love might be the wrong word.
Independent and private blog for Prince Nuada Silverlance from Guillermo del Toro’s “Hellboy II: The Golden Army.”
Headcanon based/canon-divergent. Established 2014/rebooted 2018. resurrected by Eden
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starincarnates · 6 years
↪     ♚    »     starincarnates.    «
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there was not much he CARED for at gatherings such as this one. having been to plenty in his time on this socio-illogical heap of a ROCK – he has long since known that his views compared to humans’ views were far grander in the scheme of things. these humans with their … differences. their clear hierarchy and hypocritical claims towards each other. to say they’ve gotten better as the millennia have passed is a SWEET LIE even he cannot make. at their core, they’re selfish beings. wanting more, and more – sometimes gaining such, and sometimes receiving even less than what they had originally striven for.
through all their impeccable bickering, as agitating and pointless as it may be – he must admit to himself that this is his FAVORITE passing time. to lurk. to wander above all the vermin. to see their problems arise as much as they want their problems to fall. oh, it’s MAGNIFICENT. how much the humans lack their own humanity. he’s never quite seen a race like it. and yet … they are not the most interesting subjects here. no … he felt it. felt HER. he feels her as she approaches, and he refuses to move from his spot. wine glass held gracefully within his lithe fingers, his head turns slightly as she speaks. dark blue orbs land on her, masking in her form. ❛ not many seem to notice me. ❜ too sly, the shadow is. no one knows their shadows are there until they DISAPPEAR. ❛ vlad, ❜ he’ll extend a hand, body turning as he does so. ❛ to whom do i owe the pleasure? ❜   
       “   EVE,   ” AND LIPS SPREAD, stained the very same color of that lusted, forbidden fruit, unflinching as she reaches in return toward the coiling serpent. yet, within his grasp, she is quick to realize they are certainly in no light-filled garden. 
        but it is somewhere familiar all the same. 
       “   it doesn’t do anyone much good to remain ALONE for long,   ” she comments on the fact just as any other might, but it is a fundamental understanding that even she, the supposed gilded girl, has lived to learn. “   but you do learn a lot about people from afar sometimes, don’t you?   ” 
       a then FALLEN glance lingers among the bespoken company, emanating all their reckless BLISS. 
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