starkmatriarch · 4 years
I logged in here to find I have hundreds of notes of people still reblogging my Catelyn metas and I’m just so very happy about that. It’s so nice to know they’re still being read and appreciated. 
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starkmatriarch · 4 years
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ASOIAF Meme: 2/2 PoV Characters: Catelyn Stark:
“I was born a Tully and wed to a Stark. I do not frighten easily.”
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starkmatriarch · 4 years
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heart races with a steady rhythm in his chest, anxiety pooling in his stomach under his mother’s careful gaze. it wasn’t the stare he received when he was a mere lad and got into trouble with jon or theon, this was her motherly stare and that somehow worried him far more than any anger or disappointment that could flutter in her eyes. usually he wore his heart on his sleeve, open and honest about how he felt ever since he was old enough to really have a mind of his own, but this simple fact about himself he kept close to his heart. hidden and veiled in order to avoid the possibility of pain and rejection.
“ we are talking. ” robb replies back, forcing the usual holiday cheer back in his tone whilst placing yet another bulb carefully on the tree. “ and i haven’t been in school for a few years now, mum. ” the cheer blends well with the nonchalant way he waves off her comment, his own gaze drifting out the window where he could make out the outlines of the rest of the family standing with the backdrop of pristine white snow. maybe he should go and help them and send sansa inside to avoid further talk?
it was a quick decision to not go through with that, the desire to not hurt his mother far outweighed his own personal comfort, even if it felt like something was eating him from the inside out. carefully he passes her to see the other side of the tree, another change of subject playing at the tip of his tongue. “ i have bought everyone’s gifts so far except sansa. she’s so hard to shop for… any suggestions? ”
“Perhaps not,” Catelyn admitted with a wry smile, “But I still remember it as if it were yesterday. I remember you in your first uniform, ready for school, with that determined look on your face, as if you imagined you had some battle to fight beyond those gates. But, of course, you won the heart of every classmate and every teacher....always my sweet, good-hearted boy” How could anyone not love Robb? Her first born was always so determined to be his best, to do his best, and never wished to hurt anyone. It was no surprise to Catelyn that each of her other children always ran to him, sometimes even before they ran to her or Ned. They idolised Robb as much as they loved him. Sometimes, she worried it perhaps put too much pressure on him, that he felt he could never stumble for he’d be letting them down, even though that couldn’t be further from the truth. 
Watching her son carefully, with Motherly understanding and concern reflected in her riverblue eyes, she took note of his reluctance to speak entirely, and while, admittedly, a little hurt that he perhaps felt he couldn’t trust her, she didn’t let it show. Instead she smiled and rolled her eyes as she hung an ornament Rickon had made at school on one of the higher branches. 
“You know your sister, Robb. Sansa’s favourite gift is something she can return for store credit so she can buy a gift for herself. Your Father and I have have given her gift cards this year in order to bypass the entire charade” Sansa was so much like Lysa in that way...at least, as Lysa had been when she was a girl. Shopping had been her favourite past time and her eyes at lit up at every pretty, and inevitably, expensive thing. Catelyn had always been more inclined to things of sentimental value. The first Christmas card Edmure had ever made her, when he’d only been three years old, was still in the box under her bed. 
“Have you bought something for Theon?” She asked, effecting a casual air as she kept her gaze on the tree, moving a string of beads to loop around a fairy light. 
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starkmatriarch · 5 years
Continued from here @wclfcrown​
Catelyn watched her son with a knowing expression. She had watched her boy grow from the tiny, crying, red-faced baby in her arms to this young man that stood before her now, his cheeks almost as auburn as his hair, as he fumbled with Christmas decorations awkwardly. She knew him well, she knew him so well, she could almost always predict his answer before he gave it himself. Almost. 
Right now, she wasn’t quite sure which it would be; whether he would choose to share what she was almost certain of, or whether he would turn away, closing those doors as his Father so often did when things became too close to the bone. Ned could share entire worlds, sharing his deepest feelings, but on certain matters he could be as silent and unyielding as stone itself. 
Reaching out, Catelyn put her hand over her son’s to help him with the tricky tie of the bauble so that it slid onto the branch easily. 
“Robb, won’t you talk to me?” She asked, “You used to share everything with me. I remember how often you would run to me at the school gates each afternoon, and could not wait to tell me every detail of your day, from start to finish,” There was a smile in her voice as much as on her lips. 
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starkmatriarch · 5 years
(:: A ┼ S ::) 
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               Well, those had certainly not been the words she had expected to hear; she had already even made a sort of play in the middle of her mind, one in which every single speck of security she had felt upon the talk with Mother would suddenly disappear into a match of yells, discomforts  &  the return of the belief that she could never understand her; but instead, what she was met with was the SERENITY of her voice, the acceptance of her lips,  &  even the compliments  &  assurances onto Syrio Forel.   For a moment little Arya did not even know what to do other than watch her wide eyes  &  the smallest of smiles lifting her lips in expectation; because  s o m e  part of her thought that Mother’s tranquility could be a way to make her confess onto the sword itself  &  thereafter bring the end of her lessons. 
                But after a few beats in which the other’s understanding truly became evident, Arya almost felt like she could leap out of her seat to show her Mother Needle as she had done to Father,      “ Cats are fast, ”      she began with a sort of toned down excitement that could be perfectly evident on the smile across her lips or the pride she showed at explaining everything to her,      “ Syrio has me chasing them because they have a perfect sense of hearing,  &  even better reflexes; IF I catch one it means I was silent, quick, thoughtful  &  able to move in a way that even they couldn’t prevent. ”      Only then did she look down, but the smile across her lips did not disappear,      “ I haven’t caught any yet, but I got  r e a l l y  close to it the last time; I could even feel the fur of its tail slipping from my fingers.
                I also have to learn how to balance on the tips of my toes because sometimes a fight could end up happening on the roof of a house, or some… steep mountain  &… ”      It was only then that she allowed her voice to fade away; because it was one thing to speak to Mother about chasing cats, discipline, or balancing &  another very different one to talk to her about ACTUALLY  fighting  &  using her sword the way she hoped one day she would be able to.  Not to mention, the reminder of Sansa’s tantrum upon her rage against a table with a knife only brought back one of the  m a n y  reasons she wished to learn how to use a sword in the first place.      “ Sansa finds reasons to be annoyed with me even when I don’t poke holes in a table. ”      &  that, more than anything, was the plainest truth.      “ But she’s annoying, too. She’s so… ”      Stupid, she’d been about to say again, but instead, she simply sighed. 
-[ ◘ ]-
Catelyn knew well enough that cats were fast; there had been enough of their number in her girlhood days at Riverrun. The castle had oft served fish from it’s rivers and the smell would draw the felines from the stables and brazenly into the halls, though, with the exception of Septa and a few of the cooks, there were none that had tried to chase the creatures away. She and Lysa used to play with them often, though she recalled an unpleasant memory where Petyr had pulled one by the tail in his eagerness in to draw the animal close. The poor thing had cried out in pain and it’s tail had stood at an odd angle after that. Catelyn had fed her scraps from the table for two weeks until the little thing had felt strong enough to join the others once more...though it had never neared Petyr again. 
“Cats are not only fast, but they oft know cruelty in this world. To be fast is to survive” Catelyn informed her, “Mayhaps if she wish to win that game, you must earn their trust, let them know you are no enemy of theirs” And in that alone perhaps Arya would learn something of the element of diplomacy, that some battles might be won with words instead of swords. 
“Your Father has never fought upon the roof of a house, and Gods be good, nor will you,” Catelyn spoke firmly, the mere idea of her daughter fighting for her life in any place, let alone a roof, high above so much, where a fall alone could call, made her throat catch and her heart pound. “But balance is needed for more than roofs” She added, silently realising that perhaps there was more to Syrio’s games and lessons than met the eye. It was true his instructions were for Water Dancing, but so much could be applied in other areas. Catelyn had tried for so many years for Arya to learn the basics of being a Lady, of patience, and diplomacy and poise...yet it seemed all these skills came in her swordmaster’s lessons. 
“That will change one day,” Catelyn assured her daughter, “You will each grow older and you will change, and you will...see each other differently” As she and Lysa had, though it had not been for the better. But as they had been close in their girlhood and grown apart in their married years, perhaps the opposite would be true of her daughters. “But for now....patience and understanding. If you can stand for hours upon one leg on a stair, then you can ignore your sister’s provocations. I will speak with Sansa to do the same” And mayhaps remind her a daughter, that she was still a Stark, despite her betrothal. 
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starkmatriarch · 5 years
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Why would Petyr lie to me?
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starkmatriarch · 5 years
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starkmatriarch · 5 years
Anyone have any thoughts?
For all female writers out there, especially lesbian or queer, I have a moral/professional struggle going on with a project. 
There is a script where of the whole cast of 8 there is only 1 lesbian main character (the character of her girlfriend is in it too, but only for three short scenes that have no personal narrative), but the script has the character flirting with men on purpose, because she likes to let them think there’s a chance she’ll get in the shower with them, and then she has a monologue where she talks about flirting and the (white, straight, male) director is having the actor be very sexualised in the delivery, directly bed-eyesing the audience. 
This sits so uncomfortably with me, because it feels like we’re male-gazing the lesbian, hyper-sexualising it and fulfilling the patriarchal trope of lesbians are either masculine aggressive butch or feminine and sexed up and might even have sex with the right man because they’re just that sexual. 
Am I right here? Because this, alongside other issues, are making me want to leave the project. 
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starkmatriarch · 5 years
Catelyn Stark doesn’t get enough credit.
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starkmatriarch · 5 years
Thanks guys for the show of interest, so maybe watch this space around late Octoberish. 
In the heart of my stress and busyness currently, I do miss being here on Catelyn, and the people I’ve met through this blog…but at the same time I don’t miss the fandom or it’s world etc, because a hell of a lot of it is toxic and/or idiotic. 
I might do a reboot on here (not moving the blog, but refreshing it all, changing focus and rules) after my play is over as well as the PR stuff related to it, which will be around mid-Autumn. 
So with a show of likes, who here is still interested in writing with my mother of wolves?
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starkmatriarch · 5 years
In the heart of my stress and busyness currently, I do miss being here on Catelyn, and the people I’ve met through this blog...but at the same time I don’t miss the fandom or it’s world etc, because a hell of a lot of it is toxic and/or idiotic. 
I might do a reboot on here (not moving the blog, but refreshing it all, changing focus and rules) after my play is over as well as the PR stuff related to it, which will be around mid-Autumn. 
So with a show of likes, who here is still interested in writing with my mother of wolves?
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starkmatriarch · 5 years
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First Woman. First Witch.
                                       “When will the world learn? Women should be in charge of everything”
           Private and semi-selective. OC friendly                                                                                                                                    AUs and Crossover verses
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starkmatriarch · 5 years
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lmao i just looked it up and the last time i made one of these i still used the url northernxking. ANYWAYS, thank you all so much for following me! i never thought that at the end of april when i returned to playing robb for the first time since 2016 that i’d receive such a warm reception, but you all proved me wrong! time and time again the rpc has shown their love and support for my portrayal of robb and my writing in general and it means the world to me. writing robb is something that i enjoy so much, it brings me happiness and honestly i don’t have a lot of happiness in my life right now, but this is one thing i know that i can do and that nobody can ever take away from me. i have become more confident in my abilities as a writer and i must say that i think my grasp on robb’s character is pretty damn perfect now and most of that is thanks to all of you! under the cut is hopefully all the people i adore seeing on my dash in alphabetical order, i am SORRY if i forgot you, and i’m also sorry that there’s no special messages for certain people, but I DO NOT have the patience right now, but if we’re good friends on here and talk then you should know how i feel about you! I LOVE YOU ALL THANKS AGAIN!!! — DJ
Keep reading
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starkmatriarch · 5 years
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                                                            JUST LIKE THERE ARE TWO TYPES OF ANIMALS IN THE WORLD,  there are also two types of hunters.  actually three, maybe even four…  but two types of supernatural hunters ;    those willing to get up close and personal with a beast, and those resorting to dirty tricks like traps.      wolfie is the first kind,    and thus the sight of the young boy in the trap kind of enrages her.   COWARDS, the lot of them.   green gaze lands on the older woman,   body tensing at once,  ready to grab the silver blade if needed.         “   no.   ”    she frowns slightly,  and shakes her head,  small smirk playing on her lips.      “   traps are a coward’s work.    i’d never resort to that kind of  crude  tactics.   ” 
Though the girl denied involvement, Catelyn refused to be quick to trust. Time and experience had taught her well enough to never treat strangers at face value; perhaps there was a sweet, innocence in trusting someone at their word, but Catelyn was no child and her innocence had gone long before Brandon Stark had bitten her all those years ago. 
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“But you would still attack us?” She challenged. The girl had not complained of the results, only of the tactics after all. “I’m freeing my son,” Catelyn added firmly, her tone daring the stranger to argue before she picked up a rock and began to hack at the lock that had automatically locked on the cage. Rickon woke, and, remembering what had happened, immediately began to cry. “Sweetheart, hush,” Catelyn urged him gently, “I will get you out of here, I promise, my darling” She resumed hacking at the lock. 
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starkmatriarch · 5 years
(:: A ┼ S ::)
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                At first the only thing that could be found in the girl’s expression was a smile upon the thought of her father’s love; one warm  &  welcome that she ever felt grateful to know  &  even more so lucky to call her own.  Because, indeed, if it weren’t for Father, Rob  &  Jon, Arya would perhaps feel much less part of her family than she did now; not because she wasn’t loved, no   ( luckily she did not share that in common with her bastard brother ),  but because she was so unusual  &  outlandish that standing by Sansa’s side was like a GIANT shadow that could easily swallow her whole if she let it; but Father would not let it, Jon would not let it, her other brothers would not let it. 
                &  for the first time since she could remember, she felt like even  M o t h e r  would not let it either. 
                All wonders of relief  &  happiness that disappeared almost as swiftly as they had come for the quick query that her mother easily voiced; at once, her eyes widened a little bit, her posture straightened,  &  her heart felt as if it were seconds away from beating its way out of her chest,      “ H-he told you? ”      She wondered immediately as she looked up at her mother.  There she had been, hiding her sword, cleaning away her cuts or covering her bruises so Mother wouldn’t see just what her little girl was doing  ( because she thought, more than anything that Mother simply would NOT approve  &  perhaps even would forbid the lessons from here on out ),  &  yet the question made it seem like she had known about it  a l l   a l o n g. 
                But did she know every single detail?  Did she know about Needle,  &  how she was learning how to properly use it?  What did she know?  Should she be getting ready to have her last ever lesson or had she already had it  &  hadn’t even known it then?  She had to gulp,      “ He’s a… a water dancer.  He’s… teaching me DISCIPLINE,  &  balance,  &  how to… ”      How to use a sword in a way in which my being small won’t get in the way of being able to fight. 
                But she was, it seemed, too  s c a r e d  to lose her lessons to speak fully of the goings on of Syrio Forel  &  herself.  She looked in the direction of the trunk again. 
-[ ◘ ]-
“Your Father tells me everything,” All but one thing. On the matter of Jon Snow’s Mother, Ned would not be moved to share the truth, no matter how Catelyn had asked, no matter how she had pleaded, or how the castle staff had whispered, her husband had never volunteered that secret. The last time Catelyn had dared ask him she had been young, a new wife, with no child but Robb to her name....Ned had frightened her that night when he had ordered to never speak of it again. The ice in his voice and in his eyes had truly scared her and she had feared what dark and silent life she was doomed to live in the North. But the next day, Ned gave her a gift, a small carving of the Seven he had asked a woodsmith in Winter Town to fashion for him. The display of some degree of remorse had given Catelyn some hope. She had not yet learned the truth of the bastard’s Mother, but she had found a loving husband.
“And has you chase cats?” Catelyn added with a knowing gaze, before adding in explanation, “I have spoken with your teacher. You do not think I would hear of my daughter’s tutor without meeting with him? I confess I had concerns and fears when your Father told me, but....Syrio Forel has eased them” She had been surprised to find the man, while certainly unique, was a person of discipline, control, a steady mind...perhaps even a potentially calming influence on her daughter, someone who might reign in Arya’s habit of leaping before she looked.
 “I had expected to meet with someone alike to the Kingslayer...all charm, swinging swords without care or caution...instead I find a man of surprising wisdom and calm. A man to which I might entrust my daughter to. Perhaps he might teach you to channel your energy into something other than stabbing a knife into a table and provoking your sister” Catelyn added with a subtle smirk of a smile. 
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starkmatriarch · 5 years
Gonna try and write a few replies here tonight. Just as a heads up
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starkmatriarch · 5 years
Still bitter that there has never been a Catelyn Stark Pop. 
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