starrymused · 3 days
What would he do if he got back to Gotham? Back to Gotham. Had he even lived in Gotham before being here? He didn't know that either. It was quite annoying that there were so many huge gaps in his memory. It was like he wasn't a full person. Deciding not to comment on that — he was trying to show that he was meant to be away from Arkham — John rested his chin in his palm.
"Skills? Well, I dunno if I developed them in here but I guess I'm good at taking photos! When they let me have my phone. I mean, it's not my phone. I stole it off someone when I arrived here. Who was it again...?" He shook his head, dismissing that line of thought. It wasn't like it was important.
"We're not meant to have phones in here but people smuggle things in all the time. The staff look the other way if it's nothing dangerous." But wasn't a phone dangerous in a place like this? Anyone could make calls and arrange escape plans with friends on the outside. If John had friends on the outside, he would be trying that.
"I tell ya, I'm getting real good in woodworking. I built a bird house and everything." Then destroyed it by bashing Wesker over the head with it because his stupid puppet said it looked wonky! But Bruce didn't need to know that tiny, insignificant little detail.
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"Why? Think I should work in your big fancy company?"
"Hmm. Yes, who's to say?" Bruce murmured. It was far more likely that John had been found wandering about babbling to himself. But there was no need to debate such things. "Well, John. As your sponsor, I'd be responsible for ensuring you don't end up back in here," he went on with a chuckle. "What is it you'd like to do once you get back into Gotham? Have you developed any skills while you've been here?"
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starrymused · 4 days
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starrymused · 6 days
All right.
He nearly said some corny shit but bit his tongue before he could. Something about not minding if he floated away if it was with her. He couldn't just be saying that! Not here or now, anyway. That was some boyfriend type of shit. And he wasn't that or anything close, so what the hell was he even thinking it for?
"First we do real training, then we can see about the rest." And, no, he wouldn't let his mind try to conjure up thoughts of stuff beyond hand holding. He wasn't a damn perv.
...Even if he was now sorta trying to avoid looking at those pretty lips.
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starrymused · 16 days
All right.
He nearly said some corny shit but bit his tongue before he could. Something about not minding if he floated away if it was with her. He couldn't just be saying that! Not here or now, anyway. That was some boyfriend type of shit. And he wasn't that or anything close, so what the hell was he even thinking it for?
"First we do real training, then we can see about the rest." And, no, he wouldn't let his mind try to conjure up thoughts of stuff beyond hand holding. He wasn't a damn perv.
...Even if he was now sorta trying to avoid looking at those pretty lips.
Holy crap! HAND HOLDING?!
Not that that was particularly scandalous, but this was Katsuki Bakugo they were talking about! He had probably only ever hand helds with Deku when they were kids!
Okay, Ochaco. This is a rare opportunity. Don't mess it up or let him back out of it! She would use his pride against him if she had to!
"You're on. So long as you don't mind floating away!" she teased, as if she wasn't totally freaking out inside.
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starrymused · 20 days
I'm sorry for it all.
Because, really, if anyone should apologize, shouldn't it be him? Regulus stood there, unmoving at first. Even feeling her arms around him was a lot. Not in a bad way. No, never in a bad way. It felt so good. Very much needed. Yet not anything he deserved. His own arms rose to return the embrace, light upon her back as if he was afraid she might disappear like she was a delicate dream, tainted by his bloodied hands.
"It's okay," It wasn't. They both knew that. But it had to be. Just for tonight. He'd missed her terribly. And here she was, standing before him, holding him like he was someone worth holding still.
"Des... I'm..." What did he want to say and how did he want to say it? Where did he even begin? "I'm sorry. I..." An apology wasn't enough. It never would be. And Regulus knew what she would say. She'd say it wasn't all on him or that he'd been dragged into all of this because of his family. While that was true, it didn't change the fact that it was still him who had done terrible things. Sirius had gotten out of that lifestyle and yet Regulus hadn't managed to. Because of what? Because he was too cowardly? That must be it. Why couldn't he have just followed Sirius.
Where was Sirius now?
Regulus drew back just a little to look her over. "How's your head?" The blood was gone and there was no visible signs of the injury. She must have patched it up using her magic or whatever cures she had around. Desiree had always been good at Herbology, could always concoct a remedy in a heartbeat. Regulus used to struggle a lot in that class. He'd hated it. But Desiree had been the first to help him, looking past his family name and annoying, stuck-up demeanor to reach her hand out.
He was beyond grateful for that.
Desiree had been standing at her counter well past her closing time, listless as she scrubbed at a certain spot over and over. She felt like she was in a daze, glancing at the clock every five minutes, waiting with baited breath for any sign of Regulus.
Then it came. She froze, but only for a few seconds. Then she rushed to the door. Stopped. Listened. Trembling hands moved to unlock and slowly creak it open.
It was him. And he wasn't in his robes, thank goodness. Not that she thought he would, but -- she just didn't want to see him like that again. Not if she could help it.
"Reg --" Her words caught in her throat, but she tugged the door open anyway so that he could come inside. Emotion welled up in her, threatening to spill over -- but she managed to maintain her composure for now. As soon as the door shut behind him, however, she looped her arms around him and silently pressed her forehead against his shoulder. Just -- just stood there, clinging to him without words.
He was here.
"I'm sorry I asked you to come here," she said softly after a moment, but didn't pull away. "I know how dangerous it is. And -- and how selfish it was to ask, but..."
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starrymused · 21 days
"Right behind you." ReDeads. He'd been unfortunate enough to encounter them when he was a child. They'd taken over the Royal Family's tomb, keeping watch over those that rested there. Although, perhaps it was unwise to mention that to Sheik. Admitting that he'd broke into a tomb to get to the Sun Song left behind by the Composer Brothers of Kakariko Village probably wouldn't paint him in a good light.
Sheik was quick on his feet, as Link expected of a Sheikah. He was able to keep up, though, keeping his wits about him as they made it to the main square of Castle Town.
What awaited him there shocked him to his core.
The bright, colorful buildings and jolly townsfolk were all gone. Replaced by destruction and the scent of death as the low moans of the ReDeads drifted on the smoky air. To see what had been a lively town just minutes ago in Link's mind reduced to rubble and ash brought on feelings that he couldn't possibly describe.
He just had to keep running.
They were lucky with the placement of the ReDeads, managing to slip by them at a distance before they could all gather closer and freeze them with their terrible scream. He heard a few across the square try but they were just out of range for it to affect them. Link's hand remained on belt, near the pouch that contained the Ocarina of Time. If he needed to, he'd play the Sun's Song to freeze them, giving the undead a taste of their own medicine.
Sheik frowned. Unfortunately, Link did have a point -- especially if they were going to eventually need to head into the Gerudo Desert.
"Very well," she murmured finally. She couldn't very well force him to do or not do anything anyway. "But please bear in mind: We cannot do afford to alert Ganondorf to your presence too soon. Keeping him ignorant of our plans will be imperative to our success."
Turning away now, she eyed the doors leading to the outside.
"Are you ready? You'll need to have your guard up. Hyrule Castle Town has been invaded by hoards of re-dead. They're slow, but they'll start sucking the life out of you if they latch on."
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starrymused · 21 days
And maybe that's my wish.
That was what he wanted to say in response to Marlene commenting that such a plan would result in his death. But he kept that to himself. No need to share his thoughts on his own mortality and how he saw it all coming to an end.
"I'll do what I need to." And if that meant destroying himself in the process, then that would be that. "But you have to understand, I'm not reckless about this. I'm always careful, always thinking it through." It could take years for him to make any sort of progress with any of this but if he could rely on Dumbledore and the rest of the Order to do their part, then he would continue to do his. He'd provide them inside information when he could and, in return, the Order would hopefully be able to make certain moves. Like a well-played game of Wizard's Chess.
Regulus sighed. The exhaustion was finally getting to him.
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"I think we've said all that can be said right now. We can talk more about it after I've sorted myself out." Which meant he had to sleep for a few hours if he could. "Don't tell anyone else about this yet. I think Dumbledore wants to announce it himself." The only reason Marlene had found out prematurely was because she'd walked in on him when he thought he was alone for the next couple of hours or so.
get rid of him? part of her knows that sort of secret wish was only doomed for failure. or perhaps that was her own pessimism talking, but this war has stretched in ways that neither of them yet could fully understand, nor had seen. regardless of the line drawn for them when it came for WHICH SIDE they'd chosen to be on... it was near undeniable that they were isolated from the consequences should they fail. perhaps that part stings ; perhaps it means she needed to reflect, more, on why that bothered her in the first place. but she wondered what fuelled regulus' own burning desire for justice here, given...
... well, there was much that could be said about their ORIGIN STORY, and what might now make him want to choose differently than he had. perhaps it was a yearning, the desire to be closer to the prodigal son, the brother that had never returned. nobody ever pauses to think of the impact that might have had on the newly appointed heir, she suspects, save the grumbling portraits, the whispered slights from his peers within that dark, dank dungeon.
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his plan sounds not quite as viable. she draws a breath, more sharp edged. "regulus, that will get you KILLED." and perhaps she shouldn't be attached to the start, where she sees that he's still like a little brother to her, that the idea of yet another life wasted made her ill in a way that was hard to swallow about. she wonders now if she needs to tell sirius, to let him know that this dangerous game was being played, and what that would mean for them both. family affairs... they never did wash out neatly, now, did they?
"you know that i'm not with them for this. why do you think i've been showing up to parties more? everyone needs someone on the inside. some of us were just born with the right background to be able to do so. so perhaps we'll see more of each other than you think. but honestly, reg? you'd be BETTER OFF keeping your distance. at least at first. they're already suspicious of me to begin with. but that will fade. everyone wants a taste of power, and my parents have done their part, unwittingly, in their ascension at the ministry." perhaps, that, was too much to share. "... give it time. you won't be alone on your side of things, and not the only sheep among a den of wolves."
- @starrymused
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starrymused · 21 days
"She did? The good doc didn't tell me that!" Dr. Leland! She acted like she didn't care that much but she clearly thought very highly of him. John might have to give her a big hug after this! ...Although, probably not. He didn't really like physical contact.
John kicked his feet beneath the little window ledge, happy as punch. It felt nice when people liked him. It was as close to having a friend as he'd ever had. Well, he couldn't remember all that much of his time before Arkham to know if that was accurate but it felt like the case.
"Mhmm, I dunno. I don't remember that much." If anything. But that was a boring answer and he didn't want Bruce Wayne to think he was boring. "I remember lights, sooo maybe I was dying and then they put me here to save me. But that doesn't make sense, does it? They would have taken me to a real hospital. Not... well, whatever this place is." A breathy little laugh spilled over before John could catch it.
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"Or maybe I was born here and that light was me being born into the world rather than being taken out of it." Hmm, so many theories. He often heard what his fellow inmates thought, their own ideas of his origin making him laugh with how ridiculous they sounded. Although, he did kinda like that one theory that he was a spy placed there to keep an eye on them all. Made him feel all cool and important.
"I guess you could say I have amnesia." He lightly knocked his closed fist against his head. "Got a screw loose in the ol' noggin. Made all my precious memories fall out my ears."
You're one of the few I haven't put in here myself, Bruce thought wryly. But obviously, he couldn't say that.
"It was mostly your record of good behavior, as well as Dr. Leland's praise. She recommended you, specifically," he answered instead. "Although, I was curious about your mysterious origins, too."
And now his physical appearance, as well. Bruce recalled that John's fingerprints were also nonexistent. Seeing him now, he could only imagine that John had had some sort of accident in a chemical plant at some point. Perhaps he could look up a record of accidents in the news archives -- presuming it was an incident that wasn't covered up.
"How is it you ended up in Arkham, John?"
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starrymused · 21 days
Shinso hadn't wanted to unintentionally come across as some "savior" or something weird like that. Sara's reaction told him that his assistance hadn't been taken that way and he was glad for it. With just a little guidance, she was able to work through the rest of the task while he adjusted parts here and there just to put the finishing touches on the tent.
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"I think people forget because it's not obvious when looking at you." Not as obvious as those who had Quirks that couldn't be missed. There was a whole debate about Hidden Quirks and why it was important for Quirks to be registered. Shinso agreed it was important but it also increased the chances of people being discriminated against.
"I hope it doesn't get you down, though." He'd mostly seen Sara as her bright and sunny self but knew that she must experience loneliness and isolation. There had been moments where her smile had slipped when she spoke about her failed exam; a feeling he knew too well. The difference was that Shinso now had a new opportunity to try again while under the mentorship of Aizawa-sensei. Sara, unfortunately, didn't have that same chance. None of this was fair, was it? How they were ranked and valued differently based on Quirks they had no say in.
At first, Sara had been disappointed. She wanted him to do it for her and stick around! Not just help her and leave! But then he wasn't leaving. This somehow worked out even better.
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"Right, yes!" Papa would be proud. Or overprotective, she wasn't sure. But she wasn't just going to follow directions and not listen! She would learn so that she could put up her own tent easier in the future. She was a self-sufficient woman, after all! "Thank you for your help, Shinso. I'm sure this was just a mistake. Not very many people have to think about eyesight like mine, after all..."
Which was why it felt so daunting and discouraging to just exist sometimes.
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starrymused · 22 days
"There's a person attacking Mr. Qui-gon! We need to take off! He told us to!" He nearly ran past Padme but stopped himself. She knew this ship better than he did and it would do him no good to rush on ahead when he didn't know who else was onboard or where the cockpit was.
"We need to hurry! The man has a lightsaber too!" A red one. Didn't that mean something bad? Why did Mr. Qui-gon want them to take off when he wasn't on board? Shouldn't someone go out and help him?!
Disregarding his earlier thought to be patient and follow Padme, Anakin found himself charging through a door and in the direction of where he imagined the cockpit would be up front. It wasn't long before he found himself running headfirst into a man with robes similar to Mr. Qui-gon's.
"Mr. Qui-gon's in trouble!" Anakin said to the man. "He said to take off!" But he really didn't understand why he would want that!
Padme was eager to leave Tatooine. There was much for her to do once they reached Coruscant, and she could only hope that the Galactic Senate would . Every day that she waited was yet another day in which her people suffered.
But finally, they had what they needed to proceed. And though her heart ached for whatever Anakin was going through, she eagerly awaited him and Qui-gonn to board, pacing in her quarters upon the ship.
-- Only to go still at the sound of shouts outside.
What now? She rushed out to see what was going on, only to crash into Anakin.
"Anakin? What's going on?" She was glad to see him safe, but he looked frantic. "Where's Qui-gonn?!"
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starrymused · 22 days
And just like that he had a happy shapeshifter attached to him. Ajaz snorted and rolled his eyes, turning his gaze back towards the road. He didn't want to look too closely at that smile that threatened to blind him with its cheeriness.
"Nothing fancy. I wanted to check out a place just off the main square." Actually, there were probably several dining places nearby but this particular one had grabbed his attention. It had a real rustic look about it (from the outside, anyway) and something about it reminded him of home.
Dinner with the enemy before they went back to their cat and mouse chase once they were off planet. How unconventional. Although, Ajaz didn't really see Prisha as his enemy — he was doing a job just like he was. It just so happened that this job involved Ajaz being the hunted.
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"Let's go before the workies get out for the day." He was all for a busy, lively atmosphere but not if all the good tables got snatched up!
"Oh, I'm more than happy to treat you, Ajaz," Prisha winked. "Just not with credits. Dinner, however, sounds wonderful. I haven't had anything to eat since yesterday!"
Which wasn't very wise for a shapeshifter, but he didn't need to tell Ajaz that.
"I can't wait to see where you've picked for us to go eat!" He hooked his arm with Ajaz's and smiled brightly.
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starrymused · 25 days
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starrymused · 29 days
Well, at least it was in French. He could read probably three sentences of French if he was lucky but he didn't need the instructions anyway. "Yeah, sure." It was cute how she sort of flopped down, glaring at the equipment as if they'd personally wronged her.
"I'll arrange them by order they need to be put together."
He set about doing so, keeping everything neat and orderly so that it would be easier to handle. "I guess the teachers didn't realize that the actual parts needed to be displayed better." But why wouldn't they take that into consideration? It wasn't as if Sara was a new student that they were adapting their ways of teaching around. They should have taken better care in including her.
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If Aizawa-sensei knew about this he'd have something to say.
But maybe Shinso was being too harsh. Mistakes happened, of course, and many people were ignorant of the struggles others went through, especially when it came to unique Quirks. Still, it wasn't an excuse, either.
"Now, these poles here," He gently took her hand to guide it to the pile that had the poles they should start with. "These are the largest size, so we'll start with these ones first."
Sara had been fully ready to feign helplessness when it came to putting up her tent. After all, how hard could it really be?
Apparently stupidly hard. She understood her Papa's reluctance to rough it outdoors more than ever now.
"Ah, Shinso!" What a relief! She would have absolutely lit up if she wasn't dragged down by her foul mood. She held up her booklet, showing it to him. "Oui. The instructions are in French."
And printed in that ink she needed! But the parts were all but invisible to her.
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"Can you help, please?"
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starrymused · 30 days
Shinso had no issue with setting up his tent — he'd been raised by his grandparents who taught him practical skills that would help him in various scenarios. His grandpa was particularly interested in the outdoors given that he tended to his fields and carried out a lot of physical work. Now that he was getting on in years, he didn't do as much but his mind remained keen.
He'd picked a spot that was a bit away from most of the others but near enough to his friends. Shinso had always been the type who liked a bit of space for himself, enjoying his own company in a way that was healthy rather than being a loner type. Well, he supposed he had been labelled with that title when he first joined UA but ever since he began putting in effort to socialize with those who were genuinely interested in his friendship, that title had sort of faded away.
While most of the other kids took their time, half distracted from their task due to talking and generally messing about, Shinso had his tent set up fairly quickly. He liked to get things done and out the way rather than dragging it out for no reason. He double checked the sides, ensuring the poles were stuck far enough in the ground. Even if there was a high wind, it would stay upright.
Straightening, he rolled his shoulder and looked out across the area to see where the others had placed theirs. He caught sight of Sara's flash of red hair not far away. A short walking distance. Should he head over there now? He didn't want to disturb her or be a nuisance, even though they were free to mingle with the other class.
But he also felt like an idiot milling about while his friends worked on their tents. Masashi groaned nearby and sat back, clearly having an issue with part of his tent. Shinso took pity, crouching down next to him before he could have the chance to ask for help.
"The fabric can get twisted easily, so it's best to pull it taut before you start pinning it. I'll show you this corner." He showed the other how to do it, demonstrating the technique that Shinso used himself, then hammered the pole securely into place.
"Ohhhh, that makes way more sense," Masashi replied, glad that he now had some idea of what the hell he was doing. "Dude, you're the best, this will save me a ton of time. I was sick of wrestling with the thing!"
Shinso smiled, clapping his friend on the shoulder as he rose. Then found himself... casually heading over to Sara. What? He was just walking. By her. Because he wanted to see her. Yeah.
"You doing okay?"
He peeked down at her equipment laying strewn across the grass, then frowned. He'd been expecting special illuminous paint that would help her tell the difference between all the parts or some other sort of guide, but there was nothing.
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"Did they give you the right pack?" He looked back over at the teacher, about to head over to say that there must have been a mix-up.
"-- Why is it my fault if you have not packed enough sunscreen, Fukiko? Non, you have made your bed and therefore you must suffer," Sara held her bag closer to her chest, withdrawing it from her classmate's grasping, greedy hands and giving her wrists a light swat. "Ask someone else if you must!"
She hurried off the bus, then, amused but unwilling to bend nonetheless. As their teacher barked for them all to settle down and line up for cabin assignments, she caught sight of a very familiar silhouette over by the other bus.
Grinning, she gave Shinso a little wave -- and then settled back into line. She couldn't wait for all the formalities to be done so that they could be released to have a mostly free run of the campground. She wondered where --
"And this one is yours, Lupin," Her teacher was abruptly in front of her, handing her a pack that was heavier than she anticipated.
"Oh! This is -- this is my what?" She looked at the bag, trying to discern its contents.
"Your tent," her teacher answered, mildly annoyed that she clearly hadn't been paying attention before moving on to the next student. "Everyone has to set up their own."
"Oh, of course. Of course, yes...." She looked at the bag. It felt like fabric and thin metal rods inside.
"--Do you need help, Sara?" "I can help you with your tent if you need it!" "Nah, guys, I've got it. I go camping all the time!"
Her clueless look had attracted the attention of her fellow male classmates immediately.
Oooh~ Well, if she was going to get help from a boy...
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"Now, now, what sort of learning opportunity would this be for me if I didn't try and do something myself?" she cooed, placating the other guys for now. "I apperciate your help, though!"
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starrymused · 30 days
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His heart just swelled upon spotting her down the street. As always, Annie was a delight for the eyes, her curly blonde hair bouncing slightly as her pace increased to get to the shop that little bit quicker. His smile widening, Luck returned her embrace, catching the scent of her perfume that he now associated her with.
"I just happened to be in the neighbourhood," He played back, a hand reaching up to lightly stroke her hair, not wishing the embrace to end so soon. Luck enjoyed being close with her, looked forward to these intimate moments between them. It felt natural, both of them completely at ease. Once he let her go, the mafioso, gave her a proper look over. It was so easy for Annie to render him speechless, his ability to wax poetics flying out the window as soon as he lay eyes on her.
"If you'd allow me to be your escort on this fine day, I'd be the happiest man in New York City." He raised his eyes to the sky that had already grown far darker than just minutes before. "Actually, it ain't all that fine of a day, but that doesn't change the sentiment." As an arm was offered to Annie, he found himself looking at her again. True to his name, Luck felt lucky to have her on his arm. He escorted her inside just as the first raindrop fell.
There had only ever been two bookstores in Annesburg, and one of them was so small she barely considered it one. The other only ever got new stock in once a month, too! But here in New York, Annie had the opposite problem: too many stores and not enough time to go around them all!
But to hear Luck wanted to take her to his favorite book store? Well, that about made her heart skip two full beats!
It took all of her willpower not to run down the sidewalk toward the address he had given her, but she managed it somehow. She did, however, pick up the pace when she saw him standing there just outside of it.
"Fancy runnin' into you here, Mr. Gandor," she teased, stepping close to greet him with a hug and a kiss on the cheek.
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starrymused · 1 month
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How could those parting words between them cause so much... what was the word? Tension? Shinso hadn't thought of it before, being interested like this, but it was because he didn't allow himself to be? He'd been too wrapped up in other parts of his life to really think about the possibility of romance, especially when there were multiple ways it could be misunderstood.
But something had definitely shifted between them.
Even something as simple as passing each other in the hallways had a different vibe. And it happened more often than it usually did. Were they both going out of their way in the hopes of seeing each other? Even just for moment?
When the morning of the school trip arrived, the teachers announced that each class would be traveling on a separate bus but then could meet up when they reached the camping ground. Shinso was glad for that confirmation but was amused at his own thoughts: I would have met up with her even if we weren't allowed.
This was all an interesting turn of events that he hadn't anticipated It wasn't unwelcome, though. When the buses finally arrived at their destination (in truth, it hadn't taken that long) Shinso followed his friends but his gaze immediately drifted over to the other bus, looking for that lovely red hair...
-- Oh.
There weren't a lot of things that could make Sara Lupin blush. She had been raised in a relatively bold household, after all! France wasn't exactly conservative. But Shinso's answer did make her cheeks warm.
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"Special?" Still, she tried not to devolve into a giggling mess. At least not until she got to her building. "Well, then, I'll be looking forward to it! You've got my hopes up now."
She gave a little wave goodbye and somewhat speed-walked to her dorm, hiding a giddy grin.
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starrymused · 1 month
"Not yet but I'm always open to trying different ramen places." That was one thing that didn't really change from living in the countryside even if the selection of restaurants in Tokyo was way more extensive. There was so much he wanted to see while here.
"I've been wanting to visit Akihabara too. I've seen pictures and, man, it looks like you can get everything over there. How do you guys resist temptation and not blow all your money?" One trip to that place and Yosuke would probably cave and buy a ton of stuff he really had no place purchasing.
"Aren't there, like, maid cafes too?" And cosplay cafes in general? It would be cool to check those out but not in a weird, pervy way or anything! Lots of people went to those! It was a legit business!
"Yeah! We can head over there when Ren gets out," Ryuji nodded, jabbing his thumb back towards the clinic. "He'll probably need something solid to eat, though. You been to Ogikubo yet? There's a Ramen Shop we always go to!"
And Ryuji was always down for ramen.
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