start-updigilouge · 23 days
My Journey into the Entrepreneurial Mind:
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Hey everyone! I still can't belief how time flew so fast and right now writing the last blog for this subject diving into the world of entrepreneurship. As a student, I never thought I’d feel so many emotions in a subject, but "The Entrepreneurial Mind" was really an adventure. Here’s a peek into my journey!
Getting Started (-Up):
The first day was all about nothing but fun, I still vividly remember how our instructor, kicked things off with some fun brainstorming games, introducing ourselves in a unique way. We had to come up with ideas in minutes to spice our introduction. It was awesome to see everyone’s come up with something entertaining.
Idea Generation: Where the Magic Happens
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One of the coolest parts was learning how to generate ideas. My group ended up with so many ideas and I won't lie that there are a lot of small disagreement because everybody wants their own idea to be followed, it was wild! The creativity in the room was contagious, and it was thrilling to see everyone’s unique ideas come to life.
The Rollercoaster of Business Models
Writing a business model was confusing at first, but it turned out to be a mix of frustration and fun. We learned to structure our thoughts, conduct market research, and create financial projections (cue the groans). Our initial plan was a mess, but with feedback and a lot of petty arguments, it started to take shape. The satisfaction of seeing our business idea was something we were proud of.
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but truly "Teamwork Makes the Work". Collaborating with classmates on group projects taught me the essence of teamwork. We had our ups and downs—thinking and endless debates—but we learned to agree on each other's strengths to work on our business. I realized that entrepreneurship isn’t a solo journey; it’s about finding the right people to support and challenge you.
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We roam around the campus and have market search and customer almost every other week. Hearing their struggles and ideas about our business made everything we learned feel real.
Pitch Perfect: Shark Tank Vibes
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One of the highlights was our Shark Tank like session. We had to pitch our business ideas to a panel of “investors” (our instructor and few others). Standing in front of the panelists, heart pounding, I presented my idea for a sustainable machine. The adrenaline rush was real! Getting constructive feedback and some advice from them really help us a lot.
The final pitch was nothing but chaotic, and I admit that I am a bit disappointed at myself for not being able to do my best. But luckily the panelists were kind enough to understand, and with also help from our instructor we were able to finish our pitch smoothly.
Lecture Series Moments:
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This semester, I had the opportunity to attend a fascinating lecture series on the Entrepreneurial Mind, and it was an enlightening journey that transformed my perspective on innovation and business. Here’s a glimpse into what I learned and how it shaped my thinking.
I learned that entrepreneurs are not just business owners but innovators who see opportunities where others see problems. We were given practical tips on how to make our plans compelling and realistic. This lecture was particularly useful, as it bridged the gap between abstract ideas and plans. The real-world insights provided a deeper understanding of the entrepreneurial concept.
The series emphasized that entrepreneurship is not just about starting a business but about a way of thinking—being curious, resilient, and always ready to innovate. This lecture series didn’t just teach me about entrepreneurship; it inspired me to embrace challenges and view failures as learning opportunities. It made me realize that with the right mindset and tools, anyone can cultivate their entrepreneurial potential.
Wrapping Up: What I Learned
This course was more than just about starting a business; it was about thinking like an entrepreneur. I learned to be creative, resilient, and be confident. It was a fun Subject.
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start-updigilouge · 2 months
Digilouge #3
RECYKADA is a play of words for both Barkada and the word "kada" meaning each. Our aims are to make difference as a team to recycle each paper waste within our reach and save the environment in the process. We might have a different product to produce now but our goal still stays the same.
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During our Mid-term pitch our business was met with advice from the panel telling us that it would be more convenient to change our product from printing paper to the machine itself. We were skeptical at first, but the panelist feedback made us really consider doing it and go forward with their suggestion. I did think that we as a group should have done better during the pitch, but I am also confident that I did my best at that day. Mix emotions was a literal definition of what really happen that day, it was nerve wrecking. And since we decided to go forward, we would really have to make it work.
During group discussions the design of the machine is the hardest part to decide on because we really must understand how it should really work and that it could be apply in real life. We also have to make it through with all our ideas and resources to give shape with our new plans.
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Obviously, we have to make a few adjustments with our business model canvas to fit in our new products. Some of this aspect that change is some of the key partners, key activities, customer segments and especially the cost structure and the revenue streams. We are still having troubles on the latter part of our business model canvas since the design is yet to be finalized.
Last week, we have asked around the campus about our revised BMC (business model canvas) and we are met with concerns if it would be cost effective especially to students. A student I ask are a little skeptical of the idea if it would be more affordable to just buy new set of papers than to use the machine, since we are yet to finalize the business, I was not able to clear his concern.
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At the same time a lot of people view it in a positive light as a sustainable project. That if given the chance to access to such project they would gladly show support.
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