sterlingink · 8 years
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Cary Agos
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sterlingink · 8 years
just because i HOLD BACK
            doesn’t mean i’ve gone SOFT
                             i have RESTRAINT
                                   but i could still CRUSH YOU where you stand
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sterlingink · 8 years
Seeing your friend’s art on your dash like
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sterlingink · 8 years
Let's play the 'Word Association Game'! Send my muse a word, any word, and they'll respond with the first word that comes into their head.
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sterlingink · 8 years
…With the exception of you I dislike everyone in the room.
Arctic Monkeys, “Stop The World I Wanna Get Off With You,” Album: AM (2013)
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sterlingink · 8 years
                         A black shadow awakens in me,                          Everyone get away from what I want,                          because I’m getting a bit more ferocious                                    I’ll GROWL, I’ll GROWL,                          If you don’t get away, you might really get hurt.
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sterlingink · 8 years
tagged by @guiltriddenshinigami
Relationship: Single but with a potential candidate. (that sounds weird to me but hey it is sorta gray at the moment |D) Favourite Colour: Silver. Failing that, blues, grays and blacks. Pets: I have one kitty named Lilly. <3 She’s adorable and is fully aware of it, and also attacks me during my art streams fairly often. Wake up time: Recently it’s been around 8:30-9am, but if I need to be up earlier than that to get ready for work, I do. On my days off it can vary between 9 and 10. Dogs or cats: Cats, but with a strong love of dogs as well?  Coke or pepsi: Pepsi. Day or night: Nighhhhttt!!! Or better yet, early evening, when it’s starting to cool off and its starting to get quiet but the sun hasn’t quite set yet. <3 Text or call: Either, but I’m more fond of texting. Calls sort of have to be planned for me.  Chapstick or lipstick: I wear chapstick fairly often, but in terms of what I like better, lip gloss, actually. Lipstick always feels weird to me.
I’m tagging; @ anyone who wants to do it. 
0 notes
sterlingink · 8 years
(( So today was my first day off in about 6 days, so I was really tired and just sort of meandering through with skype convos, reading, and what not. Tomorrow I work again, and then I have another day off, but said day off is sort of filled with stuff, so that’s a thing. I should be able to get to stuff this weekend and next week, when my schedule dies down a little. Thanks for your patience, lovelies :) ))
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sterlingink · 8 years
Okay with this update apparently also allowing to comment on/reply to reblogged posts… Please reblog this if you’re alright with followers just commenting on stuff? This might be a potentially great way to just show your approval or throw in a funny comment whatsoever in. If you are chill with that, it would be good to know!
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sterlingink · 8 years
Anonymously remind my muse of something they don’t want to think about or remember.
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sterlingink · 8 years
(( Tumblr, be a dear and stop unfollowing people for me. :| ))
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sterlingink · 8 years
If you are ever scared to send me a meme, remember that I am a nerd who does this every time someone sends me the thing. 
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This has been a very important PSA
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sterlingink · 8 years
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889K notes · View notes
sterlingink · 8 years
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“Well, the thing that scares small children. The staring, I’m-going-to-kill-you look on your face. Kinda creepy, man.” A pause. “... I swear it wasn’t me who drank the last’a your coffee.”
(( Okay but I couldn't resist. From Jace )) "Could you stop that? I know you're not actually doing anything, but can you stop just standing there menacingly?"
“Whatever do you mean Jace?”
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sterlingink · 8 years
Haruka immediately noticed the reaction to his greeting, eyebrows furrowing faintly. Had he said something wrong? He thought that it was just a simple introduction, but the newcomer appeared somewhat offended. He clearly rubbed this sylph the wrong way, watching as the other began talking about him, like he wasn’t even there. He glanced over at Ciar as he continued to maintain his friendly tone and optimism, either not realizing that his kin was being accusatory or simply ignoring it.
When he was referred to as a ‘human pet’, he didn’t even react to it. He was unphased by the insult, just staring at the sylph. This Drake fellow, as they had now been privileged to know his name, was undeniably furious. More furious with Ciar or him, he wasn’t sure. But, he was indeed angry and bitter over the fact that they were close companions. He stole a brief glance at his friend when he defended him, happy that the other had done so, even if he didn’t feel the need to be defended. Drake could insult him and ridicule him to his heart’s content, until he felt better. The graduate wasn’t weak to petty tactics, such as childish name calling.
As the angry accusations and harsh words continued, he found himself starting to get angry. In part because this guy had rudely interrupted their time together and caused drama, but, more than that, the fact that he was being so awful to Ciar. He realized that he and the sylph shared the same ability: able to keep calm and not lash out, no matter how horrible someone was being to them. He was proud of his friend for handling this situation so well. But still, he didn’t like hearing such rude things said to him.
He blinked as Ciar began speaking to him, but kept his gaze on Drake. His eyes narrowed faintly. Oh, right. How could he forget? The majority of the sylphs despised humans, so it made perfect sense for this violent and nasty behavior. He gave a slight nod to show that he understood, staying silent.
He had been advised to remain behind Ciar and stay out of it, but he couldn’t stand to see his friend being spoken to in such a cruel manner, especially when it was uncalled for. He didn’t want to stand by while the sylph received this verbal abuse and wait around for a fight to break out, which was a likely possibility. He had to say something. His voice was soft and calm when he found the courage to talk, however he was almost speaking to Drake as if he was a child, “… Would you like me to prove that I am not a 'cruel, filthy creature’? I’m not sure how, but… I will give you proof if that would put you more at ease and calm you down. Would that make you less hostile towards us?”
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Ciar visibly tensed when Haruka spoke, his posture becoming quite rigid. It was a stark contrast to his normal fluidity, but he feared for his friend’s safety. All too many sylph were unfamiliar with humanity, or believed them to be something to avoid at all cost. He watched Drake warily, self consciously placing himself more firmly between the warm wind sylph and his young friend.
Drake stiffened, finally looking at Haruka directly. He seemed almost shocked at the interjection. “Hostile?!” He snarled, hands clenching into fists. “If I am hostile, it is only because /your kind has done more harm to mine than can ever be repaired, human. Though I highly doubt this bleeding heart will have ever told you.” His angry gaze flitted back to Ciar.
“My friend, you are overstepping your station.” Ciar spoke softly. “I ask you to take your leave. I am certain you have more important things to do than challenge me.”
“Your very existence is overstepping your station, Ciar.” Drake growled in response.
Ciar simply gave a cool smile, tense. “I believe it has been established that your perception of my station and mine are quite different. Your concerns have been noted, but I mus-.” Ciar cut off as a flurry of embers appeared in front of him, recoiling slightly and sending a cold breeze forth to carry them away. Distracted, he didn’t realize Drake dashing toward him until the warm wind sylph was almost upon him. His first thought was of Haruka’s safety.
The sylph swiftly grabbed his aggressor’s wrist and flew as hard as he could to the side, Drake’s momentum causing him to crash into Ciar in mid flight. They crashed to the ground a ways away, in some bushes, unable to maintain flight. The landing dazed Ciar briefly, but it was long enough for Drake to strike him sharply, fueled with rage.
Meanwhile, closer to Haruka, a second figure began a slow descent, searching for something. She tensed when she saw the boy, but continued in her silent search, appearing worried.
A Cold Spell in Spring - [askharukakujo]
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sterlingink · 8 years
The thief waited patiently for Tatsumi to button his jacket, slipping his hands into his pant pockets. Honestly, it was how closed in the office was that drove him crazy. It felt like a maze with very few exits, and too many places for enemies to hide. Granted, no one in the office had shown hostility toward him as of yet, but his old instincts of looking for danger in the smallest of places lingered. He’d learned much of the office by heart thanks to these late nights, but he still found  himself checking rooms before fully entering, peering under desks, and positioning himself in clear view of the exits. Just in case.
“Perhaps. It is calm, but what was that old saying? All things in moderation?” He glanced back to Tatsumi. “There is a reason I drag you out of here for lunch most of the time. I don’t understand how you can stand it for the length of time you do in a given day.” 
Yet again, he was always moving. Iolar never wanted to stay in one place for long, not until he’d grown close to Tatsumi. Even still, the office’s familiarity felt foreign to him. Routine, staying, resting. It was hard for him, but he was trying to change that. Travel would always be in his blood, but without the heart, blood would cease to flow. And his heart, he was beginning to find, no longer belonged solely to himself.
The surprise peck on his cheek took a moment for him to register in his rather sleepy stupor. When it did, his face lit up. He could feel the warmth linger as he took his jacket from Iolar and put it on. Even while tired, he still buttoned up the jacket, knowing he was probably annoying Iolar a little, but it was a habit he picked up when he was still alive and kept throughout the years. How Iolar put up with him and his old fashioned self was beyond Tatsumi. 
“The office isn’t so bad when it’s quiet.” Tatsumi found the silence since compared to the usual hustle and bustle of everyone asking him questions. There was no sound of papers behind shuffled this way or that. No one to stop him in the middle of a sentence for him only to go back and have to remember what he was writing. And yet, the best part of it being so late, was he knew Iolar was still around. He was not completely alone. 
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sterlingink · 8 years
Iolar set his jaw as the fight dispersed, the troublemaker falling to the floor. He furrowed his brow at the apology, before briefly glancing to his young bartender. She had pinned herself to a corner behind the bar, shaken. “Who started this?” He demanded of her as the man groaned.
She jumped. “I- I- uhm, it- it wasn’t his fault.” She squeaked, looking to the regular briefly before casting her gaze downward. “The other guy- he was-, I-.”
“That’s all I needed to know.” Iolar gritted his teeth, stooping down and grabbing the man’s collar and one arm, pulling him to his feet. He struggled against the owner briefly, but Iolar’s grip was firm as he dragged him to the exit, tossing him out. “Consider yourself banned from my bar. Don’t ever come back.” He growled, slamming the door shut. The former thief took a deep breath, closing his eyes and trying to temper his anger before turning back to the bar.
He glanced briefly to the woman behind the bar. “Perhaps you’d be better suited to waitressing than bar tending.” He drawled, before looking to the man, fairly calm considering his bar was in shambles and the fact he’d just thrown out several of his patrons. The regular’s- Tatsumi, he thought his name was- nose was bleeding, and it likely looked worse than it was, but it was still shocking to see.
“... Apology accepted.” Iolar slowly quirked a brow, staring at him analytically for a moment before walking closer. “You’ve never started trouble in my bar, so I’m inclined to believe you were justified, at least in part, in engaging in this brawl. But it appears you took a few bad hits.” He stopped in front of Tatsumi, noting the small height difference between them. It was never that noticeable before, but standing toe to toe, the couple inches caused him to look up slightly. The owner glanced around the bar, at the wounded nursing their wounds or slowly filtering out. 
He gave a hmph. “Eva, do me a favor and start organizing cleaning this mess up.” Iolar called sharply, folding his arms as he looked back to the regular. “Come on, you’re coming with me. You should get that nose looked at.” He stepped past him, toward the back. “And given how pissed your friend was, I don’t think you’re going to want to go out the front door.”
Truth be told, he felt partially responsible for the man. If he’d been out at the bar rather than in the back, this would’ve never happened.
You Should See The Other Guy|| Closed RP Sterlingink
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