stifmiester420 · 17 days
Movies#1 - American Pie (1999)
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(A warm welcome to any lost soul who decided to check my profile, you guys probably have nothing better to do and that's why I'm going to provide yall with the best movies of all time, thank me when you see me in person and I promise I'mma give yall chocolates or something. And even though you might be a total stranger to me, I love talking about movies, and we might even end up as best friends or fuck buddies; to any man reading this, I really meant that :) [I'm not gay though]. Anyway, hope y'all have a nice day cause there's no way y'all are okay if you've had to end up here. )
I wanted to do justice to a movie that's really close to my heart and even though it may not be the best movie on this list, it just deserves the no. 1 spot for some reason. I have watched this movie probably 25 times already and it's still not enough and I'm going to college in a few weeks and I am excited for people to try it out. For some reason I've always looked up to evil characters who are straight up dickheads and the person you see on my pfp is STEVE STIFLER, the goat of dickheads. And this movie is primarily about 3 virgins who try and get laid, that's pretty much it. Watch alone or with jerks you trust.
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stifmiester420 · 8 months
Movies#19 - 10 Things I hate about you (1999)
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Before I go and post random things that are in my head I wanna say that I am infact one of those people who's afraid to be judged so I'm not really a 'mainstream' sorta guy and this page is literally just me wanting to post for myself about the movies I have absolutely loved so if unfortunately one day you stumble onto this, please forgive me if you found all this cringe or smt but yeah I for a change I'm not stopping anything that I like. And for a fact I love movies and I don't even wanna have hundreds of people viewing this, that's why I'm not even tryna promote this lol.
Regardless, 1999 really was the golden era of movies wasn't it, there were so many hits one of which I'll make another post about (courtesy of somebody I just talked to once, so if you ever view this I'M THANKING YOU). And in this particular movie I absolutely loved Heath Ledger and the movie was pretty predictable (since I had already watched it once) but was really beautifully directed. Classics have this pattern of ending the movie in the most beautiful ways known to mankind. I mean take "She's All That" for example and tell me you haven't had a deja vu moment. Also Joseph Gordon Lewitt had his debut lmaoo. And Julia Stiles had a really good overall performance and I'd really love to watch her work more but sadly none of her movies ever went mainstream after this. A very good watch I loved it. Isn't GOATED but a certified classic. RIP Heath.
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stifmiester420 · 1 year
Movies#18 - What's Your Number (2011)
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If you only know Chris Evans from Marvel movies and movies like The Gray Man or Snowpiercer, then you really don't know how good of an actor Chris Evans really is. He is so good at playing the role of pricks and douchebags, makes me wanna be him. In this movie Anna Faris went out boy shopping, the only ones available were her exes (lol). Pretty good watch, one of my favourites. Chris Evans has now appeared on my list twice tho, I guess this is how I can finally say he's goated, he's been fantastic in marvel movies too but his roles are so bland. He's naturally playful but Marvel did him dirty for making him play a sad old sophisticated fuck. This factor makes this movie so much more enjoyable.
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stifmiester420 · 1 year
Movies#17 - Inside Out (2015)
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This might be the only fairly rated movie on my list, but if you've watched it did you ever think you'd relate to a fucking cartoon, neither did I and I watched like 2 movies everyday so I'm just afraid I might forget about these movies, therefore the reason why I'm even writing shit about movies nobody cares about. If I was like 9 years old I'd definitely smash whoever the kid was. Still wou-
A very good watched, one of my favourite animated movies ever coz the first spot definitely goes to the spiderverse movies. But this movie really was about the fucked up situations a teen like you or me can go through and the way it was potrayed was humourous and quite psychic (or not, it's really subjective and you may not like it.)
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stifmiester420 · 1 year
Movies#16 - The Undisputed Tetralogy
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Seriously, without mentioning little bitches who watch Euphoria, without crying over underrated movies, I'd like to say that this man Scott Adkins is one of my fucking heroes. This man changed action movies for me. He is a holder of black belts in more than 10 martial arts. I'd have creamed if he played batman but sadly that isn't happening in this universe. Well watch this movie if you're a hardcore martial arts fan, like I am. The last movie alone had like the best martial sequences I have ever seen and fam I watch a lot of fucking movies. Being the son of a former competitive martial artist I've always been inclined towards practicing it myself but honestly these movies and actors like Scott fucking Adkins is the reason I still go on. GOATED.
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stifmiester420 · 1 year
Movies#15 - The Interview (2014)
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My only problem is: You straight up ask me what my favourite movie is and I'm fucking terrified, for real dude I don't know what my favourite movie is. And 20 movies are in my top 5 so.. yeah I don't know what my favourite is. But this movie - fun fact this movie offended Kim Jong Un so much they fucking hacked Sony's Columbia Pictures 24 hours before release. That's how you know it's a GOATED movie. James Franco plays the role of a prick and that why I love it. The movie plot - They interview the north korean fat ass. Thank you.
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stifmiester420 · 1 year
Movies#14 - Then Came You (2018)
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One of those underrated movies in 2018 that I actually liked. Honestly I just watched it because of Asa Butterfield like I be speaking of underrated fucking movies but I'd be the one to not watch stuff that aren't highly rated unless there's a reason to. But this is why underrated movies are so hard to find. This was a really heartfelt sorrow movie, trust me you wanna fucking cry watch this movie. And if your best friend died recently definitely watch it.
This movie shows a really good story about friendship with an autistic kid and a cancer patient lmao. I don't have much friends I care about (doesn't everybody tho) but the thing is I fucking feel weird when I be getting too comfortable with anybody, it's probably the reason why I'm social and not social at the same time but this movie really taught me to value people so it's a really great watch for me.
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stifmiester420 · 1 year
Movies#13 - Now you see me (2013)
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Actually the only one from my list you might have actually watched, or not. Yeah I don't really expect anybody to have watched every underrated movie ever so yeah I'm just helping you guys out. The Franco brothers never disappointed me, this movie at least had an expensive cast tho, like Mark Ruffalo, Jesse Eisenberg and Morgan Fucking Freeman. A really cool heist movie to watch with family, a lot of magic and intellectual stuff.
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stifmiester420 · 1 year
Movies#12 - American Pie Presents: 4 GOATED Undefeated Movies.
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Open bet, you guys probably know me, send a better teen comedy than these you'll win 250 rs or about 3.2 dollars. Fair tho.
These are goated movies and people don't fucking realise how lucky they are to be alive that they can watch this shit. I swear i'mma be spending daddy money on a projector so I can force my college mates to watch this shit I mean one of these movies had a scene in which the guy who stripped the most girls in least time won. Like bro that shit is sensible, reasonable, and lot more things. Goated.
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stifmiester420 · 1 year
Movies#11 - Love And Other Drugs (2010)
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It's amazing how walking up to me and spitting random nonsense about these movies can make me talk for hours even tho I don't fucking know you. Nobody knows that this Jake Gyllenhaal movie existed but they be bopping to 1980s music. I'm not forcing my opinions onto anybody but you'd watch overhyped shit like Friends or HIMYM but never these. I like those shows too, infact I'd like to be Barney without being gay but these are the movies that are criminally underrated. Also the first movie of goddess Anne Hathaway that I ever watched was the one in which she was naked, I feel like I've completed life. This movie was about Anne being a Parkinson's disease patient and Jake played the role of an aspiring smart and witty playboy who gets away with everything and really doesn't give a fuck until he falls in love with something he can't do shit about, very interesting.
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stifmiester420 · 1 year
Movies#10 - Just My Luck (2006)
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Another Lindsay Lohan hit, lemme tell you, everybody let her cook and when she got famous she shat in the oven but another heartfelt movie that everybody must like. This was one of those movies in which the "protagonist is getting embarrassed scenes" make you shiver ong. A very good watch overall.
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stifmiester420 · 1 year
Movies#9 - Mean Girls Duology
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These girly movies became one of my favourite movies ever ong. Lindsay Lohan did 2 good movies that I can recall before she fucked up. But she did enough to ever be remembered. These "bitchy" comedies were literally made in a way that girls could relate to but I think we are just too clouded by mid tv shows that this could ever come to surface. Mean Girls is iconic and always will be but there's another fun fact that kind of proves why this is a classic - Ariana Grande's "Thank u next", featured some scenes of this movie like the "Jingle Bell Rock dance scene". I know this doesn't prove its iconicity but yeah this was a pretty good fact. A hilarious, heartfelt, well directed movie.
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stifmiester420 · 1 year
Movies#8 - EuroTrip (2004)
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I've watched a lot of teen comedies and you could call me a basic bitch lol but yeah I think this is what gets me in my groove. A good compilation of second hand embarrassment seems alright to me. Well this movie was about a guy crossing oceans to meet his online girlfriend and in that attempt he comes across problems and gets to live around it with his friends and isn't this literally all we dream about. I haven't made a lot of friends to do it with tho but uk there was a scene in this movie where they met man united fans and this is literally how I got into football. Crazy I guess but that's what I love about movies they make you aware of things that basically make your life.
I know nothing about the actors in the movie but there was this protagonist's best friend and it is my favourite category of roles lmao jerks with an unreal obsession for sex who aren't the main character. Well enough said as y'all can already see I don't have much for a review because these aren't the kind of movies you judge, you just love them for what it is.
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stifmiester420 · 1 year
Movies#7 - No Strings Attached (2011)
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This guy was born to play the role of a fuckboy and he does it so well. Classic again. Natalie Portman's top 3 fs. She's lucky to have played this. This movie describes what "situationships" can't ever become - a happy couple in the end. A very good watch, GOATED romcom??? Idk.
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stifmiester420 · 1 year
Movies#6 - Spread aka Toy Boy (2009)
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Classic sugar mommy milking movie. Real inspirational playboy shit. A great movie, homie was a fuckboy, became homeless fell in love with a hoe, and even she left him. Told ya CLASSIC.
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stifmiester420 · 1 year
Movies#5 - What Happens in Vegas (2008)
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Okay, I am going to spam Ashton Kutcher's movies, I binge watched all his movies like I was a fucking fan girl. Still am. Will be. Anyway.
Only movie in which I didn't hate Cameron Diaz, didn't hate her in the Tom Cruise movies only because of daddy Tom cruise but everybody has watched them so not posting any overrated or fairly rated movies just because I wanna talk about the underrated ones. Really fun watch, brilliantly satirical about marriage considering the Bezos divorce lmao, when you watch it you'll understand what I'm talking about. Witty, hilarious and good moral scenes. I should never forget it and that's why I wrote about it.
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stifmiester420 · 1 year
Movies#4 - The Girl Next Door (2004)
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Umm yeah I binge watched all teen classics in lockdown and this is probably the best thing that ever happened to me besides my breakup (loool). This was top a top 5 movie 4 years ago for me, I'm sure this will remain a top 5 for me forever. The way these movies make raunchy comedies and turn them into heartfelt romcoms is something I haven't seen in movies post 2010. A nerd who topped every semester wanted to do something different (messed up) and then a prostitute came to live next to him. Nice.
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