Honestly, I know where you're goin' And baby, you're just movin' on And I after love you even if I can't See you anymore can't wait to see you soar
Lady Gaga
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What I want to tell you
You probably won't see this. You're probably not looking my way. You're probably trying to remove me... from your thoughts and...from whatever else. But these are the things I want to tell you.
I want to tell you that I love you. Really, I'm in love with you. I love you more than I've ever loved anyone, or really anything. You made me so happy. I never knew I could be so happy. Thank you for that. Thank you for showing me I was capable of happiness, even when I thought I wasn't anymore. Thanks for coming along when I needed you.
I want to tell you that I don't regret anything. I don't regret the things I did and gave up for you. I gave up the job that was everything to me, but that's because you became everything. You were more important. I had a hard time for a while, but it led me to things I wouldn't have found otherwise. I found what was most important to me. I also found who I was again and remembered what I wanted out of life. I found a great new job that I never saw coming and it's really been a miracle. It's been the kind of job I was waiting for. So, everything turned out how it was supposed to. I don't regret trusting you. I don't regret choosing you. I don't regret wanting you or needing you. I don't regret anything I have said or done in the last six months. I became a better person.
However, I want to tell you that there's nothing more that I want now than for you to be happy. Your laugh is the thing that made me fall in love. Your smille made me fall deeper.
Of course, the best feeling was having you in my arms and knowing you were happy there. Selfishly,  I wanted..or still want.. that over and over and over again. I always wanted to be the one to make you happy and I always will. It's selfish, but it's the truth.
But first and foremost, I just want you to be happy whatever that entails. I want you to make yourself happy. I want you to find the things in life that make you happy. I just...want you to be the happiest person in the world. However that may come about, I just want that for you.
I know you'll find that. I know you'll find what you need and who you are.
You've grown so much since I met you. But the road of growing never ends. All of our lives, we will be finding ourselves.
I wish that I was able to hold your hand through your hardships, but at this point in time, I guess you no longer need that.
I wish you needed me, but you don't.
You have yourself. You don't realize it but... You're so strong. You're the most beautiful person. You can do anything.
I want to tell you that you can be happy. I know you can. It's just right around the corner.
I have always said that happiness is a choice. I still believe that is true. Although these days I think I more so believe that MOST of our happiness is a choice. The other small percentage, is something we have to find.
You'll find it.
I want to tell you that I think of you every minute that passes. That is going to last for a long time. You're a part of me that I can't rip away.
I want to tell you that you'll be in my thoughts, and more importantly in my prayers. I'm praying for you harder than I ever have. I pray that you find happiness. I pray that you find what you need. I pray that you are healthy..physically and emotionally and mentally. I pray that you are safe. May God protect you and guide you every step of the way. I pray that you be yourself. Everything about you, is good. No, you're no perfect. You make mistakes. You have flaws and you trip along the way. But, you're good. You're great. Don't doubt that.
I want to tell you that you deserve nothing other than love and happiness. You deserve everything you want in this life. You deserve everything you need. You deserve all things good and sweet and lovely, as that's what you are. I'll never wish anything other than that on you.
I want to tell you that I'll always be here. No matter what. That promise has and always will remain true.
I'll always be your mashed potato.
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