Breaker tripped. And wouldn't turn back on. So I replaced it. But bought the wrong one. Then ordered one for pick up. Lowes gave me the wrong one. Then I got one that was lower than what I needed but it was temporary. Thst didn't work. So drove an hour to get the right one. That didn't work. Replaced the outlet I thought was the problem. Turns out it was a fucking power strip with a short. Didn't need to do all that.
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who wants to do tons of cocaine with me and keep me alive forever
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Not gonna lie, owning a home kinda sucks. I'm fortunate to have what I have, but dude. Shit breaks nonstop. My bathroom currently doesn't have a door knob and locks with a bolt that is also broke and has no "handle"
Also fuck plumbing.
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Found you
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Ooga booga link with a stick rock is the incarnation of pure chaos.
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twitter: currently owned by techbro pissman
tumblr: actively removing functionality and bloating the interface with things nobody uses
discord: being retooled by ex-Meta management who don't understand the appeal of the platform
youtube: neutered by advertisers and algorithms and also tiktokification
reddit: half of the site is down due to protests about the outrageous monetization of third-party API support
facebook: my mom is on there
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Roadhog :-)
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Pretty sure I got these three herniated discs from carrying my team in overwatch nonstop.
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This is more speaking to the void. It's been a few years, I think about you once and awhile. Not in a way of longing, but more curious how you've been. I wonder if you do the same. For a long while, I blamed you 100 percent for the way things ended. Convinced you dragged me through the mud for years for reasons I didn't understand. With time, I accepted that I was obviously responsible for the way things ended. I understand or at least suspect you were confused and unsure as much as I was. I'm not good with words much anymore, so I can't fully explain why I acted the way I did. BP was a contributing factor, but not the only one. I've always lacked self-confidence, and was extremely insecure. I put you on this pedestal, that you were so amazing that why would you ever engage with someone like me. That one day you would realize I was born trash, and just drop me. Often I was so on edge that when you were busy or just needing some space and time that I thought was uh... too much? That's not right. I don't know how to explain it.
Regardless I don't think like that anymore. Self reflection, realizing who I was, and who I've become. Idk why I'm typing all of this, just thinking about the past. I hope you're doing well, and that you are able to live the life that makes you happy.
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sometimes an adventure is just a non binary twink and his lesbian best friend
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Un two tones your ska
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annoying as fuck
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The hoes are unimpressed with your sarcastic detachment, and are enchanted with my sincere wonder. Writhe like the worm you are.
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While I do have some odd hobbies this recommendation is a bit much.
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best thing about uncle iroh is that if you pay attention he is actually just as much of an idiot as zuko but has just mastered the art of coming across as a wise old man. the even better thing is that zuko is the only one on the planet who somewhat realizes this and no one would ever believe him because he's zuko
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