succubolilith · 2 months
each week i tune into shogun in order to see toranaga do the political equivalent of sticking out his leg and making eye contact with yabushige while yabushige trips over him
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succubolilith · 2 months
I cannot get over how Buntaro performing a tea service, what would generally be considered as a thoughtful gift, to show Mariko that he loved or cared for her completely missed the mark vs. Blackthorne stepping up as Mariko’s second, ready to participate in her seppuku ritual after asking her to live for him, loving her so much that he’d defy his own logic, loving her enough to accept that if life and death are the same, both able to have meaning in the act of living and dying, and she wouldn’t live for him, then he would at least be a part of her death, his life would have meaning to her death and they would then always be connected - the way Buntaro’s act of service is a show while Blackthorne’s act of service is a sacrifice for him and her I ACHE 😭😭😭
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succubolilith · 2 months
Major Shōgun Ep. 9 spoilers:
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Yabushige truly gives meaning to the term 'rat bastard'. Toranaga factored his inevitable betrayal into his plans, and Yabushige STILL somehow managed to spring a surprise betrayal. If it wasn't so horrible, it would be impressive how two-faced the man manages to be.
So, about Mariko .... (I'm actually glad I randomly got spoiled the day before seeing this episode and was prepared otherwise I would not have survived what happened to her.)
My take ... Mariko's death was 'pointless' in the same way Nagakado's death was pointless. Nagakado died a senseless death that failed to accomplish anything, but then Toranaga gave his son's death meaning and honour by thanking Nagakado for dying to earn him some time. Mariko blocking the door with her own body served nothing in the sense that it wouldn't prevent Ishido's men from getting in nor did it change the fate of anyone else in that room. But by choosing to sacrifice herself like that and die at the hands of Ishido's agents, Mariko derailed Ishido's plan to take her captive and ensured she'd become a martyr to Toranaga's cause. Mariko not only fulfilled Toranaga's plan, she exceeded it.
Mariko's mission was to get the hostages freed or die trying and in so doing force Ishido to dishonour himself by openly revealing his hand instead of keeping up the facade that he's not keeping anyone against their will. Mariko did both: got the hostages freed and died a martyr to the cause. (Yes, Ishido may choose to turn around and keep the hostages anyway instead of releasing them as agreed, but in doing so he'll only dishonour himself further and lose more support.)
When Toranaga gets to Osaka, he'll have the moral highground and the support of the other samurai families who didn't want Mariko to die like that and who now see Ishido for what he really is. (Also, when the time comes, I think the Christian Regents will now be prepared to turn against Ishido.)
And Mariko got what she'd wanted all along: dying with honour in response to what happened to her family. Her death was meaningful. She served her duty like her father told her to. And she got to spend her last night being at peace and experiencing something like happiness with John.
Buntaro dishonoured her for so many years by keeping her alive for selfish reasons and when he finally offered her the release of death, it was also for selfish reasons. Buntaro was only willing to allow her to finally die because HE wanted to die then and wouldn't be affected by her death since he'd be gone too. Buntaro ordered Mariko to stay alive. John asked Mariko to stay alive many times, and when she ultimately wouldn't change her mind, he not only accepted and respected her decision, he honoured it by offering to second her. Mariko died knowing John finally understood. He finally got it.
Mariko died, and now she is finally free.
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EDIT to add:
She died calling herself Akechi Mariko instead of Toda Mariko. She disavowed her husband and her unwanted marriage with her last words. She was truly freeing herself!!!
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succubolilith · 2 months
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SHŌGUN (2024) - Chapter Nine: Crimson Sky
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succubolilith · 2 months
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Shōgun - 1x09 - Crimson Sky
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succubolilith · 2 months
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SHŌGUN Chapter Nine: Crimson Sky
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succubolilith · 2 months
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archers gloves vs digital artist gloves being opposite of one another
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succubolilith · 9 months
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succubolilith · 9 months
I cannot emphasize this enough as a practical life skill: learn how to say no to authority figures. Learn how to tell them that nothing they can do to you will change your mind. Disappoint your parents. You have to live your own life.
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succubolilith · 9 months
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Certain words can change your brain forever and ever so you do have to be very careful about it.
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succubolilith · 1 year
#4 with aloy and beta?
"I don't understand why I need to do this, Aloy," Beta complained. She was hot, and sweaty, and, and dirty, and this was just... not her idea of fun.
Aloy looked at her with that critical—even judgmental—gaze, and explained again, slowly, "because we live in a dangerous world. If you can't fight, we need to find other ways for you to defend yourself."
Beta clutched her spear closer, heavy in her arms with the weight of solid wood and the override mounted to the shaft, torn from the carcass of a FAS-ACA3 Scarab—sorry—Corrupter. Beta had watched Aloy scavenge and attach the part with expert efficiency, then copy over all of her overrides. They had walked for an hour after, and Beta could feel a blister forming on the ball of her foot. All just to find this herd of Chargers they now crouched behind, obscured by what Beta thought was some rather sparse shrubbery.
"I still don't see why this is necessary," Beta wheedled, but Aloy gave no quarter.
"You need to be able to override machines, Beta, either to fight for you or help you run."
"I'd prefer just to stay out of danger, back at the Base..."
Aloy shook her head. "We need to be prepared. Anything could go wrong."
"That's reassuring..."
"Just override the Charger, Beta. Please?"
Beta scoffed, turning to the herd. A quick scan of her Focus helped her identify and tag each machine, so she could keep track of where each machine was at all times. Didn't want to end up with a bad surprise. She scanned the surrounding area as well, just in case, but the only other activity her Focus picked up was a fox scurrying about in the distance, and a bird awkwardly waddling over a boulder. Beta crept forward a step.
“I’ll stay right here, okay?” Aloy whispered, and Beta shot back a tight nod over her shoulder.
Deep breath. She could do this.
The closest Charger had its head down in the grass, converting the organic matter into Blaze. An important job, much more useful for the terraforming system than the so called "hunter-killers" HEPHAESTUS deployed to...discourage tampering. At least she would just be overriding the machine, not killing it.
Beta was within feet of the machine when suddenly, it raised its head, as if sensing her presence. She froze, adrenaline coursing through her veins and making her limbs tingle. Of course Aloy had shown her some basic spear moves, just in case, but she'd never had to test those skills. She was almost about to turn tail and flee when the Charger shook its head, then ducked back down to the grass.
Beta could have collapsed, she was so relieved.
"Now's your chance," Aloy hissed behind her.
Steeling herself, Beta crept forward. Overriding seemed simple enough—the Corrupter's override module would kick in on impact and take care of the process for her—but suddenly the idea of jabbing the Charger with a long piece of wood seemed...ill-advised.
But she couldn't back down, not with Aloy behind her. She had to prove to her sister that she was capable. She squared her shoulders, adjusted her staff so it felt less awkward in her hands, and stuck the module end into the hind-quarters of the machine.
The override took over as blue light pulsed across the Charger, primitive nanotechnology in the machine becoming slaved to her personal Focus network. Glowing tendrils spread across the machine like mycelium.
Beta contained her whoop of enthusiasm, not wanting to alert the other machines, but her blood surged with excitement. So caught up in the thrill of the moment, she almost fell over in surprise when Aloy silently appeared next to her, then crept forward to override her own mount.
Aloy quietly led both of their Chargers out of the herd, Beta trailing behind, nervous about alerting the others. Once they were safely hidden, her sister helped her awkwardly up onto the mount, Beta struggling to pull herself up and over.
"Race you back to the Base?" Aloy joked, mounting her Charger with effortless ease.
Beta scowled. "You just want to see me land in the dirt, don't you?"
Aloy smirked. "Maybe you'll learn to hang on tighter."
With a huff, Beta stuck out her tongue, and then kicked her mount forward into a run, nearly charging into Aloy. Her sister yelped in surprise and raced after her, laughter echoing as they galloped back towards home.
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succubolilith · 1 year
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succubolilith · 1 year
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you ever realize something while you’re replaying a beloved game…
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succubolilith · 1 year
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cinematic parallels
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succubolilith · 1 year
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Looks like Aloy finally met the one who was mean to Beta. This is going to be a very angry tea party. — Really like their hero and creepy ally/final boss interaction. Especially this scene and the contrast in it.
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succubolilith · 1 year
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succubolilith · 1 year
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Lazy sundays
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