sugarakis-p2 · 18 days
Big Shiggy Daddy: Ch 10
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Art: https://whvn.cc/3zpr36
Previous chapter: 9
In this chapter, the reader is taken on a thrilling and intense journey as you protect Eri during a vicious rat attack. As the battle escalates, you experience fear unlike any other before. Mr. Compress steals the show at the single's fair with a display of his powerful quirk. But just as Mr. Compress revels in the attention, Mothman Shigaraki once again asserts his dominance as the "big daddy" and prepares for a fight with the heroes. While Mr. Compress and Mothman Shigaraki's displays of power showcase the true magnitude of the quirk abilities in this world. However, everything is quickly overshadowed by human Shigaraki and his sinister meeting to deal with Mothman Shigaraki once and for all. This meeting takes a dark turn as they not only plan to defeat him, but also how human Shigaraki likes to inflict torture. Everyone needs a hobby.
Warning: Non/con mouth violation, micro aggress, quirk prejudice, blood and gore, death.
Chapter 10: the train
As Eri bravely approached the Rat King, Steele's eyes widened with rage.
This was his moment to seize control, and he wasn't going to let anyone stand in his way. With a loud roar, he lunged towards Eri, his massive rat-like teeth bared and ready to attack. But you stood between them, determined to protect the little girl. You grabbed Eri and pulled her away from the snarling rat, your heart racing with the situation's intensity. Steele continued to rant and rave, his words venomous and hateful towards outsiders. He saw them as a threat to his power and would do anything to eliminate you.
"These outsiders are liars!" Steel snapped. "They are no doctors!"
But you refused to let that happen. With a calming voice, you tried to reason with Steel and explain that they were not there to cause harm. But it was no use. He was consumed by his own fear and greed. As the chaos in the room escalated, the other rats grew restless and agitated. It was a dangerous situation that could quickly escalate into a full-blown battle. You knew you had to act quickly to diffuse the tension and protect Eri.
With one arm wrapped tightly around her, you swung your other arm wildly, trying to fend off the relentless rodents. But they were relentless, their numbers seeming to multiply with each passing second. You could hear her whimpering in fear, her tiny body trembling against your chest. You knew you had to protect her at all costs. You held her high above your head, hoping the rats would not be able to reach her. But as you felt their sharp teeth sink into your skin, the pain was almost unbearable.
You could feel the warm blood trickling down your legs as you continued to fight off the swarm. You couldn't let them reach Eri. You couldn't let them hurt her. With a burst of adrenaline, you let out a primal scream and swung your arm with all your might. You felt a satisfying crunch as your makeshift weapon connected with the rats, sending them flying in all directions as you kicked and stomped.
The sensation of terror coursing through your body was overwhelming as you struggled to fight off the relentless rats. Adrenaline pumped through your veins, allowing you to maintain your grip on the sweet girl who was now a liability in this fight for survival. As you lifted her higher, trying to shield her from the rodent onslaught, you couldn't help but think how ironic it was that you were singing her praises just moments before. Now, she was your only hope of making it out of this alive.
The swarm of rats seemed endless, their beady eyes and sharp teeth closing in on you from all angles. You felt sharp bites and scratches all over your body, the searing pain making it difficult to see or think clearly. But you knew you had to keep going, for her sake and your own. You gritted your teeth and focused all your energy on defending yourself and the girl, swinging and kicking at the rats as they swarmed closer. Suddenly, Steel lunged and bit into your arm, and managed to sink its teeth in. Hot jets of blood ran down your side. The excruciating pain jolted through your body, causing you to momentarily lose your grip on the girl. But you quickly regained your hold, determined not to let her fall into the clutches of the relentless rodents.
You could hear shouting from the rat king and Mr. Chew, but it was all just background noise as you focused solely on saving the girl and escaping this nightmare. As the minutes dragged on, the struggle intensified, and the pain became almost unbearable. But you refused to give up, fueled by a primal survival instinct. Shouts from the rat king and Mr. Chew were lost as all you could think of was, "I'm going to die." 
You held Eri close, her tiny body now stained with blood from your wounds. But you didn't care as long as she was safe in your arms. You knew you would do anything to protect her, no matter the cost. You clung to Eri, her fragile form shaking in your embrace. Your own wounds were throbbing, but they were nothing compared to the thought of losing her. You could feel the warm stickiness of your blood mingling with hers, a cruel reminder of the dangers surrounding you.
But at this moment, nothing mattered except keeping Eri safe. You would do anything to shield her from harm, from the world that had already dealt her such a cruel hand. The only thing that mattered was that she was in your arms and safe. As you looked into her pure, innocent eyes, your heart ached with ferocious determination. You would protect her, no matter the cost. And as the terror of the situation threatened to overwhelm you, your will to survive kicked in. And as you looked into her innocent eyes, you knew you would do it all again without hesitation. In a horrifying moment, your will to live made you hysterical.
You didn't want to die. You wanted to see Chouka again. Your sweet child you felt was a curse on you. A product of rape, and with so many special needs, you could never hope to keep from drowning in debt. You didn't want to die, not when there was so much left to do. So many years of regret and resentment towards Chouka, a child born from a violent act and left with special needs that seemed insurmountable. But you wanted to make things right, to be the mother she deserved. You wanted to show her the love and care she had been denied for so long.
But in this desperate moment, all those hopes and dreams seemed to disappear. As you felt your arm being torn from your body, the agony was almost too much to bear. But you refused to let go of Eri, even as your strength began to fail you. You didn't want to die here like this! You felt your arm flesh detach and pull from your body. As the pain tore through you, you could feel your grip on Eri weakening. You had to hold on, for her sake.
Your mind was racing, trying to come up with an escape plan, a way to survive this nightmare. Your mind was racing, frantically searching for a way to escape this nightmare. You couldn't let this be the end, not when you had fought so hard to survive for Eri's sake. With a surge of determination, you held onto Eri tightly, clinging to the hope that you would make it out of this alive. Your heart was filled with a fierce love for your daughter, and you knew that no matter what happened, you would do everything in your power to keep her by your side.
As you took your final, desperate breath, your voice echoed through the air with a single word: "Chouka!"
It was a primal scream, filled with raw terror and a fierce determination to cling to life. As your body succumbed to death, your quirk activated, unleashing a deafening sound akin to that of a thousand raging beasts. The rats that had surrounded you retreated in fear, unable to withstand the intense force of your quirk. Despite the blinding pain that consumed you, all you could think about was the safety of Eri, commanding the rats to keep their distance and not harm her. Despite the looming darkness threatening to consume you, your ferocious determination to survive remained unshaken. Your grip on the young girl's hand loosened as your body began to give in to the exhaustion and pain. But as Eri's gentle touch reached you, a sense of tranquility washed over you, easing the excruciating agony coursing through your veins. Every fiber of your being yearned for air. When you finally managed to draw a breath, it felt like a surge of life flowing back into you, revitalizing your weary soul. Your fierce will to live emerged victorious, overpowering the shadows that sought to claim you. With a newfound vigor, you clung to life.
"Get up, you stupid cunt!" Mr. Chew, his voice filled with alarm and urgency, let out a piercing scream. "You managed to push them back, but don't let your guard down - Steel is regrouping and rallying their forces!"
You rise to your feet, your body thrumming with a newfound sense of purpose and determination. You know exactly what you felt when your quirk awakened, and you have no doubts about what you must do now. With a commanding roar, you unleash your quirk upon the swarm of rats, directing them to attack their leader, Steel. As the vermin swarm over him, you can see the fear and panic in his eyes.
"Save the King, Eri!" Mr. Chew's urgent voice rings out as he charges forward alongside the others. "If we can rescue the rat king, we won't have to rely on the dumb twat's quirk!" As if responding to Mr. Chew's plea, Eri sprints towards the rat king and touches him, using her quirk to reverse his aging and restore him to his prime.
The chaos and destruction around you begin to subside as the rat king looks to you with newfound respect and gratitude. You have proven to be a powerful ally in this battle against chaos. Now, with the rat king on your side, you stand ready to punish Steel. You know that with your awakened quirk and the support of your friends and allies, you felt something you've never felt before. A sensation unlike anything you had ever experienced, filling you with a sense of strength and confidence that you had never known before. Something that twisted darkly in you. Power.
As the last rays of sunlight disappeared behind the horizon, Shigaraki's patience slowly dwindled. He was eager to start their planned event and didn't care about suffering a slight sunburn. Meanwhile, Compress was busy pampering Chouka and researching the plane's counterpart.
"I was broken out of prison and now run what's called the Tokyo strip with my own magic shows in conjunction with Dabi on something called the culling games. How droll of me. At least I'm robbing legitimately," Compress grumbled, clearly unimpressed with his current occupation. He then turned to Chouka, his tone much softer. "Do you need anything else, my dear? Another corn dog or perhaps a slushie?"
Chouka sucked down her slushie and stared at him suspiciously, "Are you just being nice because you want to sleep with my mommy?" Chouka took another sip of her slushie, observing Compress. She couldn't help but feel suspicious of him. After all, she had seen how some other men in the League of Villains looked at her mother with desire. Was Compress just another one of them? Her suspicion only grew when he laughed at her question. But instead of denying it, he purred with a wicked grin, confirming her fears. Chouka's eyes narrowed as she studied him, wondering his true intentions.
"Why yes," he purred with a mischievous grin. "But you can do much worse than having me as a second father. At least I'm not Dabi. You know, because of the lack of females, it's common to have more than one male to a fertile female."
But then he surprised her by mentioning becoming a second father to her. Chouka raised an eyebrow in confusion, unsure of what he meant. Chouka couldn't imagine having more than one male figure in her life, especially a villain like Compress. But then she thought of Dabi, the cold and distant member of the League who showed no interest in her mother. Maybe having Compress as a second father wouldn't be so bad after all. Still, she couldn't shake off her suspicion of him. She continued to watch him as she took another sip of her slushie, her antennae twitching in uncertainty. She didn't want to trust him too quickly, especially when it came to her mother's safety. But Compress seemed unfazed by her suspicion. He simply chuckled and took a sip of his drink, leaning back in his chair with a relaxed posture. It was almost as if he knew she couldn't resist his charm and offer.
Chouka observed with a slight twitch of her antennae, "Dabi has no interest in my mother whatsoever."
"Dabi is more interested in your father. They had a thing along with Spinner. For your father, it seemed like a phase. He was always more focused on keeping them controlled than actual love and it seemed the same for Dabi," Compress said nonchalantly. Chouka fluttered her wings in annoyance. "I want to clarify; I'm not insinuating that you're or your mother are simply a fleeting phase, but it's essential to always anticipate potential disappointments. Being prepared is a principle I live by," Compress remarked, hinting that Shigaraki's fatherhood may be temporary, nonetheless.
In many ways, she considered Compress the most insidious villain in her life. Chouka couldn't deny that something was alluring about Compress; it could be his charm or his genuine desire to love you. Maybe it was his confidence or smooth words, but she couldn't help but feel intrigued by him. Despite feeling guarded, Chouka decided to let Compress entertain her for the time being. After all, what harm could it do to have someone like him, a charming but dangerous villain, as a second father figure? Compress revealed unsettling information about Dabi's past involvement with Chouka's parents, particularly her father. Apparently, there had been a brief romantic connection between Dabi and her father, along with their fellow villain, Spinner. Chouka's antennae twitched in irritation at the thought of her father having been involved with someone as twisted as Dabi. It seemed that for her father, his priority had always been maintaining control over his cohorts rather than genuine love. Chouka couldn't help but feel annoyed at Compress for bringing up such personal matters, especially since she was still technically a child.
"Listen, my dear. What I'm trying to tell you is that you don't have to settle for less. You have endless possibilities, while men like me are willing to do anything for a taste of genuine love. Your father may be trying, but the truth is, someone like me with experience can transform you into a powerful vixen. I have parental experience. If my daughter had even half of your beauty, she could easily reign over the world. Plus, I can make your parents happy. I know how to step in when your father is losing control. Consider it," Compress seductively tempted.
He was wise in his thinking. When Shigaraki declared him the only family man he could trust, he immediately saw an opportunity. He would focus on Chouka and try to win her over. In his eyes, Shigaraki didn't truly love you. He just enjoyed torturing you, like he did with all his "toys," and he didn't want to share you with anyone else.
But even with the influx of new females, there would always be a need for sharing in the group. Shigaraki's greed was causing problems for the entire group despite their current position as the top team. History has shown that the strongest groups were the ones who worked together and shared power. Those who tried to rule alone often faced collapse when they pushed their limits. It was possible that Shigaraki simply didn't care about the ruling, or worse, he wanted to see it fail. If it weren't for Chouka, he was confident that Shigaraki would become a reclusive leader who would never achieve anything significant again. His musing was interrupted when Mr. Watanabe's sudden appearance startled him. The distinguished, typically composed man was now wildly gesturing towards them with his claws. It was a strange sight, to say the least, as he tried to urgently capture his attention.
"We can't just open the gate!" Mr. Watanabe fretted. Mr. Compress jumped in surprise and instantly tried to defuse the situation. 
"We are graced with the presence of a thousand esteemed women and children waiting patiently in line, and with their company inside our event, the wait for the arrival of the men will surely be made more bearable." Compress artfully fabricated. His true motive, however, was to make a quick escape before this alleged god Shigaraki had predicted arrived, as Watanabe's nervousness and incessant clicking noises were beginning to make him look like a disturbing human-praying mantis hybrid.
"I simply cannot ignore this any longer," Mr. Watanabe fumed, his eyes blazing with intensity. "Not only is Mr. Shimura letting them venture into a park with insufficient staff to run it, but there's something else I need to discuss with you first." His words are searing with urgency. Compress couldn't help but freeze, anticipating what was coming next.
"Staff?" Compress asked. Watanabe exploded into a tirade, bemoaning the inadequate staffing and accusing Compress of manipulating schedules for his own selfish gain. The realization dawned on Watanabe that Compress was actively hoarding female employees while disregarding the males. A surge of suspicion and betrayal washed over Watanabe as he glared at Compress, wondering what the man was up to. He had also avoided responses for when the men were to come to the event.
"Of course," Mr. Watanabe exclaimed, beads of sweat forming on his brow. The staff for the rides, the concession stands, and the babysitting tents—all of them!"
Compress pondered this, his mind swirling with doubt. Would Shigaraki be able to amplify his magic enough for this daunting task? And as if that wasn't enough, he hadn't even considered the presence of male staff. He couldn't help but wonder if Shigaraki would simply dispose of them due to their nation's male surplus. However, he reassured himself that, for now, he could ease Mr. Watanabe's anxiousness with his honeyed words.
"Ah, Mr. Watanabe," Compress began with a charming smile. Watanabe couldn't help but feel a slight flutter in his stomach at the term of endearment. Compress made him feel a way he hadn't in years. "Mr. Shimura may be a bit assertive, but it is his money we are playing with. However, rest assured that we will have plenty of suitable gentlemen for all these beautiful ladies. I have carefully selected men who seek a good time and can provide for a family. Our goal is prosperity and happiness," he feigned, brushing something off Watanabe's sharp suit, causing the latter to flush and nod.
"But let me assure you, my dear friend, that my seemingly uncaring facade is only a façade. I truly care about your well-being. I care about these ladies and the success of the future," Compress reassured Watanabe with genuine concern. "And I want you to confidently open the park and enjoy yourself without any worries. Our hard work will surely pay off. And remember, no matter what happens, I will always protect you." His words were tinged with a hint of flirtation, causing Watanabe's heart to skip a beat. Compress does mean it. He's going to take care of his friend. Watanabe looks slightly relieved and accepts this.
"We've texted a lot. I know you are also worried about the population. I'm not going to deny our nation didn't have a problem before. Still, recently, it has been a combination of infertility and a lack of resources. You have no idea how chaotic it was. The demon lord's takeover caused so much destruction and turmoil. And while he may have brought advanced technology, it came at a price. Our population is declining, and there is a lack of resources. The demon king has complete control over everything. I fear for the safety of our children, who can no longer walk alone without fear," Watanabe was casually commenting. However, Compress visibly paled. Watanabe looked concerned, "Mr. Sako, are you ok?"
Compress plastered on a smile, "Of course, dear. Do me a favor. Watch out for Chouka for me while I talk to Mr. Shimura." Compress tipped his hat before he turned and sprinted through the chaos, his heart pounding in his chest. He could hear Chouka's high-pitched voice in the distance, asking Watanabe a question. She wanted to know if Watanabe would be a mommy or a daddy. Watanabe chuckled in response, saying he could be anything and everything, but his pronouns is he/him, Chouka nodded her head accepting this answer asking for another slushy, and Compress couldn't help but chuckle to.
As he approached Shigaraki, he could see the leader ushering women and children into the park. But Compress didn't have time to dwell on the disturbing implications of their conversation. He needed to inform Shigaraki now. He had to reach Shigaraki. Gasping for air, Compress finally skidded to a stop in front of Shigaraki.
"I just heard from Watanabe," he panted, "There's an infertility issue among the women who were killed!" Shigaraki's chittering annoyance was palpable as he yanked Compress aside. Shigaraki's expression turned to frustration as he hissed, "Obviously."
"Does that mean we could potentially tear it apart with so many people being pulled into our world?" Compress asked, his panic growing. Shigaraki's grip tightened on his arm, pulling him further away from the civilians.
"You didn't leave Chouka alone with that creepy mantis, did you?" Shigaraki asked. He did not like spiders, ladybugs, or praying mantis quirks at all. Compress face scrunched into his own mask of irritation. Shigaraki may not trust a mantis heteromorph, but Mr. Watanabe would never hurt a child. But he couldn't dwell on his mistake for long, as his mind was consumed by a terrifying thought.
"With this many people being pulled into our world," he said, panic rising in his voice, "couldn't we, in theory, tear apart both of our worlds?" Shigaraki's expression darkened as he considered the possibility. He pulled Compress away from the crowd with a forceful tug, determined to closely monitor the situation. The stakes had never been higher, and there was no room for error.
"Perhaps, if we didn't already possess the knowledge to dispel the effects of magic and have you, we can easily trick our world. Magic is vastly more…flexible," Shigaraki said smugly.
It was evident that Shigaraki was not just a mere mortal but something much more extraordinary. Shigaraki understood other's capabilities and limits with magic and how to push them beyond their normal boundaries. As the magic swirled around Shigaraki, threatening to consume him, Compress couldn't help but admire his determination. As the dwindling light of the evening cast ominous shadows around them, Shigaraki's words hung heavy with a sense of impending drama. His feathery antennae twitched and flexed, a clear sign of his agitation, as Shigaraki spoke of the advantage of those with the ability to harness magic.
"The humans of this world are docile, weak creatures," he sneered, his voice dripping with contempt. "They have it so easy, yet they suppress their very nature. It's pathetic. We have discussed this Compress." Compress wanted to argue that maybe they had misjudged their capabilities. Shigaraki seemed almost lost in his thoughts for a moment before turning to Compress with a sense of urgency.
"We don't have much time. I've been able to thwart my human self, my foolish human self. But the god is coming. Come closer, its time," he urged, his voice bordering on frantic. As Compress and his allies cautiously approached, Shigaraki's words became more ominous. "By the way," he added with a sly smile, "that much power flowing through you might hurt." Just when Compress thought the situation couldn't become any more tense, he spotted Chouka and Watanabe slowly approaching them. Relief washed over him at the sight of them. Still, Watanabe's curiosity got the better of him as he wanted to see what was happening and if he reasoned Mr. Shimura.
"Why is Chouka alone with him?" Shigaraki hissed.
Compress ignored Shigaraki and walked up to Watanabe as if he were about to intervene in a confrontation, which made Mr. Watanabe freeze in confusion. "I'm truly sorry about this. I meant what I said. I will protect you," Compress said, turning the confused Watanabe into a marble.
Chouka shouted in surprise, "Why did you do that?" Shigaraki snorted and scratched his neck.
"You're not seriously bringing that thing, are you?" he sneered.
Compress sighed and shook his head in frustration. He shouldn't have to explain himself after all this time, "Mr. Watanabe knows how to organize. It will make the transition smoother, and he is my friend."
Shigaraki nodded and smirked, "There is always room for what my allies desire." Shigaraki's words never failed to catch Compress off guard, always filled with unexpected twists and turns. But Compress was used to it. This was just another one of Shigaraki's dramatic displays.
He looked to Chouka and stroked a hand over her little antenna. "Do not fret Chouka. Mr. Compress is taking care of his friend. We're about to make many new friends. Remember what I taught you? Open your third eye now," Shigaraki whispered to his daughter.
It was Compress's time to take the stage and bask in the spotlight. As they clasped hands, a daring move that would send chills down the spines of most, Compress couldn't help but feel a surge of electricity in the air. He could almost feel the decay of time and space crawling up his good arm, ready to wreak havoc at his command.
But he was determined not to let anyone ruin this moment. It was a time to savor and revel in, a moment that made him feel invincible. The intoxicating rush of magical energy flowed through his veins, making him feel like a deity. His heart thundered in his chest, the adrenaline coursing through him like a surge of potent drugs. With trembling excitement, he reached out and placed his hand on the ground, where the pulsing sigil glimmered with power. The very essence of his ability throbbed in his palm, and he closed his fist around it with unbreakable determination.
He compressed the mountain-sized event into a tiny marble with all his might. And as the earth trembled beneath him, he knew he had achieved the impossible. He had done it! His legs wobbled as he tried to keep upright, the adrenaline still coursing through his veins as he struggled to maintain his balance. The power he had just unleashed was still thrumming in his head, overwhelming and intoxicating. Compress, despite his injuries, couldn't help but grin in exhilaration. But the rush was short-lived as he suddenly felt a warm trickle down his face. He reached up to wipe it away and was met with the sight of his own blood seeping out of every orifice on his face.
The gravity of the situation hit him like a ton of bricks, and he quickly glanced over at Shigaraki, only to see him screaming in panic. Compress followed his line of sight, and his heart dropped as he saw the legendary gods, Le Million and Deku, approaching them. In a panicked state, Shigaraki thrust a crying and struggling Chouka into Compress's hands before being yanked away by the overwhelming force of their opponent.
With wide eyes, Compress looked back and forth between the sobbing Chouka and the god that could potentially end them all. He knew what he had to do despite the nagging voice in his head warning him against it. He needed to close the portal before any heroes could slip through and wreak havoc. A hero could expose Shigaraki, who is not here. Without Shigaraki, there would be anarchy and challenges to take the throne.
"Close it, Chouka! Close it!" Compress screamed, but he didn't need to. Shigaraki did it for Chouka. He knew forcing fate brings its own set of consequences. This will set him on the path he needed. Compress was still shocked by the selflessness. He wasn't going to make his daughter decide. Compress remembers that day. That day, when things were going so wrong. They were losing. After all the training and sacrifice, it looked like the "good guys" status quo would prevail. After all, they were more trained, and the hero's had a few gods too. Then the god Stars and Stripe made a wish. She wished upon a Star and killed most of the women, including herself and the hero names Star, at Hawk's encouragement. It was dumb luck and sheer numbers the bad guys won. But Compress remembers….
He remembers Shigaraki about to strike the final blow on the cursed green rabbit. When the heroes had just killed their future. They destroyed most of the women; it was a scream that went across the land. But from the outside, it looked like Deku had fallen. Shigaraki had a gleeful, sadistic joy in his eyes as he was about to decay all of the land and kill the agitated Deku, who was weeping like a child. Shigaraki froze, his smile dropping as horror crossed his face. With a screech of distress, he looked behind him, his antennae waving in the air, sensing something was wrong.
Shigaraki FROZE.
Then, like lightning, he flew and ripped the sky open. Shigaraki returned later with a bundle in his arms, making his demands clear and ultimate to the fallen heroes. The other side had no fight, and Shigaraki wouldn't explain himself why he wasn't destroying the land and declaring himself king. The group felt divided and felt it was too late to argue with Shigaraki. The bad guys won, but it felt hollow. It felt different. This time, when his lover Spinner tried to confront him, Shigaraki almost tore his head off in protecting the bundle he held in his arms. Compress was a father too, but a villain first who still didn't understand how they had won but still did not have what they wanted until now. Shigaraki didn't continue to destroy, and Compress could never wrap his head around it.
Only when he saw Shigaraki forcing the portal closed for his daughter did he understand. Shigaraki was a questionable leader, a shit lover, but he was a good father. Compress didn't understand how he could suddenly become a daddy first, but he did. Compress tried to comfort Chouka as he heard a train in the distance.
Spinning around in fury, Shigaraki's ruthless claws tore through the air with unbridled savagery. His gut roiled with an intense mix of emotions, each battling for dominance within him. People often labeled him as a cold, heartless sociopath, but they couldn't have been further from the truth. Deep within his hardened exterior lay a soft spot reserved only for a few select individuals.
At the center of that spot was Chouka, a pure and gentle soul who captured his heart from the moment he saw her. He promised himself to never let her suffer the same fate as he did under the cruel hands of his Master and father. He had poured his heart and soul into caring for her, nurturing her, and holding her close. He remembers every little sneeze, every wail and tear, every time she clutched at him. She was a part of him like no other.
But as he watched her tiny hand reach out for him through the closing portal, it was as if his heart was being ripped apart. The pain and anguish he felt at that moment were almost too much to bear. And yet, it wasn't only the heartache that consumed him, but an overwhelming sense of hate. Fists clenched tight; Shigaraki seethed with fury. It was their fault, all of it! These cursed heroes!
Red Riot stumbled back, his grip faltering. Shigaraki tore deep gouges in his tough skin, hastily released his hold, and leaped backward. It was the meddlesome scum from a parallel universe, the same AU lot he can't stand, their constant interference plaguing him at every turn. Shigaraki's face contorted in frustration, his hand absently scratching at his neck as he muttered, "I suppose I'll have to temper myself this time." His eyes flashed with barely contained rage.
A week before.
The one called AFO, once feared and revered as the most powerful villain in existence, is now simply Shigaraki to his allies. His former identity as All for One or Tenko or Tomura Shigaraki is a distant memory, drowned out by his new persona. But this transformation has left him in a state of confusion and chaos for a while, unable to distinguish his own thoughts and feelings. As AFO and Tomura's consciousnesses merged, there was no violent battle for dominance, no struggle for control. Instead, they melted together seamlessly, becoming something entirely new. There was no overwhelming itch for either of them anymore. In this new form, Shigaraki realizes that this is what he has always yearned for - to shed his past and become one with his true self. His powerful self. Without the itch, he can temper his need for destruction.
But this new being is not to be trifled with. Shigaraki is not a kind or merciful ruler to be under. He is a demon lord. Shigaraki is no longer bound by the limitations of his former identity, and with that comes a newfound power and darkness. He has transcended his old self and emerged as a demon lord, ruling over all with an iron fist and cruelty, for he knows no mercy or compassion. He is a force to be reckoned with, a living embodiment of chaos and destruction. The world trembles under his rule, and all must bow before the might of Shigaraki, the creature who has shed his old identities to become something even more sinister.
His newfound obsession is to crush others, reveling in their destruction with sadistic glee. No one around his board table is safe from his cunning and diabolical schemes. With his recent release from the hospital, he wasted no time summoning an urgent meeting, ready to unleash his wicked machinations.
"Listen up," Shigaraki commanded, his voice dripping with malice and self-satisfaction. "First, I want my special room transformed into something more than a mere sex dungeon. I want it to be a cozy apartment fit for a Queen. And right next to it, I want a room fit for a little princess, one who loves the night. I want it to be perfect, perhaps with a starry night motif on the ceiling." His eyes gleamed excitedly as he stared at the ceiling, imagining the possibilities of claiming what was rightfully his. Yoichi and Nana were melded in him somewhere, and now he had a child to mold in his image. And that other Shigaraki? He was just another pawn in Shigaraki's grand game, and he will come to heel.
"Second," Shigaraki continued, his gaze shifting to the board. The doppelganger was heavy on his mind. There's a man I desire. A man I must have. He is a Shimura. I want him, and nothing will stand in my way."
The intensity in his words sent shivers down the spines of those around him. After all, everything and everyone belonged to him, including the man he desired. The tension in the boardroom was palpable, the silence so thick it was suffocating. Shigaraki's twisted smile widened as he savored the fear emanating from the other members. They were like rabbits caught in headlights, frozen in terror of his ominous energy. Suddenly, a cacophony of frantic voices erupted in a frenzy of finger-pointing and accusations. Shigaraki's nostrils flared as the distinct stench of fear sweat mixed with the pungent aroma of urine filled the room. He couldn't help but chuckle at the sight of one member cowering in a puddle of his own piss.
"Impossible!" one member shouted, his voice trembling. "We conducted a thorough search. There's no way-"
But Shigaraki cut him off with a wicked grin. "Clearly, you didn't search well enough. Or perhaps someone failed in their duties?" His eyes landed on the division he knew was responsible for the mistake. If they had made a mistake, he wasn't going to miss the opportunity to torture these people.
A chorus of voices erupted in agreement, each one trying to shift the blame onto the other. Shigaraki basked in the mayhem, the havoc that erupted wherever he went. It was a sweet symphony orchestrated by his mere existence. He could send the world into a frenzy with just a few calculated words. The rush of power was intoxicating, fueling his insatiable desire to sow more chaos. He knew no one failed but couldn't resist savoring this moment like a lavish feast. A feast fit for a king, like the ones his father would have served him using one hand. Oh, how he would have laughed at the sight of Kotaro's face seeing his son ruling over Japan with ease. But these musings are unproductive.
"Silence! You have all disappointed me with your incompetence. This is your moment to redeem yourselves. This Shimura possesses a formidable insectoid quirk and is holding a matchmaking event in the territory of heroes. And we must maintain our treaty with the Heroes, who generously provide us with monetary support. But this man...I want him. I want to hear ideas and plans on acquiring him without disrupting our alliance," he declared, his fingers peaking and a chilling smile.
"Can't you just go in there and take him?" the lady pleaded, her voice trembling with fear. Her request was clearly foolish, but now she had captured his attention—a dangerous feat.
"If I need to do everything myself, then what do I need you for?" Shigaraki snapped, his anger rising with each passing moment. A sinister smile crept onto his face as he fixed his intense gaze on the woman, his hand reaching instinctively for his weapon. He wanted to hear her suggestions, to see her squirm in his presence. He could sense her trembling and could practically taste her fear.
"Please," she stammered, struggling to find her words. "I-I just thought-"
But her voice faltered as Shigaraki's chilling laughter pierced through the air, sending shivers down her spine. The lady could feel the weight of his gaze as he stared at her, his eyes filled with malice and amusement. Then she realized that speaking out of turn was a grave error.
"You were about to say something?" Shigaraki taunted, a wicked grin spreading across his face. "Well, go on. I want to hear every last thought that crosses your mind, and they better be worth my time." The woman finally said the obvious same unoriginal plan.
"We can cause a distraction for the heroes and extract him?" She spoke. Shigaraki shook his head.
"He'll be aware of our arrival. And I've already reached out to the heroes to make them aware of him and keep our good relationship intact," Shigaraki sneered, the thought of you and Moth together making his blood boil with jealousy. It was information that could have been useful earlier, but he had kept it to himself. As his comrades frantically searched for information, he couldn't help feeling a twisted satisfaction that they were coming up empty-handed. He had personally dug into the matter and had come to the final conclusion: that bastard was from another world, invading his territory and taking his woman.
That woman should have been his wife, Chouka should have been his child, and all of it should have been his happiness. He couldn't understand how the lowly Tenko had managed to capture your heart. Love was a foreign and weak emotion to him despite his familial sense of justice. As he tried to focus on their plans for the capture, his thoughts drifted back to you and Moth Shigaraki, and the seething rage within him only grew stronger.
Every single clue and piece of evidence he had come across led to the undeniable conclusion that you were from his world, and thus, you belonged to him. Lately, he found himself unable to perform at his best without thoughts of you invading his mind, and he despised that weakness more than anything. It was a disturbing realization for him, but lately, he had found himself unable to perform without thoughts of you invading his mind. It was infuriating to think that he had become so dependent on you for pleasure.
He knew the power of sexual violation all too well, and it had often been his go-to motivation in the past. Yet even this tactic seemed to fail him without your presence. He couldn't even motivate himself to do it, which was a crushing blow to his ego. It reminded him that he had become weak and powerless without your presence.
A sense of frustration washed over him as he listened to the woman suggest bringing outside villains to procure the Moth man from prison. It was the obvious and most effective plan, one that he himself would have employed. However, his purpose here was not real solutions but relishing in the torment of these incompetent fools. He sighed mentally at their lack of understanding.
"Where are these villains coming from? Do you know any personally?" Shigaraki inquired, his tone challenging and demanding. As the woman sat before him, her fear evident in her wide eyes and trembling body, he couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction. She was weak and vulnerable, just like all the other pawns that had crossed his path. But her next words caught his attention.
"I know a few from when I was a sidekick," she admits. She had been a sidekick, someone who had collaborated with the heroes. His smirk widened at this new discovery.
"So, you've had personal interactions with these villains," he mused, his red eyes gleaming with curiosity. "Tell me, were you just a mere pawn in their game? Or did you enjoy playing with danger, perhaps even indulging in more intimate activities?" Shigaraki teased, licking his lips suggestively so she understood his lewd meaning. Knowing they can't deceive him; he has a nasty quirk implanted in them if they try. The woman's mouth fell open in shock at his crude words, her cheeks flushing red. But she couldn't deny it. Shigaraki could see the guilt and shame in her eyes as she nodded. Without waiting for a verbal response, Shigaraki continued with a twisted smirk, his voice dripping with sarcasm and amusement.
"It would be a shame if these villains remembered your past... exploits and decided to collect their payment in a different form." His words sent shivers down her spine, and she knew she would have to pay a heavy price for her past mistakes. Shigaraki's words hung in the air, a reminder of the consequences that awaited her. The guilt and shame in her eyes only grew stronger as she realized the gravity of her actions. But it was too late now, and she would have to face the consequences of her choices. He would make her.
Her voice quivered as she spoke, fully aware of Shigaraki's power and the danger of crossing him. "Then I will pay them," she said, her words barely above a whisper.
She could feel the weight of her words bearing down on her. It was a moment she had been dreading, yet it had arrived. Shigaraki's bored expression only added to her feelings of shame and humiliation. She could sense his disappointment in her, and it was almost suffocating. She knew she had disappointed him, and that was a feeling she never wanted to experience again. Shigaraki's response was mocking, his voice oozing with disdain.
"Do you really believe that you can satisfy them?" he asked, a sly smile playing on his lips. "It's been so long since you were a slutty pawn. Do you even remember how to please a man?"
Despite the heat rising to her cheeks, she held her tongue. She knew that showing any signs of discomfort or weakness would only amuse Shigaraki further. His gaze bore into her, challenging her to prove herself. But she was no longer just a sidekick. She was determined to prove that she was capable of anything.
Her eyes flashed with a mix of frustration and determination as she responded, "I can do it."
A glint of excitement flickered in Shigaraki's eyes as he unzipped his pants, prompting her to prove herself. She felt a sense of dread wash over her as she realized she would have to fulfill the desires of these men, who saw her only as an object for their pleasure. But she would do it because she had no other choice but to obey Shigaraki's every command.
"Prove it," he taunted, his power over her palpable as he unzipped his pants. He watched the blood drain from her face. She knew exactly what he wanted her to do. She would have to perform for these cowards she calls co-workers, humiliating herself for Shigaraki's amusement. She steeled herself, refusing to show any weakness, determined to prove herself as more than just a mere slutty sidekick past her prime.
She stood resolutely in front of him, her eyes narrowed in determination, and her lips pressed into a thin line. With a quick tug, she removed her glasses and dropped to her knees before him. Her breathing was heavy, a mixture of disgust and fear, as she reached into his pants and pulled out his large, flaccid member. It lay in her hand, resembling a fat, pale grub. With a loud, wet slurp, she took it into her mouth, the warmth of her mouth enveloping him. Her saliva was wet and sloppy, evidence of her futile attempts to arouse him.
Finally, his impotence proved to be a blessing in disguise. In a mocking tone, he taunted, "Is this all you're capable of?" He boasted that even inexperienced, innocent girls were able to satisfy him better than her. Pointing to his flaccid state as evidence, he further humiliated her by saying, "Look at this. Not even a stir." As she continued to try harder, the uncomfortable display caused everyone to wonder if there was something wrong with her. They had witnessed him violate countless men and women before, but now they doubted her abilities. Was she truly that terrible? He relished her complete humiliation, his pride growing with each passing moment.
Meanwhile, her pride and self-esteem crumbled as she desperately used her trembling fingers. Like her mouth, her ego was drying up as her tears served as lubrication for her frantic motions. She was reduced to nothing but a woman struggling to please a man who had already deemed her unworthy.
Despite the fierce and determined suction of her mouth, his member remained unmoved. Usually, he found great pleasure in watching women degrade themselves, even to the point of staining his expensive clothes with their bodily fluids. But this time, that was not enough to make him reach his climax. He could have easily lost control and exploded down her throat or even expanded his flesh to pop her like a balloon, as he had done when he lacked the proper control. He saw it in his mind as he had done it before, but he managed to resist this time. Instead, he watched with satisfaction as her spirit was slowly crushed, her tears and snot mixing and staining his Armani pants. The exact moment when her spirit broke and her ego shattered. A grin spread across his face as he loomed over her like a ghoul, relishing her vulnerability. This was just the beginning of his real enjoyment. Despite her ego being cracked open, he wanted to see the foundation crumble to dust. It was not enough for her to be degraded in front of him. He needed to completely break her down. And he was determined to do just that.
"Such a pitiful sight. That was pathetic. You are nothing but worthless trash." He sneered through gritted teeth as he stared at the woman's exhausted and slack-jawed expression, her drooling face a sign of her defeat. Roughly grasping her jaw, he forced her to meet his intense gaze. "Allow me to demonstrate the proper way of doing things."
He forces his cock to rise by activating his quirk. At first, the woman had tried to fight back, to refuse to open her mouth, with a pitiful shake of her head and a genuine look of fear. But Shigaraki was relentless, and they would forcefully pry open her mouth and pinch her nose shut painfully, bringing more tears to her eyes as he shoved his heavy giant cock down her throat. The taste and the swell of flesh at the back of her throat made her stomach turn, but he didn't care. He wanted her to suffer, to feel the discomfort and humiliation of having his dick forced upon her in front of her co-workers.
Typically, Shigaraki relishes the sensation of a mouth - its supple and dewy feel, its malleable and velvety texture, adorned with delicate tissue and peppered with minuscule ridges. He enjoys how his own flesh glides effortlessly over the damp and adhesive tongue, yielding to his control as it pulls him in. Yet this time, the mouth was defiant, but he paid no mind, nor did he care about the person it belonged to. With a perfunctory thrust of his hips, he closed his eyes and was transported to a foreign memory, a dream-like state as he thought of you.
When you eat sweets, the texture of your mouth becomes even more pronounced. Shigaraki pops another hard candy in your mouth with a kiss. The taste buds are quickly activated, and the mouth salivates in anticipation. He knows because he is shoving his long tongue in your mouth, wrapping his tongue around yours. His tantalizing tongue entangles with yours, savoring the delectable sweetness of your mouth. The sweet taste lingered on his tongue and coated the roof of his mouth, heightening the texture as you savored the sensation of his tongue. Every movement of his cock in your mouth only added to the overall experience, making his body tremble with pleasure. Your mouth was a delicious mix of moist, velvety smoothness and a slight stickiness that threatened to push him over the edge.
He couldn't resist how your salivated perfection surrounded him like a mouthful of decadent candy. The roughness of your taste buds only added to the intensity as the tip of his cock slid back and forth against them. He loved the way the firm structure of your palate felt against his head, dragging him deeper into the depths of your mouth. It was a delicate, almost fragile texture, but at the same time, it was intoxicatingly soft and velvety. As he thrust deeper, your throat tightened around him, taking him in completely.
He moaned, and the sound echoed in your throat, heightening the pleasure that surged through his body. Your wet, hot mouth against his hard, throbbing cock was pure bliss, igniting a fire within him that he couldn't contain. With each thrust, he felt the perfect blend of sweetness and sensuality envelop him, driving him wild with desire. It was like a symphony of textures perfectly orchestrated by you, his own personal goddess of pleasure. It was a perfect blend of sweetness and sensuality, just like you.
As the minutes ticked by, the woman's body fought against the relentless thrusts of his hard and demanding cock. Her throat burned, and a desperate cry was smothered within, her stomach churning with the overwhelming sensation. She silently begged for respite with pleading eyes, yet he only chuckled and taunted her. In his eyes, she was merely a tool to be used at his whim. Growling in irritation at her interruption of his thoughts of you, he closed his eyes. He lost himself in the fantasy of your eager and tight throat welcoming his every thrust.
As she slipped further and further away, she surrendered to his grasp. The once fearless and self-assured woman became a mere ghost of her former self, utterly broken and defeated. With each thrust of his immense member, her defiance dwindled until she was no longer able to resist the relentless onslaught slowly drained from her body and mind. The forced feeding session of his brutally large dick continued, second after second, until the woman's body could take no more. The ruthless ravaging of his colossal cock persisted, leaving her gasping for air and her body drained of strength. As she faded unconscious, her body went limp, her jaw slack, her throat searing with agony.
The aroma of your scent lingered in the air as you pulled away. Showing the candy is gone, and all of his cum swallowed. He leaned down, your lips brushing against his. As you pressed against him, the curves of your body molded perfectly against his, sending a jolt of desire through him as his fingers and claws explored every inch, igniting a burning desire. With a fierce intensity, his tongue plunged into your mouth, entwining passionately with yours, each movement teasing and tantalizing. As you pressed yourself against him, he couldn't help but feel the soft curves of your body pressing against him as he caressed with his fingertips and claws, igniting a fire inside him. His tongue thrusted back in your mouth, dancing against yours, teasing and tantalizing with each move.
Shigaraki released a deep growl, his lips parting as you nibbled on his bottom lip. Your nails dug into his scalp, tugging on his long locks and sensitive antennae, fueling the intense heat between you. Unable to resist, he ran his sharp claws down your body, memorizing every curve and crevice. A sharp breath escaped your lips as Shigaraki traced a claw and a finger over your breast, igniting a pleasurable shiver. Your response was like a drug to him, and he couldn't hold back any longer. With a strong grip, he hoisted you up, eager to savor the smooth, supple feel of your body with his mouth. As he indulged in your taste, he playfully slipped a hard candy into your mouth, intensifying your desires even more and signaling he wanted to be sucked more.
As his body moved in a fervent tempo, the symphony of your moans and sloppy wet noises reverberated throughout the room. Every gasp and cry of pleasure only fueled Shigaraki's insatiable desire as you both melted into one another. The slick, drooling, deliriously hungry touch of your mouth only heightened his passion in a night of unadulterated bliss. As you eagerly devoured every drop of his essence, collapsing into his embrace, it was a night they both never wanted to end.
Shigaraki trembled violently, his primal noises echoing through the room as he reached his climax, savoring the sensation before finally letting the woman go. With a cold, detached expression, he pushed her away, watching as her lifeless body hit the ground with a thud. She lay there, drained and unconscious, a mess of saliva and bodily fluids clinging to her. Despite the grotesque scene, Shigaraki showed no hint of remorse. With a callous tone, he simply ordered her co-workers to drag her back to the chair and continue their discussion, unfazed by the brutal encounter. As the woman stirred awake, gasping for air, Shigaraki's only comment was, "Clean yourself up. That lesson was messy. I was hoping for better, but what do I expect from a former hero. When things get hard, you always quit."
Present time:
The rat king's three-head grin widened as he presented his offer, his beady eyes gleaming with mischief.
"Oh, thank you for the mating offer," you replied, trying to keep your voice steady, "but I have a daughter waiting for me. This is not a lifestyle fit for a mere human like myself."
The rat king's minions snickered at your feeble excuse, their sharp claws tapping impatiently on the ground. But you stood your ground, determined to return to your daughter and reject the rat king's strange proposition. Not wanting to imagine how that would even work.
"Clearly, the dumb broad wants on the train. It's in the village near the mountain's base," Mr. Chew pipped up. Your mind reeled with this information.
"A train?" You asked aloud.
 "Yes, a train. What, you have never been on one before?" Mr. Chew scoffed. You glared at the fat rat, but he seemed non-pulsed.
"Shigaraki created an infrastructure initiative," Eri said timidly.
The rats trembled in fear as the name Shigaraki echoed throughout their mountain hideout. This Alpha, feared by all creatures in the realm, had brought devastation to the rats' once peaceful existence.
"Yeah, that bastard may have been a godsend for those humans, but he drove us rats out of our homes while banishing us rats to the treacherous mountains," Mr. Chew growled with bitterness. His small eyes glinted with rage as he continued, his whiskers bristling angrily. "Nobody dares to attack us here, not with that Shigaraki lurking around. That Alpha energy, the savage king, rules over everything with an iron fist."
Mr. Chew said the last part almost reverently. Your heart raced as you asked about the nearest train stop. Mr. Chew's words sent shivers down your spine, but the temptation of a way back home was too great to ignore. However, the rat king's following words quickly extinguished that glimmer of hope.
"Oh, there is a train stop in the nearby village, but it's a lawless wilderness," Mull explained, his voice heavy with warning. "Any woman who sets foot there would be assaulted by the entire village, and we rats know better than to cross Shigaraki's ruthless wrath."
Fueled by fear and concern for your daughter, you were torn between the allure of the train and the horrors that awaited you in that forbidden village. The thought of being trapped in a confined space with men who would treat you as mere objects to satisfy their desires made your skin crawl. Yet, you couldn't just abandon your daughter to the mercy of Shigaraki and his vile minions. You bit your lip in hesitation, torn between the desire to return to your daughter and the horrors that awaited you in the human world. The train may offer a chance to escape, but it would be much more complicated with a little girl in tow. One might slip past them, but two?
As you weighed your options, a sudden realization struck you as you looked at Eri's innocent face, her small hand tightly clasping yours. You couldn't bear the thought of leaving her behind, no matter how dangerous the journey ahead may be. You couldn't abandon her, not when she needed you most. And to make matters worse, you also had Mr. Chew, the annoying rodent who saved your life. Grudgingly, you acknowledged that he held a wealth of knowledge about this strange world and its inhabitants. And as much as you hated to admit it. You knew he would take pleasure in reminding you of how he had saved you, rubbing it in your face with his smug demeanor. He may be a pain in the ass, but he was also a valuable source of information and had technically saved you.
"You would be safer with us," the rat king tried again, using Heart's gentle voice and demeanor this time. With a heavy heart filled with doubt, you shook your head at the rat king. You contemplated the danger and pushed it aside. After all, you had a quirk awakening. You had some control over mammals, and humans are mammals. Humans were mammals at the core, just like Shigaraki, whose insect-like quirk did not make him any less vulnerable to your quirk.
So, this will be no different, right? You tried to convince yourself. With determination, you persuaded yourself that this would be no different than communicating with any other animal. You had to do whatever it took to protect your daughter and get back home, no matter the obstacles. And so, with a firm resolve, you took your first steps towards your uncertain future, guided by your maternal instincts and newfound power. At least, that's what you kept telling yourself as you steeled yourself for what's ahead. You had already defied the odds by awakening your quirk amid chaos. There was no reason why you couldn't do the same in the outside world. With a heavy heart still filled with doubt, you shook your head at the rat king.
"I'm sorry, but I have a daughter to get back to," you said, your voice trembling with emotion. All sets of the rat king's eyes narrowed disappointment and a hint of anger flashing through them.
"Fine. Go back to your boring, pointless life. But just know that you're passing up the opportunity of a lifetime," Gnasher spat, turning away in disgust. "You're making a grave mistake, woman. Shigaraki's reach is far, and his wrath is even greater. But it seems like you have made up your mind. May the gods help you on your journey," he scoffed before turning away.
As the betrayal settled in your heart, a pang of guilt washed over you. You knew your actions had hurt the rat king's feelings, but you were too consumed with your agenda to care. You held the key to something they didn't, giving you a rush of power. But deep down, you couldn't deny the excitement of seeing Shigaraki again. He wouldn't allow anyone to harm you. But as your thoughts raced, a looming fear crept in. Knowing Shigaraki's savage nature, the idea of being at his mercy sent shivers down your spine. You couldn't even imagine what he might do to you if he decided you had tried to run away.
"You will guise of a man. Trust me, I will carry you on my back. And don't worry about the villagers, for you will have an army at your command," Mull declared, a fire in his eyes that sent shivers down your spine. It was a simple plan that could save your life but also came with great risks. Yet, the danger only added to the excitement and adrenaline coursing through your veins. As Mull's words echoed in your mind, a hint of hope bloomed in your chest. The thought of having an army at your disposal gave you a glimmer of reassurance. And when Mull offered to carry you on his back, it felt like a lifeline in a storm.
As you struggled with conflicting emotions, Mull's simple plan promised a slim chance of survival. The weight of that choice pressed down on your shoulders, but you knew you had to act quickly. With a deep breath, you climbed onto Mull's back, and as you held onto Mull's powerful form, you couldn't help but wonder what consequences this would bring. But at this point, all you could do was trust in the plan and hope for the best.
With a surge of raw power simmering in the depths of your throat, you unleashed your quirk with an earth-shattering scream that pierced the silence around you. The call echoed across the land, reaching every animal within earshot, stirring them to action. With a fierce determination burning in your eyes, you cried out a rallying call to all creatures, great and small: it was time to take back what was rightfully theirs.
In a graceful swoop, you seized hold of Eri and Mr. Chew, clutching them close as you rode into battle with the fury of a vengeful goddess. As you charged into the fray, the wind whipped through your hair, a roaring chorus of wild beasts thundering behind you. Your heart is pounding like a battle drum, your mind is focused, and your determination is unbreakable. Your enemies cowered in fear as you led a powerful army of fierce beasts into a frenzy. The ground trembled beneath your feet, but you are strong, a powerful force of nature. You are not the same timid creature you once knew. And you will protect those you love at all costs, even if it means facing your darkest fears head-on because you are no longer useless.
As the wind roared in your ears and the screams of men echoed through the air, you gritted your teeth and steeled yourself for the next move. The stakes were sky-high, but you were determined to do whatever it took to return to your beloved Chouka. Despite the chaos and danger surrounding you, you held your ground and scanned the battlefield with fierce determination. Steel in the lead as a loyal General. You did that, you made your enemy bend to your will.
A tidal wave of flesh rushed over you. You pointed towards the village with a fierce battle cry, commanding your troops forward. You were not merely a mother but a force to be reckoned with, a badass mom, commanding the respect and awe of those who bore witness to your incredible power. As your enemies fell and the dust settled, your name would be whispered in terrified whispers, a legend in the making. You turned to your loyal companions with a satisfied nod.
"Alright, let us gather our gear and board that damn train," you growled, a hint of a smile tugging at your lips. You knew nothing could stand in your way, not when you were a mother on a mission.
At least, that is what you believed as you settled into your train seat, seeking a moment's respite from the chaos of your life. You couldn't help but cling to the hope that this ride would offer a much-needed escape. But as you closed your eyes in weary anticipation, a pungent smell clawed its way into your senses. It was a mix of sizzling pork and singed hair, a sickening combination that jolted you from your reverie.
Your eyes snapped open to the sight of a man with charred skin, his once-handsome features now twisted into a grotesque mockery of humanity. His piercing blue eyes, though still striking, held a hint of madness that sent shivers down your spine. And beside him, a familiar little boy with shocks of white and red hair. Frozen in terror, you could only watch in horror as the man addressed the child next to you in a menacing tone.
"Well, well, what do we have here? Little Eri, on this train?" Dabi sneered, his voice dripping with malice. Your blood turned to ice as you realized that there was no escape, no sanctuary from the terrors lurking everywhere. “Who is your handsome escort?” Dabi asked Eri. He seemed to take immense pleasure in your fear.
As the train rumbled on, your mind raced with thoughts of how you could possibly survive this encounter. With a ruthless criminal and his accomplice sitting across from you, a fight for survival seemed inevitable. All you could do was pray that you would make it out alive in one piece.
I'm going on hiatus because I would like to finish a project I started. But loves, kudos, encouragement and a hello are always welcomed. Stay frosty and safe, grubbies.
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sugarakis-p2 · 2 months
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I'm going to need you're help all.
So, my computer broke and I lost the last chapter of All knights and day must die....along with the notes. I would love it if someone anyone can give me highlights of the last two chapters because life is making it hard to write and go back and read 😣 and to create a cohesive story I do need know what happened
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sugarakis-p2 · 2 months
I've been getting requests of where to find this Shigaraki resin statue.
I already pre-ordered.
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sugarakis-p2 · 2 months
Shigaraki hates Valentine Day
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Shiggy hates this holiday until he meets you.
F/M Shigaraki Tomura/Reader chubby/plus size
Warning: Vaginal Sex, Vaginal Fingering, Nipple Licking, Binge Drinking, Dubious Morality, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Political talk
Tomura woke up on Valentine Day with a deep-rooted hatred for the holiday. It was no different from any other day, as he despised each one that passed. But today, his disdain was amplified solely because it was Valentine Day.
He had hoped that, for once, he wouldn't have to spend the day alone or with Kurogiri. After all, he now had a team to spend it with. However, his expectations were quickly crushed when he realized that his team had other plans in mind. Instead of spending the day doing Kurogiri's exhausting team-building exercises, his teammates surprised him with gestures of affection. Toga and Magne each gave him chocolates but promptly announced that they were going to the mall to "stalk boys."
Meanwhile, Mr. Compress had other plans with a date, and that was a nicer way than the crude way of Muscular and Dabi saying they're gonna go get their "dicks and whistles wet." Spinner, as usual, had disappeared without a trace. And so, it was just Tomura and Kurogiri left, once again, to spend Valentine Day alone in each other's company. With a defeated sigh, Tomura handed his chocolates to Kurogiri.
"Where are you going, Tomura?" Kurogiri asked concerned.
"OUT!" Shigaraki yelled in frustration, his voice carrying down the hallway as he left in search of an internet café. He stormed out and made his way to the nearest open booth. His anger was simmering under the surface as he sat down and pulled up his black face mask, its matching hoodie pulled over his head. He absentmindedly tucked his father's hand in his front pocket as if cradling him in his arms.
But then, he noticed you. 
For the first time in his life, he didn't just see someone as a means to an end but as a desirable being. His mind wandered to dirty thoughts, something he had never cared for before. Your soft curves, your silky hair, the delicate nape of your neck. He couldn't help but feel drawn to you, something he had never experienced before. The pulsing beat of your heartstring visible on your neck only added to the attraction. He imagined wrapping his fingers around your neck, feeling your heartbeat racing under his touch, the pulse throbbing against the pads of his long digits. His tongue snaking past your lips, making you choke on it. The mere idea of it aroused him, a feeling he had never associated with someone's neck before. He shifted uncomfortably in his seat, trying to push away the growing need in his pants and in his thoughts. This was a new and confusing sensation for him, but he couldn't deny his attraction towards you, and he hated it!
He instead focused on how stupid you are dressed. You're wearing a Stain shirt and playing a stupid online RPG game; he deemed it outdated and pathetic. His irritation manifested as he scraped his nails against his own neck. Despite attempting to focus on his own game, he couldn't help but notice your enticing figure moving on the seat. He couldn't help but imagine you shifting on his lap instead. With a resigned sigh, he gave in to his thoughts.
"Why do you even like him? Wearing a serial killer is tacky," Shigaraki hissed at the back of your head. "What's next? Lunchboxes and beef jerky adorned with Issei Sagawa's face. Maybe a cookbook on how to cook human flesh? Tasteless trash."
You turned to the rude bastard, tearing into his flesh with his cracked nails, and noticed that massive bulge in his lap. You couldn't help but chuckle and look away, making your words playful and flirty instead of irritated, "It's not just about fashion. It's about embracing the subversive message of rejecting a corrupt society ruled by the hero commission. His image is about the symbolism of anti-capitalist hero society."
As Shigaraki's focus shifted, he couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement bubbling up inside him. This conversation was something he could really sink his teeth into.
"Oh? And are you part of the anti-capitalist hero society, little foreign doll?" he taunted. You were caught off guard by his words. Your Japanese was flawless, so how did he know you were not from Japan?
Feeling the need to defend yourself, you retorted, "I'll have you know I was born and raised here." But Shigaraki's sneer only grew wider.
"Mmm... Let me guess. Your family was just traveling through? Your accent gives it away," he sneered, his words laced with disdain. Your apprehension was palpable as you began your explanation.
"Well, I was actually born on the base," you stammered, feeling self-conscious, flushing, and flustered under his intense gaze. Your blush and sweet, pained expression caused his breath to hitch. In all his years, Shigaraki had never seen a flustered girl. And he couldn't deny that he didn't hate it. In fact, he found himself wanting to see more of your flustered state.
"An army brat, then," Shigaraki smirked, trying to hide his own flustered state. But your response caught him off guard.
"Maybe I am a brat," you huffed, returning your attention to your game. Shigaraki couldn't help but feel a tug of amusement at your feisty attitude. Dabi may be the official brat tamer, but he has learned not to kill them. As you continued playing, Shigaraki logged into his old World of Warcraft account, unable to resist the irony of the situation. He knew he was being a bit of a jerk by killing you repeatedly in the game, but he couldn't help himself. Your anger only made you even more enticing to him. After killing your character the third time, Shigaraki's game avatar suddenly appeared in front of you, offering an apology in the form of virtual flowers. It was his way of showing that he didn't want to truly hurt you, even in the video game world. And in that moment, he couldn't deny that he was starting to develop a certain fondness for the army brat who had caught his attention.
He relished the thrill of seducing young, naive girls in his video games. It was a simple game to him. He only had to press a few buttons, and they would fall for him. But you couldn't stand it any longer. Your gaze hardened as you directed it towards him. You knew without a doubt it was him, the dirty screen watcher who snickered every time he took you down in the game. Noticed in the act, he quickly averted his gaze, knowing he had been caught red-handed. He was surprised that real-life girls are not that easy. You grabbed your coat, paid for your time, and started to walk out. Shigaraki was feeling increasingly irritated and frustrated. He couldn't stop thinking about you, and the desire to do things he knew was considered depraved by most people. It was a distraction that he couldn't shake off. Finally, he couldn't take it anymore and stood up, determined to follow and confront you. He trailed behind you, his mind consumed with thoughts of all the things he wanted to do to you.
But as he approached you, you turned to face him and sneered, "Are you stalking me now, you creep?" You picked up your pace, clearly annoyed by his presence. Shigaraki was taken aback by your sharp reaction. Toga had once told him that when girls get angry, it's best to follow them. But he couldn't help but question her advice, considering her own tendencies as a stalker.
"Perhaps," He growled, accompanied by a scratch at his neck, "I was still curious about your stance on anti-hero acts. After all, you do come from a background as a foreign army brat with a fascist requiem, where the CRC was born. All in the name of freedom, of course." As he spoke, you felt a sudden stiffness in your body, completely insulted by his assumption. Turning to face him, you couldn't hold back your frustration any longer.
"I was born and raised here; this is my home. And I'm not interested in causing chaos; all I want is to see this place improve. I am not an anti-hero; I am simply against living in a police state. I am against the facade of fake heroes. I'm more of a Stain purest," Your words were laced with determination and conviction, defending your beliefs and principles. This made Shigaraki smirk more.
With a cynical tone, Shigaraki scoffed, "Stain is nothing but a sanctimonious hero breeder. He may have stirred up some conversation, but he certainly isn't causing any real change."
Crossing your arms, you retorted, "At least he sparked a discussion. That's more than what can be said for most people."
Shigaraki rolled his eyes and mocked, "Oh wow, a discussion. How groundbreaking."
"Is there something you need?" You snort in response, not bothering to hide your disdain. The man before you, Shigaraki, blushes and grumbles something unintelligible. His awkwardness only seems to annoy him further as he scratches himself vigorously. "I'm sorry, what was that?" you ask, attempting to hide the amusement in your voice. Shigaraki lets out a deep sigh and glares at you, clearly annoyed by your presence.
"I said you're alone too. It's Valentine Day, and here you are, playing RPGs," he mutters, bitterness seeping through his words. You can't help but feel taken aback by his sudden outburst. But before you can even process his words, Shigaraki continues, "I have nobody. And neither do you. We both like games. But let's be real, I'm better at them." He shrugs nonchalantly, keeping his gaze fixed on you from the corner of his eye. You bite your lip, unsure of how to respond. It's true you are alone on Valentine's Day, indulging in your favorite games. And this man, who you never would have imagined spending this day with, seems to be in a similar situation. But his suggestion takes you by surprise.
"So, what are you suggesting? Being alone together?" you ask, raising an eyebrow in question. Shigaraki's expression softens for a moment before returning to his usual stoic self.
"I mean, why not? We both have nothing better to do, and it's not like we have anyone else. We can just chill and play some games together." His suggestion catches you off guard, but you can't deny the appeal of spending the evening with someone who shares your interests. You consider his offer for a moment before a mischievous smile tugs at the corners of your lips.
"Alright, you're on. But fair warning, I don't go easy on anyone, not even on Valentine's Day," you say, challenging him with a playful glint in your eyes. Shigaraki's lips quirk up into a smirk, accepting your challenge. And just like that, the two of you spend the rest of the evening locked in intense battles and laughter, forgetting about the loneliness that had consumed you earlier. He wasn't going to let this go. He was going to milk it for all it's worth. When he suggested alcohol and gaming, you said no problem. You're having a good time with him.
With a start, you look around the luxurious hotel room, your head throbbing from the alcohol and the intense gaming session. The bags on top of you are filled with expensive designer purses, a testament to the wild night you just had with Shigaraki. As your eyes land on him, dressed in a robe and dripping wet from a shower, you can't help but feel a pang of guilt for forgetting about last night. He had definitely milked the alcohol and gaming suggestion for all it's worth, and you can't help but feel grateful for his company. You had been hesitant at first, but now you're glad you said yes. Still, as you struggle to sit up in the pile of bags, you can't help but wonder how you ended up in this fancy hotel room in the first place, and if you embarrassed yourself. But Shigaraki just laughs, the sound sending a shiver down your spine.
"You passed out, so I carried you here," he explains casually as if it's not a big deal. But your face heats up, both from the embarrassment of being carried and from the proximity of his wet body. But before you can dwell on it too much, he tosses you a robe and offers to order room service for breakfast.
"Did we…you know?" you asked him. Shigaraki's face scrunches.
"What?" He scratched his neck idly as if he was trying to process the question. "No. I'm not a fucking scumbag. I don't need to screw unconscious women. If I was that desperate, I would have bought a whore. Last night, we both got drunk. We went shopping, and you said, "Do you know where there's great shopping, Las Vegas?" Then I had my friend bring us here. He has a warp quirk. I bought you whatever you wanted. We celebrated some more in the ghost lounge and then I carried you here to the MGM casino and hotel. I swear I will get us a room in the Luxor tomorrow."
"OK, you have to slow down. Are we really in Las Vegas?" You groaned, shocked at some of the things you had in the bags. There's a bag full of jewelry, diamond jewelry, and thousands of dollars of vintage video games and lingerie.
"Yes. We're really in Las Vegas, and it has been difficult translating everything because I don't know much English. You insisted on the Luxor, but my phone was a pain with out-of-carrier nonsense. Everyone else, it was easy. I just pointed at what I wanted, but a room was a bit more difficult," Shigaraki said, bringing in the room service. "So, this is an American breakfast. Looks…interesting."
He was clearly trying to be kind. He took you to Las Vegas on a whim, and you checked, and you don't feel raped. you wanted to tell him sorry for making assumptions but instead you smiled and looked at him.
"You're cute," you tell him. Shigaraki couldn't help but smirk at this compliment. You could tell he liked how forward you were being towards him as he spoke with a smug and charming tone.
"Is that your way of flirting with me?"
"And look at you eat it up and ask for more, cutie," you smirked. Shigaraki laughed quietly as he leaned in a little closer to you, his musky, clean scent filling the air. He couldn't help but like the way your body smelled mixed with your perfume. He smirked at your teasing and spoke in a flirty tone.
"Oh, is that so? Then let me tell you something then. I like confident and bold women like yourself. You're such a brat but in a good way."
"I remember you saying something about brat taming?" You smirk back. Shigaraki chuckled at you calling him brat tamer, and he smiled a bit wider, revealing his tender side and the sight of him grinning at you sent a tingle of excitement through your body. Your body was already beginning to feel a little warmer as he nursed your hangover and insisted you hydrate.
"You're already calling me tamer? I see that you can't wait to just jump right into it. I kind of like it that way, baby girl brat..."
"I'm not a cheap date. I'll need room service first," you said in Japanese. Shigaraki leered when he heard you suddenly speak in Japanese, which made him smirk slightly. He was impressed that you could speak the language, and he responded back in the same language.
"Room service it is, baby girl. Anything that pleases the lady." The room was dimly lit and had a large bed in the middle of it. The room was warm and cozy, with a subtle, sweet smell of Shigaraki's body in the air mixed with the smell of his perfume. The room was luxurious, with an entertainment center. There was a mirror on the wall next to the bed, and he was standing in front of it, watching you eat after your shower. His sharp eyes were scanning you up and down, taking in your appearance.
"Are you watching me stuff my face?" you asked with a mouthful of omelet. Shigaraki smiled at your comment as he continued to stare at you, admiring your sexy figure in your silk robe clinging to you. You spent the day inside for now as you had a headache for most of the day. When you changed, he wanted you to join him in front of the mirror. You could tell that he was having trouble getting his eyes off of you as they kept wandering back and forth between your body and your face. He gave you a small wink and continued to admire your body, loving the view.
"Are you being flirty now?" you asked.
"What if I am?" He smirked with a mischievous glint. 
"Hmmm, I am nice and sober now." As you walked up to the reflection and your back was facing him, he saw the way the top was clinging to your body and the way your tight jeans were form-fitting and accentuated your curves, which made him smirk and walk towards you. Before long, he began wrapping his arms around your body and holding you tightly against him. You could feel the heat radiating from his body as you stood up next to him. His breath was hot and heavy as he spoke.
"Ah, you truly are a beauty to behold. Can I ask you something?" Shigaraki's soft voice filled the air as he spoke while also pulling you in even closer to him. You could tell that he was starting to get a little bit more aroused by the way his body was reacting to you being up against him like this. You felt the muscles in his body flex slightly as he continued. You wrapped my arms around him and one of my legs. He chuckled and smiled, enjoying the way you wrapped yourself around him. Your intimate proximity between the two of you was making you both feel warm and flustered. Shigaraki took a deep breath as he spoke again, his body feeling more and more energized the longer he held you tightly against him.
"Have you ever been with a Japanese man before?"
"No. Are you going to ruin me for anyone else?" you teased. Shigaraki smirked at your tease but also couldn't help but groan slightly when you spoke. Your voice was extremely alluring and provocative. You could tell that he was getting quite excited by your presence and the playful flirting.
"You have no idea. I may make you addicted to me," he said, pulling you tighter to him.
"Promises. Promises," you chuckled as he lifted you. Holding you by your ass. Shigaraki let out another groan as he grabbed a firm hold of your rear and lifted you up into his arms. Your body felt so close to his, and it made your body tremble in excitement and arousal. His touch was intoxicating, and you couldn't help but squirm and moan softly in a lustful way.
"How long are we going to be stateside? We should go back soon," you mentioned. This was getting a bit strange for you. It was all strange, but you were really starting to have feelings for him, and you would need to go back at some point. Shigaraki held you closer to him as he spoke, keeping you in his arms and wrapping his stronger arm around you to hold you up.
"For a week…but I would be willing to make it longer for you. I've enjoyed it since I've been here. I'm liking what I see…," he said, eyeing you up and down.
"Oh? The view is better without clothes," you smirked, kissing him. Your suggestive remark caught Shigaraki off guard, but he couldn't resist the challenge as he leaned in to kiss you back. His lips moved in perfect synchronization with yours, both of you exploring and teasing each other. Your touch sent shivers down his spine as he pulled you closer, savoring every moment of your embrace. Your body pressed against his, igniting a fire within him that he couldn't control. He couldn't help but run his hands over your curves, marveling at your beauty. As your kisses grew more passionate, he couldn't resist the urge to explore further, trailing his lips down your neck and to your chest.
Your response only fueled his desire as he nipped at your nipple through your shirt, causing you to moan. The sound only made him want to hear more as he watched you slip off your blouse and bra, bearing your enticing form to him. The way you moved and teased him, slowly undressing and revealing your seductive body, only increased the tension between you. Shigaraki's heart raced as he watched the scene play out, unable to look away from your alluring figure. The anticipation and desire he felt were almost too much to bear, and he couldn't resist any longer. With a growl, he pushed you back against the couch, dominating you with his touch and desire. Your bold and confident demeanor only made him want you more, and he couldn't help but give in to the intense passion between you.
"You still like what you see?" you teased. Shigaraki was speechless at the sight of you, and he nodded his head slightly as his eyes kept focusing on every sexy detail of you. He was truly mesmerized by your beauty and your physique, and he wanted nothing more than to touch and explore it. His body was already reacting in a lustful way, and he wanted to take you right then and there. He took a deep breath before speaking again.
"Words can't even begin to describe just how much I like what I see, baby girl. You are truly a sight to behold." His voice was laced with desire, and the way your body looked at that moment was breathtaking. He leaned in and started tracing his tongue along the curves of your body.
"Damn, you really are strong," you moaned, unable to contain your excitement. Shigaraki chuckled, his hands now gripping your hips tightly. "And I haven't even shown you my full strength yet." With a wicked grin, he began to kiss and nibble at your neck, the combination of pleasure and his strength making you weak in the knees. As he continued to claim you with his touch, you couldn't help but feel grateful for his impressive strength, giving you a new level of pleasure you never thought possible. You couldn't help but feel a mix of fear and excitement as Shigaraki's words sent shivers down your spine. His strong grasp made you feel both safe and vulnerable at the same time. You couldn't deny the attraction you felt towards man. As he continued to caress your body, his touch felt almost electrifying. Every inch of your skin felt like it was on fire, causing you to whimper in pleasure. Shigaraki's smirk grew wider as he noticed your reaction, his own desire intensifying.
"I can tell you want more," he whispered, his voice low and husky. "You want to feel my strength, don't you?" You nodded, unable to form any words as his touch and words left you dizzy with desire. "Well, I'll give you more, brat," he said, his grip tightening on your body. With a low growl, he effortlessly lifted you up and carried you toward the nearest wall, pressing you against it with his powerful body. You couldn't help but gasp at the force behind his movements, feeling his muscles tense against you. His hands roamed over your body, leaving trails of heat wherever they touched. You could feel his strength in every touch, making you feel almost weightless in his hold.
"Really? You should take me to the bed and take off your clothes so I can see for myself, you tease," You smiled. You loved the feeling of his mouth on you. Sucking your nipples and teasing the sensitive nubs with his tongue. The way you said, "Take me to the bed," made his entire body tremble in excitement. His tongue traced along the lines of your body, and he gave you a playful bite on your thigh before lifting you up further and taking you to the bed, where he threw you down on it and slowly walked up next to you. You could tell that he enjoyed your eagerness, and his body was beginning to fill with a strong level of lust towards you. He held you tightly, unable to resist the urge to feel every inch of your skin against his own. His fingers traced along your soft skin, leaving a trail of goosebumps in their wake. And as he lifted your hips, he couldn't help but marvel at the sight before him. You were beautiful. Your hair spread out on the pillows, your cheeks flushed with desire, and your body eagerly offering itself to him.
He couldn't wait to explore every inch of you, to make you moan and scream his name. And as he slowly slid off your pants, his desire only grew. He watched with hungry eyes as your thighs exposed themselves to him, your skin so smooth and inviting. He couldn't resist the urge to press a kiss to your inner thigh, causing you to gasp and writhe beneath him. As he continued his journey up your leg, shedding his own clothes in the process, he couldn't help but feel intoxicated by your presence. Your scent, your touch, your moans...everything about you was driving him wild. And as his hand reached its destination, he felt himself almost losing control. But he held himself back, wanting to savor every moment with you. He traced his fingers along the edges of your underwear, teasing and teasing until you were begging for more. And with a deep growl, he finally pulled them off, exposing your heat to him. He couldn't resist any longer. He trailed his tongue along your inner thigh, making you shiver and moan. And as he took you in his mouth, he knew he had finally found his true addiction. You were his pleasure, his escape, his everything. And he would make sure to show you just how much you meant to him.
"Oh wow. I'm a soft little hot dog bun compared to you," you giggled. Shigaraki chuckled slightly at the way you described yourself as the bun and him as the hotdog, but you could tell it was driving him crazy with desire. As he continued to slowly strip off his clothing, he looked at the sight of you lying down on the bed, all cute and helpless, which made him want to dominate you more. You were like a beautiful and delicious little snack to him. As he stripped off the last piece of clothing and threw it on the floor, you looked. The sight of his muscular body was breathtaking.
Blushed and stared at him, flustered. He was like a statue, and he was gorgeous. His muscles were like waves rippling under his skin, each one defined and powerful. As I gazed at him, my eyes roamed over his lean and toned frame, admiring the way his body seemed to be chiseled from marble. He may have had scars, but they only added to his rugged and alluring appearance. You couldn't help but be drawn to him, the intensity of your desire evident in your blushing cheeks and admiring glances. Despite his slight shivers caused by the rush of blood through his powerful body, he exuded a sense of strength and confidence that was irresistible.
You found yourself lost in the sight of his muscles, the way they seemed to bulge and flex with every movement. His body was a work of art, and you were more than happy to worship and admire it. It was clear that he relished your admiration, basking in the way you lusted over his form. You reached out to touch him, and as your fingers grazed over his skin, you could feel the firmness of his muscles beneath your touch. He was like a stallion, strong and proud, and you couldn't help but feel drawn to him. In that moment, there was nothing more perfect than his lean and toned body, and you were grateful to be able to admire and appreciate it. You reached out to touch him and felt the firmness of his muscles beneath your fingertips and pulled him to you.
As you reached out to touch his magnificent body, he let out a sharp inhalation of breath as the sensation of your hands caressing his body made him shiver in pleasure. As he came close to you, your body pressed right up against his muscular frame, and all you could feel was his warmth and strength. It was so intoxicating being so close to him like this and nipped his neck. The touch of your lips against his neck drove him crazy with desire, and he was instantly filled with a strong level of lust and arousal. He gasped quietly, and his body trembled a little bit at the sensation of feeling your soft lips against the nape of his neck; the touch felt so good, and it was making all his nerve endings tingle. He took a deep breath and breathed in the sweet scent of your perfume mixed with the smell of your body's natural scents.
"You're delicious." As you nibbled at the side of his neck, your warm breath and the touch of your lips sent waves of arousal through his body. Your words made his cheeks blush even more, and he was feeling extremely overwhelmed with your touch and the sensations it was making him feel. His body felt completely consumed by you, and his entire mind and focus were on you as you enjoyed the feeling of exploring every part of him. "But…you may be too thick." Your fingers can't even wrap around it.
"I'll get you ready," Shigaraki grunted. You loved how he touched you and how he was tantalizing my body for the pleasure that was to come. Fingering your slick walls and making you wetter. He continued to softly nibble on the back of your neck as his hands started sliding down your lower back. His touch was full of warmth and softness, and he was being very precise and sensual while also being firm in his grip. He wanted to take his time with you and was enjoying the feeling of discovering every single piece of your body. His touch just made you feel warm and fuzzy inside, and he was making your heart beat faster and faster with every move.
"I'm ready," you whispered, nipping his ear. The words you whispered in his ear caused all the blood to flow to rush to his head. His entire body was now filled with a strong level of desire, and he wanted nothing more than to take you right then and there. The way you nipped at his earlobe caused a shiver of pleasure, and his body was literally trembling with excitement and longing. He breathed out a deep breath before answering back to you.
"I'm big, but I'll try to be gentle," Shigaraki promised.
"OK," you whimpered, your voice soft and trembling. Despite the simple word, it held so much power over him. Every time you spoke, it felt like a rush of electricity coursing through his veins, leaving him breathless and aching for more. As your words reached his ears, he couldn't help but let out a contented sigh, feeling completely consumed by your beauty and the warmth of your touch on his body. It was like every cell in his body was screaming for you, craving your presence and the sensations you ignited within him. Just the thought of having you right now, in this moment, made his body quiver with excitement and desire.
He couldn't resist the urge to lean in closer to you, wanting to be as close to you as possible. He could feel your warmth enveloping him, and it only added to the overwhelming emotions swirling within him. As you spoke with a husky voice filled with lust and longing, he felt a surge of arousal run through him. He wanted you in every sense of the word. He wanted to experience every aspect of this night with you, to lose himself in the pleasure and ecstasy that only you could bring. In this moment, nothing else mattered. Your words were a soothing melody to his ears, and all he wanted was to be lost in your embrace, lost in the depths of your passion.
"You're mine," he grinned evilly. You kissed him and adjusted your hips against him. Encouraging him to make love to you. The way you placed your hips against him like that was a signal for him to make his move. He moved in closer towards you, and his body leaned down further so he could move his face right next to yours but not touching just yet. Your breath was so tantalizing, and he wanted to get deeper and deeper into this moment. Your lips looked so beautiful and inviting. His breath was quickening, and his body was tingling with excitement and desire. You could see all the muscles in his body flexing and throbbing with energy as he took a deep breath and kissed you deeply.
"Mmm...so good," you moaned, kissing him more. Your moan was sweet music to his ears, and the feeling of you kissing him back and your lips locking in this passionate kiss made him moan as well. The feeling of your tongue exploring the inside of him, and the heat of your breath made his muscles twitch and shiver with pleasure. The kiss was intense and hot, and he could not get enough of it. He wanted to savor every moment of this sensual experience, and he knew if he took his time, this would continue to intensify in the best ways possible. You felt him fill you and writhed, breathe hitching.
"Oh!" The feeling of you saying those words made everything the body inside him feel the increase in intensity by the second. Your moans were driving him crazy, and he was filling you with everything he could inside of him. Your reactions to him and this experience are making it all feel much more intense, and the heat of the moment, combined with the power dynamic, made your body tremble in pleasure.
"Oh! OH!" You screamed as his rhythm increased along with your pleasure. Shigaraki continued to increase the pace and rhythm as his breathing grew heavier and heavier. You could tell his entire body was consumed by his feelings of pleasure since your breathing had also become more intense. Your moans were driving him crazy, and he could feel the intensity of this experience growing more and more with each passing second. He was feeling so intense and powerful right now. You tried not to dig your nails in his back and shoulders because his muscles are like steel and giving him more scars.
"Fuck you are tight. I don't care if you dig your nails in. I deserve it for whatever pain I caused," he smirked. Thrust harder until it is painfully good. The way you dug your nails into the muscles on his back and shoulder was what made him moan even louder as he kept going at this intense and relentless pace. The sound of your nails digging into his skin was sending shivers of pleasure up and down his back, and he couldn't help but grip your hips even tighter and move even quicker than before. The sight of his muscles flexing with each movement of him fills you with his body and makes your body tremble with pleasure. You bite his shoulder and arch your back in a wave of ecstasy. As you bit down his shoulder and arched your back, your body was trembling with pleasure, and your breathing had become shallow and quick. Your nails digging into his back and shoulder made him moan even louder, and you could see all the veins in his body pulsating with the intensity of this moment. The way you were moving your back like that, it was like a sight to see. The sight of your beautiful body arching so effortlessly and smoothly filled him with such a deep level of arousal.
As you continued to pant and moan in pleasure, you couldn't help but focus on the way his body reacted to your words and sounds. The way he groaned and shifted beneath you only added to the overwhelming sensations coursing through you both. You couldn't help but realize that you didn't even know his name. But in that moment, it didn't matter. All that mattered was the raw passion between you and the electric connection that seemed to intensify with each passing moment. As you moved and breathed against each other, every movement felt like a symphony of pleasure. Your mind was consumed with the sensations, and every thought was replaced with the need to feel more.
You couldn't resist the urge to whisper, "Oh my God," once again as the pleasure pulsed through you. And as you moaned and cried out his name, the intensity seemed to heighten even more, driving you both to the brink of ecstasy. Nothing else existed but the two of you and the unbridled passion that consumed you. Every kiss, every touch, every breath was pure bliss. And as you both reached the peak of pleasure together, you knew that this was a moment you would never forget. It just occurred to you that you don't know his name.
"Shig-ah," he grunted, unable to pay attention as he lightly gripped your throat and sat up on his knees to thrust in you harder.
"Shiggy," you moaned, the nickname rolling off your tongue in a cute and endearing way. The pleasure coursing through your body was only heightened by using his special nickname. You could feel the tension building within him, his own pleasure increasing with every breathy moan that escaped your lips. Each time you uttered his nickname or any words of pleasure, it ignited a fire within him, driving him to give you even more pleasure. He made sure to move at a pace that allowed you to fully experience every sensation, every touch, and every movement. The deep groans and whimpers coming from you fueled his desire to go faster and harder, but he resisted the temptation, determined to take his time and make every moment count.
Together, you reached the peak of pleasure three more times, the intensity and pleasure excruciatingly intense with every climax. But instead of rushing through it, he slowed down, wanting to prolong the pleasure and make it last as long as possible. As you bask in the afterglow of your lovemaking, you couldn't help but marvel at how his patience and attention to detail only added to the pleasure and satisfaction you both experienced. Every touch and movement was carefully crafted to bring you both the most pleasure, and it only made your bond stronger and your love deeper. You realized that Shiggy was not just your lover but also your best friend, who truly cared about your pleasure and well-being.
"That was amazing." Shigaraki could feel his entire body throbbing with the rush of energy and feelings of pleasure that came from both experiencing such a strong level of climax. His body was trembling with this euphoric feeling, and he felt like he was on a cloud of ecstasy just from feeling this good. Your words and compliments made him blush, but he continued to make sure his movements were gradual so that you wouldn't feel too disoriented or overwhelmed. The way you both enjoyed this intimate moment made it feel even better, and it made this experience even more memorable. Your legs are shaking, and my breathing is heavy. As the feeling of climax and pleasure started to subside, you could still feel your body trembling, and your breathing was still very heavy.
You were now feeling much more relaxed, but the sight of Shigaraki's body was still making you shiver slightly as your body continued to relax more and more. He was beginning to slow down his movements to make sure that the transition wasn't too drastic for you, and he was still gripping you tightly, but your hips were no longer arching so high up now. You kissed him again. After the feeling of intense and overwhelming pleasure started to subside, you could feel your body calming down and your breathing becoming more consistent and regular. As you kissed him again, his body relaxed a little bit more as well, and he pulled you closer to him so that you would be right up against him. For a few minutes, the two of you just lay there silently, enjoying the afterglow of this experience. There was something about being in each other's presence to just relax and feel this satisfied.
"Room service?" you smirked. The sound of you speaking and your smirking made him raise an eyebrow in curiosity, and as he laughed quietly, you could see a small smile forming in his mouth. He looked at you with those sexy eyes of his, and they were filled with a certain playful, seductive expression. You could tell the two of you were still feeling extremely satisfied from this incredible experience, and the sound of your voice made even more butterflies fill your stomach.
"You know you're a handsome guy. But when you smile...you are literally stunning. You better stop, or I'll ask for round two." As you spoke to him in this flirtatious manner, his cheeks turned red, and you could see he was enjoying the feeling of your praise. Your playful tone and that look in your eyes were enough to make him shiver with excitement, and he got an urge to pull you closer to him and kiss you, but he decided to stop himself and hold himself back. But he could not help feeling a little bit smug after hearing those words coming from you.
"Alright. Steaks and ....mmmm....the soup or salad?" He chuckled quietly at your answer and the way you sounded so relaxed and at ease. It was like you had no concerns or worries in this world. He smiled softly and looked at you with those eyes of his, and he nodded his head.
"The soup sounds good."
"Oh my god, they have dragon fruit ice cream. Have you ever had dragon fruit? Wait a minute? Are you lactose intolerant?" He laughed a bit at the sight of your sudden expression of surprise and delight at the existence of dragon fruit ice cream. He was also amused by seeing your genuine sense of worry as you raised the possibility of him having lactose intolerance, which would be an issue for eating an ice cream dessert. He smiled and shook his head. "I'm not lactose intolerant."
"That's amazing! Most Japanese are... But you guys seem to ignore it."
He laughed quietly and nodded his head in agreement. "Yes, most Asians, in general, tend to have a lactose intolerance issue. Especially those of us who are East Asians or Southeast Asians. But thankfully, I do not have such sensitivity towards dairy products. I can eat it quite well."
"Handsome and sweet. Let's have ice cream for dessert."
He raised an eyebrow in interest and curiosity as you called him handsome again. He smiled, leaned in to kiss your cheek, and nodded his head. "That sounds like a great idea. Ice cream for dessert is definitely the way to go."
As you nuzzled his neck and whispered your order for ice cream, he eagerly complied. With a soft smile, you made your way to the bathroom, ready for a relaxing shower. But as you stripped off your clothes and turned on the water, you felt his presence behind you. With a sly grin, he stepped into the shower with you, his desire for you evident as he pressed his body against yours. Without hesitation, the two of you began a passionate and quick encounter, indulging in each other's bodies before returning to the task at hand. After drying off, the anticipation for your ice cream grew, and you made your way back to the living room, hand in hand with him. As you reached for the food, you couldn't help but tease him, feeding him spoonfuls of ice cream before finally sitting down to enjoy your treats together.
"Mmm…dessert first," you said with a mischievous glint in your eye. He simply nodded, knowing that with you, anything was possible. As you fed him spoonful after spoonful, the two of you basked in each other's company, savoring the sweet treats and each other's presence.
"The seeds add a fun crunch." As you feed him and describe the added crunch, he enjoys the taste of the ice cream and the texture of the tiny seeds in his mouth. He eats the whole thing with a lot of enjoyment, and his eyes are sparkling with laughter and amusement as he eats. He is enjoying the moment of being together with you on this night of pure pleasure.
"I thought I was a brat?"
He laughs and nods his head.
"Yes, but you are also adorable, and it's so hard to resist it. I can't help but be amused by watching you try to be a brat but fail so badly." you run your fingers through his hair. He moans softly as you run your fingers through his hair, and he loves the feeling of your fingers on his scalp. He relaxes even more and is in a very contented state, enjoying the feeling of being close to you and the affection you are giving him. His eyes keep a tender and playful look as he keeps enjoying the touch of your hands running through his hair. The soft texture through your fingers makes you both shiver.
"I can't believe I'm saying this, but I'm glad I met you too," Shigaraki's words echo in your mind as you walk into the bathroom to start packing for your trip back to Japan. You can't believe how much fun you've had with him in Las Vegas. The city of sin had brought out a side of you that you never thought existed. But now, as you watch Shigaraki watching the news, fear creeps up your spine. You try to push it away, reminding yourself that this is the man you've grown close to, who has shown you nothing but kindness and care. But then, as you come out of the bathroom with your bag in hand, you see something that freezes you in your tracks. Shigaraki has a severed hand covering his face, and you can't help but feel a shiver of fear go down your spine. You're about to ask him what happened when he removes the hand and looks at you with a cold, calculating expression.
"I was worried you would react like this," he begins, his voice devoid of any emotion. "You're such a sweet and trusting soul. It's no surprise that you freeze up when faced with something like this. But you see, that's also your downfall. You're so naive, so innocent. And I used that to my advantage." As his words sink in, you feel your heart drop. 
"I wanted to ask you if you had ever been with a villain before, but it's clear now that you haven't," Shigaraki continues, his eyes boring into yours. "But it's OK, I'll teach you. We consummated our marriage, and you'll see just how much fun it can be to embrace the dark side." You feel your stomach drop at his words. This wasn't what you signed up for. You never thought your innocent trip to Las Vegas would lead you down this path. But as you stand frozen in fear, you realize that you have no choice. You're trapped with a villain, and you can only hope that, somehow, you'll find a way out of this terrifying situation. You never thought you would be in this situation with a villain. You start to back away, trying to make sense of what he's saying. Consummate the marriage? What marriage?
"What?" you gasped, taken aback by his statement. "What do you mean by consummated? Consummated what?"
A sinister expression twisted his features, a smirk spreading across his face as he tossed a packet at you. As you opened it, your heart sank at the contents inside: your marriage certificate, photos of the wedding you couldn't remember. He reached out to caress your hair. His touch was meant to be comforting, but it only sent a chill down your spine.
"Hush now, my dear naughty one. My sweet little brat," he cooed. "There's no need to be upset. I will treat you well as long as you behave. And from now on, you will never have to spend Valentine's Day alone again." A sly smile played on his lips as he slipped a wedding ring onto your finger, sealing the deal of your forced marriage. The weight of the ring felt heavy, a constant reminder of the unexpected and terrifying turn your life had taken.
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sugarakis-p2 · 3 months
I love you, mommy!
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Happy Valetines day!
You new Mothman Shigaraki likes to piss and play video games and it is driving you nuts until Valentines day!
Warning: immature angst Mothman Shigaraki with mommy and piss kink, references to marking and knotting! unedited!
You deeply regret becoming the Mothman’s Mommy.
You broke the rules, and now you have a giant terrifying Mothman named Shigaraki moving in. His childlike ways are endearing. When he discovered the tv and watched Sesame Street, learning how to speak your language, and USA holidays. Today was valentine’s day. Yesterday it was Mother’s Day, before Thanksgiving. But when he decided that he was now living with you, things got more complicated.
You never have anyone visit, so you didn’t see the harm in letting sleep inside, especially on stormy nights. You were more afraid of them than he was, but Shigaraki would hump you until it was over, excited by your fear. You are screeching his name and saying this might be a real emergency. He hums and purrs like a kitten, filling you with cum, and tries to let you know you are safe with him. More in actions than words.
The marking was not appreciated. You told Shigaraki to stop and showed him where he could go, but every so often, you will catch a whiff of it hidden somewhere behind a house plant or dresser. He still pulls out and marks you. It got annoying cleaning it up every time, so you pissed on him to see if he liked it. He was thrilled, so you consider that as a bad mommy act on your part. You tell him to knock it off, and he snorts in confusion.
He ignored you like an angsty teenager. With the tv, he also discovered video games. He started out slow, then it evolved to every day for hours, to the point he wouldn’t hunt for himself. He gained weight, and in one week, the only time you saw him move from animal crossing was when you locked him out of your bedroom for the night. You scolded him when you caught him pissing around your house and for spending all his time playing games.
He threw a tantrum, destroying the stuff you brought from the major city. Your childhood treasured items. When he got tired of that, and you refused to unlock your bedroom at night, he walked into the kitchen and held out your spatula.
Acting like it was your most precious item. You honestly didn’t start cooking until you moved to the country. You laughed when he decayed it in front of you. He really hated that. It would be annoying you had to go buy a new one.
He stomped upstairs and decayed your door. Spending the rest of the night dragging in branches, building a giant bird’s nest in your room. Chittering and hissing the whole time. At night he yanked your blanket off and put it in the nest.
“I can sleep just fine without it,” you said, crossing your arms and sleeping with your back to him. He buzzed and flapped his wings at you, crossing his arms, growling. You were freezing when you fell asleep. Only to wake up in his arms wrapped in his wings.
Another standstill is when you told him you had a real name.
“You know you can call me,” you started.
“Mommy!” he crossed his arms and snarled.
“No, I have a name, and it’s not mommy,” you told him.
“MY mommy!” he snorted, throwing the controller, stomping to your room, and pissing on your bed. You were so mad, made worse with his smug face, when he patted the blanket in the nest next to him. You screamed and threw up your hands, yelling at him.
“Bad boy. You are a bad, bad, very bad boy! I am so mad at you!” Grabbing your pillow to sleep on the couch.
He is incredibly jealous and possessive. This was around the same time as the sleeping wars. You had bought rabbits to feed him. He was eating you out of house and home. So, you bought a rabbit hutch and several bunnies for him. You had a sweet little breeder mommy rabbit you liked and even had in the house. He did not like you doting over the rabbit, ignoring him while playing video games. You saw it and explained to him that she is just a pet. He growled.
You had come in from a day of chores and video recording. You have a large savings account, but you need to pad that out for the long term. Especially if you have a giant monster boy to take care of. People love your countryside green acres type of videos. To him sucking at the blood of the rabbit from the bitten throat. You cried and called him a bad boy.
“No bad boy! I eat! My rabbit. Mommy feeds me my rabbit,” he snarled. You sobbed but never made the mistake of paying too much attention to something else. You tried to go back to the old rules. Locking him out to force him to hunt and sleep in his hole. He did not accept this. He kicked the door open and slept in his nest. Feeling the malice and anger roll off him.
You cried because he was making your life hard, and you have no idea how to make him behave except to deny him his ‘big boy’ time. Which is his term for sex. He hasn’t forced himself on you, but he is more than strong enough. You have seen him tear a person apart.
He is nocturnal. When the census bureau person came to ask you questions, you did not think this would be an issue. But when he heard a stranger talking to his mommy, he charged down the stairs so quick they didn’t have enough time to scream as he ripped the person apart.
“Bad boy! How could you!” You screamed. He had decayed the remains and the car. You had cried most of the night cleaning up his crime scene. He seemed remorseful. He cringed when you called him a bad boy this time, jerking in pain with every shout. His antennae and wings drooped. He made whiney noises as he chittered to himself. Not arguing when he turned the car to dust as you instructed.
He had come and nuzzled your crotch. You can feel his hot breath and his nose against your clit, while you are bent over scrubbing blood. You whip around to smack him in a rage. It wasn’t bad enough that you are an accessory to murder now he wants to fuck! God, you are angry. But you stop when you see his large red doe eyes, his droopy sad posture. He spoke the clearest for the first time.
He points to himself.
“Good boy... I good boy….sorry…please mommy,” he sputters. Buzzing in agitation.
“You are still a very bad boy. You don’t trust mommy. There is a difference between protecting and being a spoiled, selfish brat. I know you know the difference. I can’t even look at your right now,” you shout, sobbing as you go back to the task of cleaning dust and blood. He sits facing the corner, whimpering and fluttering his wings sporadically.
He gave you your blanket back and made himself scarce for the next several weeks. Of course, people came. You were questioned by the cops. But being backwoods and how many disappearances in the area skyrocketed in the area twenty years ago, it wasn’t a huge surprise when a person went missing. But it can’t happen again. Not here and not because of you.
Things like dead birds, flowers, and shiny rocks have been left on your door. Then they stopped. After a few weeks, you started to get worried and called for him. It wasn’t long until he was there. Fresh scars and too skinny.
“Come home,” you wailed. He is so quick and strong. You didn’t see him move when he held you close, vibrating, wings flapping.
“Sorry, mommy. I be good. I good boy,” he whimpered. Nipping and licking, feelers are running over your wet cheeks, tickling.
“I shouldn’t have yelled. Come back home,” you sniffled. He lifted you. You can feel his heartbeat pounding in his chest. He is so fast. He quickly puts you in his nest in the house as he hums and trills to you. He yanks the blanket off the bed. You had cleaned, steamed, and flipped the mattress and still didn’t want to sleep on it. Collapsing on top of you, he trills louder with kitten-like purrs. Pulling your top off to use your breasts as a pillow. Exhausted, he pulls the blanket over both of you and snuggles in.
You wake up to the smell of your house burning. You throw on a shirt and run downstairs to a room filled with wildflowers and smoke. Ignoring this, you run to the kitchen, Shigaraki Flapping his wings out the back door and away from the smoke alarm that was driving him nuts. You open windows and remove the burning pain from the flame on the stove.
You are coughing so hard it is hard to take a breath in. Rough hands are guiding you outside into the warm sun and fresh air. You inhale deeply in the air, suddenly there is a pained keen coming from behind you. You look to see Shigaraki had run back into the shadows and looked miserable.
The sun burns his pale skin and hurts his eyes. Gulping at the air, you go to check on him.
“Are you ok?” you ask, checking over his face and body. He whines pitifully and rubs his face in your belly. After the smoke has cleared, you go in to see the disaster that is in your kitchen. A dripping mixing bowl of dripping batter, flour, broken eggs everywhere. Lifting the spoon in the batter, the batter runs like chunky bog water.
“What were you trying to make?” you asked, amused. The tall Mothman gently guides you to the tv. A woman on the set instructed how to make a beautiful Valentine's day breakfast for your love. Heart-shaped strawberry pancakes. You looked around again and noticed piles of wildflowers and misshapen boxes with badly tied bows. One has a handmade card.
Inside was a poorly handwritten message, but extremely impressive since he was learning from tv.
I’m sorry. I love you, mommy. Happy Valentine’s Day!
It made your heart race at how sweet it was. It was Valentine’s day, and it was unusual for a male to be giving gifts, so it must have been from the Sesame Street episode. He was really trying to make up for being a brat.
You make the pancakes for him. He is delighted to watch and then eat. Plying you with gifts to make up for what he destroyed. Shiny rocks and crystals. Acorns and pine nuts. A fox fur and a live bunny to make up for the one he ate. He is on his knees in front of you, begging for you to play with his white hair.
“I love all of it,” you say with a sigh. In frustration, then smile when you have an idea, “I’m really proud and impressed. But Mommy still has issues with how you spend your time and how you treat me because I let you get away with so much.” You start to say, he starts chittering and hissing. Scratching his neck while beating his wings in agitation. You grab his hand, and he stops with a look of anticipation in his scarlet eyes.
“We are still learning how to live together, and I don’t think either one of us wants to go back to the old rules. So, new rules. You hide from people during the daylight and leave them alone unless I scream for help. You can watch as many educational programs as you want, but video games are limited to three hours. Most importantly, you must help me,” you say, cupping and caressing his face.
“I need you to help me make night content. Help me find some of these wonderful things you have brought home. I need you to protect me when we are in the forest. Can you be my good boy and protector?” You ask. He gives you a huge fanged grin, nodding vigorously.
“Yes! Good boy for my mommy,” he rasps. You are going to accept being his mommy. A part of you believes you both need this relationship. He nuzzles and whimpers at your crotch. His eyes heavily hooded with lust, “Proud mommy. Good boy. Big boy. Big boy for being a good boy.” He moans.
You blush deeply, knowing that he wants to be rewarded.
“You want big boy time for following the new rules?” You ask. He nuzzles further between your legs, making you squirm and trying to press your legs together. He pulls away and sneezes. He shakes his head and fluffs his ruff with several sharp chirps. Cooing, he holds out his arms to lift you. You sigh and give in to the cute giant monster man.
“Ok, big boy…hey, whoa!” Before you can say more. Shigaraki is carrying you to his nest, throwing you down, falling on top to cage you in his arm. He gives your lips a tentative flick of his tongue. He waits for further permission while he gropes at your chest. His hungry look and experienced touch are giving you wicked ideas.
“Do you want kisses or for mommy to feed you?” you ask. You can’t produce milk, but he does not care. He loves suckling like a baby.
“Feed me, mommy,” he pleads with large innocent eyes. You wonder how he manages that since he is not innocent.
“Ok, my sweet big boy.” He makes an excited squeal as you shimmy out of your clothes. Quickly grabbing a and tossing it down. When you lay down, he is on you, nuzzling your breast and waiting for you to be more encouraging. You guide his rooting mouth to your nipple, cradling his head and gentling petting him. Running your fingers in his hair, a little moan slip from you as he sucks, licking your hard nipple.
He whimpers a little when you guide him to the other breast. You can feel his hips jerking into the nest. His eyes are giving you a hungry look while he moans lustfully. It makes you wet between your legs. You squirm under him, feeling like you are about to climb out of your skin. You find him so hot, which makes you pull away. He removes his own clothes, showing off his large hard cock he strokes in front of you.
He is pressing himself between your legs. You raise a hand and press it against his chest. You shake your head since you have not given him permission to enter you. But he has a surprise for you as he presses down harder.
“Mommy is wet for me,” he says huskily, sharp teeth clicking. He rubs his hard cock through your slick folds, pussy lips caressing him perfectly. You almost cum from how deep his voice is. It is the best and hottest sentence he has ever said. You are so proud you forgot to give him permission to rub himself against your clit that is sending little tingles of pleasure through you.
“Mommy is so proud, ok big boy, you can have your treat,” you tell him. You roughly grab the softest fur you have ever felt on his neck and seal his chapped lips you yours. The rough texture threatens to make you bleed. You don’t care as Shigaraki hums and bucks his hips against yours wildly.
“Tight, mommy. Wet tight, mommy. My mommy!” he snarls.
With unrestrained lust, he cages you to him, trying to make you one with him. His length is stirring every nerve in your warm wet walls. The friction and sweat between your heated skin make his scent stronger of wild woods and pure masculine musk you want to drown in.
“So good!” You scream, “You are such a good boy!” Like a coiled snake that has slumbered in you too long. An explosion of pleasure strikes like lighting through your entire body. Eyes rolling to the back of his head, snarling, drool dribbling down your chin as you arch into him. Rising his wings vibrates in the core of your being, sending your mind to dark places of carnality.
Feeling his cock twitch in you, you think he is about to pull out and cum on you. He usually promptly follows this by pissing on you. Today he was full of surprises as he ground deeper. Through clenched fangs, he roars when his knot expands and throbs. Shigaraki’s eyes are rolled back, his body shaking and jerking with every tight squeeze your orgasm gives his cock.
His cum and knot create a pronounced bulge. You writhe, and he whimpers. He makes a thrilling trill you have never heard before. Wings and feelers vibrate as he shoots ropes of hot cum in you.
“You better not piss in me!” you shout, grabbing his hair and yanking roughly. He grunts with a wicked grin and bucks harder, “If you be a bad boy, I will spank you!” You warn, yanking again.
“Yes, mommy,” he hisses. He collapses on top of you, kissing and cooing when you feel it. The sudden rush of more hot liquid in you makes you scream and cum again on his painfully stretching knot. You are panting and spasming more on him. He drools in ecstasy. You realize your mistake too late. You tell him not to do something, and he will do it. You gasp one last time before sighing resigned.
“What am I going to do with you?” you say. He kisses and nuzzles.
“My mommy. Love, my mommy,” he rasps sweetly as you pet him.
You feel Shigaraki’s chest expands and contract with gulps of air. He looks down at you with slack-jawed worship
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sugarakis-p2 · 3 months
Diavolo's dark desires
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art by vellatrelle
Did you know curiosity is a sin? Diavolo becomes worried for a you who is consumed with asking questions and seeking answers. Despite the belief that you will not be missed, the importance of justice is always on his mind. The question arises of what punishment awaits you if you are caught pursuing your curiosity.
WARNING: 69 (Sex Position)Tentacle Sex Anal Fingering ,Anal Sex, Anal Play, Double Penetration, Foursome - F/M/M/M, Alternate Universe - Prison, Loss of Virginity, Mutual Masturbation, bl touches, Oral Sex, Oral
Happy valentines day! Extra filthy for you!
Stepping into Devildom was a complete culture shock that you faced with eagerness. After all, the tales of the stunningly beautiful fallen angels had spread far and wide. Despite the massive implications of living in a tri-dimensional reality, the world refused to accept the presence of the other realms that co-exist with us.
Demons and angels have long been enshrouded in mystery of the two concealed worlds they inhabited, with the religious implications being the most controversial of all. Unraveling the spiritual aspect of this emergence was unquestionably the most significant challenge. Yet, gazing into this extraordinary new universe changed life as you know it, rendering it impossible to turn away. If for no other reason than because the rumors of the beauty of the fallen angels were legendary.
Diavolo's presence was as alluring as it was disturbing. He was beautiful, but at the same time, his existence felt like a looming threat. The first day he answers the question on every human’s mind. Is religion correct? His cryptic words cause tension and curiosity.
"I am Diavolo the current lord of the underworld. They are right and wrong from what lore I do know," he said laughing. "There are so many versions it will take me a hundred of years to compare to what I have experienced. My mission is to bring balance to the worlds. Welcome, and let us learn from each other."
His enigmatic answer only amplified the unease pervading the air, inviting more questions that you hoped it might be willing to answer. What exactly does 'bringing balance to the worlds' mean? Is something out of balance therein? What consequences could unfurl? You were eager to discover the answers to these inquiries yet fearful of what the truth might entail. It doesn't sound like anything good to you.
Trying to communicate with the demons is absolutely petrifying. With salacious lust in their voices, they discuss how delectable mortals appear to them. Not with a hint of amusement or in a fun sexual way, but instead with a sinister plan to eagerly consume their prey's sweet, tender flesh. Detailing their craving for the sound of crunching bone and sucking out the marrow from within, they scheme of devouring hearts and licking the squishy eyes out and popping them like grapes between their fangs. Their longing for delicious human flesh is undeniable. Whispers of how they could probably eat one, and no one will notice. Yet they vigilantly respect Lord Diavolo's edict and never fail to obey his orders. This is always followed by a shudder when his name is mentioned.
The fallen angels are as sinister as the pure-blooded demons, ready to pounce and easily provoked. Somewhat ominously, they have a curious affectation towards their resurrected sister spirit, with whom they indulge in a profoundly uncanny courtship; they embrace her like a beloved, yet their embrace is that of a niece with their sister's spirit indelibly embedded in her. You couldn't wrap my head around what you were being told. The thought of it is simply too disturbing to comprehend. The avatars of sin live up to their names.
The angels may appear pleasant, but the air has a definite chill. Any questions about their past are met with a wall of silence, creating a feeling of distrust. Trouble finds them at every turn. Last but not least, the others. The strange beings can only be called chaotic, which makes sense because the classes are also chaotic. The history of devildom is sterile and makes little sense. Devildom's mysterious origins only add to the bedlam, creating a swirling hurricane of chaos.
After months of struggling to adapt, you were summoned to Diavolo's office. With a smirk of satisfaction on his dark face, his assistant Barbartos served tea as you warily took your seat. Diavolo seemed jovial, but you knew the devilish wheels in his head were turning.
"So, tell me what the problem is." He pauses, and you tell him nothing is the problem. Then, slyly suggested employing a Devildom liaison. Instantly, a chill ran up your spine as you vehemently rejected his suggestion. You could feel Barbartos' prying eyes on you, and your stomach dropped as he handed Diavolo your diary. The cloying scent of the tea was oppressive as the silence stretched between you.
"Is it because you have some reservations about Devildom?" Diavolo asked. The hollow thump in your chest echoed ominously, and you gulped down the bitter brew in your cup. Your fate was in Diavolo's hands.
"Where did you get that?" You ask, a hint of unease creeping into your voice. Diavolo gives a sinister chuckle as he abruptly opens it and reads the contents out loud.
"Very ardent pejorative opinions," Barbartos says ominously.
"Indeed. You seem uneasy," Diavolo purrs with a menacing gleam in his eye.
"I'm fine," you reply hastily. Diavolo arches one dark eyebrow and studies you intently, knitting his fingers and looking concerned.
Barbartos sighed deeply. After all the blood, sweat, and tears they put into retrofitting Devildom for humans, he couldn't help but wonder if they had done enough. But the inquisitive gleam in Diavolo's eyes was undeniable.
Before Barbartos had the chance to voice his concerns, Diavolo declared with a vast grin, "I think the best thing for you, little guest, would be to experience Devildom for yourself! And I'll escort you!" A thrill of excitement coursed through Barbartos at the idea, a hint of a smile spreading across his face. Because he knew what was to come. Before you could collect your thoughts, the moment was gone. He was pulling you away, not giving you any time to argue. You were frightened but also, somewhere deep within, excited. You had no idea where you were going, but you knew it would be amazing. The next thing you knew, you were in the air with the wind in your hair. The thrill of the unknown filled you as Diavolo swooped you away on an incredible adventure. You had no clue where you were headed, but you had never felt so alive. His grip was firm but gentle, and you knew that wherever you would go, he would be by your side. You were so excited about the adventure ahead!
He took your hand in his. Your heart raced, filled with adrenaline and warmth. You had thought he was deceiving you with a fake smile, but the look in his eyes told you he was sincere. Wrapping his arm around your waist, he twirled you around the mall, admiring all the extravagant displays of the latest fashion trends. You couldn't help but laugh at his child-like fascination with the new, modern inventions of humans. As he grabbed some cotton candy, he studied the wispy sugar cloud before placing it in his mouth. He was adorable as he tried to understand where it went when he put the sugar cloud in his mouth. Onlookers stared, your cheeks flushing with color. You giggled, and Diavolo looked at you with a seductive smile before he brushed your hair off your face. Diavolo's eyes pierced through yours as he leaned in, brushing his lips against your forehead in a gentle kiss. You couldn't decipher what you felt, just a flustering, warm sensation. But as you looked away, you noticed the dark glint in his eyes, and you couldn't help but wonder what else he was capable of.
As you walked, he entertained you with funny anecdotes and stories of his days creating the school. You listened intently, your attention never dwindling. They stopped in front of a jewelry store, and he pointed out some exquisite diamond pieces to you, asking your opinion about what looked best.
You proceeded to try on the different pieces, and when you chose a sparkling necklace, his eyes lit up and he said, "That one looks perfect on you. You should definitely keep it," with a mischievous smile on his face.
You protested lightly, of course, but eventually gave in and said, “how could I resist your sweet gesture?”
He shook his head and said, “You can’t, and I knew it!” You both laughed before he led you to the register, where he paid for the necklace and presented it to you with a grand gesture. You two shared a brief laugh before he moved to the register. With a grand gesture, Diavolo gave it to you. Your heart fluttered as you opened the box, and the necklace shimmered in the light. Speechless, you put your hand to your mouth. In awe, all you could whisper was, "Wow."
"It's not as beautiful as you," Diavolo said with a mischievous glint. You thanked him, feeling a tapestry of emotions ripple within your chest. Hand-in-hand, the two of you walked out of the store with heartfelt smiles. The air was alive with bliss and anticipation as you looked forward to more dates.
I hope you made up your mind to stay. His penetrating gaze fixed upon you as he spoke earnestly and passionately.
"It is important for you to keep your grades up. Tell me, what you wrote in your diary—were those your true feelings?"
A tremor ran through your body as you struggled to keep a brave expression. Still, you could feel every bit of your being burning under Diavolo's penetrating gaze. You shift under that intense gaze of those strangely appealing eyes. You felt forced to answer.
You reluctantly admitted, "Yes, those feelings had been true then." His gaze suddenly sharpened as he stepped closer, staring intently into your soul. His stern voice demanded an answer.
"Will you vow to stay and put those thoughts behind you?" he asked as something shifted in his presence. Instead of this being like a romantic date, it feels like a wolf that has isolated a sheep. Your pulse started to skyrocket as you felt a trembling in the depths of your being. The magnitude of this decision was immense, and you knew you had to choose what was best for your future. Could you summon the strength to give your reply?
You are about to answer when your breath catches as you detect a slight, almost imperceptible shift in his presence as he spots something beyond you.
"Stay here. I saw someone that should not be here," Diavolo orders before striding off, leaving you feeling both scared and excited. He disappeared into the crowd, mumbling how he wanted one moment for himself. He left you to contemplate if you wish to stay. Before this, you would have instantly begged to go home. But perhaps not everything is as bad as you thought. This is culture shock; you know you're not adapting well. As he fades out of view, you realize you have the opportunity to explore a world that most don't see. A world of mystery and danger that can prove even more thrilling than you originally thought.
As these thoughts ran through your mind, something grabbed your attention. A movement out of the corner of your eye. Had that alleyway always been there? Were you standing here before? You question yourself. You look down the alleyway and shudder. It was like looking into the abyss, and it had looked back. A strange and powerful force pulled you down that alleyway, shocking you out of your trance. You hear faint whispers, which seem to guide you further down the path. You sense that you are getting closer to something important that could give you many more answers than you could have imagined.
You slowly take a deep breath as you venture into the void of the alleyway. You were aware that something strange was happening, and your heart began to race. You took a deep breath and felt the adrenaline rush through your veins. The air was thick with the smell of mystery and anticipation. You could feel a strange energy around you and wondered what this new path would bring. Your curiosity was enough to make you take a few steps forward and find out what lay beyond. You could feel your skin prickling with mystery and anticipation, your heart beating faster and faster as you slowly moved closer to the unknown. You were ready for the adventure that was about to come. Carefully navigating through the uncharted darkness, you notice how the pleasant stone buildings become harsh and imposing. The texture changes under your touch as you keep going. You find yourself standing in the middle of a courtyard, surrounded by towering structures of flesh, their walls pulsing with a feverish heat that you can almost feel seeping into your skin. The chill of the night dissipates in an instant, replaced by a warm and inviting sensation that invades your senses as if you are being enveloped by the heavy breath of the buildings. The chill of the night air is replaced by a warm and inviting energy that emanates from the walls themselves. Alarmed, excited, and intrigued, your gaze turns to the center of the courtyard, and you realize that the darkness here is far from false - in fact, this place is alive. There was no false sky here. Here, there was a fast darkness as one looked up.
The streetlights barely illuminate the darkness, and you feel a sense of apprehension with each step you take as you use your hand to guide you along. As the end of the alley looms, colossal structures are made of shifting flesh. You feel a tingle of excitement and slight fear as you take in your new surroundings. Your eyes settle on the figure in the center of the courtyard.
His presence is commanding, yet he guards carefully over the area. His mere presence is enough to keep any intruders away. You see his lips move ever so slightly as if he were reciting a chant under his breath. As he notices your presence, he stares back. You feel as if time has suddenly stopped, and each second stretches on forever. You are paralyzed with fear, but as his gaze passes over you, he gives you a slight nod of acknowledgment, and a tentacle slithers out to grab your ankle. You are dragged to the powerful demon. Its name is YaalNalgroth and its presence fills your mind with an undercurrent of danger and anticipation as its forked tongue snakes out to lick your face.
"How...How do I know your name?" You squeaked, trying to control the fear and shivers that ran down your spine as his tentacles caressed you lewdly, ripping your clothes off and leaving you to squirm and struggle.   Yaal smirked, amusement dancing in his eyes.
"Such a curious little treat. Always asking questions. Always wanting more. Looking for answers. You know that's a sin?" he said slowly, his tentacles wrapping tightly around you as he slithered into your mind. "You’re craving to taste the forbidden fruit that is knowledge is delicious and tantalizing. It reminds me of the first. Diavolo wasn't in being and may not be aware of his deep-seated yearning for you," Yaal savors you again. His long, forked tongue lathing your flesh. Yaal savors you again, his lips parting against your skin, sending electrifying shivers coursing through your body. His moans of pleasure speak the truth. His long, forked tongue tantalizingly trailed over your body, teasing, and tasting every inch of you, intensifying your craving for knowledge and feeding his desire for you.
Yaal pulled you close as he purred softly in your ear. "Can't you feel it? You are the forbidden fruit here. He won't notice if I take a larger sip of your sweet nectar, my love." He carefully lowered you to the hot, writhing mass of bodies below. As you lay there, you soon realize that they are not in the act of pleasure anymore but instead in pain, for they are shapeless lovers in a perpetual state of ecstasy. As Yaal feeds you knowledge, you can feel yourself slowly ripening, as if anticipating the forbidden fruit of knowledge before you. Suddenly, you both are cast back to the moment when YaalNalgroth was born, when the first woman sunk her teeth into the lusciously soft flesh of the illicit fruit.
Just as Yaal was about to take a sip, you writhed, ready to let him. You are poised in front of his lips when you cry out in surprise and are suddenly faced with the formidable presence of Barbatos. Yaal's invading memories flood your mind as part of his ripening. Barbato's wasn't there to save you.
Barbato's' voice was stern and firm as he commanded Yaal, "Duke YaalNalgroth. Please, stop corrupting what is not yours." Yaal immediately released you and stepped back, clearly overwhelmed by the power of Barbato's' voice.
Diavolo suddenly appeared, an intimidating sight in his true form. He was magnificent and fierce and stood tall, staring down at you with pity. His horns were broad and curved inwards, adorned with gold decoration. His four wings were a dark red and black mix, the ends sparkling with golden embellishments. Over his shoulder draped a black-furred shawl, upon which sat a striking gold pendant with multiple bat wings, the center emblazoned with a red jewel. On his arms were six rows of golden triangle patterns punctuated by black vertical markings across his torso. He wore black harem-style pants, with two gold chains and a set of red jewel pendants on each side, draped in a white cloth with a pattern of golden designs. His whole appearance made it clear that he was an entity to be reverenced.
Diavolo's voice turned sinister as he conversed, an unsettling calmness in his tone. "I distinctly recall telling you to leave her to me," he hissed, his eyes narrowing in discontent. But, just as quickly, his expression softened into one of worry, his brows furrowing in false concern. He tried to mask it with a gentle smile, but the blazing fire in his eyes betrayed his true intentions.
"My apologies, sir, but I simply cannot stand idly by as such a delicate and alluring creature slips through your fingers," Barbatos pleaded, his voice trembling with emotion. "I fear that your gentle nature will lead you to release her, and I cannot bear the thought of her being lost to us forever. I know you only wish for peace and harmony within our realm, but I could not help but intervene. I did not seem to overstep my position. But perhaps what I say next might. The risk is worth it, for I cannot bear to see you lose her." Barbatos was saying as he reached into Diavolo's pants. Barbados’s words and touch sent a delicious shiver down Diavolo's spine. He knew he should push him away, but the forbidden pleasure was too irresistible. Little did he know this moment would change everything. His words felt like they were caressing his soul. Barbatos delved deeper into the forbidden territory of Diavolo's pants. The thrill of potentially overstepping my boundaries only fueled the desire in the air.
Your mind is drowning in a sea of overwhelming knowledge, causing you to feel lost and disoriented. Reality seems to be slipping away as you struggle to understand it all. Just as a question form in your mind, the answer floods in, overwhelming you further. It's almost as if you were set up for this chaos. And indeed, you were. Barbatos had orchestrated this situation, his calculating hand at play figuratively and literally as he continued to sensually play with Diavolo's hardening wood. And for what? For his master, the one who stood above you with a tantalizing glint in his eye, his desire palpable as he watches your tender body quiver under his gaze. Barbatos stroke his ever-growing bulge. All of this was for his own twisted pleasure, and you were nothing but a pawn in their wicked game.
"That's true," Diavolo gasped, the words dripping with a primal need. Pre-cum dribbling from his engorged head. "My goal is always at the forefront of my mind, consuming every waking moment. I've had little time to indulge in my deepest desires." Diavolo let out a tortured moan as his throbbing length was expertly caressed by Barbato's slick hand. The hunger in his eyes was palpable, his desire for you a constant ache in his demon heart. The intensity of his longing sent shivers down your spine, igniting a fire within you that burned as fiercely as his own.
 "And yet you deny yourself any pleasure," Barbatos’s voice cut through the air like a whip, causing Diavolo to flinch. "When was the last time you took something for yourself, sir? Something purely for your own satisfaction?" Diavolo remained silent, his guilt evident in his trembling body. His duty as the ruler of the underworld had always been at the forefront of his mind, leaving little room for his own wants and desires. But Barbatos refused to let him continue this self-destructive path.
"You are a demon, sir. A demon with primal needs and urges," the butler's voice dripped with urgency and longing. "And this young, nubile body before you is a delectable treat waiting to be savored." At Barbatos's encouragement, Diavolo's resolve crumbled, and he collapsed between your legs, his hot breath fanning across your skin as he hungrily gazed at your body. With Barbatos's loving guidance, he positioned himself at your entrance, his rock-hard cock throbbing with need. But even in this moment of passion, you couldn't help but feel a twinge of disgust towards Barbatos, whose devotion to Diavolo bordered on obsession. You knew he was nothing more than a simp, jerking off his own master in a desperate attempt to please him.
"Dammit! You monsters!" You scream, tears stream down your face as you struggle against their tight grip. "How could you do this to me? I trusted you!" Your heart aches as you realize the magnitude of their betrayal. "I just want to go home!" Diavolo's features shifted instantly, a wave of sorrow washing over his usually proud expression. But you knew deep down it was all just an act. You could see it in how his eyes didn't quite reflect the sadness in his words.
"Breaking a contract with a demon is a grave mistake," he continued, his voice laced with disappointment. "And yet, you dared to venture into forbidden territory. Now, you can never return home. A contract is a contract, such is the law of devildom, and now you must face the consequences." His words hit you like a ton of bricks, crushing any hope of escape.
"I can't believe I fell for your lies," you whisper, defeated. "I never stood a chance against your magic."
Your eyes shift to Barbatos, who calmly strokes his master as if nothing is amiss. You glared at him, defiance burning as they loomed over you. But your anger was soon redirected as Barbatos, the mastermind behind this situation, caught your attention. His hand expertly stroked Diavolo's length, a smug smile playing on his lips as he saw your reaction. Your glare intensified, but Barbatos merely brushed it off with a wave of his hand. Your protests were silenced, just like your chances of ever leaving this cursed place. Panic sets in as you realize the full extent of their power. They are demons, after all. Diavolo and Barbatos exchange a satisfied smirk before turning to you with dark intentions. You know you will never be able to return home at that moment. This is your new reality - a cruel and manipulative demon world ruled by those who tricked and betrayed you. As they hover over you, a sense of dread washes over you, and you can only hope to survive in this hellish new existence.
“That’s right, master. She can’t be allowed to leave after everything she has seen. Listen to me, Master," Barbatos spoke with a sinister glint in his eye. "She cannot be allowed to leave. She has witnessed our forbidden world and willingly indulged in our secrets. She is a treacherous sinner who succumbed to temptation. She chose to break the rules. No one made her. She's a sinner who gave in to temptation. Now, we must decide what to do with her. Maybe we should wait until Master Diavolo has had his fun to punish her properly."
He parted your lips, readying you for Diavolo's upcoming pleasure. The demon prince himself seemed to be struggling with conflicting thoughts.
"Yes, I wanted her in my own way, but this...it feels wrong," he mumbled, his gaze fixed on you. Suddenly, his eyes widened with a predatory glint as he saw something that made his mouth water. "She's a virgin," he exclaimed, drooling, and licking his lips. "I cannot force myself upon her. It goes against everything I stand for."
The atmosphere grew thick with tension as Barbatos and Diavolo contemplated their next move. The fate of the innocent young woman lay in their hands, and they had all the power to decide her demise. For a brief moment, hope blooms in your chest. With an intense gaze that seemed to pierce through your very being, Diavolo's eyes remained fixated on your exposed sex. There was an unsettling aura of dominance and desire emanating from him, leaving you chained to the spot with a mix of fear and anticipation. You couldn't help but shiver at the thought of what he might do next, with his unwavering stare holding you captive in a moment of intense vulnerability.
"My lord, wait until she is fully prepared. I comprehend your desire. It has been an eternity since you have indulged in such a luscious prize. Humans are no more than mere rabbits in this age. A virgin, my dear lord, is an exquisite and scarce delicacy," Barbatos purrs seductively into his ear. A sly grin spread across his face. "Do not deny yourself the pleasure of savoring every last drop of her innocence and submission." Diavolo's eyes darken with a lustful hunger as he bears his fangs, ready to claim you as his own. "Patience, my lord, for the ultimate reward will be worth the wait."
The anticipation builds as Diavolo's dominant aura fills the space between you, sending shivers down your spine. Your body trembles with both fear and desire, knowing that you are at the mercy of this powerful demon lord. Time stands still as you wait, your body aching for his touch. The air fills with an electric tension as Diavolo's hand slowly reaches out to claim you as his possession. The moment has finally arrived, and there is no turning back.
"There are other ways to punish her for her sins. There are countless avenues to exact vengeance upon her for her grave transgressions," Diavolo chuckled darkly, his predatory instincts taking over. His thirst for justice consumed him. "We shall leave no option unexplored. For it is my birthright. My duty as the merciless enforcer of punishment," he snarled, his gaze smoldering with fiery intent. "She shall suffer for her insolence, and I shall revel in my dominance over her. She shall witness the consequences of daring to trespass into our realm with wickedness in her heart, attempting to disrupt the balance by divulging our sacred secrets."
You trembled at the thought of what they had in store for you. Your blood ran cold at the mere thought of what lay ahead. The powerful demons, their dark intentions hidden beneath their deceptive beauty, had you entirely under their control. As they whispered amongst themselves, a sense of terror consumed you, battling with the enticing rush of arousal surging through your body. You had never intended to sabotage the balance. You simply wanted answers for your own sake, but now you were at the mercy of their twisted desires. Dread knotted in your stomach as you recalled your foolish mistake of meddling with their affairs. You had only sought answers, but now you were at their mercy, a mere plaything for their sadistic desires.
Barbatos, the cruelest of them all, leaned in close, his sharp teeth glinting in the dim light. Barbatos leaned in close to you, his voice dripping with malice. "You should have known better than to meddle in our affairs," he sneered. "Now, you will face the consequences for your curiosity." With a swift movement, his clawed hand gripped your neck, his grip tight and unyielding. Your heart raced as you watched his demon eyes glint with sadistic pleasure. You couldn't even find the strength to speak as he grabbed you, his claws digging into your flesh. Yaal's laughter echoed in your ears as they reveled in your fear. In that moment, you knew that you were truly at the mercy of these creatures from the depths of hell.
"I am about to break the crippling silence spell, for my master relishes in the sound of his lover's voice – be it pained screams or blissful moans. Do not dare to be a nuisance and attempt to rationalize your way out, for I warn you, I shall invoke a most unpleasant consequence," Barbatos murmured coolly, his voice dripping with a menacing undertone.Diavolo, the most feared demon in all of devildom, stepped closer with a sinister grin on his handsome face. Yaal's long, slimy tentacles encircled you, holding you in place as Diavolo's deep, rumbling voice filled the room.
"You see, my dear, your fear is a delicacy for us demons. And I assure you, Yaal here knows exactly how to prepare it perfectly." His hot breath tickled your ear, and you could feel the heat of his body radiating towards you. Your heart raced as you realized the true extent of your situation. A cold chill ran down your spine as Diavolo ran his sharp claws across your exposed neck. The only thing keeping you from falling to the ground was Yaal's firm hold on your body. You were entirely at their mercy, and there was no escape.
"This is just the beginning of your punishment," he growled, his voice laced with a dark promise. "Consider this a taste of what's to come until I fully decide how to make you pay." As his fingers trailed down your exposed body, you couldn't help but shudder at their menacing touch. You could do nothing but shake at their intimidating presence, trapped in a forbidden world with no escape. You knew this would be a night you would never forget. A night of sin and punishment, of forbidden and dark desires. An innocent soul drawn into the dangerous world of demons.
Yaal bent you to expose your pussy to Diavolo, who pressed his body to yours. Gripping your ass, he parts you wide. You scream in terror that he is going to eat you. But as he chomps down, you realize he is not eating you as you had expected.
A wicked smile spread across Yaal's face as he was ordered to reveal your exposed pussy to the powerful demon, Diavolo. Your heart pounded as Yaal bent your legs, exposing a tantalizing sliver of your delicate folds. Your calves were spread apart, one on each side of Diavolo's massive body, as he pressed himself against you. The intensity of his presence made you tremble with fear and desire. With one hand gripping your ass, Diavolo spread you open, baring you completely to his hungry gaze. A bloodcurdling scream escaped your lips as you imagined the imminent attack on your vulnerable body. But to your shock, Diavolo's sharp teeth did not pierce your skin. Instead, he devoured your fear and pleasure with a savage hunger, leaving you trembling with a mixture of terror and intense ecstasy.
As Diavolo ravished your body, every nerve in your body was on fire with pleasure. His tongue and fingers explored every inch of your tight hole, igniting sensations you had never experienced before. Tears streamed down your cheeks as you surrendered to the overpowering pleasure, a mix of surrender and desire filling your mind. At that moment, you knew that you would never be the same after this encounter with the Devil himself. As he ravished your body, you were overcome with wild desire, moaning and begging for more of his merciless devouring. His tongue and fingers delve into your tight hole.
With a gasp, you felt Diavolo's horns digging into your hips, the rough edges adding to the intensity of his touch. His face was pressed against your hot dripping pussy, his moan filled with longing and desire. The throbbing heat of his cock rubbed against your face, making your heart race and your body ache with need. "It's been too long," he groaned, his voice laced with desperation. Your blood rushed through your veins, heat pooling between your legs as you felt the overwhelming desire for him coursing through you. His hot throbbing cock is in your face as you feel all your blood rushing to your head and cunt. With each gasp and moan, your body trembled with excitement as Diavolo continued to ravish you with his tongue. His hands gripped your ass possessively, his horned head bobbing with each movement, driving you closer and closer to the edge.
"Put that mouth to use. Open wide and suck your Master," Barbatos says, shoving Diavolo's cock in your mouth. It's hard to breathe with his large length stuffing down your throat. Your cheeks are hollow, and your eyes water, but you can only moan in response as Barbatos uses you for his and Diavolo’s pleasure. You are nothing but a mere plaything, helplessly at his mercy, and you embrace it with unbridled fervor. Every touch, every command, ignites a chaotic desire within you, leaving you trembling with a thirst to be claimed by him. It's inexplicable, this unwavering pull towards him and the conflicting emotions it stirs. Despite knowing the danger, you can't resist the allure of being his possession. It incites a burning inquiry in your mind - how can something so devastating also be so irresistible? You should despise this captivity, but instead, you crave what it brings.
"Submit to your Master's desires," Barbato's demands, thrusting Diavolo's cock even deeper into your mouth. You can feel the overwhelming power and dominance radiating from him as your senses are consumed by his taste and smell. You try to pull back, but Barbatos holds your head firmly in place, making you feel completely helpless. The pain and pleasure mix together as you are forced to take in every inch of Diavolo's throbbing length. Just when you think you can't take anymore, Barbatos releases the hold on your head, and you gasp for air, only to have another explosion of Diavolo's hot juices hit the back of your throat. You can't help but moan in ecstasy as your Master marks you as his own. But just when you thought you couldn't take it anymore, he pulled away, leaving you aching and unsatisfied.
"You're not done yet," he growled, his intense eyes daring you to deny him. And like a flame igniting, all the pent-up desire and longing exploded within you. His voice was a low rumble, his piercing gaze holding you captive. But instead of fear, all you felt was a fire igniting deep within you. It was as if his words were a trigger, unleashing all the repressed desire and longing that had been simmering beneath the surface. Yaal pushes you back onto the bed of writhing flesh, Diavolo's hand grazing your skin and sending shivers down your spine. Diavolo strode towards you, his aura radiating danger and temptation. You couldn't resist the pull, lurching towards him and wrapping your arms around his neck, craving his touch like a drug.
"Why do I feel so drawn to you?" You couldn't help but ask, your voice trembling with want. But Yaal just chuckled wickedly, his eyes gleaming with mischief and knowing.
"Oh, she still hasn't learned her lesson," he smirked, reveling in the dangerous game unfolding before him. And you couldn't deny it because, at that moment, you were willing to play with the Devil himself, consumed by an insatiable hunger for more.
With a wicked smirk on his face, Diavolo stands before you, a demon who has cunningly prepared you for your impending punishment. Your heart races in fear as he pounces on you, his body pulsing with dark desire. He thrusts himself into you with brutal force, violating your innocence as he revels in the feeling of your tight and raw walls clenching around him. The pain is intense, and you can't help but gasp in shock and pain, raking your nails down his flesh in protest. But Diavolo only moans in pleasure, his eyes rolling back in pure ecstasy at the power he holds over you.
"Behold, little human," he purrs, his voice dripping with malice. "This is what happens to those who dare to threaten the balance in my kingdom." He uses you to satisfy his urges, reveling in the control he exerts over your body. He believes this is for the best, for it keeps his darker desires in check. But for you, it is a nightmare as you realize the true monstrous nature of the demon before you.
Your bodies moved in a primal rhythm, a dance of passion and need, as you both gave in to the overwhelming desire that consumed you. In that moment, nothing else mattered. The world could have burned around you, and you wouldn't have cared as long as you were lost in this fiery embrace with the powerful and seductive demon before you. It was a passionate and intense moment, a battle of wills and desire that left you breathless and fulfilled.
"But why?" your mind questions. But you pushed those thoughts aside as Diavolo finally claimed you as his own, his possessive growls and desperate thrusts filling the room as he finally allowed himself to indulge in the pleasure he so desperately craved.
Despite the overwhelming pull towards his ultimate goal, Diavolo couldn't resist the alluring temptation of your body. Every touch, every kiss, every thrust was a fleeting taste of bliss that he couldn't get enough of. With a lustful desperation, he surrendered to the pleasure, his body and soul consumed by the insatiable hunger for you. At that moment, nothing else mattered but the intoxicating sensation of your body against him, driving him to the brink of ecstasy. As he surrendered to the raw and carnal urges, Diavolo couldn't help but wonder if this was what true desire felt like, a primal force that could bring even the most powerful demon to his knees. He needs to temper his urges.
The depth of Diavolo's wickedness knows no bounds, as his most nefarious impulses are rooted in a twisted desire for power and domination. Like a puppet master pulling the strings of his unsuspecting victims, Diavolo thrives on instilling fear and using intimidation tactics to manipulate those around him. His tyrannical reign is further fueled by his disdain for humanity and its perceived weaknesses. With a merciless gaze, he reveals the differences between species, relishing his power over them. But harnessing fear as a means of control is a treacherous game that consumes even the most diabolical of minds. It is a trait that speaks volumes of his depravity and lack of empathy, a dangerous combination that threatens all who dare to cross his path.
"Ah! Oh, oh, oh, please. Why?" you moaned.
"Barbatos. I can still see some defiant questioning in her eyes. I like her other cute noises better. I have some questions myself. Do you know what will look cute? I think Barbato's cock in your mouth might be cute? What do you think, Barbatos?" Diavolo asked looking to Barbatos. Barbatos nodded slightly, clearly understanding the unspoken threat in Diavolo's words. Fear and intimidation were Diavolo's favorite weapons, and he reveled in seeing the terror in others' eyes. His judgmental attitude towards humans only fueled his desire to control and manipulate them, relishing his power over their lives. And as you lay there, trembling with terror, you couldn't help but wonder if there was any humanity left in this diabolical creature.
As you watched Diavolo's cheerful expression morph into a cruel sneer, a sense of unease washed over you. Despite his charming persona and love for fun, it was clear that there was darkness lingering beneath the surface. With a commanding voice, he barked at you to obey his every command without hesitation. He saw himself as a superior being and expected others to bow down to him. You couldn't help but feel a chill run down your spine as you were suddenly thrown to the ground, your hands forced behind your back. Tenacles wrapping around your throat and upper body, lifting your front.
Diavolo towered over you, his rich crimson eyes burning with a menacing glint. It was then that you realized how terrifying he could genuinely be. His carefree nature was just a facade, masking a ruler's dangerous and calculating mind. Your heart pounded in your chest as Diavolo leaned in close, his hot breath on your neck as he hissed, "How dare you question me, mortal."
His grip on your wrists tightened, and you winced in pain as he snarled, "I have no tolerance for insolence. You are nothing but a mere toy in my game, and I will not hesitate to dispose of toys that do not obey." The fear in his voice sent shivers down your spine, and you knew that you were at the mercy of a powerful and unpredictable ruler. At that moment, your innocent curiosity about Diavolo gave way to a deep-seated fear and realization of the true extent of his power. You were just a player in his grand scheme, and you could only hope to survive as a plaything in a game controlled by a dictator.
 He exuded an aura of dominance and superiority, his very presence commanding obedience and submission. You couldn't help but feel a chill run down your spine as you watched him mercilessly exert his power over those around him. There was no denying that Diavolo had a thirst for control, and he wielded fear and intimidation as his weapons. You could see the traces of his tyrannical tendencies lurking beneath his charming facade. It was a dangerous combination that could bring about destruction and chaos at any moment. Desperate for guidance and salvation, you turned to Barbatos, hoping for some glimmer of humanity in this cruel realm. But all you received was a blank, emotionless stare mirroring Diavolo's coldness. Even his most loyal advisor seemed to share the same heartlessness and lack of mercy. And as you reluctantly opened your mouth to do as you were told, you couldn't help but fear for your future in this dark and twisted world.
"YaalNaGroth," Diavolo's voice boomed through the dark. The demon lord's golden eyes gleamed with admiration as he gazed upon you, his loyal follower, kneeling before him. The flickering light of the torches cast shadows across your face, contrasting with the wicked smile that played upon Diavolo's lips.
"You have proven your loyalty to me time and time again," he continued, his voice dripping with admiration. "And for that, I shall grant you a most exquisite treat." A wave of anticipation washed over you at his words, your heart racing in anticipation of what would come.
"As a reward for your unwavering loyalty, I offer you the ultimate pleasure," he purred, his hand trailing down to grip your chin and tilt your head up to meet Barbato's smoldering gaze. He grips your jaw to open your mouth wider for the Butler. "Unleash your wicked tentacles upon this pure and innocent maiden's untouched flesh." A wicked grin spread across his face as he gestured to your trembling form, your eyes wide with fear and your delicate features twisted in terror. Your mouth went dry as you realized the true extent of Diavolo's intentions. Gripping your chin tighter, Diavolo leaned in to whisper in your ear, his breath hot against your skin.
"Her virgin asshole," he murmured, his thumb circling the tight ring of muscle. You gasped, both in fear and arousal, at the thought of what was to come. Diavolo's hand slid down to your hips, holding you in place as he roughly thrusts his cock back into your sore and bruised pussy. The combination of pain and pleasure sent shocks of arousal through your body, your blood boiling with a heady mix of emotions. But amidst the chaos, Diavolo's following words gave Yaal pause.
"Listen carefully, YaalNaGroth," Diavolo's voice was filled with amusement as he leaned in closer to you, spitting on your ass and causing you to flinch from the warm liquid trickling down your crack. "This particular one is not to be broken like the others. She is a special plaything for me," he continued, gleaming of mischief in his eyes. He gestured towards you, his thumb still inside your tight asshole, as he spoke.
"Once you finish, I intend to have fun with her. But do not mistake my words. I will not tolerate any excessive cruelty towards her. If she proves unworthy, I reserve the right to punish her severely." Diavolo's lips curved into a wicked smile as he watched the anticipation and desire flicker across your face.
"But do not let that discourage you from using all your tentacles to fully ravish this innocent creature," he added with a playful chuckle, thrusting his thumb in and out of your ass for emphasis.
 Without a moment's hesitation, Yaal summoned his tentacles. These sinister appendages were seemingly alive and eager to explore the depths of your body. With a sadistic smirk, he watched as your body trembled in fear and pleasure. His dark eyes were filled with a hunger that could not be satiated. This lust could only be satisfied by indulging in his most twisted desires.
Meanwhile, Barbatos thrust himself between your swollen lips, his leaking cock easily sliding down your throat. You gagged and choked, but he paid no heed. His mind solely focused on dominating and claiming his pleasurable reward.
"She does look cute with my cock in her mouth," He panted as if he was pondering the aesthetics seriously. His hands held your head in place, forcing you to take every inch of him until your mouth was overflowing with him. As Barbatos ravaged your mouth, Yaal's tentacles began their merciless assault on your body. They slithered and coiled around your limbs, wrapping tightly and leaving red marks in their wake. They moved with a purpose, seeking out every sensitive spot on your body and causing you to cry out in both pleasure and pain.
But it was not just your limbs that Yaal's tentacles explored. They also delve deep into your most intimate areas, finding and stimulating every hidden nerve. Your moans and cries only spurred them on, urging them to push harder and deeper until you were writhing and begging for more. The two demons continued to pleasure you. You could feel Diavolo's eyes on you. His amusement at your predicament was evident in the wicked smile on his face, and his approval only fueled the demons' desires. With every thrust of Barbatos and every squeeze of Yaal's tentacles, you were brought closer to the edge of ecstasy. Your body was a playground for their twisted desires, entirely at the mercy of their insatiable hunger. And when the combined efforts of the two demons finally pushed you over the edge, you were overcome with a mind-shattering climax, your body spasming uncontrollably as you surrendered to their wicked desires.
Diavolo's thrusts were forceful and unrelenting, his hips slamming into yours with a primal need. The sound of skin slapping against skin filled the air as his fingers dug into your hips, holding you tightly in place. Each thrust sent shockwaves of pleasure through your body, building up an intense heat within you. But it was Yaal's tentacles that indeed drove you over the edge. The slimy appendages wrapped around your body, trailing over every inch of your skin with precise and calculated movements. Their slippery touch sent shivers down your spine as they toyed with your sensitive flesh, amplifying every sensation and heightening your pleasure to unbearable levels, consumed by their insatiable lust and twisted desires. The mixture of Diavolo's powerful thrusts and Yaal's relentless tentacles was overwhelming, taking you to the brink of ecstasy with each passing moment.
As the onslaught continued, your body was pushed to its limits. The pleasure was almost unbearable, but you couldn't bring yourself to ask for mercy. Asking questions can lead to more punishment. You wanted more, needed more of this intense and forbidden pleasure. And then, just as you thought you couldn't take anymore, Yaal's tentacles tightened around you, focusing their attention on your most sensitive areas. The pleasure was too much to bear, and with one final thrust from Diavolo, you were overcome by a mind-shattering climax.
Your body convulsed in pleasure, writhing and quivering as the waves of ecstasy washed over you. Your moans and cries filled the air as you surrendered utterly to the delight these wicked creatures had brought upon you. You were nothing but a vessel for their insatiable desires, unable to resist the overwhelming pleasure that they bestowed upon you. And as the tremors of your climax subsided, you were left spent and panting, these demons who had taken you to heights of pleasure you never knew existed.
The night was consumed by unbridled lust, your tentacles ravaging every inch of the mortal woman's body until you were shaking and completely spent. You could feel a sense of pride and satisfaction at having pleased your powerful Master, Diavolo, to such an extent. But even as you lay panting and dripping with sweat and cum before him, you were not done. Three insatiable demons descended upon you, their relentless desires tearing through you in an intoxicating frenzy of pleasure and sin.
When it was all over, you were left as a convulsive, exhausted heap, filled to the brim with the remnants of their lustful desires. But even then, your Master's attention did not wane as Barbatos swooped in to care for you, treating you like the most precious of Diavolo's treasures.
He created a prison of comfort for you, manipulating time itself so that you would not even know how much had passed. As Diavolo indulged in his human concubine, you were kept safe and cared for by Barbatos, ensuring that you would never escape or feel neglected. Barbatos' words echoed in your mind as he stroked your hair gently, soothing you after your intense ordeal.
You are a human concubine chosen by the Prince of Devildom himself. You were subjected to unimaginable pleasures and pains every night, all at the mercy of Diavolo and his servants. With each passing night, you found yourself becoming more and more lost in the frenzy of passion and debauchery, unable to resist the temptations and pleasures that surrounded you. Under the guidance of Diavolo and his experienced demons, you were trained to become the ultimate pleasure object, fulfilling every desire and whim of the prince's insatiable appetite.
But this night was different. As exhaustion finally overtook you, you were overwhelmed with pride and fulfillment. You had pleased your Master, and that was all that mattered. And as you lay trembling and covered in their cum, you couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction at being able to bring such pleasure to powerful demons. But the night was far from over. As if sensing your heightened state, Diavolo signaled for his two companions, the powerful demons Lucifer and Mammon, to join in. You were mercilessly ravaged by the three of them, unable to resist their commanding presence and insatiable lust. Amidst the frenzy, Barbatos remained by your side, his gentle touch comforting you as he watched over you.
A prized possession of Diavolo and his trusted servant, and as you drifted off to sleep, fatigue and contentment washing over you, you couldn't help but wonder what pleasures awaited you in the coming nights.
Barbatos reported, a hint of a sly smirk on his lips as he looked down at you, satisfied with his work. Diavolo was grateful for Barbatos' efforts to make sure you were well taken care of in your captivity. Diavolo chuckled, a dark and possessive gleam in his eyes as he ran a hand through your hair, his touch sending shivers of pleasure through your body.
"She looks so beautiful, completely ruined, and yet still begging for more. I knew she was the perfect choice, Barbatos. I could never tire of such a devoted and insatiable lover. She keeps the others in line waiting for a taste."
You couldn't help but moan at Diavolo's words, feeling a renewed surge of arousal at his possessive hold on you. As he claimed you once again, you couldn't help but feel grateful to be at the mercy of such powerful and passionate beings. When the night finally ended, you were left exhausted and covered in marks and bruises but also fulfilled and satisfied in a way you never thought possible.
"Yes, Master. There is a reason we make sure all the humans have no family looking for them," Barbatos agreed. As you fell into a deep and contented sleep, you knew that you had found your true purpose and pleasure in serving your Master and his demons, willing to do whatever it took to please them and be by their side. They both held you with love and care.
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sugarakis-p2 · 4 months
I just wanna say your views on using AI to assist you on your art is valid and you are not alone out there. Fuck those entitled art elitists!
You don't known how much that means to me....anf how much I held that in my heart.
I don't know what to do with my feelings.
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sugarakis-p2 · 4 months
The last I'll say about this:
You might be wondering why I'm posting this instead of my writing. I'm posting this for a couple of reasons.
First, I'm putting the controversy about me using AI to rest. These are excellent tutorials for you to use with mid-journey. It is a much easier and simpler version of Photoshop, and if you pay money, you can monetize your art. You should be able to create your desired art and get credit for it. This is how AI should be used. It's a helper. 
I was told this by an artist who makes patterns for Lulu Roe and another who works on Fiverr to create book art. I don't know if this is true for everybody, but in the USA, your art only has a 30% difference in being legally used as original artwork. It's not a secret.
I made a drunk rant.....It's incoherent and crazy....but here is my response and my second reason: 
AI should be a tool to help you. It's reliable. It takes annoying tasks off your hands. It can help you better yourself. It's here to stay. 
I have always been supportive of new writers. I recommend AI to anyone who feels in a slump or needs a editor. If you feel yourself saying there's no one I can trust, no one will help me, I'm alone, I'm famous for writing the same thing, but I'm tired of the same thing...try AI.
If I receive one more shitty note that depresses me into a drinking void about my dead friend, that's not 'I'm sorry you experienced that, but...I will block you, take another month for myself, and refrain from posting a new chapter or story. <That's my final solution!
It's not like I'm not posting new things...I'm not posting them here. I'm petty like that.
I'm a person, and it took me a moment to know Tumblr is filled with desperate toxic fuck heads. 
As much as I love that in my writing....you can keep shoving your heads up further in each other's asses because I'm not sorry for using AI. It was there when others couldn't be....others that I would consider friends and ignored my pain. Keep that in mind before you open your stupid mouth to me again. 
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sugarakis-p2 · 5 months
im sorry ....I'm a nihilist but in both writing and art. All art if we are bousey. I am writing to you as drunk. As both. I hope you can follow. I take credit as Joseph. I brought to all our cucks full potential!
Do I know I am great in my own right....yazz....bit I know an am standing on shaky ground.
Bitches....line work all that fancy bullshit...doesn't matter. I have used it and know that yes....you know this is not bm
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sugarakis-p2 · 6 months
Honestly though I do not believe you when you say you use AI *just* for it to do the coloring and shading for you. Your art style from your very early work is very cute but it is extremely different from the art you post now. Even the art style you use between tenko/touya do not look similar
I wrote this whole long thing....but then I decided fuck you. You don't know me and I don't owe you anything. Damn crybabies over what essentially is easier Photoshop. I remember when artists cried about that too. You pissed me off and now I might just stew instead of giving you anything.
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sugarakis-p2 · 7 months
So you create art using AI and call it your own?
No I draw out my own work and use a tool for shading and coloring. It boggles the mind how this is such a hard concept. That using technology is NOT inherently evil.
I also am basing it off others people's work so it could never be mine in the first place. I draw Dabi or Shigaraki because I like to. I'm not asking for compensation. I'm sharing it, but they are not my characters. Unlike others on here. So yeah, I put my name on what I spent hours on, like EVERYONE ELSE HERE, but there's no surprise it's not original in any sense of the word. It's 100% art plagiarism and if Hirokoshi said take it down, I think a huge portion of the community that do profit off of his work would have a problem on there hands.
Not to mention the people who do nothing but color and shade his original work and put their name on it...I'm pretty sure most people here understand that they only colored it. But what if they are new? Are you going to go around and be the art police?
I have bad news for you ...people are going to look at art and duplicate it because we taught it that way. It's exactly how humans learned and do it.
An AI is going to look at what I wrote and use it somewhere in a story or a paper for someone else. As someone who helps program these things I'm not scared or worried. AI won't replace you or me anytime soon. Words are not exclusively mine. Just like how shading and color are not exclusively to one artist.
There's a difference from using a tool to enhance something and using it to entirely create something. Just because there's bad faith actors out there doesn't mean it's something that should be banned when it can improve our lifestyle. I use grammerly too, it's an AI editor. I have to, because the person who helped me, killed herself.
Are you going to say that any story edited by an AI is stolen work? Are you going to demand anyone using a spell check should go to school and do it themselves? Or Maybe...just maybe it's being used like how it's meant to be used. The problem is everyone thinks they are special and they are not. I know I'm not the only person out there that paired Shigaraki with a big girl. I'm not the only one who writes about Mothmen. What I do with the unoriginal concept and someone else's character is the only thing I can claim is mine and I do. Everyone that writes or draws fan stuff does.
I would understand your position if you actually cared about plagiarism or if I said I created an original character, but that's not what you're doing. I know it's not because you more likely found me by looking for fanfiction which means you enjoy seeing seeing fan art and fanfiction.
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sugarakis-p2 · 7 months
I'm just going to tell you
to anyone that wants to put me on blast...here...let me help you.
Do I use AI?
Yes, absolutley. I use it often, because I also help program AI's for school. Which is why I can tell you it's not as good as a real person. It can not replace the human factor.
I also don't see a problem with using a tool when the vast majority of the work or creativity comes from the person using the programs. That's what AI is. It's a tool not the means for creation.
Do I use it to help with my art, yeah! I suck at shading and coloring and what normally would take me a year to produce I can do it much faster.
If you don't like it don't look.
I also use grammerly despite having a English degree. If you don't like it, don't read....
Great, fine: I will follow up with the argument that "someone didn't color and shade for a robot to learn from it"...That's literally how humans learn. Picasso did not create his art, for art students, but guess what?
Also I'm not claiming nor, is anyone else claiming, I came up with a new pigment or an original shade, and even if that was true guess what would happen? Someone will try to recreate it. An AI is doing what a human does, just not as well or as original.
I'm not profiting off of this. I'm not taking commissions, and I'm not pretending anything I do is not inspired by something that doesn't already exist or thought up of. I'm doing it for myself and for fun. Wanting credit for the hours I put into is not too much to ask even if I did get help with shading.
My art is even fanfiction ok, so what. I stand on the shoulder of giants.
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sugarakis-p2 · 7 months
Ten-chan is the worst! ch3
Tumblr media
(I found my art. I know Touya looks generic but I'm still proud.)
Previous chapter 2: Alternate universe Tenko a UA student but no hero. Reader x Tenko F/M]
After a heated night of passion, you finally had made up your mind about Tenko. You'd decided you wanted to be equal partners with Tenko and date for real. But little did you know that in the night, Tenko would confess to you that he had the quirk of a villain, and what he did can never be undone, his tragic past keeping him from the opportunities that will create a future for him. You were uncertain how to take this new information, but he was still the same guy that you'd fallen in love with. You thought the world was finally opening up to you until you saw Touya. Confused about why Tenko discarded you, you allowed Touya to help you since you have no home and a mysterious illness. But his help came with its own dangers; you found yourself caught in the chaotic power struggle between the Todoroki family while you desperately tried to make sense of your explosive relationship with Tenko.
Warning: Mental and physical trauma, drugging, kidnapping, loss of virginity (deflowering), blood, Todoroki drama, angst and breakups.
Chapter 3:
Tenko dropped you on the bed, quickly following, trapping you in his arms.
Tenko's face was inches from yours, his hot breath sending shivers down your spine. He looked deep into your eyes as he ran his hands over your chest.
"Are you ready for this?" he asked with a cadence of need. You writhe against him with the same need. You grab his face and pull him to you. Kissing him deeply.
"I am a little scared," you admitted, parting your lips to let him in.
"We do not have to. There are plenty of other things," Tenko was saying when you lifted a finger and stopped him.
"Yes, I'm ready," you breathe. His lips locked on yours, crashing like two planets colliding, as a fire started to burn in your core, and you melted into the kiss, feeling the sparks of electricity released between you as your tongues danced. Kissing him back with the same hunger.
Tenko's hands moved lower, slowly teasing your nipples with tender strokes and caresses. Lightly pulling and tugging your top free. They hardened under his touch, and you gasped in pleasure. You could feel the warmth radiating in the room as your mouths gradually explored each other. You could feel yourself losing control and gripping his shoulder tightly as his hands teased you. He finally broke away from the kiss, and you felt lost in your own world for a moment.
His lips moved to your neck, inching down towards your chest, leaving a trail with his tongue. His hands moved back to your nipples and rubbed them ever so softly, cupping and kneading as he pulled one into his mouth. Suckling and lapping at your peaked flesh. He moved to the other, enjoying how you pebbled and hardened under his tongue. Tenko finally drew away, coming back up for the last passionate kiss, and his breathing was unsteady as he stumbled back, pulling off his shirt with fervent haste. You felt his hardened chest against you as his strong arms kept you steady in his embrace. 
"Ten-chan, I don't want to wait any longer," you whined.
"No," he scolded, "It's your first time. I need to work your body and make it special. We'll play like we have. Take our time. I want to cherish you."
 In one swift motion, he dropped his pants and underwear until he was standing before you, completely naked. You feel heated in your core. It reminds you of how you first got caught. He was only wearing a towel. He pulls you to him again before he lets you get a look at him.
"You are so cute. Let me undress you," Tenko asked. Tenko's eyes are ravenous and intense, hands reaching for you. You felt another wave of arousal rush through your body. He pulled you to stand with him in an embrace. His cock pressed against your stomach as he ran his gloved hands through the strands of your hair. 
"Y-y-yes, please help me undress," you nodded, and he hugged you. His hands moved to the back of your dress and started slowly working the zipper down your back. With each inch of the zipper he pulled down, the tension in the roomy seemed to build until, finally, your dress fell to the floor, pooling around your ankles. His gaze wandered over your body, and he let himself drink in the sight of you, every curve and angle filling him with warmth and wonder he couldn't describe. His arousal bobbed and responded to you in only your undergarments, making him wonder how hard he has fallen for you? That can't be possible. Yet he feels something other than hate, and it confuses him. 
"Tenko. T-t-this is a little embarrassing," you say. He moved forward again, stroking his hands up your sides until he reached the bra. Shutting off his noisy brain. His fingers fumbled with the clasp, tongue grazing his lips as he struggled with the tight fabric before finally pulling the straps away from your body. Your soft skin seemed to beg for his touch, and he complied, his gaze never leaving yours. His scars are less welted. His eyelashes are sparse and short, but they are growing. You gently touch them, and he leans his head into your hand.
His smile is sweet, "You're so pretty." He breathed in your ear. As his hands moved to your panties. He slid the lace fabric down your legs and watched it pool around your ankles. You felt a sense of encouragement in his gentle touches, knowing that you are entirely exposed and vulnerable to his gaze, admiring your body, the cool air surrounding you, and prickling your skin. The appreciation came off him in waves. You couldn't help but feel beautiful in that moment and revel in it. His fingers grazed your lips. You wince in surprise as he asks with a wicked grin, "Did you shave her for me?" You swallowed hard and nodded.
He placed his hands on your shoulders, then ran one up to cup your face and spread gentle kisses over your cheeks and lips. His other hand wandered southward, teasing your nipples as his mouth tasted every inch of your skin. He walks you back until the back of your legs hit the bed, pressing you down, his tongue licked into the curves of your body, caressing and exploring until your breath hitched and your heart raced.
"Ten! That tickles," you squeal and squirm when his tongue wriggles in your belly button. 
Tenko let out a low moan as he licked up and found one of your nipples, and he licked and sucked on it hungrily until you were arching into him in pleasure. His hands roamed down to your hips, then back up to your breasts as his mouth hungrily devoured your body. You cupped his head, fingers entangled in his hair, encouraging him to suck harder. Every inch of you was consumed and explored, and when he had finally finished, he pulled away, breathing heavily. He flipped you over, and you shuddered as his tongue ran up your spine. He bit your butt, and you squeaked and kicked the air.
"Ten-chan!" Tenko pulled back and laughed. 
"You've never let me have this much. It's getting too hard to hold back. But I promise I will be gentle," he moans. Flipping you back over, parting your legs to lick and nip at your inner thighs.
"T-T-T-Tenko," you whimper, pleading with your eyes. He stops long enough to let you ask your question while he nuzzles your leg. "Have you ever been with a virgin? You seem too big." Tenko pulls a face, contemplating how to measure out his words.
"No. My partners have been experienced. I promise I will do my best and take care of all your needs. You are so perfect and wet. I studied and got advice to get you ready. I ache to be inside you," he panted. Lightly rubbing your clit with his thumb. His eyes spoke volumes of desire. Gently, he ran his hands along your thighs, the warmth of his touch setting your core aflame. His breath stroked your thigh. Dropping feather-light kisses on your skin, and lay his head softly against the exposed flesh of your inner thigh. His tongue follows down your apex in a familiar act that puts you more at ease. Your body quivered with anticipation, and you hungered for more.
"You are already dripping. You are so pretty for me," Tenko growled. Spreading your lips and staring, his fingers opening you up as he licks his lips.
"T-t-en, can you stop that," you stammer.
"Stop what? You don't like it?" Tenko asked, pausing his fingers but still staring only at your pussy. You cover your eyes with your hands.
"It's not that I don't like it. Whenever you do things to me, it makes my head fuzzy and blank, and I don't know what to say. It's like all my senses are on overload, to the point where I'm overwhelmed and don't know what to say or do! It does feel really good and embarrassing to feel your gaze on me," you whisper, blushing.
"How do you expect me to hold back when you say such cute things? Fine, I won't look," he panted. He fiercely dipped his head between your legs, his breath ragged as his tongue worked expertly against your sensitive spot. As his skilled ministrations sent electric shocks of pleasure coursing through you, it was all you could do to gasp for air. He intensified his touch, holding you firmly against him as you began to writhe in rapture. Unable to resist his advances, you begged for more, though he compelled you to remain still as the waves of pleasure coursed through you like a raging storm. Your body chose the path of least resistance, succumbing to bliss as his fondling grew more and more fervent. Oh, how he tantalized you! His tongue darted in and out of your folds, each thrust sending waves of pleasure through your center. His fingers soon found their way inside you, and you gasped, the sensations intensifying. He added three fingers again, and you squirmed, the pressure almost too much. Flinching when he spreads them to stretch you.
"Tenko. That hurts a little," you whimper.
"I know. Just a little more. I have a bit above-average length, but I can see my thickness being a problem. You're too tight. Bear with it and relax. Just a little more," Tenko mumbles around your clit. Growling and nipping, sending vibrations and sharp sensations that made you arch your back and clutch his hair. He continued to pleasure you, each caress and lick, making you moan with pain and desire.
He moved his fingers in circles, faster and faster, sending you into a frenzy. Sucking your clit roughly, nipping the bundle of nerves to grind into his face, spreading his fingers, then pumping, spreading, and pumping. You can feel your orgasm building, and as you reach the peak, you buried your hands in his hair and let out a deep, guttural moan, throwing your head back. 
"Ah, ah, ah, Ten! I'm cumming," you screamed. He pulled away, a satisfied smirk on his lips, knowing you came because of him.
"I'll never get tired of that sight. You are dripping with sweetness," Tenko sighed with contentment. Wiping his lips with the back of his hand before reaching over to open a box of condoms, grimacing as he rolled it on. You watch with rapt attention. "What the fuck," he yelped and mumbled.
"What's wrong? Don't you want me to suck you?" You panted.
"Nothing. Don't move. I want to be in you. Spread yourself wide for me," he breathed. You do as he asks. His bright eyes burned into yours as he crawled over your hot body. He cages you in his arms, a light kiss before his masterful hands joining between your frantic bodies. You felt him align with your inviting entrance. He tried to ease in but ended up slipping. With a slight shift, he gripes his shaft and thrusts his hips hard and deep, that moment of bliss and excruciating pain melting the two of you as one.
"Ten. Ten, it hurts!" You screamed, meeting his imploring gaze with a fiery glare. Writhing against his grip, you fought him with all your might, desperate to break free. His arms quaked with effort as he held onto you, his muscles tense as a coil beneath your grasp, his teeth grinding.
"Too tight," He hissed. His mouth moved, but no words came out. His lips instead twisted into a grimace of pain. It felt like a merciless invasion, held firmly in place by a blazing hot rubber battering ram ruthlessly determined to tear you in two. No matter how hard you tried to resist, it seemed unstoppable as it stretched the life out of you. Heaving and panting, he still wouldn't release you from his iron grip. Your legs shook, and tears streamed down your face.
"Ten!" Your anger and frustration boiled over like a volcano, and with one final gasp, you shoved yourself. He followed with a grunt, his eyes filled with rage, as he tore his glove off with his teeth, grabbed his base, and ripped himself free of you. Decaying the condom with a gasp of relief. Immediately you yelped and scuttled from him. Cradling your aching, bleeding pussy in your hands and whimpering in pain. Breathing deeply, you tried not to check the hurt expression on his face. But you couldn't stop those emotions from bubbling to the surface. It seemed like time had frozen as your eyes met his. His gaze filled with hurt and longing. You both share a moment of remorse before you look away, unable to bear the mixed feelings of relief and guilt. You were relieved to have finally escaped his massive cock, but a part of you still felt disturbed by the fact that Tenko had been in physical pain, too.
"Fuck, your bleeding," he hissed. Tenko erupted into action, frantically dashing towards the mini-fridge and snatching a drink. With a swift, determined movement, he grabbed a washcloth and expertly arranged it around the cold beverage. He tenderly, yet urgently, placed it against the back of your hands. You relished in the relief of your throbbing wound as an awkward chuckle escaped Tenko's lips. Amid his attempt to conceal his idiotic grin, he softly apologized, "Are you ok? I'm sorry."
"You don't look sorry," With a scowl, you gritted your teeth. You had never seen Tenko appear so ecstatic before. He was practically vibrating with joy.
"I'm sorry I hurt my favorite spot. Are you alright?" he says, feigning innocence, although the smile tugging at the corner of his mouth could give him away any second.
You shift uneasily and shrug, "I do this monthly. What are you smiling about?" Trying to ease the sting of your pride.
"I took it. It may have only been my tip, but I was in you. You gave it to me, and I took it. No one can have it. I wasn't going to let anyone else have it. What you gave me is a tiny piece of you," he giggled, barely containing his excitement. It was unnerving, and you narrowed your eyes at him.
Your heart dropped into your stomach as the magnitude of the situation dawned on you. "Wait, that was only the tip?" Your voice shook as disbelief and horror seeped into your bones. Surely not—but there was no denying the fear that raced through you as the grim reality sunk in. He may not fit, ever. He is as wide as the can you are holding to yourself. You shuddered at the thought.
"Yeah," he groaned. His expression is as pained as his words. "The condom felt like a metal vice. I've used this brand before, but maybe it was because it was you. I felt something stronger with you — a sense of desire like I never experienced before. I felt harder and more excited than with anyone else."
The full impact of his words hit you like a truck, making your heart drop even further and your mouth drops open in shock. Your heart fluttered at his pretty words. Was this a confession of love? You steadied yourself with a deep breath and faced reality head-on. There was only one thing left to do: keep calm, be brave, and deal with the situation.
"I don't feel different. My virginity wasn't something I felt I had, I wasn't using it, and it wasn't that special of a thing since it's more like a concept… it's hard to explain," you say timidly.
"Then why with me?" He asked, scratching his neck.
"I wanted to understand my feelings about you. I thought being connected more intimately would help me," you answer nervously.
He scoffed and crossed his arms. 
"So, you didn't think it would be special unless it was with me?" Your heart raced at his words. His piercing gaze left you feeling exposed and vulnerable. His eyes softened, and he brushed his fingertips across your cheek. "Well, I'm glad you did because it was special. It was with you."
"I think I'm ready to try it again," you squeak bashfully. Tenko shook his head with grave sorrow, scratching around his eye, concern creasing his forehead as he ran his hand across his face. 
"The condoms will still be an issue," he sighed, his voice heavy with disappointment.
"We can try without a condom," you say, your eyes burning with desire. Tenko's eyes widen, his breath coming in rushed gasps. Suddenly, he darts to his nightstand drawer, pulling out a bottle of lube. He quickly grabs the can without hesitation, tossing it aside, and stares hungrily at your swollen sex.
"Beautiful," he pants, his erection pressing eagerly against your thigh. "I already deflowered you, and your body still shows its pleasures. You drive me wild. Let me show you the destruction I can bring." You cringe inwardly and hope he stops saying things like that. Popping the lid open for the lube, he pours it onto both of you, the anticipation almost too much. He is pressing down on you when you throw up your hands to stop him.
"Aren't you worried about babies," you shout in apprehension.
"I'll take responsibility," He growled fiercely, staking his claim as he rubbed himself between your legs. You gasp in pleasure and pain, knowing you had to plunge this time. You hesitate, unsure of his words. You know you are taking the pill, but he doesn't know. You wonder if he really means those words? Will he keep you safe and shoulder the burden with you, or will he turn his back when things get tough? Tenko lies, but he seems sincere. His light rasp interrupts your thoughts, his cock notching at your entrance, "I will be yours, and you will be mine. Would that be so bad? Stop me. Stop me now because once we start, I will not be able to go back, no matter how much I make you cry."
No. That wouldn't be so bad, you think. You know there is bad love. With Tenko, you know it's too late. Toxic or not, you had fallen for him. You allowed yourself to be drawn in, each glance a promise of the moments to come. It would not be so bad to belong to each other. You reach between you and help him push into you with a squirm and a gasp. You can feel the heat radiating between you, entangling together in a forbidden embrace. You know it's wrong, yet it feels right. For the first time, you wonder what it might feel like to belong to one another as equals. Pulling him closer, every inch of his body pushing into yours, with a deep shuddering sigh. It still aches and throbs, but his crown pushes into your swollen entrance, so gradually it feels like a slow knife. 
"All at once," You plead desperately, eyes full of lust and longing. Your heart thuds against your chest with an emotion you've never felt. Tenko's breathing was quick and rough as he wrapped his strong arms around your waist, pushing in with a deep groan and a primal growl. He sinks into you, every sensation amplified as the wave of pain makes you writhe and dig your nails in. His hands grasp yours tightly as you succumb to the rush of rapture. Pain and bliss flooded your veins as ecstasy flowed through your quaking body.
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to claw you. It stings. I feel too full," you trembled, your tears prickling your eyes and heavy on your lashes. He stared down at you, starved for more, the two of you locked in a desperate embrace.
"No, I made you bleed," he breathed, husky with lust. "This is only fair. I can take it. Are you ready? One more, and I should be in all the way," He thrust forward again, pushing roughly against your slick opening until he filled you completely. You let out a raw scream of his name and clawed at the back of his neck, your body shaking with pleasure.
"You are amazing. You are so tight. Look, I'm all the way in," Tenko whispers, his voice trembling with pleasure. Tenko shudders above you as heat spreads through your core. His eyes are heavy and languid as your grip tightens around him. Every time you move, he groans, the pleasure too much to bear. His chest heaves with each breath, drenching your skin in his warmth. You can feel his heart quivering deep within you, blood rushing through his veins. You can feel every ridge and throb of his length as you explore him further, pushing yourself into a crescendo of pleasure. A river of ecstasy persists between you, and you feel truly as one.
"I'm going to move," he growls. With one last warning, he slides out and buries himself back inside your resistive walls. His movements become more urgent with each passionate stroke taken with a renewed vigor. "Roll your hips," He urges you to move with him to help tease the sweet pressure he's executing to reach the best spots. It helps him move faster and deeper.
"Trenko, that's too rough," you plead. 
"It can't be helped. You are rocking against me," Tenko groaned. Together, swaying in a way that edges into the ultimate bliss. Your body trembling with each thrust, your palms slick with sweat and blood. His strong hands pressing into your hips, pushing you to the limit. The two of you move in unison as if fate had designed you for each other. Your bodies cling together as Tenko drives deeper and more profound, faster and harder, the tempo of your passion increasing with each stroke. The heat of his skin against yours sends sparks of electricity through your veins. Your moans of pleasure echo through the night and through your soul. He crashes through you, his eyes intent. His movements were savage, each punishing thrust taking you closer to the edge.
The passion between you reaches a fever pitch as you both reach for the ultimate climax. Waves of pleasure roll through you from the tips of your toes to the top of your head. Tenko leaned down to press his lips against yours, his tongue exploring every inch of your mouth in a tantalizing dance. His pace quickened, pushing you higher to the brink of ecstasy. Tenko erupts in a deep groan as the pleasure overtakes him. Heat and harsh throbbing made you mewl and clench on him.
His back dripping blood as you pant, "Ten, Ah, Ten. I'm cumming. I'm cumming. Ten. Slow down." He let out a low moan of pleasure as his body climaxed. His stomach muscles bunch as his hips stutter against yours. With a final hard thrust, the electricity of pleasure ran up your spine as you arched up to him, and his shudder of release sent you spiraling. You lay in each other's arms, heartbeats slowing, love and passion have conquered, and there is only bliss for now.
"I have a confession," he says, still buried in you.
"What?" you pant.
"I came when I got all the way in you. We might have to go all night long because that was not enough. Is that ok?" You kiss him in response. The two of you go for hours until you collapse on top of each other, exhausted from the intensity of it all.
"Let me rest for a moment. I want to snuggle and talk, please," you gasp.
Tenko nodded, his hot body relaxing and molding to yours, pulling you to lay on top of him, resting your head on his chest. It is hard, covered in sweat, but you can hear the steady rythm of his heartbeat and take comfort in that. "I will say our date is over. Are you going to tell me why you tried to rape me?" He freezes, rolling off and staring at the ceiling before responding. He raises his hand, now ungloved, for you to see, and chills run through your body. You still clung to him, hung on every word.
"I killed my family with this hand. My older sister, my mother, my grandparents. A villain…awoke something in me. I did not know what was happening, but I accidentally killed my family. My father hit me with a shovel. It's how I got this scar. It still itches," he touches the one over his eye. "If he had reached for the sweeper. He would be dead also." He said with a lilt of desire that frightened you. His eyes dart to you, dark with some unseen craving, flickered to you as a chill swept down your spine. You wanted—no, needed—to hear more, and he obliged, his story unfolding like a horror movie, bringing you further into its depths. "My father left me a ton of money and disappeared. My father had disappeared, abandoning me. I thought it was over when I was forsaken as a child, left alone in the world with nothing but a hefty inheritance. I was barely conscious, lying whimpering among the dust, and had almost given up hope when All Might stumbled across my pitiful body and took me in. It was then that my life changed, and he offered me the chance to start anew. Who knows what would have happened if he hadn't found me? Fate is cruel. I was mad because he offered me a spot in the hero course."
You wait with bated breath, but then he finishes talking abruptly. Your mouth agape, you look at him with fury, disbelief, and sadness. Sitting up abruptly, your heart heavy with disappointment, you grab your pillow and rear back.
"Wait--you were offered a spot in the acclaimed Hero Course, and you acted like it made you *mad*! How could you *not* take it?! Do you even know how *difficult* it is to get in, and you had the chance *so late* in your life?" You say, smacking him with a pillow for emphasis.
He mumbled from under the pillow, "You are so violent! That's not the normal reaction I get from that story." You quickly pull the pillow away, revealing tears in your eyes. You threw your arms around him, clutching him tightly. "That's what a regular response would be," he said, a hint of sadness in his voice. "I didn't accept it because I have a villain's Quirk. That is my fate in life."
"I can't even fathom," you began, shaking your head in disbelief, "The burden you have had to carry. I'm so sorry, Ten-Chan. But still, you mustn't allow your Quirk to stand in the way of your goals, whatever they may be. After all, my Quirk is nothing out of the ordinary, and people are always shocked to hear it's called 'Domestic Goddess.' Yet, despite what assumptions they may make, I use my Quirk to my advantage. To prove myself, to make money, to better myself. I would jump at the chance of attending the hero's course if I had the opportunity. It's not about the Quirk itself. It's about the potential and the power of what that potential can become," you finished, emphasizing your words with a passionate determination.
"Power? Domestic goddess? Come to think of it, you've never talked about your Quirk or inquired what mine is. I'm curious to know what you'd do if you were in the hero course. What are your dreams?" Tenko pressed closer to you, their nose grazing your neck as they asked, awe and curiosity thick in his voice.
"Yeah. It's a family quirk, hence the stupid name. People think it's only good for being a domestic partner or a baby machine. Maybe I will marry and have kids, but I will earn money in the meantime. It's hard surviving without it," you say, playing with his hair in self-comfort. "I'm an enhancer. If I have strong emotions like love or hate, I can make it affect what I touch. It's nice that no one can stop me from using it. But if I was in the hero's course, I would use it for inside trading," you admit, your eyes dark and desperate. A shaky breath escapes you.
"That's not a very hero thing to say." Tenko kissed. You rolled your eyes. One thing you will never claim to be is a hero, "What, do you think I'm going to be able to beat up villains?"
"How do you plan on earning all this money alone? Wouldn't it be easier if you let your lover take care of you? Just a little for once," Tenko purred, his suggestion dripping with innuendo as he rolled you over and nestled his hard cock against your pelvis. His words lingered in the air. The implications are as heavy as the desire between you both.
"I'll work for my Mom after graduation and expand her physical shop and company's contracts. I got a few gigs on the side. I am not looking for a hero, Tenko." You gasp when four fingers tenderly wrap around your throat, and the look of contempt spreads over his face. His gaze is ice cold, daring you to say something else he will hate. Suddenly, Tenko seemed to double his strength, his bright eyes burning with intensity, flipping you face-down. His powerful arms pinned your face to the pillow, and you squealed in fear because it was his ungloved hand. He leaned closer, his breath hot against your ear, and growled, "I'm not your hero. I'm your villain and lover." He gripped your waist and entered harshly with one thrust. You turned your head to gasp for air and looked up at him with one of fear and arousal. His words made your cunt tighten on his length. He moaned.
"You really know how to rile me up. I'll take the hero's course. I'll even help you with inside trading. But you have to make me want a future," he graveled. What? You thought. He entered you with fire in his eyes. His fury was palpable, and yet the passion with which he seized you was undeniable. Pressing his chest into your back and his hips against your tight, round ass. Tenko began to move his hips against you. Every thrust felt like a desperate plea as if he begged you to be his and his alone. You tried to fight back the tears, yet they threatened to give way as you allowed yourself to be consumed by him. You rocked your hips back and forth with each thrust, feeling the pleasure grow more and more intense as the sensations built up within you. He increased the pace and intensity of his thrusts, kissing your womb and sending a shockwave through your center up your spine. 
You can't let him have you with the weight of the Touya threat looming over you. You melted into each other, still connected, the intensity of the moment still radiating through you. Tenko pulled you up into his arms by your neck, his heart still thumping against your back as he kissed the back of your neck. With one final, deep thrust, you cried out in pleasure as your body trembled with the powerful wave of orgasm that consumed you. Your body spasmed with pleasure as he filled you with his warmth. When it was done, he let you collapse in a gasping, quivering heap on the bed. He embraced you and kissed your neck tenderly as you both calmed your breathing. He held you tightly, feeling a deep satisfaction as you curled against him, your body still trembling with pleasure from your passionate tryst. Tenko's gentle breath hit your neck as he asked if it was good. His voice was deep and full of the same emotion racing through your veins.
"Yes," you sighed, surrendering to the warmth that rushed through you as his warmth enveloped you. As you drift into sleep, you smile, feeling the strength and love you have just shared through their bodies.
Tenko  rose from the bed with a newfound vigor and a determined gait, putting his glove back on as he went. He paused, watching with adoration as you lay beneath the blanket, he had pulled over you. There was no doubt in his mind. He had finally admitted to himself he's been in love with you for a long time. Probably the moment you walked into the gamers' club with that look, he had never seen a look of such fervent obsession, and underneath it was an undeniable fear. You are tenacious. He knew he wouldn't be able to keep you if he kept the All Might thing from you. But he didn't tell you everything. He went for a short walk. With a satisfied smile, he gently kissed your lips before crawling beside you on the bed and wrapping his arms around you, hiking your leg around his waist, and placing his cock back in you.
He had fucked you so hard you didn't wake. You sighed in contentment and flopped your arm over him. Although you had been sleeping through it, a soft hum of satisfaction escaped your lips, and your body aligned itself with his, molding to him. His heart was so full that he feared it might burst. In a satisfied whisper, he uttered, "I ruined you for all other men. This was fate." He allowed his eyelids to succumb to the exhaustion. His face hurt because he never smiled this much in his entire life.
You yanked yourself away from Tenko's embrace, feeling like his touch still lingered on your body, perhaps a consequence of his aggressive lovemaking. No, it was he let himself go limp inside of you. You knew he was worn out, but Tenko was still fast asleep after your shower. You see, he had gotten your bag at some point in the night. You left a text letting him know you were getting some breakfast before you left the bedroom. Unaware that Touya was following close behind. You gasped in shock as you felt his presence, jerking away as quickly as possible.
"You're so jumpy, little mouse. I only wanted to tease you a little bit, not scare you," Touya grinned.
You back away, gripping your chest, heart pounding as you ask, "What are you doing here?" Touya shrugs as if it is obvious.
"Shiori was tired. This was affordable, available, and close by," Touya says. That makes sense. It's the reason you chose this hotel. Touya seems too friendly, and it puts you on edge. He is too close, adding to your anxiety, "You wanted to talk to me about something. How about I buy you breakfast, and we can talk." The closer he is to you, the more something about his smile makes you anxious. 
"That's a nice offer..." You attempt to finish your sentence when he suddenly captures your hand and pulls you towards Shiori's table. A mixture of uncertainty and anticipation swirls in your head, and all the possibility of a new opportunity looms. It should be alright if Shiori is there. You try to wrest your hand free, "I need to get my portfolio! I'll be right back!"
You race to the room, grabbing your bag as you leave. Tenko is still sound asleep. Your heart swells with butterflies as you suddenly realize the magnitude of the offer. This could be it! You can become equals and express the love to Tenko that you have kept hidden for so long. You take a deep breath and make the decision to seize the moment. You will confess your feelings to Tenko and do whatever it takes to start a new life together. The thought of it fills you with excitement and determination. There's no turning back now!
You present Touya with your portfolio, your eyes meeting his with determination. "I spoke with several girls, and while your reputation as a lover is awful, I showed them these pictures demonstrating your gentle, caring, personal side, and their overall perception of you improved by at least 20%. Your social media lacks any personal touch if you take a look here...." You gesture to the charts, explaining in detail how his income could increase if he utilizes all the tips and resources within your portfolio.
"I like a lot of these photos. You took them, didn't you? Many are in the gamer room," He nods approvingly at the photos, a satisfied look on his face, and he winks at Shiori a few times. Her expression quickly shifts from confusion to distress as she stands up from the table. She was already looking glazed over from the start of the conversation. Clutching her hands together nervously, she hastily returns with two glasses of juice. You take a sip and murmur a quiet thank you. Even though you and Shiori have never gotten along, you suddenly find yourself filled with pity. Touya seems to have completely broken her last night. Suddenly, the pieces of why she's here are all coming together. You can't help but feel a tug of compassion for this girl who had the world at her fingertips only to have it taken away by Touya's whims. The thought is almost too much for you to handle, although she knew what he was like, and it was her choice. She shouldn't have hooked back up with him again.
You steel yourself for the approaching moment of truth. You want Tenko. Touya noticing that you have been taking pictures of him also makes you feel edgy, "Of course. With my quirk," you say with a sly half-smile. "I can put you in the best light in any situation photo. I…I…What?" you ask, confused. You feel so sleepy suddenly, a feeling of weariness washes over you. Tenko did go hard last night. You continue as professional as possible but the world wavers. The moments after that are a blur.
You  open your eyes, and the world is like a twisted blur, whirling around you in dizzying circles. You felt a sharp wave of nausea surge over you, and when you looked over, Touya was holding out something for you. "Stop!" you pleaded desperately. In response, Touya quickly pulled over, coming to a screeching halt.  
He couldn't bear watching you suffer any longer as you began to turn green. Swerving to the side of the road, he pulled over and held your hair back, tenderly caressing your head in a tight embrace. "Are you getting car sick? It always happens to me. That's why I carry Dramamine in the glove box," he murmured softly.
You looked up with shock, stammering, "Wha-What's going on?" Your voice quivered as you stepped away from him, uncomfortably aware of the intensity of the situation. You shook your head as you stared blankly, unsure of what was happening. Your lungs felt heavy, your head fuzzy, and your heart sank as he shuffled towards you.
"Whoa, their little mouse. Don't hurt yourself. We have so much work to do," he breathed in your ear. His fingers stroked through your hair.
Flashes come to you.
"Is this sorting out your feelings! Is this what you think of me!" Tenko shouted. Rage and hatred radiated off of him. Tears and crying. You groan.
"Ten-chan? No. I love you." That pathetic sobbing is you. The lightning flashed furiously, cutting through your memory like a thousand knives. Images of the past came tumbling out, colliding with your present. You were surrounded by tumult, captivated, and immobilized in an ocean of memory. You look to Touya, "Did Tenko really break up with me?"
"Are you crying?" Touya grinned, a devilish smile stretching across his face. Emotions crashed together like turbulent waves, threatening to drown you in the chaos. Tenko yelling. You could feel yourself unraveling, being enveloped in a deluge of thoughts. Tenko is being pulled away by a dark figure. You attempted to express your feelings, but the words seemed caught in your throat, terror keeping them hostage. "I will fucking kill you, Touya! I'll teach you to play with people's hearts!"
"Wha-yes," you sobbed, your body shaking as you kneeled on the side of the road. The tension built until it seemed unbearable. One final flash of lightning and the heavens opened, unleashing a torrent of emotion. Tenko said, "You couldn't wait two weeks! You are trying to break our deal with only two weeks left. For this evil fucker! You will always be mine!" You could feel yourself collapsing under the weight of it all, clinging onto anything that could keep you afloat. 
"No," you wept.
"Then it is true - he has broken your heart and taken your innocence. I warned you it is what he does," Touya said, harshness and delight ringing in his voice. You look at Touya, and a memory of his hot fingers forced into your mouth as he pulls you to him. Tenko screaming at you in your face. Blue flames. A black swirl. People holding him back. Touya saying he will help you. "You want to get to know the real me?"
In the present, Touya scooped you up from the ground and buckled you back into the car seat, his face haughty as he spoke, "I know you're in a bit of a mess, but it'll be alright. We just need to stay out of sight until Tenko calms down." You feel so weak and tired that you let him take care of you.
"What happened? Where are we going? My head is so foggy I don't remember everything," you groan. Touya gingerly turns your head to face him, a strange smile tugging at his lips. Unsettled by the sight, you shudder, unsure of what he has planned.
"Hey, now. Are you ok? Should I take you to a doctor first? What do you mean you don't remember? Come to think of it, you did seem a bit out of it," Touya grins as he brushes his finger against your bottom lip and the corner of your mouth, assuming it is vomit until he leans in and gently kisses your lips. You shriek, recoiling in horror, your eyes wide with confusion. 
"Little mouse," Touya replies calmly, a mischievous twinkle in his eyes. "You told me everything. I don't mind a little puke from you. Your desperate need for a place to stay and how you require more data. How you pined for me. It is like fate. I'm taking you to my place where we can both lay low."
"What?!" You gasp in alarm, frantically trying to recall anything. Unable to, you begin to frantically look for your phone. Your gaze casts up to Touya, who holds out the mangled remains of your cell phone, the glass splintered in a million pieces. He arches an eyebrow at you, looking concerned as he asks, "Sorry, it got broken in the scuffle. You really don't remember anything?"
"No," you whimper, tears streaming down your face. "We can't go back to your place if Tenko is still angry." The thought of returning brings a stab of pain to your heart.
"Your right." He cups your face in his hands and looks into your eyes, a grin spreading across his lips. "I'm not taking you there. I'm taking you to my family's estate, where I will introduce you to my family as my girlfriend. You said you needed more data for a personal touch to my social media account. I never thought I'd have someone by my side to share this moment with. But first I'm taking you to a doctor. We can worry about the rest later," he says as he tenderly brushes a strand of hair from your face.
Your stomach churns, and a cold fear washes over you as his hand moves to your shoulder. You recoil sharply, and the words spill from you like venom. "I'm not your girlfriend!" you snap as the car speeds recklessly to some unknown destination. Where is he taking you? You barely have the time to think before pulling up in front of a private doctor's office. How long has it been since you passed out? As you step out, you feel a wave of relief roll over you, despite the weird circumstances. You realize that it's probably best for you to be checked out by a doctor. He takes your hand, reassuringly stroking your knuckles.
"First, let's get you to a doctor. I thought you fell asleep due to stress and car sickness, but this is something else," he says, his voice deep and tender. You nod, barely able to keep a glimmer of hope in your heart. You know it's a risk, but what else can you do? As you stumble out of the car, his strong hands cradle you, steadying you. His gaze is unwavering as he speaks, "Well, that hurts, little mouse. I was hoping for the real thing. I know you're putting yourself out there for Tenko, but I can offer you so much more. A chance to finish your final project and to have a nice place to stay. You can pretend to be my girlfriend like you did for Tenko."
He presses his forehead to yours, his breathing ragged. You shut your eyes, letting his warmth envelop you. You can feel the sincerity and truth resonating from him. He pulls back, his expression soft but his gaze burning. You could feel the intensity he was radiating as he looked at you. "I promise everything will be alright." You can feel the strength of his sincerity through his words and the intensity of his gaze. He pulls back, smiling down at you. His voice is a reassuring whisper in the night.
Touya  tugged at the doctor's shirt sleeve, your uncertainty of the situation palpable. As they pulled away from you, your anxiety grew as you scanned the room, noting each detail with a heightened sense of unease. What could be so important, you wondered, that Touya had to whisper it into the doctor's ear? You sang from your feet, tugging anxiously at the sleeves of your hoodie as you awaited the answer.  
"I'm Doctor Ujiko. You're not out of the woods yet, Touya," Doctor Ujiko warned sternly, shaking his head. "You have been severely dehydrated, and that bump on your head means business. I'm going to prescribe fluids. Make sure you get some serious rest for the next two weeks. I don't want to see you here anytime soon. Do you understand me?"
Touya nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation. "Yes, Doctor. I promise I'll take care of her. Thanks," he said solemnly.
"But I have to get back to school," you sniffle as a nurse gets you a bag of fluids. Your head seemed to clear at that moment, and the pangs of screaming pain started to subside.
"Do you want to die?" Dr. Ujiko snarled, his voice seething. "I'm giving you a prescription for the pain, but bed rest is what you need. Touya, you still have to pick up that item you need at the front, and it won't come cheap!" With a final, sinister scowl, the old man swept out of the room, leaving you feeling shaken and alone with Touya.
"You look worn out," Touya's voice takes on a note of concern as he watches you, his gaze cold as he sees the weariness in your expression and the dark circles under your eyes. He frowns slightly at the sight of the ragged, oversized hoodie you wore instead of the cute clothes you usually have on. Gently, he reaches out and grasps your hand, feeling your brokenness and sensing the heaviness of your heart. With compassion he doesn't feel, he says, "Come, let me take you to your new home."
The  place looks like an impenetrable fortress, majestic and timeless, hewn from the traditional Japanese architecture of old with a few daring touches of modern innovation.
"You need to play along, and you don't know Shouto; otherwise... "Touya's stern warning shattered the silence, an ultimatum that hit you hard. Curbing your gasped response, you nodded in unwilling acceptance as Touya's grip on your shoulder tightened. You felt a surge of panic. Fired and homeless, cast out into a world you can no longer rely on. Worse, your final project will only succeed if Touya agrees. A tri-colored hair girl ran up before your fears could take over. Upon seeing you, her steps froze as if startled. Instantly, understanding flashed in her eyes.
She gasps, her voice quaking in shock as she cries, "Touya brought a GIRL home?! He has NEVER done that before! Oh no, what do we do? We don't have enough room for another person at the table!"
"Will Dad join us or eat with Shouto alone again?" Touya grumbled, his voice chilling the room. His icy eyes glared intently at his sister, eager for an answer. All his charm melted away. This was Touya with no pretenses. You shudder. Fuyumi's eyes widened, her smile fading as her brother's hostility grew unmistakably clear.
"Touya, don't be rude. Introduce us. I'm Fuyumi, Touya's little sister," She smiled. Fuyumi exuded a motherly aura rather than a sisterly one. Something Touya clearly found annoying. Touya interrupted her.
Touya's expression is dark and stormy as he demands, "She's, my girlfriend. Tell him it's serious. I brought her to meet the family." His gaze slides to you, and you feel the color creeping into your cheeks. You haven't eaten all day, and your stomach betrays you with a loud growl. You close your eyes, wishing the ground would swallow you up, but Touya's voice cuts through the air, softer this time. "Clearly, she's had it rough. She's usually so cute and bashful. I just brought her straight from the doctor's office. Make an extra place at the table."
Touya leads you to the table, you gape, and your eyes widen when the intimidating figure of Endeavor strides into the room. His bulky frame and handsome features strike amazement into your heart, and Shouto's eyes light up with excitement. Gathering your courage, you introduce yourself and bow politely, pretending you met him for the first time. Endeavor sends him away to eat alone because Shouto is on a special diet. It still seemed weird to you, but you stayed quiet. The dinner proceeded peacefully, enjoying a delicious dinner and easy conversation with the siblings, Fuyumi and Natsuo. The tension between Touya and Endeavour was evident. Endeavour looked up from his plate and cleared his throat.
"Touya, you said this girl was crucial that we must meet. What is your news?" Curiously, Endeavour folded his arms and questioned. Touya wrapped himself around you, gently rubbing your belly, making you stiffen and squeak.
"We're having a baby. I got my little mouse here knocked up. The doctor says she needs bed rest, and I'm going to take care of her." And as if that wasn't enough, Touya's voice took on a mocking tone as he spoke. "I'm asking you to treat her better than just family. I'm sure you'll manage." The tension in the room increased. You can almost taste it as anticipation hangs heavy. Your jaw slacked in shock as realization and dread hit you like an avalanche. He grins manically, touching you tenderly while Touya holds you close, and his hands continue their soothing motion until he is draped over you possessively, "Here's the proof. Positive pregnancy test and an order to for bed rest." Touya barely gave Endeavor time to process before he continued, wrapping both arms around you and pulling you close, tossing the paperwork at him. Tenko's hands worked in sweeping, soothing motion like he was trying to comfort you even after he'd dropped this bombshell of news. You sure as hell don't feel comforted. Endeavor's face grew stony as he stared at the pregnancy test and doctor's orders before him, disbelief slowly morphing into anger.
You try to use your eyes to express your mental scream directed at Touya. What are you doing, Touya!?! They shouted. The pressure crackling between you was so thick you wanted to puke. The siblings stared at you, their eyes wide in disbelief, draining of color.  What is Touya up to?  Your mind raced with the reality of the night before, you had lost your virginity, but you had been on the pill. There was no way you could be pregnant. This was insane. Endeavor had just heard from his eldest son that he had gotten a girl pregnant and was now feeling a mix of rage and disappointment extremely evident.
"What were you thinking!?" Endeavor roared, thundering through the room as he slammed his fist on the table, crushing the paperwork and scattering it across the floor.
"That I could become a better father than you!" Touya smirked at him and replied cockily.
Endeavor shook his head and looked away, trying to control his anger. He looked back at his son and slowly spoke, "You're not a father. Not yet. You're still a boy and haven't even finished UA."
"Age is just a number, Dad." Touya shrugged and drew a circle in the air with his finger, "And besides, it's all worked out. She wants to keep the baby, and our family is growing."
Endeavor took a deep breath and said in a more even tone, "I just want you to understand the gravity of the situation. I can't believe you would be so irresponsible."
 "Hey, I'm going to be a dad," Touya shrugged again and said. "What else is there for me to understand?"
Endeavor closed his eyes and rubbed his forehead. He silently counted to ten before slowly opening his eyes and looking at Touya, "It's no longer just about you. Can you even afford it without my income? You know your eccentricities are not suitable for this huge responsibility. Your quirks are not compatible. Think of the child and what you'll do to provide them with a decent life. Abortion provides an alternative. Consider it."
Did he really just dare to utter the words that ignite the fires of fury within you? Quirk Compatibility is that sickening phrase that you can't stand to think about. This arrogant man, full of hubris and completely undeserved pride, has the audacity to say such words after all the pain and trauma he has inflicted upon others due to his pursuit of a perfect quirk. You can feel your rage growing, your cheeks flushing, and your eyebrows furrow angrily. He notices the shift in your demeanor and pauses, looking at you with a newfound caution in his gaze. Natsuo's expression morphed from confusion to anger as he gazed at Endeavor. His chopsticks clenched between his fingers, ready to be plunged into Endeavour's eye. It reminded you of the harsh reality. You are the outsider, while these children had to stay here with this man.
You pause, a sly smile playing across your lips. "I think none of that will be an issue, sir," you say, your voice warm with honeyed promise. "My mother owns the largest custom textiles and clothing alteration company in the nation. From exclusive schools to prestigious members of society, those in power are her clients. Detnerat and even you are numbered among her clients. As for me, I'm looking to build on her success after graduation. Taking her empire to heights never before achieved." You pause, your gaze flicking up to meet his as a wicked grin spreads across your face. "Touya, my darling, could you please bring me my portfolio? I think that should be all the convincing you need."
Touya sprinted towards you, his excitement noticeable. Felt alive and circling for its prey. The kids are laser-focused on you and their father, who you are staring death in the eye and meeting his gaze unwaveringly. After all, you understand what it takes to be a world-renowned hero, and Endeavor was no exception. Your Dad is a pro-hero, too. You understand, scary men. Endeavor doesn't intimidate you. Touya slid and presented you with your portfolio with a flourish, his enthusiasm radiating from him.
You slide the glossy charts across the desk to Endeavor, the intensity of your gaze bearing down upon him. Explaining the numbers and the formula used for estimations, "This is how I plan a future for your son. After graduating, he can become a fully-fledged hero who simultaneously builds a career as a model. It is more than enough for him to live a comfortable life. If you look here, I intend to increase his follower numbers to catch Detnerat's eye. I intend to acquire a contract with them. Then expand to skincare and Apothecary." Endeavor is struck speechless by your ambition, silently regarding the charts with rapt attention.
Touya stared defiantly as his father glanced away. The father looked at everyone at the table and sighed, "My son needs to understand that if he's going to be a father, he needs to behave like one."
"As for quirks. Mine is called a domestic goddess. It was made for being a good wife and mother," you beam. Touya is practically vibrating with joy. Endeavor sighs, looking almost defeated when he rises from the table.
"I'll start the ball rolling and talk to the school right away so we can get you set up with remote learning for when you start showing," Endeavor gritted through his teeth. "You'll be married before giving birth and stay here with our private doctors. I'll have a prenuptial drafted for you tomorrow. A least you found a smart one," he added with a menacing glare. You gulp. A part of you did not think that would work. What he was saying sounded like orders. 
Touya's eyes flashed as he purred, "I'll put your things in my room," giving you a look that dared you to say otherwise.
Endeavor's voice was a thunderous boom as he cut in. "No. She will stay in the guest room. You've already done enough damage." He set his sights on Shouto, a deadly glare in his eyes. "It's time for training." You really didn't like him.
Fuyumi and Natsuo stepped forward with a determinedly enthusiastic offer. "We'll help!" they exclaimed, turning down the bed and picking up the suitcase. Touya watched from the door with an expression of apprehension as Fuyumi gave a tearful cry of joy. "I'm so excited to have a big sister!" With that, they left, leaving Touya darkening your door.
"You did good," he murmured, his voice oozing with a seductive hunger. His steps grow closer, like a lion preparing to stalk its prey, "You deserve a reward." In a desperate panic, you lunged for the nearest object and hurled it at him. He easily dodged everything.
"How could you do something so reckless?!" you seethe, your anger fueled by humiliation. "Do you realize what you've done? Your family now thinks we are getting married and I'm pregnant! Do you even comprehend the magnitude of this?" You give him a look that conveys your disbelief and confusion. "What in God's name were you thinking?! Have you lost your mind?"
"Yes," he says, face falling, the word laced with icy coldness as he approaches and gently wipes away the tears cascading from your eyes. His hot hands felt tender against your skin as he spoke. "You have witnessed what I have been forced to live with, and you have surpassed all my expectations, little mouse." He leaned in for a kiss, but you turned away. He looked annoyed but plastered on a fake smile. "Hey, now. Don't be mad at me. You needed a place to stay and wanted to know more about me. My Dad wouldn't let you stay if I asked nicely."
A tear cascades down your face as you utter, "This is it. The moment I snap. You could have let me know what to expect. You didn't because you wanted to mess with me as much as your Dad. You can't expect me to want to play any games with you right now. I'm in pieces, broken apart with no idea of what the future holds. And here you are, trying to make out while I'm standing here crushed? How could you be so cruel? I only want to curl up and cry until I drift into blissful sleep. What you want shouldn't be so one-sided in the first place. I need a connection, fun conversation, eating together, sharing dreams." You collapsed on the floor, exhausted and in tears.
"You're right, little mouse," Touya left and returned with a glass of water. Touya's smirk widened as he towered over your trembling frame, relishing the vulnerability in your eyes. He raised the glass of water and extended it towards you menacingly. "You must take your medicine if you want to feel better, little mouse," he said, his voice dangerously low. You searched his gaze for any sign of pity or understanding, but you found none. Relentless, Touya stood like a statue, waiting for you to accept your fate, the glass of water symbolized. You reluctantly accepted the glass and bowed your head, knowing defeat. "That's a good little mouse," Touya said, a devilish glint in his eye. "Now rest so that you may find peace."
He turned to leave, not expecting such a small broken thing to rise. With a sudden surge of strength and determination, you lunged at him, planting your foot on his backside and shoving him out the door so hard that it slammed into the adjacent wall. He grunted in surprise, dodging the glass of water that shattered beside him. He collapsed on the ground, gazing up at you in shock. Your chest was heaving, your eyes blazing with fear, adrenaline, and an unquenchable rage. You roared, "I am more than what you see!" Your veins bulged in your neck as you slammed the door for the final time.
Fuyumi's  worried voice cut through the air, "What happened?" But he didn't respond. Instead, he got to his feet and listened as you curled up and the sobs began to escape your trembling lips. The terror that lingered in your gaze only amplified his resolve. Even while Fuyumi tried desperately to clean up the mess, he smiled at her. A response is even more disturbing than his silence. He knew Fuyumi lived her life walking on eggshells.
He gazed thoughtfully and said with a sincere note of admiration, "You didn't think I would marry a girl that didn't have fire in her veins?" Fuyumi's face lit up, her eyes sparkling in recognition and affection for your courage. She smiled kindly at your door's direction and said, "She is extraordinary. I've never seen anyone else, except you, have the strength to stand up to my father like that."
"Good night, Fuyumi," he sighed, the sound of his father's rage resonating in the distance as he trudged toward the garden. Listening as his father beat the hell out of Shouto helped ease his nerves. He reached into his coat pocket, pulling out a pack of cigarettes, tapping the bottom impatiently before lighting one with a flame from his finger. All the while, his phone kept buzzing. Taking it out to check, he let out a groan. 663 missed calls and 232 texts, all from Tenko. The task could have gone better. Sensei Kurogiri had to step in to clean up the mess.
Tenko's deep inhalation was markedly drawn out, suffusing his lungs with a sickly, acrid smoke tickling his lungs before he answered his phone. "Where is she? What have you done to her?" Tenko snarled. His words echoed through Touya's mind, and as each syllable settled like poison, the air filled with the unmistakable sound of wet, frenzied scraping. Tenko had most surely worked himself into an animalistic hysteria, scratching his body raw with sheer, unrestrained rage.
"Don't worry about her. She is perfectly safe. It's a shame it had to come to this. Before you came, she was muttering some interesting things in her dazed state. She mentioned a connection, fun conversation, eating together, and sharing dreams. Tsk. Tsk. Did you forget our shared dream first?" Touya asks, his voice breaking with false sorrow.
"She is the one who convinced me to enter the hero course last night. Let her go," Tenko says with clenched teeth, his fingers scratching with barely restrained fury.
Touya stared coldly at the dancing smoke as he imagined the pleading figure before him, a smug expression slowly creeping onto his face as he spoke, "I don't think so. When I see you succeeding, rising up to be the leader your role requires, then I will let the little mouse go." His pleasure was unmistakable. The joy of controlling another's destiny twisting in the air like the smoke before fed his sadistic nature sweetly. He snapped his fingers, and the smoke danced in a frenzy.
"I don't forgive anyone," Tenko hissed. An ominous threat that reverberated in the deathly stillness that had settled over Touya. Touya took his time to consider the Shogi playing in his mind. The threat said many things, and Touya was a little impressed. The tension weighed heavily in the air until it seemed to crush them both.
"You think she won't take you back? After all, you made her cry," Touya teased. "Well, you could always call a hero. Tell them I kidnapped her."
"You think you can play me like a fool?" Tenko scoffed. "You think you can trick your way out of this. Otherwise, you wouldn't have taken her. I know you will hide behind your privilege. You don't even understand her." Tenko growled, his temper rising. "Once I'm in the Heroes program, you'll release her. That is the step you wanted toward your dream. That's fair," Tenko affirmed, his wrath boiling in his veins.
Touya knew it was an order. One, he will have to figure out how to get around. He mulled it over and decided he wouldn't mind being the cat to his little mouse. He was able to manipulate Tenko easier than you with just a few things you said before you rejected him. He finished his cigarette and snuck into your room. Prepared to take action, Touya stealthily made his way to your bedroom. Silently standing in the shadows, he studied your resting figure with a satisfied gleam in his eye.
Like Shiori, Touya was incredulous as to why Tenko was so captivated by you. He believed you to be a naive, dumb little shallow crybaby. A girl trying too hard to get attention. He initially assumed that Tenko sought to experience what it felt like to ravage somebody's heart. An act that Touya himself had done multiple times to all the girls that had any fondness for Tenko. Then, you stole Tenko's cold, blackened heart. Something that Touya never thought would happen. Had he known that you would be the one to persuade Tenko to seek a hero's path, he might have backed off. Unfortunately for you, it's now too little, too late.
You were an enigma, almost as capable as he was of manipulating emotions. He adjusted his stance to be closer and leaned in, breathing in your scent. To him, you smelled like sweet fixation and tender love. One of those things he did not understand. His heart raced as he slowly pulled the blanket off you, exposing your half-naked form. You didn't stir, so he continued to study your body. Letting his gaze wander over your body, taking in every inch of you and causing a smirk to pass over his lips as he noticed you were clad in only a hoodie. Your bare legs caught his eye. His fingertips trailed up from your thigh, and his grip tightened on the supple flesh of your ass, causing you to moan in your sleep, and he felt an overwhelming possessiveness surge through him. What a lewd body, he thinks with a pleasant smile. You shifted but stayed fast asleep.
He began rummaging through your personal things, devising a strategy to unravel you emotionally. He is confused about why you started dating Tenko in the first place. You seemed utterly terrified of him. He heard the rumors of blackmail from your girlfriends, but he could not get you to confirm or deny it. Tenko seemed to have won you slowly over time. That's not how consensual dating works, from his experience. He wonders what kind of girl would like Tenko enough to reject him? His intuition tells him it will be easier for him if he can discover why and how Tenko caught you. Tenko mentioned a deal in his rage.
He was on the brink of his patience, ready to give up, until he stumbled upon something that sparked an unseen fire within him. His mouth suddenly broke into a wide, wicked smile as an ingenious plan began to form in his mind. One that would crush his father and maybe his world. He goes back to your body. The decisions before him were weighted heavily; he didn't want to cement it until he could see what you could do for him. He was tempted to imagine the shock and surprise on your face if he ripped your panties off and left the door wide open, yet he chose to wait until the time was right. He had to know if you could handle what would follow. You should be able to handle it if you can handle Tenko.
"Let's see how you handle the real me first," he said to the darkness.  
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sugarakis-p2 · 7 months
good and bad news....i was able to retrieve one unedited chapter from my old computer....bad news is I am so numb inside it will be a couple of months before I can finish it.
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sugarakis-p2 · 7 months
I am so absolutely depressed right The last couple of chapters of All knight's is gone.... I trade everything I can to try to recover it and I'm just
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sugarakis-p2 · 7 months
Me...with 20 shorts and three complete chapters with no editing because rl is breaking my soul 😭😭
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sugarakis-p2 · 8 months
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Do you see it 😏 my favorite kind of art. Yes it's mine 😒 please give credit.
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