sungiethequokka · 2 years
felix: i’m cold
hyunjin: here, have my jacket
jisung: i’m cold too
minho, tossing him a lighter: here go wild
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sungiethequokka · 2 years
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Minho ✧ Scars MV making film for @lecknow & @snug-gyu ♡
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sungiethequokka · 2 years
where the sea sleeps !!
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lee know x gn!reader // fluff // 111 words // requested
warnings: none
taglist — 🏷 // @asprosworld ; @mngoxbinsu ; @shinehyuk ; @trashlord-007
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it’s quiet - so quiet that minho can hear the corridor echo with every step. he almost feels as if he’s breaking into his own house, what with how he’s trying to get inside as softly as possible.
safely unlocking the front door with no major difficulties, minho opens it and peers inside to find you, curled up on the couch - soonie, doongie, and dori surrounding you.
trying to refrain from cooing at the sight, minho steps inside with a full heart. 
it’s quiet - so quiet that minho can hear the thump of his heartbeat, and he cautiously lies on the sofa, soon falling asleep to the melody of your peaceful breaths.
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sungiethequokka · 2 years
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sungiethequokka · 2 years
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hyunjin ♡ skz-talker go! oakland
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sungiethequokka · 2 years
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a vibing cutie 🥰
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sungiethequokka · 2 years
Hi Anny! 💗
I hope you’re good 😌
Could I please request a fic with Minho.
I just had this thought of boyfriend Minho buying his gf a necklace with his initial “M” on it and she never takes it off regardless of the situation. He’s a cute but jealous bf and he wears a matching one with their initial. You can make it as fluffy -!; suggestive and angsty and whatever you want 🥺
Also don’t feel pressured to write my request if you aren’t feeling it 💗
a/n: hi honey! here it is, i hope you like it!
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he gifts you the necklace with slightly shaky hands, as if he was unsure about whether or not you would like it. silly boy, you think as you tackle him in a hug, i would like anything you would give me. he laughs breathlessly as your weight pushes him into the back of the couch, and he takes the opportunity to clasp the chain around the back of your neck. you pull back, looking down to see the small, silver ‘M’ glinting between your collarbones. the slight weight of it makes your heart flutter, knowing that he wanted to show you off like this, so tangibly.
“so everyone knows you’re mine,” he confirms, meeting your eyes with a big smile. on anyone else, this possessive look would be a turn off for you. but on him? it’s freaking adorable. you press a kiss to his nose, making it scrunch up and twitch, like a rabbit.
you spent the entire night cuddled into him, barely paying attention to the movie playing on the tv because you keep getting distracted by the necklace hanging on your chest. you find yourself thumbing the cool metal, exploring the points and smooth edges with your fingers, memorizing it to your memory.
the necklace becomes a part of you, you never take it off. it comes with you to work, to get groceries, to dinner dates, even in the shower. the gentle weight of the metal is comforting, a piece of him you can have with you all the time. he teases you sometimes, pulling on the chain when he passes by you in the kitchen or is cuddled next to you at night. you know he’s secretly pleased though, by the way he touches the metal when you’re making out and shivers in your arms, or the way he blushes when you go out wearing it on full display in front of his friends.
the metal never tarnishes, it’s always shiny and smooth like the first day you got it. you would point that out to minho if you weren’t afraid that he would make some grand metaphor about how it represents how your love never fades, or something. he’s dramatic like that.
you pretend it grosses you out when he’s sickly sweet with his cheesy declarations of love, but really you love it. especially when it surprises you, like the situation you’ve found yourself in right now.
you’re cooking with him in his small kitchen, and it’s so hot that you’re sweating. you stripped yourself of your flannel and socks ages ago, you’re just wearing shorts and a thin t-shirt, and you wish you could take those off too. you’re bewildered by how he’s reluctant to strip himself of his layers, but eventually even he gets too hot. you gasp when he takes off his hoodie, leaving him in a white tank top, and you see a glint of silver hanging around his neck before he turns away from you to the pan he was watching.
you grab his shoulder and turn him to face you properly. you creep your hand towards his neck, pulling on a shiny silver chain that’s hidden under his collar to reveal a pendant nearly identical to yours, with a letter glinting off of the end. not just any letter, it’s your initial. you reach out to hold it, running a finger over the smooth metal and staring at it in awe.
“when did you get this?” you ask, finally meeting his eyes with a big smile.
“well,” he says, averting his eyes from yours, the tips of his ears flushing pink. “when i got you yours. i didn’t want to show it to you just yet, so i hid it under my shirts. but i wanted to have a way to show everyone that i’m yours, too.”
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sungiethequokka · 2 years
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my favorite jisung looks (4/∞)
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sungiethequokka · 2 years
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pretty 🌹
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sungiethequokka · 2 years
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changbin’s first solo vlive of 2022!
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sungiethequokka · 2 years
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hyunjin’s mini vlog 🤍
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sungiethequokka · 2 years
knight in a shining business suit
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getting hit on by a creep is never a pleasant experience. the aftermath, though, may be.
warnings: chan x gender neutral reader, reader is called feminine names (“pretty”, “gorgeous”), chan is not the one being the creep!
genre: fluff
word count: 1750+
a/n: first time rolling out my new taglist woohoo!!
the scene isn’t an entirely unique one; you’re at your favorite local bar, nursing a lukewarm beer in your hand as you mindlessly scroll on your phone with the other. this is a pretty normal night for you, you usually find yourself here after work on most days, not wanting to go home and deal with your roommate just yet. your best friend felix is one of the regular bartenders here, and once he introduced you to his coworkers hyunjin and jeongin you can’t think of anywhere better to spend your time. those boys have a way of being so effortlessly entertaining that you lose track of time in here. plus, on karaoke nights, they take over the place, vocals and dance moves enough to dissuade anyone else from following after them. it’s like a free concert without jostling crowds and overpriced food.
the regulars here are mostly 9-5’ers like you, looking for some relaxation after a grueling day of work, or a set of middle aged bearded men who come in biweekly to have pool competitions. you were originally weary of them, but after learning that they were really sweet and loved to show you pictures of their kids in diapers or in the pool, you grew to enjoy their rowdiness. plus, whoever lost often bought a round of drinks for the entire bar, so that didn’t hurt things.
today’s been- different, for lack of better word. when you walked in, there were a bunch of sleazy looking business guys in suits spattered throughout the bar in varying degrees of drunkenness. you’ve never seen anyone dressed up here past a leather jacket and combat boots, and you might have thought you walked into the wrong place if the path here wasn’t committed to your muscle memory at this point. it took one calculated look to jeongin once you got to the bar for him to explain that the admittedly nicer, but more expensive, bar down the road had a gas leak so these patrons had nowhere else to go.
“they couldn’t just go home?” you had snarked as he handed you your drink. he had just shrugged helplessly as he wiped the counter down and people-watched (read: judged) the newcomers from behind the bar.
one of them sidles up next to you and orders a cheaper beer than your own from jeongin, leaving you to brave the man’s presence alone.
“can i get you a drink, beautiful?” the man says, voice slurred, his reeking breath hitting your nostrils and almost making you gag.
“no thanks, i’m good,” you say, gesturing to your half empty beer with your phone and not bothering to look up. you’re still in your work clothes, hair a mess, can this guy not find someone else to bother? or better yet, can he not just leave? this is your space. you don’t care if you’re being petty.
“shouldn’t a pretty thing like you be drinking something more fruity?” he presses, leaning into your space making you cringe back. you finally look up to give the man a stern look, and oh, he’s much uglier and much more drunk than you were giving him credit for.
you’re try to get jeongin’s attention, or hyunjin’s or felix’s, but jeongin is pulling the man’s beer and hyunjin is too busy play-flirting with felix to see your hand frantically waving where the creepy guy can’t see it.
“what‘s your name, gorgeous?” the man says, not even waiting for an answer, clearly not getting any of the hints you’ve been handing out. “my name is-“
“don’t finish that sentence,” you hear a firm voice say from your other side, and you’re whipping your head around to look at bang chan, who might be the most attractive man you’ve ever laid your eyes on. he’s not overly tall, but what he lacks in height he makes up for in stature. seriously, his arms look like they could crush you easily and you kind of love that. his shoulders are broad, even his thighs are gorgeous. he has dark eyes, wavy dark hair, and plush, pink, cupid’s bow to lips that are formed into a gentle frown. he’s wearing a suit, perfectly tailored around his waist with a matching tie and pocket square complete with a classy leather strapped watch. it’s a stark contrast to the suit the creep is wearing, hanging off of him in some places and too tight in others, grease stain on the lapel. chan leans over you to look at the creep, wrapping his arm respectfully around your waist in the process and you almost drop your drink from surprise. he’s felix’s older brother, so you’ve met chan many times, known him for years, but he’s never touched you like this before. you can’t help the way your heart flutters despite the situation you’re in.
“what the hell are you doing?” the creep says, anger rising as he’s realizing he’s losing control of the situation. you can see in his eyes, the way they go dark and wild in a way that you never want to see a man’s eyes go.
“literally none of your business. leave me and my partner alone,” chan says, calm despite the vein you can see straining in his neck. how is that hot too? you’ve never seen him like this, cold and angry with his eyes on fire. this is so unfair. you’re quite literally blocked between a rock and a hard place here, there’s no escape from this situation.
“your partner? no, prove it, i don’t buy it.” the creep says loudly, getting the attention of the people around you. “you don’t have a partner, bang.”
hyunjin finally walks over, opening his mouth to say something, but you motion for him to wait. you kind of want to see how this plays out, you’re too invested at this point.
“i really don’t think we have to prove anything to you, nam,” chan protests, tightening his grip on your waist. unfortunately for the both of you, the creep keeps going on, insisting that chan doesn’t have a secret partner, there’s no way, so you must be faking it. as if you would choose to go home with him otherwise.
chan looks at you in the eyes, silently asking for your permission to do something, and you nod minutely. you trust him. he leans in, and your breath catches before he presses his lips to yours. they’re softer than you imagined, does he exfoliate? he must exfoliate. you feel like your mind is short-circuiting, stuck on the thought of whether he uses a sugar or a microbead exfoliant on his lips.
you stay there for a moment before he’s reaching up to card his hand through your hair. you gasp, giving him the opportunity to lick into your mouth before he pulls away, mouth wet. you’re stunned, your own mouth hanging open a bit, not registering that the creep had apparently shut up and walked straight out of the bar without paying. you’re pretty sure that was the best first kiss you’ve ever experienced.
“well,” chan says, grinning almost shyly, hand still in your hair, cradling your head almost protectively. “sorry about my coworker, i’m trying to get him fired, so.”
“i can’t say he was a pleasure,” you grin back. “let me know if i can help with that.” he removes his hand from your head, and you miss the presence already. felix walks up to you behind the bar, sidling up to a shocked hyunjin with a smirk.
“hey, channie hyung,” he says, laughing when hyunjin squawks at him. “having fun?”
“yongbokkie. you’re not causing too much trouble here are you?” chan responds, pressing the side of his body against yours a bit when he leans in, causing the skin where he’s touching you to tingle.
“hold on,” hyunjin says, cutting off felix’s response. “channie hyung? yongbokkie? you two know each other?”
“they’re brothers,” you say with a teasing voice as felix rolls his eyes. “both a pain in my ass, usually.”
“he’s my big ceo, pride of the family, older brother.” he ducks when chan reaches to swat him in the head.
“brother? ceo?” hyunjin squeaks, and felix finally takes pity on him and pulls him aside with coaxing words to calm him down, leaving you alone with chan. you give him a look, quirking an eyebrow at him, and he smiled at you nervously. all of his prior suave and charisma is gone, leaving the endearing boy with soft features and kind eyes. the boy you knew and were used to, not the stranger who walked into the bar.
“technically, he’s my half-brother, did you know that? we different last names?“ he says, a little awkwardly, and you gasp in shock. this is new information to you. “but we grew up together, so. i love him, you know?”
“that’s sweet,” you say, turning in your chair to face him fully. “speaking of being sweet, what happened to that badass guy that saved me from that creep? he seems to have left the building.” you dramatically look behind him, making him chuckle under his breath. “i’ve never seen that side of you before.”
“i’m not really like that, i just get a little overprotective sometimes. and i know you’re closer with lix, but i care about you too, and i hate that guy, so it just came out.” he says, leaning in until you can smell his sweet cologne. “plus, it wasn’t like it was a chore to kiss you.” that makes butterflies erupt in your stomach, and you take a sip of your beer to give you a second to school your features into something that wasn’t embarrassing.
“well, we’ve already had a first kiss,” you start, placing your hand on his arm. his suit even feels expensive. “do i get to have a date with the cute australian ceo?”
“that depends,” he says, glancing at his watch. “are you free tonight?” you can tell he’s trying to come off as cool and collected, but a bit of eagerness is peeking through. it’s adorable and you’re just a little bit enamored with him.
“i happen to be completely free,” you smile as you link your hand through his arm, throwing a wave at a beaming felix. you know he’ll just add your drink to your ever-growing tab you’ve accumulated here. “we can talk strategy about how to get your coworker fired.”
“oh, you know me so well,” he says as he walks you out of the bar.
taglist: @daceyena @isilentprincess @woahfruity @chvnnie @katieraven @agustd-essert @chanssmiles @sweetestcherrywine @foivetimesacharm
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sungiethequokka · 2 years
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good morning hyunjin!
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sungiethequokka · 2 years
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sungiethequokka · 2 years
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79 notes · View notes
sungiethequokka · 2 years
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sungiethequokka · 2 years
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surprise! 🎉
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