superpte · 12 hours
Modern Tech Made Propaganda Ever More Blatant
George Orwell (1903-1950) once wrote that “history stopped” in 1936. Truth after that point was drowned out by state propaganda, enabled by modern technology… at the time wireless radio. It was a phenomenon that terrified him. Orwell was not an optimistic type, and thus missed the best of life, hope springing eternal… Instead he hopped into unrealistic gloom: “A happy vicar I might have beenTwo…
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superpte · 1 day
Existential War, Or When The Ends Justify The Means
Abstract: Do the ends never justify the means? No. And we explain why. This goes directly against all the highest principles of the present civilization… Principles which are hypocritical and in denial of reality (…. they were promoted because they repelled revolution and fostered the establishment!) However, when one denies reality, one denies a gathering tsunami, by walking on the old sea bed,…
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superpte · 3 days
Massive Governmental Research Advances Civilization. No Alternative.
Abstract: Government is how society gets organized, how it decides what to be. Does a society decide to be curious? The most important societies of the past were curious. Although some Roman individuals were curious, the empire killed that behavior which threatened the established order. *** First flights (Avion 1, Avion 2 and Avion 3) were from the enterprising Ader, a sophisticated French…
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superpte · 5 days
Rolling Stones: Humanity A Musical Avalanche Painted Black
Mick Jagger is turning 81, admitting “to be honest I would prefer being 30“. What are 81 years in this huge universe, and monster show of possibilities? A spark of hope? The cooing of a child? Asked questions about the world, by El Pais, the Spanish paper, Mick prefered to recognize he had been “idiotic” in the past… so he will pass… Anyway the Rolling Stones are touring, as they have been doing…
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superpte · 6 days
Stress Prepares For Fight, Flight, Heroism, Great Feats & Utmost Mental Nobility... But Stress Is Counterindicated To Slaves
Is Stress as bad as its repute? Does one get addicted to it? And why? Why stress? Does stress have a good side? Is stress inherent to the mental creation process? (Yes it is!) “Stress” as a word is very old, but the modern notion of stress as a psychological condition is very recent. I reckon that this has to do with the state of the world. The word “stress” comes from Old French estrece from…
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superpte · 8 days
Relativistic Length Contraction Busts Helium3
I don’t think the situation of length contraction in Relativity is fully settled. I am of course not denying Michelson-Morley, etc.  Einstein came up with the standard answer regarding length contraction: comoving frame versus non-comoving frame: what’s absolute in Relativity is, and only is, the relative relationship. He wrote in 1911.  The so-called Bell Paradox gives an inkling of something…
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superpte · 9 days
The UN Loves To Hate Israel… Now Generals Must Act
Nawaf Salam is the Muslim Arab presiding the International Court of Justice of the UN. He is from Lebanon, a country ravaged by religious strife, and home to a huge terror group, Hezbollah. Salam and friends say it’s OK for Hamas to murder and rape Jews of all ages and conditions, just because they are Jews, and then that ideology of hate will be reverred by their supporters, worldwide (nevermind…
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superpte · 13 days
International Criminal Court A Tool Of The Ahmadiyya Muslim Community?
The International Criminal Court has found that Israel defending itself is a war crime, whereas Putin invading and killing 30 times more is, well… nothing worth prosecuting? Yes, I know the ICC faked-prosecuted Putin… See below… Quick reminder: when 40,000 Muslim Arab warriors invaded the Middle East, 13 centuries ago, there were three religions there, and dozens of millions of believers in…
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superpte · 15 days
Plutocratization, Deindustrialization, Demilitarization: From Rome to US. 
The proximal cause of the fall of the Roman state was military: in August 379, by complete surprise, a rogue army of Goth who had been admitted as refugees inside the empire, destroyed the Oriental Roman field army. The fault was emperor Valens’ vainglory: he rejected the advice of the Frankish chief of staff of the Occidental field army to wait for it, it was only a couple of days away. 27 years…
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superpte · 15 days
Rome Did Not Fall... Completely...
Happy New Year To All Those Worthy Of My Affection And, Or, Consideration. (Such as those kind enough to comment on this site!) The tradition of celebrating the Winter Solstice as the start of the year, complete with cut fir trees and gift giving goes all the way back to Ancient Greece, and thus, by osmosis, to Rome (Zoroastrians, thus Iranians, celebrate the New Year in Spring). The Romans were…
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superpte · 18 days
What Loving Wisdom Is For: More For War Than For Peace
Homo Sapiens Sapiens, Homo SS, we are our wisdom, and what is Sapiens supposed to be? Wisdom, from sapere, to know: I know, therefore I wise… All the other hominids, and most megafauna, destroyed. Megafauna as even more destroyed in the Americas, without any Eurasians around… Was that a plan, or just a trend? The wisdom is clear, though: caves are safer for Homo Sapiens Neanderthalis, without…
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superpte · 19 days
THC: Opium Of Present Generation, Prescribed By Plutocrats
Soros and company prescribe Cannabis, Marihuanna, Pot to better deteriorate those they rule over… Marx wrote: “Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, and the soul of soulless conditions. It is the opium of the people.”… . Marx was aware, two centuries ago, that making people incapable of using their brains was how the ownership class controlled We The…
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superpte · 21 days
Gazed In Gaza? Not So Fast!
Certainly supporting bombing children is hideous, and this is why world war two was painful even for victorious Allied generals. It is also why those who encourage tyrants of the most malignant type are even more hideous, because the worst tyrannies always end up with massive wars, hence the mass bombing of children. Hamas had deliberately prepared for years for a war where Israel would be forced…
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superpte · 22 days
Jim Simons was a financial manipulator. Differently from the capitalists whom Marx or Lenin knew, Simons created no value whatsoever. Simons, a genuine mathematician (a student of the Chinese turned US differential geometer SS Chern, famous for the Chern-Simons differential form) got the idea of becoming a pure financial parasite. So doing he made friends in high places who enabled him in turn to…
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superpte · 25 days
Traditional humanism pretends to understand man, but it has been a tragic failure, because it did not realize the existence of a Hate Instinct Trigger Mechanism (HITT). HITT lays in wait, not to say in ambush, ready to be triggered by external circumstances. A related instinct is the Survival Mechanism (SM). The SM consists in full neuronal mechanism. In particular, all motor neurons can fire at…
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superpte · 29 days
INNOCENCE FROM IGNORANCE: An Old Trick Used By Religions To Make Themselves Popular With The Hate They Enable
Following Socrates it’s assumed that ignorant people are innocent, even while committing evil: ignorance made them do it. Yes, sure… but what when people make themselves deliberately ignorant with the aim of committing evil? Remember that in the Nazi state, ignorance was rampant. Ignorance was a system. Remember the Mafia, and omerta (the code of obedience to the leader and silence about the…
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superpte · 1 month
France Must Be The Engine Of Masochist, Woke, Supine, US Vassal, Europe
Europe, ex-vassal of Putin and Uncle Sam, is now embracing only the latter as the former is viewed increasingly as abusive. When worried about woke, US citizens would be well inspired of contemplating Europe. A state of the art French made anti-Cholesterol medication vastly superior to statins is sold in the USA for people with genetic hypercholesteromia (as yours truly). It’s very expensive, but…
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