supersaurusunicorn · 7 hours
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i feel actually crazy watching mainstream western media describe this as an israeli ceasefire proposal when israel is the only party in disagreement with it and its almost identical to the proposal presented by hamas weeks ago
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supersaurusunicorn · 8 hours
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supersaurusunicorn · 8 hours
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"Buying HEPA filters and maintaining them is *too hard.* how about you just get sick all the time instead? It's good for you, actually!"
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supersaurusunicorn · 22 hours
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Two things:
One, Labor sided with the Liberals to vote down a Greens motion to recognise the state of Palestine. 145 out of 193 UN countries recognise it. Australia does not.
Greens have pointed out that recognition of statehood is an important part of achieving peace. Labor on the other hand continues to provide Israel millions of dollars in arms and ammunition so that Israel can commit genocide. Labor has said it supports a two-state solution, but won't recognise Palestine as a state, so how can they claim they're actually working on a solution?
Two, Patrick Gorman is the MP for Perth - which has the highest Greens vote in all of WA. With the exception of one election, the Greens vote has consistently grown every time since 1996. He's not just being singled out here for no reason - the Greens are trying to build up support in the hopes of gaining it in 2025.
Join the Greens. Help vote in MPs who actually will take a strong stance against genocide. Voting for the Greens won't help the Liberals get in, but it can show Labor that it needs to do better.
Meanwhile, click here to contact Penny Wong, Minister for Foreign Affairs, and demand better.
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supersaurusunicorn · 2 days
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so there you go. she used the dying embers of the parliament session to make sure no one can stop their trans children from being suicidal without fucking emigrating.
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supersaurusunicorn · 2 days
there was backlash from homeschooling "parents rights" advocates in my area before because of a daycare teaching kids about consent...all they learned is that you don't have to accept unwanted physical intimacy. one scenario that happened is a parent told her toddler boy to kiss a toddler girl in class. toddler boy comes back and says that toddler girl didn't want a kiss. it turns out the kids were taught that you don't touch someone if they say "no". parents thought this was ridiculous. I felt crazy hearing them talk about it, why in the world would you be upset by kids respecting each others boundaries, and why are you asking your toddlers to kiss each other in the first place as if they're toys and not human beings?
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supersaurusunicorn · 2 days
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good lord this thing is useless
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supersaurusunicorn · 4 days
Ao3 search filters legit have me so spoiled. I forget how good they are until I have to search for something in some horrendous corporate website and they don't even have exclusion filters. Like cmon ao3 has these why don't you! Anyway I love you ao3 tagging and filtering system
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supersaurusunicorn · 4 days
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I deserve it
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supersaurusunicorn · 5 days
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Like clockwork
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supersaurusunicorn · 6 days
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glad google ai is on top of this
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supersaurusunicorn · 6 days
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supersaurusunicorn · 7 days
Kid reported his father missing
Police torture him into making him confess to killing his father
Father is alive and well
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supersaurusunicorn · 10 days
I'm kind of obsessed with how Patrick Stewart is Not gay. He's literally straight he just acts like that. Ian McKellen is gay so it's easy to think logically that so is Patrick Stewart but he's not. Unparalleled. Don't call yourself an ally unless you kiss your gay friends on the mouth
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supersaurusunicorn · 15 days
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the fascist states of america when for once a significant number of people in it dares question why tax dollars consistently fund a genocide thats been going on thrice as long as youve been alive
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supersaurusunicorn · 16 days
is it fucking weird to anyone else to think that deer are like, everywhere
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supersaurusunicorn · 20 days
hey did you know??? that if you stop stretching and maintaining mobility in your body then it goes away?? things get tight and you can't move the way that you used to??? and when you decide to try getting a stretch routine going that the first week fucking sucks because you keep going 'damn i used to be able to do this no problem' and then you have to switch gears and be kind to yourself and just focus on getting better from here instead of berating yourself for dropping the good habits in the first place??? and your body never stops aging so you gotta keep taking care of it and sometimes you gotta take care of it extra in certain areas because of things that happened when you were younger and it's boring and sometimes hurts but it's so necessary???
i am yelling this at myself right now i am going through An Experience (trying to get into a routine of body maintenance again for my physical and mental health)
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