survayzfordayz · 5 years
*** Do you attend church? + -- Nope. What is the closest object to you that is pink?  + -- Uhh. Looks like there’s some pink on my binder.. Do you watch House? + -- Never got into it. It was the same every time.  What is your shoe size?  + -- 7.5 - 8 US What type of jeans did you wear today? + -- I guess they’re mom jeans. I don’t care. How about shoes?  + -- My only pair of shoes that I wear on a regular basis. Do you have a sister?  + -- Sister-in-law. Do you ever dream of your wedding? Location and all? + -- I never did, no.  Rose Art or Crayola?  + -- Roseart is like coloring with a candle. I hated it.  Are you afraid of ever being in jail? + -- I mean I haven’t really done anything that would land me in jail? But if for some reason I end up there, I guess I end up there. I’d just do my time and get out.  Do you have any tattoos? + -- No, but I’d like some. What sport do you enjoy watching the most?  + -- I don’t really. MMA is interesting, but that’s about it.  What is your favorite animal?  + -- OCTOPODES Have you ever been to Disney Quest? + -- No. What’s the highest score you’ve ever gotten bowling?  + -- I went bowling once when I was 7.  What parts of your body can you crack and/or pop?  + -- Fingers, toes, neck, back, ankles, wrists.  Where you ever really sick when little? + -- I used to get a lot of ear infections for some reason. Apparently being around people who smoke a lot can affect it, and my parents were ALWAYS smoking. Other than that, I was a pretty healthy kid. What type of shirts do you like best?  + -- I have a bunch of the same t-shirt in different colors. I’m so boring. Do you own a stereo?  + -- No. Do you collect ticket stubs from places?  + -- Nah. What do you think of butterflies?  + -- Pretty. Lake or ocean? Why?  + -- BOTH LETS GO RIGHT NOW Have you ever been on the metro?  + -- Uhh... I don’t know. Can you tie a tie?  + -- Nope.  What is your favorite Grand Theft Auto game? + -- I played the shit out of 2 and 5. 
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survayzfordayz · 5 years
*** Any cool small businesses in your area?:  + -- Maybe. If you use libraries, what is the largest overdue fine you've ever had?:  + -- I don’t know. A lot. Hah. I was a kid, though. Do you ever borrow things other than books from the library?:  + -- Used to. Are there still any movie rental places left where you live?:  + -- Nope. sadly.
Do you ever buy secondhand books (or DVDs, video games, CDs)?:  + -- Sure, sometimes. Or do you prefer them to be brand new?:  + -- Depends on what it is, really. Have you seen the version of The Addams Family with Tim Curry as Gomez?:  + -- YES What was the last TV show you were hooked on?:  + -- Probably Stranger Things. I don’t watch a lot of TV. Have you ever started a book and never finished it?:  + -- yeah. Do you have a favorite drummer? Who?:  + -- I don’t know enough about it, but I’m sure I do. I just don’t know the name. I like I Prevail’s drummer. What about a favorite guitarist? Who?: + -- BUCKETHEAD <3333333333333333333 Do you ever write fanfic? Of what?: + -- Oh uhm. I have dozens that I never finished. I’m just a big ol’ ball of wasted potential. Do you ever READ fanfic? Of what?: + -- I have to be in the mood. Do you have a favorite poet?: + -- Nope. How many members are in the last band you listened to?:  + -- I don’t knowwww Do you have a favorite classical composer?:  + -- Not in PARTICULAR.  Do you ever accidentally clip your toenails too short and they hurt?:  + -- No? Have you ever had multicolored/rainbow hair?:  + -- Oh definitely. If not, would you ever want it?: + -- OH hell yeah. What kind of hats, if any, do you like to wear?: + -- FEDORAS. Have you ever thought somebody was cute but no longer found them attractive once you got to know them better?:  + -- Ehhhhh  What specifically about them turned you off?: + -- Hmm Have you ever thought somebody was plain-looking, but found them attractive once you got to know them better?:  + -- That’s how my brain works all the time.  What specifically about them made them so beautiful?: + -- Sometimes once you know someone better, you see their flaws and it just makes them a more beautiful person in a weird kind of way.  What is your #1 dealbreaker with friendships? (Why you wouldn't be friends):  + -- I have a few. If you’re completely closed-minded, hurt others, or something.  Who is your favorite character on Bob's Burgers and why? (If you watch it): + -- No favorite. What songs do you never get tired of?:  + -- Lots. Have you ever had a retro celebrity crush?: + -- Hmmm. Uhhh. I don’t know. ^Like a crush on an "old" celebrity who was most famous a long time ago or is long dead?: + -- Meh. Before buying something in a store, do you look online to see if you can get it cheaper there?:  + -- Sometimes. What type of things do you prefer to purchase online?:  + -- Varies. Are you interested in fashion?:  + -- Not really. Do you prefer beef or chicken tacos?: + -- If I’m gonna eat a taco it sure as shit isn’t going to have body parts in it.  Have you ever tried fish tacos? How were they?:  + -- Ewwwwwwwwww.  Have you ever worn leather (or imitation leather) pants?:  + -- No.  What part of your body seems to get cold the most?:  + -- Hands. What do you like better, pants or shorts?:  + -- Pants. Have you ever wished you had a different eye color?:  + -- Maybe green. Do you know anybody with two different colored eyes?:  + -- Not personally. 
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survayzfordayz · 5 years
*** Girly Do you like the color pink?: + -- It’s alright I guess. What have you spent more money on: a purse or a pair of shoes?: + -- Probably shoes?  Do you ever wear heels?:  + -- I’ve never been able to wear heels. Exercise is the only form of physical punishment I will put myself through voluntarily. Heels HURT. And to me, it’s not worth wearing them.   What are the most stylish but uncomfortable shoes you own?: + -- I mean.. I have a pair of running shoes lmao. Do you have any shoes you mostly only wear for photo shoots?:  + -- This is truly a stereotype, hah. Anyway, I don’t take selfies or pictures of myself because no filter is going to make my ugly ass look any better. What's your all-time favorite lipstick (brand and color)?:  + -- Lipstick is way too heavy for me. I can barely handle chapstick.  Do you buy drugstore make-up or high-end make-up?: + -- If I bought makeup, it’d be cruelty-free and of decent quality, so it’d be a little more expensive than some brands I guess. What dog breed do you think you look the most like?:  + -- I don’t know. I don’t think I look like a dog, but I’ve been told otherwise, so who knows. Do you like light blue jeans or dark blue jeans better?: + -- I don’t have a preference. Jeans are jeans to me. What are your favorite type of pants to wear?: + -- Umm. Baggy sweatpants. Hah. What's the last good love story you read?:  + -- Ikigai by Lanse. If you like Naruto, it’s worth a read. I’m not usually a fan of romance because it’s hard to relate. Who is/was the most romantic of your friends?: + -- I don’t know. Have you ever had a magical kiss?: + -- Are they supposed to be magical? They’ve always just been messy and wet to me... Do you like kissing or hugs better?:  + -- HUGS. But only from one person. Retro Do you own any records?:  + -- No. Do you own a pair of bell-bottoms?: + -- No. Have you ever tie-dyed anything?: + -- In school, once or twice. What's one oldies song you like?: + -- I like a lot of ‘oldies’.  Do you think Disco is a cute name for a boy?: + -- CRINGEE Do you own a lava lamp or disco ball?: + -- Nope. Did you own a disco light when you were younger?: + -- Nope. Have you ever put a dime in a jukebox?: + -- I’ve put money in, but I don’t specifically remember how much. When was the last time you went to the roller rink?: + -- Hmmm. 5th grade? I went to an all-night skate and I haaaaaaated it. I just wanted to go home. Do you wear hoop earrings ever?:  + -- Nah. Do you own a kaleidoscope?: + -- Nope. Have you ever done hard drugs?: + -- Nope. Tumblr What are three of your favorite Starbucks drinks?:  + -- I actually don’t like Starbucks drinks... Do you have photos on the wall in your room?:  + -- No. If you own/owned a Polaroid camera, which color would/do you have?:  + -- I don’t care. It’s a camera. Its importance lies in its function. Have you ever done a craft with a record? if so, what?: + -- Nope. What's one of the best Tumblr-inspired craft projects you've seen?: + -- I have no idea. Do you have a Tumblr account?:  + -- Wh-  WHAT IS THIS SORCERY Which do you like better: Tumblr or Pinterest?: + -- I can barely use either.  Do you have a mandala tapestry hanging in your home?: + -- Nope. Do you own any succulents?: + -- Nah. I’d love to own some plants, though. Fake succulents or real succulents?: + -- EITHER.  Do you doodle on your notebook paper?: + -- I doodle on everything. Do you own Sharpies?:  + -- Yes, they’re in a drawer along with my other art supplies. What's your favorite Sharpie color?: + -- None. I don’t use them often because they smell too strongly. What color are your Converse shoes?: + -- I miss having Converse. They hurt my feet though. Have you ever made an inspiration board for your room?: + -- Nope.  Who is the best-looking male celebrity?: + -- Uhhh. I don’t know? I don’t really ...think that way? I kind of have to know someone before the physical attraction sets in. Ahah.  I DON’T BELONG HERE IT’S ALL OVER WAAAAH Boho Where would you like to travel to next?:  + -- ANYWHERE LET’S GO RIGHT NOW List three more vacations you would like to go on: + -- FINLAND, Alaska, ... okay anywhere I don’t care. Hah. Where are three places you go to relax?: + -- I don’t... Why do you think elephants are a boho/hippie/free spirit icon?: + -- I don’t really stereotype myself..
Are you a musician, artist, or writer?: + -- I’m not PAID to do any of those things, but I do write and draw.  Do you believe in truth, freedom, and love?:  + -- I’m sure most people believe in this to a degree..? What is your favorite store at the mall?: + -- I don’t know. Probably anything relevant to my interests. Anime figurines? Would you hitchhike if people were generally trustworthy?:  + -- If forced. I hate relying on other people. What's the most daring thing you've ever done?: + -- I can’t think of anything right now. Moving cross country with no prior knowledge of where I was going, maybe. Would you ever belly dance at a faire?:  + -- PFFF I’d be laughed off the grounds. If you became famous, would you change your name to something exotic?: + -- N...no?  What are five exotic names that you like?: + -- I don’t know. I like plenty of names but I wouldn’t just change it to something without first knowing the history/culture behind that name. Do you own a dreamcatcher?: + -- When I was little, I did. But not now. I feel like that’s kind of treading on grounds I shouldn’t? I’m not part of that culture so I’m not sure if I should own one? Don’t get me wrong - they’re very pretty and I love looking at them, but I don’t think I need one either. Do you feel closer to God in nature?: + -- I’m definitely happier out in nature, and there might even be some spiritual connotations to that. But not specifically ‘God-related’. Fashion What are five things that were in style when you were in high school?: + -- Ohhh boy. You’re asking me to go back a LONG TIME. Honestly I think the scene trend was just starting to kick off. Tripp pants were a big thing. I can’t think of anything else. What does your favorite scarf that you've made look like?: + -- It’d be fun to make a scarf, but I’ve never done it. Do you wear scarves?:  + -- Rarely. They’re bulky and get in the way. List the different colors of jeggings and/or skinny jeans that you have: + -- I don’t own a single pair of skinny jeans because I hate them. Heh.  What color is your favorite pair of shorts?: + -- I don’t own any shorts either. Okay, I have one pair of basketball shorts I stole from my husband. Does that count? What color is your favorite sweater?:  + -- I don’t have a sweater. Ahaaaa. Do you think Lularoe is overpriced?: + -- Not really? I mean it’s kind of a name brand isn’t it? I don’t have a problem paying more for something if it means the money is going to a good place, but I don’t know anything about Lularoe. List five people whom you think have great style: + -- Honestly I don’t work that way. If it’s comfortable (and horror themed) it’s good. List five of some of the worst trends you've seen: + -- Fur. Leather. Other clothing made out of animals. List five items on your current wardrobe wish list:  + -- I would like some cruelty-free clothing.  Where do you shop the most for clothes?: + -- Depends, honestly.  Do you own anything leopard print?: + -- No. I wouldn’t wear it in real life, so it would feel strange to pretend to wear it? Do you wear earmuffs?:  + -- Nope. What color are your favorite pair of boots?: + -- Don’t have any. Music What song makes you cry?: + -- Honestly I have to be in the right mentality for that. What could be the theme song to your life?:  + -- I answered something similar to this already. What is a good break-up song?:  + -- I don’t knooooow.  What song makes you want to dance?:  + -- A LOT OKAY. What is one of your all-time favorite songs?:  + -- Buckethead - Welcome to Buckethead Land. What is your current favorite song?:  + -- Hmmm. I’m really into Gert Taberner right now. Which show has a great theme song?: + -- /shrug Which song is so catchy it's easy to get stuck in your head?: + -- Poison songs.. heh.  Which song is used in a lot of youtube videos?: + -- I don’t know. Which song is sad?:  + -- Lots. Who makes great song covers on youtube?:  + -- I don’t knoooow. Who is one of the best songwriters?:  + -- There’s a lot, I don’t know. Who has a beautiful voice?:  + -- Plenty of people? Who made it big fast?: j + -- Meeeehhh Arts and Crafts List five DIY youtubers you love to watch:  + -- No one in particular. Who makes the best craft videos?: + -- Aaaaaaaa Have you ever painted rocks and hid them in your town?:  + -- Nope. I’m starting to dislike this survey though. What craft project is harder than it looks?: + -- Most DIY projects are harder than they look.  Have you ever got hot glue stuck to your hands?: + -- Yeah. Are you messy when it comes to painting?:  + -- I’m messy, period. What color is your cutting board?: + -- I don’t have one. Would you rather build something or decorate something?:  + -- Either sounds fun. Have you ever painted something on canvas?:  + -- Yes. List a few of your favorite painters:  + -- Van Gogh, uhhh Do you love the brand Natural Life?: + -- S’alright. Do you love the brand Lisa Frank?: + -- Nostalgic, but I hold no attachment to it. Oil pastels or chalk pastels? Which do you prefer, and why?: + -- I’m not into that. Glitter gel pens or regular gel pens?: + -- Don’t care about those either. Colored pencil or regular pencil?: + -- Depends on what I’m doing? Charcoal or colored chalk?: + -- Neither. I hate the sound. Painting or drawing?: + -- Drawing. Or digital painting. Painting that shows brushstrokes or painting that looks like a photograph?: + -- Either. Knitting or crocheting?:  + -- Either. Sewing on a machine or doing embroidery by hand?:  + -- Machine. Color or black-and-white?:  + -- Either. Digital photography or film photography?: + -- Either.
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survayzfordayz · 5 years
(( TW: This survey has some questions related to abuse, but I was as vague as possible when answering. ))
Have you ever started reading a book and wondered if you'd read it before? + -- I’m not sure. I don’t think so.  What has been bothering you a lot lately?  + -- Sore muscles from all the push-ups I’ve been doing, heh. What (or who) have you been missing lately?   + -- Warmer weather. Are you trustworthy? + -- I’d like to think so.  Did your parents teach that white lies were ok?  + -- I don’t know. I know they used them frequently and it annoyed me to no end. I avoid doing it whenever possible now. Do you have a rug on top of a carpet? + -- I don’t have any carpet! Have you ever hallucinated?  + -- How do we know that reality isn’t one massive hallucination? Which holiday is coming up next? + -- Easter? Depends on your personal beliefs I guess.  Do you sleep with your door open or closed?  + -- Open. What flags do you have in your room, if any?  + -- I don’t.  Which literary character would you dress up as, if you had to choose one? + -- I’d like to do an Attack on Titan cosplay, but I’d need to make the belts myself because I hate leather.  Do you ever make typos?  + -- Sure. Is your life often overwhelming?  + -- It happens. Do you wish you weren't so alone? + -- It’s human nature to feel alone. Does it feel like all the good things in your life are disappearing?  + -- Sometimes. What (or who) is the best thing that ever happened to you?  + -- I wouldn’t know. What is the worst decision you ever made?  + -- Again; I don’t know. Do you miss college? + -- I wasn’t fortunate enough to attend college. I imagine I’d enjoy the structured lessons. If you lived in a dorm, what was the name of your first Resident Director? + -- Look, my family was poor AF and I couldn’t function in school due to anxiety at the time, so I was never able to go to college. So, I’ll figure something out down the road.  Have you ever called a teacher "mom"? + -- I don’t actually think I’ve ever done that. What was the name of your first imaginary friend?  + -- I don’t remember. Do you sleep with a stuffed animal? + -- Nah. What color was your nursery when you were a baby?  + -- AHAHA. I didn’t have a nursery. And honestly, I think everything I had was a hand-me-down from what I can remember. If you had a twin sister, what would she be named? + -- Nope. What is your favorite arcade game?  + -- I played the shit out of Pac-Man ahaha. Do you feel neglected?  + -- Eh. What is your favorite flavor of gum to chew?  + -- I’m not a fan of gum. What school subject(s) are/were your best? + -- Art and Physical Fitness. Are you allergic to grass?  + -- No, thankfully. Do you remember to water plants?  + -- I don’t have any to water.  What is your favorite fall drink? + -- What I drink isn’t dependent on the season. Favorite winter drink? + -- ^ Favorite spring drink? + -- ^  Favorite summer drink?  + -- Ughhhh. What season is your birthday in? + -- Winter. Name 3 creative people you know.  + -- Discord friends. Name 3 youtubers you aspire to be like. + -- I don’t aspire to be like anybody. I’m just me. I can admire various individuals for things that they’ve done for others, but I don’t want to be them. Do you have a full-length mirror in your room?  + -- I converted our spare room into a closet, and there’s one in there. Do you still have any CDs? + -- No. Have you ever made a record bowl?  + -- A what? What color was your first car? + -- I’ve never owned a car. What year did you graduate?  + -- Technically speaking, I didn’t graduate.  When was the last time you saw the person you currently have feelings for?  + -- He’s behind me. So about two minutes ago. Does anyone know who your current crush is? + -- Yes?  Does your current crush know who he or she is?  + -- I mean, he’s my husband, so  ^If not, why haven't you told them?  + -- OKAY. I’LL TELL HIM RIGHT NOW.  He said, “...Okay?” What do you wish you could ask a mom for advice on right now?  + -- I have no idea. Do you have any regrets?  + -- We all have regrets, to a degree. But in the end letting them eat at you fixes nothing. Do you do a lot of research online?  + -- Oh, do I. Have you ever been scammed?  + -- I’m sure.  Do you have any gum in your room right now?  + -- No. Are you allergic to pollen?  + -- To my knowledge, I’m not allergic to anything. What style of wedding dress do you like best? + -- Ehhh, I’ve never been interested in wedding dresses. I suppose if I looked I’d probably like something with flowers all over it. But I hate massive skirts and other traditions associated with weddings. I WALKED DOWN THE AISLE TO THE WORLD OF WARCRAFT THEME OKAY. Were you allowed to play with Pokemon cards?  + -- I HAD SO MANY. I had a big binder full of them. Never competed, though. Did your parents abuse you?  + -- I think the way they raised me might be classified as that now, but I feel like the worst thing they ever did was neglect me. Looking back, I feel like they had no idea what they were doing and didn’t want to seek outside help. Do you know anyone who was abused?  + -- I feel awful looking back on it now. A LOT of the children I knew came from broken families, and yeah, that happened. I had a feeling then, but it didn’t fully register. Hell, my best friend at the time - her father was in jail. I feel like I got off lucky compared to so many of them. Most of the ones I found seem to be okay now, which is nice to see. They have families of their own. Are you over your first love? + -- I guess so. Have you ever made any really stupid mistakes? + -- WHO HASN’T OKAY?  Do you talk on the phone a lot?  + -- No. I don’t like phone conversations. Would you rather call or text?  + -- Text, but I hate texting too.  Do you always answer your phone?  + -- I only answer if I recognize the number. Do you feel loved?  + - Hmm. Who loves you? + -- People say they do, but I don’t know what it’s supposed to ‘feel’ like. Which song describes your life?  + -- Fine On the Outside by Priscilla Ahn. I honestly haven’t met a song that I genuinely felt like it fit me completely like this, aha. When was the last time you went to a party? + -- I’m not a fan of parties.
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