surveysbygracelynn · 3 years
FINALLY an adult version. Tired of those surveys made by high school kids? Here are 24 questions for Grown Ups!! Let's have fun!!
1. What bill do you hate the most?  I guess my credit card, because no matter what I do, I usually have a charge pending in the middle of the “closing period” and the reopening period. Or the gas bill because it charges me for using my credit card. or if I mailed it in or what have you. 
 2. When was the last time you had a romantic dinner?? For our would’ve been wedding day dinner, I suppose. 
3. What do you really want to be?  Someone who professionally travels. 
..4. How many colleges did you attend? One. 
5. Why did you choose the shirt you wore today?  Last night cause I was looking for something comfy and not black. I will probably wear my black tank top and hoodie cause it’s my go to work from home outfit. . 
6. What do you drive? I guess now it mostly would be a toyota yaris, but I rarely drive.  7. First thought when the alarm goes off? On my work from home days, it’s usually “yes! I slept in!” on my work days it’s usually like “Oh no! I slept in!” cause my alarm for those days it he back up alarm for Brandon and I.  8. Last thought you have before you go to bed?  Lately it’s something along the lines of I wish I had done something better wth my time. 
 9. Do you miss being a child? Yeah. I mean I like some of the freedom that comes with being an adult but it seems like I was freeer to be when I was younger.
.10. What errand/chore do you despise the most? I hate cleaning.. I dont’ mind dishes that much. The shower probably is my least favorite task that I put off for a long as possible. 
11. Up early or sleep in? I tend to wake up early. I think I’d prefer to sleep in if I had a choice. But also lately being up early gives me time to myself.
13. Favorite lunch meat? I so rarely eat anything that has lunch meat in it. Even at subway I usually get a veggie patty now. But I did always like salami. 
14. What do you get every time at Walmart?  Probably snacks as that’s usually why I’m there? 15. Beach or Lake?  Beach! Lakes come with some awful smell. 
16.  Is marriage overrated? I don’t know. Half of my friends who got married are divorced now and quickly after. 
17. Ever crashed a vehicle? Yep. Once. 
18. Strangest place you've ever brushed your teeth? I honestly can’t recall. I wanna say I might’ve done it outside at some point whether it was camp or something.   19. Name a place you’ve never been but want to go? Greece
20. Do you have a go-to person? It’s Brandon.
21. Are you where you want to be in life right now?  I don’t know. I guess? It’s hard when I’m so jaded by the pandemic. I’m happy Brandon is back. I kind of wish we had found an apartment of our own before the pandemic. I do wish we were able to get married this year. Maybe I’m not. I need to do a vision board or something maybe. 
22. Growing up what were your favorite cartoons? Powerpuff girls, Spongebob, Fairly Odd Parents, Dexters Lab, Johnny Bravo and Courage. 
23. What do you think has changed about you since you have gotten older?  I’ve lost my imagination for what life could be. 
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surveysbygracelynn · 3 years
1) How are you doing in this time of COVID19? Do you personally know anyone who is not taking COVID19 seriously? I’m probably doing better than most, honestly. I don’t mind working from home, or not seeing people often. But I’m also a lot busier than normal. One of my friends still goes out a lot, but I don’t see him much. I think even my trump supporting family takes the restrictions serious to an extent. 
2) What do you think of TikTok? Have you jumped on it yet? Why or why not?  Tik Tok is great. I joined when it was about to be banned. I’m so glad I did because a lot of the content is great. 
3) What game have you gone back to playing or missed playing because of this time of self-quarantining? Like everyone else I’m now on animal crossing most of the time. But I haven’t had a lot of time to play. My island is not pretty or thought out. 
4) How internet-savvy are your parents? Can you think of time(s) when they surprised you with what they know (i.e. memes, platforms, emoji uses, etc.)?  My parents are like good and not good. They know enough. It was kind of sweet when they hopped on the national daughters day trend this year because neither of them post much (when they did, it was me posting a caption for them lol) 
5) What is your favorite foreign cuisine? What is your favorite food/dish from that cuisine? I love Italian and Mexican. I could probably eat both of those all the time. Italian, I love eggplant parm. Mexican, I love quesadillas. 
6) What is an electronic gadget that you’ve had for more than 5 years? Would you say it was worth your money? Do you plan on replacing it any time soon?  Hmm. That’s a good question. My laptop  I think is about 5 years old now. I don’t think I bought it though. I might replace it eventually because it crashes a lot. 
7) What TV show would you say you’ve re-watched more than two times? Are you re-watching anything now? Probably Full House and Friends in advertently. I’m not one to go back and watch a show multiple times as a series. 
8) Do you remember the moment when you started feeling alarmed by the development of the COVID19? How did your life change since? I think I started actually taking it serious in the end of March. A lot of stuff was happening amidst the friend group, people were still coming to my apartment every day and I could not handle it. 
9) What viral video/meme last made you furious or annoyed? Probably something a Republican posted lol 
10) When was the last time you woke up feeling pumped and determined to have a great day? How did that day unfold for you? Uhmm.. I don’t know.  lately I kinda just wake up cranky if I’m up too early or cranky if I’m up later than I have time to kind of chill by myself. 
11) Do you use e-mail a lot at work? If so, what are your biggest e-mail pet peeves? If not, what mundane task do you do on a regular basis at work and what do you dislike about it? Yes, email is probably most of my job right now, as the phone calls have slowed down. I don’t really have any pet peeves about emails. It’s kind of annoying when people cc my boss on a random email to me but I don’t really get too worked up about it. I guess what would be my pet peeves is that most of my coworkers don’t read my emails when I send them.
12) What hobby or interest of your significant other do you have ZERO interest in? What about something you actually think might be fun or something you actually picked up thanks to them? If you don’t have an SO, you can think of a relative or friend as an example instead.  Brandon has a lot of interests.  games and anime are cool, but I can’t get into them as serious as he is. I guess I have zero interest in cooking which is kind of terrible to say. I would guess anime is something I picked up thanks to him. I played video games before. 
13) Do you use Uber? If so, how often do you use it or cabs in general? Have you ever had an awkward moment with a cab driver? Only in emergencies or dire situations really. When I took it last month as to not get on the city bus coming home, there were a few. One guy was taking an awkward way back. And one guy had a car that you wouldn’t think was an Uber..
14) If you are employed, what would you say are the best and worst parts of your company’s culture. If you don’t work, what would you say is the busiest part of your day? The best part is the flexibility with things. Like, I could take a long lunch and it not be a problem. The worst part is trying to keep boundaries. 
15) What was the last craving you fulfilled? That’s a good question. I haven’t really had many cravings lately but some of them I don’t find reason to fufill. I think the other day I was trying to recreate the subway sandwich but then we didn’t have cheddar. The one that really sticks out is when Brandon made us breakfast sandwiches before we went to the Beach. 
16) Do you like stand-up comedy? Who are your favorites? When was the last time you remember discovering someone new that you actually liked? John Mulaney is probably my favorite. Hmm. That’s another good question... It probably honestly was John Mulaney. 
17) Have you ever felt affected by the death of a celebrity or public figure? If so, who? Do you remember when you found out and what was your reaction to it? Not really, honestly. I mean I awlways cry when there’s like a memoriam tribute but no one really made me super sad. 
18) What positive affirmation do you need to give yourself right now? My boundaries are necessary and are an act of self love..
19) How often do you get headaches? What are usually the cause(s)? What are your go-to remedies for it? What was the worst headache you’ve ever had?  Lately it’s been a lot more. And then I get scared its COVID. but I usually try to power through them or take advil. I got migraines in high school but I really don’t  remember much. I think I was still dating my first boyfriend at the time. 
20) What was the last purchase you regret making? What about it that made it regrettable? How about the last purchase that you found absolutely worth your buck? I guess I sort of regret getting two types of light bulbs at the store. or this reeses ice cream which kinda sucked actually. The most worthwhile purchase as of late I think has been the reusable k cup. I use it like every day. 
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surveysbygracelynn · 4 years
1 - Are you one of those people who can watch TV shows and movies over and over again without getting bored?  No, I usually don’t have the time to rewatch something and I am not one of those people who needs background noise when doing work so.. I usually put on something new and mindless if I need something. 
2 - If you drink coffee, do you like it plain or would you rather have something like a latte or something flavoured?  I don’t really like it plain, but if it’s all there is, I’ll drink it. I do like adding syrup or flavor to the beans or the creamer if possible. 
3 - How did you used to dress ten years ago? Do you dress in a similar way now?  I was mostly in my uniform 10 years ago, but, yeah I guess I dress mostly the same. I guess there’s more cardigans in my wardrobe now? I don’t really remember what I would wear to church before college. But I’d say it’s pretty similar styles. 
4 - When you’re grocery shopping, do you buy known brands or are you happy to go with the generic store version? I tend to go with whatever is cheapest, usually. I think Brandon is kind of the same way. We both get some things name brand and somethings store b rand (frozen veggies, bread) 
5 - Do you have a close relationship with any of your cousins?  Not really, unfortunately. 
6 - Who was the last person to sleep over at your house? Does this person stay over often or was it more of a one-off? Jade. It’s defnitely more of a one-off. That was the first time she was here in 3 years of living here. 
7 - Does bad weather put you off going out if you’ve got plans to do so? Have you ever cancelled plans due to the weather? Oh, plans. Lots of summer plans got cancelled this year because of rain. It doesn’t usually deter me from going out but sometimes there is an understanding. 
8 - When you’re on vacation, do you prefer doing the typical tourist things, or would you rather explore somewhere off the beaten track? I didn’t really go on vacation to many places other than Disney World (not that I’m ungrateful) so I guess I’m more of a tourist. Eventually when we’re allowed to travel again (safely), I wouldn’t mind finding and exploring off the beaten track. 
9 - Did your family travel a lot when you were younger? Yeah, when I was younger I feel like we went to Florida more often if only to see my grandparents. 
10 - When was the last time you went shopping for clothes? Did you get anything decent or find any bargains? I looked around the outlets for a shirt to wear to the women’s march about a month or so ago. But I didn’t even see anything so I stopped looking. Then I just bought like 5 pairs of leggings and 2 pairs of sweats cause I kidna needed them. 
11 - Is it true that accessories can make or break an outfit? I suppose they can dress it up. Most of my accessories aren’t really accent pieces. 
12 - What is your worst memory from high school? What about the best? The worst memory stems from my  best memory unfortunately. My worst memory is everything that happened with the group that formed to come against (mainly) me. My best memory is the unconditional love with Johnny and Melissa. 
13 - Is there any trait in a potential partner that would be a total deal breaker for you? Hard to say since I’ve been with the same guy for a few years. Deal breaker would probably be cheating for me though. 
14 - Do you insist people use coasters if they’re putting drinks down in your house? No.
15 - Have you ever been arrested? Were you guilty of whatever it is you were arrested for? I’ve never been arrested.
16 - Name five items on the shelf nearest to you: Pajamas, manicure / pedicure set, and some shoe boxes. 
17 - After meals, do you wash dishes up right away, or do you leave them in the sink and do a whole days worth at once? I do a whole day (or twos) at once usually. 
18 - What websites do you find yourself spending the most time on? Reddit is probably actually my most active website I spend time on lately. If apps count, I guess messenger. 
19 - Do you still download music and TV shows? Nope. 
20 - Does your phone have a good battery life? How long does it last before you need to charge it again? It’s decent. It depends on how much I use it. Today I woke up early at 6, and sorta used it but also didn’t, so I needed to charge it when I got to my parents around 1. Sometimes I can get to work and it be pretty dead. It’s better than what I’ve had before, that’s for sure. 
21 - When was the last time you hit snooze? Hm. I’ve been waking up pretty consistently with alarms lately. I feel like maybe a few weeks ago?.
22 - Did you ever play The Sims? Which expansion pack was your favourite, if you had any? I don’t really remember. I think we did have some, but I’m not sure if we ever got them to work. Now I kinda wanna play the sims. lol 
 23 - Are there any popular film series or TV shows that you just don’t get the appeal of? I guess even though I couldn’t really ist into it, I kind of get the appeal of My Hero Academia. Mainly for me right now, the closest thing is Dave Chapelle’s comedy specials. Every stint is pretty cringy. I haven’t watched his tv show though, which I think is where people love him from. 
24 - As a child, did you receive pocket money or an allowance? How much did you get? Was it dependent on you doing chores of some kind? I think at one point briefly I had an allowance. But I don’t really remember much. My parents barely ever gave me money to do what I wanted and I’m pretty sure I will never see the money I earned from my small jobs in high school. 
25 - Do you think your parents did a good job of raising you? Would you do anything differently with your own kids? I don’t know how to answer this. I think I am a pretty well adjusted person but I do sort of blame them for my awkwardness. And I kind of credit myself for not turning out like them. I’m so not ready to think about what I want to do with my own kids, but I hope that I can be there to help my kids a little more emotionally. 
26 - If something is bothering you, do you have to fix it right away? Depends. In work or something? Yeah. Emotionally or socially? almost never.
27 - Are there any household jobs you enjoy doing? If so, what’s the reason that you enjoy those things? I really don’t enjoy doing any housework. I don’t mind doing the dishes, because it gives me some release. But everything else usually stresses me out more than it helps me. 
28 - Do you still live in the area you grew up in? Would you like to live somewhere else one day? Where would you go? I live in the same city, but not the same neighborhood. At this point, I think I do see myself staying here. 
29 - Do you smoke, drink or do drugs? How old were you the first time you tried those things?  Do you want to quit? I drink. I started at 20, such a rebel. I honestly only really drink socially, so I don’t really want (or feel like I need) to quit. 
30 - What’s one thing that really grosses you out? Is it something you have to deal with anyway? How do you cope? Touching certain condiments skeeves me out. I just kinda gag and do it anyway. 
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surveysbygracelynn · 4 years
taking a survey to try to boost my creative thinking
Have you ever gone a full day without interacting with another person? In the flesh? I mean, maybe, but I don’t think I’ve ever gone a day without texting Brandon or talking to some others, so... 
How many relationships have you been in that lasted less than a year? Two. But the first is debaable, I guess. 
Where were you going the last time you were on a plane? I was coming home from Disney. 
Where were you going the last time you were on a train? Coming home from work. 
Do you think having a bad temper is a sign of immaturity? Kinda, yeah.. I think you need to be able to control yourself in every day situations
Have you ever been significantly more physically fit than you are now? I used to run every other day, so probably then. 
When growing up, did you parents keep the house very tidy? I guess so. They cleaned a lot more than I do. 
When you shop at IKEA, do you always stop to eat a snack/meal in the cafeteria? I don’t think even when I went to look for furniture I went to ikea. This might change. I would go for swedish meatballs though. 
How many watches do you own? One, if you count my fitbit. 
Are there any ways in which you greatly differ from everyone else in your family? Most of them enjoy fishing, I can’t get the hang of it. 
Should teenagers be allowed to have their cell phones with them in class? Eh, probably not. But I never followed that lol. 
Do you have any gay relatives? I know one cousin is, and I’m pretty sure one cousin is bi. 
What task are you behind on? I really should make a facebook event for our Christmas karaoke night. I should really start organizing my room since I will have to have most of it in boxes soon. And work, I’m technically behind on annual reports, even though I keep begging people for them. 
Have you ever had to have a pet put down? I think both of my cats died on their own accord.
Have you unfollowed, deleted, or blocked anyone on social media recently? If so, what was the reason? Not so much recently. I guess the closest is not adding an old camp friend of mine. 
How many cups of coffee do you typically drink per day? Two, usually. One to get me out of the apartment, the other to get through the day. Size of the second one varies. 
Do you know what your vocal range is? Not really. The perfectionist in me doesn’t believe I have a good enough voice for anything since the extent of my vocal experience has been church choirs. 
When was the last time you spoke to your parents? This morning. 
What’s the biggest financial mistake you’ve ever made? Honestly, no idea. Part of me wants to say going to the ER when it turned out to be nothing. Or waiting forever to buy my tickets to go to NC. 
Have you had sex in the past week? No. 
Do you like metal music? If so, what sub-genres of metal do you like the best? Not particularly but I don’t listen to a lot of music. 
Have you ever turned down someone who didn’t handle the rejection well? Hey, remember the guy who asked me to prom, then told me he liked me in April and we fought until August, even though even if I was interested, he wanted to break up in August before I went to school?  
How large is your largest scar, and what is it from? I am not automatically feeling the one from me sliding off my counter when I was in 2nd grade after getting ingredients for brownies but I am also lazy, and am not about to take off my pants for that in this freezing cold apartment. 
Who was the last person you sincerely thanked? Probably my boss or his husband. 
When was the last time you went for a walk? Thanksgiving evening. 
Have you ever been in a relationship where there was a large difference in maturity levels? Eh. I don’t know. 
What is the coldest month of the year where you live? Feels like now, honestly, its probably the truth. I remember a couple of warm days in February last year. 
When cooking a meal, do you clean up as you go or wait til you’re done? I don’t really cook anything too extravagant so mostly I wait till i’m done. I mean I’ll put things away while I’m cooking but I don’t do the dishes. 
Do you develop crushes easily? I guess it depends. 
What’s the longest you’ve ever stayed as a guest at someone’s house? I stayed at Brandon’s family’s house for like a little over a week after Thanksgiving a few years ago for my first paid vacation.  That probably takes the cake. 
Are there any colleges or universities in the town you live in? yes, 3 
Do you use a passport wallet when you travel to other countries? I haven’t been in that situation. 
How bad was your acne when you were a teenager? Not that bad honestly. .
Would you rather exercise on an elliptical or a stationary bike? Probably an elliptical because it feels like you’re doing more. 
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surveysbygracelynn · 5 years
Have you ever had a period in your life where you were on a major health kick and you were really picky about what you consumed? Not really. I think I like food too much to be that picky with what I consumed, but I can be picky about how much I consume. 
If you have at least one sibling, have you ever wanted to be an only child? If you are an only child, have you ever wanted at least one sibling? I don’t think even in those most annoying days I wanted to be an only child. 
When is the last time you had a neck ache? Recently. Maybe two weeks before? At yoga.
What was the last medicine you took? I took advil as a preemptive measure somewhat rcently. 
How do you get ringtones/images/whatever onto your phone? Do you download them and pay money, download them for free, transfer them to your phone via USB cable, or something else? Most of the time I screenshot pictures if I want them. I haven’t cared for ringtones since my phone is always on silent. Music is usually a USB cord but I kinda just stream on data. 
How have you been feeling lately? Have you felt anything out of the ordinary? Not great, honestly. I feel like since 2019 hit I’ve been more depressed and anxious. 
Do you pretty much always like someone, or do you take breaks where you go for a little while without liking someone? I guess I pretty much always had an inkling of who I wanted to go after. But it’s also been Brandon for about 8 years. 
Do you ever drink flavored water? Do you have any favorite flavors? How about carbonated? When I was at school I’d drink the fruit water to try to soak up those benefits. But carbonated water is GROSS
What color are the kitchen walls in the house that you’re in? White.
Does your mom like to buy paintings and little knick knacks for decoration? Not really. Most of the things we have are leftover Avon products. 
Have you ever been on a cruise? If yes, would you again? If no, would you like to go? Yeah. I would go again. 
Have you ever bought a concrete statue and painted it, or is that not your type of thing? If you haven’t done it and you would be interested in doing it, what type of statues would you like to paint? A concrete statue. hm. 
Do you have to charge your phone every night? I do. and am suddenly jealous of the person who said they didn’t. Unless they mean that they can leave it off the charger for a bit and then charge it mid morning.. which then I guess I don’t, but if I want to make it to work, I do.. 
When you condition in the shower, how do you make sure the conditioner gets all through out your hair? Do you run your fingers through it? Or perhaps brush it? I use 2 and 1, but usually I just squirt some on my hand and put all of my hair on the top of my head. 
Who was the last person to piss you off? What did they do? My mom asking me if I had plans. 
Do you miss your ex? What would you do to get them back? Not really. 
Everyone has a few demons, what’s your worst one? My worst demon is probably my laziness.
Have you ever cheated on somebody? No.
Are you a virgin? Yes.
Do you believe in ghosts? I think it’s plausible. 
If you knew your girlfriend/boyfriend would be truly happier without you, would you leave? I often think he would be happier with someone else. I don’t know if I’d go as far to say without me. 
If you liked someone with a terminal illness, would you still date them knowing they might not live much longer? Of course. 
If you sold your soul, what would it be for? Probably to not be so lazy. 
Would you ever kill someone? What would be a good reason? No.
Have you ever told a big lie, one that you felt bad for? Did you ever come clean? Yes, and no. 
Is there anything that you’d never do for any amount of money? Uh. Hm. Probably kill a person. 
Would you consider yourself vain or narcissistic? No not really 
Are you open minded, or do you judge people and things before you give them a chance? I think I am open minded, but I guess I do form an opinion in my head about things. Politics, what are your thoughts on them? I have always thought that it’s a good way to divide people but I think that it’s important for people to stick up for their beliefs. As long as they don’t impose on someone’s livelihood. 
Do you prefer peace and quiet, or loud chaos? Peace and quiet. 
Religion, what is yours? Do you believe in a God? I do believe in God and identify as Christian.
What is your sexual preference (straight, gay, bi, pan, ace)? Straight / possibly questioning. 
What is your favorite sexual position? I’m a virgin.
Do you ever want children? I do love kids. Right now I just don’t know if I can give that much of myself..
If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be? Probably on an island somewhere. But then I’d get sick of the rain. I don’t know. Do you do drugs? Drink? Smoke? I drink on occasion. 
Would you ever have sex for money? I don’t know. Probably not. 
Give me a random lyric from the song you’re listening to. I’m not listening to music.
How do you feel about the person you kissed last?  I love him. Do you regret doing anything this week? Not at the moment, but probably.
Last awkward moment? When isn’t an awwkard moment. 
What are you missing? When I used to have close friendships. 
What do you do when a telemarketer calls? Ignore it. Even at work usually. 
Would you cry if you found out you were pregnant? I would probably because I am not ready. 
Have you been pressured to do anything recently? Hm. I don’t think so
Do you think the concept of phone sex is stupid? It’s probably fine I just almost never have the place to myself so I wouldn’t want to be caught. 
What side of the bed do you sleep on? The right side at my apartment but always the left at Brandons. I don’t know why I’m like this. 
Would you rather go camping or to a five star hotel? 5 star hotel... 
Are you okay with your ex being friends with your good friends? He isn’t really. I never dated within a friend group (well, I guess besides Brandon). 
What was the first thing you thought this morning? It better be closer to wake up time..
Is the person you have a crush on older or younger than you? Younger.
What did you do this weekend? I did some light cleaning, I ran, I went to chic fil a, I went to church, I went to my parents house and helped watch Autumn. I’m probably going on video chat with Brandon for awhile. 
What are you going to do this weekend? Babysitting. And then the parents house thing again. 
Are you texting someone? Sort of but with no response. 
When was the last time you were given a rose? Not sure if Brandon’s ever gotten me roses. Mike used to get me and my sister a rose though. 
What type of guy do you usually fall for? I don’t know. 
Have you ever cried over someone of the opposite sex? More times than I should have I guess lol 
Who was the first person you talked to today? Probably Brandon. 
Does anything on your body hurt right now? My back and legs. 
How are you feeling at the moment? Tired.
Do you prefer hook ups or relationships? Relationships.
Do you hate when people lie to you? It’s frustrating that they think I don’t deserve the truth. But I guess i’m not always honest either. Do you like ice coffee or it hot? I like both. 
1-10 : how tired are you? Somewhere between an 8 and 9. 
Are you ready to just move on with your life and be on your own? I’m already kind of on my own. 
What is something you think about a lot? The things I’ve done. 
What are you wearing right now? Pajama pants, a tank top, underwear a hoodie and socks. 
Is there someone you want to walk in your doorway right now? Not really. I’m too tired. Though it would be nice to see Brandon. 
Have you ever felt lonely and scared? Yeah. 
Are you a generally happy person? Usually. 
Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? Ye-- “No I hAve a FiaNcceee” .-. .
Where is your best friend right now? Somewhere in Montana.
Have your parents ever caught you drinking? I barely drank before 21 so I don’t think so. 
When was the last time you climbed through a window? When I was younger and needed to get into my house. 
What were you doing last night at midnight? Falling asleep. 
Do you believe in yourself? No.
Would you rather have love or money? Love.
Is there anybody you need to fix things with right now? I would love if Johnny wanted to fix things with me, but he doesn’t. 
How do you spend your summer nights? Nothing much different. 
Are you craving anything right now? Comfort. And sleep. 
When is the next time you’ll go swimming? I don’t have any plans to. I’m not sure if I should bring a suit to tampa. 
Are things falling into place for you right now? Maybe in the grand scheme of things. But it doesn’t’ feel like it. 
What was your relationship status this time last year? Taken.
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surveysbygracelynn · 5 years
What do you do for work? I work as a church administrator / secretary.  What would you ideally like to do for work? I don’t know. I think I’m pretty content where I am. Content enough that I’m not thinking of a way out. I almost wish I could say something like “wildlife photographer” lol  What are you doing in order to achieve this? Oh, this is going to be one of those surveys. Maybe it will keep my attention then.  What is the meaning of your life? What is it that you really live for? I don’t know what the meaning of my life is, but I really live for helping people through their day to day or their hard times. 
Have you ever REALLY thought what it means to have children? It seems to me you bring a life into this world as an attempt to keep a legacy going, usually. I always think of the across the universe thing and it’s a little true. It’s a bit narcissistic. 
Are you planning to have children anyway? Probably.  What is the most awful thing about the world today? I think the most awful thing is the growing apathy towards everything. I think we thought making fun of stoner kids who seemed disinterested would make them go away but they seem to be all of us now, whether we choose to smoke or not. 
What do you think is the worst being on the planet? Like, as an animal? I don’t know.  Have you ever been arrested? If so, what for? No.  Have you ever been in court? If so, in which role? No.  Which do you think is a more valuable being, a human or an animal? I think that humans are more valuable, if I had to choose.  What, in your opinion, will cause the end of the world? The end of the world will be probably a few generations off from mine. I feel like everyone my age is already reading into everyone’s subtext so highly. I don’t think we can mentally heal in time to heal our next generations and I think they will be so overwhelmed with trying to help us that they’ll end up going crazy.  Ok, I’ll try and get a bit more upbeat now. Thanks for those interesting questions though.  What does your mother do for work? She’s a school secretary.  ^If she’s a homemaker, any specific reason for this? “—” What about your father? What does he do? my stepdad does some sort of sales for computers in cars. I think.  How do you like your coffee? either a lil bit of milk and two sweet and lows or a bit of creamer.  If you’re of age, what’s your favourite alcoholic drink? I love fireball lemonade.  If you’re under-aged, what is your favourite soft drink? Cherry vanilla coke zero.  Do you smoke? No  ^If so, did you start when you were 18 or were you younger? ~ Did your parents approve of your smoking/alcohol use before you turned 18? I think they would have been outwardly disappointed but on some level it would have validated them.  Do you have siblings? If not, skip the next few questions. I do. 
Are you eldest, in the middle or youngest?  oldest
How big an age gap is between you and your siblings? 5 years.  Do/did your siblings cause trouble? When I was younger my sister used to fake cry a lot and get me in trouble. 
If your siblings are old enough, what do they do for work? party host at a local amusement place? (idk what you would call it)  Have you ever been jealous of your siblings?  yes
^If so, why? let’s see. prettier, has both parents still living, was the favorite for awhile... smarter.. right now she has more of a social life than I do.  Do you still live with your parent/s or do you live alone/with a partner? I live with a roommate.  What do you think about growing up? I think it sucks. I’m turning 26 but I still feel so much like a kid and I feel like I’m feeling things I should have felt when I was a kid.  What about having responsibilities? Most of the time I actually really enjoy having responsibilities. I think it’s important to be responsible for something. Do you know how to cook? Sort of. Not really.  ^If so, what’s your favourite thing to cook? I like making tacos because they are quick and yummy.  What about baking? I haven’t baked in awhile but it’s kind of on the same par as cooking. I can do some things well.  Do you ever drink tea? yeah, every now and then. Have you ever followed any of these fad diets that go around? No.  What do you usually order at your favourite restaurant? Lately I’ve been ordering quesadillas to have a second meal the next day. But I do enjoy the chicken salad that comes in a tortilla bowl.  Do you prefer a proper restaurant to a fast food place? It depends on which fast food place. Normally I say yes, just because unless you get a 4 for 4 it’s usually just as expensive if you wanna get all the sides and fixings as a proper restaraunt and you don’t get any leftovers Is there an arcade anywhere near where you live? I would guess where my sister works kind of counts as an arcade. The restaraunt I went to with Brandon and Nick’s family had an arcade in it.  ^If so, have you ever been there? Yes.  ^If you have, what’s the game/s you usually play? I enjoy skeeebball. Have you ever played pinball? I have.  ^If so, an actual machine or on a computer? Both.  Have you ever taken part in a pinball tournament? I wonder if there is anyone in my generation who is interested in that.  ^If so, what has been your highest position? -
What’s your dream vehicle? I think I’d like a jeep of some sort.  What about your dream house? I really don’t allow myself to dream of such things.  What is the biggest dream of your life? Brandon moving back here would be nice.  If you could travel to another country right now, where would you go? A beach. I need to relax. Lol.  What is a country you’d never ever visit? Uhm. I’m sure if I thought about it I could come up with something but right now there are a lot of places I do want to visit.  Are you good at taking care of your finances? Somewhat. I’m sure if I was better I would be actually saving more.  Have you ever had any trouble paying your bills? no.  What about your rent? no. What do you think is the best thing about being an adult? I think the best thing is being in charge of what you get to eat.   What about the worst? Being in charge and responsible for everything. Lol.  Is there a person in your life, who wastes their life somehow? Probably me.  ^If so, how are they wasting their life? I just feel like I am by not doing things all the time. Any time my mom or my boss ask what my big weekend plans are I feel like I’m losing out on things. Though, I’m not sure if anyone else is doing anything grandiose either.  What is something you need to do, but you keep postponing it? Read this book I bought out of peer pressure.  Do you think life should just hand things to you? I don’t think so but I think the government could afford to.  Or should you earn the things you want and need with hard work? I think that hard work does deserve a reward, maybe things you want. Not necessarily things you need.  Would you rather live off government benefits or earn your own money? I’d rather earn my own money.  When you take a survey, do you skip questions? If I don’t like a question I throw the whole survey.  ^If so, what kinds of questions? Usually questions that don’t apply or are weirdly worded.  What type of a survey do you skip altogether? themed ones, ones that are name / age / sex / favorites etc or bolded ones. Why, do you think, people write lyrics as the title for a survey? They’re usually personal?  If you have a Facebook, what do you use it for? Mostly to chat with friends. Sometimes to market my work.  If you have a Twitter, what do you use it for? To state the thoughts I feel worthy enough to share with the world.  If you have a Tumblr, what do you use it for? Mostly to track my progress.  If you have an iPhone, why? “—” If you have an iPad, why? “—” If you have the latest electronic gadgets, did you pay for them yourself? I don’t have the latest..  ^If not, then who did? “—” Do you always put your litter in a trashcan? Uh.. yes?  ^If not, why not? I don’t think I should just throw things on the ground and hope someone is going to clean it up.  When you walk/ride your bike/drive your car, are you careful? When I walk, I’m a little careless as I’m usually playing Pokemon go. When I drive I’m a lot more careful because of the accident I got into.  ^If not, why not? “—” What is the rudest thing a person could do or say to you? What’s wrong with your eye?  Have you ever been that rude to someone else? I don’t think I ever commented on someone’s outward appearance like that. But I have said some rude things about peoples internal things  Do you think your parents are proud of you and what you do with your life? I don’t know.  Which would you rather be, famous or a “nobody”? Why? I don’t really want to be famous but I guess I don’t wanna be a nobody, but if I had to choose I’d say a nobody. which is pretty close to how I feel now  Do you need to have the latest fashion in clothes and accessories? not at all. If you have a job, do you get along with your co-workers? yes. What kind of hobbies do you have? uhm. lol. Reading and writing every now and then. going for walks. Pokemon Go, I guess is a hobby.  Would anything in the whole world make you give up any of those hobbies? If someone gave me like... a million dollars to never touch pokemon go again I probably would.  Have you had/do you have any pets? I had pets. Do you even like animals? of course! If you aren’t already, would you ever get married? I plan on it.  ^If so, what for? To spend my life with the one person who never gave up on me.  If you are already married, what was the ultimate reason for the marriage? “—” As a child, did you do anything really bad? When I was younger I did a lot of questionable things. 
^If so, what was it? What were the consequences? My main consequence was talking to my pastor.  As a teenager, did you do anything really bad? Not really.  I guess being with my boyfriend in public. Or dating a youth pastor. Woops. ^If so, what was it? What were the consequences? None really.  Do you have a problem with authority? I guess.  I usually want to please the ones i view in authority and rebel against the ones I don’t respect. What’s your favourite comic strip? I used to like them all.  Is there a piece of clothing you absolutely must wear every day? Uh... no.  Has a doctor ever told you to lose weight? yes.  Have you ever been diagnosed with a lifelong disease? I think my bronchitis is recurring but come to think of it I didn’t get it this year. What is something you absolutely hate? when people don’t take accountability for their actions :)  What about something you absolutely love? not feeling like a burden on anyone :) 
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surveysbygracelynn · 6 years
Do you ever judge people based on if they believe in God or not? If I’m being honest, if they’re an athiest I kind of pre-judge like.. are they entitled or what. If they have some other faith system I am curious and respect it. 
Do you ever brush your teeth in the shower? No, though maybe I should start doing that in the beginning..
Has your printer ever stopped working at the last minute and you had a paper due the next day? What did you do? Uh. hm. I would say probably though nothing comes to mind. It definitely happens at work a lot. 
Are you sometimes scared to express your opinions in fear of what others might think? Always. 
Do you have a girl that is strictly a friend that isn’t related to you that you can go to? Yes and no. I feel bad going to them though. 
Have you ever painted your nails on only one hand, forgetting about the other one or getting side-tracked? Yes, when I went to the city with Val and her family. 
Have you ever tried sucrets? Probably. 
Would you date someone that smokes? If the situations were different? I probably could look past it. I don’t like that people knowingly do it to harm themselves but it reminds me of home, a little bit so..
What about drinks? Yeah, my current boyfriend drinks, but if the situation was different, any sign of alcoholism and I’m out. lol 
Have you ever gone to one of those parties where everyone is falling around drunk everywhere? Mehhh. I think my best friend’s other friend group used to be like that, but I also think the guys like to exaggerate. 
Are you “the good guy”, or “the bad guy”, or somewhere in between? I don’t know. I’m sure in a few people’s stories I’m the bad guy. 
Do you ever erase the numbers off of surveys just because they annoy you? No.
Person you like shows up at your house: you … would be happy, but confused since its only the start of the semester and he has a long day tomorrow (and Tuesday if he has off tomorrow.) .
Last person you talked on the phone with? Uhhh. I think my mom on Friday..
Do you think you will have the same best friend a year from now? Fusoo and Johnny will always have a special place in my heart. 
Do you have siblings over the age of twenty-one? Not yet. 
Will tomorrow be better than today? I doubt it, lol. I’ll likely be doing the same shit, but with less social interaction. 
What do you hear right now? The laptop fan.
What was the last thing to go into your mouth? Water.
Do you usually tell people when you’re mad at them? No, but they can see it. 
Honestly, how is your heart lately? Sad and vulnerable, honestly 
Do you miss anyone? Yes.
Are you waiting for a phone call? Nope.
If an ex said they hated you, what would you say? I keep hoping that two of them will. If the one that kind of counts said it, I’d understand given how I treated him this summer too. If the other ex said he hates me I’d be like why, I literally didnt do anything to you. 
What would you do if you found out your most recent ex was in a relationship? The real one already is. lol The one that kind of counts, I’d be like oh?? lol 
What do you think when someone kisses you on your forehead? It’s cute.
What do you usually do right when you wake up? I usually am like nooo. 
Are you looking forward to anything? Not really..
How late did you stay up last night? I actually stayed up kind of late for me, around 11 or so I was still up. 
Do you truly hate anyone? I don’t think I have the energy to completely hate anyone right now. I do strongly dislike some people. 
Would you ever get a tattoo? If I could ever committ to something lol 
In the past forty-eight hours, have you hung out with a girl? My mom and sister. 
Were you happy when you woke up today? I was worried it was gonna be as early as it was on Saturday lol. 
If someone liked you, would you want them to tell you? Probably not. That was pretty awkward this summer. 
Would you rather go back a week or go forward? Go forward a week! 
Would you ever smile at a stranger? I do the white person half smile if I make eye contact. 
Who was the last person to text you? My mom.
What are you doing today? After I eat dinner? Idk. I’ve kind of done everything. Except for clean. Lol 
Truthfully, is there someone you used to date that you miss? I miss some of their friendships. 
Have you ever gotten burnt by a cigarette? No. 
Have you ever been so bored that you started drooling on yourself? Sometimes I dissociate on purpose and do that lol but no. 
Do you brush your teeth right away when you wake up? No, I have my coffee first.
Do you have someone of the opposite sex you can tell everything to? Brandon and Phil. 
Want to get smashed tonight? If I’m being truthful, yes, but I don’t want to do it alone. 
What time are you getting up tomorrow? Probably like 7:30 or something. Like I said, I’ve kind of done everything. 
Are you happy with the choices you’ve made? Meh. I’m alright with them. 
Think back to last June; were you single? Nope. 
How did you feel when you woke up today? Didn’t you ask this 
Have you ever made someone laugh when they were crying? Probably.
Describe how you feel right now. I have a bit of a runny nose, I’m a little hungry, and I’m mostly just hoping for something good to happen..
Would you date someone three years older than you? Yeah.
Do you prefer to shower at night or in the morning? In the morning. 
Do you think more about the past, present, or future? Past.
Are you okay with the life you live? I’m ok with it. I’d like a few things to change. 
Could you handle living with the last person you texted? Apparently not. LOL 
Was the last book you read for fun, or was it for some type of assignment? For fun.
Have you accomplished any goals you set for yourself this year so far? It’s only 2 weeks into the year. 
If you could go forward in time and see your life 5 years from now, what would you hope to see? I would hope that I have a more fufilling life and that I stop caring what other people think of it. 
Are there still movie rental stores where you live or have they all gone out of business? I could  see there being like one in the city to be vintage, but I’d think mostly they’re out.  
What was the last thing to annoy you or make you upset? My nose running is pretty annoying. 
Do you think you would be a good match for your celebrity crush/es assuming you have one? Why? If you don’t have one, who was the last person you saw that you found attractive? I think so. Lol. 
When looking for something to watch on TV do you tend to pick shows you know you like, or try new shows that look interesting even though you’ve never heard of them before? I try new shows. I am ok with watching a few reruns here and there but I’ve never re-watched a whole series. 
Have you ever been ditched by someone only to find them out and about with someone else? Yup. 
How old were you when you had your wisdom teeth removed? Is that what i had removed a few years back? I dont know. 
What is the last song you sang out loud? Precious Lord, take my hand. 
Where was the last job application you filled out sent to? I’m not even sure. 
Have you ever been fired from a job? Yes 
What do people tell you your voice sounds like? I don’t really know. 
What financial class are you? Middle.
What poster is hanging closest to you? I have a metal wall decal closest to me, but my “I want to thrive, not just survive is closest” .
What time did you go to bed last night? Didn’t you ask this too? ... 
Do you watch any reality shows? I guess catfish. 
Are you more comfortable with men or women? I tend to be more comfortable with men. 
Do you think you’re fat? Not really right now.
Have you ever borrowed money from someone and never repaid them? Probably. 
Do you have a pet cat? No.
What is worse: physical or emotional pain? Emotional pain seems to last longer. 
How is your hair? As it usually is.. 
Who was the last person who called you? My mom.
How long does it take you to fall asleep at night? It really depends. 
How many people have you had strong feelings for in the year of 2012? One.
What are you doing for your next birthday? Woo, 25. no idea lol. 
Would you go on a date with someone right now if they asked? For the free food, maybe.. lol :P just kidding 
Do you believe that if you want something bad enough, you’ll get it? I don’t think so. 
Last movie you watched? Jumanji? .... I think. 
Who were you with? Brandon and his family. 
Who came over last? Like to hang out? Probably Amulia. 
Have you ever wanted to be a ballet dancer? Maybe a little when I was younger. 
Does your family keep tons of leftovers in the fridge? My parents do, I usually only have one or two things at a time. 
Favourite FRIENDS character? That is, if you like it. Phoebe. 
Skullcandy headphones, yay or nay? I used to ~love~ them, but now I don’t have a peference. 
Are you thinking of getting another piercing? Where? No.
Do you love when people remember little things about you? Yes.
Do you ‘bless’ strangers when they sneeze? Not really. 
How many phones have you gone through? Maybe like 6 or 7.
Have you always lived in the house you currently reside in? Nope.
Do you think your future will be a good one? I don’t know. I rarely ever think about it. 
0 notes
surveysbygracelynn · 7 years
Are you an official couple with the last person you kissed? Pretty official lol we've been dating for 6 years. Looking back, did you ever think you would be where you are now? I definitely didn't think I'd be In the job I was in. I guess I thought I'd be married or engaged by now. I don't know. I feel like I didn't really have a plan. Do you like someone? Yep. Is a best friend pissing you off right now? Sort of. I guess. Are you happier now or three months ago? I guess now. I'm more independent now. What’s the greatest thing that happened to you today? I fell back asleep. Lol How old do you think you will be when you finally have kids? I'm not sure. I used to always think I was made to be a mother but as of late I'm not sure. Are you waiting for something? Yeah If you could change your eye color would you? I'm okay with my eye color. If like to change my eyes. What was the weather like today? It’s rainy and cloudy. Do you think you’ll be married in ten years? I don't know. Does your ex still love/like you? Well the kind of one said he does. The actual one has a girlfriend so I don't think so. Are you stubborn? I can be. Do you tend to hold a grudge? Yeah. Where were you at 9am this morning? In the hotel room. How has the week been? Preferable to being at work. Did you go out or stay in last night? Well we all went out to dinner so I guess that. Something you do a lot? Play on my phone. How many states have you lived in? One. Can you commit to one person? Yes. Who was the last person to hold your hand? Brandon. How many chances do you tend to give people before enough is enough? I don't know. I don't really put myself in any position to give people chances. Lol Do you think you and your best friend will be friends in 10 years? I hope so. Lately it's been dwindling. What do you miss most about your ex? The actual one I miss his friendship. Are you attracted to the last person that kissed you? Yeah. What’s a fact about the last person you kissed? He has brown hair. Something you really want right now? I guess I want another chance at closure though everything is telling me it shouldn't. I also want to know I'm missed by my job lol. How long have you liked the person you like? 2011. Does any part of your body hurt right now? My back kinda Did anyone see you kiss the last person you kissed? I don't know. Maybe. Can you recall the last time you liked someone? Yeah, now. Are you happy with the way things are going? Yeah I guess. Do you think you will be in a relationship 3 months from now? Yeah. What plans do you have for tomorrow? Hanging out in North Carolina. Has a friendship ended recently that you wish hadn’t? Nah. Ever given your ALL to someone who walked away? Mhm. Have you ever kissed the last person you texted? Uh. No. Do you and your last ex hate each other? No. When was the last time you were sick? Hmm. Im not sure. I got nauseous a few months ago. I don't get sick often lol Are you one of those people who are always cold? Yes. Do you tend to waste a lot of money? Not at all lol Have you ever regretted kissing someone? No. When was the last time you got a haircut? A proper one? A few months ago at least. Did you sing at all today? Not out loud but Paul has the Beatles station on so I've been singing a few lyrics here and there. Would you rather be able to control the weather or control traffic? The weather! Do you own any articles of clothing with skulls on it? Yeah I have a hoodie from high school lol Are you faster at text messaging or typing on the computer? I'm pretty fast either way. I don't know my wpm on the phone but I'm super fast on the computer If you won a trip to a nude beach would you go or give the trip away? Uh. I'd probably go because it's the beach lol but I don't think I'd be able to tell most of the people in my life where is be going. In your opinion which is the stronger emotion: love or hate? I think hate because you have to put a lot more energy into it. Tongue piercings - cute or trashy? I don't think either. When it comes to jeans: skinny, flared or boot cut? Skinny. Would you rather be a star ballerina or a star break dancer? Either would be nice but I think I'm too white to break dance lol Honestly - can you say that looks don’t matter at ALL? No.. they definitely do. When it comes to Baseball would you rather be on the field or in the stands?  In the stands. I’ve got to know, who do you prefer: Mario or Luigi? Mario Have you ever changed clothes in a public area (not a dressing room)? Probably lol. How many months apart is your birthday from your best friends? Two of them I'm less than a month. Yes or no: Techno music? No. Yes or no: pigtails? Yeah they're cute . They say diamonds are a girls best friend; what do you say? I say I can't tell the difference. Has anybody ever told somebody one of your secrets? Yeah. Have you ever kissed anybody who had a mustache? Brandon sort of has one. I'm indifferent to it lol If you were famous do you think you could handle the popularity? Probably not lol. I think I'd like the attention for a bit but I would also get sick of people being in my business or expecting something from me. Have you ever kissed someone whose name started with a letter P? Nope. Did you talk to one of your best friends today? What did you talk about? I told her I was traveling down to north Carolina. Do you get on better with funny or serious people? Funny. Do you have mood swings around the time of the month? I'm not sure if that's one of my symptoms lol Have your friends met the last person you kissed? Yeah. How old is your oldest cousin? Uhhh I'm not sure who's oldest by blood honestly lol. Taissa or Karen are my oldest step cousins though. What if you saw your best friend holding hands with your ex? For the one that counts I don't think they'd do that. The one that doesn't.. I'd probably feel something lol Your last relationship, who dumped who? For the one that counts I did. The one that doesn't he did. How old were you when you had your first boyfriend/girlfriend? Uh. My first serious boyfriend I was 13 or 14 I think Is your home town nice? I'm partial to it. What if you got stuck in a lift with the last person who Facebook messaged you? Well ;) nah we'd probably just laugh lol When/where did your last hug take place? At the hotel we stayed at lol Do you consider yourself mature enough to make your own decisions? I think so. Have your parents ever told you about their love lives, and any previous relationships they had before they met? Well my mom has told me a bit about her dad. Mike didn't really tell me much about his ex. You get a text from someone saying that they want to hang out - who would you most like it to be from? If I'm being honest, Danny. But that's not going to happen. Do you and your friends have any inside jokes? Of course. Do you think someone has feelings for you? Are these feelings returned? Yes and yes. What if the last person you texted were to ask you out? I'm pretty sure that's my mom. Lol Do you believe in love at first sight? No. Would you prefer to be somewhere else right now? If so, where? And why would you prefer to be there? Id prefer to be on a beach on a tropical island. Just because I would always want to be there. Lol or disney world When you listen to music, do you ever find that the songs affect your moods and change how you feel? Yes. Can you remember what you dreamt about last night? Sort of. It was a mix between work and church and people at church got mad at me because I was checking my phone during the meeting and then I got mad back at them.
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surveysbygracelynn · 7 years
Do you feel comfortable wearing tube tops?  I’m not sure if I ever have worn one, but strapless doesn’t always work for me. I guess if it was tight enough I’d wear one, but I’d probably also have to go braless and it’s kind of hard to do. 
Has something someone said today annoyed you? Uh... yeah. I guess a few things come to mind. 
Can you hear the crickets chirping at night? Yeah. Then again I have good hearing and I’m a restless sleeper. Do you like listening to new music, or just sticking to your favorites? I just stick to my favorites lol 
Did you ever feel that there was something you couldn’t tell anyone? I still feel this way. Lol. 
Do you tend to gossip, even if you don’t mean it to cause harm? I’m definitely a bit of a gossip, but I don’t spread rumors. And I don’t think it really causes any harm. 
When was the last time you were bitten by a bug? I guess over the summer. 
Have you ever gotten your hair permed? Nah. 
Do you have a pair of sunglasses that are worth over $200? For $200 those sunglasses better give me the power to see peoples thoughts lol. 
Would you ever go on a trip to Europe? I would love to. Are you brave when it comes to trying new foods?  It depends, really. 
When was the last time you saw your significant other? Over a month ago. :/ 
If you see a piano, are you tempted to go over and play a little something? Not really, but I only know happy birthday. lol 
Has anyone teased you with the “K-I-S-S-I-N-G” song? Probably.
What time is it where you are? It’s 8:15. I just wanna go to bed. 
Have you ever owned a beanbag chair? No, but I kind of always wanted one.
If you own a laptop, do you have a case for it? A shoulder bag that really needs to be replaced lol. 
What was the last movie you purchased on DVD? Oof. I don’t know. The last DVD I got was bought for me. Actually went out and purchased might have been the one for church. 
Do you do your own laundry? No. 
Have you ever used pastels? I think if I had they were from that binderish box of crayons and stuff. 
Would you be considered to be knowledgeable about World War 2? No.
Will you bother having a party for your next birthday? I don’t know. Last year was a little different, my best friend was in town. This year I think I’m probably just gonna go out with close friends lol. 
Do you currently have a job?  Yes, thank God. 
Are you one of those people who can eat anything and not gain a pound? I feel like I bloat just thinking about food. lol 
Do you know who you’re planning to ask to your grad prom? What’s a grad prom? I’m out of school anyway. 
Are you having one of those days where you feel unattractive? I was feeling a bit insecure this morning but for the most part I’ve been indifferent.
Do you like hot dogs? I’ve kind of always preferred hamburgers but I do like hot dogs lol. Have you been in any sort of physical pain today?  My legs were a little sore. That’s about it. 
Have you ever heard of the German movie Das Boot? Just as the title that’s been referenced in a bunch of cartoons. 
Do you ever go on PerezHilton.com to get all the celeb gossip? I used to. But not anymore lol 
Do you wish your bedroom was bigger? I wish my space to introvert was bigger. I guess that would mean my room, but I kind of have the biggest room in the house so.. Have you ever killed a car battery by leaving your lights on?  Nope. 
Have you had the caramel flan latte from Starbucks yet? I’m not really big on caramel, flan, or lattes, or Starbucks so I’d never try it myself. If someone bought it for me I’d probably drink it.
Have you ever dated a Ben? I’m not even sure I know a Ben. Have you ever dated a ginger? nope. 
Have you ever dated someone outside of your race? Nope. my pursuing history is about 90% white boys. a few here and there but they were never reciprocated. Do you prefer to text or call?  If I’m walking, a call is better. If any other reason, a text. lol 
What was the last TV show you watched? I honestly don’t know if I watched a full episode of gilmore girls or not, but if not that, then buffy. Do you watch American Horror Story?  Nah, doesn’t even sound like my kind of thing. Have you ever lied to get out of a relationship?  Nope.
Are you 21 or over?  Over. lol 
Do you or have you ever had a fake ID? Nah. I basically started drinking right before I turned 21. 
Who is the last person you hugged? My pastor, I think. 
Where was your first kiss? In the NDCA backyard. lol 
Have you ever had a crush on a teacher? Uh, not really. In high school me and this girl thought this guidance counselor was attractive - but he was just pretty to look at.
What color are your nails?  They’re not painted. Can you separate love and sex?  It’s kind of hard for me to believe other people can. 
How do you feel about animal print? I think it’s cute. I kind of see that I went a little overboard. Oh well. 
What do you wash your face with? Uh. I’m not even sure the brand honestly. The orange clean and clear I think. 
Do you have sensitive teeth? Nope. 
Do you straighten your hair? Don’t need to. 
Would you date someone you had a 16 year age gap with? 16 just seems like one of those age gaps that you’re perpetually at different life stages with. I’ve had my experiment with age gaps and I think I’d like someone on my level.. if I had to choose. 
What is your sexuality? If I’m being honest, I’m questioning. I kind of really don’t fit any label. I’m kind of ace, kind of bi, mostly straight. 
Do you like Lana Del Rey? Honestly, wouldn’t be able to tell you any of her songs. Do you think suits are sexy?  sure. 
Do you think earrings are attractive or unattractive on guys? I guess they’re kind of attractive. It depends on the guy though. 
Are you an old soul? Yeah.
Do you wear slippers? I don’t.
What are you doing tomorrow? Going to work. 
Do you sleep better during thunderstorms? Not at all.
Have you ever cheated on a boyfriend/girlfriend? In high school I played truth or dare while I was “with” a guy, but he doesn’t even consider us a real couple so I don’t know. 
0 notes
surveysbygracelynn · 7 years
1) When was the last time you walked more than five miles? How come you did it? Hm. I mean well technically the other day I took over 12k steps which equals 5 miles.. but constantly without stopping? Idk. 
2) Do you ever get blisters in really unusual and/or painful places? Not really. 
3) Is it too hot not to have AC where you live, or could you/do you cope without it? I like having it in the summer, but I could probably cope with out it. 
4) What book are you reading right now? Would you recommend it? Ready Player One by Ernest Cline. It is really good!! I would recommend. 
5) What was the last flavour of ice-cream you had? I haven’t had ice cream in awhile... I’ve been snacking more on the mini reeses. 
6) What did you order the last time you went out for dinner? I split wings and fries with Elena on Friday. 
7) Do you prefer listening to music or watching television when filling out surveys? Uh, I usually prefer nothing. But I usually hear the TV.  tonight’s an anomoly. 
8) Do you struggle to sleep if your room is too hot or cold? Yes. Sleeping conditions are not easily met. 
9) If you eat breakfast, what’s your favourite thing to eat? If not, why not?
I do eat breakfast, and breakfast is probably the meal I’m least picky about it. Mike bought me these new protein bars that taste like candy so I’m really feeling them. But I love bagels, bacon eggs and cheese, waffles, pancakes, cereal, etc. 
10) Would you ever want to run a marathon, or does it just seem like too much effort? I would, but I don’t have the discipline. 
11) Who is your favourite character on “Scrubs”? (if you watch it, that is) It’s a tie between Carla and Dr. Cox lol 
12) Have you been watching the World Cup this year? I don’t care about sports.
13) How many pillows do you sleep with? 2. I would sleep with more but... I don’t like asking my parents for things. 14) What’s one thing your parents do that really gets on your nerves? Both of them together? When they do things that they know will piss each other off. It’s not cute and really annoying. Or when they try to pass off the blame of how they raised my sister. My stepdad is when he gets nitpicky about things out of nowhere or when he doesn’t think about what he’s doing. My mom is when she doesn’t see things from other people’s perspective. 
15) Do you think you could ever become a vegan? I do tend to like vegan things, but I think I like certain meats too much. 
16) Do you have a certain routine that you do whenever you do your hair? If you count shampoo and then put it up in a towel and take it out after a few minutes a routine. 
17) Are you one of those people who is constantly glued to their phones? Yes. Lol 
18) If someone gave you $10,000 tomorrow, but you had to spend it within 24 hours, or you’d lose it all, what would you buy? I’d put a down payment on an apartment. No questions asked. 
19) Do you watch Wimbledon? If so, who’s your favourite tennis player? Nope.
20) Do you drink as much water as you should? Lately not really. i think it has to do with the bottle I’m drinking from but I’m trying to be ~environmentally conscious~ 
21) I read somewhere that you can get bacon cheeseburgers in a glazed donut, instead of in regular burger buns. Would you ever eat something like that? I feel like I’d have to try it if I ever got the chance. 
22) Have you ever gone to any ridiculous extremes to lose (or gain) weight? Not really. 
23) When’s the last time someone told you off for something? Well, someone yelled at me because I didn’t see him the other day in the street. 
24) What do you eat when you get late-night cravings? I am REALLY good about not giving in - but I’ll make some popcorn if I’m feeling hungry. 
25) How often do you eat fast-food? Not so often, honestly. I’m trying to save up as much money as I can for the future. 
26) Do you use hairspray on your hair once you’ve styled it? Nope.
27) Do you ever buy albums anymore, or do you just think it’s too expensive/too much hassle? I only buy Switchfoot albums LOL 
28) What’s your favourite television show that’s still being made? This is Us!! 
29) Do you ever get really hot feet at night? No, but I usually don’t wear socks. 
30) Does anyone in your family have habits that worry you? My parents are alcoholics.. Currently trying to go through the literature that relieves me of the worry. 
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surveysbygracelynn · 7 years
What was the last alcoholic beverage you consumed? 
I think a margarita at Jose Tejas... lol
Currently waiting on something/someone?
Yeah, I’m waiting for my boyfriend to finish school >:o 
Last time you painted your nails?
Myself? Good question. I had hem painted a few weeks ago though. 
What was the last thing you watched on television?
Uh... I watched shark tank but that was recorded. I think This is Us is the last thing I watched live. 
Is your shirt yellow?  Nope. 
How old will you be in 12 months?   24. 
What did you do last night? I watched Clueless and some episodes of fuller house, and then I actually expressed how i was feeling to people. 
What woke you up this morning?  I guess habit. It was 6:45, when my alarm usually goes off. 
Do you sleep naked? No. I’m always cold so... 
What should you be doing right now? I’m not sure if there’s anything I should be doing. I could be doing something though. 
On a scale from one to ten, how happy are you?  I’d say I’m at a 6. My needs are met and I shouldn’t have anything to complain about but I do have some qualms with life. 
Looking back, did you ever think you would be where you are now?  I don’t think so, honestly. Long distance relationships weren’t a thing and I definitely didn’t dream of working where I work. 
The last person you kissed name started with a J or R? His last name starts with R. 
Are you taller than 5 foot 7 inches? Nope. 
The person you have the most feelings for calls you right now, what do you do?  answer and wonder why he’s calling. 
Why aren’t you texting the last person you kissed?  I last messaged him. 
Could you go the rest of your life without smoking a cigarette? Yes. 
Your last kiss meant nothing to you, right?  I wouldn’t say nothing, but I actually can’t remember if we kissed that morning. 
Next time you will get butterflies? probably whenever the new boss gets hired. 
Where is your phone?  charging. 
Will you kiss the last person you kissed again?  Yes. 
Are you any good with kids?  I’m actually amazing with kids. I feel weird about yelling at them though. 
Where did you get the shirt you are wearing? My stepdad got it for me, so I’m not sure. 
Do you think you’ll be married in 5 years time? I think it’s possible, honestly. But it kind of seems very far off with the way things are going right now. 
Are you in love with someone right now? Yeah. 
How old is the last person you kissed? 23. 
Have you had sex today? No.
Do you own more than one bathing suit? Yes. .
Are you worried about anything right now? slightly worried about work... 
How do you think tomorrow will be? It should be fine, but it will definitely make reality set in that things are going to change. 
Favorite time of the year? Summer. 
Have you seen the last person you kissed without a shirt on? Yes. 
How often do you drink Monster? Not at all, coffee is my energy drink of choice. 
What form of communication did you last use to talk to someone? Text. 
When was the last time something bothered you? Idk. I guess this morning. 
What year was the last car you rode in/drove? I think 2014. 
Out of everyone you know, who has the best music taste? Idk. I think everyone should have their own music taste. 
Do you like watching Jerry Springer? Not really. 
When was the last time you went bowling? It’s honestly been awhile. I wanna say Disney was the last time, but I might have gone in between then and now. 
Did you eat any type of fruit today? No.
Who was the last person you were under a blanket with? Brandon. 
Has anybody ever told you that you have pretty eyes? Mhm.
Do you like to cuddle? Sometimes. I’m weird with affection. 
Name something great that happened today? Everything worked out. 
How many different people of the opposite sex have you really cried over? Idk. Probably about 5 or 6. maybe more. I’m super sensitive lol 
Have you ever passed out on the bathroom floor? No. 
Do you like your life as of now? Honestly, no. But I kinda feel stuck. 
How many months until your birthday? Four exactly. Wow. Lol I didn’t even realize. 
How many letters are in your last name? Six. 
What are you excited about? Having a week off in April. 
Do you have any tattoos or piercings? no. 
Do you curse a lot? honestly, no. it slips out from time to time though. 
Do you still talk to the last person you kissed? Every day. 
What’s a happy time you’ve had in the past week? Uh. Idk. I don’t wanna sound cynical - but I haven’t been overly happy this week. I guess yesterday, meeting up with an elementary school friend and not really having any bad feelings about it was really nice though. 
How late did you stay up last night and why? uhm. I actually think I was up close to midnight, and cause I was talking about things.
Has someone of the opposite sex ever told you they loved you, and meant it? I believe Brandon does. 
Does anyone like you? Brandon does. 
Have you ever fallen for your ex’s best friend? No. Lol. 
What’s the worst thing you’ve gone through in the past year? There’s a few toss ups there. Losing the job I was sure I had was the worst singlular thing but experiencing the woes of job searching and going through awful temporary jobs is the worst major thing. 
Do you believe that there’s good in everybody? Deep down. It’s hard for me to express that for people I don’t like. 
Does the last person you held hands with mean a lot to you?
Do you remember who you had a crush on in eighth grade? I think it was only James, and then at the end Kevin? LOL 
Has anyone seen you in your underwear in the past three days? No.
Have you ever trusted someone too much? Yeah. 
Do you find the opposite sex confusing? Not really. 
Meet any new people this year? Yeah.
Describe how you feel right now in one word? Nervous, I guess. 
Think of the last person who said I love you, do you think they meant it?  Yes. 
Is tomorrow gonna be a good day? I wouldn’t say good. 
Is there a secret you’ve never told your parents? Sure.
What are you currently waiting for? Simply, for my friends to get here. 
Would you say that you’re adventurous? In some respects. 
Do you think you can last in a relationship for 6 months or more?  Yes. I’m extremely loyal. 
Do you like school? I did like school. 
Have you ever unbuttoned your ex’s pants? No.
When did you meet the last male who texted you? At my best friend’s house. .
What do you currently hear?  As usual, my mom’s tv show and a classic rock song. 
Have you spoke to your ex today?
How’s the relationship between you and your ex? Well, we finally got closure so that’s good. We don’t really talk anymore. 
Does anyone hate you?  probably. 
What do you want?  To have more moments where I don’t feel so alone. 
Do you get high a lot? Nah.
Can you commit to one person? Yes.
Do you ever think about the past? All the time. 
Do you have any bruises on you?
I don’t think so.
Do you regret any of your relationships? No.
Are you currently frustrated with a boy or girl? Not really. 
Was there anyone who “made your day”? I mean, the kids were awesome. and it kind of made my day to hear my pastor call me a blessing. 
Do you own leopard print pajamas? Nope.
Have you ever deleted your Facebook, then brought it back? No.
The last time you were in a car, where were you going?  coming home from church or going to church. 
Has anything interesting come for you in the mail lately, besides bills?  I guess my tax exempt form from one of my jobs from last year, which I didn’t remember working as much as I did. 
Are you counting down to anything? Not really, honestly. 
What brand is your phone? Samsung. 
What color are the chairs at your kitchen table? Brown. 
How often do you wear lipstick?  Not very often. 
What year were you born? 1993. .
How many different colors are you wearing? Two. .
What foreign languages did your high school offer? Spanish, Italian and French. I think PSA might have had chinese our senior year. 
Are you addicted to cigarettes?
Have you ever kissed someone who smokes weed? No. 
Can you honestly say that you’re happy? No.
Do you have feelings for anyone? Yes.
Are you nervous for anything? Very.
Have you ever run over an animal? Noooo.
Does the battery in your cellphone last long?
Not at all. 
Have you ever found candy on the ground and eaten it?
Have you ever had a teacher hit on you? Not that I remember. 
How often do you go shopping just for fun?
Lol never. 
When did you start wearing makeup, if you even do?
I don’t really wear it often. 
What shoes do you have on?
None, but I’m about to put on my boots.
What makeup?
What jewelry?
My fitbit charge2, if that even counts lol 
Who are you chatting with?
Brandon, sort of and also sort of my friends who are going to pick me up lol 
0 notes
surveysbygracelynn · 7 years
a lowhat do you normally eat at a barbecue?   well the first barbecue that comes to mind is my uncle’s fundraiser - which i usually eat some beans and a burger. sometimes i’ll reach for a hot dog but the burnt ones are the best!
do you prefer aquatic creatures or flying (water or air)? hmm. trying to think what parts I get excited about more at a zoo. I want to say aquatic.  would you like to go swimming with dolphins?    I think it’d be cool but I just saw an article about how its inhumane.  what to you is beautiful beyond all compare?   a sunny day. 
in 5 years time, what do you NOT want to be doing (worst scenario)?   living at home and still not knowing what I want out of life. have you and a friend ever gone after the same person?  not really. I mean, I was always more proactive. do you lead people on?   I don’t think so.  have you ever been told that you were going to hell?   I don’t think so. do you know any actual dances or do you just move to the music?   Just the party songs not really any moves. name the coolest thing about one of your grandparents.   Wish I knew my grandparents well enough to tell you a fun fact ~  do you know which side your appendix is on?   Nope. if someone was willing to tell your crush you liked them would you let them?   Lol, go ahead and tell Brandon.  do you put q-tips in your ear or just round the outside?   I put them in my ear. have you ever popped another person’s zit?   ugh, ew no.  have you ever told a friend to dump their SO? did they?   I don’t really know. I’ve always tried to be supportive.  what do you think is the coolest piercing on someone else? I don’t know. I like the nose piercing on other people. who do you tease most often and what about?    Uh, johnny for being ugly probably. but I don’t even tease him as much anymore cause I don’t see him. Sometimes I’ll just tease Brandon for something silly that happened.  most disgusting bug?   Idk. they’re all pretty gross.  favorite thing you’ve ever painted?   I really liked the spooky forest I painted the first time I went to a wine and paint place. when it’s your birthday, do you have the correct number of candles?   I don’t really like cake so I don’t usually have candles. when you take surveys, what kinds of questions do you HOPE will be asked?  Something other than “what do you hear?” “what did you do this morning” “what are you doing this weekend” cause they’re usually the same answers. my mom watching tv, went to work, and nothing. lol do you like 80s music?   I do.  what kind of food is your favorite? (Ex. Mexican, Chinese, Thai, etc.)    It’s a tie between mexican and italian, but I think I lean slightly more italian. how would you feel if you were drafted for the military?   Honestly I’d probably be really upset because I’m very insecure about doing a lot of brave things.  would you have sex before marriage? why or why not?   I don’t know. I’m still really torn about it. I want it, but like... I’m also an emotional sap who probably would get super weird if I had sex with my boyfriend... and we’re long distance so that’s hard. how do you feel about shaved pubes?   I prefer it... 
are you more liberal or conservative?   Lol I’m liberal :P 
why do some teenagers drink alcohol?   I think wanting to feel more adult, and knowing that adults use it as a way to escape their problems and have fun, they want to do the same.  do you like obama?   I do.  would making abortion illegal really be the logical thing to do?   No. But is that going to stop anyone? No.  does the person you like, like you?   I think so.  what’s the most sexual thing you’ve done?   Anal. Lol  what’s your opinion on masturbation?   It feels good :p  do you wish you had an eating disorder because you want to lose weight?   No???? what kind of question is this what is your favorite queen song?   Killer Queen.  who is the sexiest celebrity? would you cheat on your partner for this celebrity?   Stephen Colbert.. uh... if he came up to me and wanted it i would be really hard to say o!  how often do you cuss?   Not very often. how is your self-esteem?   It fluctuates. have you ever thought about committing suicide?   Yes.  have you ever cleaned up someone else’s vomit?  No... 
would you kiss the last person you texted?  considering its my boyfriend, yes. 
do you think you exercise enough?   Not vigorously enough but I make sure to get my step goal. you’re getting ready to go to bed, and the last person you kissed shows up. what do you say?  You weren’t supposed to be here until next friday!  if i offered to buy you a chocolate bar, which would you choose?   Depends on what they had.  Probably Reeses - but if they had it (idk if they still sell it) fast break!!  have you ever written a song or poem for someone special?  I’ve written poems  have you ever been told that you resemble a celebrity?   Not really.  in your life, who is the person that seems to understand you the most?   I think Brandon probably accepts my weirdness the most but Johnny and Fusco seemed to understand the most. last time you got goosebumps?   Idk.  do you have a beatles shirt?   yes, plenty. what color(s) have you dyed your hair?   None.  do you think about the way things used to be often?   Lately, yeah.  have you ever dated a ginger?   Nope. have you ever cheated on a boyfriend/girlfriend?   Well, considering the one I “cheated” on, didn’t consider us real, then no. It was a game of truth or dare.. . how do you like being roused in the morning?   Uh.. idk. Brandon and I are more night owls in that respect. There was this one time before he left a few months ago that was pretty hot though. It started with a lot of teasing. lol  favorite food?     Pasta for sure what is the best news you could hear right now?   “I found a new job!” or “Did you still want an apartment thats cheap?”  do you listen to screamo?   nope.  does your town/area have a farmer’s market? do you ever buy your vegetables there rather than grocery store?   I don’t know of one in staten island, though there might be, i’m just not looking for it. they definitely have them in the city. I don’t.  you’re on life support, and you want someone to pull the plug.  who do you want to do it?   I don’t know. I’m not sure if I’d ever really want that. Probably someone detached from the situation though. I feel like anyone else would vote to keep me alive.  has anyone ever “ruined” anything for you (for example: your partner says, “oh, this song always reminds me of my ex” and you never want to listen to it again, or your friend is so obsessed with a movie that you start to resent the film)?   I really hate Mayday parade because I know for a fact they got my boyfriend through his break up, which he was still dealing with when we got together. I’m sure there’s plenty other examples. would you ever get a tattoo in honor of someone in your life?  it doesn’t have to be their name.   If Johnny and Fusco ever wanted a tattoo, I’d probably do it. But other than that it’s probably my dad.  if you had a significant other and somehow got a chance to kiss your celebrity crush, would you still go for it?  honestly, I think I would lol.  if you still live with your parents, is it scary for you to imagine living away from them when you move out on your own? if you live on your own, how did you cope with moving away from your family for the first time?   I mean, I moved away during college, though I had all expenses paid for me. But now that I’m home again I’m kind of scared cause I know that’s not the deal anymore.  do you tend to be attracted to people that are more similar to you in interests and mannerisms or do you tend to be attracted to someone opposite/complementing to you?   I think more like me... idk. I haven’t been able to find a pattern.  is there something that people complain about that just makes you roll your eyes because you think is not a big deal and you would gladly trade your own issues for it?    Yes because I’d know what to do in this mooching jobless creep’s situation. Get therapy and then also a job to pay for therapy.  have you ever received an unwanted gift from someone trying to woo you? did you accept it or reject it?   Uh... idk. not really. Didn’t really get many gifts from the guys I dated.  have you ever boycotted a product or corporation? how come?   Not really. lol.  if someone asks you to hang out, but for some reason you’re just feeling lazy/don’t want to go anywhere, do you ignore them, make up an excuse, or just tell them the honest truth?   I’m usually pretty honest. I don’t usually ignore them lol  have you heard of or even read the novel, “50 shades of grey”? if so, what’s your opinion about it?   Pretty much that it’s awful.  has a guy ever let you wear his jacket?   I love stealing Brandon’s hoodies and he’s let me wear his jacket but idk i don’t think jackets are as satisfying.  has anyone you ever dated called you in the middle of the night just to hear your voice?   Uh... I think Brandon had called me after I was asleep, but I don’t go to sleep very late.  have you met anyone famous?   yes, a few people. Aaron Carter for one.  what will your next piercing be?   Idk. I don’t really like piercings on myself.  what do you regret doing at FAR too young?   I don’t really regret it - but I wish I was a little less promiscuous with my first boyfriend... cause it obviously didn’t make him stay. do you have any weapons for personal protection?   + No.  is there a piece of jewelry that holds any sentimental value to you?   I like all my jewelry.  what does your facebook status say right now? Facebook statuses don’t stay like they used to.. would you ever agree to an open relationship with someone?   Nah. I don’t think I could go that far.  have you ever had your picture in the newspaper?   I don’t think so.  what did you have for dinner last night?   Popcorn Lol . do you think you look similar to your siblings?   I’m not sure. Not really.  what do you usually dream about?   Work.  do you ever use sleep as a way to cope with bad moods?   I guess. I don’t really deal with my feelings so.. I’m just perpetually tired.  what’s the most self-destructive thing you’ve ever done?  Uh... keeping everything to myself.  was (or is) it difficult for you to watch your siblings mature? if you’re an only child, is it difficult to watch family members in general get older?    It wasn’t really hard to watch her mature. It was to be put in the middle of all of her maturing and my parents.  have you ever blamed an outside force for a problem you were having?   Yes. do you find yourself getting more optimistic around new year’s, or does that time of year have a negative affect on you?   I don’t know. I don’t really set any goals. But I guess I hope that the new year will be better. who was your high school crush?   Uh in the beginning it was Kurt, and a few other guys in my class, then Chris, then Danny really. and I guess the end of year would be Brandon lol  what do you dislike about your smile?   Nothing, I love my smile.  have you noticed that EVERYONE is ‘bisexual’ these days?  I think that people are just getting more comfortable with their sexuality and realizing it is possible to be attracted to both and it’s not as stagnant. I’ve always identified as straight but I’ve found myself having feelings towards girls.  are you online 24/7?   pretty much.  who is your favorite online friend?   I don’t have a lot of online friends but I guess Phil is my favorite since our friendship is all online.  is it possible to be single and happy?   I think so. It’s certainly better th an being in an awful relationship. is there anyone who hates you?   I don’t know, probably.  does your mom know your deepest darkest secrets?   I don’t think so.  who did you last talk to about the person you like?   Uh, kind of a friend from elementary school. is there anyone you trust who you shouldn’t?   I don’t know..  do you want kids?   I think so.  have you ever fallen completely in love?   I thin so.  do you believe in celebrating anniversaries?   Yeah, why wouldn’t I?  what was your biggest worry five years ago, do you still feel the same about it at this minute?   5 years ago? I was worried about being stuck in my friend group in college. Not at all. Lol  do you want your children (if you have any) to be ‘just like you’?   I don’t know. Sometimes I think I’m great, sometimes i don’t.  do you have same sex fantasies?   There have been a few.  would you ever have sex in the shower or the bath?   I really don’t like the shower... tub might be better honestly. must try. lol  opinion on immigrants/immigration reform?   We were founded on a country of immigrants why are we not letting them in.  should prostitution be legalized?   I don’t think so...  why are you the person you are?   my childhood? lol  if you were offered a shot of whiskey right this second, would you accept?   Eh. I don’t like drinking at home.  what are you like when you’re drunk?   More giggly usually.  do you want a church wedding?   I don’t think so, honestly.  story of the first time you made out with someone?   We were sitting outside, literally in front of some persons house on their sidewalk and we just started making out.  first time you gave/received oral sex?   I don’t really remember..  do you still talk to the person you lost your virginity to? I still technically have my virginity lol  how many followers do you have on tumblr? what about twitter/instagram?   275 on my tumblr? (that seems fake but ok? a lot of them aree spam..) twitter its like 125 and 286 on instagram. 
first time you thought you were in love? when did you realize that you weren’t actually in love with that person?    I thought I was in love with Kurt, probably after we kissed honestly lol. I realized I wasn’t in love with him a few months later when he started smoking and I realized I barely know him at all.  ever seen someone just roll out of bed and still look hot? Uh.. idk. I’m still attraccted to Brandon in the morning.  would you ever get a tattoo on your collar bone?   Maybe..  if you were pregnant right now…?   Probably would be very awful for my job situation, my church situation... my life situation.  have you ever kissed an ex after you two have broken up?   Yes.  do you ever wear boots with skinny jeans?  Always. Lol  is there a den in your house?   Yes.  what’s currently on your mind?   finishing this survey so I can go to bed, and a bit about my ex honestly. lots of questions regarding him and the person I stole this from seeming to be in love with her ex.  do you have a pinterest account?   Yeah but I never really use it.  have you ever seen the television show the munsters?   No... would you/have you spent more than $200 on any one person for a holiday?  I don’t think so.  thoughts on slenderman? have you even heard of him?   He’s alright. lol it was more of a jump scare thing though.  what would you call yourself the king or queen of?   Queen of not thinking things through.  if i paid for you to take karate lessons, would you?   yes.  what is the saddest movie that you’ve ever seen?   Uh... idk. I don’t actively watch anything that sad.  opinion: on surveys that begin with your name, age, etc?   It’s pretty basic and not at all interesting. This one has captivated me though, so good luck.  do you know any people who cuss in every sentence?   Uh. not really.  ever written that you were going to end your life?   I don’t really think so.  is life good?   I shouldn’t complain. I have it better than most.  did you lose friends when you started dating someone?   I lost friends that were potential suitors, and lost friends for other reasons.  have you ever used the word “rawr” in an actual conversation?   Uh... probably honestly.
would you change yourself for the person you love?   I don’t know. My whole relationship with Brandon has been me sticking to myself, but I am trying to be more open minded about his hobbies.  do you have someone you can be your complete self around?  Brandon.  do you have nice eyes?   no lol . how did you celebrate your last birthday?   My friends came over and we drank a lot. have you ever had sex on the beach?   I’ve done sexual acts on the beach. lol  would you ever shave your head to save someone you love?   Uh.. maybe. can you juggle?   Nope.  what’s the last thing you drew a picture of?   I was doodling at the christian ed meeting lol  is your bellybutton an innie or outie? Innie. have you ever been banned from a public place?   Nope.  what horror fiction character scares you the most?   I never really watched it because I would be too freaked out lol  have you ever milked a cow?     no... sounds like a weird experience.  have you ever given blood?   Nope.  do you know any identical twins?   Uh... I’m actually not sure.  have you ever made your own ice cream?   From a baskin robbins powder lol, yeah. but not a real recipe.
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surveysbygracelynn · 7 years
What do you want for your birthday? I’d love for my own apartment to fall into my lap by then. 
What’s your favorite flavor of tea? Chamomile is fun to drink. 
What’s your favorite fall drink? Salted caramel mocha / hot chocolate! 
What’re you going to be for Halloween? Idk. my past few halloween costumes have been A+ so I kinda have to step up my game. 
Do you think you’ve learned a lot and grown a lot in the past year? Uh... I’ve probably grown. 
Are you satisfied with how you’ve spent your year? I guess. Some days were better than others. 
What’s something you’ve learned lately? I mean, I’ve kind of always believed this but everything happens for a reason. 
Do you have a lot of friends? I don’t really socialize with a lot of people regularly but I have a lot of people I could potentially reach out too. 
Do you own a yellow scarf? No.
Do you own brown shoes? Also no. 
Do you own anything leopard print? Hmm. Not sure. 
Will you buy a cake for your next birthday? I don’t really like cake so probably not 
Are you counting down the days until your birthday right now? Nah. 
Are you excited for something currently? My next day off. LOL. 
If you could change just one thing about your life right now, what would it be? I wish that Brandon could be here. 
What’s your favorite color? I like purple. 
Have you ever been to a school dance? Kinda, but no. 
Do you make a list of goals at the beginning of each week? Nope but that would be something lol 
Are you artistic? Not really. 
When was that last time you drew a picture in a sketchbook? A while ago
Is there a tree right outside your bedroom window? Yes.
Is it windy right now where you are? Yes
Is it raining? It is. 
What’s something about you that makes you different from everyone else? I don’t know. A lot of things I guess. 
Do you dress the same way as your peers? I don’t really have peers, but my friends my age, yeah. 
Do you talk the same way as your peers? Not really. 
Do you have the same life goals as your friends? I think so. 
Are you having a good day? Eh. I mean, it started off blah. I was kind of annoyed my boss caught up to me with work. But I took a longer lunch and I felt a bit better after that. 
Is your hair red? Nope. 
Do you like brownies? Yes.
Have you ever dressed up as a witch on Halloween? I think I have but I really can’t remember. 
What’s one color that you never wear because it doesn’t look good on you? I don’t know. I’ve been embracing more colors lately and so far all of them look ok. 
Have you ever been to a masquerade? No.
Do you eat vegetables? I do. 
Do you wear leggings? Yes.
Is there anybody you think is hot over the age of 40? Stephen Colbert. 
Who is the most inappropriate person you know? Probably Adam. 
What year in your life do you think you were the least attractive? I mean, I guess middle school.  Did anything bad happen to you in August? Uh... I think August was a pretty good month, actually. I went to Lake George for a full weekend. I saw my college friends. 
Who in your phone has a heart after their name? I don’t think anybody does. 
What was the last movie you watched? With who? I’m not sure, honestly. 
Anything you’re avoiding? I guess doing search team stuff. And processing emotions.  lolol 
If you could have one thing right now what would it be? My own apartment, honestly. 
If your parents searched your room, would they be angry at what they’d find? I don’t think so. Maybe if they looked in the books I’ve started writing emotions in. 
Do you think anyone has feelings for you? Yes
Have you given somebody more second chances than you can count? Idk. I guess. 
After breaking up, what’s the worst? Probably just wondering why they couldn’t be honest with you in the first place. 
Do you think your last ex deserves to die? Nah. 
Do any girls like the last guy you kissed? I don’t know. He’s pretty sweet, so I wouldn’t be surprised. 
Are you happier now than you were three months ago? I’d say I’m a bit happier - my employment is more secure lol 
Honestly, are things going the way you planned? Not at all. Lol but it’s alright. 
Have you done anything sexual today? No.
Is there something you want to say to someone but can’t or won’t? Probably. lol 
Do you have a second mom? Nope
Honestly, do you hate the last boy you were talking to? Nah. :P 
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surveysbygracelynn · 7 years
Do you like meatball subs? I do. The meatball marinara used to be my favorite thing to get at subway. I just don’t get them because they’re high calorie. 
Are you severely sleep deprived? I think so, though last night was a pretty good night of sleep. 
What music are you listening to? nothing intently, and the radio is on commercial. 
What is your favorite smell on earth? idk what my top thing is. but i do like the smell of freshly baked cookies. 
What are you doing tomorrow morning? maybe helping recycle some bottles. 
What are you supposed to be doing right now? honestly? i dont think theres anything I should be doing. 
Have you ever killed your elbows on an inflatable obstacle course? no..
Ever gone a whole day without eating? no, though i think last year when I was working I came close to. 
Do you feel that you need to improve your spiritual life? I could always be better.
Can you curse fluently in Spanish? Nope.
If you go to school (HS or college) does your school have a rival? -
What’s your school’s mascot? -
Do the numbers 44 and 53 mean anything to you? no. 
Ever had banana pudding flavored ice cream? no. 
If you have a sib, do you call him/her “brother” or “sister” sometimes? no. 
Has the weather been odd lately where you live? For January, it is a bit warm. 
Remember “Kenan and Kel”? Yes.
Does the mere mention of that show make you crave orange soda? not really. 
Are you *this* close to falling asleep? yes, except if i laid down I wouldn’t be. 
Do you own a Wii? yeah
If not, do you want one? -
Did you ever collect stickers? yes, those 50 cent ones from the machines at the store. 
Isn’t Hello Kitty just the cutest thing ever? it’s cute but not the cutest thing ever. 
Are there any songs you could just listen to over and over and over? Yes.
Do you have a favorite basketball team (NBA or college?) no
Ever had chicken curry and basmati rice? i dont think so. 
Do you have a weird obsession with numbers? not really. 
Does your job (if you have one) involve sitting at a computer for hours? yes. 
Do you get major shoulder/upper back pain from that? Or think you would? no. 
Do you have someone who will give you a massage when you need one? Brandon except idon’t see him.
Ever seen Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas? Nope.
Do you own any diamond jewelry? no. 
Do you have an American-made car? nope.
Have you been baptized in any religious tradition? Yes.
Do you drink alcohol at all? yeah
If not, do you like the smell?  idk. jack daniels smells better than it tastes to me. that’s about it. i guess fireball because cinnamon .
Are you in a chair, on a couch, in bed, on the floor, what? chair. 
If your best male friend got a mohawk, would he look good or ridiculous? He wanted a fauxhawk and I told him no. lol Do you love the smell of sunblock? in a sense because it smells like summer.  Internet Explorer or Firefox: which do you prefer?
What are you going to do now? chill
Have you ever fallen asleep thinking about a boy/girl? Yes.
Do you have a favorite pair of jeans? yes.  Have you ever just felt like you could cry an ocean? sure. 
Have you ever woken up to wonder why you even bother? Yes.
How long do you spend on your hair each day? nope. 
Describe what you would call the perfect weather. sunny with a high of 75.. and a cool breeze.
Do you have Twitter? yeah
Do you eat cereal? nope. 
What is your favorite meal of the day? i guess dinner. 
Do you have bangs? yes
When was the last time you got your hair done? done?? wow. idk. lol danielles sweet 16?? 
Do you like the dentist? no
Would you rather study a foreign language or history? language.
Do you wear house shoes/slippers? no. 
Is there a person in your life that you know you’ll never forget? Yes.
Do you like to draw? Nope.
What is on your bedroom walls? nothing. 
What kind of cell phone do you have? galaxy s4.
Do you own a lot of hairbrushes? no
What’s the first line of the last song you listened to? i don’t remember the last song i listened to.
Who did you first talk to this morning? uh... my mom, i think. 
How many email accounts do you have? that i actively check? one for leisure. one at work. lol 
Do you still watch movies on a VCR? No.
Have you ever known someone online, then met them in real life? nope. 
Do you believe in a God? yeah
Do you like windy days? only when its warm. 
Do you have a deep, dark secret? dont we all
What’s in your pocket? nothing.
Have you ever wanted to be on TV? sure, who hasn’t. 
Have you ever been pushed into a pool? Yeah. 
Do you have birthday parties? I suppose.
Have you ever attended a costume party? Yes.
Do you still drink Mt. Dew even though it’s bad for you? Yes
Have you ever cried over another person? yeah
Are you listening to music right now? [If yes, what song?] Q1043 is on in the background. Refugee - by tom petty and the heartbreakers. 
Do you like classical music? ehhh
Do you believe in forever? eeeeeeeeeeeeh. I think things on earth are too volatile for that. 
When did you last eat Cheetos? i don’t remember :( 
Have you ever talked on the phone more than an hour? Yes.
Do you take a lot of pictures of yourself? I guess because of snapchat. I don’t save a lot though. 
Do you know anybody who is afraid of clowns? probably.
What time did you wake up this morning? I think I actually woke up at like 6:40. 
Were you ever afraid of the dark? when I was little.
Do you have a mirror in your bedroom? Yes.
What type of computer do you have? Dell. 
Do you put pepper on mostly everything you eat? no.
Have you ever seen a zebra? yeah
When was the last time you had hiccups? idk. 
Have you ever had toe cramps? yeah
What’s your middle name? Lynn
How tall are you? 5′
What grade are you in? -
Do you like the taste of burnt popcorn? Yes.
Are you a forgiving person? not as of late. When was the last time you brushed your teeth?
last night.
Have you ever touched a snake? yeah
Do you wear make-up? Not really. 
Have you ever had a rolling back pack? Yeah. 
Are you cold at the moment? yeah actually. 
What season were you born in? spring.
Do you have a person you could tell everything to? I suppose.
What colour is the soap in your bathroom? Does it have a specific scent? green. ehh.
Do you have a favourite towel? What colour is it? i like the fluffier ones. they’re all different colors. 
Have you seen any films with Judy Garland in them? wizard of oz! lol 
How did you feel when you woke up today? Why? tired. because i’m always tired
Do you have a friend named Nick? What’s his favourite food? yes. ugh. idk lol. i think ive seen him eat too many different things. 
Have you ever been to the cinema to watch a film, and found that you disliked it? AVATAR ! 
What do you plan to do tomorrow? recycle some bottles and thats about it lol 
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surveysbygracelynn · 7 years
1. Have you ever seen two movies at the theater in a row?   No. 
2. If you were to go to Starbucks right this second, what do you think you’d order? I don’t know. Probably food as I’m hungry. I already drank some coffee and now it’s too late. Also I’ve already eaten a lot of sweets today. 
3. Do you own any dice? Somewhere in this house.
4. Do you like to wear cardigans? I do. It’s quite often my outfit when I’m actually actively dressing myself to go somewhere.  5. Do you believe that it is possible to be in love with two people at the same time? I don’t think so, honestly. 
6. What is the worst thing a child has ever done to you while you were babysitting? Uh. I have no idea. The kids I babysat were usually family friends. 
7. If you wear contacts, do they tend to get really dry after only wearing them for just a couple hours? I don’t wear contacts. 
8. Have you ever watched any British television shows? Nope. 
9. Do you own a nightgown? No. 
10. If you could get any pet right now, what would you? A pupppy!! A samoyed. :3 
11. Have you played Grand Theft Auto: IV? If so, what do you think of it? I don’t think I’ve ever played. 
12. How often does your internet disconnect? It doesn’t. 
13. Have you ever actually been stuffed into a locker? Just to see if I could fit. 
14. Do you / did you decorate the inside of your locker at school with stuff? No. 
15. How many teenagers do you know who have babies? None, yet.
16. Is there a fan in the room you’re in right now? 
17. Do you believe that chivalry is really dead? Not really. The guys that I surround myself with are actually pretty chivalrous. But sometimes its annoying. Lol
18. If you have one, what’s your favorite novel by Chuck Palahniuk?  the only one I’ve read is perks of being a wall flower. 
19. What are your plans for tonight? Watching all my tv shows and introverting REAL HARD! 
20. How much is your cell phone bill each month? I don’t pay mine yet... kind of delaying that for as long as possible 
21. And why the heck is Cingular now AT&T? Is this an old survey from like the xanga days? hasn’t it been this for like 10 years?
22. Have you ever made a house out of a giant cardboard box?  I’m not sure. 
23. Have you ever made a tent out of sheets in your bedroom? Back in the day. 
24. What’s the coolest thing you’ve made with Legos? Nothing crazy. I’m not talented. 
25. Is something bothering you? Honestly, a lot is bothering me. The main thing is I have barely slept a full night all week and I’m praying I sleep well tonight.. but I’m also super stressed about tomorrow. 
26. If you could keep your parents or trade them for other parents, which would you pick? I would keep mine.
27. Do kiwis make you think of testicles or is it just me? I’ve never compared the two. 
28. Where are you right now? My dining room. 29. Is there a piggy bank in the room you’re in? 
30. If I had to power to give you one thing right now, what would it be? The ability to stop myself from causing self-made stress. 
31. Do you want to get pregnant right now? No. 
32. Do you know anyone who doesn’t like the internet? A lot of old people. 
33. Do your grandparents know how to operate a cell phone? I have no idea honestly. 
34. Have you ever housed a friend for a long period of time because they had no place to live? I think Fusco stayed with us for a few weeks. 
35. If you have a favorite comedian, have they ever been in a movie? Stephen Colbert I guess would be my favorite comedian. and I guess he has been in a movie. 
36. How many sets of twins do you know? One, i think. 
37. Has anyone ever made fun of you for using proper grammar? I don’t know.
38. Do you own any hemp jewelry? Nope.
39. Have you ever cut carpet with a carpet cutter? Nope.
40. Are there any books you want to read? Kind of, but eh.
41. Is it before of after 3 pm?  After. 
42. If you have younger siblings, are you very protective of them? I am. But I don’t really get the opportunity to be anymore. 
43. If you have older siblings, are they very protective of you? I don’t have older siblings.
44. What are your plans for New Year’s Eve? Probably North Carolina, it’s tradition. 
45. Would you like a beer? I don’t like beer, but I wouldn’t really care for a drink right now either.
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surveysbygracelynn · 7 years
How did you feel when you woke up? I felt ok, I think. 
What were you doing yesterday at midnight? It was new years so all the new years things! 
What can’t you wait for? Uh... I don’t know. I guess sort of this upcoming weekend. but I’m also not sure what I’ll do without my boyfriend or sister there. 
Who was the last person’s voice you heard over the phone? My mom.  Have you ever passed out on the bathroom floor? No. 
What was the highlight of your week? Christmas was pretty great. I mean, this whole week has been really good. But I guess Christmas was the best.  
When is your birthday? May 29. 
Do you like surprises? Sometimes. 
Plans for this weekend? This weekend is over. Next weekend I’m celebrating Christmas again. 
Are you listening to any music? Q1043 is perpetually on in my house. American Woman is on right now. 
Have you bought any drugs this month? No.
Do you ever keep arguing even when you know you’re wrong? I don’t know. I can usually admit when I’m wrong. 
When is the next time you will see your grandma? Probably never. lol 
Do you have or want any piercings? no. 
What do you think about tattoos? I think they’re cool I just can’t commit . 
What are your plans for the future? Get married and move out. That’s as far as I’ve gotten.  
Have you ever set foot in a tanning bed? No.
When is the last time you watched a hockey game? I think I tuned in a bit before. 
Do you know the Soulja Boy dance? Kinda. 
What is your favorite number? Twenty four. 
Favorite sport to watch in the summer Olympics? I don’t really care. 
Ever flushed a fish? I think my parents did.
Do you make your bed everyday?
I rarely make my bed.
Ever been paid for sex or a sexual favor? No.
Last time you washed your car? I don’t have a car.
How many pillows do you sleep with? Two. 
What do you hear at the moment? My mom’s show and q1043 faintly and me typing. 
What color are your bed sheets? Zebra print. 
Your friend tells you she is pregnant what is your reaction? A few friends I wouldn’t be surprised, a few friends i’d be like oh god with who? lol 
Whose house did you last go to? Brandon’s. though I was perpetually at his house :P 
What was the last movie you watched at home? Wow it’s been awhile since i’ve had the time to sit and watch a movie. lol 
What kind of milk do you drink? If I’m drinking milk, it’s probably chocolate milk. I’ll get skim in my coffee if I have the choice. 
Have you made out with more then two people in the last 2 weeks? Nope. 
Do you believe every one deserves a second chance? I mean, yes, to an extent. 
Two feelings at the moment? Angry. Restless. 
Describe where you are right now? A place where people occasionally eat. Mostly used as my mom’s office space and my computer room. 
What are you craving to have right now? A GOOD NIGHT’S SLEEP! 
What are you scared of? Losing my job. Losing my best friends. Wasting my time Dissapointing people I love (which pretty much encompasses everything) 
Do you have to work tomorrow? I do. Unfortunately. Even though I kinda want to. 
How many houses have you lived in? One.
Last friend you talked to online? Brandon and Amber. 
Who was the last person to text message you? Katie!
What did it say? hmmm how about thursday? 
What’d you say? I said sounds good :) just like old times. 
Has anyone ever said you looked like a celebrity? When I was dressed up. 
Do you speak any language other than English? No.
Last thing you watched on tv? Like live tv?  the ball drop lol. been watching lots of netflix lately lol 
What did you realize today? That I cause a lot of my own stress. 
Hold hands with anyone today? Yes. 
What were you doing at 7:45AM this morning? Sleeping. 
What will you be doing tomorrow? Working and nothing, which will probably be needed. 
Have you ever been to a strip club? Outside of one. 
What is the best ice cream flavor? Idk. It really depends on my mood. 
What was the last thing you cried about? I cried at parks and rec when leslie gives ron a good birthday. 
What was the last thing you ate? The little Reeses peanut butter cups. 
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surveysbygracelynn · 7 years
What gives you anxiety? I get anxious about honestly anything where I feel judged. I get anxious about being around my boyfriends family, my own family, being around friends who don’t necessairly get me, at work... etc 
Are you the type that’s too ashamed to ask for or use directions? idk. I mean I’ll ask if I feel like I need it but google maps is pretty hellpful.  Were you tired when you woke up this morning? Eh. I was alright. I knew I wasn’t going to fall back asleep.  Do you wash your hands after using the restroom? yes Are you influenced by the choices of your friends? Idk. Sometimes I get involved in their drama but not really.  You overhear two people gossiping about you; what do you do? Be super petty. ~ 
When you watch the news, how does it effect your mood? I don’t like watching the news.  Do you ever have anxiety attacks? Not really.  Have you ever taken a personality test? yeah.  Have you ever taken an online IQ test? What was the result? I think it was decent.  Have you ever had anything expensive stolen from you? thankfully, no. Have you ever thought about how you make other people feel / think? always.  Have you worn make-up today? nope. Can you hear anything right now? video games and my boyfriend and his brothers talking.  Have you ever been to a wedding? Mhm Are you proud of who you are? Ehhh If you were a waiter/waitress, would you make good tips? I don’t think so. Lol I’d feel so awkward.  Would you prefer an ice cream sundae or an ice cream cone? I’ll usually get an ice cream cone but I do like sundaes.   What time is it? 9:53 p.m.  Are you good at giving directions? Maybe not.  What was the last thing you complained about? I think losing at mario party.  Do you own any Sims games? Which ones? I own sims 2 and 3 but I think we still probably have our copy of bustin out somewhere. not sure if we have sims 2 pets or sims 2 on the gba somewhere.  What is your favourite kind of fruit juice? cranberry.  Have you worn a necklace today? no.   Do your parents smoke cigarettes? i dont think so, anymore but maybe.  What is the color of the curtains in the room you’re in right now? theres only blinds.  How many instruments do you own/have you owned? I’ve never owned real instruments.  Should you be in bed right now? if I’m being honest, yes, but its new years eve so i kinda have to stay up until 12:00.  Do you know anyone that has the same birthday? Yes. I know of someone.  Would you prefer your partner smaller or taller? taller. Do you acknowledge your feelings or ignore them? I usually have to ignore them. But sometimes I acknowledge them. 
Are you a morning person?  it depends. but I guess more than a nnight person.  Have you ever been to Target? Yes.  Do you like iced tea? I do but I don’t drink it.  When is the next time you’ll be at work? Monday. I was too  chicken to ask for Monday off.  Has anyone ever hacked your accounts before? Idk. probably.  Does grammar and capitalization mean anything to you? it’s nice but i’m not particular about it.  Are you good at wrapping gifts for others? nope, i’ll usually do gift bags.  Do you have a dirty clothes hamper in your room? nope.  Is your vision good? it serves its purpose but it actually kind of sucks.  What was the last thing you ordered online? i think presents lol.  Have you ever worn color contacts? nope. 
Do you consider yourself short? yes What room are you in? brandon’s game room, i suppose. Idk what they call it really lol  Do you listen to any country music? not really. Do you ever watch Lifetime? nope.  Would ever consider having children in the future? yes
Have you ever lived on a farm? no Do both of your parents have jobs? yes If you had the chance to move to a completely different state, would you? Apparently not. I feel way too needed where I am.  What food are you craving right now? As bad as it sounds I’m kind of craving wine. I’m really full from dinner and sdessert though How old were you when you stopped believing in Santa? I don’t remember.  Would you ever get someone’s name tattooed on you? I would probably get my dad’s name but that’s about it. Maybe my kid.  Does your family have family picnics? no, but that would be nice.  If your doctor said you were pregnant, what would you say? I’d be pretty upset as I haven’t ever had vaginal.  Have you ever been in a car accident? yes
Have you ever had stitches? yes Have you ever had any volunteer jobs? uh... kind of i guess. but i was getting college credit so  When’s the last time you had fast food? two days ago.  What is the last gift someone got you? Uhh. I opened roseannes gift cards the other day When did you last talk to your brother or sister? she’s been actually texting me all day which is quite rare. 
Do you think your last ex deserves to die? nope.  Did you put make-up on this morning? nope. Are you embarrassed to let others see you without make-up? considering everyone ever has seen me without it no.  Do you drink enough water? yeah, usually though ive been slacking the past month.  Do you wear socks to bed? I hate doing that, but I’ve had to because brandons house has been so cold.  How long have you had the shirt you’re wearing? about a year lol. I stole it from a friend.  Have you ever thrown up from drinking? yes 
How many cigarettes have you smoked today? none.  Do you actually love your parents? I do, but its hard sometimes.  Do you prefer the tanning bed or the sun? the sun. How long until your next birthday? 5 months.  What’s something you want to purchase next time you’re at the mall? Probably sweaters.  What do you want for your birthday? idk. its still far away lol  Is your room clean? nope. When did you meet the last male you texted? Uh, about 5 or 6 years ago I think at youth group lol  Are you still in contact with the last person you kissed? im sitting right beside him now.  Last thing you spent money on? my own money? uhh. ive been pretty spoiled this past week.  I guess I spent money on danielles new straightener lol.  Has the last person you texted ever been mad at you before? idk. she’s probably the one high school friend ive never had serious beef with.  Are you currently wanting any piercings or tattoos? no. Have you ever been searched by the cops? no. Does anything on your body hurt? kinda my feet.  What was the last thing you ate? chocolate lava cake :3  Where is your biological father right now? heaven hopefully. 
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