sventsgooddeals ¡ 2 years
Hey @leiaswaglando​, I saw your comeback post and thought you needed a visual aid.
Hope your cat wrangling side business goes well too!
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sventsgooddeals ¡ 2 years
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I think Leia’s begun to poison her new friend into thinking just like her. The world isn’t ready for 2 Leias-- it barely handles 1. 
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sventsgooddeals ¡ 3 years
C’mon, I don’t get an invite to go? And no special C.A. birthday cupcake either? I’m positively wounded, Leia. Wounded beyond repair. 
If I throw in a hand-delivery for that Wild Boar meat, could I meet you and Luds there? I’ll even bring our most expensive wine if that sweetens the deal. We’re talking 100,000 galds’ worth of merch free of charge waitin’ for its invite! Who’s gonna say no to that kind of deal?
Dear Leia,
I was so worried I forgot, but please tell Ludger I wish him a happy birthday and next year if he comes down to Leronde, I'll make him a nice Chicken Leronde to celebrate. You too, be sure you visit for your birthday. I do miss cooking for you.
Lots of love,
I'll be sure to tell him for you and for Mom (cuz I'm sure she would too)! Actually I also forgot to say something too: we were considering coming over tomorrow so Ludger could see how we in Leronde celebrate birthdays!
I'd asked him when we were out touring the local arcade how he'd been celebrating his birthday up until now, and he said he's never celebrated his birthday with more than his brother and maybe one or two friends! Apparently that's just common in the big city cuz it's a lot harder to plan get-togethers when everyone's parents (or your friends themselves) all have day jobs or different obligations scattered thru the week.
On one hand, I totally get it; they say life in the big city moves fast, so not everybody's got time to sit around and have cake with someone outside their family. But on the other, I can't imagine a birthday without having a whole group jump out from every corner of your house to scream "Happy Birthday!" and cheer while you blow out your candles! As Ludger's friend, I refuse to let him lose out on that experience! ( #`⌂´)/
So lemme ask you and mom now: come tomorrow, get everybody ready for a big birthday party please cause the belated birthday boy's gonna be on his way come noon! We're gotta show this city boy how a family celebrates if it's the last thing we do! (* ̄▽ ̄)b
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sventsgooddeals ¡ 3 years
Oho, seems our little lady’s also figured out the real subject of who that song you posted a while ago was about!  I may not have met this guy yet, but this C.A. of yours might be what the former nurse assistant ordered years ago-- if you’re gonna make a move, a special getaway at the beach is the perfect venue for getting an, “I do.” 
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sventsgooddeals ¡ 3 years
I should’ve shared this earlier, but I was looking around on the internet for songs to vibe to during our train ride to the resort, and I found a song that really, really spoke to me! 
As for who’s the “You” in my version of the song… that is a mystery this detective won’t be solving for you!  (^.~)☆
No real need to play coy, Ms. Ace Detective. Everyone who’s known you for more than 5 minutes knows you’re talking about the honors student-turned head researcher. 
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sventsgooddeals ¡ 3 years
Hey @sventsgooddeals, guess who I found who also used emoticons~?  I told you it’s not just “a girl thing!”
Isn’t your “case assistant” also the guy who cooks all your meals and keeps both yours and his places tidy now?  He might still be a guy, but I’m thinking he’s leaning too much on the “housewife” side to be considered a good counter-example. 
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sventsgooddeals ¡ 3 years
I don't appreciate the accusations you're throwing at me, mister. ( ̄ヘ ̄) I know better not to do stupid stunts just because other people are.
So she says. Weren't you also the one who bugged a certain someone we both know to get you tickets to a train just because Crown sent a calling card to "steal" it?
Maybe it's just my adult wisdom talking, but I'd take that as a sign to stay home and not get involved; Crown's M.O. hasn't included invading animal shelters and feeding all the cute puppies and kitties last I've heard. An Ace Detective ought to recognize danger and choose to live and write another day.
I'll stop the lecture here before I sound too much like our lecturing do-gooder of our group. I'm sure he's told you all this already in a 5 paged peer-reviewed academic essay. Makes me glad he doesn't run a blog; I'm sure he'd be using it to lecture all of us right now.
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sventsgooddeals ¡ 3 years
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Since I had to swing by Hamil for business reasons, in the spirit of #ThrowbackThursday, I wanted to see if they fixed the walkway I broke last year. Looks just like I left it. 
The memories tied to this aren’t pleasant ones, but it’s also a reminder of how I’m done playing Quadruple Agent to avoid the hard stuff. The new me’s gonna stick around no matter how FUBAR’d a situation gets. 
Though with all the strange “challenges” I’ve seen online, I gotta wonder how long until someone thinks to jump off this and see if their knees don’t completely shatter upon impact. I sure wouldn’t, but I can think of someone I know who might. She knows who she is.  
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sventsgooddeals ¡ 3 years
Dig at me aside, don’t pay those kinds of remarks more than a passing notice, Leia. 
At least in the Elympion business world, you’re gonna hear your name smeared along with the nastiest insults you’d rather die than let your close friends hear come from your mouth.  No person or business can please everyone, and those who aren’t satisfied are gonna talk about it. 
Only apologize if you’ve actually done something wrong-- and having fun with your friends certainly isn’t wrong by all reasonable standards.
You two sound like squabbling toddlers
Hear that, @sventsgooddeals?You've been demoted from "the only adult here" to toddler now!
But I'll take this time to say I'm super sorry for my readers who were hoping just for case updates. If you don't like seeing this kinda back-and-forth with, you miiight wanna bail now.
I can't promise this'll be a one-time incident. |・ω・)
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sventsgooddeals ¡ 3 years
What’s that? All I’m making out is
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100% accurate picture of Leia after she sends you a meme at 3:23 AM.
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sventsgooddeals ¡ 3 years
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100% accurate picture of Leia after she sends you a meme at 3:23 AM.
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sventsgooddeals ¡ 3 years
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I told Alvin a funny joke today, and I just had to record his reaction.  Some may find it creepy, but I think it’s cute!
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