swanawil · 3 months
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Lunar New Year with Vox
+ Velvette
Requested by | @matrixbearer2024
I sincerely apologize that these are so short, I was having a bit of trouble coming up with ideas. And I didn't write for Valentino, not because I don't like him (I don't, but that's besides the point), but because I still have not quite figured out how to write the guy
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He knows it's good for his image
People like it when tv is inclusive
But he can't help but hate how you've dressed him in red and gold clothing
“C'mon, Vox,” you told him, “you gotta smile! You look all..” You stared at him, trying to think of the word. “Pissy.”
“Shut up.” Was all he grumbled.
“Here Vox,” you handed him the red envelope.
“Hm.” He took it in his clawed hand. “What's this?” He looked at you.
“Just open it,” you told him, rolling your eyes amused.
Vox sighed in annoyance, opening the envelope like you had told him to. Inside was a note.
'I hope you achieve everything you wish to this year!!
- Y/n'
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Of course, she'd already be dressing her models in the best and most beautiful red and gold clothing
She'd be into it, ngl
Like I feel like she would love it
She'd even make you one too
She'd probably get even more mad if something might be off in the model's outfits considering it's a holiday you celebrate and like.
"Here, Vel," you handed her the red envelope.
"Well, aren't you just a sweet little tart?" She gave you a teasing smile as she opened the envelope.
'Here's some money for the hottest most stylish lady in all of Hell! Best wishes!
- Y/n'
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swanawil · 4 months
Okay, okay, so I'm thinking...
Reader, that's the sin of envy.
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swanawil · 4 months
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also look at how genuinely happy alastor looks in this frame. will never get over them <33
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swanawil · 4 months
Everyone says that Val is a drama queen
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swanawil · 4 months
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He finds you self harming
Tw | Self harm (cutting), blood, use of scissors
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Adam stood in the doorway wide-eyed. And you were sat on the floor of the bathroom also wide-eyed. His eyes trailed to the blood on your thighs, and the floor and the pair of scissors in your hands
"What the fuck are you doing?" He asked, not even insanely sure what to say to the sight in front of him.
"I.." You weren't even sure how to respond yourself, "I'm sorry.." Was all you could get out. You held back a sob as you looked down at your bloody things and the pair of scissors you had been using.
Your blood. It made him sick. And angry. Sick and angry.
Adam seemingly snapped back into reality. He took the scissors out of hands, "What the fuck is wrong with you." He threw the scissors out of the room.
"Seriously," he looked back at you, your eyes were watering, "what was going through your fucking head, huh?"
"I.. I'm sorry. I.." You desperately tried to keep the sob in your throat. Adam stared at you, not a particularly kind and comforting look on his face. He let out a huff as he grabbed a towel. He started gently cleaning off the blood.
He got quiet. That scared you more.
You winded your fingers into your hair, biting your lip to hold back the sob and winces of pain as he cleaned the cuts as gently as he could.
"Where are the bandages?" He asked after a second. Your lip trembled under my lip, and your eyes watered more, some tears overflowing. You pointed to the cabinet under the sink. You caught the glance he gave you. And you just barely caught the look of some worry in his gaze.
He was silent as he wrapped the bandages firmly yet gently around your thighs.
"Adam.." Your voice was quiet, shaky. He looked at you for a moment. "I.. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."
He didn't say anything for a moment. Soon, he finished bandaging your thighs.
"Why?" He asked, looking at you.
"I.." Your bottom lip trembled.
"Tell me why." His voice was stern.
You opened your mouth, but nothing came out. Your tears started cascading down your cheeks, and your bottom lip only seemed to tremble more.
Adam sighed. He threw his helmet off of his head and ran a hand through his hair.
"Come here.." He pulled you into him, hugging you tightly, protectively.
You sobbed into his chest, grabbing at his robes. And Adam silently hugged you, waiting for you to calm down.
"I'm sorry, Adam! I'm so so so sorry!!" You cried into his chest. He didn't shush you. He just let you cry it out.
"Don't do this ever again," he told you once you'd calmed down. "I get I'm not the best. I know that.. I know that I can't really. Comfort well."
You sniffed, looking up at him, trying not to start sobbing again.
"But you can come to me," he looked at you, "I'll do whatever I need to to keep you from doing this stupid shit."
He placed a hand on your cheek, gently wiping your tears away.
Adam had no idea what to do for you. He didn't know how to comfort you. He was lost. But he tried. He is trying. He'll learn to be a good boyfriend. Just for you.
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swanawil · 4 months
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swanawil · 4 months
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"Be my valentine"
~| Valentines Special 💝
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"What the fuck is your problem," Adam groaned. You had pushed him away when he had tried to initiate fun time.
You scoffed, getting off of the couch.
"You act like I'm some telepathic freak or something!" He called after you as you moved into the bedroom. "I can't read your mind!"
No answer.
"Y/n!" He exclaimed for you.
No answer.
"Hey! I know damn well you hear me!" He looked at the open door of your bedroom.
No answer.
"It's Valentines day!" He told you like you didn’t already know, "C'mon aren't you supposed to be like.. All lovely dovey or whatever?"
No answer. Adam scowled. He let the silence sit for a moment as he turned forward again. A stubborn and annoyed air about him.
He groaned rather loudly, sounding like a toddler having a temper tantrum.
Adam begrudgingly pushed himself off the couch, grumbling as he did. "Fine, be a bitch then. I'll just come to you, you little shit.."
Adam looked at you. You were sat on the corner of the bed, your back to him. He could tell you were gripping the edge of the bed pretty hard. But he couldn't see your expression.
Adam sighed loudly and dramatically. He saw your shoulders tense a bit. "What do I have to do?"
You looked over your shoulder at him. You didn't say anything. He stood silent, his arms crossed, and an annoyed scowl on his face.
"At least tell me what I fuckin' did!" You scoffed again.
"More like what you didn’t do.." You grumbled.
"The fuck is that supposed to mean?" Adam asked, looking at you bewildered.
You finally looked at him, a glare fixed on your face. "You didn't ask me something very simple."
"I don't know what the fuck you are talking about!" He told you frustratedly. You stood from the bed, turning to fully look at him.
"It's so fucking easy to guess, Adam!" You yelled back.
"Why are you so difficult!" He yelled.
It was just a back and forth between the two of you. Both of you just yelling at each other in your own stubborn frustrations.
"Why didn't you ask me to be your valentine!" You finally yelled. And that silenced both of you.
Adam stood there, his eyes wide. He was taken aback. But slowly, a wide smirk of amusement came to his face.
"So that's what this is about?" He asked. You blushed in embarrassment, looking to the floor. "Really, that's why you got all bitchy on me?"
Adam let out a chuckle as he stepped forward. He grabbed you and pushed you onto the bed before climbing on top of you and pinned you down.
You stared up at him, cheeks colored. You tried to keep a glare on your face, but it faltered.
"C'mon, hotstuff," he chuckled, "I thought it was a granted you were my valentine considering you get to have my dick in you whenever you want."
"You still have to ask.." You grumbled softly, looking away.
Adam rolled his eyes, "fine, whatever," he sighed. "Be my valentine, hotstuff. I'll give you a night to remember," he winked down at you with that arrogant toothy grin that was normal for him.
You couldn’t even help the smile that grew on your face, even if he had added a lewd comment on the end of it.
You reached up, quickly winding your arms around his neck and hugging him tightly.
"I'll be your valentine," you told him softly, the same smile still on your face.
"Finally happy?" He asked. You hummed, nodding in the crook of his neck. "Fuckin' finally," he sighed, putting a hand on the small of your back.
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swanawil · 4 months
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Not naming names but you know who you are
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swanawil · 4 months
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I mean am I wrong??
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swanawil · 4 months
I'm the friend
I forced my friend to film this
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swanawil · 4 months
Hello! I saw your requests were open and I was wondering if you could write something about Vox and a fem!reader celebrating Lunar New Year? I've seen many people write valentines stuff but I kind of wanna see your take on other holidays if you don't mind, thank you!
I'm so sorry, I don't think I know enough about Lunar New Year to do this 😓
If you'd like to give me any info about it in my inbox or dm, pls feel free to, I'd love to write this for you! Again, I apologize, I don't personally celebrate.
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swanawil · 4 months
sooo can I request some (romantic) Adam x reader w/Adam being insecure? Thank you💙
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Adam's insecurities
A man that's lost two wives to the same man is bound to have some insecurities
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Your first wife leaving you for the most hated man on the planet, and then your second wife cheating on you with that same most hated man on the planet tends to make one insecure.
Yet, you weren't sure if Adam just hid the insecurities, or if the insecurities just bounced off of that giant ego of his.
You froze when walking into the room. Usually, when entering a room Adam was in, whether you were alone or in public, you'd get a catcall from Adam. But you got nothing when walking into the main room of the apartment you guys had.
You looked at him on the couch. He was lazing on it like usual, his gaze fixed on the tv.
“Adam.” You spoke up, your voice stern.
“Huh?” He looked at you, “Oh, hey.” He looked back at the tv.
You looked down at your clothes. They were casual, obviously, you were at home. But the shirt you wore was pretty revealing, and it usually always got some type of compliment from him.
“Adam,” You said again.
“What?” He asked in an annoyed tone.
“What's your problem?” You asked.
“I don't have a problem.” He replied in the same annoyed tone.
You sighed, staring at him. You walked over and sat next to him on the couch.
“What's got my husband so down in the dumps, huh?” You asked softly, slowly moving a hand towards his mask, giving him more than enough time to protest before you slipped it off of his head and tossed it off of the couch into the floor. He had that annoyed scowl on his face.
“Look at you,” you smiled softly, giving him a few soft pecks on the lips as you let your hands wind into his hair, “my handsome man.”
He grabbed you by the hips, pulling you into his lap so you were straddling him, also pulling you deeper into the kiss. You kept your hands in his hair.
You knew he very well wouldn't stop, and this would transpire into more. And you would love that, you would. But you wanted to get to the bottom of what his problem was. Adam had a tendency to just use sex to get away from his problems and distract from them.
And that also meant you getting your guts pounded by him every time something frustrated or upset him.
You gave him a few pecks as you pulled away.
“So?” You asked.
“So what?” Adam asked, a bit upset you pulled away.
“What's your problem?” You asked again.
“Don't have one,” he responded. He leaned in to kiss you again. You didn't even indulge him with a peck, knowing he'd just refuse to let you pull away again.
You moved your hands to his cheeks, stopping him before he could kiss you again.
“Stop avoiding it, you obviously have a problem.” You gave him a knowing look.
He scoffed, looking away.
“Adam,” your voice was soft. He didn't reply. You moved his head to look at you again and you put your foreheads together. “Is it the wife thing?”
“I can't believe that ugly ass fucker took them,” Adam grumbled, looking into your eyes as you pulled your forehead away from his. “I mean, c'mon, what the hell do they see in him? Him! The most hated man ever. They chose that asshole over me? What the fuck!?” He threw his hands in the air.
“They were dumb,” you told him. You trailed a thumb across his cheek. “They were dumb then, and they're dumb now.”
“You're right. They are dumb!” He agreed. “Fuck them!”
“Yeah, and hey,” you caught his attention again. “You got me now. And I'll never leave you. Not in a million years.”
He stared at you for a moment. The tv started to take up the silence.
“God you make me so hard,” he smirked, “so, what's up sugartits?” There he was. The normal, cocky, and honestly kind of disgusting Adam.
“Ew, okay, ruined the moment,” You told him, beginning to get off of him. But you were pulled back down onto his lap by his arms around your waist.
“C’mon babe,” he smirked, whispering in your ear, “I'll show you just how much better I am than Lucifer.”
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swanawil · 4 months
"i take it back, i'm sorry"- reactions to making someone cry
prompt list by @novelbear | cw for some very slight cursing!
"are you crying?"
"no, don't do that wait-"
"oh, stop with the tears.."
"i didn't mean it like that, hold on."
"was it something i said?"
"shit, no, that's not what i meant."
"oh, honey."
"there you go, let it out."
"suck it up."
"this was supposed to make you happy!"
"aw, don't cry sweetheart..."
[giving them a panicked hug] "no, no, no, no!"
"i should have stopped, i'm sorry..."
"what? what now?"
"you're so emotional. it's cute."
"good. now you know what it's like."
"how can i make this up to you?"
"i didn't mean to make you upset, you know."
"oh come on, it was a joke!"
"you always do this. making me look like the bad guy."
"my poor baby, i'm so sorry."
"did i scare you? sweetheart..."
"i mean i knew you'd like the gift but not this much..."
"ice cream? a movie? hugs? what do you want? name anything."
"why do you act like you're the only one with feelings? how do you think i feel?"
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swanawil · 4 months
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Fat nuggets’ thread 🩷🖤
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swanawil · 4 months
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requested by: anonymous request: hi!! idk if this has been req before but do u have prompts for subtle love? it will take some time for u to realise that their actions are somth u do out of love. thank u!
Feel free to use and reblog!
Part 1 (kinda): ~ GENTLE LOVE ~ PROMPTS
listening attentively when the other is talking
taking the other into consideration whenever making a decision
smiling at the other to encourage them
taking over the other's tasks to disburden them
the last thing they're thinking about before falling asleep is always the other
sitting back and staying quiet to leave the stage for the other
giving the other their space, knowing they need it
enjoying the sound of the other's voice
distracting the other when they see they're distressed and close to freaking out
trying to learn every way to put a smile on the other's face
experiencing this strange feeling in their chest when the other comes to them for support and a word of kindness
"You can call me. Day or night. I'm there for you."
enjoying the most basic time spent together just sitting next to each other, each doing their own
hyping the other up
being their biggest cheerleader
checking up on the other regularly when they know they're not feeling their best
thinking about the other at the most random times
'Oh, this coffee has such nice latte art! I wonder if [person B] would like it.'
'Oh, there's a new movie showing in the cinema about an ice skater. [Person B] once did ice skating. Would they like this movie? Or are they even better at ice skating than the ones in the movie? I'm sure they're the best ice skater!'
stopping themselves from messaging the other too often
sharing their food with the other
always making another coffee/tea when they're making one for themselves because sharing is caring
smiling by instinct when they see the other
^ breaking into a grin and being unable to stop it
sending the other little notes of encouragement to show that they're thinking of them
"You're doing just fine. I know you've got this."
promising to catch up, even when there is no time at the moment, they're making sure it doesn't go under
"Wanna talk about it later? I will make time."
making the other a priority
giving their honest opinion when it's asked
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swanawil · 4 months
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Adam's Insecurities
A man that's lost two wives to the same man is bound to have some insecurities
"Be my valentine"
~| Valentines special 💖
He finds you self harming
Tw | Self harm (cutting), blood, use of scissors
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Headcanons +scenario
Adam and you playing minecraft coming soon!
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swanawil · 4 months
Lucifer Morningstar
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Oh, there's nothing here yet.. Maybe check back later?
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