swimmingseas · 2 years
We are a global net dedicated to migrant art. We create content related to migration, nomadism, refuge and displacement as related to the arts field, producing events as exhibitions and talks with curators and artists worldwide.  We intend to share knowledge and to experience contemporary works on visual and performative arts, literature, philosophy and epistemologies around diasporic bodies, as their affections, imaginations and memories turn to images, gestures and voices.  We share records of our open talks and present our artists and their works. Related articles published by our founder Monica Toledo Silva (Brasil) are also available here. If you want to share your work, scientific, experimental or artistic, related to migrant art, or take place in one of our events, leave us a message. Welcome! www.monicatoledosilva.tumblr.com https://www.instagram.com/monicatoledosilva_bloop/
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swimmingseas · 2 years
Imagined migrations, visibility and cosmology. the river, the tree and other amerindian bodies. with rafael fares and elza silveira. vacant scriptures. the body in uncommon time and place. literacy reading with adriano mucuapera (moçambique), ivy ramandan and inês almeida. music, space and spaciality. sounds between worlds. with edu negrão (italia) and barulhista. videodance, further and closer. the creative body affected by nomadism. with videos from benjamin abras and christina fornaciari, erika kobayachi and dalila leon.
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