swtptato · 4 years
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swtptato · 4 years
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swtptato · 4 years
If you're trying to lose weight remember that:
your problem areas won’t be the first to shed that weight, it will be either your face, your hands, your ankles etc
when you lose weight, you realize that you and shrek are very much alike, we have layers (of fat). you will not instantly lose weight on your belly, hips, thighs, arms, where ever it is that you’re trying to specifically lose weight from, you will lose weight all over, this is why it’s hard for us to notice weight loss
the last place you gained fat on is the first to lose that fat off, the first place you gained fat on will be the hardest to lose that fat off
don’t listen to the scale, those few pounds that never seem to leave or you have gained are probably muscle growth, get yourself measuring tape to calculate your weight loss
you see yourself every day, be aware that it’ll be hard for you to notice any difference, but trust me, everyone around you is seeing it happen
weight loss takes time, don’t give up so quick
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swtptato · 4 years
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my fav thinspo (found on pinterest)
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swtptato · 4 years
Little things…
{{I never want to forget how good it feels to finally be skinny!!!}}
🌺 On Christmas, my cousins asked if I had ever considered modeling. I said no, I’m too short, you have to be like 5'7… They insisted I should at least look into social media modeling!
🌺 A few days later my dad brings it up again, “You know, you really do look like you could be a model!” He’s never said anything like that to me before.
🌺 My mom comments almost every day on how skinny/tiny/little I am now. She used to always talk about how we both needed to lose weight. And now she’s always trying to offer me food, rather than criticizing too many snacks.
🌺 I posted a selfie on instagram and a girl I hardly know commented “omg your bone structure is unreal” … (literally no one has ever said that to me, ever! I didn’t even think I had any bone structure lmao)
🌺 I went for a hike with my brother and I didn’t have any trouble keeping up, didn’t feel tired or out of breath, kept up with the conversation and just really enjoyed the whole thing! I’ve always loved hiking but always used to be the slow one, struggling and holding up the group.
🌺 Skinny legs in leggings! Skinny legs in boots! Skinny legs in leggings and boots and cute layers on top! There’s no words for it but it’s literally my favorite thing.
🌺 Having to wear baggy sweaters with scarves so you don’t look too skinny. (Literally never thought I’d ever have that problem lol.)
🌺 Long blonde hair looks good when it’s messy; I only ever use a tiny bit of makeup; my outfits are cuter and more interesting… It’s easy to get ready to go anywhere and I feel so much more confident about the way I look.
🌺 The best clothes in the clearance section are always XS or S, so you can buy cute things cheaper than everybody else paid for it lol
🌺 Learning to love salads and unsweetened tea!! Tastes so good and feels so healthy!!
🌺 Saying no to junk foods and binges just gets easier and easier tbh. You’re in control and you get in the habit of saying no/making better choices.
🌺 When I try to set my phone on my lap and it falls through my thigh gap… It’s mildly stressful and annoying but in the best way possible! (I usually can’t even manage to clamp my thighs together to catch it, it just ends up hurting my knees.)
🌺 The feeling of walking with a thigh gap… Your legs not even brushing past each other. I feel like dancing all the time!
🌺 You get more drunk off less alcohol. If you get too drunk you know you’re small and cute and your friends won’t have any trouble helping you get home. (I usually don’t drink that much, I like being in control of myself. But a few glasses of wine is enough to get me loose and having a good time!)
🌺 Gaining the confidence to dance in public and be goofy because you know you’re small and cute.
🌺 In general, I’m much less self-conscious about my body and it feels so free. I’m still insecure about my personality and I still struggle with school and there’s all kinds of things in my life that I still need to work on, but it feels really, really good to have at least one less thing to worry about. (At least I know I look okay on the outside even though my life is still a mess lol.)
🌻You can get all these results with positive and healthy weightloss methods, and it’ll probably feel a lot better! Eat good food, drink water, exercise a normal amount, and you’ll get there!!🌻
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swtptato · 4 years
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brandy melville / soft girl
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swtptato · 4 years
one year from now you’ll be glad you started today
six months from now you’ll be glad you started today
three months from now you’ll be glad you started today
one month from now you’ll be glad you started today
two weeks from now you’ll be glad you started today
five days from now you’ll be glad you started today
tomorrow you’ll be glad you started today
so don’t give up, think of the end goal
stay safe, you’ve got this!
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swtptato · 4 years
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swtptato · 4 years
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It’s okay if you feel overwhelmed right now. 🌱
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swtptato · 4 years
Do you actually want to lose weight? Stop snacking on garbage.
If you’re actually hungry, eat a raw vegetable like bell peppers, cucumbers, or spinach. If you’re not hungry enough to eat a raw vegetable you are not actually hungry to begin with. Period.
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swtptato · 4 years
When you’re hungry
Clean your room (wipe the floors, wipe the dust, vacuum, clean the Windows)
Reorganize/clean your desk, closet.
Shave/wax your legs/armpits and tweeze your eyebrows.
Put on a face mask
Do a pedicure or manicure
Fill your bathtub and just take a long bath
Make yourself an aesthetic notebook (to motivate yourself to lose weight or something like that)
Update your Tumblr(make a new header, change the colour…)
Draw or paint something
If you play an instrument, play all the songs you know 3 times
Draw something on your body with paint or pens
Drink 3 teas
Drink 3 cups of hot water
Drink 1 liter of water
Go for a walk
Go to the library and take a good book for reading or read there if you can do that
Read 50 pages of some book
Watch 5 youtube videos
Listen to some music (I recommend some lofi music, my favourite is lophee)
Watch some k-pop (all girls there are really skinny it will motivate you)
Watch some vine/meme compilations
Watch some fat acceptance cringe or something like that
Play with some make-up
You still hungry?
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swtptato · 4 years
me: no one ever texts me
*gets a text*
me: wtf do you want
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swtptato · 4 years
quiet as a mouse workout (please comment/pm if you were the one who made this!!! i really want to find who to credit!)
i had this workout reblogged on my old tumblr (which got deleted smh) and i still do this workout a lot. it’s supposed to burn 250-300 cals!!
100 leg lifts
50 sec plank
50 sec wall sit
75 squats
50 sit ups
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swtptato · 4 years
friend: so, how was your day?
*disassociated the entire day*
me: my what
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swtptato · 4 years
i can’t believe i’ve taken 10k+ steps everyday since sept 26 and i haven’t binged in almost 2 months and i never go over my cal limits and i workout everyday. who is this new bitch with all this self control? i love her and her slimming bod
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swtptato · 4 years
"If you could have dinner with any person, alive or dead, who would you choose?"
Me: Literally nobody because eating in front of people makes me extremely uncomfortable.
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swtptato · 4 years
a letter to myself
keep going.
i know you’re tired.
i know you don’t think there’s a point to this.
i know how badly you want to give up.
but i’m begging you, please, keep going.
you’re so close.
7 months is not a long time.
you’re strong.
you can do this.
you can get through 7 months of this to finally have the body of your dreams.
think about how proud your family will be.
think about your doctors not being judgemental of your weight, but proud of how far you’ve come.
think about what your old friends faces will look like the next time they see you.
think about being able to confidently post pictures and videos of yourself.
think about being able to dance again.
think about not being as anxious to talk to new people.
think about not being embarrassed to go swimming.
think about being able to wear clothes your style.
think about all the food you’ll get to eat without feeling embarrassed.
think about wearing a bikini for the first time.
think about going outside without feeling embarrassed.
think about all the attention you’ll get.
think about how happy you’ll be.
dont give up.
these 7 months are going to be so worth it.
you can do this.
i believe in you.
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