symbiotesis · 4 years
If someone ever tries to shame you for eating too much? Eat them too. Problem solved.
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symbiotesis · 4 years
We must understand that sadness is an ocean, and sometimes we drown, while other days we are forced to swim.
— R.M. Drake
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symbiotesis · 4 years
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I was flipping through the newest Venom 2018 issue and…I’m in love with the bearded look on Eddie
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symbiotesis · 4 years
Hey, you're a doctor and scientist. Explain the fusions of your world and why they are not the same as our symbiosis.
*i am, in fact, a doctor and scientist, it’s almost humbling being asked a question for once that’s technical. 
*in order for me to properly explain this, i need to start on your end first. the relationship you two have together would be considered a obligate symbiosis (you two can’t live separated) versus facultative (able to separate and be just fine). to break it down further, not only is this relationship an obligative symbiosis, it’s also an endosymbiosis since your symbiont happens to live internally throughout your cellular systems. it’s interesting to note that in typical endosymbiosis relationships, the host tends to lack specific needs that the invading species requires, so it adjusts things within the host’s body to better facilitate it via producing it’s own cells the host can take up. this in turn adjusts the host to become a better facility for the endosymbiont. sound familiar? 
*what you have, essentially, is an invasive species that has chosen to blend with you and form an obligative relationship where both you as the host, and your symbiont as the invader, help each other to live fluidly. it’s interesting to note that you two are able to also combine into Venom, i suppose that technically is a perfected fusion, but when you two are not fused in that form, you still live fully connected and physically dependent on one another. this is the key to where the differences reside. 
*monster species who are able to fuse, typically only do so through their soul bonds with one another. note that exceptions do exist, but if the two monsters in question cannot mesh well with one another, the fusion won’t occur. a soul bond is the closest example to what you experience with your symbiont; when two monsters soul bond, they exchange pieces of themselves with one another in a way that allows for both monsters to feel the emotions of the other, and in some cases communicate back and forth. monsters are just our souls at the end of the day after all. this isn’t the same, however, because both monsters continue to be independent of one another. even if a bond is broken and the pain is unbearable for some time, eventually healing takes place and people move on. it’s similar only in the emotional and mental exchange taking place. 
*the fusion part in specific is the fun one. these fusions take place in the same way as yours does when you become Venom (two parts becoming one), but the difference is the separation afterwards. it’s facultative at best, as neither parties require the other half to function outside of the fusion. we become an entirely new and unique individual, some becoming so perfect that they even have their own separate and non-connected memories, but eventually they split up and return to two unique and non-dependent individuals. the downside and argumentative point is that these brand new people who learn to care for others, are forced into non-existence the moment the fusion ends. some monsters retain memories of that fused time, while others do not.
*there are some notable exceptions to this. in the cases of “G!Sans” or “G!Papyri”, these monster fusions are considered perfected beings. two other monsters fuse into a singular, new being, with brand new memories and personality, in a situation where un-fusing isn’t possible (or if it is, will essentially kill the monster in question). even to that extent, however, it isn’t the same. 
*ultimately, you are operating in a unique symbiotic relationship that happens to have a combined form in Venom, but Venom never truly goes anywhere when the form drops. your symbiont is still there, still active, and you two are fully co-dependent on each other to survive. monster fusions (minus the G!Sans/G!Papyri) are only temporary fusions with a full separation into two beings who don’t require the each other’s presence to live. no matter how powerful one monster wants to argue their soul bond with someone is, if a separation happens, said monster won’t die from it (even if it feels that way). you being removed from your symbiont, and vice versa, would kill you at this point. 
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symbiotesis · 4 years
Fundraiser Post
I know some people won’t want to see this so I’ve added a title for those who want to keep scrolling.
For everyone else! Hi, it’s Ginger here looking for assistance from the greater spectrum that is the internet. 
As many of you know, I’ve had a series of unfortunate events back to back where my desktop broke in 2018, then my tablet malfunctioned in 2019. Stacking enough medical bills for my existing conditions and a new heart condition discovered in September (2019) on top of this, I’ve hit an extremely rough patch now for a couple of years that only keeps getting worse. As most of you following me here know, my medical conditions prevent me from working and leave me housebound; I’ve exhausted every option up to this point but I’ve reached a spot where I desperately need to regain my source of income again.
I don’t like asking for help, but I’m desperately in need at this point. Without my tablet, I’ve lost all sources of income that I had and it’s been a very bad time here to put it lightly. I’ve started a Ko-Fi fundraiser with a more detailed post about this situation, and I’m hoping that I can manage to raise enough to replace my old tablet as soon as possible. 
You Can Find My Ko-Fi Here!
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symbiotesis · 4 years
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                                        The Multiverse Discord Server
The Multiverse is a multi-fandom server where muses can chat with one another in a convenient and chill format, meet new people, and reconnect with old friends. OC and Canon muses from any fandom are welcome to participate in the server. 
                                                Discord Link
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symbiotesis · 4 years
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symbiotesis · 4 years
Valentine's Day! Sai'ah has left Eddie bottles of Hershey's syrup and flowers everywhere, like, scattered across the floor everywhere. Venom gets a gift, too! A large metal tub with three 100lb glowworms in it, freshly caught and still with their grizzly pinchers on show. Snacks!
Snacks? Snacks! The symbiote could smell these snacks from afar and it filled them with as much excitement as a kid with a whole bag of candy to themselves.
Eddie, however, wasn't sure how to react to the squirming, wriggling worms in the giant metal tub in the middle of his apartment. Looking dumbfounded at them despite the symbiote knowing exactly what they wanted to do with them; which was drown them all in the chocolate syrup and devour them. Pincers and all.
It took eddie every ounce of his being to stop the symbiote for now and remind them that he couldn't physically eat them like this.
Despite that, he ended up trying them later after much internal and external debating with himself and his other. It was weird how they tasted like pork.. Maybe chocolate syrup on them wasn't the best choice, but at least someone was enjoying them and.. Well.. Maybe eddie saved one in his fridge after killing it. He wondered what pan fried intergalactic worm tasted like. He couldn't possibly mess that up, right? .... Right?
At least the symbiote was happy throwing flower petals on eddie and indulging in wormy delights coated in chocolate and eddie was just as content in.. Well.. Eating the syrup straight from the bottle. Alone.
They'd have to thank sai'ah at some point.
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symbiotesis · 4 years
one time when I was really hecking tired i tried to phrase “i like steak and stuff on the rarer side when a restaurant or friend cooking for me permits that to happen” and it came out as “if left unattended I may eat raw beef” and i have no idea what PONG style antics my brain got up to to lead the train of thought down that disused rail line 
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symbiotesis · 4 years
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Loser boyfriends
Dedicated to my dad @kazu-fart
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symbiotesis · 4 years
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Maybe it’s not that your best isn’t good enough. 
Maybe it’s that you keep redefining success so you never reach it.
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symbiotesis · 4 years
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I did some symbrock sketches because I love this comic and I loved the movie so much and Im so deeply in love with this ship, too <3 <3  I hope you don’t mind; I don’t usually post art of my ships, and yeah… I know I don’t know how to draw men orz but I tried anyway… and remember if you like what I do, you can support me a little by buying a coffee at:
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symbiotesis · 4 years
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symbiotesis · 4 years
+ Yooooo! Go look at these drawings of my boys. They are so good and this artist was AWESOME to work with!!!
Thank you so much for this. :'] I love them both. 🖤🖤🖤🖤😍
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Have some yum yum veddie/symbrock commissions @symbiotesis over on my nasty twitter here Always a pleasure to draw these two lovebirds
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symbiotesis · 4 years
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symbiotesis · 4 years
Tolype velleda
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Tolype velleda - Large tolype
Family: Lasiocampidae
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symbiotesis · 5 years
Look what I made
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