#/ additionally oliver has his head up his ass and is *not* charismatic enough to take the jokes in stride so
clearwinged ยท 5 months
"A wonderful production; did Orlando want a part?" from @rowan-revelry
"figures you would respond poorly to creative offers as well." oliver is stiff-lipped, irritable in mere minutes. he supposes the half-sipped rum is partly to blame, but the air of ease surrounding minwei bothers him plenty. most parties are uninteresting. most people are uninteresting. and oliver had thought the notorious yu minwei different -- that he was not most people. he knows it isn't particularly kind of him to be any form of judge, but it also seems ridiculous to navigate the world without an axis to pivot. so he has a system, pertinent numbered categories and levels of expectation. and minwei, above his though arguably fascinating bandmates -- had appeared to have creative sense. he thought highly of him. he still sort of does, unfortunately. give or take a few beliefs. he sets his drink to the arm of the couch -- not so invested that a tip or spill would bother him (it isn't his home after all). "shou is not why i'm here. and you're not considering the flexibility of my offer," oliver clarifies, terse but more forgiving than he usually is. this is big for him, patience. he shifts his legs, drags his knees to angle in minwei's direction. "i'm oliver. you've heard of me -- yes?" he taps, uninterested at the wood of the guitar. "this is unnecessary. i'm talking a lyrical -- creative brainstorm."
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