#// and tipsy phoenix is a cute visual
californiatowhee · 2 months
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old fashioneds and tipsy daydreaming
bonus: the subsequent drunk texting
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extra bonus, if you made it this far: what happens next, in fic form (spoiler: Phoenix and Miles kiss)
Behavioral Phenomenon | Phoenix/Edgeworth | 2.5k
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monsieuroverlord · 20 days
Comic book thoughts of day:
Wolverine #47
Ugh. Now we're at the part Logan realizes "he can't do it alone," and is getting a new weapon and a suit.
Laura is the best. I wish her fight with the Lady Sabretooth had more pagetime
Weapon X-Men #2
An improvement from the first issue, but I still maintain you should at least be a little tipsy when you read it.
The whole thing is too silly.
On Wolverine:
I know Laura is supposed to be a master assaissin, but I have mixed feelings on her fight with Savage Sabretooth. I don't know. It wasn't as cathartic as I had hoped it would be. This whole arc feels inconsistent in terms of skill levels.
Yeah, maybe you could argue that "Well, Akihiro fought the 616 Creed, who is arguably the toughest et cetera et cerera...."
I don't care.
Laura's slaughtered two Sabreteeth (as she should) Aki should've at least gotten one. He has decades of training on her. He's more cunning than his father. He is SMART, dammit. He's worked in close proximity to Creed and should've ascertained a weakness or two. AT MINIMUM, they should've dragged the fight out longer, in my opinion. (Ya, I am still salty)
If they MUST do angst, I would much rather have seen him get the same treatment as Laura -- captured, roughed up a bit, then a grand tag-team escape via the eldest snikt siblings clawing their way through through hordes of beheaded Sabreteeth-robot-things.
That would've made for some good violent and gory fun, as was advertised with this arc.
Also, I am currently disappointed in the Krakoa seed. The visual was cool, and I guess there is still time to bring it back as plot twist, but also meh. We already know it won't kill him, but maybe it'll drain his healing factor too or something.
Laura is definately THE Wolverine here. Literally the only one kicking ass and taking names. (I mean, Oya and Nekra are doing their part. But Logan is a useless bastard) But her characaterization feels a little off to me. Character growth is good, but she sounds like a mini-baby Logan. Not as badly as the X-Force run, but its still there.
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Sir. PLEASE. sir. sir (God, the shippers are gonna have so much fun with this panel, lmao).
Honestly, I'm still struggling to get through this. I don't like any of the plot decisions. It doesn't really feel like much of a "war" to me. Just another Creed/Logan brawl, except Creed didn't have a love interest to target this time.
We already know Quire is somehow gonna be back.
And we have two more confirmed deaths in Melter and Toad. The more the deaths pile up, the more inclined I am to believe there will be a mass resurrection. or perhaps a series of small resurrections (Like Rachel via Phoenix, Quire via telekinetics, the Dead X-Men via the Five in the White Hot Room, etc.)
On Weapon X-Men
I actually like Logan/Mariko as couple, so seeing them married and raising their kids was cute.
Also, Logan having a good relationship with Amiko?!!!?!? (didn't care for her marrying Nate, but whatever)
Also, I really like Jane Howlett. Just as a concept. She's a refreshing change from the usual broody alternate Wolverines, and I'd love to see more of her backstory as a proper, independent Victorian lady of the Howlett Estate. Apparently we're supposed to get more of her next issue. But I'd also like to see her pop up again in the future. I think she has potential. Also, her getting excited over fighting a t-rex was delightful.
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