#//ah the early days of the arc when he's hyper-overcorrecting
reflections-of-mobius · 4 months
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@emeraldtied asked:
"You're not meant to look like that." // for murk or whomever you'd like~
[Blood, blood, and some more blood! | Accepting!]
"H-huh?" Murk's head slowly turned towards the blue hedgehog- his eyes slowly dilating. He'd been caught in the middle of a mugging- a few mobians trying their luck at taking the rings of 'a weaker mobian'...he'd let them rough up his false body,- a split-second penance that he willingly served out- but now, when he'd thought they were gone...
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"---don't come any closer...!" He was still in the shadows of the alleyway. He still had a few seconds- so long as the hero didn't move--- he'd thought it was safe. He'd thought it was safe- his wounds were recovering in the darkness, inky black smoke flowing from each injury- falling like a fog-bank to the ground, where it rolled. "I know I shouldn't look like this, but- I'll be fine."
He'd already learned by now that the hero seemed to have had no encounter with one of Murk's alternates before- but that didn't stop the terror that laced his heart.
Just leave-- that was all he wanted. He moved to pull himself further into the darkness, feeling his disguise falter. Let me deal with this on my own-- go be a hero somewhere else--- words he felt catching in his throat.
"--Leave. Please." His voice had tapered into a nearly broken whisper.
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