I thought I saw the sun once... I don't know, maybe it was just wishful thinking Do you believe me, @emeraldtied?
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"So is this really the point of snow?"
Admittedly, despite not liking the cold at all, Silver could find some fun in spending time in it. So, so different than the scorching temperatures of Crisis City. That was what he was born into, that was what he was raised into, and that was what he lived until only a short time ago.
Right now, the hedgehog was making spirals out of freshly packed snow. It was pretty easy, given his psychokinesis. Just another form of art that fascinated him.
"I don't think this stuff would ever survive more than a second back home. It's so hard to believe that this stuff is really just water!" A small laugh. "I guess I've got a lot to learn. There's more to the world than I ever imagined there could be."
A short sigh through his nose, along with a frown.
"I feel kind of bad. I should be focusing on my mission." A shake of the head. "I don't even know what that really is, other than to find a way to save the world from Iblis."
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clown-demon · 6 months
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Nikolai took off his hat and placed it upon his chest, studying the creature in front of him.
"WOW~! Aren't you a neat lil guy~? I don't quite know where I'm at, but I dig your looks~!"
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teenagedkraken · 6 months
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"The people of Oceanside are pretty laxed when it comes to non-humans. You are probably going to need a map though so let me see if I've got one in my bag or not."
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papetoonfox · 2 months
5. Who are they loyal to? Why?
Get To Know Your Character!
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"Y'know, loyalty's a big deal for me and my team. We're tight-knit, but if I had to pick one stand-out..." He paused for a moment, taking a moment to think strongly about this particular question. "-it'd be Peppy Hare. He's been there since my old man passed, kinda took me under his wing. I look up to him like a father figure, for sure."
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Fox McCloud is fiercely loyal to his team and anyone who treats him with respect, dignity, and kindness. He's the kind of guy who wears his heart on his sleeve, so if you show him some goodness, you can bet he'll do the same for you. His loyalty to his team—Falco, Slippy, and Peppy—is like family to him. He holds them in the highest regard, and that loyalty is rooted in the deep bonds they've forged over time. They've always had his back, and he'll always have theirs.
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familylightfox · 1 month
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@emeraldtied asked:
It was obvious the hedgehog was waiting to catch Light alone at the next opportunity, though he had a feeling what he was about to offer was something the other wouldn't entirely go for. If even at all. But Arrow had to offer, just in case. "If you want...I could try t' talk t' him. Can't promise anything will come of it, but it might get things moving in the right direction."
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After Gibbous had been laid on the bed in their shared room, finding the former soldier wasn't hard. He had taken to sitting on the couple's back porch to think over what his friend had said. It was true; he couldn't keep avoiding the elephant in the room explaining to the toddler what was happening. She might have been young, but she picked things up quickly.
The fact that she could understand more of Arrow and Mina's conversation with her earlier was a testament to that.
Yet he had been trying to keep her out of the adult 'drama' as some would call it. She was too young to be stressing out over things, but trying to do so was clearly making the situation worse.
So when the hero found Light, he stared out at the woods surrounding the home until he turned an ear to show that he had heard the footsteps. The offer wasn't answered right away. Mismatched eyes still focused on the far horizon before he spoke.
"If I could be certain he wouldn't attack you on sight, I would be willing, but we both know he wouldn't listen to reason." Light looked over at his friend and sighed. "I honestly don't know if he's ever going to get past the fact that both Gibbous and I were made by Robotnik. It doesn't matter if I let Tails or Rotor root around in my cybernetics or its coding or hell, Gibbous going off on him. He can't see us as anything but an enemy..."
The usual neutral mask dropped for only a moment.
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"I'm starting to wonder if contacting them was a good idea in the first place..."
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bundlesofchaos · 2 months
[ Starter for @emeraldtied ]
"Shhhh!" The teenager's voice sounded much harsher than he intended as he was rocking the child. It was stressful enough that Simon just had to get away from a dangerous situation with her, but on top of trying to calm a five year old as she full on wails?
This was nuts.
"Maria please..." He gave a sigh as the younger Mobian nuzzled her face into his jacket. There was a flick of Simon's tail before he glanced around. It looked like those that were trying to cause trouble weren't anywhere near them for now. "Shhh.... it's okay. We're okay."
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reflections-of-mobius · 2 months
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@emeraldtied asked:
"I like your tattoos." Mina's voice was genuine as she smiled at the stranger. Nothing wrong with a compliment, right? // @ Arwen
[Unprompted. | Accepting!]
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"Thanks- I dig the spiked armlets you're sporting." Arwen hummed lightly in reply. She had a lackadaisical smile on her face as she shifted on her feet. "Any chance you could tell a gal where to buy some? I think those'd be pretty fun to wear during siege attempts on the city."
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ofsnarkandmagic · 4 months
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[Cont. From] @emeraldtied
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"EITHER WAY, I could very much see both of ya smilin' into that kiss." Yes, the ribbing was gentle and playful, just like it was always between the two of them; like that would ever change. Just like he had a good feeling about Maurice, it was the reason he'd encouraged the brunette to get with his twin in the first place. They were probably the near perfect definition of whatever 'love' was these days.
Perhaps said antics built their friendship.
For Melvin, it wasn't that the reference of two of the best people in his life were suddenly dating or even joking about his twin in such a way, more so the fact of that this was….well, different for all parties involved. Yet in a way Melvin himself was semi, yet not at the same time, outside the whole equation. However, the pair wasn't as joined at the hip as some couples, but this wasn't an ordinary couple.
"Considerin' this is my sister, I think you're allowed to and wait…aren't ya basically livin' with her at the moment? We can go over later to bug her if ya want," he suggests, knowing the other would more than likely go for it. "I figure ya would be! Don't think we've done that in a bit; The shop is called 'The Bassment' by the way."
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lilbluespeedster · 4 months
"Well isn't this peachy..."
The fox was sitting as he stared at the nearby screen, taking in the information he had just discovered. This was what they had been looking for. It had taken longer than any of them had hoped, but he figured it out. After failing to get a signal to track Hooligans, the fox had decided to start looking at zones that would deter them from going there...Well his hunch was right.
It was smack dab in the middle of a zone that was nothing but ocean.
Gold was trying to figure out how to best tell Lil'...And probably Arrow for that matter. He already know this was going to be tough, but he also know they had to do something. They needed everyone they could get for this. Thankfully for the fox, he wasn't the only one in the room, working on this.
He would turn to Dr. Kintobor, motioning to the information he had just discovered. "Any ideas to break the news to them? I don't think they will take it very well."
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gonnachasethestars · 10 days
I miss you! I miss you! I miss you! Trust that your heart will always guide you true Soar up as high as @emeraldtied's dreams can fly! And if I kiss you! I kiss you! I kiss you! Then the whole world begins shining anew!
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"Yeah, yeah, flowers need rain. But does it have to be this heavy?"
It was practically pouring, Sonic had made it just in time. No lightning, no thunder, thank goodness. They didn't need a power outage or anything. Late spring and early summer were the rainy season in Japan. It was actually very common to have a day like this during the time of year it was.
The convenience of a picnic gas stove. He could brew tea in the comfort of his own living room, with the hedgehog sitting next to him. They knew so much about each other, yet there was still so much they didn't know about each other. The tanuki felt as though in comparison, his own life was very boring. But he'd been through his own experiences in life, some good, some bad.
"While we're waiting for that. What did you wanna talk about? Maybe it's because we've been together a while, but I can see it on your face."
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cutdeepshiver · 4 months
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"You are not aligned with Mr. Grizz are you? Because if so, I will have to kill you unfortunately." She doesn't actually seem all that bothered on the idea in truth.
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pyrokinetiic · 4 months
@emeraldtied sent:
“ there are some things you just don’t realize about places until you leave them . ” // for ember?
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"Oh? Like what?" She smiled, raising an eyebrow at the other hedgehog's words. At this point, she had had her fair deal of alternate takes on her blue friend, and had decided to show this one around her world. They had gone from the Restoration HQ in Sunset City, up to Spangonia, then down to Apotos for (arguably) the world's best ice cream. Ember leaned over the railing looking out into the ocean, a cool breeze rolling in that swayed her quills slightly. It was a nice and relaxing place with barely anything happening. Perhaps a nice retirement community.
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clown-demon · 4 months
emeraldtied asked:
"Chalk it up to a learning experience."
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"Oh, learning experience you were able to dodge that bullet? Neat! Though.. does that mean you've been shot at before?" Dazai asked as he watched as the robber got taken away.
Luckily, Dazai was around to apprehend the man. With an aim, he had shot the man's hand that held the gun, then quickly cuffed him in one fell swoop. It was the police's problem now, not his.
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cxffeeshxp · 1 month
~ There is a correlation between being a trans artist and drawing THICC fucking thighs. No one can tell me there isn't because so many artists I have noticed that draw some nice bottom heavy characters are trans.
Trans people just stay winning I guess.
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papetoonfox · 2 months
hc + 😃 for a happiness-themed headcanon
Thematic Headcanons
There is actually ALLOT of things that Make Fox happy.
Rather he's traversing a variety of different galaxies, or soaring through the skies with his trusty companion, his Arwing (and of corse his crew). He finds happiness in the simple things.
Bonding: He finds happiness in the deep bonds he builds with his crew and friends he makes along his travels. His crew is so much more than that tho. They are family.
Growth: Personal growth is one thing that stems from his happiness. Self-improvement and growth (also seeing that in others truly warms his heart).
Balance: Despite his demands and strict-duties he likes to pursue other passions outside of arial combat, taking time to rejuvenate and take care of himself. Simple things like taking the time to groom his fur or spending time with those he cares about not only help him de-stress, but assist in keeping him grounded. He knows that there is so much more than just being stuck in Space all of the time, despite having an undying love for the skies.
Tranquility: In the midst of chaos and conflict, Fox cherishes moments of peace and quiet. Whether he's stargazing from the Great Fox's observation deck or taking flight through the cosmos, moments of solitude provide him with a sense of calm and perspective.
For Fox McCloud, happiness is about those he cares about, the meaningful things he does, the peaceful moments he enjoys, and the journey of self-improvement and balance. It's about feeling fulfilled inside and connected to others, as he works towards making not only Corneria but the galaxy a better place.
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familylightfox · 1 month
There was only one agency left. All the others had denied their applications and avoided answering any follow-up calls or emails. It had been so discouraging, but Volt was holding out hope that this one would be the one.
It had to be.
At least they had accepted the couple’s request for an in-person discussion of the application, and that was what he had been preparing for that morning. A fresh shower and getting his quills in as good a state as any.
A look to Harmony as she came down to join him, wiping at her eyes with the back of a hand and a wide yawn, got a chuckle at the sight. “Up all night on call with your friends again?”
“Just Tangle and Whisper. Buddy has his trigonometry final today, and I didn’t wanna keep him up.” With a solid stretch of her arms above her, the teen looked at the paper in her father’s hand. “Did Grammy help ya fill it out?”
After a nod, she turned to her dad with a bright smile, sneaking a hug while she could before getting the rest of her gear. The teen never went anywhere without her pouches anymore.
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It allowed Volt to greet his husband with a smile and a soft kiss. “Ready, Leibe?”
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